THE , City ■ Elevator fjtaadiflnal g. Cr. MOOEE,^iciAK Avo Surgeon, , - - N. c. ClT'!’ ttu' Drug Store. B. F. BARNES SURGEON, opposite ^ »-i'-”depot_^3 city, n. c. CHKAK'^- H. d.. piiysiei.111 ami Sursreon. CITV, - - ' - : stt'l'*’- N. C. p^v. David'P>ELii, Kale’Hi. Enfield, j, X. Kakxhill, Elta City. •iY. BELL & BARXIIILL, V ^Ttorneys-at-ilia-w, EI.M stute anu federal courts. ^ ^ £. 0. KcCaO^’^A.N, *MERCHANBI^E ^ ^ iJiR.OM.ErR, £kT City9 Ba. ^ ^7 ^ Qe&. ’Sastcm, ■a CITY. N. CAR. EiU'ia'-' served the people of Elm City for 23 y^-ars in the barber busi ness, Geo. Liastnn needs no introduc tion to the pec^ile. His haircuts are filesaut and ■•shaves delightful. roi]sori2.1 Artist, ELM CITY, - N. C. A first class ba#ber suop, easy chairs, sharp razors, clean towels (rive ICO a call, over Batts & Wil- hams' store. IVinstead’s Hotel. :HRS. COK^’ELIA WINSTEAD, Pp.OfHIETRESS, ELM CITY, , . N. C. PERSCaSTAL RATION Mr. J. Fred Carter was in Wilson Tuesday. Mr. G. A. Barnes went to Wilson Tuesday. Dr. Chas. Bairou was in town Saturday. Mrs. T. B. Winstead was in Rocky Mt. Friday. Mr. Chas. Dawes was in Rocky Mt. Frida7. Mr. W. H. Langley were in Wilson Wednesday. R. T. Barnhill was in Wilson Wednesday. A. J. Rowland was in Rocky ,Mt. Wednesday. Miss Ida Warren returned Monday from Conetoe. Mr. J. D. Gold, ot Wilson, was in town Saturday. ■ Mr. Joe Rollins passed through here Wednesday. , Capt. W. L. Grimmer went to Wilson Wednesday. iMrs. W. P. Mercer returned Sat urday from Baltimore. ilrs. A. Barues came Tuesday to visit Mrs. C. L, Perry. Miss Vicie Edwards came Friday to visit Mrs. J. H. Dixon. Mr. Peter Jones was here Satur day from Temperance Hall. Pauline Batts and Jessie Brothers went to Wilson Friday. Messrs. Clarence Farmer and T. B. Johns spent Saturday iu Wilson. WaTJe Hi(^k!?f of Green county, was visiting heie Sundaj- and Monday. Miss Ellie Braswell was here this week visiting her sister Mrs. Graham Cobb. Harry T. Carter, Joe Thomell and J. H. Dixon went to Rocky Mount Monday. Misses Elsie Griffin and Lucy Edwards retuvued Saturday from Wilson. Mrs R. H, Morris went to Law rence Saturday to visit her daugh ter, Miss Dorothy, who is attending school there. Mrs. L. A. Vincent left Saturday for a visit to relatives iu Washing ton, N. C.. and Braddock, Penn. Misses Alice and Minnie Batts, two very handsorao and attractire young ladies from Town Creek were in town Wednesday. Messrs. T. B. Winstead, G. A. Barnes and J. D. Dawes went to Nashville Friday to attend the Sen atorial Convention. Dr. B. Cheers, W. H. White and Rev, R. D. Carroll left Monday for ashingrou to attend the Tar River Baptist Association. Short Locals Centrally located. Conveuient to the depot and busi ness part of town. Table supplied with the best the Harket affords. = ?1.00 to $1.50 per day. $10.00 to $15 00 per mouth. fisy^^cE If your Dwelling, Store, Stock of Merohandise or Furniture is not pro tected from fn-e call on E. 0. McGOWAN tor rates, etc. Only the best policies .^."W.Pippen Blaahsniith and Wood Shop Buggies Repaired H0P,SESH0EIJ^3 SPEeiy\LTY AT SHOP NEXT TO J. L. BAIL^ J ’.ST. I YEll r S TA Bis E Wilbanks Items. Wilbaaka, N. C., Oct. 8.—Apopla^ leaf moccasin bit Miss Cora Stancil last Friday, in three places on the foot. She has been very sick since bitten. Mr. B. H. Gardner has been very sick for the past two weeks. Miss Mamie Bridgers returned home ^londay from a visit to rela tives. Mr. Chas. Bridgers, of Edgecombe formerly of wilson county, died Saturday night of Typhoid Fever. The remains were interred at the Forbes burying ground Sunday. He leaves a wife and two eh’Idren and many friends to mourn their loss. Major paid a flying visit to wilson Thursday. Mr. J. T. Winstead and Mat Wil banks estimated the tobacco that passed our town yesterday at t\senty thousand pounds. Mr. Darden of Davis and Win stead’s machine shops, wilson, is repairing the boiler of the old Bridgers Mill. cont rains are improving oar gardens and potato cops, Messrs. w. R. Robbins and Fred Howard went to wilson Thursday. Majob. m OeMreicher's ■’WIT HATS ^ Out Of Death’s Jaws. “When death seemed very near a severe stomach and liver trouble, that I had suffered with for years,” writes P. ftluse, Durham N. C., “Dr. Kings New Life Pills saved my life and gaye perfect health.” Best pill on earth and only 25c at Jno L, Bai ley & Co. Whitaker Items. Whitakers, N. C., October 8.—Mr. T. L. Brow'iy was in town last Fri day and Saturday. Mr. J, K. Boon is here with Max Bloom this week. Miss Annie Sledge went to Tarboro Saturday and returned Sunday. Mr. J. Dunn went to Enfleld Sun day. Mr. Louis Cuthrell of Enfield, was here Sunday. Rev. Tyndall, of wilson, filled his appointment at Bethany church Sunday: Mr. .T. F. Twisdaie was in town Monday. Mr. Joe whitley is on the sick list this week. Mrs. J. Overstreet is very sick this week. Tiiere were services at the Baptist church Sunday and at night. R. A. \v. We are agents for Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Steel Stamps, Brass and Aluminum Cheeks, —Elevator Printing Co. COTTON BAGCIi^G hUB TIES Jno, Co*s. Bring your Job Printing here. We guarantee to please. Elevator Ptg. Co. Can we print? You can give us a trial and will convince you that we can. Pure Home Made Vinegar—two years old. For sale by W. H. Dixon. 2t 10 10. It is rumored that a certain young couple in our town are to be married soon. No names are to be mentioned. Mr. William Parker has accepted a position with the A. C. L. at this place as bill clerk. He is an old hand at the business and we hope he will like his position. Our job printer, Mr, W. R. Pad gett, one of the finest in the Eastern part of the State, is the one to do your printing if you are looking for a neat job, and want it promptly done. Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in wilson on the 20th and 21st days of Oct.— Monday and Tuesday at the Briggs Hotel for. the purpose of treating diseases of the eye and fitting glasses 2t9 10 The ever wide awake Mr. Jno. L. Bailey is having the Elm City Bank greatly improved in appearance by a new coat of paint which is being applied by the skilled and artistic painter, Mr. W. L. Anderson, As usual quite a large number of Elm City teachers attended the County. Teaichers’ Assembly which met Saturday in Wilson. Among the number were: Misses Sallie Barnes, Bertha Pridgen, Mahala Griffin and Profs Cameron and Hays. Mrs. L. E. Watson, of Smithfield, who recently lost her little daughter with Typhoid Fever came Thursday to bring her other and only child who is quite sick with fever. They' went to the home of her mother, Mrs. T. B. Watson, hoping the change would benefit the child. She was accom panied to Elm City by her family physician. Dr.-Hooks, of Smithfield. Regi&terl HONOR ROLL. The following pupils of the Elm Citj' Academy are on Roll of Honor this week: Donley Friar, Marie Griffin, Lucile Moore, Lillie Watson, Lewis Winstead, George Winstead, Johnnie Wells, Gideon Boykin, Lilia Winstead, Mary McGowan, Ivey Pridgen, Bertis Adams, Mary Hales, Belle Bobbins, Ocie Sharp, Lizzie Bass, Edgar Brinkley, Lena Hcirrison, Luna Jordan, Luther Jordan, Gladys Winstead, Jesse Winstead, Elsie Langley, william Langley, Lucy Edwards, Lettie Winstead, Arthur Batts, Katie Wells, Ethel Land, Eliza Winstead, Barney Winstead. Winnie Barkley, Clarence Farmer, Doretha Farmer, Chris Taylor, Fannie Vick, Jack Briakley, Effie Page, Walter Grumpier, William Winstead, Hattie Cobb, Mattie Lee Dixon, Emma Harrison, Stella Walters, Viola Dixon, Sudie Winstead, Luther Williams, Laura ward, Mollie Tans, Catharine wells. Mamie Winstead. Stella Winstead, ida williams, Minoie Cobb, ''Dependable Store'' Simple Sfruth, We might explode a lot of strange language in this • advertisement and perhaps attract more attention like a small boy with a firecracker, we choose however to tell you the simple truth in our own plain way, because we seek your confidence as well as your attention. ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, • Octobcr 15 and 16 We Offer: 2000 vds ot STANDARD QUALITY of 7c APRON GINGHAM at 2.000 yds of 10c nnd oc embroideries to be sold at- f 0 y ^ 1.000 j'ds of Fruit of the Loom yd wide.BLEACH 10 yards to a customer at ^ ^ yjl^ 100 PAIRS ^•^$1.00, $150 LADIES FINE KID m GLOVES AT ^ave Oestreieher, Wilson, N. C. NasH Street* ^ ^ Sold on an absolute GUARANTCS to -''b—P L. E/|l S E or Money^ Reftinded. For sale by 0. Marrison & Co. Main Street, When you wake un with a bad taste in your mouth, go at once to f)jo. L. Bailey & Co and get a free .s.uuiple of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will rnake you Avell. They also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. R ESOLUTIONS. Centennial Lodge, No. 9G, I. 0. 0. F. Whereas, the hand of affliction has been laid heavily upon our brother, C. L. Perrj' and his estimable wife in tho death of their little daughter Lillie May, and by this sore bereave ment a shadow has fallen upon their home and they mourn for the treas ure that has been taken from them, therefore be it Resolved, That we extend to them our sincerest sympathy and condole with them in the dispensation Avith which it has pleased Divine Provi dence to afflict them, and point them for consolation to Him who said: “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” 2nd, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the bereaved family, a copy sent to the Elm City Eleva tor for publication, and a copy be spread on the minutes of our Lodge. Respectfullj’ submitted by E. O. McGowan, 1 T. B. Win stead, > Committee A. B. Camekon. ) Get a free sample of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets at Jno. L. Bailey & Co’s, store. They are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pills. Then their is not followed by constipation as is often the case with pills. Regular size, 25c per box. IS YELLOW POiSOfI in your blood ? Physicians call it rialarial Germ. It can be seen clianging red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night, Fik'st, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and v/orthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come l^ter on, Roberts* Tonic will cure you then—but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The ounufac- turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts* Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent ai^d cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria, it has cured thous ands—It will cure you, or your money back. This la fair. Try It. Price 25 cents. For s«le by .7. X. Bitiley&Co. £.lm City, N. C. A REMARKABLE OFFER. The attention of our readers is directed to the announcement in this issue of special clubbing rates of Young People’s Weekly, the best papei of its class published in America. Our arrangements are exclusive, and on terms that enable us to offer that paper and the Elevator for the price of a single subscription to this paper alone. Our readers will surely appreciate this very liberal offer, and we invite them to make it known to such of their friends as are not already subseribers. Two papers for the price of one is an induce ment seldom offered, especially when either is well worth the price asked for both. All subscriptions accompanied by the cash should be sent to this office. W. D. ROUNTREE & CO, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, EXCHANGE BUILDING. FRONT STREET. NORFOLK, VA CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. wmm I®® CALL OR WRITE g^levator printing (^ompV ELM CITY. N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL HOLS ITS 42ND STATE FAIR, At RALEIGH Oct. 27 to Nov, i By the donation of $1,500 from State Agricultural Department to Iw awarded to best Farm Products, Field Crop, Live Stock and Horticaltare, the Society is able to offer nearly $8,000 in Premiums. This is the most liberal Premium List ever presented to our people. Send for it, and fuH information. Great display of the Fruits of the State, surpassing anythin*? heretofom shown under Secretary T. K, Bruner. Finest Horses, Cattle, She^. Swine. Beautiful Exhibit of Poultry. Trials of Speed by the finest Southern Horses. The Midway will contain many interesting exhibitions, but positively nothing offensive. Low rates on railroad. All are invited to exhioit free entry charges. Come and carry off premiam. Address thft Secretary, J. E. Pogue, Raleigh, N. C. for particulars. HON. J, A. LONG, President. J. E. POGtJE, Secretary. C. B. DENSON, Treasurer. He Learned a Great Truth. It is .said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley: “Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?” “John We.s- ley, because once telling is not enough.” It is for tbi.= same reason that you are told again and again that chamberlain’s cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that it coun teracts any tendency of these dis ease to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Jno. L. Bailey & Co. America’s Famous Beauties Look with horror on Skin erup tions, Blotches, Sores and Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Ecze ma or Salt Rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands: chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Jno. L. Bailey & Co. Register! R,ead our New Offer on 2nd page. Whitsett Institute, Whitsett, N-j C., has the best opening in its his- ^ tory. Last year 250 students were 1 enrolled, and it is e?cpected that the enrollment will reach 300 this year. | This .school makes a special point of: furnishing situations to its gradu ates. Expenses .are v(*ry low and j there are a number of free scholar- ■ ships now open. If you think of going to school this year you should write at once to the President, W. T. Whitsett, Ph. D. for further par ticulars. 0 0 L D D D O O T ® “PV oL/t) lL dL/d 0 0 L L L D D D PAPERS FOR SALE HERE Do Good—It Pays. A Chicago man has observed that good deeds are better than real es state deeds—some ot the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping hand. You cannot possibly lose by it.” Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help. There are persons in tbis community who might trath- fully say: “My good friendn cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain’s cough Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger what ever from pneumonia when yon use that medicine. It always cures. X know it for it has helped me out many a time.” Sold by Jno. L. Bailey & Co. 20 Cents P£R HTTNDRED You will have to huny or you will get left. —CALL AT- THE ELEVATOR —ir'rinting Oflfce.—^

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