News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice rrn 1(1 ,. . , tf. ... J- .... . .. . y i fL 'B).T.' " 1 , ..Vi .. -1 - - '- - t . ft . I1 "i - " , The Only Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth VOL. 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER 13 1916 NO. 122 man LUI SriEIIDID SPIRIT CO-OPERATION THE KEYNOTE OF RESPONSES TO TOASTS FRIDAY NIGHT Not a dull minute characterized the Dutch supper tendered the mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce in the Y. M. C. A. last night from the time o fthe opening remarks of President Ga ther down to the com i!etion of the last details of busi ness when the organization adopt- cd its constitution and by-laws. One of the most important fea tures of the varied program was the report of the business manager which showed that since its organ ization there has been paid in to the treasury the um of 1190.69, of whjch 1100.51 his town lexpendea for current expenses, The business manager. President Gaither pointed out, has received no remuneration, for his arduous labors in behalf of the organization. J. K. Wilson responding in the absence of the mayor to the toast, ""Our City" stressed the need of municipal docks. The city has clos ed up all the small docks that used i'o Indent the water front and which ' fforded shelter to small craft, leav 1 ng no provision for a safe docking lace for vessels of this description. ' Mr. Wll?on advanced the idea that some provision should be made for the accommodation of vessels of ("his class which have been bringing a large volume of trad to Elizabeth City and which may be less dis posed to come here under condi tion as they now exist.- Dr. It. L. Kendrlck responded to the toast "The Place of a Y. M. C. A. ift Elizabeth City. Dr. William Parker spoke on "Some Impressions of a NewComer.' Mr. Vergil Walker of New Bern responded to the toast. "The Field of Water Transportation in Eastern Carolina." Mr. Walker is convers ant with conditions and needs in this field and made a most forceful address. The t toast "A I",ea for a Coop eratlve Spirit." was spoken to by E. F. Aydlett. Always a pleasing speaker, he seemed at his best at this meeting and delivered many of those present suid, one of tlie best speeches they had ever heard hlTfl" make. -fy "Some ftoad Improvements' was x" the subject of the remarks of Mr. VSV. J. Woodley of the county High way Commission. Mr. Woodley spoke of improvements that have been and others that ought to be made, preparing ttlie wiiy Tor the I ) I 1 . . l : . . Duouifrn ivianurt, hi his report, 10 get very forcibly before the mem bers, tthe need or the proposed .pwamp road linking Tadmore tand Gates county. After tthe completion of the for mal program the members" got down to business. The entire membership consisting of 156 members, was div ided Into two divisions. Under the leadership of S. B. Parker and Joe WInslow a membership campaign will b put on which. It is hoped, will add very largely to the number enrolled as active members of the ChatnR of Comerce. The tallowing committee of fire were appointed to direct the activi ties of the Chamber of Commerce In the development o fthe agricul tural resources of the territory with in Elizabeth City's trading radius: . W. Fails, w. C. Morse, John J. Morris W. J. Albertson and C. O. Robinson. TbVRetail Merchant's. Division of the Chamber of Commerce will be under ' tthe leadership of he follow ... 1ng: O F. Gilbert J. B. Ferebee, H. C. Bright, J. T Stalling, and C. A. 3ooke.' ' tA special committer was appoint ed to co-operate with a' similar com- irh,tf already -t wor'; In Gates SEARCH LIKELY TO BE PWGED COAST WILL BE THOROUGHLY COM BSD BY NAVY DEPART MENT FOR DESTROYERS (By UnlttO Press) Washington, Oct. 14 Reports In dicate that the search of United States destroyers for a secret naval Use on the Atlantic coast is likely to be a prolonged one. No trace of such a. ase has yet been discov ered, but the coast will be thorough ly combed, the Navy Department states, before' the search Is called off. Dept Of Justice Investigates (By United Press) Washington, Oct. 14. Charges of widespread election frauds in a score of American cities in the States of Ohio,, Mlchiagan, and In diana are under investigation by the Department of Justice. Th e Department hopes to dispose of these cases before coming elec tions and thereby prevent any plan ned corruptions. Washington, Oct. 14 The Depart ment of Justftce Is investigating re ports that negroes are being brought by thousands from the South to the North to vot in the, November election. Widespread election frauds In dif ferent sections of the country are alleged . The negro colonization allegation scheme, however, is giving demo cratic !'H(lrs most anxiety. FIRE DESTROYS I 0 1 I BIG FRAME BUILDING COVER ING ENTIRE BLOCK GOES UP IIS SMOKE (By United Press) Norfolk. Oct 14 -- Norfolk's old city market, a big frame building occupying an entire block, was tot a'.:y de .-t roved by fire today. l'luns for a new market haj al ready been made nnd the old build ing was to be abondoned soon. May Recall Militia (By United Press) Washigton. Oct 14 The National Guard will be recalled from the border as soon as the Mexican-A-tnerlcfb commjifslon reports, it is believed here. DR BLACKVVELL HERE 8UUNDAY Dr. Calvin S. Blackweil will make vivid the "Voyage of Life," Its dangers: Hidden mines, subma rines, false flage, drea'dnaughts, aero planes and storms. Its protections: chart, compass, captain, pilot, wire less code, torpedo, shield, search light, and anchor sure and stead fast, eevry day and night at the Calvary Baptist Chapel on Rlver s'de Drive, commencing .Sunday afternoon and night. Services at 3:00 p. m. and, 7: 30 county to solicit funds 1or" the pro posed! swamp Toad from Tadmore to Gates county;- Thl committee Is as followgf g, W. Twiford, W,"C.' Sp.v-yer, and J. C. Sawyer. WANTED 500 uen iii mad coisino help elect in WUUUIUW WlldUII - a is a a V " By contributing $1.00 each to the Wilson Campaign Fund The Big Fortunes of the country are be hind the Republican Campaign and contribu ting liberally toward it. The Plain People can and should help elect their friend and champion Send in your dollar at once to either of the undersigned and have your name enrolled on the list of helpers. Now is the time it is needed. Later it will be no good J. C. B. EHIUNGHAUS, Chairman, T. J. MARKHAM, Secretary. Ireland Resents Conscription (By United Press) 1 1 ndon, OctV lif-Iiti'ah military authorities declare that the conscrip tion of Ireland Is unfeasible at tbe present time and state that they wish to be considered upon the sanle basis as the colonies. U. D. C. M EE 8 TUESDAY The I) H. Hill Chapter, U. DC. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3: at the home of Mrs. K. R. Outlaw on Riverside. The elect ion of omcers will tae place nl this meeting and the lire sirient desires u full attendance. WANTKD Oirl to work In tfllce. Experience unnecessary. Apply Thursday Oct. 19, 205 Ilinton flulld ing. (ltpd. ONE CErvT SALE Harmony ' oilet Water. It has a delicate and flowery fraUrance that will always hold Its popularity. 75c. per bottle, 2 for 76c. STANDARD PHARMACY ... 6t Wilson Back From Indiana (By United Press) Harrisburg, Oct. 14 President Wilson swung homeward yesterday through Republican Pennsylvania well pleased with his Indiana recep tion. Indiana is still believed to be an uncertain quantity. President Wil son emphasized two points while there, contempt for such an Issue as sectionalism ,and the. accomplish ments uf Congress through the Hi- redits and Federal Reserve acts. ONE CENT SALE Velvet Crtatn The Original Liquid Complexion Powder. I An Ideal TolletN Lotion. 25c par bot-le 2 for 26c. STANDARD PHARMACY 6t ROOM FOR UK NT - Prefer two men. Hlg front room. Modern con venlences on Ko:id st near Main. See Mis. Land, at K. U. Slff Co. Oct. i:i :itp WHAT THE PRESIDENT ACTUALLY DID TO AVERT STRIKE DISASTER Before I consulted with them (the railway execu tives and the representatives of the employes) I made myself acquainted with the points at controversy. The firstthing I told both sides was that I Btood for the eight-hour day. We believe in the eight-hour day because a man does better work within eight hours than he does in a more extended day. I said to the rail road executives : "You are asking that the result of the eight-hour day be predicted and the prediction be arbitrated. The reasonable thing to do is to grant the eight-hour day not because the men demand, it, but because it is nght and let me get authority from Con gress to appoint a commission to observe the results and report in order that justice may be done the rail roads in respect of the cost of the experiment" That was the proposal which they rejected and which Congress put into law, a proposal which I made to them before I conferred with It, which I urged upon them at every conference, and which when the one side rejected and the other accepted I went to Congress and asked Congress to enact. I did not ask either side ' whether it suited them, and I requested thy friends in Congress not to ask either side whether it suited them. I learned before the controversy began that the whole temper of the legislative body was in favor of the eight-hour day, In the House of Representatives the plan was passed, was sanctioned, by a vote which included sev enty Republicans as against fifty-four Republicans. In the Senate the Republican members held a conference in which they determined to put no obstacle in the way of the passage of the bill. Now, this was because the . proposal was reasonable and was based upotf right 'From President Wilson's speech to New Jersey business men -St Shadow" Lawn, N, J, Sept 2J. i ...,v: .--. .:-.,. L S MEETING ELEC'S SECRETARY AND COM MITT CHAIRMEN AND ADOPTS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LA VVS The Ladles Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. met In the parlors of the building on Wedjesdan October 11th, at 4:00 p. m. with Mrs. J. Q. Fearing President In the chair. The meeting was opeend with tbe Lords Prayer in concert followed by minutes and roll call. Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep was elected Secretary and by request of the president at once took the chair. Society decided to elect the fol lowing officers: Mrs. c. U. Pugh chairman Char ity Committee. Mrs. J. W. Foreman Chairman Entertainment Commit tee; Mrs. C. A. Ashby Chairman of Boys' Committee; Mrs. W. J. Wood ley Chairman of Reception Commit tee; Mrs. 8. 8. White Chairman of Room Committee; Mrs. R. W. Tur ner, pianist. Mrs. J. W. Foreman provided a very entertaining musical program, as follows: Solo, Miss Marian Wood ley; Reading, Miss Fannie Owens, Piano 8oto, Miss Clara Covert; Solo, Miss Nannie Banks. Miss Covert kindly .played on the piano while tea and cakes were served to those present. The society decided to hold the regular monthly mining on the 4th Wednesday, as no other meet ings are held on that day, and each member Is urged to be loyal and attend every meeting possible, and make no engagements for that day. Come help to make our Y. M. C. A. a credit to our town and a splen did meeting place for our boys. The following constitution and by laws were adopted by the Society: CONSTITUTION Article 1 Kertion 1 The nume of thin or ganization Hhall be c lied the La dies Auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian Association. Section 2 The object of this aux lllaiy shall be to ass'st the Hoard of Directors in the spiritual intel lectual, social and physical welfare of the young men. Article 2 Section 1 All Ladies of good character, arp e!li(lble to member ship. Article 3 Section 1 The elective oflicers or this Auxiliary shall be President, Vice-President. Secretary and Trea surer. Section 2 The term of olllee shall be one year and the elections shall be held at the regular meet ing in May. Section 3 The 'resident shall preside over all meetings and exe cute whatever ether duties the Aux iliary may direct. 35 8ection 4 The Vice President shall preside over all meetings, and execute whatever other duties the Auxiliary may direct, in case of the absence of the President. Section 5 The Secretary shall record the proceedings of tbe meet ing, keep a roll of membership, at tend to the correspondence and make a quarterly report to the.aux iliary. Section 6 Tbe Treasurer shall collect and hold all money due the Auxiliary, disburse the same only upon H order of the Auxiliary, keep a strict account of all finan cial transactions, and submit quar terly a detailed report to the Auxi liary, or whenever called upon by the president. Article 4 Section 1 The meetings ot the" Auxiliary shall be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 4:00 P. M. v , . I 8'Clion 1 The advisory council I shall consist of the Board of Direc- M.II11T HinniHi AS ROUMANIAN RESISTANCE 8TIFFENS BALKAN FIGHTING INCREASES IN VIOLENCE (By United Press) London, Oct. 14 The, Koumafl ians have halted tthe atttempttd German Invasion of Roumanla SAd south of Red Tower pass, according to dispatches from Bucharest, hare driven back the Teutons from the border for a considerable distance. ' Bucharest also claims that 1 Gen eral Falkenhayne has been checked everywhere along the southern Translyvantan frontier. On this east em frontier the Germans have been thrown back by strong counter at tacks and everywhere the Rouman ian resist c no seems to be stiffening.' The Balkan fighting is Increasing in violence and' the British are on the outskirts of Seres. King Constantino, despite tat pressure from the Venlielos party, continues to delay declaration of war. He is said to fear that Ger many would over run Roumanla and Invade Grtoece within fort night should Greece join the allies. APPOINTED LIEUTENANT BY GOVERNOR CRAIG Dr. Claude B. Williams of this city has been this week appointed by Oovernor Craig Assistant 8nf geon or In the Naval Militia With the rank of Lieutenant and Junior grade. CHEROKEE CHAPTTR MEETS Cherokee Chapter It. A. M. meets' Monday night . All mebers are urged to be present. ONE CENT SALE Attend lhe one cant sale at Stand ard Pharmacy ' hursday, Friday and 1 8atuHjtay this week. tors of the Y. M. C. A. 7 BY-LAWS ; Article 1 Sec thin 1 The following commit- - " tees shall b(. appointed by the Pres- . ident at the regular election of offl- 1 cent to serve for one year: : -. 1. Charity and Help Committee. :- ; 2. Kntertulnmont Committee l'"1' '.. Hoys' Work Committee. .! 4. Room's Committee. i -fi Ylsit'ition of Sick Committee. m ti Reception Committee , J Article 2 Section 1 The dues of this Auxi liary shall be one dollar per year, - " payable !n advance. : ;- Article 3 V Section I. Twenty members pres . .:''. ent shrall constitute a quorum. . , Article 4 4 Section 1 The order of business : t- shall be as follows: 1. Opening prayer or scripture - v , . reading. ,'"-.r, 2. Roll Call. i,' : . 3 Reading of Minutes. 4. Report of Committees. ;4 6. Unfinished business. 6. New business. The work o fthe T. M. C. A, hM been organized to help you mother ' ' in a most critical period of your . ', hoy's I'fe, the time of Impressions and choices, We ask your co-opera- ' . tlon in it, : . . ' Each chairman of both Mrs. Fugh's , and Mrs. Houtz canvassing commit-, tee Is urged to collect all dues of her members and nave turned tn- to either of above ladies before the , next meeting. . Several new members were en- rolled Wednesday but we still hope for more to Join us In this great Work. . , v'A v'f,':;v, , Every member Is nrged . to ; toaka V -an effort to attend the next "meet-1 , ing to- be hPld NoTember 22nd, 1914 Mrs. M. Leigh Shep,

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