■SBSH5 filH C » PUhLJSJJED BY THK E^.EyA TOR Pl-BLl8HIJ)f^ CO. Sntered in the postoffiee at Sim City, y. c„ at »eeond-ela»$ matter. rVJSZISHMH-S XOTICX. jf9 wish a live correspondent and ag«nt at evei'y postoffice in the vicin ity of Elm City. . Our «oiumns are always open to contributions by any citizen on live local questions. We are not resptn- sible for the viefrs of contributors and all . articles must ble signed by tho writer. Rates for advertising space will be furnished upon application. The Panama Canal seems to have l>eenLl6ltj6ut in the cold. Mr.. Bryan’s speeches during the "past few days show that he has lost none of his old time vigor and patri otism. The good roads moveiftent is stead ily growing, and North Carolina is Unfitly “in it” in the experiment?' that are^eing made. The House of Representatives has ^passed' the'Hicaraguan Canal bill, so there is hope that the canal will be in shape for use by the year 2000 or theroabout.«.‘ The cost ofjgood literature _i^in- ..^mficant when compared with its -yalUe in moulding character, and a good newspaper is the least expen sive form of literature. We'wonder if we are supposed to itfiderstand from theX’harlotte News’ repudiation of the story of the police man’s bravery that such occurren ces are too common in Charlotte to •be worth mentioning. The Liberty Bell has received wor thy tributes on its journey from Phil- •deiphia to Charleston. It is to be regretted that Mayor Ashhridge was its escort, in view of recent Phila delphia municipal transactions. A Especial attention is called this week to the very able address on the smallpox epidemic, which Dr. E. G. .JMoorjehas prepared at the request of the Wilson Co. Board of Health, and is^rinted in this..issue. - While Dr. Moore’s established rep- , ,,^utation as a physician and great au thority in such mattera would /be ^‘^^■^U&cieni to lend much force to the address referred to, the address itself is of such potent value and . - present importance that it should appeal very strongly to the people of Wilson county, and spur them to ■ ' irreat vigilance in stamping out the disease- Thr fact that the Board of Health asked Dr. Moore to write the address is a jtribttteHo his eagacity,. and Elm Oitysiipuld take great pleasure in . the hoQor oonferred,»pon its worthy and respected fellow citizen. CHBAM or TUB rnicas Those battle scarred, veterans, Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Root and John Dayis Long, propose to. have peace, if they have .to reprimand all the ybiihgsters in the service to ac- oompUsh it.—Durham Sun. Some people charge that the gov ernor i^^s.,^oo .mue’a to .^du/^tionj bu^’iliiife«an. aiWse''the people of of . the.;^tat^, to .the importhce of ’ '"t^is"^ "matter, he wilt*» haye ac- com^l^sh^d more lasting good than any half dozen of his predecessors. —Durham Herald. • * • ^ i^resident sent for Schl^’ there was. .evidence ;.that he had something drop. He is p,9^>elpoitedtO‘be anxious to settle the difficulty and is ia a very dif ferent frame of mind from the day h6 abu«ed^ G^fir’ei-iil Miles. Justice to >Schley 'is-*'eMentiAl to the administra- retfeiving the respect of the American people.—Raleigh News and-Obs«rver» ■ news that Admiral Sampson is shattered in mind as well as in body will be sure to secure him the sym pathy-of the Amisriban people. He has sbown himself to be a brave commander and has always been a student of naval affairs and policies. It is to be regretted that , his last days were clOuf^d by a cruel dispute, in which tW zeal of his friends and his own mistakes robbed him of pub^ lie approval. But iti his affliction, there is admiration for his gallant qualitfies and forgiveness for his mistakes.—News and Obseirvr. liMinsskiiKFeoiie SincS the outbreak of the Spanish- American war there has occurred within our borders an eruptive dis ease epidemic in many localities, which has given rise to much dis cussion and considerable apprehen sion as to its nature and character. North Carolina has shared the fate of other states and the Health Bulle tin for the month of November re ports twelve counties infected with the disease, while others know'n to have it are not reported. This is mentioned to show the fact that this contagion is not limited to a single area, but is widespread, de veloping and growing with as much favor and potency in the mountains of the West as in the plains and marshes of the East. So mild and gentle in its approach and so free from baueful effect and evil consequences, it has not created the alarm or concern tJiat would have been accorded ii had the re sults been more frightful or the mortality been greater. Owing to its exceedingly mild manifestations there have been di vergent opinions among not only the physicians of Wilson County, but throughout the entire State, as to the nature of this disease, and the people have indulged the same priv ilege and entertained the same' doubt. Whatever notions and opinions may have been had concerning this disease in the early mouths of its appearance, we must bear witness to tb« fact that we now have among us an epidemic eruptive disease which is steadily increasing in num bers and territory, jeopardising the public health and thereby threaten ing both corporate and individual interest. It should be the duty of every individual to lay aside any feeling of censurc or prejudice and assist as best he can to check the march and progress of this disease. It can be done with the aid and co operation of its citizens in the light of a healthy public sentiment. Wilson County always does her duty, whether in peace or war, when her people are aroused to a know ledge of their responsibilities. We have faith in the virtue and wisdom and intelligence of her people and their devotion to their families and their loyalty to our institutions. The Board of Health for WiJson Co. has takfen no step unadvisedly. Wje have been guided at all stages -.and at all times with a conscientious re gard of our responsibilities and du ties to the people in the light of the facts before us according to oar best knowledge and judgment. We hare no criticisms to make and no apolo gies to offer. We have summoned to our aid a. smallpox expert sent us by the gov ernment service to examine the eruption prevalent in parts of our county and render his opinion con cerning its nature and his judgment as to the proper cause to pursue. Dr. Holdby of the Marine service, stationed at Savannah, Ga., visited the county Sat., Jan. 4th, inspected the cases presented for his observa tion and gave as his ppiaion that they were smallpox. He advised vaccination as the best means of prevention. In deference to. his opinion and in accordance with our judgment we appeal to all people within the county who have not been previously vaccinated, to present themselves for vaccination at once, which will be given each one free— ‘witheut money and without price.” We believe this will free you from the contagion of the eruption and put an end to the spread of the dis ease. We appeal to your judgment and interests, to the interest of the county, its institutions and its peo ple. We hope to avoid the TOcessity of a compulsory law. »We invite yon to aid us in suppressing the dis ease. Vaccination is the recognized means of escape. This will be fur nished you free. Dr. W. S. Ander son, Superintendent of Health, is authorized to appoint such physi cians as he may need to assist him in perfecting this work. Let every man do his duty. You owe it to your neighbors, your families and yourselves. Respectfully submitted. By order of Board of Health of Wil son Count?. ROCKT MOVHT, N. O., If you want Honest Treatment, Highest PossiblJ Leads the world in HIGH PRICES for TOBACCO. Prices for EVERY LEAF* of your Tobacco IT T© Sl3±oIls: -bo xo-o I -w 11 1 s-b±c3s: 130 yoix,’ jb O. W. GRAVZiLT, Proprietor, ^VST t'OB FVJt Mother—Yes, Rupert, the baby is a Christmas pi-esent from the angels. Rupert (aged four) —Well, Mam ma. if we lay him away carefully and don^t use him, we can give him to somebody else next Christmas.*^ Puck. * * ’ . Joe—I saw you at the opera wiih Miss Upperten last night. She’s certainly a beauty, but ent.irely too reserved for me. Fred— You just bet she is. I saw her father this morning and reserved her for myself.—Chicago News. Millionaire to his daughter—Why is it that the Baron insists upon your being married sO soon? His daughter—I’ll be frank with you, father. The tickets for his coronet and family jewels expire next month.—Brooklyn Life. * * * Yes, said Miss Miami Brown, we done give up de Shakespeare Club. What made the trouble! inquired Mr. Erastus Pinkley. It done happened when we put on “Othello.” Dar wasn’t no one in de club dat could let his pride down to doin’ a cultud impussouation.— Washington Star. ♦ ♦ She—I was so happy I just had to go around telling everybody about our engagement. He—That just proves the old say ing, “Love makes the world go ’round.” She—I said I ^ent ’round, not Well, you’re all the world to me. —^Philadelphia Record. Miss'Pretty—I don’t see hPTf you whistle through your ,finge‘rs that way. I could never do it in the world. Mr, Goodheart (wishing to com pliment her delicate little hands)— No, Miss Pretty, if you should try it your whole hand would slip into your mouth.—Tit-Bits. * * ’ He (on his knees) —Darling, I love you with all my heart, with all my soul and with all the strength of my being. She—Are you *in earnest, Clar ence? He (reproachfully) —In earnest! •Say, do you ttiink Pam bagging, my trousers this way for fun?—Puck. • * Is this your first venture in matri mony? the preacher asked while the bridegroom was'out in the vestibule giving certain] instructions to the best man, who was also his head clerk. My dear Mr. Goodleigh, she’re plied, almost blushing, this isn’t a venture at ail. He has given me deeds to more thanj^$0O,OOO worth of property already.—Chicago j^Times- Herald. £JR. E. G. MOORE, « Physician anp Svroeon, ELM CITY, - - - N..C. Office at the Drug Store. ;?HEAR8;-M7D;.^ cP^ysicia'n and Surgeon. Elm City, - - - - N. C. KP”Office at Residence. Of Inter*** to ^-Confeaerat* A bill of much interest to ex-Con federate soldiers was favorably act ed upon Tuesday by the House Committee on War Claims. It pro vides for paying former Confederate soldiers for horses, bridles, saddle and side arms, taken from them in violation of the terms of surrender made by Generals Lee and Johnson With Generals Grant and Sherman. The bill was introduced by Repre sentative Padgett, of Tennessee. Vaer.tnattoH in the Huh It was at a dinner party. The bright young man found himself privileged to sit next to the young woman with beautiful arms and neck. He thought Wmseif the most favored personage in the. room. Suddenly his fair companion exhib ited signs of nervousness. Two of his very best iokes, saved for a spe cial occasion passed by unnoticed, Her face wore a look of alarm. Ap prehensively the young man gazed at her, and meeting the look, she said: “I am in misery.” “In .misery I” echoed the man. “Yes,” she replied. “I was vacci nated the other day, and it has ta ken beautifully; 1 could almost scream, it hurts so.” The young man looked at the beau tiful arms, and seeing no mark there said: “Why, where were you vaccina-1 ted?” “In Boston,” she replied, the smile chasing away the look of pain. —Boston Journal. W. H. Day, David Bell, Kaleigh, Enfield R. T. Bakxhill^ Ehn City. QAY, BELL & BARNHILL, Attomeys-at-Law, ELM CITY, - - N. C. Practice in state and federal courts. Competition is tur Life of Trade PfilNTER’S INK PAYS. Oar Load ZFIiOTJH Car Load cd(d:ri5T. Car’ Load 0-A.TS Just received by DIXON & CO, ELM CITY, N. C Wl INSUMNCE If your Dwelling, Store, Stock of Merchandise or Furniture is not pro tected from fire call on E, a McGQWAN for tatrt, ^tc: Onfy the best policic written. • ' ' Winstead’s Hotel. MRS. CORNELIA WINSTEAD, PROPaTETRESS, ELM CITY, N. C. Centrally located. Convenient to the depot and busi ness part of town. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Z^a»l3©s = $1.00 to $1.50 per day. $10.00 to $15.00 per month. Rain and Sad lllTeatlier will ftoon be with us for a long stay, and as is our cns- we have prepared to furnish our patrons with the com forts of , ^ ^ A n^ ^line 4ias just b^n received at our store and we invite your inspection of them. . . Clean, well polished shoes In a gathering of people who have had to walk through the slush and mud of thaw ing.snow ora.i«oent heavy rain is always,, a plei^siug sight and lends ee^t to on«*iT appearainee. The man who accompanies his wife to church every Sunday may not be a Christian, but he is not the meanest man in the world.—Chi cago News. Sagr and We now have in our ware romns a car load of NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY and a car load of wood burned LIM.E. Call and see them. Jno. L. Bailey & Co.« ELM CITY, N.C. M-lk BRICE For sale cheap hy JNO. L. BAILEY. WILMINGTON ft WELDON E. R and branches, AND FLORENCE R. B. {Condemed Schedule.) TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Dec. 22, 1901 a* i? Oj6 rHQQ ® s No 40. daily Lv. Weldon Ar Rocky Mt A H 1150 1 00 P M 938 10 32 P M P M Ly Tarboro 12 22 ■ >■ 722 iiV Rocky Mt Lv Wilson Lv Selma Lv Fay’ville Ar Floreiiee Ar Goldsboro Lv “ Lv Magnolia Ar Wilmin’n 1 05 159 2 55 430 735 P M 1102 11 10 11 59 1 12 3 15 A M 7 52 8 31 920 12 52 2 40 3 15 425 600 TRAINS GOING NOBTH. Dec. 22, 1901 o'S ■r, a il® o 3 Lv Florence “ Fayette’lle Lv. Selma . Ar Wilson A U 10 05 12 40 2 10 2 57 - P M 8 05 10 09 1125 12 07 Lv Wilm’ton L^ MagnoKa Ly Goldsboro Lv Wilson Ar Rocky Mt Ar TarborO Lv Tarboro PX 2i5 3 30 2 31 735 820 9 00 9^ A M 1134 Pi 10 A M 9 30 11 05 12 26. p it 118 153 Lv Rocky Mt Ar Weldoii 3 50 4 53 P H 12 43 137 A H Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3 15 p m Hali fax 3 29. p m Arrives Scotland Neck 4 10 p ni Greenvill 5 47 p m Kinston 6 45 Returning leaves Kinston 7 30 a.m-Greenville 8 30 a m Arriving Halitax at 11 05 a m W »ldon 11 20 daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington branch road leave Washington 8 DO a m and 245 p. m firriving Parmele 8 55 a m and 4pm ReturningleaveParmele 1110 a m and 5 22 p m daily except Snn- day. Train^ leaves Tarboro daily except Sunday 4 35 p m, Sunday 4 35 p m, arrives Plymouth 6 35 p m, 6 30 p m Returning leavos Plymouth daily ex cept Sund^ay 7 30 a m, Sunday 9am arrives Tarboro 9 55 a m, 11 a m. Train on Midland Branch leaves Goldsboro daily except Sunday 5 00 p m, arrive Smithfield 6 10 a m Re turning leaves Smithfield 7 am, ar rive Goldsboro 8 25 a m. Train on Nashville branch leaves Bocky Mtat 9 ^ a IB and 4 00 p m arrives Nashville 1(^29 a m and 4 23 p m. Spring Hope 11 00 a m and 4 45 a m. Returning leave Spring Hope ait 11 20 a m and 5 15 p m, Nashville 11 45 a m and 5 45 p m, arrive Rocky Mt 12 10a m and 6 20 p m. Daily ex- eepiSuaday. Train OB CSiaton Branch leave* War* saw for Clinton daily except Sunday 11-40 am and 4 15 p m Returning leave Clinton 6 45a m and 2 M p Train 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily; All rail via ttiokmord alao at I^cky Mt with Norfolk and Carolina Road for Norfolk and all pointa North via Norfolk. il. M. Emkbsoh, T r. P*Menger Agt. J. R. Eenlt, Oen^ Manager. T. M. Emirsom. Traffic Maaa««r. Il‘ We carry a large stock of I>ry Goods, Shoes, i Hats^ Notions Hardivare^ Harness Fur A niture. Feed Stuffs, Etc., and are prepared | f# sell as cheap as is consistent with sound ■ business policy, We invite your inspection of our stock if you wish to buy anything to eat or wear for yourself, your family, your horse, cow or stoek. If yuu wish to furnish your house or kitchen; or supply your garden fnd farm with agricultural implements you will find a large stock in our store to select from. Call to see us whenever you« need any o the necessities of life. Jno. Xfc Ballesi:;# Co., ' ^ ELrf CITY, N. C —the— ELM CTFT ELEVATOH A seven-column, four-page Local Paper published eveiy Friday at Elm City, Wilson County, North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTIOlKr: 033-e "STeaar, - - $i.oo S±z ^^033l-C1xs, - - oOc TIli?©© ^oix-bius, - 25c An advertisement in The Elevator is a good investment for any merchant in Elm City. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. If JOB WORK! We are equipped to turn out neat Job Work on short notice.' If you ne«d Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, 'Envelopes, Posters, or Cards; In fact, anj^h.in^ turned out by a first-clas: Job;Officc, would like to .^hpw you oui samples and quote prices. the elevator, SZMCZTT.V.C. y ti th pi ha Ml Ba •^ri roi tra ba stoi can inji For lou! M sou M Cree Ml Mou Ml soul Ml Moui Ml ty Ct Mr foi I Mt ard 1 Mr was Mr in to Uh for V Sh( was i Me Carte Chi went Caj Moun Cai Mouq l*ro from da\ - Mr. returi noon. Mi» came cer’s. M«s erta ot Tuesdi Mr. Vnive; Mr Va., ci in this C., an friendi