itaa ^ard^ D Physician and Surgeon, PLM city, - - N. C. Ollkc iit tlie Drug Store. 1)K. B. F. BARNES physician afd surgeon, ^ opposite ^ ^#”depot,^ elm city, n. c. g CHEARS, M. D., Plivsician and Sargeon. Ei.M City, K^Office upstairs over Batts WMlianis store. N. C. & Personal Mentiofl Mr. J. E. Dildy W88 in town Sun day. Dr. Cha?. Barron was here Satur day. . Mr. T. B. "todsiy. Johns went to Wi!s6n \V. H. Day, David BfiLL, Kaleigb, Enfield. R. T. BARNHiLii, Elm City. pAY, BELL & BARNHILL, Attorneys-at'*Law, ELM CITY, - N. C. Practice in state and federal courts. E. O. McGOWAN, MERCHANDI,$E BR.OKKR, Elm City, N. C. Geo. Gaston, evmms' EjlM city. N. Car. Hariajr seryed the people of Elm City for 23 years in the barber busi ness, Geo. Gaston needs no introduc tion to the people. His haircuts are elegant and shaves delightful. B IME, Tonsorial Artist, ELM CITY, - N. C. A first class barber suop, easy chairs, sharp razors, clean towels Give me a call, over Batts & Wil liams’ store. wmm iliSU^NCE If your Dwelling, Store, Stock of Merchandise or Furniture is not pro- .ected from fire call on E. 0. McGOWAN for rates, etc. Only the best policies written. A.W.Pippen BlffcJcsmith and Wood Shop Buggies Repaired H0[^SESH0E1JM3 -JK SPEeiy\LTY AT SHOP NEXT TO J. L. BAIL- I’,S' LIVERY STABLE SYDNOR HUNDLEY. Richmond, - - Va. THE GREATEST STOCK OP ... . FINE AND MEDIUM- FURNITURE IN THE SOUTH—=— Correspondence Solicited. >09,711,713 E, Broad St., RICHMOND, - VA, Mr. G, A. Barnes was in Wilson Friday. Capt. T-W. Tilghman was in town Saturday.- Mr. J. L. Bailey spent Monduy in Nashville. Mr. H. D. Barnes, of Wilson, was here Sunday. Mr. T. 8. Hedgpeth was visiting here Sunday. Miss Ida Warren returned Sunday from a visit to Conetoe. Miss Lizzie Highsmith, of Cone toe, was in town Sunday. Mr. Will Hales was visiting rela tives here Wednesday. Miss Lucy Edwards was visiting here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A, C. Conyers, of Nashvillo, is the guest of Mrs. J, L: Bailey. Mr. J. S. Cartwright left Wednes day on business to Elizabeth City. Mr. H. T. Carter, of Bocky Mount came Wednesday to visit relatives. Mr. J. F, Ciirter left Wednesday for a Visit to relatives in Baltimore. Messrs. Emerson Winstead and John C. Moore went to Wilson Fri day. Mrs. Will Hales and children, of Wilson, came Friday to visit rela tives. Mrs. E. W. Simpson and Master Will, returned Sunday from Ring wood. Messrs. Guy Winstead and Claude Barnes, of Wilson^ were in town Sunday. Mesdames M. K. Crews' and D. L Forte returned Wednesday from Wrendale. Mrs. Etta Taylor, of Black Creek, has been here several days on a visit to relatives. Miss Susan Daughtry, of -Rocky Mount, who has been yisiting here for several days, returned home Wednesday. Masters Rob and Maynard Morris left Wednesday to spend Thanks giving at Lawrence. Mrs. Annie Thomas, formerly of this place, but now of Dunn, came Monday to visit friends. Miss Sallie Walker, of Rocky Mount, came Wednesday and went out to her uncle’s, Mr. Geo. Hales. Mrs. Will Griffin and children came Wednesday to spend Th&nksr giving with her mother, Mrs. Barnes. Capt. Jno. D. Biggs, of Williams ton, was her* Monday looking after his interests in the D. S. Lumber Co. Mr. F. P. Stallings, travelling salesman for Harvey Blair & Co.. of Richmond, Va., was here Wednes^ day. Mrs. Etta Taylor, after spending some time here with relatives left Wednesday for her home in Black Creek. Mr. C. D. Cherry; travelling sales man for Kingan & Co, of Richmond, Va., was in town Wednesday in the interest of his firm. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cartwrieht, of Baltimore, who came last week will pend the winter here with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Winstead. Mrs. A. A Haynes, of Coneto, who has been here several days on visit to her father, Capt. W. L. Grimmer, left ^Monday. Mr. Julian R. Pennington, of Wilson, passed through here Wednesday, on his way to Suffolk, I., to accept a position with the C.L. In anl Atiout Town The Wilson Times, we note, haa snlarged to B-oolnmns. Elder A. J. Moore, of Whitakert, filled Jii* regular appontment here Saturday and Sunday. We are glad to chroniole the re turn home on Sunday' of Mr. E. W. Simpson who recently had his leg broken near Ringwood. We hope he will soon be entirely well. Mr. S'. L. Bailey received a tele gram on the 23rd instant from Florence, 8. C.. stating that Miss Mary Taylor, age 75 years, died that day. Her numerous friends here regret to learn of her sudden deal OestreieAer’s OnlOO Cnt this out and take it to the store of Jno. L. Bailey & Co., and get a free sample of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They cleanse and invigor ates the stomach, improve the appe tite and regulate the bowels. Rego Jar sizejbox 50c. Startling. But True. If every one knew what a grand medicine Dr. King’e New Life PilL| is,” writes D. H. Turner, Dempsey town, Pa., “you’d sell all you have I in a day. Two week’s use has made new man of me.” Infallible for constipation, stomach • and liver f troubles. 25e by Jtfo. L. Bailey & Co. ' A LIBERAL OFFER. The undersign will give a free sample of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets to any one want-1,5] a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomach, biliousness or constipation. This is a new remedy and a good one. For sale by Jno. L. Bailey & Co. To My 1 m City Friends: The oold weather Is just approach ing and you must prepare to meet it. If in need of a CLOAK for your self and the young ladies and misses in the house, eall on us, we can sup ply your wants. In ehiidren and infants CLOAKS we are headquarters. Cut out this ad and bring it with you when you make'your pur4iase and we shall allow you a discount of 10 per cent on the dollar in addition to our alraady close prices. The Best Remedy for Croup. From Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe.) This is the season when the wo man who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most ter rible things in the world, is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoup from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as I sure to to be lost, in case of croup as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of burgla’-s. There used to be an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and tolu, but j some modern mothers say that Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes | the patient to “throw up the phlegm” quicker, and gives relief in a shorter | time. Giye this remedy as soon as soon as the eroupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never I fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Jno. L. Bailey & Co. jS)ave Oestreicher, WU»on, N. C. Nasb Street* JNATURE'S A BIDE IN THE OPEN For Health, For Pleasure. Fiyr Businesa. WHITAKERS. Whitakers, N. C., Nov., 26, ’02. Mr. A. S Dunn went to Scotland, Neck Saturday. Mrs. R. A. Bradley spent Sunday in the country. Mr. W. H. Bond went to Rich mond Thursday, the 20th, and re turned Fiidny night. Mr. A. A. D’Berry resigned his position with Heame Bros. & Co., Saturday and returned to his home near Dawson’s. Mr. Dock Manns, of Enfield, was town Sunday. Mr. C. W. Stewart went to Battle- boro Sunday. Mr._W. H. Dikon, of Elm City, was in town Monday. Mr. R. C. Lowery, of New York, was in town this week. Mr. R. W. Winstead went to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Read our new ad on third page. NOTICE. On Saturday, the 15th day of No vember, 1902, I will sell at the | residence of the late T. G. Dixon, deceased, all of his personal proper ty consisting of four head of Mules, one Horse, one Ox, one Stationary Engine, one Gin, one Cotton Press, lot of Fodder, Com, Cotton Seed, Wagons, Carts, Plows and all farm ing implements of every description. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment, and all persons holding claims against said estate wilt please pre sent their claims duly proven within one year from this date or this notice j will be plead in bar of their recov ery. Jko. L. Bailey, Executor. Elm City. N. C., Oct. 15, 1902. Luck in Thirteen. By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey af Walton Furnace Vt., got a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salye, t wholly cured a horrible Fever Sore his leg. Nothing else could. Positively cures Bruises. Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Boils, Bums, Corns and Piles. Only ^c. For sale by Jno. L. Bailey ft Co. Asleep Amid Flames. ^ Breaking into a blazing home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping inmates from death. Fan cied security and death near. It’s^ that way when you neglect conghs! and colds. Don’t do it. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumptions gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keec it near and avoid suffering, death and doctor’s bills, A tea spoonful stops a late cough, persis tent u« the most stubborn. 'Harm* less and nice tasting. Guaranteed to satisfy. For sale by Jno. L. Bai-1 ley & Co. Priee 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free. COLUMBIA $40-00 to $80.00 MONARCH $25-00 to $65-00 -THE : 1902 MODELS : I BRISTLE WITH NEW IDEAS. ciu, in iitiiiiE: A COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. For sale by V. C. LANGLEY. WE ASB Headquarters FOR FINE For Men ^nd Women Neckwear The Very Latest:Any Style-Just in Call to see them,.- 00 NOT FORGET YOURS TRULY. 0)« Jla «i mMmm Main Stree^t* Kim Citr* N. G. R.ead o«ir New OHer on 2nd page. Subscribe! E LEVATOB! Each person ough -to hav« L eft his name as a subscriber to this paper. E very body is invited to call and do this V ery easy for us to copy anything you may tell us. ^ A U may have this palter and Young People’s Weekly sent T o their address for the price of both for O ne DOLLAR. Be sure and send us your name B ight now without delay. Just Received A NEW LINE OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ETC., That we would be more than pleased' to show you. Give us a eall and let us proye to you that we hay GHDOIDS Tliat will suit. Yours to serve, Jno L Bailey & Co WE ABE GIVING,/AWAY A lot of neatly printed note heads, envelopes, statementi^ bill heads, letter heads, etc., as an advertise ment for as near nothing as ever beard of. Send us your order. Elevator Printing Company, Elm City, N. C. '' iFiPiiE mm CALL OR WRITE E^gva-tor prmting ^ompV, ELM CITY. N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE BETWEEN NORTH and EAST, and FLORJDA, CUBA, WEST INDIES. Pullman Vestibule, Sleeping and Dining^ Cars between NEW YORK ’and PORT TAMPA, FLA. FOR MAPS, Rates, Schedules, or any Information, write to W. J. General Passenger gent, Wilmington, N. C