THE E!m “ City - Elevator . rUBLI.SHED AT y,LM CITT, ■ . N. CAB. Thko. B. Winstead, - - Editor W. 14. Padgett, - - Manager Elevator Printing Co., PUBLISHERS. Subscription Prices: 1 Year One Dollar 6 Mouths - Fifty Cents 3 Months Twenty-five Cents in the postoffice at Elm City^ jr. C., as seeojid-elass mail matter. We wish a live oorrespcfndent and agent at every postoffice in the vicin ity of Elm City. Our columns are always open to contributions by any citizen on live local questions. We are not respsn- wble for the views of contributors, *nd all articles must be signed by ihe writer. Rates for advertising space will be furnished on application. EDUCATION FOR FARMERS. Every young farmer in North Car olina has an opportunity to get the foundation training for his work. The winter courses in agriculture and dairying at the N. C. A. and M. College are practical courses de signed entirely for young men and women who can leave the farm only in winter time. The cost of the whole course is but thirty dollars which includes board, room and books. The lectures and practical work are devoted 4o stock raising, dairy farmingj butter mak ing, milk testing, feeding and breed ing farm animals^ veterinary medi cine, entomology, soil study, stock judging and farm crops. The value of these courses to a young man or woman who is inter ested in agriculture cannot be e.sti mated in words. The expense of attending will be paid by increased profits due to better farming, a huu dred times. A circular of information will be gent to anyone askinp' for the same. Also any information regarding any of the Agricultural courses will be given by addressing the professor of Agriculture, Charles W. Burkett, EaJeigh, N. C. , EDITOR HERBEKT DEAD. Mr. W. S. edk«.)r of tli^ Kiustun Free Pre-ss, tUed-at hiaho:iy> Sunday afternoon of fipoplesy. Herbert was forty years >f. age. Tlitj ieuiaini^ were takeli to Morehead City for intermont the next day A special ti-aiu was run from Kinston on account of the funeral. The deceased leaves a wife and two daughters, a mother, brother and sister. Mr. Herbert has been editor of the Free Press fifteen SOME M R.'. NT>E}f}X(i I'.un; wil'e, Hiul lit' s' ■‘A city f/ii’l.’' '“V’ H* writes, ■‘■it i.s'a for.rt ii to l.eeome a farmt'r’.s mo!indr*r wttli hinj down way." ‘Ah. yes,.that is-a nice thing. But when your husband meanders off and leaves you without wood, and you have to meander up and down the land pulling splj^tevs of? tlie fence to cook dinner and; when you years, and was one of the best known | around in tlu; w ct i« men in Eastern North Carolina, He-i has done much towards the u{>l>uild ing of Kinston and this section. He was a power in the community and will be sadly Observer. missed.— News and A BEAUTIFUL DEED. the color of raw-hide ai;d your stockings are soaked, and when you meander out across the twenty acre.s of plowed ground to driye the liog out of the corn Gold and tear your dress on a barbcd-wire fence, when you meander back home t„> the house and find t|»at the billy goat has blitted thestuiBn’ out of your child,- and find the old hen and forty little chickens in the parlor, you‘'ll put your liands on jour tiips nnl reaiize THEY ARE ALL BANDITS. They say that John W. Gates, the new Wall ateeet speculator, who made millions on the L. & N. deal, has lost $15,000,000 through the Boekfefeller and Vanderbilt combi nation in the Northwestern deals. He is very wrathy and calls them “bandits.” The whole outfit of stock gamblers in New York are gamblers pure and simple, each trying to “do” the others. A few inonths ago Gates was the“bandit” that did up Belmont; to-day Rockefeller and others “do” Gates. And so it goes—the mad rush for getting rick quick, Neces sarily, the man who succeeds gets what he has not earned and takes it from some one who probably in his turn was a “bandit” on a smaller ficale. '‘Big fleas hav^ little fleas to bite’em, And so on, ad infinitem.” —Raleigh Observer. NOTICE. On Saturday, the 15th day of No vember, .1902, I will sell at the residence of the late T. G. Dixon, deceased, all of his personal pwper- ty consisting of four head of Mules, one Horse, one Ox, one Stationary Engine, one Gin, one Cotton Press, lot of Fodder, Corn, Cotton Seed, Wagons, Carts, Plows and all farm ing implements of every description. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment, and all persons holding claims against said estate will please pre sent their claims duly proven within one year from this date ov this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. Jno. L. Bailey, Executor. Elm City. N. C., Oct. 15, 1902. A Sti^tling Surprise. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy robust blacksmith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten 7ears he suffered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could en dure and live. Biit a wonderful change followed his taking Electric BitteriL “Two bottles wholly etired me,” heWrites, “and I have not felt a twingo\n over a year.” They regulate tfe. Kidneys,- Purify the blood and cui^ Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Nervousness, improve diges tion and give perfect health. Try them. On 50c by /sk). L. Bailey & Co. \ An act of charity has just taken place that deserves special notice. Guy, the bright little son of Mrsr Mollie Swaiingen is a cnpple for life, having been paralyzetl in both [that the lucandcring is not what it is legs when he was but a babe. His erasked up to bj.’” helpless condition made a deep im pression upon Jibs. Mary ('liffoid, a northern lady, who is speuding the winter in our mifst, aud thiough h« r influence little Guy was made happy a few days .ago by the gift of an in valid’s chair on wheels. By means of the chair Guy will now be rolled to and from school and many rays of sunshine thereby shed into lii; exis tence. He is proud of the gift, and Mrs, Clifford is to be commended for her charity and thoughtfulness.— Stanly Enterprise. WZ: PRINT THE DELINEATOR. To do justice to this number, whicii far beauty aud utility touches the highest mark, it would be necessary to print the entire list of contents. It is suilieient te state that iu it the best modem writers and artists are generously represented. The book coutainsever 230 pages with 24 full page illustrations, of which 20 are in two or more colors. The magnitude of this Deiember number, for which 728 tons of paper and six tons of ink have been used, may be understood from the fact that 91 profsses running 14 hours a day, have been required to print it; the binding alone of the edition of 915,000 copies representing over 20,000,000 sections which had to be gathered individually by hu man hands. The St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad offers to the colonist haif faro plus .$2 to points in Arkansas, Missoari, Kansas, Nebraska, Colo rado, Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories on the following dates; November 4th and ISth, Deeembev 2nd and IGth, -January 6rh and 20th, February 3rd and 17th, March 3rd and I7th, April 7th and 2lst. Write for advertising matter, rates and information to W. T..SAUNDERS G. A. P. D. Atlanta, Ga. A REMARKABLE OFFER. The attention of our readers is directed to the announcement in this-Tssue of .special clubbing rates of YorxG' People’s Weekly, the best papei of its class published in America. Our arrangements are exclusive, and on terms that enable us to offer that paper and the Elevator for the price of a single subscription to this paper alone. Our readers^ will surely appreciate this very liberal offer, - and we invite them to make it known to such of their friends as are not already subseribers. Two papers for the price of one is an induce ment seldom offei’ed, especially when either is well worth the price asked for both. All subscriptions, accompanied by the cash should be sent to this office. For a bad cold. It you have a bad cold you need a good reliable, medicine like Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allay the irrita tion and inflammation of the throat and lungs. For sale by Jno. L, Bailey & Co. ' The employe who drops his tools at the flrst stroke of the clock will never become an employer. READ THE ELEVATOR. Stepped Agaiusta Hot Stove A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual ?-!aturday night bath, stepped back ngainst a hot stove whicii burned him .severe ly. The child was in great agony and his mother conld do notliuig to pacify him. Kfanemberuig that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house she thought she would try it. In It ss than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep, and in less than two weeks was weil. Mrs. Benson is a well kn!)\vn re.siik-nt of Keilar, V;i. Pain Baliu is iiii ar.tlsejitic liniment and es])ecially valuable for l^urns, cuts, bruises and sprains. Fov by Jno. L. ISailey & C». rUST RECEIVED A CAll LOAD SALT ALL SIZE SACKS JNO. L. BAILEY & CO. I* % DIRECTORY, E LEVATOR! Each person ought to have L eft his name as a suascriber to this paper. E very body is invited to call and do this V eryeasy for us to copy anything you may tell us. A 11 may have this paper and Young People’s Weekly sent T o their address for the price of both for O ne DOLLAR. Be sure and send us your name R ight now without delay. We will PRINT Note Heads Like the above on good paper 500 SHEETS $1.00 Sif Uav at 1J a. in.. »inl iis/ ^ i‘r; y *i. meetiiiL'- !‘yffi y''Thnrr.aay night at 13:15 p. m. • Youug 1‘f^oplc .s Uiii'ou evei’y Fri day night at S:l." p. m. Sutnlay school at 4 p. m. J. F«. Adams Superintendent. yniMI'i'iyi: n.irrtsT Elder A, J. H'>'>rt-, Pnsfoi-. Pi'-acliing‘S:!l ur'lay rtt^rtiooh I'O- fore the fourth Sunday Ttt ,2:30 rui'.i fourth Sunday morning. ' ’ MKTiiOinsr Rev. C. L. Head. P.-is-’tor. Services at 11 o’clock a. !ii. on tln^ 4ih aud .')th Sundays; and eveu;,-,Sun day night excej'ting the 1st, at b:30 o'clock. i’rayer meeting Wcnc.-5day nigh! at 7:00. Epworth I^eague, Tuesday night at 7:00. * “ Sunday School, 10 a. in. ' W. II. Pridgen, SuperM!ten!i. iit. orn. Rev. Cary Gam bio. Seryic(?.s evoiy Tuc.sday nigiit at 7:15. LODGES TOissor f.(.i}ot:. / .a ]\!fets ev’ery sfcond and !‘i>nrti; Mond^iy jiiiiiil... ;’iHcers for thf- ensuing yvar: J.T. Watson, \Vors!»jofu’ J. W. H;iys, St'Tiior Wanlcn. S. W. Andrews, .Tnnior Warden. Theo. B. Winstead. Senior Deacon. Iredell Williams, Junif-r Deacon. E. O. Mc^Iowan, Treasnver. J. A*. l^ridg:»rs. Srcr.‘taiy. c/:\r/\\\/j r. i.onat., \o. un, / o o ^feets every night at S o’clock. _ Ufticeis for fho eui-.iiig term: Iredell Williams, X. G. S. W. A'ndrews, V, G. Theo. B. Winstdad, Rec. and Fir. Secretary. E. O. ifcGowan, Tre:i;. >lemhers of r!;e ar.v;’^ ' i- ceive a brotherly wflc nu-. TOWN OFFsCERS J. W. i*ea(*oek. Alay«>i„ O. J. Harrison, oru tem. M. L. Water.-, i ’ J. L. Farm? ;. ! .1. Winstead, W.G. Sharp, i W. H. Pridg. n. W. K. IJatt.s, Tre-i-urer. W. 11. Pridgen, (.1 rL. Jerome P«)Wfn. Chii 1 .n Polir*. ‘Two years ago my Lair was .filing out badly. I purchased a j bottle of Ayer’s Hair-Vigor,-and | soon my hair stopped cornfng out. ’’ Miss Minc^e Hoover, Paris, H!.^ Perhaps your | had thin haii, but that is | no reason v/hy you must | go through life | starved hair. If yen want | long, thick hair, fscd ft | v/ith Ayer’s Hnir Vnyjf. | anci nisKc it' ricii, rhA, find heavy. Almost U'ines*'5i^'ed Mq - —Heart Pa2^.f5, ihtl' If at (irst v^tii .! Jii’i g.*t water. p]t a pumpin'. I I CAFE ANQ DySTER parlor Oysters at any timor^"^ Foi* Ladies or GsntlefiBen. FKESK CAPJDSES, APPLES /;,vD - ^^CAKES.—^— Good Oirder Always. N. Land JNO. Tj. BAIIjEY, pRKhlDEXT. E. o. :>rc IOWAN. !• mm QiTY BMmm W fi Mrs. JLaurat S. Webb, | Woitmn's 1 craKcClHtis of >'oriJiein O&iv. I *■! dreaded t'r\z tHaefc nf lire * vas fast app-f ?ch;n;'. ! notiud Vl.-c of Cardui, arA Jtcided io try a bor- > ih. I cxpc.'icitced celief tH’, is first ir.^nth, so i .Ktpt ca taklr.? it f:»r ^ three months ard now ! .frcn.t.'uat'' g with no pair. 2nd ! shs!! take, it off and | on now until i havf. the climax.” g Fniial ■ '..♦>il*ness. di^ordc’-i'd | m?nse«, fal!ii;g of the. n-oiiih ai^'l 8 ovarian tr(,ir.h!f‘s do' nut wear olT. f TLeytV.I!..\v a woman | o£ life. I):':t wait blit iai-i. Wine | )f 'an: li iiow' and o'm iiif' ?ro'-- 5 !'!■>. V.';;,*'of C:-r‘i:i f.u’..- t? *.■■} iMjiei t ft sufr* ri ;:,- ■ , ; : .,'t aiiv age. Wine uf ;u ?:ii rrli> ^ \Voi*b wh. n .;l;e j'; U'.u- jj ffer. V’htr. v,n coa'etoS r,t lifr M,: ; .;,x v.i; | mean ikojc* lo you it , S now. l>ut y. j i.;ay no'.v uvoii tlu; ^ sUiT- rin^ ^';c o.;dnrc-«l. I'rag-gisi-. 5’ -.Ir ; V'^ .i- II Paid Up Capita! We Ko‘^-ir the aceoTinrs of tlie pv Olic genenilly and oJI-r ov»-. Estahlisl’.ea }898. dar; afe hani:i SAFIC-TY FOR REr^'l We t]-nnk (!;e pnMic for their busiat^^^s in the past and hope t«- hh heir confi l nee in thtv futtiie. "W TV T)nT;VTpi:^ V Coli:>n Factors and Coinniission Merchants, MIAN:E DUILDIXa. FK'>NT /STREET. NOPFo: COX SIGX M r-:XTS SOLTCITED. Short of Faint and L.an2uid. Dr;Miies’Heari CvtiPG arid Nervine Cured Me. “It has been five vears .'inoc I \ careil of heart tro'.ible by your heart Cure anJ. Nerv ine, and i am just as socm! r\s a '.loilar in that organ today. For !; ycai.s I hnd been suffcru’.g with n:y h.-srt. t>reut:!!ii^ had become short and diincult r»t short, sharp pains about the h-.;art. roroetiTies accompanied with woi'U make me feet faint and lan"u;d. 1 a ; least cx-?ite- ment or mental worry wou!d a!n;o,t unnerve me. I feit that the trouble was gri;\v’Ti3 worse all the time, and after Hyi g tn'i:y remedies prescriljed by physicians without otrtaininj relief, I was induced to r^ve your remedies a trial. I was relieved tVie second day, and after taking three or four batilcs all symptoms were rcmovei and have never showed signs cf returning;.”—Rev. Geo. W. Kihacope, Chiiicoteague, V'a. There are many symntomsof heart disease, which so cKisely re.^iemLle those of more com mon nervous disorders as to frequently mis lead the attending physician. Ofcen in c:iscs of heart trouble the stomach. kiJr.eys. livei or lunus become affected. Again the symptoms may be thosS of weakened nerves, as tired feeling, sleeplessness; timiujty, the patient is easily excitable and ajjt to worry ivithout cause. If you have tha least suspicion that your heart is weak stu-iv your syinptoms and begmlheu^of Dr. Miies’ fieatt Cure, the |reat htart and falocKl tonic, without a day’s ' All druggists sell and guarantee tirjt tiot- tle Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free bo5k m Nervous and Heart Di^ases. Address, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkliart, Ind. SPECIAL OFFER ! TWO Px\PERS FPK ' THE PRICE OF ONE. Young People's if Weekly and : The Elevator : Both Papers Qm. ¥E4i?' , for $1,00 L -i. ■> () (i . 1, L I. D L! P F. fhW FOR SALE HERi; L't; jiik ” Jiiu Jill^ 11 ^ IQ I i ci-Etj li - i! o^Kin". Are operatSiS by ih: Fffi' ffve. For - ■ i-r- - - iTjiiii rrrmiiii'-irrii ¥®li p a,- ^ CP s '3^ L.. lrrUU>E A (Cr /ni 3 , ^ , 34. BlCYt'LE^^jrr : irii I i.'im zz-rr ; ' ri iirm! iixi J You will have to hurry or you will get left. THE ELEVATOR — i^rinting Office.— Just Received , A NE%> LINE OP ' DRY GPODS, CLOTHLNG, ETC., 11 inr iiniTuuTiiiic rtrtu COLUMBIA f40-oo to $80.00 ■ monarch $25-00 to $65.00 THE : 1902 MODELS : : BPIKTLE WITH NEW IDEAS Mil ASD EtmiM: A COiiPLETE STOCK ALWAYS OX HAND.- For salo by V, C. -I^ANGLEY. 11 Batweon i B!RMlNGaAM, MEMPKS.; And tH» MoS’iK an-d 3stwoor\ Korti\ and it^as Observ'ation cafe cars, under t!;- 2 maiia^einent pf Yred Harvey. Equip- I ment of the latest and best “RYETA3” WixisH.ey Sea r* s jsTjEirvz “x-oiis;- T!iat we would be ijioro vljiir. pleased ] to show \ou. -• i C^snt'tiiinfr abi,oiiit. iv j iiew;iud with \vl]i«‘ji: we have experiiuentcii j for years. ] One Bean iu;ike,«oiie I Artilii-ial Wliis-j kf-v I Rye or PourboTi/.i ? six lieaiis to the prnt.l t Give us a call and iot us prove to you that we hav 0-00X53 —BY USING.^ I Of,ling’s New DIssovErjf, OUR SPE€IAL OFFBIi Arrangements have been perfected I W.ill Sta.St. between the publishers of YOIJNO PEOPLE’S WEEKLY and THE ELEVATOR PRINTING COM PANY which enables ns to offer both paper at the prifo of the named alone. Send us i^l for a! year’s subacriptipn to both. | Jno Your.s to scr .’e. ~ > Bailey & Co LIVES ARE SAVED I1 —BY USING.^ .‘ConsEimpSofl, Sauglss snd Colds 15 By AJi Other ThroBt And bR I Xinng Reaedies Coaibiaad. I wnderful medicine positively I Sd*"®* .V9"S’J"?ption, Coughs, Coid^ |3. onc^tiSi Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay ’ Hoarsen^ C^gti. HO cURE,r ICO PA^ i 50c. &$1. Trial Bottle Fret, J Ginseng* Distillinjc Co. Co. iRyeoni'SuSonWisfe _«St. Lotiis, « - Mo ^Ju^tthe thing-fur tra\ jeler.s, aud tonvj-iiit ut for pieiiies, exeur.'^ioii.-^. etc. Contains all the vir tue of the best whiskey without tiie deleterious effect. Made from the pure veg'etable nialter. and jruaranteed to con tain no poi.«on«ins nr narcotie drug’s of anv description. If a beverage is !if»t de.sired, a Beau n/;i;> I be taken in tbe inouiii | without Mater, an«l tin s most exbileratinfr' f i SOX 0/~ 12 E^ANsi ^ ’ s.retail at(|pl 10c each, ;i;id can b. « ‘ " proe ured from a u \ } drugt,isfs, fancy frr-'-l or first-i-Ias's ■

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