iiiELMCITYILEYATOR ^^vafe^aianal ^arQ^. pK. E. G. MOORE, I'HYSilCIAN AND SURGSON, PLMCITY, j - - N.C. Offi^’e at the Dreg Store. B ('HEARS, M. TM I’hysician and Surgeoa. £i,M City, - - - - upstairs over Batts & \\’i!liams store. N. C. ^V. II. Day, David Bell, Kaleitrb. Enfield. R. T. Barnhill, Elm City. qAY, bell & BARNniLL, ^ Attorneys-at-L.aw, KI-M city, - N. C. Practice in state and federal courts. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £. O. McGOWAN, M ER.CH AND ISE BR.Ofl.E^Rt Elm City, N. C. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ G-eo. Gaston, E1.M CITY. N. Car. Haviiifr seryed the people of Elm Citv for 23 years in the barber busi ness, Geo. Gaston needs no introduc- to the people. His haircuts are ele- Ijaut and shaves delightful. n m Tonsorial Artist, ELM CITY, N. C. A first class barber saop, easy chairs, sharp razors, clean towels Give me a call, over Batts & Wil- haiiis’ store. PERSON AJLS. Mr. W, D. Carter was in town Saturday. Mr. Edgar Boykin, of Wilson, was in town Sunday. Attorney R. T. Barnhill west to Wilson Monday. I>r. C. Parker isvimting relatives in Nash comity. Mr. J. T. Sharpy of Raleigh, was in town tbis week. Mrs. W. G. Sharp visited friends at L^^fltetts Sunday. Air. W. B. Barnes, of Wilmn, was in the city Sunday. Mr. Fred Barklsy of South Caroli na was in town Tuesday . Miss Susie Gnffln, of Wilson, is visiting relatives in Elm City. Mrs. Edgar Hedgepeth visited rela tives at Sharpsburg this week. Mr. G. R. Winstead, of Wilsan, came Sunday to visit relatives. Mr. W. C. Ferrell, of Nnns, Nash county, was xn the city Tuesday. Mr. Julian Pennington, of Wilson, was in town several hours Monday. Mr. Henry Griffin, of Wilson, was in the city Sunday visiting relatives. Miss Clara Winstead visited rela tives in Wilson a few days this week. Mr. J. H. Vaughn, a prosperous farmer of Nash county, was in town Saturday. Miss Lilia Winstead spent Satur day and Sunday in the country with relatives. Mr. D. A. Batts, after several days visit to relatives here, returned to Augusta, Ga. Mr. Roy E. Doles of Mai'ion S. C. is spending several _days in the city visiting relatives. ' Mrs. Smith Jordan who has been visiting fi'ieuds in Rocky Mount re turned home Tuesday. Miss Maggie Bragg spent sever.-il days in Wilson last week, and re- turned home Saturday. Mr. Hugh Landing, who has gbeen visiting relatives in Nashville, re turned home Monday. Messrs. Josephus Davis and Wade Winstead spent Sunday after^ noon in the country visiting friends. Winstead’s Hotel. MRS. CORNELIA WINSTEAD, Propsietress, ELM CITY, - - N. C. Centrally locatod. Couvenicnt to the dopot and busi ness pai't of town. Table supplied \vith the lost the jiarket .iffords. lisb'bes: iJSl.OO to $1.50 per day. $10.00 to j|;l5 00 per month. T. G. DIXON DEAD. SHo>rt Lo^ls. Quite a are wptmiing tiv day at the Pio-nie at Williams* pool in Nash county. A number of yoTMg people Sonday eyentTig at Lorer’s Betreat a))oat hjlf a mile from towtt. The weather for' tfae past few days hare been ideal Spriair days. Oar farmer friends are maliiag fall time in preparinie for good The services at the Baptist ebrreh arc being continaed this week, after nooB .and eveniBg. The neetiags ar^ oil attended and mach good i« being accomplished. Rev Cai-y Gamble, assisted by his brother, are conducting series of ser vices at the Episcopal hall this week. These meetingra costinne to grow in interest and are well attended by members of ail the churches in the eity. We return oar thanks to the offi cers and managers of the Washing ton and Plymouth Railroad Co., foi an invitation to a banqaet given to the press and people of Nortl| Caro lina at Plymouth last Wednesday. This road is not completed and opens a heretofore inacessible and fotile section of the State to the outside Forld. Our lady friends arc cordially in vited to call at Mr. B.H. Bames pop ular furnishing store and inspect the latest things in summer wearables. Some of the new arrivals this week are tailor made skirts and ladies slippors. Mr. Bamos is one of our oiost up to date merchants and be lieves in cosmopolitan methods of doing business, and is not afraid to let his friends know what kind of goods he has through the columns of the newspaper.Therc is no need to go to Wilson or else where for anything in his line, as no better or more re liable can be found in the state. You ^re invited to make his store headquartars"when in the city. THE CHIEF JOY'S OF LIFE. The chief joys of life, if we are wise euough to perceive, are to be found in the path of service. Vaca tions are good, rest is good; but they are good only as interludes of service. In his letters to Timothy toward the close of his life Paul does not re count his vacation experiences—if he ever had any, they were like bis vacation asperiences at Athens while COMMUNICATION,.. ^ l^m City, N. C., Apr. 14,3902. Editor Ele^atob: Kindly allow me space sufficient in yoar paper in defense of my daughter, Charlotte, relative to her expulsion from sehool by action of A. B. Cameron and the other teaohers. On Wednesday last she was or dered by Mr. Cameron front bench upon the charge of talking to another pnpil, notwithstanding her innocence of the accasation. She WAS not Allowed a word of de fense nor allowed to appeal to those around her for testimony, and stnng by th0 injustice of the charge, she refused to leave her desk. 1 called upon Mr. Cameron Wednesday night in order to learn if possible something in regard to the matter and fiom his guarded language felt convinced that he was not confining himself to the truth, nor did he allude to the fact that her expulsion had been accoikiplisbed that very afternoon. In course of conversation he reminded me that there may have come to my ears, reports reflecting upon him ia his capacity as a teacher, &c., and I as sured him that 1 paid no attention to town gossip, but I am now con vinced that there is more truth in what has been passed around in re gard to him and the poor^status of this school than 1 had supposed. I also, during this conversation, ex pressed my determination to with draw all of my chiidreji from school which i did forthwith. There is not a court of jnstice in this, land where a person charged with a misdemeanor has not an op- The friends of Mr. T. G. Dixon rc gret to learn of his death Monday waiting for the arrival of night at his home near Elm Cit\'. He had been ill for several days and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Dixon was one -f this city’s oldest citizens having reached the ripe old age of 85 years. He leaves a wife and several! children to mourn tteir loss. The funt-ral services were con ducted at th'' old Lomestend Wed nesday morning. IMSURAi^OE IE your Dwelling, Store, Stock of Jlei'chandise or Furniture is not pro tected from fire call on E. 0. McGOWAN for rates, etc. Only tho best policies written. The novelist, Frank R. Stockton, who died mi Washington on Sunu:i,y, iiiid won a high position in tho world of letters, ‘‘The Lr^.dy of the Tiger’s was i^robahly his most popular works Rei trring to. the fact that North C*4'‘oliiia has five representatives in Congress who were bom since the war ended fu 1865, the Wilmington Messenger recalls that Governor Graham was not over thirty-five 'len first elected Governor, and that Vance was sent to Congress “about as soon as be was eligible.”—News and Observer. A.W.Pippexii Blacksmith and Wood Shop Buggies Repaired HOF^SESHOEIJMQ SPE0iy\LTY A T SHOP NEXT TO J. L. BAIL- EY^ S LIVERY STABLE Poorlu? ** For two ye«f» I ribly from dyspepsia, wWi great depfession, and was atwajra fcettBg po^. 1 then trieff Ayert Sarsa parilla, and in one week I was a new man.”—J«‘ “ “ Philadelphia, Pa. Don’t forget that it’s “Ayer’s** Sarsaptrilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don*t waste your time and money by tiying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer’s Sarsapa rilla. auMsMb. FonowhH JWm—S CO.. IiuSLlDirEiS’ A T>r7~ - TO WHIATt G-ATlD^/EZEIiarTS- TOCB HOME PAPER. It is strange how some people think about their home paper. They don’t seem to stop and think what the paper is to them, neither do they think it needs their sapport. They forget that the paper does more than any other one enterprise to help upbuild the town and com munity. These same people who never spend one dollar with the pa per come around and tell you that they are going to make a trip in the interest of their business, or to the northern markets to boy new goods, and ‘easy ’I wish you woald let my customers know that I am going to purchase new goods,” but if you go WE ARE NOW DISPLAYING THE COBSECT TBINQ in Ladies’ Oxfords and Slippers. My Lady jon won’t be n it for & moment if you don’t wear OUR OXFORDS this wmata. They are not only the correct thing, bat the comfortable thing for suminer vear^ FBESH nSH BECEIVED DAILT All that comes to the net is fish—but not necessarilj good fitb Adams* FISu WARRANTED FRESH. Genuine^ WholesouM bcaia iood* When you want THE BEST buy of . portunity to prove innocence by to this same man on his retom and ask him for an “ad,” hn says, “Oh! Silas and Timothy—bnt he looked back with j»>y on a life of servic^. ajjd forward with joy to a crown of righteousness, the reward ^f faithful servii*e. So it has been and is with other servants of God; they find the chief satisfaction in current and in recalling the pa.st, not in the evanescent joyb of side play, but in serving their day and generation nscording to the will of God. Thank God for something to do! The thing which yon are do ing just now may not be entirely to your liking as to the kind or grade or pecuniary compeusation, but yon can get satisfaction ont it by doing it well, and the way to high er service is opened by welldoing. We fake with !>o1emn thankfulness Our burden up, nor ask it less; And count it joy than even we May sufier. serve, or wait for thro— Thy will be daut!—Vbe Advance. evidence and testimony. In this case Charlotte was given no hearing nor was any attempt made apparently, to justify her even among those who sat nearest her and could have heard her had she talked aloud. It is a fact known beyond all per- adventure, that there is and has been for sometime past, a great deal of well founded dissatisfaction on account of the manner in which this school IS conducted. It is my opinion that respect be gets respect and a teacher or any one else cannot commantl respect where none is shown. There must be a great laxity and indifference in the management of this school or better results would surely be in evidence. I make no socret of . .The fact that I intend bringing this expulsion to the notice of Supt. Joyner and ask an investigation of it and other mat ters touching the manner in which this school is conducted. I believe it is my privi’ege under the law and as a citizen uud taxpayer, will exer cise it. I pay all the State demands of me for the support of her institu tions and propose to get value for value if it is possible, as well as pro tect my children from the malice of persons whose support comes from the peci>le’s pockets. There are other matters along this line that I have withheld with a view of not tiring youv readers. I thank you for this opportunity of expres sion. Very truly yours, R. H. Mobkis. IS YELLOW POISCN In your blood ? Physicians call it nalarial Germ. Itcan be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensationa creep down your backbone. You feci weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC wOlstop the trouble now. it enters the Mood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonte will cure you then—but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yd- low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourlsii your system, resttire appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malarls. It has cured thous ands—It will cure you, or your money back. This ts fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. For aiJe by «/» 27. Bailey &Co. ROLL OF HONOR The following pupils of the Elm City Academy are on Roll of Honor this week. Lynda Barnes, Annie Bass, Lena Batts, Isaac Braswell, Edgar Brinkley, Minnie Cobb, Lady Doles, Norwood Doles, Doretha Farmer, Ida Farmer, Donally Friar, Marie Griffiin, Lena Harrison, Carrie Harrison, Seth Harrison, Claudia Joynor, Cordon Langley, Elsie Langley, Lucile Mooie, Emmie McGowan, Mary McGowan, Oscar McGowan, Rowena Hears, Ethel Perry, Tina Rice, Bslle Robbins, Ellen Vincent, Stella Waters, Bettie Webb, Johnnie Wells, Lillie Watson George Winstead. Lettie Winstead, Lilia Winstead. Gladys Winstead, Mamie Whistead, Eliza Win»tead,_ Ida Wilti»iu», A MORNING TONIC. The glory tnd Mifety of a republic lies in Ihe intelligence and indepen dence of its toilers and wealth pro ducers, for from them comes the tendency to growth or decay. A higher lift fpr all the people ‘is the need of the hour. It was at Guilford Court House that General Greene changed 'the tide of v>ar and made Yorktown pos- ible. It was a hard fought and decis ive battle. It conjared the gods of battle to crown with sncces the great struggle for liberty. Without Gen- eralGreene what would it have been? It was a place of triumph in life. Surely it should be his resting place death.— King’s Weekly. well, I don’t kno^ as it would pay me. How many papers do you send out anyway!” He asks this, with good many other questions, but when he is getting something free he never thinks about this. Stick to jour paper, try to help make it the pride of the community and the town. It always looks out for your interest and ever strives to bring business to the town, and gets less credit than any other one enterprise. The merchant who advertises is the one who does the best business. In your local newspaper is the place to do your advertising. There are more newspaper readers to-day than ever before in the history of the world. The newspapers place your business under the eyes of the buyer. He sees what he wants and knows just where to go tohnd it, and will call on the merchant who asks him to come and see him.It is impossible to keep a hubtler down.Get a moye on you and don’t stop to kick. Tell the truth, be honest use plenty of print er’s ink and success will abide with you.—liOuisburg Times. The Wilmington Messenger sn.vs the recent educational conyention at Gi‘eeusl>oro was good every day and foretells of better things in store for old North Carolina. ith better educaticnnl faeilities and higher standarils and more determined will in behalf of popular instmetion and large attendance once on the part of the children there must be advance on sure and safe hues.—Lonisbarg Times. HANDS ON THE PLOW It is related of Alexander the great that, being asked how it was he had conquered the world, he answered, “By not wavering.” William of Orange said he learned a word crossing the English Channel which he would never forget, when in a great storm the captain was all night crying to the, men at the helm, ‘Steady! Steady! Steady!’* Pompey when hazardipg his life on a tempestuous sea in o^er to be at Rome on an impotant, declared: “It is necessary for me to go; it is not necessary for me to live.” Paul affirmed; “This one thing 1 do; I press toward the mark.’’ And our Lord said: *^No man having pot his hand to the plow, and lM>king back, is fit for the kingdom of Obd*** All the world loves a decided iMp, a man of firmness, of resolution, of steadfastness, Men of double minds are unsettled and onstabled in lall ll^r w^s,—C. E. World. Attention, Good Dressers! Wc Have a Good Thing and Want Everybody to Know H. We hftTe leetured the exclvdTt right for this Tikdnity to take orders for the famoui tailoriiig of STRAUSS BROS., Chioagu We are sow diipUying-lheir n« w«st •amptos of Pin* Wooi«ns and urge eyeryoae iateierted ia good clothes to call and inspect them. We shoir NEARLY S § • rATTEWS. by far the largest line in theooaatrj, eon- risting Ot many exdnsiTe effects in wor steds, cassimercs, Scotches, days, serges, etc. STRAUSS BROS, make the kind of clothes you like to wear. »eecnrately taih)redr perfect fitting, distinctly abore the ordinary, yet prices are no hij^ ttian yon hare paid for inferior goods. Tl^ gunwnte# nbsolut* ••ttef nctloii and with It goiaaour unqualifM •ndoraamant. We shaU he glad to have you call and yoa will he glad yon UNlHiH'La B34ill¥ £ en, CEBD^ . SItX±I>X2DL03CL-bS ±03? -bln_±s LATEST BPBING STYLES'm 8KIBTS AND SUITS. Onr Display of Ladies’ Full Fashioned Skirts in dress and walking lengths awaits your ap> proyaL THIS DEPARTMENT is filled with choice seleetions. We want ^o« to make yourself at homo here, and familiar ise yenrsell with our stock and look ever tha goods carefully, DON’T WAIT natil everybody is buying or has bonsrht, but come now and get the choice. OUR LINE of Organdies is eoniprete—all colors, comprisini^ ■the season’s newest designs. COME :i^ND SEE JB. BC. B ^ DR 35T ESS,. THE ] Cl I J/B FDBNIFBIKe STORE. SOUTH CAROLINA INTER-STATE AND WEST INDIAN EXPOSITION. Charleston, S. C- DECEMBER 1ST, 1901 TO JUNE 1ST, 1902. ATLANTIC COAST LINE OFFERS- Cheap Excursion Rates and excellent service shortest and quickest routes, Pullman Buffet sleeping cars to Chari ston on all through train;. CALL ON OR ADDRESS ANY AGENT ATLANTIC COAST LINE FOB BATES, SCHEDULES, SLEEPING CAR ACCOMMODATIONS, ETC., OR THE UNDERSIGNED. T. M, EMEBSON, Traf. Mgr., WiUningtOH. NtC, H. M. EJUEBSON, Gen. Puss. Af/t. JNO. L. BAILEY, Pbesiuest. ELM CITY BANK. EataUislied 1898. Paid Up Capital We solicit the accounts of the public generally and offer every aceosK modation consistent with safe banking.. Safety Lock Boxes for Rent We thank the public for their business in the past and hope to ment their confidence in the future. T. W. BRASWELL, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. ? DEALER IN W&tik, Jtwtlry, S^du,Piuoi,Otsui tii ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. Eyeh Tested Free. MURINE, the Great Eje Tonic. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. ! Needles, Oil and Attachments For Sale at Reasonable Prices. store Next Door to Postoffice. BLM^CITY, N. C LOOK W. D. ROUNTREE & CO Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, EXCHANGE BUlLDifNG. FRONT STREET. CONSIGNMEl^TS SOLICITED. NORFOLK, VA TO YOUR INTER- ^ -^EST, FARMERS. buy OlVIsT TBS BEST jpertUlzers for Tour Crops. Our Brands are U nsurpassed for all Crops, Especially for Tobacco. A FEW OF OVR _ l^EADINC BRAHOS ARC» Hyco, Fair Mount, Gilt Edfe, Balei^h Standard, Charlotte Ammwniated, Sbficial Three Per Cent, Pacific, Stag Brand, OwK Star, Columbia Soluble, Old VmaAnion, OseeeU WE ALSO CAiatY THE HIGHEST Gl^ADES OF ACID PHUS- PffATES KAINIT. SEE U» BEFORE BUYING.

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