r ATTEND THE CHURCH ! OF : YOUR CHOICE SUNDAY Baptist—11 aim. & 7:30 pjn. Methodist — liam Prea^ytertan — n a.m. BpAaoapai — 8 and 11 ajn. Catholic — ill a m Christian Science — 11 a.m. | Air Conditioned by Nature The ONLY Newspaper in This Wide World Devoted Exclusively to Promoting Highlands Area Published in the Highest Elevated and Most Hospitable Town in Eastern America Vol. 6 Highlands, N. C, Friday, October 18, 1963 Number 42 mm Mrs. Pierson Attends Dem. Convention The third annual State Convention ter Democratic Women held tin (Raleigh on October 11-12 was attended (by Mrs. Val Pierson, of Highlands, president at the Macon County Democratic Women’s organization. •Mrs. Pierson reported that the program of activities was a most interesting one. The itheme of the conven tion was “The Lady Demo crat” and the Democratic Wlotnen of Wake County sowed as the host organiz ation. Central chairman for the convention, which was held : ait the Hotel Sir Welter was Mrs. Leif Valamd, of Ra leigh. Governor Terry 4 Sanford and Mayor James W. Redd, of Raleigh welcomed the delegates at the opening session ait 1 pm. on the llth. Dr. (Anne Scott, of Duke University followed the opening addresses with ■a talk an “The Continuing Revolution.” Panel ddscusstans .. were featured during the after noon when subjects such as public relations, precinct ■work, rediatriCUng, the. North Carolina fund, and community colleges were presented. A tour Of the Legislative Building and a tea at the Executive Mansion followed (the panel discussions. The first da** activities ended with ct banquet -tat-, the Virginia Dare baflraom, with Dr. HIGHWAY Elaborate plans ore being made for Secretary of Com merce fjuther H. Hodges to abdicate 'the first link of 'the Interstate Highway west of the Blue Ridge on Satur day, October 19th at 11 o’clock. The four chambers of commerce of Haywood. County are sponsoring the affair which. Is destined to 'bring civic, professional, and governmental leaders from across the State to the cere mony. "bis 12-mile link of the enterst^te now being com pleted at a cost of more •Uftan ■sri’* mnftlMnyi doUftTS starts near the Hiaywaod Buncomba line and goes to a paint west of Clyde. It is known in local circles as the Canton By-Faas. Dave Pelmet, president of the Waynesvilib and Hay wood County Chamber of Commerce and spokesman for the ether three cham bers in the County said in vitations ham been extend ed to representatives in all Western North Carolina counties and ethers as far away as Washington, D. C., and Raleigh. The five high school bands in Haywood have also been' invited to naxittctoato. While this link of Inter state is CompBeted, contrac tors at work near the Ten nessee line on the Interstate recently made a report that SEE NO. 1 PACE 3 Scaly Mtn. Vet Hospitalized Dr. Frank Harris, Scaly MpfUrita^n, .vetfatoartaux. un tends Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, Mns. ‘Mar tha Goode was elected to ■serve as president of the organization for the next two- yetoe. Other officers elected in cluded: (Mirs. Tom Harbdson, w(ho has served as preai d-ernt tor the past two yean, add automatically stops down to the tfee-preaiKieatis chair. ‘Mrs. George Chastain was elected to serve as 2nd vfce-prestaenlt, and Corres ponding Secretary,. Mrs. Herbert (Dew Porterfield, Saccetwy, and Miss Kate Jungermanm, Treasurer. The business meeting was held irmnecUatoly following Evening Ptnaytar, conducted by the rector, the Rev. Gale D. Webbe, who continued his taatruattan to the group of sixteen an “Liturgy and Eudhairislt.” Edwards Attends WNCAC Meeting Louis1 A. Edwards, presi dent of the Chamber of Commence, represented Highlands ait (the annual meeting of .the Western Noiith Carolina Associated Oammundities (held at Fan tana Village on Monday of this week. Receiving major discus sion.ait 'the meeting was the acute need liar better (high togs in ithe western coun ties of the state. Following a proposal by Francis J. OKeazed, of Ashe ville, area loaders voted un animously to create an 11 countty organization to pro mote the improvement and development of Western North Carolina highways. part, Itlbalt tourism plays la the economy of scenic WJN.C., spokesmen including Percy B. Perebee, of (An drews, and Dace Hetanet, president of the Wiaynes vdQe Chamber of Com merce stressed, the necessity for more said better high ways. It was pointed out that the region ins the three greatest vtsttor attrac tions in Eastern America— the Blue Mdge Parkway, the Great Smoky Mountains National (Bank, and the Oherokse Reservation, and that highways (ware grossly Inadequate to handle these millions of "rtsltlors. iPedmet said (that U. 8. Highway 61 through the mountains “is a disgrace to the state of North Caro lina.” Reports were heard at the meeting (from officiate of Blue Ridge Parkway, the Great Smoky National Park, the North Carolina National Forests, Cherokee Indian Agency, Cherokee Historical Association and Western Carolina College. The re-election of ate}. O. A. Fateh, of Fontana Village as president; Carol S, White of Cherokee, as lirtt wlce p,resident; (Mrs. Edith Alley of WayneentfUe, as secretory; and the election at Paul Warlick of Asheville as sec ond vice-president took ture such attractions as a cake walk, 'With, winnlsre carrying off 'mouth-watering exMbibiana ifrom the kitch ens of Highlands housewiv es; bingo games to useful and attractive prizes; the usual apple-bobbing, cane throw and hat-throw booths for “youngsters” of all ages; a refreshment booth to pro vide slppin’ and nibblin'; and many other (entertain ing activities. The thigh light of (the eve ning will be the of a Harvest king and queen from the elementary grades and from ithe high school. King and queen candi dates from the following grades have been sedected. and the ones 'drawing the largest number Of vat)3s (at a penny a vote) win be king and queen of (this year’s F«M,wlT Pirat grade, Mike. Bryson, and Uaigh James; second grade, Mark McDowell and Sandra Hoelzd; four Oh grade, Boyd McCall and Eddie Lee Whit mire; fifth grads, Bonnie Dryman and Bonja Keener; sisetOi grade, 'Tommy Vinson and Debbie Ledford; sev enth grade, Doug Potts N»d Lcaiatta Hicks; eighth grade, Edward Wlkon and Dot Dendy; special education, Rabun Talley wad Efcrise TWibt; ninth grade, 0axy Wilson and Mery Petree; tenth grade, Larry Reese and Margaret Vinson; elev enth grade, John Pinotx and Mary Jo YUsott; and tnvdUUi grade, Ronnie Milter and Joyde Lowe.. Parent-Teacher Au’n Holds Open House The October meeting of 'the Highlands P.-TA. on Thursday adghlt of last week featured an open house far parents to visit the school rooms of (their childrten and see ithe class projects en gaged in at that tone. An estimated attendance of 90 parents and teachers was noted at the meeting. 'During ithe (business meet ing a committee composed of Mrs. Henry Cleavetamd, and Hoyt Vinson was ap pointed to investigate the possibility of securing addi tional playground equip ment. 'Mrs. L. C. Pirvrix and Mrs. George Reve were selected as delegates to attend the arrnflta.1 Fall District Con ference of District 1 Parents and Teachers which was Bio. Station Field Groups Dr. Elsie Quartenman, member erf the research committee of the Highlands Biological Station, took: ad vantage of her trip here for the. fall meeting of tttae com mittee to bring along same graduate students in bo tany from Vanderbilt Univ ersity. Tor Mr. YoatUhilohi, of Japan, a specialist on trlDtums, ft :was a return trip as he hiadbefen at the station in » The wrghtgnHa Club will be host tor this meeting. Louis Foots reported an attendance of 24 at this week’s meeting. Next week’s will be ~ ‘ Mrs. McCall’s Death fold week at Oar Mather of Per petual Help Chapel to Men Orleans. Mrs. McCall, the fanner Tin. Kenrkurd, <