mm -»• THE •** Elm - City - Elevator PUPIjISHEP at ELM CITY, . . N. CAR. Theo. B. Winstead, - W, R. Padgett, - - » Editor Manager Elevator Printing Co., PUBLISHERS. Subscription Prices: 1 Year... 6 Mouths. 3 Months. One Dollar Fifty Cents .Twenty-fire Cents Entered In the posto^ee at Elm City, Jf. C., as »econd-class mail matter. % I We wish a live correspondent and agent at every postoffice in the vicin ity of Elm City. Our columns are always open to oontributions by any citizen on live lorsal questions. We are not respsn- «ble for the views of contributors, •ind all articles must be signed by ;he writer. Rates for advertising space will be furnished on application. We now have three churches and three bar rooms. Elm City is boom ing. There were 13 persons present at «ach of the churches Sunday night. Pon’t get superstitious. Chief Bowen is feeling happy over his new hotel—soon to be erected. It is to have cells and a waiting room for the accommodation of his “hobo” friends. Couldn't we increase the atten dance ot the protracted meeting, heW by Rev. C. L. Read at the church? Lets try it. If everyone will say, ‘‘I’m going” and does go, we will certainly do it. The people of Franklin county, always wise and conseryative and «ver ready to lend their aid for the best interests of the State and the Democratic party have made a most «xuellent selection of a candidate for the Senate in the person of that distinguished gentleman, Mr. R. B. White, who was with Wilson county’s gifted eon, Hon. John E. woodard nominated last Friday at ^^ashville to represent the Seventh Senatorial -^strict in the next General Assem bly. Nash fiounty heartily endorsed the selection of Fcanklin and wilson a,nd will do her full duty towards making their election sure, Wilson county’s senator needs no introduction to the people of the three counties eompoaing theSeventh Senatorial District, having for many yeai-s bf>eu one of the able leaders ia all that was for the welfai*e of our people; an ever ready advocate of the princinleB of white supremacy and good government. For the benefit of our readers who have Hot the pleasure of knowing Jlr. White, would say that he is a native of Wake county and for the past eight years has resided at Franklinton, N.C. He is 30 years old; a son of Rev. J. M. white » graduate of Wake Forest College.' and for thriee years was principal of the High School at Franklinton. He has been threw times elected mayor of Franklinton and in 1899 was chosen Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county and has filled this position with marked success since that time. Se much 80, that during the past summer in the educational campaign inaugu rated by Gov. Aycock, Dr. Mclver and State Superintendent Joyner, he was one of the speakers selected to help in this work, and in the course of it made addresses over the State, principally in the western part, Under his administration as fiuperintendent of the public schools of Franklin county he has attained a noteworthy degree of excellence in att«ndance, proficiency, and econo my of administration. He is and has always been a staunch Democrat true always to the aims ai.d princi ples of the party. In his acceptance of the nomina tion he plainly showed that while young iu years, he was old in expe rience in matters that affect the people and their rigiits. we can assure our readers that a vote cast in the coming election tor R. B. white and Jno. Woodard m^ans continued good government in North Carolina. The Senatorial Convention for the Seventh Senatorial District was held in Nashville on Friday October the 3rd, In the absence of Chairman B, H. Bunn the convention was called to order by Editor J. A. Thomas of the Franklin Times. Mr, E, B. Grantham, of Nashville, was elected Chairman, M, W. Lincke, of Nashyille, and Theo. B. Winstead, of Elm City, secretaries. A report from C. H. Harris, secre- lary of the Democratic Canvassing Board, of Wilson county was pre sented by Dr. J. T. Graves. The re port showed that at the Primary election held in Wilson county Dr. Graves received 216 votes and Hon. Jno. E. Woodard 6. Dr. Graves, ty rea.'son of this vote claimed that he was the choice of the people of Wil son, while really Mr. Woodard’s nomination, sc far as Wilson county was ct>nrerned was assured before the Primary was held, as the County Convention had already instructed the delegates for Mr. Woodard, and at the Primary his name was not before the people for the reason above stated. The convention heard Dr. Graves for a few minutes. The Chairman declared nominations for the Senate in order, whereupon Mr. Thoinjis, of Franklin arose and in n few well chosen words nominated Mr. R. B. Whiio, of Franklin. Mr. Geo. W. Connor in a most eloquent manner nomin;ited Hon. Jno. E. Woodard. The convention was here addressed at lengtii by Dr. Graves. Upon his conclusion Mr. G. N. Bis- aett, of Nash, desired upon tlie part of Nash county to endorse the nom ination of Messrs. White and Wood- ard, and made motion v.hich was carried, that their nominations be made and declared unanimous, Mr. White and Mr. Woodard, both in acceptir." the nomination made ringing speeches, pledging them selves to the pure principles of Democracy, and thesr support of all measures for the upbuilding of the State and her institutions. The next business before the con vention was tlie election of the Senatorial Esecuti^e Committee. The following ware elected: T. B. Win stead, of Wilson countj*; J. A. Thomas, of Franklin, andR. A. P. Cooley, of Xash. T. B. Winstead was elected chair man and given the privilege to name the secretary hereafter. With such distinguished gentle men as Messrs. Woodard and White to represent them, the Seventh Sen atorial District entertain no fears but the best interests of her people will be guarded with zealous care. Thecampaisrn will, wo know, be vigorous and efFectiyp. Let Wilson county do her full duty, and with Nash and Franklin falling into line, the election of these gentlemen with the others of the Democratic ticket or excused on th^ ground that ‘‘there is money in it for us.” Principles of right and manhood said he, are higher considerations than “jioney or markets.” As to State affairs, he thought that a party which was worthy of the confidence of the people and was their deliverance from trouble and darkness such as enveloped the State Repubilcan and Fusion rule, might certainly be trusted in the days of quiet and peace which its policies and performed pledges have made possible. His ridicule of the Republicans headed by Senator Pritchard for trying to take advantage of the beneficent influences of the amend ment and at the same time not declaring themselves to stand by it and accept it a finality was indeed good. The speaker thought tlie Re publicans are rather late learning that the amendment was a good thing for they fought its adoption with their whole power. Mr. Kitchin impresses us as a forci ble speaker, a true man and worthy statesman; and surely made friends and suppoi ters here. We are indebted to our kind friond Mr. R. T. Bai'iihill for the above article. DSREOTORY. CHURCHES MISSIOSA It X It A rri.ST Eov. R. D. Carroll, Paistor. Pi-oaehing first and second Sun day at 11a. in.. and 8:15 p. ni. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 8:15 p. m. \ outig People’s Union every Fri day night at 8:15 p. m. Sunday school at 4 p.m. •J. E. Adams Supei-intendent. I'ltjuiTiyi: kaptist Elder A. J. Moore, Pastor. Preaching Saturday afternoon be fore the fourth Sunday at 2:30 and fourth Sundaj’ morning. Rev. C. L. Read, Pastor. Servic^^sat 11 o’clock a. m. on the ■4th and 5th Sundays; and every Sun day night excepting the 1st, at 3:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wenesday night at 8:30. t Eengne, Tuesday night W. H. No Hair? “My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once.”— Mrs. G, A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer’s Hair Vigor will restore color every time. SI.63 a bo«le. All dnin!s>*- sentl U!i one ilulkir anil w© will exprese you a buttle. He siir*3 and Kive tbo name of your iieiirestexnressoflic.’. Addrc-is, J. C. A Ylilt CO.. Lowell, Maas. Heinz’s White Pickling Yinegar at Jno. L. Bailey & Co. Ice Cream Salt and Com Starch at Jm». L. Bailey & Co’«. Retzel Ice Cream Salt at Jno. L Bailey & Co. Your Job Printing W QnCCQ sent to the Elevator Printing Company. Lowest prices. To Washignton and ictnrn $7.25;'* to New York and 'etnr!', .$17.25.1 The Atlantic Coast Line will soil 11 round trip tickets from Kocky Mount I Wasliington and Nev/ York at figures ■ named lielow. Tickets will be placed jl on sale Uctober 3,4, 5. 0, gnod to return until October 15th, 1902. Tickets to Washington will permit stop-over on goiii^r or return trip | and final limit can be extended until ' Noveiaber .'Jrd, by d -positing ticket with the Joint Agent at Washington ‘ and Upon payincnt of iiity (.">0) cts. ; For further iuforniation see agent, ; or write to i w. G.Ceaig, 1 Gen. Pass. Agt. ; Y.'ilu'.iugtou, N. C. ' Mrs. Fred, Fresident Country 4 ?.nb, itentoii SifurSH>ir, ISivSi. “After my first baby was bom I did not seem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very sL’pcrior, but instead cf getting better I s;rew weaker every day. My hus band ins!.'teQ that i take Wine of Cordui fcr a week and see v/het it would do for me. I did the medicine end was very grateful to find my sh-ength and health slowly returning. L’. two weeks i was out or bed and in a month I was &ble to fa!;: up my usual duties. I am very enthusi- £itic in its praise.” Wine of Gardui reinforces the organs of generation for t!ie or;leal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis- carriafre. No woman v. ho takes W ine of Cardui nc! :l fear the conung of her child. If !',Irs. Unrath hatf taken V7ins cf Cardui before her baby oanie she would not have bc«!a weakened as she was. Her rapid recoverj- s-hould commend this great reme^ly to every expectant mother. Wine of Caruui regulates the menstrual flow^. JUST RECEIVED! A . LOT OF Lowney's Candies Chocolates and Bonbons AT THE UP-TO-DATE GROCERY OF Jerome Bowen^ DEALER IX-^ Staple and Fancy gi-:roce:s,xes. Anything yon want in the GROCER V LINE call to see JEROME BOWEN, ELM CITY N. C, MAIN STEET, Sunday School, 10 a. m. Pridgen, Superintendent. JEl’ISf OVATj Rev. Cary Gamble, Pastor. Services every Monday night at 7:15. will be assured. Had a Ten Penriy Nail flhrough His Hand. While opening a box, J. o. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand. “I thought at once of all the pai" and soreness this would cause me,'’ he says, ‘and immediate ly applied chamberlain’s Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were «oon healed.”* For sale by Jno. L Bailey ^ CO, HON. CLAUDE KITCHIX. On last Saturday evening a larjre number of citizens at this and ad joining townships availed them selves of the opportunity to hear a fair, able, strong and lucid presen tation of Democratic principles, and of the opposition the Democratic party on the absorbingly interesting and vital issues before the people in this campaign, by our eloquent and able- young congressman from the second district, Hon. Claude Kitchin of Halifax county, who was very fittingly introduced to his hearers by Mr. Geo. A. Connor, Chairman our Democratic Ex. Com. True to his reputation, Mr. Kitch in spared not the Republican party, nor its allies by whatever name known in his denunciation of pres ent policies and tendencies as championed by that party,' and showed that for its broken promise to the people it deserved naught but their righteous indignation. In a most masterly manner did he arraign the Republican party for giving encouragement, care and protection to those monster evils of today, renown as “trusts and mon opolies,” and in return for all this, for receiving from these self-same oppressors of the people ‘>ncour- agement, care and protection” in the nature and substance of “campaign boodle and corruption fund.” He showed that although President Mc Kinley had denounced them in his natui-al address, and in four differ ent messages to Congress, that naught had been undertaken and accomplished to check their at tempted and onward march to enslave and oppress mankind and that more trusts had been formed since McKinley’s first inauguraiion than in the whole history of the country previous thereto. The trusts declared, rep-ulate the prices of their products with the assistance of a Republican protective tariff to the advantage of the foreigner and to the great disadvantage and injus- LODQES * TOlSXor I.OIiGti, .VO. V.os, .1. A. 3T Meets every second ani fourth 3ionday nights. Ofiicers for the ensuing year: t‘ "Worshipful Master. J. W . Hays, Senior Warden. S. . Andrew.*?, Junior Warden. Theo. B. W^instead, Senior Deacon. Iredell Williams, Junior Deacon. ■ E. O. McGowan. Treasurer. J. A. Bridgei-s, Secretary. CrXTHyxiAT^ JMIPGK, SO. VG, J O O /' Meets every Thursday night at S o’clock. Omcers for the ' term: Iredell Williams, N. G. S. W. Andrews, V. G. ^ Theo. B. Winstead, Rec. and Fin. .becrefary. E. 0. McGowan, Treas. Members of the Order always re ceive a brotherly welcome. Xightly Locilcd From 1 Nervous Spasms. Physicians CovAd No'i Prevent Fits. Dr. Miles* Nervine Cured My lYife, ^ , P/-. lias been s’jccessf’iljy tned m thousands of cases of nervous disor- Dec. 22, lOfll.! ders,bi!tnevcr:li.isitmrieabctlerr'coniti-an hen used in the treatm-jnt rf r spisn:;. |„ Weldr'll 11 Ar Mt. 1 (Condensed Schedule.) TRAIXS Gonco .SOUTH. Dated Thousands of testimonials pmve tiiis, and -n nearly every in.stance the writer has str.ted that tha i ts ceased .liter the first dnseoi yine was C 'eu. Tha siatcir.ant is reoeated in tne foilowing:: _ “if.even years ago my wife commenced navinsr spasris or flis and 1 craiec] in my home i>hvsician and he said ?ha was para lyzed. Ife rubbed her with salt wafer and •TNO. L. BAILEY, Presii>e?;t. E. O. McGOWAN, CA«HiEi Established J898. Paid Up Capital $10,000. We .soijeit the accounts of the public generally and offer every accoa ■noilation consistent with safe banking. SAFSTY LOCH BOXES FOR REKT Wo tl.aiik tile rul.Jic for tiieir buaintM ir the past »nd iiope to merii heir iOTifi lence in the future. Si A RIDE IN THE OPEN For ileaJth, ¥or Ple(tHnve, Foy Bus hi ess. it £l Lv .nrrioro j2 22 gave her calomel and yhe evcnlu-lly pot SOTD'- better, but in a short time she had I Lv pother attack. She was crntlned to her '' • Lv Rocky 2It 1 O.') 11 0::! 7 12 .')2 ^to 1 S 311 2 40 bed for three mouths ar.d the doctor'coufd ^ Scjma j 2 i)5|ll ;'i9' not help her. She had fits frequtntiv, some i L.V Fav’vilje , 4 ;'0i 1 20' times very Mvere. Her hands would crAnp I Ar Florence I 7 3y 3 ‘»0 so we cculd not open thein and she tinaWy j j ^ -tJj lockcd. rot so her jaws woii.d l.cco— ^ , Finally I saw the doctor was doi:;(r her no ' Goldsboro; wd and ordered a bottle of Dr. M~i;es’ Re- | Lv “ „ cu M;jgnolia' Ar Wilmin'n ensuing TOWN OFFICERS J. W. Peacock, Mayor. O. J. Harrison, pro teni. M. L. Waters, ^ J. L. Farmer, | Winstead, [- Commissioners. W. G. Sharp, | W. H. Pridgen, J W. E. Batts, Treasurer. W. H. Pridgen, Clerk. Jerome Bowen, Chief of Police. ti96 of our citizens — requiring us to pay from 25 to 50 per cent more for the same article made by the same trust than is paid in foreign markets. Then he took the Republicans to for their imperialistic tenden- I declared that the slauRhter j Of Fihpmos could never be justified [l, Bailey & Goes Like Hot Cakes. -I'he fastest selling artielo I have in ray store,”is Dr. Klu^rs New Dis covery for ConKamption, Coughs and Colds, because it always cur«s. In my six years of eales it has never failed. I have known it to save suf ferers from throat and Lung diseas es, who could get no help from doc tors or any other remedy.” Mothers rely on it, best physicians prescribe it, and gua.iantee satisfaction or re fund price. Trial bottles free. Reg ular sizes, 50c and $1 at Jno. L. iiailey & Co. stcrative Nervine. She received so much benefit from the first bottle that I pot some more. She has taken a nuni!>er of bottles but has never had a tit since takin? the first (lo.«e. She also thinks verv hisjlily of Dr Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills and is never without them. If there is any wav of mak- infT this testimonial stron^ci do so because of the good the Dr. Miles Re';t.>ra*:ve Ner\'- !nv wife.”—\Vm. Y. Aluen, P. M., lilkvillc. Miss, ‘^,7?2:i;'ts sell and guarantee first bot tle Ur. Miles Remedies. Send for free book on Ne^ous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. 9 20 traixs going XORTH. Tjorr t«c. RIDS BICYCLE Dctvsftn. TmiAB tho alRiUlNGsIAM Rule of today: Do others do you. or they’ll SPECIAL_OFFER ! TWO PAPEIIS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Young Peopk^s ^ Weekly and : The Elevator : Both Papers ior $1.00 OUR SPECIAL OFFER Arrangements have been perfected between the publishers of YOUNG PEOPLE’S WEEKLY and THE ELEVATOR PRINTING COM PaNY which enables us to offer both paper at the price of the last named alone. Send us .$1 for a year’s subscription to both. Jan.15, 1902. Lv Florence A M 10 0 Fayettc’lleil2 4! ‘* Soi’na Ar Wilson Lv Wilni'toUj “ IMagnolial “ Goldsborol “ Wilson Ar Rocky Alt “ Tarboro Lv Tarboro Lv Rooky 3It Ar Weldon 2 10 2 57 P M 2 35 3 30 2 31 3 ;30 4 53 P M 1 7 35 S 20 9 9 34 _ !" PM 8 05 10 09j 11 2;- 12 07 A M 9 30 11 05 12 20 P 51 11 34i 1 IS 12 10 12 43 1 37 A M 1 53 His Life In Peril. “I just seemed to have gone all to pieces,” writes Alfred Bee, of Wel fare, Tex., “billiousness and a lame back had made life a burden. I -.ouldn’t eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bitter, but they work ed wonders. Now I sleep like a top can eat anything, have gained in strength and enjoy hard work.” They give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, run-down peo- Try them. Only 50c at Jno ■’ ''Co. LIVES SAVSD -.EY T7SINS... Dr,Ri0|’s|af Olasovsrjf, CoGsnmption, Ceoghs aiid Colds By AU Othe? Taroat And liBug Bemedi2g CnmhiTied. This wnderful medicine positivelv Train on the Scotland Neck Branch road leaves Weldon 3 15 p m Halifas 3 29 p m Arrives Scotland Neck 4 10 p zn Groenvilla 5 47 n m Kinston 6 4.") Heturtiiug leaves Kinston 7 30 a in Greenville 8.30a m arriving Halifas at li. Ot> a m W eldoii 1120 daily excei»t Sunday. Trains on Washington branch ivi.-vd leave Washington 8 a m and 2 4.". p m arri\ing Parniele 8 55 a m and 4 u m Returning leave Pannele 11 10 a m and 5 22 p m dr.ily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro daiiy except Sunday 4 35 p m, Sunday 4 35 p m arrives Plymouth G 35 p m, 6 35 p m leturning Lv Plymouth daily except Sunday 7 30 a m, Sunday 9am Ar Tarboro 9 55 a m, 11 a m. Train on Midland Branch leavr;s Goldsboro daily except Sunday 5am, arrives Smithtield 6 10 a m Returning leaves Smithfield 7 a m, arrives at Goldsboro S 25 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mt at 9 30 a m and 4pm Arrives Nashville 10 20 a m and 4 23 pm. Returning Lv Spring Hope at 11 29 a m and 5 15 p m, Nashville 11 45 am and 5 45 pm, airive Rockv I Mt 12 10 a m and-620 p ni Dailv except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Vk'arsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday 1140 a m and 415 p ni Returning Lv Clinton G 45 a m and 50 p in. • COLUMBIA $40-00 to sSo.oo MONARCH $25.00 to $65-00 THE : 1902 MODELS : : BRISTLE WITH NEW IDEAS CilL A1 mBISR: A COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. For sale by V. C. LANGLEY. bnn ~5rc:>T=?.~tg- Ortk ^ At%d I Observe vicn j Hi.-ioaj’c.'sent * meet of tli2 ): ired IT,'r^,vy. 'u; •lest Liit dasT^n. R.YE.TAB” WHisKey Bea.ns. >SYDMOR hundle:y. Richmond, - _ C a Q) y I.J^ 3 Bronei^tiS, /^hma. Pneumonia, Ka» *” • -o i i Fever.Weurjsy, LaGrippe, Hoawenes^ ! , makes close connection at “P Whooping ! for all points North dailv. Cough. NO CURE. MO PAY. j Richmond also at RoclJ rrioe 50c. &$l. Tritl Bottle Prea.' Caroima Road FOR SALE BY I N orfolk daily and all points North via Norfolk. H. M. Emerson, Gen. Pas’uff’r Agt. J. R. Kenly, Gen. Mgr. T, ENmsQHj Tr^mv Mgr. Jno. L. Bailey & Co. THE GREATEST STOCK OF ... . -FINE AND MEDIUM furnoture -IN THE SOUTH Correspondence Solicited. 709,711,713 E. Broad St., RICHMONO, - VA Comething absolutely ^ new and with which we have expeVimenteil for years. One Bean makes one glass Artificial Whis- key (Rye or Bourbon); six Beans to the pint. Just the thing for trav elers, and convenient for picnics, excursions, etc. Contains all the vir tue of the best whiskey without the deleterious effect. Made from the pure vegetable matter, and guaranteed to con tain no poisonous or narcotic drugs of any description. If a beverage is not desired, a Bean may be taken in the mouth without water, and the most exhilerating ef feet will be experienced eOJf OF /2 BEAN& 30 CENTS. The Beans retail at 10c each, and can be procured from any drugj^ists, fancy gro- er, or first-class bar. One box sent pcstpald on receipt OT 50 cenis Ginseng Distillinjr Co. Disilirs of Rye ond Bourbon Wiskies SU LfOtixs, - - Mo WB PBIM’T ANYTHING Frpm a Visiting card to a BOOK.