tlM most wild and nnjustl- fmhUr 0t all tbe crude beliefs respect- ioarces Is that whidi the convictioa tliat by going deep tmoagh the drill is sore to find Hi indue, na matter at wbat pcriBt tlw vork of imring is commenc ed. Then are namemns vise persons in vftsrj commmtity, estimable, influ- catial and in the highest degree pub lic a^itnA. who are convinced tliat the qatstkm, tor example, of finding fa special locality is simply a matter ef the depth to which the ex* ploratioBS are carried. Rock oil and natnral gas are recognizcd as desirable products la every progressiTe com- nurattT. a>4 every sack commnnity persons, in cither respects in- telHgent. who are ready to stake their own fbrtane and that of their nearest frieads am the beHef that oil and gas are everywhere tmderneath the sur face. that their sources can be tap^ with the drni, providing only there *■ sajffiileKt capital to keep up the piaceas of drilling long enough. They were tossing about on the wild restless ocean in a small, opea boat, at least 100 feet from the He was stmgsling manfully to bttttJe with the surging waves and to poll for the shore; she was sitting in a bcap fa the stem of the frail barQue, iiidding on like grim death, ai«i BMsitally vowing that she would never again be tempted by her lover's daring: 9irit to venture so far from land. “I bzKnr we shall go over,” she shrieked, as the boat gave another Varch. “Oh, Oeorge. try and manage "I wrst," replied he, firmly. “I could get alonK splendidly If the waves did not make it so all ways at once. Don’t be afraid. &iralt. We’re getting near er, areat we?* ''A UttlcL Oh. 3eorge, what shall we do if the boat is lost?” yva worry yourself about fhat, niy dear.** said George, soothing ly. “Yoa mnatnt worry yourself alwot other people’s oiislness. It isn’t oar beat." And be ooatinned his fight with the emel, lemorseJesa waves. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL A $300,000 Finishing Plant. Last February the Manufacturers Record announced particulars concern ing the extensive finishing plant to be eetablished by H. N. Wheat, president of Oaffney Manufacturing Co., and his associates at Gaffney, S. C. The con- slrnction work has since been in prog ress, and will be pushed steadily to completion. Nicholas Ittner of Atlanta, 6a., being contractor for the main building, a 100x350-foot structure. It has been decided that the Gaffney Manufacturing Co. will own and ope rate the new plant, and its capital stock during the past week was in creased from 1800,000 to $1,000,000 in order to pay for the plant. As was stat ed previously, this plant will contain equipment for bleaching yams and piece goods, dyeing yams, warps and piece goods, printing piece groods, and for washing, soaping, tenteriag, calen derlng and finishing cotton goods by the various processes In use. The GafC- ney Manufacturing Cot operates 67,040 spindles and 1400 looms cn plain print cloth, and when the finishing plant ia completed will change its product to fancy dobby weaves, dress goods, waistings, etc.. In accordance with an nouncement made last February. Messrs. Lockwood, Green & Co., ol Boston are architects and engineers for this finishing plant. England’s Ugliest Man. Two Bttle American girls went Into Che dnkwing room while an English- mas oi astoanding ngliness was call ing npoB their mother. They advanced hand in band and stood regarding the Tisltor with an expression of mute ize. ehUdren,” said the mother, '^and let me present you to Ur. Jone*.” The children did not budge. Instead, »e of them exclaimed; “Not we don*t want to meet Mr. Jonea. Be is the ngliest man we have ever aeen.'* Hkving delivered this opinion, the cliUd tamed and, dragging her sister after her. ran from the room. The Englialunaa remained calm, while the children’s mother, endeavoring to overemaB her embarrassment, said: “O, Mr. Jones, they did not mean it the %ay you thought they did.” "O, yes. they did,” retorted Mr. Jomeau bursting into a hearty laugh. “I am the ugliest person that God ever allowed to be made.”—New York Millions of Buffaloes. In 1868 bunaa, Sheridan and Cus ter rode conthnumEly for three days throu^ one herd in the Arkansas regioD, and in 1B69 trains on the Kan sas Vattafic were h^eld from 9 in the naming imtil £ at night to permit it^e passage of one herd across the bracks. Army officers relate that in 1862 a berd that covered an area of 70XC3O miles moved north from the Arkaiisas to the Yellowstone. Catlin and Innrant and army men and em ployes the fnr companies consid- tared a drore of 100,000 buffalo a com mon along the Mne of the Santa Fe tiaiL Inman computes that fi'om St. IrOBla alone the bones of 31,000,- 6&tk boSalo were shipped between 1868 and 18S1.—Jo|y ’Otrtlng. Plans For 8o,ooo Spindles. The Manufacturers’ Record announc ed last week particulars regarding con tract awarded by the Dan River Power & Manufacturing Co., for the construc tion of a $300,000 dam and power-houso on the Dan river near Danville, Va. The contractors—the J. W. Bishop Company of Providence and Boston— are now preparing to proceed with the work, and will push it to completion as rapidly as possible. The Dan River corporation has now about decided as to the character and extent of the cot ton-manufacturing plant to be built in connection with these water-power de- velopmenU. It contemplates building for 80,000 spindles, with looms and other machinery in proportion, but has not definitely determined as to the character of goods to be produced. A $53,000 Improvement. The stockholders of the J. M. Odell Manufacturing Co. of Bynum, N. C., held their semi-annual me*-ting last week. Improvements were decided upon to require an expenditure of about 552,000, and new stock for that amount will be issued. The capital thereby In creased from $58,000 to $110,000. The betterments will be mainly the instal lation of 150 looms (so that the com pany can manufacture Into cloth the product of yarn from Its 6,000 .spindles) and the construction of a new dam ten feet high to replace the present four- foot dam. W. L. London of Pittsboro. N. C., was elected secretary and general manager to succeed Clarence P. Emory lately deceased. iVo Hair? hair was falling out very fast and 1 «:as jgteatly alarmed. I tried Aycs-’s Hair Vigor and mj stopped falling at once.”— Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. If the gray hsirs are beginning to sliov, Ayers Hair Vigor will restore color every tSSBS. SLN a MQc All Ix cannot supply you, os d(#iiar &iil wc will express id w/er ^5:v»rcsa oftio vethe Adtircss J, CO.. LowgI1« Mass i list’s what you need; some- tliifsg lo cure your bilious- Bcss- You reed Ayer’s Pills. WaiEi jwsT monstachc or beard a Isrcvn or rich black? Use iBeKngiiam’sDye P Hal!IiCo., Nashua,N.H Of KEHTUCXr UmVFflSITt, —UUUMSTOS, KT. BdM mi* at Bxporitlsa. pSiMlilN S WIZARD OIL ULCERS' Textile Notes. Anderson (S. C.) Cotton Mills held Its annual stockholders’ meeting last the usual annual dividend of 8 per cent. This action was ibnnt^^if fact that K ^J’/ company’s machinery has been idle since last spring because Ol the destruction of the dam that had been furnishing power. This dam is hawever, about rebuilt and the mills’ J o' spindls and 1,864 looms will be In operation next month. Tennessee Woolen Mills Co. of Me- Minnvllle, Tenn.. rejvorted last week as about $3,000 to put in condition'for operation the plant it acquired. 'The work is now in progress, and manufacturing is ex pected to begin next month. All the machinery and supplies needed have been purchased. The ccnnpany la capitalized at $30,000. M. T. Bass has veen elected secretary and treasurer. Mention was made last week of a re port stating that Thos. Hirst of Vine- •^d N. J., was looking for a site at Petersburg, Va., to establish a rug factory. The report has been conflrir- cd, and Mr. Hirst intends to establish such a plant If he can ootain a suitable location. Mr. Hirst Is connected with the Hirst Smyrna Manufacturing Co. operating a plant of 300 looms ai land and capitalized at |260,000. •naesBrs. n. is. iiries ana Tnomas 1 Maslm have purchased the Twin City Knitting Mills at Winston-Salem, N. C., and will organize company to con tinue its operation. The plant baa been in the hands of a receiver for Eome time. It has twenty-four knit ting machines, uses electric power, manufactures underwear and dyes its own product. It is reported that the Liberty Silk Mills Co. of Paterson, N. J., will build a large branch mill at Norfolk. Va. A movement is on foot for the es£ab- lishment of a cotton mill at Marshan, N. C. Local investors have subscribed $28,000, and a proposition from a North Carolina manufacturer to fur nish additional capital is now being considered. Messrs. Chas. B. Mash- burn, J. J. Redmon and J. R. Swann are a committee in charge. *' The Victor Cotton Mills of Charlotte, N. C., will meet, as was stated last week, on September 29 to consider plans for enlarging the plant. This will be a special me&cing of stockhold ers to consider the erection of a weave shed and the Installation of 400 looms. It is understood that the improvements will be voted. It is rumored that J. L. Erwin, of Newport, Tenn., and associates will es tablish a cotton mill at Murphy, N. C. Koyal Bag & Yarn Manufacttfflnft Co.. Charleston, S. C.. will build and equip a schoolhouse and tender in structions free of charge to the child ren of its operatives. This company Just completed several months ago Its $225,000 ' plant for spinning yarns, weaving bag cloth aad manufacturing seamless bags. In referring to the report mentioned last week that the Lane Mills of New Orleans intended to add a 20,000-spIn- dle plant, the company states: "The announcement is somewhat premature, nd we are not ready as yet to give any information.” Tl le propose'd to organize company to establish a mill for knitting under wear at Tryon. N. a Messrs. T. J. Ballenger, Dr. Grady and others are in terested. Messrs. T. H. Carmine, J. H. Hudson, D. E. Wetherby, I. F. Faison and oth ers of Faison, N. C., propose the or ganization of a stock company to build a cotton mill. Messrs. H. S. Hale and W. S. Cook of Mayfield, Ky., are parties mentioned last week as having purchased the Mayfield Woolen Mills. They intend to put the plant in proper eoadition and operate. ATTACK ON LINCOLNTON JAIL Infuriated JHob Attempts to Lyock a Negro For Criminal Assault. Lincolnton, Special.—^As the result of considerable talk of lynching here since the preliminary hearing of Calvin Elliott, colored, for an assault upon Mrs. Caleb Brown, a crowd broke into the Jail about 2 o’clock Sun day morning and tried to batter down the doors, but failed and dispersed without getting the negro. Judge Hoke wired the Governor to call a special term of court for the trial of the negro and the latter replied that he would do so at once. Since the trial last Monday of Elliott for the assault on Mrs. Caleb Browo the people have been very indignant and freely talked of lynching the ne gro. The negro confessed to being there and was quickly and decidedly identified by Mrs. Brown, who had an opportunity to see the negro in the house, so on Monday night a mob formed and went to the Jail, but were not bold enough to go any farther, and after discussing the matter among themselves disbanded. Every day since there has been more or less talk of lynching and on Wednesday night another crowd of about 25 men ap proached the jail again but did not at tempt to enter. Tbis caused more talk and it seems that each attempt is more determined. Sunday morning about 2 o’clock crowd of about 15 or 20 men marched quietly to the Jail, broke the lock on the front door, then the lock on the door leading up stairs and about 12 men went up while the others watched on the outside. The ones upstairs pro ceeded to use their tools on the steel door which divides the cells from the other part of the Jai! and this proved too much for them. The door Is solid steel and during the time they were willing to stay they accomplished nothing more than to get a small holt through it with a blacksmith’s clever, which helped them very little. During this time the Jailer had slipped ant and was summoning aid and it is sup posed the ones on the outside found this out and gave the alarm, and they law that it would take some time mere to accomplish theid end, so it was abandoned. Had it not been for the great im provement done on our Jail about a year ago in putting In new cells and partitioning them off by a brick wall with a heavy steel door, we would have had a lynching, a thing unknown to Lincolnton's oldest citizens. State News. Greenslioro, Special.—Several prodi- Inent cotton mill men were in con ference here at the Benl>ow, among them being Mr. H. E. Fries, of Wins ton; A. W. Haywood, of Haw River, and L. Banks Holt, of Graham. These gentlemen say the report sent out from Philadelphia some days ago re garding their having perfected a con solidation of all Southern cotton mil.' interests, was unauthorized, prema ture, and misleading, and say that upon the final success of the plans they have in contemplation, they will give authorized announcement. The increase in the value of real and personal property in Rowan coun ty this year is $281414. The total valuation of property is $5,974,329. Greensboro, Special.—Work on the macadan. road from the corporation limits to South Buffalo Creek was completed latrt week. This was on© of the worst roads in the county and the completion of the last two miles stretch to town is a great improve ment and makes a splendid thorough fare out of what had for generations been a public nuisance: Rear Admiral Jouett Dead. Washington, Special.—Rear Admiral James E. Jouett, U. S. N., retired, died at his home. “The Anchorage,” Sandy Springs, Md., at an early hour Thurs day morning. He was bom In Ken tucky and yas appointed in the navy He waa retired in looms at Vine-1 from that State JSgO. A Joint Debate. Lexington, Special.—Col. James Ly ons, the Republican nominee for the Tenth (Virginia) Congressional dis trict, in a letter to a friend in Lex ington informed him that he had re ceived a communication from Hon. H. D. Flood, Democratic nominee for the district and present Congressman, In which a request had been made of him by Congressman Flood for a joint de bate at Lexington next Monday, county court day. Colonel Lyons stated that he had written Mr. Flood and ac quiesced in his request, and that they would hold a joint debate here. Printers Aid Miners. New York. Special.—By unanimius vote. Typographical Union No. 6, of New York, decided to Increarease its weekly contributions to the coal min ers’ strike fund to 2 per cent of the wages of its members, which will make the weekly contribution about $1,800 or $2,000. Money wos contributed by the Central Federated I^bor Union, at Its meeting Sunday. "Some unions assessed their members at the rate of 2 per cent, of their wages. Other unions made lump Bum contributions. Brig. Gen. Sumner, in reporting to General Chaffee, the departure of the second Macin expedition, telegraphs that he hopes to hear that Captain Pershlngs will show the MacIn sul tans the foUy of further opposition. General Sumner sent the sultans a letter by Captain Pershing, warning them against shooting Americans and advising them to be friendly. The gen eral also directed Captain Pershing ndt to attack the natives or destroy property unless the saltans insist on bej[ne hostile. Killed His Son. Nashville, Tenn., Special.—A special to the Banner says John Byrum shot and instantly killed his 20-year-old son In a family row at Mltchelvllle Wed- nesday nig^t. Byrum was whipping his wife and shot when the son sought to protect his mother. Byrum has not been arrested and is thouglit to have escaped into Kmtncky. * SOUTHERN MADE FOR SOUTHERN MA1D5 Ibe Bat Udn' Stw li Inena hr }l.53 TAKE HO SUBSTITUTL ■V WODR DBAliKB DOE* NOT Va biby thbhT a fost a i. rfp CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., nAKERS. LVNCHBURQ, VA. H EADACHE, FEVERISH CONDITIONS • AND COLDS CURED BY O CA.I>Ur>I]NB 2 Sold by all DracKtcCs. M ottoieoitostoatoatoatostoiCoitGieotto ttsnnad C C C. Wever sold ia boflu Bcwan Of tke 4esler wbo tries ts idi ••MBrtUaK jMt as good.** POPE DID NOT WANT HEW GOWNS DIalaaliastloa tm SpMd Mmamr tvm ■to Own OMa. This story is told to Illustrate the pope’s dislike of spending money on himself: The other day Pio Centra, his old and tried personal attendant, opened the discussion while dressing him in the morning, by remarking that his gown was not as new as it might be. “I suppose I have yourr holiness’ permission to order your gowns for the Jubilee?” be added. "What gowns for the Jubilee?" re plied Leo XIII. sharply. “I have three sets already, and certainly require no more. Why should I spend good money for what I do not want?” “But, holy father,’ protested Cen tra, who Imows his master’s weak ness, "supposing some one of the great personages who are received by your holiness should notice a defect such as this (pointing to an invisible spot on one sleeve)? He might think you had put on your old clothes, not considering him worthy of the best.” After a pause Leo XIII. said with a sigh: “Well, perhaps you are right Order them—but only one, mind you; and my poor people will have to go without so much bread. How dread-1 ful to ba obliged to spend so much money on one’s clothes.” CURES RHEUIVIATISM AND CATARRH B. B. B. Cares Deep-Se»t«d Cmm Especial- l7—To Prove It B. B. B. Sent Ptm. These diseases, with aches and pains ia ImhA, joints and back, agonizing pains in alioulder blades, hands, fingers, arms and li0l crippled by rheumatism, lumbago, sci atica, or neuralgia; hawking, spitting,nose bleeding, ringing in the ears, sick stomach, deafness, noises in the head, bad teetb,tbin hot blood, all run down feeling of catarrh are sure signs of an awful poisoned condi tion of the blood. Take Botanic Blood Balm. (B.B.B.) Soon all achcs and pains •top, the poison ia destroyed and a real pesoanent cure is made of the worst rhen- aoatinn or foulest catarrh. Thousands of cases cored by taking B.B.B. It strength en# weak kidneys and improves digestion. Druggisti, $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balu Co, 14 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. A single perfume factory at Cannes tea 300,000 pounds of flower petals ia a A. M. Priest, Dr i)tgist, Shelbyrllle, Ind.. ■ays: “Hall’s Catarrh Care gives the best of satisfaction. Can get plenty of testimonials, as it oures every one who takes it.” Dmg- gists sell it, 78e. The average longevity ia the United States waa 35.2 in 1900. FITS pennamentlv enred.No fits or nervoos- nees after fiist day^s nse of Dr. Kline’s Great NerveBestorer.$Stiial bottle and treatiseftee Dr.B. H. Ku»a, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Phila., Pa. The man who expects bad luck nsnally gets it. H. H. Obkbic’s Soss, of Atlanta, Oa., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. See their liberal offer in advertise ment In another column of this paper. Stockira were firat worn in Italy about 1100 A. IX Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething,8oftenthe gums, reduces inflamma- tlon,allaya paln,oares wind ooUc. 25c. a bottle He who cultivates memory increases his chances of unhappiness. I do not believe Piso’s Cure for Consump tion has an equal for coughs and colds—Johm F. Bona, 'rrinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. He Is most a servant who boasts that he has no master. PuTSAM Fadei-ess Dtes color Si Wool and Cotton at one boiling. 'fhe weather man is seldom greeted with! a storm of applause. | MADE UVINa BY OBAOKIWO WHIPS emgtmm xaad* Dlewvwe* m tko PoUm •( Wrmmtm, The Fnrls police bare recently been Informed by one af the fraternity of whip-crackers that such a calling ex ists anil «»iainia recognition ss one of the "professions” by the exercise of which men earn their livelihood In France. Whlp-craekers, It appears, are men wlM> possess strong wrists and are willing to crack whips all day long, if required, on receipt of a suitable fee. At the commencement of the shooting season, when the proprietors of neigh boring demesnes are not good friends, the one who bears ill-will to the other engages a whip cracker, whose duty it Is to crack a. whip so as to frighten away all the birds at the approach of the disliked sportsman and his friends. The whipcrackers are also found useful by farmers afflicted with dis eased cattle which they cannot selL Having engs^ed a whipcracker, they turn out the sick beasts on the most f^eqyented highway they can find. The cracker Allows with his whip, osten sibly to guide the cattle, really to drive them under the wheela of a car riage, a motor car or a tram. This he does by cracking his whip at the eritical moment so as to frighten the beasts and drive them to destruction. She Was No Gordon Bleu. Several ladies sat in their club a few- evenings ago, discussing the vir tues of their husbands. "Mr. Bingleton,” said one of them, referring to her life partner, “never drinks and never swears—indeed, he has no bad habits!” "Does he ever smoke?** someone asked. "Yes. He likes a cigar just after he has eaten a good meal. But I' sup pose, on an average, he doesn’t smoke more than once a month.” Some of her friends laughed, but •he didn’t 8>eTD to understand why. PE-RO-m MSSAKl TO TBB A Letter From Congressnan White, of North PE-RU-NA IS A HOUSEHOLD SAFEGUARD. No Famny Should Be Without It. PERUNA ia a great faniUy medicine. The women praiae it as well aa the men; it is just the thing for the many little catarrhal ailments of childhood. The folloving testimonuU thank ful men and women tell in direct, sincere language whv.t their sncceaa ^ been in tlie use of Pemna in thzir families: Louis J. Scherrinsky, 103 Locust street, Atlantic. Iowa, writes: "1 will tell you briefly what Peruna ^ dene for roe. I took a severe cold which gave me a hard cough. All doctors’ medi cines failed to cure it. I took one liottle of Peruna and was well. "Then my two children had bad coughs accompanied by gagging. Mv wife had stomach trouble for years. Sbe took Pe- mna and now she is well. “I cannot express my thanks in wqrds, but i recommend your remedy at every opportunity, for 1 can conscientiously say tMt there ia no medicine like Peruna. Kearly every one in this town knew about the sickness of myself and family, and they have seen with astonishment what Peruna has done for us. Many followed our example, and the result was health. Thanking you heartily, I am." — L. J. Scherrinsky. I Mrs. Xannie Wallace, Tulare, Cal., President of the Western Baptist Mis- i sionary Society, writes: I “I consider Peruna an indispensable ar ticle in my medicine chest. It is twenty medicines in one, and has so far cured every sickness that has been in my home for live years. I consider it of special value to weakly women, as it builds up the general health, drives out disease and keeps you'in the bat of health.”—Mrs. Nannie Wallace. Pemna protects the family against roughs, colas, catarrh, bronchitis, catarrh of the stomach, liver and kidneys. It is just as sure td cure a case of catarrh of the bowels aa it is a case of catarrh of the HOX. GEORGE B. ffHrrj Tvb5J^src..“S ter to Dr. Hartman in resard lU of the weat catarrh cure Washington, Feb 4 is» Gentleman—**I a„i more /lerf with Perunn, and eaeeellettt reined;, ior thn 'I catarrh. Ihaveu^eititinnu!^ and ttusy all Join me tttg Uaman exceUent remedy ^ Very reapectjuily^ Oeorge H. I T^ Peruna Medicine Co., Co.uiabn.T Peruna is an internal, scientific J nuc remedy for catarrh. It is pn r tive or temporary remedy; it-jj tk„^ in lU work, and in cleansin* the (W mucous znembrane8 cures the If you do not derive prompt andte.| fcfctory resulU from the use of ^1 write at once to Dr. Hartman full sUtement of your case, and pleased to give you his valuabW gratia. ^ Address Dr. Hartman, President of TlI Hartman Sanitarium. Columbia OiS. I ^ots Qe^r\{lyt ^cts pieawsaj\tl^% ^cts Be^r\eficially; (Vets Irvily Laxdiive^. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acte without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substancc. In Ae proccss of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects—buy the genuine—manufactured by the York.«.y. by »ll. dru^^iats. Price, fiffy cervts per bottle. Any Posttioa.. Is a comfortable one to the woman who wears the . . Royal Worcester or Bon Ton Corsets. Straight front Ease, gr*ce»nd elegance. Ask TOUT dealer to show them to yon Ro|il Wmesttr Conrt Co., Worcester, WmiE FOR CAT. & SPEC3AI UTtS. Situations StClRED for Kimdaatei ortattfon refunded. We pay R.H. Katcl BUSINESS COLLEGES BiRMINGHAM.UA. RICHMOND. VA. HOUSTON, la COLUMBUS, CA- WHY SUFFER. WITH RHEUMATISM, CATARRH, INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY and UVER TROUBLES, BLOOD DISEASES. The Great BLOOD PURIFIER, Will E.f f ect & QuicR and Permanent Cure. It Purifies the Blowd. Nevtrelisesthe Acids.Starts the Kidney* Into He<hT Act^a, and builda up the Nerres aad the £,ntlre System in a sbort tim«. BOBBITT CHEm"al'co°’ ^ ^ ^ OKr.Ti,KMEif:-It|flve8me pleasure to recommend Hhcum^-ide. for the cure of rheumatism^^ time m the ywr 190t J had a severe RHEUMACIDE is for sale by all Druggists, or sent by on receipt of ii c BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO.. •ALTHNORK. Mo. The on AIN aad PEAStJT I *'* others by the qnaa- ■ tity and quaiiry of Im worb, and dombtllty of con»tnictl''n. 1 hr«>o sizra for (team and traad teiSil. C. UeuM&l Asent. Bnrgrn. V* DROPSY 10 OATS’TQEATKNT F8EL ,Ts ffisdo DropCT sad its ctm^ tioB»a sMoialtT nr twra» eaTsvi% tl* aost Bcoess. HaTocarsdmaaTUm*' and cases. ii2.s.B.esisr8Bon, Bos B ^ A Sprli|y-step li “QUEEN BESS” $2.50 SkMS. NEWfENSION UWSnnc 600 Yomo PraetSeal Kallwav lesUtMe. ladlSMvolk^ lad. RHHi^ A year ago last June 1 was trou bled greatly with indigestion after meals. Often upon retiring at niiM I -would be seized with dizziws*’ which often kept me awake for hours. I was recommended to til* Ripans Tabules by one of friends who had himself found for them. I immediately found «■ lief in their use, and have sin« no return of my complain!s. At druggists, rhe Five}ent packet is encucb »r t ordinary occasion. The family botw 60 cents, contains a «iir>r>ly We bnv Bonnty.^ (1 Warrant'. -- M • diers of ti Mextcaa '' entitled, inclndiM Write for The Collins Atlantic Bnilc*» Veterans WaaiiinsioutJ FORMARIA. CHILLS AND FErtl TAKE ELI] UTWrfUfar te*tnoiiiab. IR 6AB$ UST PATENTED!- THOROUml'LV cuW DYSPEPSIAand INDIGESP WoHuwoadm. Sodletlii*. ' erer. Uaad tkiwe mtontea dally It ^U dnoBtkeilMof Om DOLV^PO.CO.. TbMHMM’t E|« Water Good.