VOL. 1 j ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY iiY iLNl .s CN OVEMDOLf. I?i6 ' ; . Nor: 6. A -A 3. rat Interest Now Centers Qn Oil California - a - ' As Count Slowly, Progresses, And Siispefisie Continues hrpugh mm sm . EII-DIK IIS . ' . .. ; . r' Frniniii-fnv uitLii uiiiiin liinii LEAPS TH;Bq IN P6.R, OM AT ml a. m. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT SHOV ' 'J. Twn -IViorhtQ'anH nave I -V With Minnesota and California still unheard from the. situation this affornnnn In DractlcallY where' It was yesterday. Wilson lacks ten Votes jf election. Either Minnesota nr raMnrnix would Klve them to bim. In Minnenota Hushes leads. At i:30 this afternoon with 220 pr Hnd grill missis Wilson's lead in California was 2,64 It was expected that he would malt the 9,000 lead reported at this t,lme yesterday. (By United Press) New York, Nov. 9. Wilson regis tered sweeping gains In California as the count progressed there this morning. t Inasmuch cs Hughes aparently must win California to obtain the electoral majority, the situation there is being watched with intense Interest. California's jump came within a single hour. Early in 'the morning Wilson's margin was "announced as only 641, when a mistake was dis covrrei in Mendocino County, and 8 new precincts reported, swelling the majority to 4,396, with 400 south em precincts still missing. IN MINNESOTA Up to e'.even o'clock this morning Hughes was maintaining a lead in Minnnesota of more than 800, with 490 precinots missing. IN NEW MEXICO Hughes maintains a scant lead in New Mexico with slightly more than half the returns received.. The miss ing precincts are outlying districts from which the returns must come j in late. ' ' IN NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire is'still exceeding ly doubtful. A few votes either way wijl swing the state. A. contest Isjn editable. REPORTS OF FRAUD tfallo'wing rumors of raud the De partment of Justice sunt agents to Minnesota posthaste. The Democra tic National Committee has ordered the District Chairman personilly to see that all ballot boxes are guard ed. The ReTUtilican headquarters announce that they are taking all measures .possible t0i guard against fraud. fJOTH SIDES PROBABLY . iff COISTE8T , - . .r Both sides are apparently prepar ing to contest the counts In a num ber of states. In this case, the re sult may be beclouded for a mem ber of weeks. DIVIDED CONGRESS INDICATED United Press reports indicate a divided Congress! Democrats will control tne sena'te, but Republicans may nave the House. IN ONE CALIFORNIA COlfNTY Complete returns from 170 out of 177 precmcts in San Bernardino county, California, gives Wilson 9, 171; Hughes 11,518.' MILITIAMEN'8 VOTES COMING With 2100 Minnesota militiamen's Electoral Vote By States The electorial f otes by states Hughes wi'l le cast as follows: States Wilson I Alabama 12 Arizona 3 Arkansas 9 Colorado Florida 'J' ' 8 Georgia ';' 14 f lila'ho fc'i : 4 Kansas ?',' 10 Kentucky 13 Louisiana ' ; 10 Maryland " 8 Mississippi ' ' 10 Missouri 4 18 Montana 4 ? Nebraska 8 Nevada 8 North Carolina 12 North Dakota 6 Ohio 24 Oklahoma 10 South Carolina 9 Tennessee 12 Texas 20 Utah 4 Virginia 12 Wyoming i California Connecticut Delewere Ulonoic Indiana Iowa Maine Massachusetts Michigan New Jortey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Vermont Washington, .West Virginia Wisconsin Chairman Says 13 7 3 29 15 13 6 18 15 14 45 38 5 5 4 7 8 13 1? , 4 h' t Roumanians Get Harsova tBy United tress) . Bucharest, Not. 9-rOfflcial reports today announced that the"Uoumanl ans have recaptured Harsova: J(JRYtl$T f r : -v.i Jury list foV Pasquotank County, North Carolina, Term of '.SupRrtor Court, beginning January 1st, 191? .' FIRST WEEK N. P. Parker, R. "F. Pritchftrdrj. A. Lowe, E, JBwaln.'. T. D. Jones, Edward Mahham, Jr., 8.' T, Cooper, Elihri Harris, S. M. Brothers; Sr. L W. Jackson, C, W. Morris, L. Cl'ar I ker, J. R. Sawyr, H. O. Parks,, Eph- jaim Brite, T. 8. Owens, Jr, F. P. Morris, W. J. rant, Granville Smith son, J. W. Overman, R. p. Sherlock M. 8. Cartwrlght, J. T. Davis (Salem), E. A. Williams. . SECOND WEEK, John A. White (Nixonton), Char les L. Sawyer (So. Ave.), W. Whitehurst, M. G. Sedgewlck, A. B Stowe, J. C. Combs, A. B. Seeley M. C. Riggs, A. M. Mercer, Willie Jennings (Mt. Hermon), W. A. Jack son, E. H. Cc&per, ft. H. Command er, L R. Richardson, Wi'son G6dfrey Wilsont TempleT, T. C. Perry, E. C Bright, E. C. Bell, W, J. Copeland John Stanley, J., T, Dayis; (E. City) v. t: Munaen, m. r. Jennings.. DIViOE HER IE i , Li4f .4, ; PECULIAR ELECtlON LAWS 1 tP ?t v v r . StATE GAVE . BOOSEVELT il AfVo WILSON 2 'LAST TIME CcrhVl y iV f'ira i) lid ricefl't' vV' ''T1. ""' k. V:- " .waUcTor. 9.-CMlf6rnia III PEACE 1 yet in s: PRESIDENT OF" TH . Uk, . ; PRESS GIVES VIEWS " EAC ON TOUR OF WARING NA1 t New Y6rk, November J.-lftov HvTd, President of ; the ' Ur.. :V the bg th3W4wii; be her with u df'hZ,PT - T.' p"'dent of ; the ' . Ur.: ns;mi;i;ary.contingent,its Cos'sacks. J ' "Jj t?L7 .W''N .completed ItsraU Its'-Japanese, it. Indians, S IX iSS ,w T Jl f th' ng.natfon. of I L' ' i-i ,. , .'. ' 4n, ww provides that the .IhMW Min 4..iri.i.i: . . . . i "," w ooiamea fr cp this treat fggraatlon.. Inc'.udinK Buffalo Bilk ,hlmsolf, . the , famous eciut tnd'Jndicn tighter, -whose fame extends . around the world.' ' The arrival ot the show wlli on- doultedly atlr th ngs la Boydom at an unusual early . hour to-morrow wornicg. The unojdic vt jLb f,v 6 . ium in I vm inin iijrt no noimai toy. '.can , withstand, , ana wuaa to t,ns usual-ugMs end Bcene or me circus arrival la addid ' tho picturesQue atmosphere suppljM de- tachments of U. B. Regulars, lit ser- belvidere "briefs WLL GIVE TACKY PARTY It's All Over New York, Nov. 9. At eleven o'clock Democratic Chairman W Cormlck made the following state ment: k "It's all over. We have won the election and will clean up with 288 electoral votes Wilson carries New Hampshire by 93 votes." Mr. Wllltem Cartwrlght has re turned from a visit to.hto son, H. B. Cartwrlght, at Jacksonville, Fla. the border, with ballots. .... ... .. DEMOCRATS CHARGE FRAUD ' "We don't trust the Democrats a bit further than they are ; rr ported as trusting us," said George W. Per kins this morning when asked to comment on the hints of fraud made by Democratic finance chair man Henry , Morgenthau. Perkins claims' 267 electoral votes for . v .... ,1 VHIUUI ll.U i U1L I,. votes, arriving Sunday from the Dor-f, the reckoning. aer, tne world may not know the re- The Epworth League wlfl give a "Tacky Party" iiext TueBday even ing in the annex of City Road Meth odlst church. Every body is invited and request d to come in tacqlest costume, tume. . A good program will be given, after which a gran march will be led by the tackiest person pres ent. . . ' - ' ' , Prizes will be awarded the per sons wearing thre tackiest costume Every body promised a good time. Admission 5 and 10c. GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY ,. Miss Ruth Bray on Broad street was .delightfully ' surprised Tuesday night when she i opened the door and found the porch crowded with a numberof her friends. ; J "Thostf present vwere: Misses Mary Jones, Anna Belle TruebJood, Helen Morgan, N?llie Gregory, Nellie Has tings, Ruby Crawford; 1 Virginia Toxey, Ida llance, MessrB ' Sam nnd Johnnie Hastings, Alvln Griffin, Melvln Overman, Ovar Wynn, She! ton Hales, and Johnnie , Toxey. Delightful gimes Were played and de-Hclotis refreshments served. ' , RETURNS. FROM NEW YORK suit of tho r,Vrr-'Ti in that r "1 1 , state Mr. 8. II. Sift has returned from New Yok where h hae been buy ing' goods this.werk for the vari- ous departments of the S. RT. Sift Company's store. , '" ' , Mr. Slff will have some lntcrpit. Mrs. F. D. Virhe of FayrttcvlUo Is 'ln; nnnoim'-rmr-i'ti j., tj,o A''- .-, ,.-.-i i ,.f I r . T f, I (., .It.. Oihtr yid West' nota01?s; and all f wrtv alt m t Z, iB,,nu"B B Cr" m ?nland' "ce a. ' tt? Whe feature, that go to make ThJi K I.I.!'!? .e rm"Mne1' Personal rfew. as t .k, 7 vwoimj mat i prospects of peace, la convln. ' Unvote will f sfaltt. .'Inasmnrh .. tyi 'a 1 " . "l HucheV Eouthern majoritle, are ex- ingly ' remote." I rested to be overwhelming. - ' -Mn'.K.Jl., V ' ' " ' ' ! The spit- at the !ast election gave jJ! 2 2. ' h' "elther 1 1 Itoosr.it 11 and wi.nn , KaV6 g,aBd' ?f 0any. i, -(". " - "9 evidence of V. . i ' approaching enttfor tUe war. "in no country it tier any'lnj. cation that the itniggle1 will be ter "T" , , . mmated within "th 'SuV w. Be videre. 'Nov, 8--Mr. and Mrs. "There ar innnm.u - i . . CS. barker and Mr, .Roger x Hay- tsions that the end Is much farther man anil. Miss,' Clemma Hurdle of off. , , - ,. t v Ella:Mh m.;N.;C. .pent .Sunday SfaUB .w with Mr. Q. R. Hurdle. , ,,ih ; Pr.'T.' . White Md family of ed Cn peace within five year. FranXlln,'.Vt.tsltedrelatve.-ot ' iie , CHmnt , 'n this .place recently.,; ' tha( .France is neirlv cxhit.t.i iJlsiElfnchepence A Btlxabeth n UrusTration of DnwarranUhi CI: y, N. CH spenfc, last eelc at tlie j tlmlsm. v, v . home of Mr. J. Jessub. .. I ; "On the other' hand1. th .Ttfljses VelA -Hd' Jona Ward, left Int1a the allied countries that Ger- Wednesday to Baltimore':. Md,, j many u near exhaustion and isnre- where ihtyJawlUattend school.' . I pared to accept defeat "is eaually Mr.; Chappell, , Sr., ha. r without Jqstiflcation. ' turned hOme afjler spending ten j v 'Germany want , peace admitted dayain. Norfa'k, visiting relatives.' j!y wants peace badly. . ; " Rev, A. a. miner nuad.nis 'Germany want. noA .VJ... pointment at Whitevllle Grove. Sun- kecaUBe Ihe. h."w- day and dined at Mr. Edward Lay- v - . , ' r-" vauao sne ., be ihvpp dans. herself tiu.'.u .:. .m .v, ..nui; iUBn BQQ 0r Wrs. R. H. White is . slowly im- any other .of the . bel'serenta- "fcfit proving from an attack of yphold I evr cornel i ' - fevrr. fTh. iMti'.t. I, , ..wOU miiun aner years of4 muddling and stumblina " now t mrrA ft ryr nna Itnud PiiM Vxt SI I tni K " ' "" u, i ' mo war up to, Its evebrowa " .v I c w.. v:....:.'" ' . fl i ..J: I I'! rww.,so.:.:1? ... I J, Smith and Bro. and took from I'W moey drawer nearly one nun tirad do'laraT ' , 1 The burgularary decured - while Mr. Smith was gone to, supper and was not discovered until Mr Smith vice uniforms calvary, artillery went' to closeup and found that, the and mounttd infantry a hundred I screen , bad been fmlsplaced at a or more galley accented Indians, back window f snd" on examination cowboy, cbwslrlv scouts rnd old j found thet tte money had been tak plcinsmen, with ;a lively-cDloringoi in from the money drawer.' Russian Cjsstc, Arab, , Japanesd j ' Mr. Shores and hia dogs was call and Mexican , soldiers, and , possi' JedH and arrived onthe icne in an ble g imi se of Cp'. Wm. F, Cody, I hour an ten minutes after the bur- the Buffalo Bill of BoyvIlle most j fclary had been,' disCbirered. strenuous Borderland - romance, ult The dog. trailed to 'i colored mail's would be marvelous indeed ; if .any I houtO ,by the name of Tom Jordan. boy could rasist It. allurements f I Jordan willingly gave permission As rapld'y as. possible the para-1 Pr bis house and everything he had therna ia of the sbo'.v wil . be tin I to be saarched,' but nq money was loaded and transferred to1 the ball found 1 Is thought The darkle 1. park circus grounds, whrre the innocnt and that the their walked tentt will be erected.-and arrange-1 ursund Jordan s house to make It ments completed fo't - : the 4 ; preliml- ppear that It was him who dldj, the nary military end trentiar ' street eanng; parade and the two performances The Belvidere Academy Basket that are to tolfow,' at215 anJ 8.16. ball team has recently organized Its The establishing v6r the .military team for the year 1916 ani ,J7 as and Wild West camp 1 one of the 1 w . j, moft interesting events incident to f ' Jeesup,, R. V. . Chappell. L. F. shi ow day. 39 Chappell, Ct I Hurdle, R. O. The big feature of the per f , mivrrfl. amrt from vBuffa'n Bill. ! I . . r v i -i nn too m wiihaa tn Anniinri the, new military, "Preparedness", th6, . , -,4 spectacle, which I. said to he , the lenge t'ftother team 0 most realJsHc display, of it. Wnd h. ;eulni MrmlBBlon tpnm v ' ever seen In an arena .Hundreds of .,; w'. m w i.u v.vin, , at;.the Belvidere tem expense, from ever branch of the U. 8, mil- LVTh- v. ... . Itary service, will DaTticipate. A freit batt'e between Unce' Sam's soldiers And Sioux ' Indians .will serve to Illustrate the fighting metb, Acodemy, Belvidere. N. C. ous oi me uoys in nnaKj . uunaio Bill will be in. the saddle at both performances The captain would be glad to' cor- respond wittt " other Basket ball tetims (address all letters to T. Jes- sup, Capt. B. A. B. B. T. Bedvidere vVANTED In every , county and sec' llt ' .n,.llln. fl-il - . , The .how fs sa d .to pn-nt e- re(,pomIentir Appl,c4nt mm (fc'ftllv Attractive' rninmiiluM , . . r aDDear nee. 1 1 . . a i.i i..-.. rt. ' : I m eoiicii nuDscnpuons on com- r : """" -" mission. ' aiiE advance ptec'ally , attractive Inats wl Lout. Scllg's Jewelery store. ' . ' PARADE AT 10:33 The bfg'nrado will lave 'I fT'li'" ) ; t 1" r , lout Main street to the bail grounds the again. . , C-'-ri rrdy, Buffalo Bill, V Two factors blight all hope1 of early peace: r.'rt. nii..k . 5 - " , s".""" ueiermma "on to fiht, until she candletate terms; .eopnd, Germany', detertni- ' nation to miin.u . t- :t s .".. u impenetraoie defensive s indefinitely , , Di. MacArttiiir To Lecture Here V 1 Dr. Robert MkcArt'hiir, . presid ent of the Baptist World Allance, will lecture at i the First ' Baptist church son Thursday night Novem wr 17th,. His subject on this peca alon will be The Elements it Sufc cess la Life." V Dr. MacArthur' lB one of ihe most distinguishred Baptist, ' leader." of the 'country, for tl yeart pastor ' of iiorj mpusi cnurcn is.newi.iorK' city and sinCe llf nresideht'of tho Baptist World Alliance. He' ha. beeit heard by N6r;Carbn"nfans" at ' Meredith tktlege and Walfe Forest College if 'bommenlielient' jjratbt of the day and wj!l be' warmly wel- ' cohred here ";. by '. th6sV(h haVe .' heard him prevlpuslx, and by those who have yet that pleasure in .tore.' "Butler Parsons formerly of.1 this city but nowv of "Portsmouth was' here Sunday visiting his parents near the sity; FOR GOOD BOARD See Mrs.' Geo. Bright, 405 First Streetor phone 492, Special rates to couples! N..9,,8t pd. frl-mon. Mrs. Till Mldgette of Manns Har bor has moved to this city and . is living bn Cypress street. 1 , CPaude Bailey : has Wurntd from a business trip to Winsor. V.ti. 0"n. V.'.

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