"EDITORIAL EDITOR- Jocep? Pari. Aesic.iate Editor. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Subgcr. hi ii.it s Ijv Mail : II. e. & COTTON, GRAIN, PRODUCE ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. GUYING TO-DAY November 2, 1916 COTTON Str ct Middling 18Hc Middlins 18c EGGS Hen Kggs, per dozen 30c. CELLING TO-DAY FLOUi: Patapco, best patent $9.25 Royal GRAIN Oats, per bu h ". 65c. Corn, per bag MIDDLINGS "Vrtllanls, per b. g 12.00 HAY 'in. 1. Timothy, per ton" $20.00 'mil jjj n:oi!'.hs n a ivar.cc . 'J..'.o nii.ii' ;n a.lv. n e 1.25 8 moi.l s 'ii ail vanre 75 1 montii ra cilviiiir.e 5 Subsci Ui ion U.i" s by Carrier: 1 week ac 1 month 25c nionih in ilv iiie . . -De I """" " 'Enter. (1 as s.'c:nil -class mat tor Ocobtr 11, 1 : ; C at the poiit nfflce at E.iz.'e h Cry. North Carolina, under th . Act or .March I!, lVTlt." -u believe n Democracy show it. When a crowd of down homers iere at the state capital some time ago we heard some of them saying tii t Elizabeth City in many res pects would compare very favorably with Rale'gh. It might help some of us to take a look at what Raleigh has contributed to the Woodrow Wilson cimpaign fund. A LITTLE CONSIDERATION The hunting s Von is now on and the whir ot wings of the qmil and the i ark of the sportsman's gun will 8' on be beard in wood and anil field. before the days when the claims Of a- country newspaper had mort gaged hs time, the editor of The Advance, duiing the hunting season pent a fourth of his time with his gun' and his dog learning the ways the wisdom of Old Bob White. This paper has, therefore, a keen feeling Of fellowship for the sportsman In general and for the quail hunter In particular. But Elizabeth City is a rather large town and the number of quail fhooterg here Is something fear some to eee. The quail is a valuable bird to the farmer and there Is mall wonder that the farmers I n this vicinity have pract'cally all post d their land. This does not mean that they would put stop to quail booting altogether, for the farmer knows that the shooting of a few quail during he hunting season will not prevent the coveys that inn on h s land from due increase and multlpication. But the farmer would like to sa.y Who shal! and who shall not go on bis land to hunt and he wants as well to regulate th number w ' kill his quail. Of course. If he wish es to, he has the undoubted right to forbid hunting altogether on his Utndl, but we know of few farmers Who do tb's. Borne of the farmers, however, Who only desire to prevent undeslr . able or reckless, persons from shoot lng on their land and t0 see that o many hunters do not get after their quail that the birds will be ex terminated beyond the safety point for propagation next year, complain of lack of consideration on the part Of the Elizabeth City sportsmen. Posted signs have been town down, advantage has been taken ot a farmer's absence from home, and In these and other ways the patience ef the farmer has been sorely tried. Farmers nosr E'isabeth City re getting together this year to eee If they cannot protect themselves a gainst wanton anj wilful trespassers ,nd ask the co-operation of their friends in the city. If you go a liuntlng this season it Will be more neighborly and more safe to get permission from the far Iner in every instance before you1 bunt his land. FORT NX FILLS FRENCH AGAIN 10 New Arrivals STYLES TO SUIT ALL AT LOWEST PRICE LEVELS OF THE SEASON We want you to see the wonderful assortment of stylish suits which we are now showing A tremendous assortment of new coats, suits,,and dresses at prices as low as goods of equal quality can be bought for anywhere at any time. See Them Save Money M. LEIGH SHEEP COMPANY Woman's Wear MACKENSEN'S ADVANCE HALT OFFENSIVE ON ISOISZO ED AND ITALIANS BEGIN NEW HOW MUCH DEMOCRAT Are you a Democrat? Have you got any money? If you can answer ' An the affirmative in both of these . Instances you might be making a , contribution to the Democratic Cam ; palgA Fund". From the appearance Of the list , of conrtibutors an outsid er might Judge that Pasquotank is ,fi Republican stronghold und that What few Democrats are here are dead broke. Nearly every Democrat la the. County can glv something .' and nearly every individual and firm thai has' contributed could mul t!p!r pe amount by tea easily. If (By United Press) London, Nov. 2 Dispatches from Petrograd aeelare that Mackensen'si advance in Dobrudja'has halted ap parently because o fa shortage of men to protect his long line aloqg the Danube," Bucharest thinks that Matkensen has oeen forced to de plete h's own forces, be reinforce ments sent to Falkenhayn In Trans-, ylvania to such an extent that he cannot risk an offensive movement in Dobrudja. Practically everywhere In Rou manla except to the south of Red Tower Pass the Roumanians are holding their own. The Teutons are reported checked in their advance on Campolung but continue heavy attacks In the Alt valley where the loss of two Roumanian towns' Is conceded. GERMANS LOSE LAST VERDUN FORT Kort Vaux, northeast of Verdun, has been evacuated by the Germans It Is officially admitted In Berlin. "The artillery engagement east of the euse," Is the statement. Increas ed greatly In Intensity. The French directed an especially destructive fire at Fort Vaux which, following orders, had already been evacuated by our troops during the night. Im portant parts of the fort were blast ed before the German troops were withdrawn." Fort Vaux was the last of the Verdun forts captured by the Ger mans In their offensive aga'nst Ver dun ,to remain in their hands Fort Duamont having been captured in the recent French offensive. The Fnited Press reported Saturday that Vaux wag under intense bom bardment. NEW OFFENSIVES BY ITALIANS The Austrian War office, accord ing to Berlin, has announced that the Italians are beginning a new offensive on the Isonzo, apparently wit hthe purpose of making anoth ed drive at Trieste. Berlin a!so declares that Russian warsh'ps shelled the Roumanian sea port, Constanxa, recently capfcured by the eGrmans In their victorlus Invasion of that country. The Fook Club hid its first meet !ng since the summer vacation on Tuesday afternoon with the Misses Albertson on West Church' street. Ferns and fall roses were used In the decorations of the home. No program could be carried out at this meeting since it was tho first meet'ng of the season, but plans were laid for the work of the winter, based on the general sub ject of "Shakespeare and the Eng land of Today." The election of officers took place also: Mrs. Cam. W. Mellck being chosen president?, Mrs. F. F. Co hoon, secretary, aoi Miss Llllle Grandy, Mrs. Geo. W. Ward, Mrs. committee. After all business hafl been dis posed of delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses of the club. Those preselnt were: Mls3 Llllie arGndy, Mrs. Geo W. Ward, Mrs. I. M. Meeklns, Mrs. C. A. Ashby, Misses Minnie, Marfia, and Cather ine Albertson. Mrs. Cam. W Mel'ck Mrs. J. B. Black, Mrs. F. F. Co-hoon. cher, Pauline SWkely. Messrs George C. Pool, Robert Benton, Howard Harris, Cecil Bel!, John Samils, Willie Sample, Guy Wood, Jessie Pritchard, Willram Carter. Joe Sinders, Henry Thorn ton, Jo? Smithson, Arthur Pritchard Calvin .I..ines. OAK GROVE FOR WILSON FUNERAL MRS. GRIFFIN Tne body of Mrs. Henderson R. Griffin was laid to rest In Hollywood cemetery Wednesday afternoon fol lowing the funeral service In the home on the outskirts of the city conducted by Rev. D. P. Harris. A large crowd attended he funeral and the floral offerings were elabor ate in bounty and beauty. Mrs. Griffin was about forty eight yeirs or age and died Monday even lng after an Illness of some length. She .Is survived by a husband and four children, three sons and one daughter. , ' ; , ANNUAL HALLOWE'Efv PARTY TO CANNING CLUB GIRL8 The Annual Hallowe'en party giv ,cn by the Home Demonstrator Miss Marcla Albertson ct her home on Church street to the Canning Club Girls of Pasquotank count Is al ways a success, but the occasion this year wag unusually enjoyable. The party took place Wednesday evening and each Canning Club girl brought her escort. The guests arrived early because they live a 'ong way from town find had leave nt an early hour. After everybody hnd gotten there and ihe big bon fire had Deen bui!t on the front lawn, Miss Shelton Zoeller and Mrs Wlnfield Worth came over to lead the witches' march. The girls went upstairs and maked and chose their partners from the line of boys a waltlng them in the sitting room. Then the march began, wnding out cn the porches and about th" yard In and out around the bonfire. A marshmallow ro-'st about the bon fire followed tho witches dance, then came Hallowe'en games In the house, and appetizing Halloween re freshments. Among the guests were: Mtsseff Winnie Wood. Irene Rr'tc. Mattle Rrite, Ruby Brlte, Gertrude S mple, Annie Pritchard, Ida Mae Thornton, Ella Tornton. Mary Lee Thornton. Bessie Carter, Effie Mor gan. Perl Cirter. Laeura Harris, Lillian B. Prltchird. Margaret Har rell. Gussle Harrell, Sarah Smithson Clara Smithson, Gertie Bray, Stella Sanders, Ruth Sanders, Linda Reid, Evle Parker, Beulah Parker, Josle Lee Cartwright, Nannie Pritchard, Lillian Pritchard, Vletta Davs, Nel lie, Davis, Elizabeth Prt chard, Gen eva Benton, Piney Jennings, Lsuf- lae Bray, Sarah Harris, Sarah Fist HERTFORD HUSTLES (Continued From Page One) was heard with much interest by a large congregation. Mr. Carter has j been ill for a number of days but is now apparently makng satisfactory progress toward recovery. ADVANCE HAS HERTFORD AGENT The editor ot The Advance was In Hertford Tuesday mainly for the purpose of securing a Hertford rep resentative for the Daily Advance. Master Frith Winslow was given this position, and this young man is now ready to delver The Advance daly ?t the subscriber's door for fiv.e cefits a week. H;:n. X. S. Sinclair of Fayette v 1 1 1 -. N. C , democratic cand:date for eh ctor at large delivered :i lirveiful campaign speech at Oak Grove school house, Newland (own slip, this county. Monday nisht the vth. There was a large audience cf both demacrats and republicans some of the latter Interrupting thU sneaking to announce that they would vote for Wilson, Mr. Sinclair 's a master speaker, and his visit here has done a great deal of good for the democratic cause. MOYOCK TO ORGANIZE Bar-Keepers Are Arrested (By United Press) Richmond, Va, Nov. 2 t- Frank Stang and William Rhodes, former barkeepers of tnls city, were arrest cd today for drinking on a public thoroughfare in an automobile. WILL BEGIN CAMPAIGN Dr. F. D. Owen la working in Cam den Count ythls week for the eli mination of hog cholera. "The woods are full of cholera," say Dr. Owen and Burnt Mill and also around Shiloh, and we are on the job to stop it before hogs In other parts o fthe coanty are effect ed by the disease." H. C. Ferebee, Jr., !b vaoclnatlng hops In th? district around Burnt Mill and S. F. Whitehurst around Shiloh. Friday afternoon rt 3.30 Dr. Owen v 11 meet with the Moyock farmers at the Moyock schoolhouse to or K:: tjize against the disease. Oil Discovered li Virginia Free round trip to investigate, write for prospectus which will explain! THIS?, IS THE OP PORTUNITY OF YOUR LIFE.. The Eastern OU Co. 522 Am. Nat.'Bk.Bidg. , Richmond, Va Where Cleanliness Reigns Where prompt atten tion is given to all Pritchards EarberShop Poindexter St. POPLAR BRANCH BRIEFS Dr. H. W. Hawley who has chargo of investigations of influenza in horses by the United States Govern raent was the guest of Dr. F. D. Owen here last week end. In speaking of his work Dr. Haw ley sa'd. "This diseise is costing 25 millions annually." Dr. Hawley was in this trip south attempting to determine the extent of the d'sease In the various localL ties. "I found 3fl0 cases at Newport News,' said he. "I am making pre liminary lnvesti?at'ons of conditions The government r-xpecta to st'rt a campaign for the control of the dls Bis soon. Just as they have done n the cast of hng cholera." HELD FOR GRAND JURY The two negroes, Weldon Sutton and Will Freeman, tried this morn rg for their 'assault upon the pro prietor of the Curiosity Shop Tues day and their robbery of the safe, were held for the'grand Jury. : .- , . Poplar Branch, Oct., 30 Mrs. Ed Bium of Norfolk Is visiting her sis ter Mrs. R. L. Walker of Poplar Branch. . Mrs. P. N. Bray Is visiting Mrs. L. C. Baum. Miss Carrie Parker spent the week end at Narrow Shore visiting 'Mrs Ed. Baum, Sr. , Miss Maud Sawyer enterfMned her music class at the home of Mrs L. C. Baum on Friday evening. Music and games were the features of the ejen'ng. Refreshments Con sisting of Ice .cream rnd cake were served t.y the hostess, Mrs. Baum. The evening was very much enjoy ed by all present. The play "Diamonds and Hearts' presented at Poplar Branch by thte RebrkaWs a few' weeks ago, will be repeated at Narrow Shore Snturday night November, 4. L uncelot Poyner of A, ft M. Col lege and Albert Wescot of Norfolk, spent Sunday w'th Mrs. Mary Poy ner. Mr C. P. Jerome and daughter Gladvs. rMs. N. H. Hampton and Miss Pasmore spent Saturday in Elizabeth City. liiiiii I A young man who is no afraid of work. Make alT applications in writing r Owens Shoe Go. Raulfs & Raper FINE TAILORING 131 N. Poindexter Street Elizabeth City, N. C. I have res'gn'd my position with, the S. R. Siff Company ai.d am now with the above named firm, where we can sell you a made to-mea sure suit for the price of a stock sult We.aUo do c'eanlng and pressing, repairing and alterations at reas onable prices. Your patronage will' be highly appreciated. GEORGE A. COX. issan . NOTICE OF ADMIKSTRATION . Having qualified as Exerutor of the late Jchn A. Kramer I hereby give notice all persons Indebted to his estate to come forward nd make Immediate settlement and those holdlrg claims against the same to preient them for payment within twelve months frotri the date of this hot?c, or It will be pleaded In tbe bar Of their recovery. HARRT KRAHKR V , ( i , lietator. October I, 191f. m'W '-"'V It H St atv n 1 lis Jirisbcrat A . Wedding Gift kthat will please , Established! 1882 Louis' II"' rv-vr :--Jeweler ,-t' - p Seller if