P R. E. G. M09ftE^ PHy&ICJ[.4tf AND SUBGBON, J5LM CITy, Office .at tiie Drug Store^ Dr. B. F, BARNES physician and surgeon, I^Office^ ^ opposite ^f”depot^ elm city, N. C. CHEARS, in. D., Physician and Surgeon, fii.M eiTY, - - -- -- N. C. j-^OJBce upstairs over Batts & ■Williams store. PSISONAL MEfmON Dr. J. E. Brothers vea/tto Wilson Monday. Mr. B. T. B«r«hiU W«»t l^Mson Mon^fty. Mr. S. i. Shuler, of Seimi, 4r«s jter® Sunday. Deputy Collector M»X> Wood was here SatQjrday.. Miss iTy Pridgen returned Tues day fro.Qi Coneto.. Mr. Berry Simpson spent Sund«y and Monday here. Mr. Chas. W, 0oj4« Wjlaofi, was m iawn Wednesday, Mr. Stephen Wells, of Wilson, was in town Sunday. Dr. Winston, of the A. & M. Col' lege was here Friday. . W. H. Day, David BelIj, Kalwierh* Enfield. B. T. Elm City. QAY, BEl^Ji & BARNHILL, AttoTneys.-at-I»aw, elm CIT-y, - Practice in state and federal ©ourts. yt ^ ^ E. O. McaOWAN, MERCHANDISE Eltn City, N, O. ^ ^ ^ # Geo. Gaston, CITY, -CAR. Hr.via? serj^ed the people of Elm City for 23 years in the barber busi- fioss, Geo,. Gaston needs aointroduc tion to the people. His haircuts are jslegaut and shaves delightful. im m Tonsorial Artist, ELM CITY, - - ' N, C. A first class bafber suop, easy cbAii's, sh^rp razors, clean towels Crive me a call, pyer Ba^ts Wil- fiams’ store. Winstead’s Hotel. IIRS. CORN ELIA WJN&TEAD, Ph»?sibtbess, CITY, . r C. Centrally located, Convenient to jbhe depot and busi- iiess part of town. Table supplied wii.h tl^e l?eg|; the jpaarket affords. IE?»a,-fc©s s ?1.00 to $1.50 per day, $10.00 to $15 00 pejr wo»^;h. riHil INSUMNCE ff your Dwelling, S^ore, Stock of Merchandise or Furniture is not pro tected from ftre call oij E. 0. McGOWAN for rates, etc. 0nly the best policies written. IS YELLOW POISON in your Mood? nysidaiis Call itnalarialOerm. ttcanbeMea ciianging red blood yellow under microscope. It work* day and night. Flrst. it nmsy plexlon yellow. Chilly, aching sensationa creep down your iMcicbene. You feel weak «|d worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the fft^le now. It enters the Mood once and drives out the yfllow poison. If neglected and when Chilla. Fevers, Nlght-Sweata and a gen eral break-down come^er on* Roberts* tonic will cure yon then—but why wait ? Prevent future sickness. Thennuittfac- turers know ail about this yel low poison and.luive perfected Roberts' todc to drive It out, nourish your systeni, restore appetite, purity the Mood, pre vent and cum Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has aired thous ands—it will ciire you, or your money bKk; This is to. Try it. Priee. 25 cents. For mI« by Miw £S»telle Pridgen rejturned 'ruesdajr from Manon, Mr. C^ Dawes w^ej9;t to Rocky Mount MujadAJ on bi^««ss. Messrs. J, Fred Carter and J. R. Dildy were in Wilson Friday. Mr. -T. C. Tilghman returned Wednesday from Wrighlsville. Miss Margaret Mereer, of Tem- p«ra;!»c9 Hall, trasli^re Friday. Mr. A. L.. Peacoelf;^.eturned Satur- ilay from a business t«ip South. Mrs. Walter Webb returned last week from a trip to Rocky Mount. MLss Claudia Joyner, of in the coj}fiiry, is visiting here this week- Miss Hazel Doles w.ept to Golds boro Saturday on a visjjt to friends. Messrs.. J. T. Waston and J.. H, Dixon went to Rocky Mount Friday. Mr, J. C, Friar, of Wilmington, came S»»day to vi4t relatiyes here. Mrs, E, W. Si.mpson and Miss Elle.n Prini(« went to Wilson Satur day. Mrs. J. W. Cox and Master Jim Jr., spent several days here laut week, Mrs. W, B, Baraes a»4 son, Mr, Claude Barnes, of Wilson, were here Sunday. Mrs. F. M. Winstead, of Wilson, was here Sunday a^d Monday visit ing rela.tjy^5, Mrs. G. A. Barnes and son. Mas ter Norris returned Friday from a visit to 3(i.ttleboro. Miss Jennie Ruffin, of Petersburg, Va., arrived Monday and is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Hays. MUs Jiee Brinkley, of Marion, |B„ f««*day to sonse time he*« with relatives. Mrs. Rhoda Smith and children, Misses Pattie and Maggie, are here visiting |Tfllaiiye« tlii* wea^:, Mrs, E. W, Simpson, Miss Ellen Prince and Miss Roselle Braswell re.- turned Friday from Wrightsville Mjr. and Mrs. M. L. Waters re turned Monday night from a visit to fjriei^ds a?id rfij^tive^ near Washing ton. Mr. and Mrs, C, V. 5a»rlss, of Rocky Mount, were visiting relatives and friends in and near town Satur day. Rev, C. L. Read is spending this week at his old home,PalmerSprings, Va, We wish him a most* pleasant trip. Miss Sallio Barnes returned Tues day from Greensboro, where she has been several weeks visiting frieads and relatireff, Mrs, R. 8. Wells and son, Mr Wm.- Wells, and Mr. Luther Harper returned Friday from a pleasure trip to Wrightsville. Mrs. Geo. W. Williford left Wednes day* mominff for Rocky Mount to spend several days with ter daugh ter, Mrs. G. C. Robbins. While the Atlantic Coast Line is making changes it seems to us that a change in the warehouse would not be amiss A hint to the wise is sufftcient. ! Prof. A. B. Cameron returned Monday evening from a trip in Edgecombe and Pitt counties in the interest of his school which opens here in September. Capt. J. R«. Whitehead has been here several dj^ys with a force qf hands making repairs upon the «otr ton platform which will be much ad vantage to cotton shippers from this place, Mr. J, T, Sharp, of Raleigh, arr rived Saturday and returned home Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Sharp and Master Wilton Pridgen, who has bepn spending some time here with jjelatives. Short Locob ^0—0—: Read the staterment of the JSim City Bank today’s paper^ o o o Read the eorrectted statement of the Toisaot Banking Co^ in this week’s paper. a o o The ecection of the new Episcopal ehjorch near Mrs. E. W. simpson’s i^sidenee, was begun Monday, o o o Weleatsi thftt qake a destr^eti^e hail storn visited the upper section of .^ash county Monday evening, o o o There was a picnic Thursday at Winstead’s Pond from this ^laee^; The day was spent most pleasantly by all. 0 « • Mr, fl, Waod, one of the pro prietors of the Wilson Marble Works was M town a short ;rhile Thursday evening. o o o Presiding Elder Bishop, who ar- rivetd Friday held a quarterly meet- inig a| Temperance Hall Sunday and Mondfty^ a o o The Elm City Hi^ School will open Septemb>r 1st. For full infor mation applj to A. B. Cameron, Principal, o o o Floyd's excursion to Richmond passed h^re yesterday moraing with a fair sized crowd. * number of our citizens we»t with him. o o o The 8:30 Shoo-Fly was delayed here Saturday night for an hour or two. Two freight cars derailed at Wilson was the cause of the delay, o o o The home of Miss Lilia Winstead was stormed Thursday night by a n amber of young people. The eve ning was spent in p}aying'games, singing, etc., to the great enjoyment of those present. o o o We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Derwood Hedgepeth, at her home in Fayetteville Monday after noon. She was before her marriage Miss Maggie Hall, daughter of Rev.' B, R. Hall, who was a resident of our town only a few years ago. The bereaved family has the sympathy of our people. SUBSCRIBE TO 605= THE ELEVATOR $1.QO A YEAR. montiis - - 50 Cents months * - - 25 Cents JNO. L. BAILEY, Prksidemt. E. O. McGOWAN, Cashier tSLM CITY BANK Established 16M. Paid Up Capital $10,000. We solicit the accounts of tbe public generally and offer every acconi- modaden consistent with safe Vsaaking. SAFETY LOCK BOX]^ FOR RENT We thank the public for their busings in the past and hope to ment heir confidence in the future. 5YDNPR Igk: : HUNDt-EY. Richmond, - - Va. 709,711,713 e. Broad St., RICHMOND, - VA. Shoo-Fly to Carry Mail The “shoo-fly” trains which runs on the Atlantic Coast Line, daily between Goldsboro and Norfolk, leaving Goldsboro at-7:25 a. m., and arriving at Norfolk at 9:20 p. m.« will begin carrying mail at an early day. Captain F, M,. Fjtts and Mr. R. Kennc&dyi another railway mail clerk, has been assigned to that run. It is not known yet who will take the runs on trains 40 and 31 in and out of Wilmington.—Wilming- Messenger. JC. Bailey & Co On Wednesday night while Mrs J. F, Winstead with her children, were on the front porch, some sneak thief went into her kitchen and stole a lot of provisions, etc. As yet no due to the g^^ilty on? has been Democratic Primary The Wilson County Democratic Executive Committee met in the court house in W ilson last Saturday for the purpose of fixing the time for holding the primary to nominate county officers. The time set is August 23rd from 10 o’clock a.m., until sunset. Let every voter in the county be on hand that day at his voting place and cast his vote according to the dictates of his own conscience. The Tide That Rolls *Phe adyent of the shirt waist at a dinner table in a New York hotel was promptly rebuked by a colored waiter at the Waldorf-Astoria. ’ His name may not go down in his tory, yet it will be known of all men that he had a genius for seeing things. The waive of freedom, rolling southward, singing *‘sweet liberty” has caught new impulse and new music, and the spirit of New £ng U^nd is a dominant factor in shaping the fashions and customs of many Dine homes.. The Voting Conteirt The vote in the contest at O. J. Harrison & Co’s Soda Fountain for the most popular young lady was as fellows at close ol business last Wednesday night; MifW Hasel Doles,,5(J7 « Marg^r^tMerc9r.>,> •f Carrie Hamson .294 “ Dorothy Morris .181 *■ Pauline Batts 158 Saliie Parnes,....... Lettie Winstead 63 Linda Barney .,,•••• ^ MinoieBatts..,, « Bertie Carter, ‘4 Blanche Wells,...... Glsie Griffin., Marie Griffin May Mercer “ Carrie Lewis Barpes. “ Lucile Moore—,,, • ‘f Annie Belle Farpier. “ Hattie Griffin —,., .. 39 Com Starch at the store of Jno h^ * Co, THE GREATEST STOCK OF . . . . -YINB AND MEDIUM -URNITURE -IN THE SOUTH— Correspondence Solicited. Coughing ** I was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer’s Cheny Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health.”—Chss. E. Hsrt- man, Gibbstown, If. , It’s too risky, playing with your coi^bv Tiic first thing you know it will be down deep in^your lungs and the play will be over. Be gin early with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. BM*. hitnl colds. n. moat eeptumiol k NEW FAST TRAIN Louis and Kaunas CUy sad OKLAHOMA aTY« WICHIT4n DENISON, SHERMAN, DALLAS, FORT WORTH And fnlnekpal points in Texas and the South- weat. Thla train is new throashont and la mad* np of the Anest equipment, provided witlt efectrio li^hta and all other modem twr^l^ooavaiiieaoea. It rxma via our now Red River Divisioii. Brsry awlianoe known to modem c balldins sna railroading baa been employed In tha make-up of thla aervioe, inolndins lUiffe Observation Cars, X uiA Au^unuzaiiuiA us mj nvem muu wux uoiiStM Ul m trip via tbia new route will bo oheertnUy tamwed. application, bf ai>7 repce- A Card By ardent request and earnest so lieitation of friends I hereby an nounce n^yself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Wilson county subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries. Desiring to thank yoti one and all in advance for any favors you may show or any kind word you may utter in my behalf, I beg to remain. Tours very truly, J. T. Watson. Elm City, N.C. STATEMENT of the condition of Euc Citt Bamk at the close of business July 16th, 1902, as reported to the North Caro lina Corporation Commission. BXSOUBCn. Loans and diseoonts, . i Overdrafts, sec, and uasee. Banking house * fixtures, Demand Loans .... Due from banks, . . . Cash on hand, .... LlABIIilTlKS, 29,153.84 733.54 2,084.90 853.21 896.46 2,700.98 $36,432.93 Capital stock, . •. » . $J.0,000.00 Priflts 2,497.22 Bills payable . , . . 2,025,00 Certificates of deposit . 6,143.82 Deposits subject to ehec1(, 19,756.89 $36,422.93 ' I, E. O. McGowaiu Cashier of the above named banl, 4o solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, E. 0. McGowan, Cashier. State of North Carolina—Wilson Co. Sworn to and snbscribed before me thialQth day of July 1902, TSIO. B. WiNSTlAD, Notary Public Betzel Ice Creaip Salt at Jno. L BnU«y & Co» Hark Twain’s Cousin, G. C. Clemeas, of Topeka, Kan., the no ted constitu tional lawyer, who bears so striking a re semblance to Mark Twain, (Samiiel B. Clemens) that he is irequent- ^ taken for the ^ - original Mark, Q- C*«mens. is a man of deep intcDe^ and wide experience. He is con sidered one of the. foremost lawyers in this country. In a re cent letter to the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Mr. demens sqrs: expetleBcei ration have thoroqgnly satisfied me that Dr. Miles' Nervine contains trae meri^ and is exccUiuit for what it is recom mended.^ Mr. Pres. Bank- sajm Nonnan Waltrip, Si^ Pres. 1 Frateinal Soci^, Chicago^ Pain Pills are invalnabk for beadacte and all paiq, I had been a freat i^erer from neadache nntil 1 leanied of the efficacy of Dr. Miles’Pain Pills. Nowl always cairy them and prevent lectOTing at tacks by taklniT a pill when the qrmp- ttfm# fint appear.” 8oM hy all DraaslatM. Price, 8Sc.»p*r Box. Dr. MIIm IMadleal Co., Elkhart, Ind. A PERFECt FOUNTAIN >?^OF HEALTH.^==^ m J1 you wish a refre^ing moment in in the busy day or a pleasant pastime m in the evening you will find it at this We serve all kinds of delicious COLD DRINKS: Don’t fail to give our par lor a passing visit. BARGAIN - SHOES WE DON’T KEEP THEM? NIT! NIT ! . Bargain Shoes and Shoes at Bargain Prices are two different propositions. We don’t keep a bargain shoe store, but you’ll find bar- ^ihs in SHOES all through our stock. W« do not come in competi tion with the cheap bargain sboes now flooding the market'atad rapre- sented to be worth double the price they are sold for. Baits of this kind are common now-a-days’and to avoid deeoption and misTfepresentation, buy our reliable footwear which we guarantee to be the best to be had at the price we name and sold at just what! they are worth. We can fit and suit you where others falL Oall a>xi.(3. see ms, DIXON ®. WINSTEAD. EUn CITY, N. CAR. T. W. BRASWELL, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. DEALER IN IGlo^, Jemby, Speetide, hm, Iligut ui iiinii ON JNSTALLIMENT PLAN, Eyes Tested Free. MURINE, the Great'Eye Tom^ SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. Needles^ Oil and Attachments For Sale at Reasonable Pnoi^ Store Next Door toffice^ fiLM CITY, N. C For Register of Deeds At the solicitation of friends, 1 announce myself as a candidate for the office of Register, of Deeds of Wilson county, subject to the action of the coming Democratic pri jiaries. I promise If elected to discdarge the- duties ot the office to the best of my . ability, jts^specttully, , Wm. M. Wex,ls. TOBACCO FLUES! WfiECSi TOBACCO FLUES! THIS IS TO NOTIFY OUR FARMER FRIENDS and tbe public generally that we are now prepared to furnish TOBACCO FLUES in any style, shape or form, either for cash or on time. Now 4s the time to get your FLUES. Don’t pat it oC tiil too late. * R. S. WELLS, Elm City, N. C. mi TO ALL OUR SUBSRIBBR.S — TSJS —' Southern Fireside Winston-Salem. N. C., U, S. A. Highest Class Magaaine and thorough State Mediujn. Edited by the Southern Fireside Publishing Company. Its eootnbu- tors being among the ablest. THIS MAGAZINE is devoted to the interest of its subscribers and patrons generally. True Narratives, Helpful flaaFta, Humor and Fashion and its every page is sufieieBtly flloirod WITH SUBLIMEST PROSE. Two for the price of ones mm El^EVA* TOR the leadi^cran^ paper end mm SOUTHERN fireside:. Bora FOR ONE ys:ar. for This unheard of proposition is offered all new suhe^ribors and old ones too who pay up all past dues ahd renew within the next 30 days. Come along. THE ELEVATOR. ^ 'ELM CITY, N. C.

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