- ATTEND t THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE SUNDAY Baptist — 11 am Sc 7:30 pm. Methodist — 11 am i Presbyterian — 11 am. Episcopal — 6 and 11 am. lhe ONLY Newspaper in This Wide World De voted Exclusively to Promoting Highlands Area Published in the Highest Elevated and Most Hospitable Town in Eastern America __ Highlands, ,N. C., Friday, November 6, 1964 Number 45 HVi Low Rain Oot. 28 60 38 .02 Oat. 29 64 44 1.06 Oat. 30 66 35 .00 Odt. 31 61 40 .00 Not. 1 61 45 40 Nov. 2 61 30 40 Not. 3 63 38 .00 Ten Gents Per Copy Air Conditioned by Nature Vol. 7 Number 45 Town And County Join State And Nation In Democratic Victory TOWN PROVIDES FOR TREES AT REQUEST OF COMMITTEE Prompted by the rexnov ing Of trees an. the worth Side Of Main Street where a storm sewer and new ride walk to bring installed, the 'Hawn Council Was requested by a Citizens COmndtabele this week to make provision far of shrubs and trees The Committee, headed by Ralph Devdilie and composed Carnival Is Big Success _ The Hadtowaan Carnival "last FWday might at High lands School had one of the ■ibiggeat turnouts ever, accord ing ito Chairman of the Car nival Committee Ed Talley. The 'take” was around $707 and after all the ex penses are paid should show a net .profit of approximate ly $535. Proceeds will ibis divided equally between the High lands P.-T-A. and the Senior Cla»i. Mr. TaUey said, “I would like to express my apprecia tion to all (those people who worked on the oarnval, and to these whose coniMbuitian of prizes or products helped make the carnival a success. We ane particularly grateful to Mr. J. IL. Jackson, who is in charge of construction on the “old Randall lodge' proj ect, tor hi? canirlbutfem of hinifber Hr *we w&Mhs. Our thanks go, too, to Mrs. Mary DUPxee, Senior Class Spon sor, Dor her help, and to Mrs. Mildred Wilson, Mrs. Bin McCall, Mrs. J. L. Jackson, Mrs. James (Padgett, Mrs. Rufus Uaiunias, and Mrs. Ed ward Pobbs tor the work they performed to getting up the carnival." Franklin Young People To Visit The Senior (High young (people of title mtanfeHn Pre# toyteriain Church toe the gueOte of title *X*} Rreaby tiertan youth at a supper and npaatlpg Sunday, Kov ftmhar gdh. Presktelt GUB OaDonvny uttll welcome tihe young peo ple alt 6:30 otalock to a sup per provkted by tihe Women Of (the Church. The youth groups of the two churches have exchang ed a number of visits during the ipaSt (few years, tihe most recent (being a picnic meet ing in June. Mr. (Henry Oankta of Cashiers will speak to tihe young people on tihds occa sion. of repneaentalttve® of civic clubs land Interested tndM duals, requested that open ings la the stdewailk of 18 by 36 inches, spaced at per iodic intervals, toe 'Deft for the planting of trees and shrubs. The Town Council, with consideration to minimum interference to stidevraik traffic and entrances to bus iness places, agreed to pro vide openings with dimen sions of 18 toy 30 inches that would! be placed approxi mately 3 to 4 parting areas apart. The spacing, they said, would toe subject to the approval or disapproval of business places which might toe affected. On Wednesday morning, workmen .were already mak ing provision far a number of ouch openings between Gulf Service Station and Potts Sinclair Station. McCarty Heads Girl Scout Fund Drive Mr. Sidney MoOajnty, of •Highlands, has ibeen named Chairman .of the GM Scout Fund Drive scheduled fbo •opan. Novlamlber .'lath through out the Highlands area, lit was announced today by Mrs. O. A. Gregory, presl .. Volunteer work*®*, under the fewfcrtofc or Mr. Mc Carty nflTtfMfc to raise money to ciorittaue and ex pand Scout abttvlttes tor girls from deton to 17 yeans old In ithis area. “I hame aoofapted the padgn with OaTty said: _ that the program the CM SCoUts f wm help .them better OnUeoe a. their dbmsnunity world" Mr. McC on to itftmt .the funds contributed to this campaign wm be used to bring better Scouting to more girls, The hunching of tote up-dated program tor toe Gdri Scouts of toe ‘sixties requires addl tflonaa training tor toe CM Scout Adult volunteers In our cauncM. “Through Oiri SooUttag,” Mr. McCarty affirmed. “Our girts can enjoy Wholesome recreation, make new friends, learn practical Skills, and develop healthy attitudes that will help determine toe dtoedtioni their hivtea wlU take.” "The theme of the finance campaign tor our GM Scouts Is “Service . . . A. Oiri Scout Promise.” Will you mate a promise to help them serve? SERVICE... Girl Scout Promise New Pulpit And Rail Memorials Dedicated A handsome maw pulpit ! and accompanying choir loft rail were dedicated too God by the congregation at the < First Presbyterian Church \ at their morning warship service Novi amber ldt. Tttte ( pulpit end rain ate memor ials to the late Mrs. Mar- ■ guerettitai A. Ravened of i Highlands end Ghiariesboii, S. C., and tthle late Mbs ; Marguerite A. Ravened of , Dem. Women Hold Rally 'Democratic Women of the Highlands Pirectoct wens guests of the president, Dr. Thietam Harwell, ait a dinner rally 'held last Wednesday night, October 28th, in The Highlander (Restaurant. The rally brought together leading Democrats (tooth trienl and women) of the Highlands Fnecdmdt, and guest speaJker, (Bill Zlckgraf, Of (Franklin, (Democratic eamdiffaite tor representative to toe N. C. General Assem bly. Also present wen? Mrs. ZiCkgraf and their two chil- , dxetn. ■Edward Potts, county com misStaner, served as master of ceremonies, and urged all present to do their part in getting out the Democratic vote on Election Day. Mr. Homer (McKinney, pre cinct chairman, gave a brief history of the Democratic party and made an appeal tor -party loyalty, preceding the address toy Mr. ZiCfcgraf. (Mr. Ztokgraif spoke Of his previous efforts toward bringing industry to Macon Oounity arid expressed his intention to conttni Honor Roll Announced Students making <the hon or roll (far the first six wetetai grading period ait (Highlands School have Wean announced as MOowb: 2nd Grade: (Michael Bry son, Chuck Crisp, Tommy Talley, Wade Wilson, Michael Wood, John David Young, Leigh Jamies, Angle Lewis, Katrina Pcftti, Sharon (Potts, Marilyn Vinson, (Lisa Whit mire, Mary Louise Worley. 3rd Grade: Steven Jackson, Dan Keener, Marie McDowell, Terry Tritt, (Ben Wax, Carl ton Young, 'Elaine Burrell, SheUa Chastain, Sandra Hoedzl, Brenda (Houston, Many Launlus, Paitay Talley, Ruidh Worley. 4th Gnadte: Chortle Hicks, Steve Houston, Judy Crisp, Linda McKinney, RatOiie Henry, Sandra Vinson, Be linda Talley, Scottt Wood, Al berta Rice. Sth Grade: Eddie Lee Whit mire, Michael Crisp. 6th Grade: Sonjia Keener, Jimmy Vinson. 7uh Grade: Tommy Vinson, Susan Whitmire. 8th Grade: Margie Ed wards, Bill Zoellneir, Eliza beth Wortey. 9th Grade: Brenda Cleave land, Dcibtie (Dendy, Betty Hfcffit, Susan Jackson, Jewel Reed, Mary (Rice, June Til son. 10th Grade: Gall Calloway, Jimmy Crawford, Brenda Btown, Den Edwards. 11th Grade: Lamar Bill ings! ay, BUly Tate, Bobby Zoellneir, Beverly OalHcway, vov Jfchnwi. Carol Lamb, Vivian Ledford, Jdanettte TaQtey, Margaret Vinson. 12th Grade: Noddy Bryson, Doyle Calloway, Lucille Crain, Judy Moore, Erteda McCall, (Margaret Rogers, Jo Vinson, Am . -dm Philadelphia aiwl Highlands, the memorials were given yy (the family of Mm. (Rleh xrd D. Wood of Wawa, Bnm <ylvamia and Highlands, niece of (Miss Marguerite llavenel. The pulpit 4s of rich Wom toias mahogany, matching fine ohundhb Cammuniomta >le amid Baptismal Font. The Pop .rummer of Che rail is of fixe same mahogany, provid ing a dlsttoctivelyt beautiful border far Che ail white sody of Che rail. In leading Che service of iedicaltiom, Pastor O. Daniel McCall explained ifihle «ym bollc Significance of Ctoelpul pit. “With Che open Bible upon It, the pulpit signifies fixe oembrailiity and suprem acy of God's Word, in Che life of Christa Ohiurdh,” he said. The pastor went on to comment on Che symbolic wood carvtags which adorn the pulpit. The tower front of the pulpit boars • the opening words of (the 121st Paata, “I will lift up urine eyes unto the Mils.” (Above and in the front-center of fixe pulpit ribands Che Celtic Cress, a version of Che sym bol of Christ’s Passion fcrta djLuor.ally associated with Prejbyibariams. To the right of the Cross Is a carving of this view of Whiteside Moun tain from the IRavenel home place to Highlands, “Wolf Ridge.” The left panel bears a carving of Highlands Palls. “These sdanes of beloved Highlands’ damdmariSB ere included as a testimony to ene carmevwo mat nxreogn faith Che hand of Che Crea tor may ibe discerned to the beauties of 'His Creation,” commented (Pastor McCall. The carved pattern of Che rail—a gentle arch—is a re plica of that over Che doora and windows of the sun otitaxy. Rev. McCall noted ithe slg ndffloamit relationship of tbs Raraenels to toe church over tola years. Mrs. Maigueratta Ravened was Instrumental in tbs provision of the church building itself, which was dedicated September 13to, 1886. Miss Marguerite Rav erael was, until her death in 1962. vitally interested In and intimately related to toe Ufe of toe congregation. ‘"Ibis pulpit is further endeared to use,” continued Rev. McCall, “by toe knowl edge that these beautiful carvings are toe work of our friend, toe late George Saussy of HUghflands.” Mr. Saussy had previously conitri but 3d to toe beauty of toe PreSbyharlaro sanctuary by carving THE PRESBYTER IAN SEAL, which is mount ed on toe iwtaill to toe right ">» the puftait, and toe sym bolic panels Of toe Baptten&l ftanit. The congregation stood as toe Pastor ted in a prayer dedicating toe pulpit and rail to God and to (His serv ice 'through Christ's Church. Rev. McCall’s 'prayer was a modifioaltian of toe prayer with which Rev. A. W. Miller doddoattsd the church Itself in 1885. By E. Vance Davis “He’s stopped preaching 1 and gone to meddling.” The dominant (philosophy be hind these words is that ' e Pireas of life urn- i touched by the Christian : faith and Chris titan princi- i pies. Persons who malce such usually adhere to some sort of strict Bibhctem and refuse to re-Tato faith to m-tbienw faroOvtag the so cial being. Too tong frame we accepted this philosophy. Too 'tong toavte we said, “give me that old time religion” while net ttlting our eyes to vftot h «aing on around us. CbittUanltgr must make “mod dung" a pant of Da jsWach tng Quhthni tnsdcUe SEE HO. 3. PAGE 4 Record Turnout Of Voters In Highlands Gives Precinct Preference To Democrats resident Lyndon Baines Johnson Ill |l I , || | U Mr. Zlekgnf Mr. Moore Rep. Taylor Warning To Hunters': The Town of Highlands officials have received sever al complaints recently about hunters itbc1 sting aft gome within the town limits. The Town wishes to re mind hunlisrs and others thait a town ordinance for bids hunting within the city City Dump To Be Open One Day Per Week Haribmt James, Town Cleric, announced Wednesday that the city dump twill toe open •to the public only one day per vMsk beginning Novem ber aath. The dump -will be open each Friday team 8 un. to 14 pan. limits with all types of fire arms, including air rlfleis, and if complaints continue to come in, measures will be 'taken. P-TA MEETS NEXT THURS. The November meeting of the Highlands Parent-Teach ers Association will be held at the school on Thursday night, November 12th, at 7:30. AU parents and interested persons are urged to attend and take an active pant In promatfag 'the Interests of the-reboot. Mr Hanry Oleavetand U president of the argentaa Highlands and County went ipemocraiUc Tuesday In an election that turned out mere voters to the poDs (than Us previously recorded An the (HUgManris PrecSmicit. The weather, which gener ally plays a Mg pact An the voter turnout, was calm, warm, and clear, and also topped (the records dor pleas ant “Eaeattan Day” November weather In Highlands. In Macon County and Highlands, voters chose Johnson Dor President, Moore for Governor, Taylor dor for and all other were m w 302; Uaom.Mm 467, Gavin, ON; Twytor draw 444, Bob ertB. 267; ttaraytti draw 432, (West ora; Soettt draw 447. Ml, 204. TTre Mwri Bond Sana —« tnond In OgbPnli by « vote of 497 to 162, and was approved in (Maeon and the Construction Resumes On Presbyterian Buildnig Work was resumed Tues iay of (this Week on the Presbyterian Christian Edu jaiftcn — Church Activity Building which was begun jorllar to the year. Workmen employed by the contractor, Lewis Merck Bunders, Inc., of Olemsotn, S. C., immediately began the laying of earner ate blocks and brick, and expected to start steel installation before this end of the week. The architect ler the job 1$ Mr. James B, Lindsay, summer resident of High lands and a Presbyterian, from Ctemron, The completely fireproof two-story ibuBding will en cctnpaas som#4,000 square REPLACING SIDEWALK The Town of Highlands gaive the so ahead last week on the canstructtan Of a maw sidewalk extending from Bryson Gulf Service to Potts ft 1 eu—i|nM service cjuaxjsooi. IMn C. Crowe and Com pany h«pnn operations at tearing up the old sddwadk, { and temporary wood unutacs were rid down at wtencai to buBtoeew prices and the past aflOce to serve until the now ddmft ri ponrad. «hn fcnwaMVw the fciabadri fcion of a storm sower to carry off excess rain water. This should eUmtoaite the heavy How of water along the curb that is sometimes ankle defep during a hard rain. The odd maple tree to front of the .post office and the small one near the Office of Parry Read Estate had to be sacrified to make way far the improvements. However, provisions are bring made wherelby efthar trees can be printed. Turkey Shoot Scheduled The Highlands Liens Club is sponsoring a “turkey shoot” on Saturday, Nov ember 14th, as a fund rais ing project. Those 'wishing to parti cipate 'Stand the chance of winning a turkey by their marksmanship. The “shoot” will be at the baseball park, and will begin around 1:30 or 2 pm. New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. Louis Swain Edwards announce the birth of a son, weighing 7 lb. 5 oe., at C. J. Harris Hospital, Sylvia, on October 3Q3h. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wil son announce toe torth of a aon. Rtoky L:je, at ffighlhmda eBtoer Mt. Weight 7 pound*. feet not floor space. Hie mut ed cottar of the brick veneer la planned to harmonize pleasantly 'with toe church itsalf. The first floor off the build ing Is composed of a huge assembly roam, 43 by 28 feet, that will be used for church suppers (it can ac comodate a summer attend ants?) Ccir meetings at a large assemblage, iter recreation tor young people, tor the showing of Christmas mov ies, and, in severe winter wteathar, for holding the morning worship service, J In oddltiian to the ibJy roam a mtchlan, roam, storage roam, and plain. The second floor will be deviated to Sunday School rooms, and a good-steed lounge-class room that can bs utffltoed tor maettrvgs cf smaller groups, the large “Itlis planned to serve the of this entire for many years to Pastor iPftTV McCU nueauted, “and sfpac&sul has been pat forth to anti cipate and pravMs of Wins Beef Robert Comat, of Ott». N. C., an employe of Wantohalr Lumber Company, held the lucky number that wan the 600Jib. .beef “given vwmf' by thte Highlands tAans Club. The drawing m held last Saturday afternoon at 4:30 ki (front of Potto Super Mar ket, with little Heebie Potto, small sen at Mr. and Mrs. Edward Potts, drawing the ticket out of the basket. Liens wars well pleased with the success of the proj ect, Which netted them a substantial sum .to help out with the causes .they sup ! port | “We would like to thank I the cashiers at Potts Super | Market tor .their help in the 1 project," a member of the Lions Club said. ‘They ware responsible for the sale of a large number of the chances that were sold." i Don’t Forget D_l! _ C_J|aw

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