iV -v. -mm J .Sir gland' ?fl!Wo-i ad one lhm--. i' (?'fEVV ADVEKTISEMEXS; N E W GO 0 D S, anLCcan aisure the To'nogT !'"Tearvr teactter, , ei!d' iSSaWWIW th. opwSS, feJjKfJ2i fc.Sm. -u5 . W Taifed mtjetf of it't -sap ?J&3xatA on and disease;" a fphVdaa raited .mof it,-io -iSSct ?5TU :ot- In DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, none; an aotbority wbc- fisdoin -MILLIMKUY, DOOTS, SllOES,! i acknowledged the r x iw . I- have -just returned from the jrth with a well selected stock of spiking of this fonn! fwyIfthere is no cc'VrL.- " not even th ftW tl: ' i' . ????;'IS' AND J B I: 5tb. says, "two Aoif - mriri.r I 3jrri ot j. " IIW 11 lrii:! II riA I i A ; .1 SI 1 - 2 i."V 1 x II. i f & ' 1 - .. - via .. '':... i za i . 1 Cjr tdrertjaement f lost iaal ,.-!-t lTAh L-tr UH operaxes tx so n l of oar oirn conntrr sarsvtTVr -.... TUnais&r ;L .the It or Wets Jh-: to Jl-ptul ,!y eve- jt eith or was dun nouneement thltjtheros Si5 lof;a feMfiS V -Our tow wonWJhSSS c-iiaoniies and boare ' of beahii 1 "?nk at ho had satti , ix: ;trr?r som aidownJttfeanTe iSi olfataral smaltf V1."1 estimate the enron !3 reiy prominent ciU V lit "oouBTni his ' - r . stili have been visit nc',,t tawn nuthirities cf ..!oi of the bridge it and . Chnrch wie pendof water, on J4 -nes ho baa been at- , BtanAin; Va.r Returned ri'a(wea?6ff.. Mls Juliaa Jl mite f?f m Misa., acoin- j ,25 Srnea and m remain ae, iua-i-A,uiiHii (iieuurv to Stave and his ourfevn. -They -1 ? boc; n the Ae . 4-acldiieiW!5rt lWmj about . iqii irwn-iai piace, ageq.. entity. eieve. five of i.c"tjiau )Ufwl)Ji-ar. Hia 7V-n,iCB)i tOM flreeicf presenU '.tifia firat ipmd-dtiildren two '3yW,prd. committed at X, jcada, ia itfoqnty, on the '' hnr-wiley Harris, t braved negro. . ciegroi ty the " -a,, .---tlvaof.rthis near iWl, c0-t-, . a U. .... sCapi, tloti't Vitas' rv1re- i r I If r Vleral j m a a j ho a mortality of one death in 5ryhia8e8. Irt view of - these- alarm ing facts and stay and prevent the ravages of contagious aiiid f infections dis-esesthe- Legislature of orth Carolina ejiacfh5tatnte, entitled l'(-Vay':ofhmiYe word it sef ins just now to some people.) This actrgl7es power: to iucorpora teitt towns in the ollowing wortls: "When an infections '-disease shall raging in any part of the State, or in any part of th e United States, tEe officers of iwKce of any inorr iwrated town who mar liave well- founded apprehensions, that their town is m danger of l)eing visited by -such .. diseasermay -.ke such precautionary measures, and ' pro videsnch penalties for the breach of theiu, as inay seem neccssjiry and proper." . COKBESPONDENCE. - - December 27, 1882. OHN E. WOODABD, ESQ., MAYOR OF WlLSON: Iuform me if Small pox is in vour town. . Wm. Wislls.- - (Answer) Mayor of Toisriot. : - WiLS0N,.Dec 27, 82r Wm. Wells, Toisnot, K. C. ' :., Our Doctors all agree that there is one case heie." 1 ;: - ( JOHB. WooiJABD. .r urc canrtea and . woauvu HCZ fct tlie lrf the local column of the 17! tau m invite ase of 8lni.n Wilsoo rfT A- raa: DO oe- on me 1U& inrt . 3 off at kating ijikati j largi i lom conuabvai nr v. AttenMed and irrpniw i-i issue S'3 I Afr. Ud. rwtae -towu jl Wilson same dah 1 if55SSr7of at tlie hosptal-" - l)roisy. VH A- 1 C - b a r; j vwjkh nays, -cnere is not heailT'tTr a case or Two cases only are admitted, one Mrs. Pitrmanp wifer . iarn jenUn, pei m "Mll iay"JevenfBK;who Wa aaid to be the r of six million dollara, ofoourse aoon aa tbia fact was . made known, of young men availed themselves a peep at the millionaire hrough the r window. Uncle Louia Dean, after ewing the gentleman some little time, tqrned away, remarking "that theman did not look, any' better than ear folks." .1 GkM be felt a little better than some ef ?0r people juat now. Miaa Mary Barnea, who returned from school at Staunton, last Friday, is skk with scarlet ferer, though it is a very mtM mm. aa we learn from the attend- ing physician. - ;-4 Turnbull has A full line of shoes, boots, dry goods, fco., and ia selling, them very cheap.' TUe TUuot K'ltiii. On Tuesday, we sent a telegram to the Wilson Advance," worded as follows: Toisnot, January I6tb, 1883. Tmnm niNiiu. Wilson. N. C. I demand the author of the article, "Toianot Qaarantined," in last Advance, ' aliened Uitisbw." Answer a unw ' Thko. Hoboood. Op Wednesday, we received the follow ing letter: h Wilsov, N. CM Jan. 17, 1883 . Thkodohb Hoboooo, Editor Suw uw MtDkarSik- Your telegram of thia date demanding .i nf thn anthnr of the commnni- Quarantined." sigoed Cithwn" which waa published "in the last issue or the Auvanoe. yuo, 77LtUn wfth - will be calculated to SXSnS.t sireiy !Ti Katween our towns, and which I, ?r n irood citizeua so Th Communication waa, you must in . anlrit of oleasantry Md wioatany intenUon of wounding , SSlXS editor, will doubUees, suggest to you thej Ppro mT with-holding tne naxuv w t SLiTcoinmunloaUou, and parauing the SasTbdicated above, it ia, I think, .the beat way to bring about the good reeung wWchSa i heretofore existed between our v- towna. - . : ; With regards, I m, , t . Very Truly Yours, .- . JOSKPKUS DANXKM, " We replied to the letter by telegram aa . follows: j ' -Toishot, Jsn. 17tb, 1883. I insist that you give . u the author. Wire immediately. , -H6i'- This is the answer we received: Wiuoir. N. Cm JSU.J7, 188$. XO 1HBO. nojww-, . . ' J J. nnai uu jrwi w I rearret in at voi the baa ieeimg TELEOBAM. ifimsanWii all agree. Toisnot will be quanm- metl. to morrow morning. Great Mw lAniafon WU mand ia unwarranted are oisposeu w f -r . n encencWL There can no good come of iCald I decline to be a psrty to atrifeor nte9UOn: ; Ver Truly Yours. . i. JosKFHUa Dakibls. We have heard of SaUu rebuking sin, aad always unaanitood,that he, at least, had the benefit of -aga and experlenoe, Dotwithatandlng DeFoe, in bU biography ... . .ira him out a iooi. it KTr twnUla in his next issue will say "I daellneto bea psrty toatifaor conten Uon" any longwj nd en apologiae to the people of Wilson tor the Injury he haa inflicted non them, he inay. enjoy the tBru.lfnn BIHSlUt Of . Sail - ilea tvi . - MVilliam of them is dead; now where is the Kttmftfwlo lives njr-town on other! the NasiKroad, died Su: 5ay 14th. All the authorities say small-pet' " Wr, Jfio. E. Janjgoi Washing don't get well in two weik. All , died afc H 16 in that thJ t J Tn a . f ' plaoeWthe 14tb inst. t ir. Jaris that I eN er talked to, who havfi had mariied'iliss Pinkie Pter, of this it, say they were confined from for- towaj abbut thiee yeal ago and ty days to three riionHis. If the 1 wel1 and favoijhly known other case is not in Wilson, and isl. . A T A 9 ... I'-s nor J -rf -aifcfc aBla a h m m a uoi in rne iiosmfai mwi i f ,io,i wwirw..ui.;iuBuifuiuB. uew KB ui m m MOTIONS, KEADYMADE .CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAW, AND - F A M I L r- Q ROCERIES A large stock of Cigars, Tobaooo and Snuff; ay of which will be sold at the very LOWEST PRICES ' Thanking the public generally for their liberal patronage, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same, I am youra truly, B. AvJBATTS, . Toisnot, O. NEW GOODS ! " J re i urn cu irom the orth wi tuui une oi tore I have selected a 'ijejiov Millinery of Eveiy Description tt and most fiwhionable that could le fmuid hit er C" 1?J2!5 an?.ra Enable that conld fou.ul mrvst, nnfmUr oa tha "r..t " lM.ITsani . l, ht. styles will l.nfo . L ; . T..,..v. yi,MIU( uu.Munmion, ever seen ia . this market: and untrimmed stock of TRIMMINGS, FANCY C00D8. SILKS, SATINS Do not ibr?etthat while 1 deal in MilHneH feilk awp a urn line ofDomcvstu-Hf .iIj.. ' a9TKf-KIIS so 'Uar iulmimi have been selected with care. not be undersold. Dc and Satins, -that 1 al tion, ranging in prices from Sets per yard, imwird i U that I havft int xntU- ..V. i.VA ' "U .:ral Al nr Snld n r"J vu "rt m4 a ,lu'line OI (JEK1ES and (hafc . W. D. CARTER, ot, ibit ttied Jf- .- 2 - n ; i- : fi.An. i.i.. n.i urms anu.cuances in jfj--Txeauours Va mystery I neglected to mention I l" tlI,iS jijuuiiy. .-i tie public, tor of 3Ioss, Green &0 lilies and!) miiesound believe II-C. Atas, ,Ged. there is case of sm'ail rwx in Wil- and qnr young j son, and las been there sinr-P ftT1JVw?v' AJ. W feCUUt ill lUCIVUiWUiSC Christmas. Now, no maa can' Mp KZ&oTw r v T ' " wueitrer person -Many young "gentle? auvum.uo uaugeu ior oeiieving an oies went from here d error is a question of iurisnriidenefl boro on the 15th inst- ? . " " -IT " I - .. ' ne w firm irfcposed of y Green, :nd Jas. to d a .tuess. It n ana ia- ; to Golds- rosee (ior- mon's Company, in thl i&lebrated play, "Ia Moscotte,1? adjreturned n 1 (VII 1 1 IvIAii r... K J"V I anl and not of) fact: ue vv lison Wess has placed it .Self .Very much hi j Mia Riinnfinn nf the wolf that complainedof mriddy .vS; water, and asks ljgparation for inju- dispositionrmakm5 loy nes it has inflictettupon others. affectiori of the heart a; - ; The Sifting exhausted its .vocab ulary (not a very long one sure) in a stream of -vulgar slang opprobri ously directed against an inoffen sive ciMzen of this place. Hobgood did nothing but send a aiewsj item to tlie Star, that QUghtt6ha"ve been published in Wilson, nd for this grievous offense he"is airdigned o a gatiierinf ot semi- fear is entertained as to its spread ing, as a good many persons nave h Visited the patients, being ignorant of the character of the disease. , Signed, Hobgood. For this news item to the Morning Star, the! Editor of the SUNNY Home haS been the recipient of ep ithets, more seemly in billinsgate, than the columns of a public jour nal, claiming respectability; As will be seen from the corres pondence aboveT4ie sent the news as reported by the Mayor -of 1H1 son, only anticipating our quaran tine a few days. -'N s ' ' The day after thfe obnoxious tele gram, at a calletl meeting, the com missioners of our towii, not wishing to act hastily, decided not to quar antine, but await developments and did wait until the second case was fully developed, and , pronounced small-pox bythe attending physi cian. -The demand then, from all classes of our citizeus- became so urgent, that the commissioners would have been derelict in1 t he ir duty not to heed the" demand. A letition was actually going around the town for signers, to nrge i the necessity of quarantine uponr'the authorities. And now the Wilson Advance would insinuate, would malicionslylnsinuate under tbe hyp ocritical cant of a qualified "loath, however, to believe" that this quar antine was done through mercenary' motives. , Who are the mercenaries with such intense desire to deflect the current of trade from Wilson to Toisnot t Wells & Bailey, the lar gest and most influentialfinn in the place, are doing business in Wilson and own more property there than Lam ThAv helned to mAke the nnarantine. I own no property here. All I own in the world is in Wilson. I helped to- make the naTttifinA- Mr. Cordon, our min- ister. helped to make ifc. Mr. Wes ter, our rail road agent, helped to make it. Neither ot mem owu Droperty, and neither of them are doing business here. The mothers of the whole community helped to make it The schools demanded it, the churches demanded it It is a irrave charge tho Advance makes upon a resrectaWecommunity. As to its beingniade through ignoiance i r.ii c rt wrt 5i. i f. irf k uown to the editor of the Arfrflcf,that nxdte "suited barbarians. v Uut, it was left to tire Advance to mock death and laugh-at the tears bf affliction. Heartless, soulless, like Nero fiiddling at the burning of ljome: this paper ilouts and gibes and fleers; dancing a horn-pipe to the music of, fiends, and askiug ap plause of the dead. j ' The "Citizen" of Toisnot is in demand. We want to send him down to the. grief-stricken' mother of poor Tom. WTebb, and let him askher if there is any small-pox in IV llson; and let him tell lier it is a huge joke; and that "Dr. Little- Shad's" whiskey and . assnfietida gave out too soon. Philosophy, lev ity,, ridicule, flouts and Jeers,"' all give out when death comest It is too serious a matter to laugh at, and none but the foolish and wicked doit. The VTilsou papers clai ra but two cases of small-pox. One of them is dead. Can any disease be more fatal! The London hospitals let two out of three live. Wilson kills half, and yet TYilson hates Toisnot, and calls her people all sorts of ugly names because they use legitimate means to protect themselves. "0 wad some pow'r the gif'tiegic us To sec oursels as ithers see us 1 It wad frae nionie a blunder free us And foolish notion." 25". B. Hekeing, M. D. Toisnot, Jan. 17, 1&J3. We the nndersmgned, citizens of Toisnot, heartily eudorse the' above communication, and enter our pro test against the slanderous treat ment we have received from the Wilson papers .J W G Dixon, John Cobb, W X Pittman, Y B Carter, llarns Win stead, W II Pridgeou, D A Batte, Dr. Wright Barnes, J W Friar, W L Winstead, C Parker, J U white head, J W Belaud, T G Dixon, P J Turnbull, w G Barnes, Jacob II Barnes, Alex. Winstead, J B liil liams, ES Wells, w D Carter, B II Barnes, E II Flowers, J S Parker, W w Flowers, G w Matthews, X D May, B R Brinkley, J D Williams, Jno. D Wells, K D Taylor W M Wrells, E II Vick, Joel T Wells, J.T Watson, J w Taylor, J U Dixon J 31 wester. Dr. It Bwhitlejv JIB Uoover, W' B Barnes, J TF Hays, J L Farmer, W T Doles, A J Joy ner, T T .Hlinstcad F M Draughan, E It Brinkley G A Bium-s cherish 'onamrfQ e ruluiff he ordi nary principal mspjrlngf aptive of lifer The more kinuessh"e more love, and this is the heaity that lasts. 3ere physical gwdi looks fade with years;, bleacffut with sickness, yieldf to tlfer slow; decay and wasting, hraatlw! mortality. But the beaut tha hiits seat and source In kind dispeMibn, no ble .purposes: great ijfhts, out- lasts ygnthaitd injrtjfSs- increases , coirratire blush of purple alid 'gold which comes with autumn, ripeness, is never so beautiTul, as when waiting to be plucked by the gatherer's hand. Has just receivwl his New and well selected Stck of " ' FAMILY GROCERIES and invites his friends to call and sec him at his 2?ew Store, on mam oireew CROCERIES ' OP every description TOBAGCD. SftUFF AND GIGARS, and everj'thing usually found in a First-Class Establi.sliinent will be kept in Store and sold at the IjQW eat Price. ' jan. 27-jBm JAMES H. JpNES & CO., GROCERS, AND CONFECTIONERS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. f January 18,;83. P J Tnrnball ia receiving daily, a nice lot of toys, fresh candies- -plain and fan-, cy. lie sells cheap. Go and see-him. The spring' sswSi of Horner's School, at Oxfoirt : C opened Jlonday January- 8th. The com plete and comtbrtabfejcourmoda t ions, high standard .pi scholarship and moderate prices commend this school to the consideration of. pa rents seeking for their, sons, the best educational advantages. Send for catalogue. Address. J H & J C iforner. Oxford, N 0. Onaoconut of the appearanoe of small pox in Wilson during hia Chriatmas va cation, 'deterring hia former pupils from coming to school, and because of . hia de sire to devote all hia time for aeveral months to the completion, of the Churcn History upon which he -has been engag ed some years, Prof. 8. 'Haasell has de cided to suepend the exercises of the Wil son Collegiate Institute from thel91snt the last day of the present session, till the 3rd of next September, at which time he proposes, if ProviUencejermits, to re open the Institute as a a&iool exclusively for girls. : One of the best and most .successful dentist in Eastern Crrpaq ia Dr. K. W Joyner, of Wtfttoal "Ihoewho have him to do work fox. them give hlto the praise. This one'faet to Kraat t recom mendation We neve-keaf of any one onmplaing of the doctor harea. Hia priced are the mostreijfrtflTbto and his work invariably gives the"rbs aaUafao tlon. ' To Par (a. All those who expect 'te send to the Graded school thi term are earnestly re quested to commnceImediately. so that the children may be properly graded. J. W. Hats, Principal. I have disposed of my drug busi ness to Mr. J A. Barnes. He now has possession. Afr office will re main in the Store, where my pat rons can find me "5b heretofore. Drugs will be dispensed correctly, and my old customers are cordially in ited to continue their trade with 3ir. Banre3. . N B HEBREf G, M. D. JOHX T. WHITEHURST. 1 J. F. HCDTKX. WHtTEHURST &HQNTER Dealers, in SASH, bOORS AND BLINDS, Newels, balusters, slate and Wood mantels, mouldings, - Brackets, putty, glass Arc No. 139 Water St., near Market Square. buu jioniTison Dirwi, . , NORFOLK, VA. . ' IOrderR by TelEQRAPH prompts iy tuieu. i , TV: TP Henderson, Norfolk, Va. S S Ilardinon, JamewviTle, N. C. HJ ANDERSON, TTAItDISON AND 11 G Cbartea Wlndaor. URLEY, -cotton Factors and Lumiibu Commission Mrrchan Hardison's Building, Campbell's Wharf, Norfolk, Va. bnecial attention pan! to the sale of cotton. Bhincrlea. lumber. and couu produce generally. Liberal advances made on consign J. E. Simmons, FURNITURE FeUi 24, 1881. JlyJ UNDERTAK Next door to Court House, tarboro, m o THE PUBLIC WILL NOTIO That A. P. SIMPSON, formerly of the firm of on hand a large stock of Liquors, Groceries,. ( wnoiesaimg ana letatiing, at the following prior- pnon A Huiith, haa nd toftl keep ltw, Cigars, Tobacco, iSc., fur Wholics AT.F- Whiskiea, $1.00 to2.00 per gallon Wines, 90 centa to $1.10 per gallon Candies, 13 cents per pound. Coffee. 10 tA 121 Cent nr rvnnnri ' a. P"VPatgBfirr I riirtm tl Fifl tn t'l fin nnr hn-r Rbtail! Whl ftfl.tOper Jrallonaod up Win r? In $l.flb pel gallow Can-. 15 tn 20 cents per iKuud wiie i-s to is cent per pound Cifltarm. 24 eenta ta & fianla aanh V ma lia aaa . a awl XhSaaaaalaaaaa The following gradai 6f Wlrnrtrey.aohl 0r j. Mai una, ana tbe fcake Drummer r I willaetl rrr the Htate, and guarantee every artlolerS In connect!. n with tru. h ti rart.. Ittaa MAtaiTVeii uaa U a 11 1.... - Place of business, S doors above Branch, Had BOD, 0. U tfcbxt.IJ tffiicrarjnfrrs, J3uck iValtera. goouTUi-' 4M: pija? Ju iarJ b- ' ' '; birUv . " -I 1 V 1 i t4 . . - E menta. T . .-. . ..):'. i a - ' dley A FmeriTaihoio Btrlet, WO-Z; -TtP ' ti . . ' ' . rrrf Wm. m. Bkaton, Southampton, Co., Va. Walter lkwKB Northampfcl Co. Va NEW STORE WBW 00010. NEW ALLEY AND NEW STABLES! I jresjiectfully invite my friends and the public generally to call and examine the niceRt lot oft?roceries, Confectioneries and Liquors ever brought to this market. They were select ed in person with an eye to please. Liquors botight directly liom first hands, the distillers and are strictly pure. The medical fra ternity can safely use my CORN AND RYE WHISKIES in tbeir practice. My candies are in great variety ,Jftneaand free from adulteration. In connection withimytony 1 shall have in operation1 a nrst-clasa OYSTER SALOON where the most fastidious palate can be satisfied and enjoy the lux ury with comfort. I have also fit ted up a first'class j ! - TFX TIX ALLEY which is jnow in full operation for all those who enjov the delightful sport. B. H. TYSON, ' wilson, NC BuccesBora to KADER RIOOS A CO. COTTON FACTORS ? AND ' COMMISSION M ElUlll ANTS j I -Si r it No. 9, Mccnllongh's New building, Water stn Norfolk, VA? t Full Supply of HRglnK ami Tlea oonUntly on baud. Literal Caah iAdvannna' made on conaisromeaU. Oorreanohdence Hr.HoitM,!. -( AdnncM DO YOU WANT A piano: wnn'B to- M ULE STAYED OR STOLEN, From my place five mUaa weat of Toisnot on Monday night, Jan. Tha color of mule ia dark bay, and la blind in left eye, I will pay 15.00- for the delivery of said mule to me- D. W. WINSTEAD, Jan. 18, '83. Toianot, JT. C. liidder & AmersoD, COHTRAGTOBS 4 BUILDERS WILSON, ft. C.f These gentlemen have bad long expe rience in their profession, and all work entrusted to them will be executed 'ac cording to contract. Patronage solicited. lOiOjOO BRICK FOR'SALE- I hare on hand and for sale 150.000 su perior brick. Those in need will please call on me before buying elsewhere. All parties indebted to me for brick fttrn isbed them laat Tear, win pi ease 'come forward and settle up. W. Q. Dixo'jf, Jr. ToUnot, N. C. Aug. 1Kb, tf. 9 Petersburg, Ya. ' - ... ' ': ' 1 1 ' . , ' . v 1 DO KOTj WANT A PARLOR OBOANf ' TTrit-toTSBeckwlth ACo., Petrburfc, Va. Dojpu winlMWfJT Writ to T.8. Beck with A Co.; Petersburg, Va. Do you want a SCHOOL ROOK f Write toT.S. Beck with A Co., Petersburg, Va, V I 1 TBSirilitiire and Mattr eeioeb tit 143C, ami 1433 Main St., Richmond, Va. A Jim Factory and Upholstering Rooms, Nos. 10, 18 and 20 N. fifteenth St. Orders by mail promptly atteudod to. c I J.f- V The Rocky Mount Iron Works a. Are now in full and roccewdul operatioh. f Jl ALL KIND OF MACmSKRY MADR TO 0Ii$IL aTUAM mwcsvzscrzso'l'f Repaired at abort notice. Aarente for thaeelabratetl c. A O. Cor Rogin. of jtountVerBOO OHIO, iron worita. we are prepares u rornwuj saw tan gni mtUa. farm engines, and agricolturai implements of every description.' The atteu tion of tormera sd dealera ia Invited to our Krw .. VA&KX 'B.OVX TV PL0" BOCKY MOUKT COTTON PLOW. WaernkCaro!n2rofte OarttM Plow Uvk Flmt Premlom at the They aire said by jadgea to be pKaraoTl DLACK8MITHINC AND REPAIRINC Of all kinds of machinery done under our own aUperviakHi, and oar work Is GUAJiAnTKED We ki-ep in strck a full line of all alzeaof ateam and water pi pea anl connections; also brass fiuings for same. PLANING MILLS, &C. run we MILLS, ask a share of the Also, we In making this announcement rom our friends and the public. , - 8.K.F0 VST A IX, Manager. S. K. FOUNTAIN, ) patronage sock v nount, N. c 1 PebL'4, 'J. ly 1 f W.Ji.TRAYr)It, C. DfNIvLE. IROPRIETOTS. .... I :