ATTEND r mt mamm \ OF YOUR CHOICE SUNDAY BfepCteA — ti am. Ac 7:30 pm Methodist — li am rwsfctyterian — m am Episcopal — 8 and 11 am OaJttalic — 8:45 am Ohrtataan Science — 11 am. | Air Conditioned by Nature The ONLY Newspaper in This Wide World Devoted Exclusively Promoting Highlands Area Published in the Highest Elevated and Most Hospitable' i oWn in Eastern America —'■ * ' .. ■ in Vol. 7 ' Oet 14 ; 'rn M Oet » 54 43 .42 Oat. 18 60 40 40 Oot. 17 03 43 .00 Oot. 18 73 42 .00 Oct. 10 60 ft t Oct . 20 40 20 00 Highlands. N. Friday. October 23. 1904 Number 43 Special Night Services At Presbyterian Church Sidewalk To Be Rebuilt Town Clerk (Hextoeoot James irepcurttad the completion at mW Town’s panfflcm or uxe sewer Hoe to Highlands 'Mr. James sum reported that the installation of new waiter ttnes to almont com m^d tHrmd. nw1i»« will be booked up and tested irumt week. About 30 per cftnt of the near sewer Hue taStoalUaittoa baa been completed, be said. Half-Price ww» >D0 racuna (One rant ins cttdbcr and tails wife a* ttads tafomaaa gathering Ftresoytaraan mane on ees* atan, Sidney (McCarty i has WBptlsBsed ithe derin ortbjj. oousrelgaitlan. to extend am lmQtaltftcm to ithe aerVloelg to all ittae ipeoroJe or Ithe High lands cammunMy. r? i Methodist News Wednesday:-, || 7:30 pA. pMWal Board Saturday: 7:30 * ni. Oamummity Th» regular monthly eetlrvs: oL-.fttijs- Official pawl, t« Wedraiday, October h <w 7:30 pm. AH Board embers axe urged to at Seniors Go lor ranklin Callage Day at tfaamfcHn High School Tuesckir drew a number of Seoiois Cram Highlands High School who have college to mind after their graduation hens.' Replies! santaitftves Aram a number of North Cteroitaa CdBegeis wen present at !**■*>*» High (to help stu dents select ithte college best Mited (to itttxefar needs and de Oatag down with high school (Detacher Mazy DuPree mate Neddy (Bryson, Doyle Oaltowwr, iFWeda Anne WBsan,, Judy an ttaa Joan ;■ SCHEDULED OCTOBER 31 •Tnia tamrouaa HaiDAra^li Carnival alb Highlands School will be held an Fri day maghit, October SO, ac cording to an anooandemenit by Ed Talley, chairman: of the event. There will be toe usual program land games end < er «Jtibracittoni3, wMb oeadU going to toe *.■ and for cither school asso ciated projects. There will 'be toe crown ing of ia “tong” amid “queen" from the elementary grades rpfto add front titles going dents who those sfcu toe largest Belated Surprise .. ,-!XU» Son ef Leon Potto, and an ardent lUMI omtihiinflanit Dcuk un dor went heart sweety alt DUbo Hospital this past It was debated by a mlx «p, hurt (the thrill was nto tess lor young (Dome Potto who received a pleasant surprise in the matt last week. Miss Hodsdon, Mr. Whitehead Are Married < Mbs (Martha Hodsdon, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. XWchoOas Hodsdon Of fl*lgh bnds end Mlaimi, (Fla.. be came the bride of Mr. Rich ard Kramer WMItehead, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. iWhiteheiald, Sr., of Atlanta Saturday, October 171th In the Presbyterian Church of WlehtolrM*. The bride was (riven in marriage by her (farther. Mrs. Charles Monroe, of Mfaunl, a childhood (friend was matron or honor. Mr. Henry Ivey of Aittarata. was bent man. Nich olas E. Hodsdon, brother of the bride sang during the ceremony. A reception was held 1m mqdkaltedy alter ithe cere mony at hoe's Inn. (Mrs. TOhlteMetad wore an eggshell edUc suit with an Btenoon oveitolouse, a White mlmdr plH h» halt, Bifiriftti!yHllrt^> CCBU^lSteid bar costume with a white Whitehead graduated flcqm Coral. Gables ®gh School, Coral Gables, SUa., attended Southern Mdthodtst tMverrity, and graduated from ithe Uipivensilty or North Oaroillna where she was presktomt of her sorority, PI F°iti> Phi. She is a member Of rthe fiptnrttere in Miami, and Is currently employed In the DeKalb County, Ga., rjonooi ssysiem. Mr. iWhltehead graduated from high school in Atlan ta, graduated from Georgia Institute Oir Technology with honors, is a Captain in the Army Reserve. He IB Fresi of the iWhltoWssK* We Casting Company of Atlanta, | a member of the -> Attantta AmVw Ktwjanls Club and the I Atlanta Athletic OUx They will make their home In'Atlanta. ■> Presbyterian Rummage Sale Tomorrow Preatayttwfl'iaii Women bold their amouail rotnowe safle ifconwroow (SaibuixSay the 29th) ta itftw fcMwrmt of the PwEfojttfcriera Church. Til Uee Rscttnnan of MUwauktete! •Hut to toe summer Mr. wtoo is manager of station WHmf land a radto-tetovtofob persanaMty to Itbe Mllwau *®e-Oitaago Brea, was to 'Highlands wOUm Ms ffemfOy. He learned of Doug’s im pending surgery and was impressed wdto Doug'S deMre to be % professional hrortmll player and with. Ms loyalty to ithe MaiwauflCee Braves as bis [favorite tat Stowe Mr. Rothman to toe quedUy with itbe team (and knows the players <weU, he said he would baffle some of the 'team members drop Doug a nctte during his re covery petted to give Mm a little added tacenrtitvte to get well quickly. He kept Ms proentoe and back to August Doug was sent gelt well washes Aram Ed (Mathews, (pirofe&hly baa fav orite pteylar), Warren, SpaJhm, Joe Tome, and Wade Blas togame. DCug irs fully recovered now, and aa also the proud owner of soma very famous autographs, even though (they were a, little late to ar riving. Flood Control adequate ddod conltrcd pro gram.” Gang. Taylor declar ed. Pointing to recent heavy Hood damages along rivets in tbe mountain counties, be designed and promptly | installed”. He mentioned completed and current control Studies of the Wrench. Broad Steer, its tributaries, and other WNC rivers, by the Sail Ctou sarvaitiian. Bervtos ond Ten nessee Valley Authority. The Congressman urged early tonplemcntelttea of Hood central measures,' pledged bia continued ac tive support of the project; and offered to introduce any legislation which might be needed. Taylor Talks “Ocmservuittoa means toe l'Uth man told deleg toe common an effective ooo \Next to iuiDs preservaitajoai of liberty and national se curity, government"s great est responsibility is stew ardship of natural resourc es,” Tauter said. He urged greater emphas is on conservation measures deigned to rid streams of pollution; preserve and en rich topsoil; and protect forests from fire, itt—y and insect damage. Taylor praised North Car olina for its leadership in the national conservation program. “The state has been more oonactous of con number Of 'rates. Bach grade is represented by a king and quefen candi date, said rates are one esnt each. A cake-walk wiM be anath iar feature of ithe camitvaa, with borne baked cakes do ing to those standing on the lucky number 'when the music stops. Bingo will be played also during the evening, with prises donated by local bus iness ftpp*1! .. A reflresihimieinit booth, with IMA dogs, drinks, and other foods will be operated, add door patoM^will te gtyen. ^ In-betweens can ah find entertainment at the Carni val, so make your plans now to attend,” Mir. Talley says. St D. Carson, Of Vlraafc Mm has Ibeen named Macon County Chairman off the Rural Americans for John son -Humphrey. Ibis is a rattan wide, non. - partisan, educational effort beaded by Robert: W. Scott;, Demo cratic nominee for Lteubem amt Gotterntar, to taforta ru ral people about wtoaK the two prertdtemtllal eardidajtes have to say aboult toe farm * Chairman, Carson “'Every farmer and said, _m r business man Who la dsoemderlt onm agri culture (far llris livelihood should study the Issues and Whatt the candidates have to say about them. In my opin ion," continued Carson, “there should be no ques ttam as to which candidate Would be the choice of the fanner if he wiH Kook at their voting record and read what they have to say con cerning agriculture.” Carson added (that the Rural (Americana for John son-Humphrey effort: was hwing rffnigirid hi (the Interest of farm and farm-related businesses. Forest Service Fixing Roads Forest Berrios crams in the Iffighiaind Dtetrictb have been. ooougted^ wceutay^ to heavy rains which occurred this first pent of October. EritenHlve damage mas dona to mads to the Butt Pen area end also to the Blue 'VMley arela. An improved waiter system is being installed, alt OUff sdde, Assistant Ranger Rufus Laimhis totphrteKi *Ws week, bo better accomtadaJbe the hundreds or campers and picnickers whlo use the rec reation area manor months out of the year. A number Of Forest Serv ice employes (have been working an this project, also, during the past weeks. Presbyterian News Presbyterian Men's Supper The October meeting of the Presbyterian Men-of-the Church will be bead Mon day, October 28th alt 6:30 o'clock. As usual, the meet ing will begin with a covered dish supper. Afterwards, the men will goto the test or one otmgragwuon tor one second utbt Of M»chd eerr ices ait which riafflog min ister . Ocgltes Ooaper wMi ftftfrcli. Dr. Howell Addresses Rotarians Dr. Thelma HoweOl, Ex ecutive Director of the High lands Biological Station, -was «ue£lt speaker tut the Toes- i d» night meeting of (he t^tehliandis Rotary Club. S*. Howell reported on the two programs offered by the lfp.iuim of Natural History, and Research in the south eastern escarpment. of the Btus Ridge. to her report on the Museum program. Dr. How ell stated that a total off 1,800 people signed the re gister end stewed the exhi bits nut the Museum this past season, and 83 children took advantage off the Nature Study desses offered there. She said that three early morning hind walks were held, one afternoon, botani cal Bead trip, one inorntog lecture, two afternoon lec tures, end ffour evening lec tures. Of much interest to Bota ifeuns were the kodachrome slides shown by Dr. Howell i which depleted venous as pects off research In “the gorges”, which raters lb the gorges off Whitewater, Toxa way, BeairwaBow, Bone Pas ture, Bean Gamp, end Thompson rivers and qrnetm Several aides were demot ed to the process off setting up a “tent village” which to need as headquarters Cor .tbra-vsitoid irk ncsoamh who stay several "days end sometimes weeks in the gorges. Also Shown were scenic locations, and Some off the “ffiora and fauna” that attract numbers off scien tists to the area. Around 16 regular mem bers and vfctttng Rcteitans were present at the meeting. Community Youth Choir To Organize Mrs. O. Ptanlx, EfaUotar of Music c* Ftp* Baptist Church here, Is having ^an Ctooirlaft 4:80 pjm. Sunday, October 25, a* toe Church. ‘ 4 i All IntemMpdliateB and young people <m all churches arte urged to be present to Itemmdata - a OonununMy Youth Choir. Thane will he a “snack” supper following toe meat tag.__ Cub Scouts Reorganize A meeting to reargamdae toe Oub Scouts, who aus pended abtodtos dating toe summer months, was Head on Monday night in toe itecaiea ton bail of toe Baptist Church. Included to toe 20 boys who wore presanlt were seV en maw hoys, and 9t is hop ed (that many more will Join toe group. Mrs. Katoledn WUson, onto of the Oen. Mathers, report ed toait a meeting tor toe Cubs win be held each Thursday afltlamOon ait the «r»hnot bouse tattnedHatoly after school. On toe 4th Thursday of etaeay mtartto & Pack MeeUug tor toe boys and theta- parents whl be held tax tote ceoraMtax hall a.# -*-• 11 liu y s'to il OX >un*? xfiaOuASU UDillPOn. The Oub Pack, which to for boys 8 to dO years eta, is Composed Of Wcif, Highlands Has A color display that start ed ault in a disappointingly lull mmirwrvwr dUOged nifrnwfc ovenugnt last urac into a bnuaitlh-Caktog spectacle at arawually vivid heaiuity. BnliUlantt reds of maple oak, and sourwood were pre towfctepfc. to a golden glow if 'lemon-yellow, orange, and tonar Highlands streets were burned Into mid-summer ac tivity over (the past weak end, by sightseers touring the mountains for ttie dto Democratic Headquarters Established ed tUb week,. ttH* Democra tic (Headquarters has been eatetotitoed to (the Halt An nex just up the hill from Dim's Soda Shop. He Invites all interested persons to «§# to. lgraM mactmrc itroOTSuware or in SnmmUm piay ttf MMnmi cctou. r~y.17 mer' mi«i mas chosen “teacher of the week” and the subject of an atrttdole in a Savannah, Ga., newspaper recently. The daughter of Mrs. Charles Anderson and the late Mr. Anderson, Anne was bam in. Highlands and Used here until her marriage. The article In the Savan nalh paper has this to say: A teacher who “has that little bit of magic that makes tor a fine first grade teacher” is Mrs. Anne Sell ers, an instructor tit Savan nah Country Day School and itihfri week's Teacher of the Week. After learning “by acci dent” semen years ago that she wanted to tench, Mrs. Seilers said although, she doesn't have to do it now she wouldn't think of giving it up. The accident occurred when SOD headmaster R. W. TruBdell asked her tor (the first time to work as a teacher when they needed an aastitanit In the first grade at SCO. She assisted Mis. fiknetit J. Jenktos, now (principal of the tower school, the first year. HUB Second year he assisted in. a fourth class, returned to the grade the third year; and. hasn't changed since. “I found out I loved efaS dren”, eitoe retd. She tikes to Week with. lth» first and see them progress, added. When they fiat team tooSv to read and find out they can go anywhere and do anything by book, “it la so excitingshe eac “ Reading and art are my flawartte subjects,” she add ed. Like many dedicated teachers, Mrs. Setters said she considers her Have You bag *w I"'" Her ' eon, horns also give tier pleasure, she ate te became an undent ‘%U§” ten recently and «0so plays bridge and tennds ftequeut **■ Thie Sellars trio is Country Dogr ifinimUg husband, Edgar at, to teas! meant *t the yewu add her son is to (tbe eighth grade i-»- - - <>!«■.. - 1 ■-•-* m. . .Jim a. enure, we even nougat a house ao we could be near the school,” ste eeftd. Her tanswer to success for ii to Usooaa friends with the ctektaea and then they will do any thin* for you, stole sold. “I also tenure to a tnsttattal re <toe 1 toe j vrith them.” “If you let them: know hoar the child la doing and you ttell ittlam the truth no mutter tfilte bad of good, then ttaetf vrld topport you,” she has found. A parent said about leer, group — iwteifllal, atenage, and aooeleuabed — with equal efficiency and lore. In a quiet -ncdoe toe settles her _' ' ‘ _ ‘ irto quiet They istaat off a tune lore of faction," the

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