xxxy ; V r- ::v'y-z vl: :r ";: : : 'v " v--: V'. '''x ' ;: ' SAVE YOUR EYES JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, TAR II nun v n z O B 0, N. a Detler io Wstclies, DiamonJs, Jewelry clock., silverware, line cillery, finer roods, AWinir TnhinAr",A ITmtr . j .t ' c , -.v. AQiuwu Jii I lie very , beet manner, and satisfaction guaran teed. Alt gooda wsrranted as .represented, or doable price. for felted. - ' MIL BODCZS. ''"" HOEOE. ,. HODGES & H ' WHOLTSALE D ALIUS IJT HATSand GAJPS 1ND LADIES' TEIIIUED GOODS 49 Commerce Street, J": ODGES NORFOLK, VA. fiPwi special attention. OffioeonQVW - horo H reet. aeoond door from Niih BtreeL Ir. TP A. TV ALICE f .,!'.--- Coi. Water St. & WAL oiejIk:. - - - - MANUFACTUREB SASH, BOOKS, BLINDS FRAMED JNTELS, etc., etc Mouldings, Brackets; N ' -. . . . '. ' ' 1 VlfORK A SPECIALTY. Promptniii and ati.fctIon our mottto. Send for price list. Factory and Office FOOT OF WALNUT STREET, Wilmington. N. C. 0. a Fabxaa, Tarboro.N. 0. M. L. Ecbb, v OateaTille, N. O. KUEE, PARRAR & PR COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISION MERCHANTS, COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING, WATER STREET, NORFOLK, VA. Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, 13S Pearl Street,ISTev Yorlcl ; J i Oonaignments of all kinds of produee solicited. Bagging and tics at lowest rates and liberal advancements made on conaignraenta. . ... r NOBJTOLK, VIRGINIA, i 1 D EALERS I N N o. I AT?D MANVFXOXUlicns Pore. Bone Mlt Hisli Grafle Snper-Phospliate and otter Fertilizer Branfls. Farmer's Favorite. Price S38.00 per Ton. Cash. Composed of dsh; flesh, blond and bone, tho former highly amtnoni&ted, hag been frequently tested in ths field side by side wilh the best Peruvian Guano with equally satisfactory results. The Virginia Land Reriovator, pries par ton, $16.00 cash, a cht ap and most reliable Fertilizer. It all the- mineral J events neoeseary for the plaut, prevents blight, rnst tnd destroy! all insects and grubs in fee toil. :- . ' Our Fine Ground Bone Dust, BMnfkorond from tUnghter hones none is equal, ifnot superior to aajthing of the kind in jbj market. ' ; Potash Phosphate, r saunlMtued by ns of purest and best materials, may be applied with profit to any and all warr. : ; 3. T A Y OOMMI6SIO IS- . Higgina Wharf. Norfollc; Va. T7hh increased facilities for handling and storing COTION and OTHER PRO- eUOB, and enoonraged by the satisfaction I have,given in the past, I am atimu td to renewed exertions for the future, promising my, patrons quick v bals, fMaan bbtcrks, and the highest, pbices for all , produce entrusted to nQre Tiihwrnl ftnvariftPR r.n r1."!?. ri cm mon tn. Use For COUCHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PNEU MONIA CONSUMPTION. Diseases of THROAT. CHEST AND LUNGS. nd iNOS, butit has never been so advaatareouslv compounded as In tUaTOLL, UV- ano. BYE. Its soothing Balsamic properties afford a system after tue cough bas been relieved Quart CAUTION f Do not be deceived by dealers vrho try to pa ! In place of our TOLU, HOCK AKJ) llYE SB III 1 1 ll IT Sll till I A lut.hR7 SASH D0QR3 BLINDS Sashes. Doors IXbnldings, Brackets, Stab Rails. NeweJs, V Bnilding Material of X No. .16 West side Market Square MEDICATED article the Ffnulne has a Private Die Proprietary Stamp on eacn botUc, wmcn permits Jt to be Sola toy jDraffsrlsts. Grocers al lcalers Everywhere, I ' y WITHOUT SPECIAL TAX OR LICENSE. The TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 4F River St., Chicago, III. I fsy using Young's Perfection Perlfoocfc) I OlMBc.r ToawillneTerregwtUiepQrobM. becan.e tie p!euor afforded wiTlanfplyr- ! yo1 AU81B'rtUca"toQttycar i Jw.t-. 1 Will WATCHED ftf thm IitMt aVrU anrh nwt wwe, at ibe lowest possible prices. CHAINS in a hundred different style. liiDgs, sets of Jewelry, Band Bracelets, Sleeve end Bosom Buttons, Gold Thimble and bondredj of other attolea tnst we would ia. Tfte yon to call and examine. J. T. YOUNG St BBO. . p-ly Marble Front, Pfcterabnrg, Va. ,W. KING-, JVI. JL. PHYSICIAN AND 8T7EOEON. , WILSON, NTOL f, OaerpLiu j rofcaional eerrlaoa to tto't - j zoo of Wilson aodeanroondiog codnH jj.s- , J N. WILLIAMS' . 2 & Williams, - Ibaiers in v! d Roanoke Square, AND DEALER IN V Ornamental and Stair o. F. Jones, ; New York, IfeEo; H. PaiciL Norfolk Ya. PERU VI A N G U A N O ahd i9AX.iano iw L O H, M E R O T, - ; J8eioiu Has always teen orte or ins mwt impori weapons wielded by tbo MEDICAL FAJCL LTY ftKalnRtthoencroacumcntsof COV Gil SCOLDS, BliONCniTIS, ASTHMA SORE .THKOAT. staccs. and all disease? of the THKOAT. GlILSr diffusive stimulant and tonic U uuiia np uie size bottlcs,.Pricc 510a aim off Kock and Tire 7 I J K ' m. JiV. V ' - - ........ - . . . which is lne uxi.x and Blinds, Builders, Hardware, Points, O.L-.Gia Eyery Xescriptio:i. and 4'J lioanono Avenu. NOHFOLKj V: ;. for " iriri ibh mm wm u .a s-- neuralaia. Snintifn f Ba2T:So' of iho Chest, Cout,Qu,ns,Sore Throat, AW . ingrand Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth Ear and Headache, Frosts Feet and Ears, and all other . Fains and Aches. Fo Trepaiation on earth equals gr Jioo m, Kemedy A trial eotaft, but tho rjpSttl, withpaln c&q baTa cbeapd toeiUu proofjf IHrectioni ft, Xlareo Igaa:a. 30LD BY ALL DBUQGISTS AHTJ DEALERS A. VOGI2LSR Sfc CO., WILMINBTOW & VELDON rTTcq CONDENSED SCHEDULE. iRilNS GOUS'a SOUTH Dated April 188 t No. 48, No. 40, Daily. C10 p. fa. 714 ' 8 25 " 9 00 a,ni. 744 -8 27 ' Daily. Leave Weldon Ar. Bocky Mount Arrive Tarboro Leavo Tarboro ArrireWilaon Arrire Goldsboroi Arrive Warsaw Arrive Burgair Ar. Wilmington 3 37p.m 5 09 " 8 V5 " 9 00 a.m. 5 48 p.m. 6 7 50 " 9 04 " 9 55 " 10 55 p.m. TRAINS OOINQ NORTH. No. 47, No. 43, Leave Wilmington Arrive Bnrgaw Arrive Warsaw Arrive GoWsboro Arrive Wilson Ar. Bocky Mount Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarbor iaiiy. Daily. 40 a.m. 1 615 p.m. 7 26 : 7 0S 8 41 " . 8 28 " 9 48 " 9 56 10 43-"- il0 54 " 1123 " 1136 " 8 25 p.m. 1 10 9 0! a.m. 3 00 Arrive Weldon 12 50 p.m.. 105 a.m. Poin BurRaw, Magnolia, . 'Warsaw, Moant Olive, Dudley, Goldsooro, Wilson, Jiock; Moant, Enfietld and flalifaxv A Train No. 40 South will S-top only at Itoak Mouut, Wilson. Goldsborn nd Magnolia. Traiu N). 47- raike close c muectioa at Woldon for all points North daiR All rail vi Richmond, aal daily excejt Sunday via Bay Line. Tiain No. 43 runs daily and makes close eonnootion for nil pointa Norfli via Kichmond and W8hinsrtoii. AM Tnias mu nlM 1(n Wlln nwrinivii, - ana itave rniinrau Slee nerj attached. JOHN F. Til VISE. Genernl Sup'W A. PPE, General Paeaenger Agent.- 1HANGE OF BGHEDTJTJS. " Office SuVt of TraneportaHon, - 2 8. k ETk. . Oompamt Portsmouth. VaAne. la 188l Trains of Wfr V wUileava Weldon AuUy excpt nunpay, as auww Mail Train, . . -rhrough relght, - - 1 rhropKh Fright, - Way KSlght, Tri-weeWy.- 1:30 p. m 445 a. a . 6-0D a. in 80 a. ni i 2;:t0 p. m :l;40p. )' ft30 p. iu t . .A . ... MaU Trains. - Waj Train, Tri-wkly. FrJeTlor Eanton, Phinooth and landing t Arrlv to R. O. Edwabd., Areht. Weldon, X. C. ot to E. O. Ohio. 8wp t. ot Tvanin-tatioa. l"orlcout Va,. - , . ; . . . i . THE S D POT. 185. ESTABLISHED IN 1856 LArgeft AsKortment and Lowest Prioea In the ; following line of goods: iABD WARE. IRON, AC., . CARRIAGE GOODS, B0PE8 AND CORDAGE, 1 COOKING STOVES, (at factory pnow), WINDOW GLASS, AC. DOOBS. WINDOWS AND BLINDS. All orders and correspondence by mail re- eive prompt attention. 3V. -1 ACOBI, No. I Or S. Front St., WILMINGTON. N. a W- E. DAVIS & SON. 1 WSOUBAtsI DS1XJEU XV FRESH FISH, SALT FISH AND ICE I KE5NEBECK FLINT j ICE I WILMTNOTON, N. 0. THE MANSION HOUSE, Nos. 6, 7, 9 and p Union St. ISorfbllc.y a. M. S.JA MKS, r " i Proprietor. BATES PEB DAT - - - j W.00 REMODELED, ENLARGED, AND REFURNISHED. Tread : . GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES ( i J At Great BarMins! V $8 to $12 worth 512 to $20, Fol jo Ettvra ThmbuSi csvr 10 Czvts. I am offering m entir stock at prices 79 . ia ihm nnrthn markets. Evsrv articlt rnsraated as represented or money refunded. Address : , t ARTHUR C. FREEMAN: Old BcuiBxa Jxwxus, NORFOLK. VA. aTT-Watefaes and Jewelry'repaired aadjroa. anteed. aa-ly. IT. lib ate FOR TUB FUfi X oor three rears airo a Lidr of Parent arre on her f athpr niri "SELT m London society. Her I Lr w!feature3laro and irregn j 25' retted by a pair of lovdy SCr? Perfect was DrSfXaJration,,rbereTer towent crir?!!!?!.11011 datk i" or dullest nr S Pse so that no one erer 3o3fthat "BRgstions and hints I W Uiancy to her w7T 54X1,1 altract all thcyel- Sold satfc under the rim of her bon net, another at her n,i rvK i SMI;?!hpr!rpts.bright. up UUHTWlse gurxiued tlntmff it d ff thouStt it had been designed nrTl0-her b 80106 great col. . 1I rouge was . unnecessary. . , rrTiding3 were arranged to su.t the poinpTexion, Instead of the com plexion to suit the surroundings, l ucTccannbe no doubt as to which is u,iurmoa wnicn best becomes theJ gtnuewoman. Whitehall Recitw. A New Iork" letter says: Roys are the last fashion for bridemaids a'statemenl which, now that it looks up to ni tfrom paper, scarce seems logical. Nevertheless, yonknH what I mean tjsi. suffices. I do not mean, howl er, that boys are the only; fashion, but one ofihe fashions.. It is curious w i eau in sue amerent rashion mara- lines thd dircctions as to outlits. waeiner -d e vouriff hulV who. ao- arj'rding td ccher, is about to " marry a diviaitvt I sadly thereafter consent t j live Avii man," or of her ebuallv poetic brklmaids, whether' girls or boys. OnS says dresses are made simply an of one or two materials ; another s;i s they are richand varied and displ ' combinations of three or four fabr 3, etc. VMiich is right? All, I ans rer; and great, therefore, i3your,lif) :ty' of conscience. But boys hould be fancifully dressed as pages, nied after old pictures, and unquestionably 'tis the revival of by gone idea that bring up a reallv pretty thou ht. Then, too, the present notable seeling' after color has caused an attirifly t bridemaids in different dresses ofjpronounced hue, such as crimson, blie. yellow, crreen. et grouping tL iniitate old paintings. Expensive StockJnacs. I The folWine is fromian interviow- with a dealer in, hosiery ? The rage for fxpensive stockings grow's more violent every year, There would positively appear to b. no limits to the lengths to which women will go in the way of expense for their hosiery. Only a few years ago it occasioned "remark if any lady not of wildly fashionable habits paid more than ten dollars for a pair of stockijg3. Xow we sell hundreds and hnid'rcdi of pairs at prices ranff- u ve to sixty dollars. osiery depended on to ;?Btl I finishing touch to all toilets and the nicest discrimination is needed in selecting colors and texture. American women now go to greater lengths than Europeans in this re spect. The custom of having the coat of arms or monogram worked in gold shreds on tho instep of fine dress stockings is now quite general and ha3 led to the general introduction of those very low cut Dieppe slippers. .The fashionable color now is black, and the general impress ion among women is that the leg never shows to better advantage than when encased in a black-ribbed stocking with long and narrow clocks. - The real Balbriggan, French lisle thread and silk stockings come in ex quisite shades, and leaves almost noth ing to be desired. The insteps in many instances are of real point lace and reveal the color, what I may well term the complexion, of the lady's foot through Jhe interstices in the lace. Then, too, there are many popular fan cies in stockings that seem grotesque, but are still in demand. Military stock ings are sold fargely about the time of the 'West Point commencement. They are of cadet blue, with gold bars and stripes and various military insignia worked in them. Then we have stock ings with fish worked in them for fish ing excursions, and also a special line for hunting. Fahla N4esw A new color for evening wear is called pink topaz. , The latest frenzy in needlework are patchwork lampshades. : Black matelasse dress goods are much used in mourning. A new svle ia shaving stands are ebony ones in Japanese patterns. Uncut velvet is very effective for the collar and cuffs of silk jersey. Favorite styles in porce!uns are the Iluhgarian and the Tunisian wares. The hem of the jersey has leaden weights to hold it down, and a sash is not needed. In'Paris there are riding habits that employ a waist of one color and a skirt of another. Silver jewelry grow3 more and more popular, and some exquisite workman ship is exhibited in this direction. A velvet collar and cuffs, with, per haps, an inserted plastron or vest, Is the relief for plain basques of. camel's hair and cloth costumes. The flowing long train has from three to five widths, and is now most often bunched up on the edge of the basque, concealing its edge and making it very bouffant. Ovexskirts cut "open here and there and laced together with silk cords are new and effective. With evening cos tumes of silk or satin the bodice is made to match, and the lacing is done under the arms. A single bias gathered flounce, with two upright headings of the material doubled, or else cut in small slender scallops, is considered sufficient trim ming for the skirt of any walking cos tume of velvet or silk. Birds of every description are used to decorate muffs. Duplicates of those selected for the . muff are generally worn on the hat or bonnet wbinb lu-ftonvnanifis it- Some of these BfPd'LnsS'ittiOai ? ; r;-,--i . . .. : . : lifvi ornithological effigies are too largo for ! Afe of 8!p!el. good taste. I ; -Trn thU is an n3 (if 5U?picior. Raws of black or colored plush et ( Ker f taclrts CopU F. M. itoww, of velvet ure now tied round the thfoaU the eaaipr AVilKara Ctane.Merchants instead of lace but colored lace is also VIin?rsTraasportati6n Line between In fa on Specially red and dark blu. I Boston and Raltirnore, who ' suffered Silk handkerchiefs of Dale terra cottal I severely frvra rheumatism, caused by saffron or bright red are still popular 1 ana in most cases Decominz. The fancy remains for black silk j stockings, with low black slippers, fcr fsH ereoinf toilets, yet those of rose or pink like thfj dress, with sllpjers tq match, are also used. "Whilo silk, stockings and white slippers are, how erer, worn by brides and bridemaitl Stylish military reJingotes of lark blue cloth hare' the standing allar, pockets, cuffs and 4 double-breasted front trimmed with silver brayL In j Roman designs. Down the baVofj tne skirt is set a noui ie buii.1 lUtVUUJ 4 u Wisvuw va wia fv medallions. For outido wransF' very fashionably work foltgj and small confections ; and m any fed ingotes and long casaques uro' being made of it by principal modW-es? The trimmings are of fur or of tit pend ant and exoccdingly wide Ccmen terie bands. ytjftr "V 'jv White, irrar andulack are-swCR'S be. hist now the colors most ' deato li Parisians. . Black velvet hats Vffre r relieved with white ostrich tips, or whfte-breasted pigctms, and . clged with a cord of silver, gold or steel. Gray is trimmrd with steel or silver worked black lace, with an occasional dash of terra-cotta color, visible in the lining of the hat. Skirts of black lace are very fashion able ; they are made over terra-cotta colored silk or ' red satin skirt s and sometimes over lavender or orangv With such skirts a very stylislrbodi-v may be in the shape of a lung coat, made with re vers and fasten d in front' with two large plain gold button , and showing .above and below a white satin waistcoat. , . Drink or Pl,M.t. 1 he following story is told of Ole Bull, the celebrated violinist : Going aowniho Mississippi, Ole Hull met on me steamuoat a party or hall'Savae men, colonists from tho far. .West. W hile rending his newspaper he was accosted ly one of the men who bad been sent as spokesman by his com panions, with the request that the fid dler would take a drink with them, offering him a whisky flask at the same tima. " l thank you," faid Ole' Bull, poiueiy, " out 1 never drink whisky. w ith a curse the fellow asked if he was a teetotaler. " Xo but . hisky is u K6 poison to me." If- you can't drink, come and fight then. The man s comrades had gathered round him meantime, and they all cried, " If you won t drink you must fight. You look strong ; show us what you are good for. "A Norseman can light as well as anybody when his blood is up, but 1 can't fight when my blood is cold, and why should I '"You look like a strong fellow, raid you shall fight.' btemg no way of escape, Ole Bull quietly said: "Since, vou insist on test ing my strength, and there is no reason lot liffhtinar. Hwill tfcll you what I will 1 giVvaeT10' i Xfwanj' tmrrotytra-taiw nora urt me in any way he likes, and I'll wajrer that in half a minute he shall lie on -his back at my feet." A big fellow was chosen,, who stepped forward and grasped the" violinist round the waist, but was instantly thrown over his head by a sudden wrench and lay senseless on the deck. Ole Bull now felt himself in a very" uncomfortable posit'on, for he saw one of the man's comrades draw his bowie knife, but was relieved when it was used only to open a flask. A good dose of its contents poured down his throat soon revived the fainting man, and his first question, " How the deuce was I thrown down here?" was answered by a shout of laughter from his companions, In which he himself joined. He sprang to his feet, and after vainly trying to per suade Ole Bull to show him how he had thrown him, he said : ' Take this knife home with you ; you fight well ; you are as quick as lightning I" The artist heard of the same fellow later as having gone to an editor to call him to account for an adverse criticism on his playing, ready to fight for " the strong est fiddler he had ever seen, anyhow T A Ifew In da try. One of the most significant results appearing in the recent census bulletin giving the statistics of manufactures in the United States by - industries is the returns of cottonseed oil and cake. These returns show that in 18SQ there were forty-live, establishments of this kind in the country, presumably in the South, and that the value of products for that year was nearly eight million dollars. The cotton seed used was Yalucd at about five and a half million dollars. In 1870 there were but twenty-six of tliese mills, onlv a million' and three hundred tkxmsma dollars' worth of seed was pressed and a million two hundred thousand dollars' worth of oil maap, j.iic uumuh is now carrifu on to a vastly greater extint than it was in 18S0, since within the past two year many new mills with extensive capacity and'im proved machinery have pprung up in various parts of the Southern States. The growth of this new industry iu the nexi few years bid fair to be enor mous. The South bas at last found a source of great wealth in what, until recently) wa3 considered of no value. Before the war millions of dollars in cotton seed were yearly thrown away. The utility of the seed as a fertilizer was then discovered, and it was for a time used chiefly for this purpose. It was next found, to contain a valuable 'oil, which i3 now pressed out, refined and used chiefly for cooking purposes a a substitute for lard, while the remaining meal or cake has proved to be a rich food for animals. Even the hulls of the seed make an excellent fuel. Seed that was once thrown away is now sold for twelve and fifteen dollars a ton, and the price is likely to go higher. Much of this product ia stilly wasted m some parte of the South, owing chiefly to the want of convenient mills. It has been estimated that at no distant day the annual crop of cotton seed will be con verted int6 products to the value of nfty to seventy-five million dollars New York Herald. Jlear but one side and you will be in the darkness; bear both sides and then all will be clear, , expostare Incident to hi S profession, irwij.,ouwu3 va. This is no srepOT. ovtort ocooe. 5 kttt Osie the tlf prrrliOh t bMt eontainiBC its tntirm tnurHM jftorxrUet, It roo tains blood- makmc. fortse-ceneratnac and ufe-nstainina proftestseat lnvaloatHtt for tDduresUoo. Cf rTfia, nervocs prostration, and all forma of ceoeral debOity; ahto isi all earfeeblad ooodi- tioos. vhethcr the result of exhavsttoa. nerv- oos prostration, Or aest disaanes, "ptrttcclarti ,if rtulUjy frora pelmonary complaints. CeswelL Hazard ft Co., pro prilor; Nrw York. 6e4d by drngTista. Anyr rxneni to x-c aenveu rrom we erreat wcved and perfected, in face of the vast nnm Ser of teeUmoniols, is surely goin Vt blind. most eo ai f ortahls "boot in town is that .mmix Lyon's Patent Metallio Heel Stiffeners.. ' '- JtewaHuiM Kfeeaae . , -ia Xahsi af WsU. .lad had a vary MO V.fmfli doath. . Tbis S ais mw m0fr iv Oas ft I Ina taa Uat Us ef wwsptlw. Ow bast fUMcUas w mjr cut asv I SaaOfot sslosj taat'an(1iet uil t oocKl rot Uva tvaatr-foar kaara. My tnAMto than pordwwad a lioUls P. Wsa. BaU Bainasa-.w tha 1aus bioh baoeflta ma.. I eonUaaad jtatfllaukrnh.tUa. Iw aov la yarfaat iMTitgraarfi ma aOr madlatai." ' , t1rar's CrkaUe SaJvcw, Tfca bwl aH a. Uw vnrid (or Gala. Bralaas, UVSts. X Btaawm. Tactac. appa Baasa tula. Varan, and aO klads of Sktt CnpUoaa, ate. Oct UaotyCattjoiicIBalaa. aaaM otttara an The mrvwarti laak 4 taa Ratvoes Snffwrd Mpiw.ri .1 tM rar.lni pwraii4 vtrila (area, thronb tha ln(1tira of Aixxit's Ha us Food. l dro(f su and at Alloaa P.Tnr. SlA lat Ao..K Y. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. . Itallevas aad cures . RHEUMATISM, Neuraljrla, Sciatica, Lumbago, nACICACIIE. BEAD ACHE, TOOTHACHE, ' SORE THROAT, quinsy. sWELLnros. srnAiss, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, Arid all nthrr bodily acbsff and iwina. flFH CENTS Jt BOTTLE. Sold hy all DmnlMt and Dr. rHl Direciious lu 11 The Charles A. Voseler Co. (Sillill J H A, TOCEI I a CO ) . B.lllMMra. Md, T. L I. Roatatter'e Stnmarh Bittari ciTee ataadi neae to tba ncrrca, n- W doers a bealthr.. nr ml flow ef bila, pra v a a t a const! pa tirm witboot eadaly port Ire tbe bowete, gn- tl timalata tba circulation, and tr prntnotinf a rigorous condition of the jb)-tcal njil-t; pro. mr, also, that rtrrriulrrfa ahicb is (be rctt Indica ti n of ' a well bai anrd ekditlno nf all the annual p nrers. Fur aala . by all Druitirinta aad Deal. r ynorallr. ADDTO ")l ulw ifltr 11m- iint mcMMSitr male i iu rt u-uiarw TT A 7rfnrirominvnni.i ,it iii.inv.n-ii'ireta. v"S BRAIN, PROVISIONS & STOCKS rjr ii informer gcunic imu Drorrumtiinnl ol tlx lull. IbfKrt sfiit wwltly. DIvUcihIh pniil iiiuntlilr '.luli'S liaiilnlmrcliolrlrr. Vnx-k llwMr nutwj ftt praflufo IMUit tlirtx-ntotitli.t. Mill Intvluir ortKlnai amoiiut rrmklog iiiorn'j in tluli. rt'i urjirfl on l inainl Mian. Ildcacli. LxpliuKr) in uinM-ni Jhj. lU-lublicrneiioiKlciiU Msnmt rwiywlirre. Alln Is. K. K r ft hall tt. onrn Vclii. Ajents-Prospectnj Eeady To-day I Josiah Allen's Wife's Hew Book Called "Miss Mart's Coy. $.10 Jhos0" wisZ mae liioneY 20 COTTON FUTURE8 Pi (Yean get full information and VXX circulars mailed free on ap XvvJ plication to I LOUIS C. TOBY. ' t'oaiitlwlon Itrok. Kannar Blocjt. ft'fcW jORLEAaS1LiLr Sawing r.lade Easy. . ' ft TSe JTaw Isnprored mkUi LlfilTMia LTstae eSaaem sad sett a bo slxtea yrart eta t-MU on irtt trti ai l saw tmnfatftMA sTssaresTlrtrslsa see Ce.aatssMslsssMCsieas. Debility, U"n and preaatore Daeay. tTr-On rarfpicf iiat i-cmt atamps I will aaed my new wot, iu pagna So, containing aalaabte lafvrau- Uob to Mlliniril ivn aivnrv im Addr-i. J . Tt it V A Jf . M. I. . i trito Btt . fork. Kama ts paper. Kaw Rk Bcos la th wwrleV Oo tha coaalaa. Keen ,MlHe .aM,,eer lia4eHMrk and ta rkrs Trst'i' HOtPtTntYWOlRI. BI1STIC THT)SS HatMCarWfMnllHtaa. CsssW ff IM aseWr. mltm aa. EJOIXSIOI GO.CUaca.XIL 1 aa a aaatUta rsaaaOy for Sao eae etaaaaa; ay , a ti 1 1 1 1 da at eaaae as ta worn ated ead of k Saaetaj aa.a baaa caraeU lmA4 aaatrvag air la fcttaarOcaarT.taai iMii4tfa Orrn.b rare ar&a Hkmm rimmr wffc a VaLT ISLE futKaTIHS aa (kta lis sn. Swj safianr. eie lunw ae r. O aadms. . aTluKSJJs. US raartSk. SteTa - Ajro KOT TXEAU. OLT. tra.lare SEEDS,. lTwar and GeidcB Seed Catalee-tia tm - Jiaaraaa risi&tia ftrrn "it .. wsmas. Fa. H. r.-Godurf. 170BlakTrWri-J7-rra $66 : a k IB VfjCr M It tMni Tm. AOdnaa H. IUUXTT A Co., aa1 Saoaint rraa. INrtlaaJaaiaa. - 1:1, .. ,r ' PEP5l'S WAlTTSa FQIl IT, Wot ao hoor T .,. I.OSK In aecorine; Twmtory. Oomplrt OrriTlir Mall 91.24. ISaNew Illnatr4ti-m by WtllinnM. ') llahor. 4MI ARCH STREET, Phlladelpdja.I'a. Nervous AXLE GREASE wfc ta Hr.laa iju aaUalaM eaS m aWfcaJ , aaSeSaa; Saatkyaaml. wfS -ajylr " SXTTtB a4!. ft-SSl atji.isiii. t.a-tjtiaai--..ii.iii. lydia e. pir:n:iA:.70 1 VEGETABLE OnTFCTTTTD, I a rvtmr Cre - i j Tor an taas PalaAt CaaaaJabata aa4 WasWlasat i'-; in i iteaas saaaiWaJayayaAaJlaat. t A Vteldss ferWssisa. Jarreta a aMwsv ansars4 j a Teaus... , . 1 j taa ftaaataal BaaVal atianw KaaaOa Seam a Bflfa, . tranrlTM Cm reopiat sptms, tavtensaa . aanawxx Oe atgmla rttn.toaa, rtrsa slasUctty as tnaaesa t Ua sup. reaOrai tba aatsrai lot r tetae; 1 sad pbats ea tba ehack af aromaa the Crass. toaesetUtnctacaadeaffXaSBmerHska, ; ; ' . ITParsJelsaa Use It sad Prescribe ft Frtsfy- II nssOTS alstnaas, SaalaaaT. eatav all erwrtac tar atlswlaat, ad rnir--im at Ue .ffv . That faaUax of searing eeV aara, w- mm saaaaeha. Is aHraya paraaanfnry amrsq rwltoamaf KUaar Caaaf-JTrtSkaaieas I - : - - tals Cessnas la avaarfac. t,rta armiis i hiaoi lCKiriK eHU aiwdiaate srorr T-4ir t liuaxiT fraaa l Blood, and eira toa. mt atnrafta ta in JTStaas, a or OBii.i. ta&m hiui m. BotstHa CooijyriBdaad BSoodPwtflcr araprrj1 atsn aad sn Wcstora amis Lraa, Man rWi either, tl. Biz botUee for ka. 8eBtb7aauiU W ef pills, or of los3,Tr, eareeetstef price. tlparW foreltaea. Urs. riaUuuBfrealr eturwena.'! Intm tnquiry. Encroee Set. eSamsw BaodforpaaiplikC I Ko NmTlT hrnld be Without tTDTA K. mrttX LIVES. nu.t Thar ej eaaaaipaiKm, a I turpuut ot iaa ureav z oaau par uoz. HAS BEEN PROVED i Tho SUREST CURKfor j KIDNEY DISEASES, JDoea a Um BeAersdlaordoradarlaarV i a lane baok OS a laorared artna IV hat voa are s victtm TTf PO h't CA.T J i 'use JOBXST WOaT af on eate Uial ' i U3V'TJ i 'use JCIDXKT. W03.T af onna. (crurpsU rooommand ltj an1 lSwCJ arawuly. ovaro nssetaiMawaaaiiTMl raatora Ttal tbjr a -atraa i t la a CURB CUR3 for nil 1 :! DISEASES of the LIVER;? It fcaa apaeiflo otioa on thta mmm laportant or--n, e ablina- u to Uirow off tct X.VJ aad tm. ' e .'an, rU.-au!stla the hoaltiiT aoqpuoa efa !:;., Aid by kaejnc Via bowela ilfraeoosvd Hon, cflaotinj ita racalar dlsobar;a. .- . rASlrsIckrl'a If TeuarasnSaetsrfr' telCJiCll ICl malaria, fcavo tas ehU r-afc! rlUaam. OrwpcTHfo. aoaaUsated. 44aa t will amrol; raUevaaad aoiutly ova. Cia Bprtac. to rlaansa the SyiKta, ever; V7crt In , oao hi.-wm tajta a vnOTooa cotusa at arilAA -orcoapiau;te peotCi UaUICta yonrret, STaJtaspaU weaKacaaoa. EUXZI.WOT ti uitv:J ret prociTtt!v and aaflclv. 1 4s Jz:&rr3ex. Jacja'-lae-ioa. trick Cut cr f s?r CritlX-i, a-ad dU 4afgta-T pnJa,s.cTo.'Jjr ylcllto 1U ewtive power. r7-7k JLC.a at tha a-r.a tUne on the CEmn, ; Il".Xi SOVrQ&Xl I"cr Oat aHperloa). I'Jcs, or tliou-natlra it U a permanent oora i BOLD DY DRUCCIST3. Fr1xSfS) BEFORE Xlsetrio ApjUsaess art srat n 19 Xtrs'tttl, TO WIER ONLY, YOUKQ CR OLD, W itu are Bi-trr1rr fror are BrfTrrlr. Ksnmrs Drrtunl, Vioia, Wnri!a AT laT t ItAUTV i tr nun rBca amA ."-'T-. i' rtriH i t-ti't t.taiMfio r-tora . t . i ' K!r.s. d all kludred "'""I JirAi.Tii. 1 acd M?a -n OVe4i lEro Tii fcn.n- rr.tdleof.rj '-f tin N nW Jjrntli it i.tnr . ft r.l at n . f . r t. tat? ju t VCLTAiS CUT CC, lURZUiU I Is k.failiB( nS fM bl hi rartrx Cpiii' Ml. SprtMS Cveiyat tUAm. St. V.toa DcSce ieC I am i,0l'!pa 4 Ir-r. 'a,vufl:hv wf f htrrt-ui ind &UMt I;4 e H. T- hwvyiiiri r.. Uta.ry Hmmi lri)iata. Aaakataq. Lstfm iA all waii4 s.tT a-pl-yaKt caoarf T la urn fnesrai ttc. . InrasUiniee ! pi tha U tOmUii bowala vt STIaai,; t?t wba raqtHta a art apalv ie rtmulan. lAMAt!li liH hLHVISKla lB! fl. THMMai'l ptMi.ini IS tho a"1 m-ntrn- leifrsai Ibat iw.ttaiaad tbai r i - sink i r tMaaa. luej ! bf .! lrulaSa?TI tue im. . a. m uu alco atr- rrapilf lata. Kl. Jpb. ' ij C E IM T S The nw wilatK (rAvHmT) vt Monthly If aaaenie tut imcs i T?F!in'iinrr-raiMe: rmi j jiaxaLtlaepwbllabrd, jmi.t-d on tte finest tttt4 Mpr, rife K XjllSJ ""uc. iu inrcf nouioers wrw rrsoy or eorasae ' ";n i pnannsaTBa. rotBIStl TIO pawe Of tOrva. rtr print. New JSveJtt. iHrw fclaaf F.tti7. I ravel a, aa4 vstaaUe ls(enMMi( iky an a ta a iwf w tkaV...a..(j ar . m faa. r jm iMnsTratlona. 6 IV rrea and ot PVt-ires, W JZSSISQS DRHOHEwo; lfcHaVuLc TwrutT Oat.- vaarlw mm.,. . ' ' a ww MSJMa cal aara. I kava maAm taa Tin... Or yAlXraa SICXSSrSa lUa-iK M4y far a Uaaataa aad a Fraa Stonta e m STaTtiV-ii' Oss-ily. Olva ! and rat OiSea. vmuaa sar a w-iai. ana itnu ai m 7 -c. 14 eaata r U. 0. MMVt. m J-aarl St. Xew 1 ar:i ! HEALTH IS WEALTH! a maertte tor Hnu Ii... . ."raiil 1 fWiatar Old Am. raiJwi 7T.-Tl7J:MT ! laada to ! ttayay aat daatlt. www win aw ap 4 one. Hi atJ msm aaaawa any ky as lev at bwaaa, a With irk wrrlar ISLE .cteu iui ii im nut Jiat Coorh Bj-ron Tawtaaarrt vaaianinaw. r 1 ITT fit 1Mb an armaTst Atl.Ta.AS :A TUJCO.mSSSH I AOSJWT WV-ftr.r ft,. fJaat aa Vi ! aallicc rirtortal Bot sad Bible.. npeteetu. XaTUABaLiuauMtiae Co, liaVf.Tj t rOUKG MEN Ntii nvnittS. aMM aSkal aawe at S aa af altaatkoav Aadzaaa TeUuitwa roaTjeaaaaalk? h 15 to $2071 Samnlaai sou A Co., . J. i- Sewark. Jt. J. Wna tar CwtMj; ; ' WTMaeoal, a. Oawr' ail, w ' 19 aak. SUa day . aJr s eeaas tree, addraaal T S tt., . . - BX r -'. "Tj 1 ' , saw i U'URiSvnt&tl t i m rrra. mum I warraa'.Kir oetawaaawl wttk fi.a --- Ti t 1 S, SaarSS. fiaild -iTT'CTj. jTl t lt M.VraiS.l ll twa..C. OWapryKly'ayt 1 in 'iff4 rtatkaaA Uj 1 - . -I Aaeeeu, J v I J 1! ii I . .1 w ' a Hi- - i I I-1 1 1 11 1 i' I 1 ' AT . II- M 1 r, a- I i'-- mm mm. k r. i1 Pf t 1 4