ui iiiuii'jiE ;,: IS till CHARACTERIZED AS GREATEST '-'' CONFLICT OF ITS KINO IN HIS TORY OF THE WORLD - . - - Baltimore Nov., U 4 ot the tour railway brotherhood! wJU address the American federation of labor' in convention here within a vweek on the eight hour day. princi- He..! , : , ' ; .Y''S 'Their appearance la ' expected ,to Inaugurate a concerted 'I fight l0 the. recognition of-eight hours : as htanrihMl wni-VinK daT of all -classes of labor, J -',' ; . At the same time the appearance of the Brotherhobda la expected to hasten the coalition "of the brother- hjoods with the American Federation .of. labor. The labor leadera - then 'hope to tone the adoption ot the ' irit hour daT generally thru the power of organised labor v and not through legislation. ' . - The leadera are agreed . that -' cor -operation ol th Brotherhoods with ths Federation will result in the ul . timate coalition ot. the. two great v organisations; It la considered pos sible that when the Federation dele- galea visit JPresldent Wilson on Sat urday, theywlll dlsctass the innef tlon of national ' recognition "of the eight .hour day "among all "employ-. FIGHjT . ? , Word from Washington ; today .. to the effect that the administration 1s ready to start an agressive ilghi .In behalf of the "Adamson -law.' High 'officials declared that efforts to obtain an inunction should suc- ceed ten Government would not con line itself to defensive, tactics. Ah organization known . at, ' the National Conference Board, repre senting eight millions in capital hat been formed to with the object' of -watching industrial legislation,- to see that It be guided by public in formation and that labor favoritism be eliminated. ' 1 ' ' FUiituiiihiOCuH ELIZABETH , CITY. YOUNG MAN : MARRIES DELEWARE GIRL : '. WILL' RESIDE HERE , ; Arabia Now " -Indeperiddrit (By United 'Press) , ' Washington, November "H. Ctfn-, tlrmation has been received of the! establishment of the i Independent Kingdom of Arabia. The informs ' tlon comes to the State Department ' here fKom the United States Embas sy at ' Constanstlnople. The Turkish, ' Minister of the Interior declares that the revolt was "fostered by British fold." : '" '. A Quiet 'but beautiful wedding ceremony was tolemnlted . Wednes day at noon in'Epworth Methodist Church. Norfolk Va, whea - Miss Eva Rodney of Laurel,' DeL, became th jTpride bf Mr; Harold Foreman; of this city. The ceremony was jper formed ' in the presence ,o relaUvea of the' bride and groom, Ber. J. L. Cunningglmof the First Methodlat church here;. fflciaUng. - The musi cal tetectlona were beautifully ren dered by Horace L. Jonea. , . ' 'The bride was becomingly attired In a traveling ault of taupi broad cloth, trimmed with silver fox,' with hat to correspond. She carried' a boquet of lillles of the valley - and orchids. '. ' The bride was accompanied .from her home by her sister, Miss Lura Rodney who was her maid of honor. The groom was accompanied by his brother, Mr, W, B. Foreman who acted as best - man. Other relatives of both the bride and groom were in attendance upon the ceremony, Immediately . After .the ceremony the. party was entertained y Mrs. Clar Foreman, motherot the groom. at an 'elaborate -luncheon at the vtarFdremtfn 'the groom ia the son of Mrs. Clay Foreman of this city, and his bride is the daughter ot Mr J. C. RodneyVtbt Laurel, Pel., Mr, ahd Mrs.' Foreaaaewin 'return. v; a bout .'Navemljer ,t6, to. Jthla' city, where, they will reside. ' " r On i account ot t$e' Illness ot her mother, Miss Rodney wass chaperon ed bv her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ' C. 0. Blades of "taurel, Del. The other guest present were: Misa -Laiu'1tdfaey, "M3ter of the bride.' of Laurel: Miss Maraaret Foremin; Mf." 'Will ' Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. L. Roscde 'Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Leigh Sheep and 'son. Mm. 0. F, perrickaon, Mrs. C. W. Hollowe!!, lr., t)r. and Mrs. L. 8. Blades and Mr. L, Carl ' Blades of Elizabeth City;; Mr. ana Mrs. Wm. tt Blade of rew Jernj Mr Walter Derlckson of Dover, Del.,; Mr, J. W Derlckson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Old. Mrs. T. A, McNeaL Mrs. 0. B.' Fere bee and, Mrs. J. C. Thompson of NoffOlk. -.- TriaVHas DtiQn V 1 T -Mm (By United Pres) ' Washington. Nov, '18.--The, Unit ed States Commission bns poVtfn- "b4 nntl! Decemer 6th the caee or vr. .Armikrds Graves, the 'C--v-n Fpy" ' chawdl "with bTackma';: Conn .tjieOOt'ernstotr, tr.e "Rita of the i German ambassador.: ATERN TAft 'MEATS' SUCCESS The meeting of tb l: "held Wednesday afterti' successful, a very lr' '" gram being' carried c This - meeting . ws ' another Interesting t nesday i evening of Joyabln banquet ic part. - '': . CDAY x us most ENTERTAINS BOpK CLUB The. .regu'.ar, meetlngbt the Book Club met Tuesday evening wilh Mm C. A. Aihby at the rectory, whicn was attractive with decoration of autumn leaves and ferns. ' . ' The ' "befo'-the-war" open -flre place with Us brass accessories aha crackling Are, the pld 1 pictures, tne antique furniture, a!l made the room a fitting place-for the atudy of The Merchant Vof Venice," and, each )nem ber responded, at ; roll call with an enteraining-JtTj about ancient Kttg land, wIch paDer on evenjng.c hesrf meeting m . finished deliciong rcr served by the hosted guests were: Mrs. ( Mrs.' CamWv-Mellr Ine Albertson.V Mrs' MrsJ "l. M. MJ"klnV Ward, Mlsi Minnlo J. II. 4 WhltIrs. Marcle'A'be'rtson, dy erd Mrsl Fred I., .' k : Essi of g:i:;s mm ia GERMANS DO NOT : BELIEVE THAT ALLIES CAN MAINTAIN THE PACVsET ON SOMME '- By CARC W. ACKERMAN , (United Press Staff Correspondent Berlin, Nov. 16-OeneraI Voa. HIn denberg' Is exacting toll ot rallied lives .entirely rdlsproportlonato ' to their gains in. the Somme ' fighting military authorities here declare. Today, he has the entire line un der terrific fire with the prospVct that the .-h enormouse casual ties - inflicted 'j ' on . th - ai ilea in -their Initial advance will be repeated All reports from the front say that the British attacks are made with utter disregard of the sacrifice of human life, German offi cials admit that by concentrating e-normons- stores of ammunition , men and anna on a small front th al lies can win a few trenches and vil lages but they believed tUp 'price too. costly to' be kpt 'up, ,' . 1 .1 In their assault the Trench and British are attacking onlf the fur face of the ' greatesj ' fortifications In tug yurmr v Germany' built a ""surprise for the Allies here in a wonderful aeries of, artU!ery-proof fortifications. . t The&a defenses ar bnilt so closei, are dua, so' deep, acdj- cover sp a wide area that what the ' Allies are today at tacWng with ' infantry, . tanka and artillery are only' the' out skirt, ' oft powerful system - of v underground forts. , 1 The bombardment la terrific. Fields, woods, and towns are . torn to pieces by the constantly-explod ing . sheila. But underground, noth ing Is touched. And it is from her sub-surf ace forts that Germany Is repelling the Allied attack. . For a week I have been over the Somme battlefield. From a - height near Peronne and to the South of Arras, our party twice . penetrated the shell area, viewing Peronne and Bapaume, the two immediate ob jects of firs. It marked the first time since the omme ajttle that a neuf"ra has been permitted to in spect this part of the nnderground fortifications constructed y jhe Teutonlo fdrcev . While . waltng In the library "if a castle serving , the headquarters of one of the cont-, mending generals, the wfndowa tit tied and doors shook from the con cussion of bursting; shells . . With these constant explosions in dur ears, ' and escorted by intelll gence officers, we motored to the heights of Bapume. There w wat ched ' the Brltlh fire In the town . Only one church anlre'and one chlm ney 'are still standing. Although' in apnroaching the front we encountered seventeen lines of trenches and 'wire entanglements', the Somme battle Is no longer be ing defended from the trenches, but with buried artillery. For mileage's we walked we; pased holes In the tottnd large enough for 'men to crawl Into;. - These, were the entrances to thou-, sands' of underground forts which the. Germans have, hurt In an end less chain. ".: , The underground def enseal very In! denth from a few feet to as much as stxty, (eet. l9o cannon yet Invent d can, enetrat them. And this Is the reason, German oWcIala explain wt the EngMsh cannot destroy the defenses. , " . " ' .No a hous", ii barn, or a tree- ? Is tending In Arhletlepetlt. .Our, auto wu ba'te-1 ven route bv 'Soldiers' c'eanlng hp the road of dahrN from the rerent borpbrdment. After pas lnl throiiB-ni'. 'thin vlllare was - a pain shwlled.i The bombardment tw ao ten-lflc ss to he Indescrlh ?We. The whtfitllnjr of she'la, Wa roTiMrtin'us flrfl the unronntaMe ex- I tM bust I were were shbys iinson, ;atheN larney, L A, Mp X Miss o Oran- N GAINS IN." CALIFORNIA WIL , (By Unitod Press)) ' Ran Francisco, Nov 16T-Complet.T 7,:!.ir returns from 60 out, of 6? iv i :! s Incrraae Wllson'a' Ipad bv i ri10 mt'lte plnrallt- "110 GOOD Glff . 'M ciciit v , ' .'.v. J'C t ,'t -'t ," ! - . J- ,.L r MADE LIFE HAFPY AT ALKRAM . . - , . i,i " WEDNESDAY- NIGHT. ENGLISH LIEUTENANT MAKES' TALK , '; The Alkrama waa the scene ' of ma h interest and amusement. Wed nesday night v when the , Triangle Photo-play Co , presented to a fa sized audience No Good Guy." 'Al ao Lieutenant Saliman, 6f 'the Eng lish army - waa introduced by 'Judge Turner and make ' an Interesting short talk 'of coridlttona in the war sone. , ' Lieut. Saliman told, of the friend ly feeling the enemy-eoldler ! haa for eich other-in the trenches, ! Il lustrating his sutements with spe cific instances of humane brother hood extended from one to another. Because of having ' to leave on an early train, Mr. Saliman had ' to make hta'talk ahort ' t - But "No Good Guy waa there ,in all the phaaes of bo accountness. He came upon ' the ' screen wealthy, came before hla audience in a mid night carauaal, a drunken debauch.' a coward and a victim o fthe law. He came through and came thrdugh right as all drunks seem to 'doIn pictures, and did we!l ever after wards by getting majrVled. as' 'alt men, who get married, seem to 'do In pictures. - J - ' Anyway, the Irish Inioney king, fle bauch, detective and later married man wer all there 'in one man the dience laughing It to split their aidea all the time. , To-lnght. "Where Are My Chil dren" wfl 'be an unusual feature at the Alkrama. Germans To nation MakeExpla (By United Preesv , Berlin, November lft The Ad ml falty has transmitted to the foreign Office the report of the. aubmarlne Commander who sank the British iteamer Rowanmore in late Octo ber. The foreign office will Issue the official expls nation to the Ameri can embassy at Berlin, Will Ask Fdr Bio's On U. S. Zeppelin (By United Press) Washington, November 16. The Navy Department will soon adver tise for bids On the construction of the first United States Zeppelin". The Department has been gather ing Information as to the construc tion of these fliers -for months and has been examining and studying samples of European machines. 'Mr. and Mrs. Will B. Colonna and little daughter Glen Perry of Nor folk have returned to their -home after, a visit to Mr. and Mri. J. C. Perry on Pennsylvania Avenue. Master Jack Perry accompanied them. , ; t j'". plosions shattered everyonVa nerve, Our ' auto increased Its speed and others wnizteti by; on carrrfng'tha' remains of French aeroplanes. We stopped at. a douched field. walked to a hole In the 'ground, and entered an underground battery Above ground ,ln some t spots, . 'no many hills bad exploded' ft was' im poPHlble to count the shell craters. But underground, not 'a cannon was rcratched. , "officers and ' artillery men were living with many oil the Comforts of Botre. ' ' Good Lecture Fov Tonight The lecture at the First" BapUbt Church tonight ' by : Dr. Robert Stuart MacAuthur has already attracted the attention . of old and young in the city and quite' ' a 'nmnber of tickets ' have been sold. Th admit-' slon1 for? grownups 'U II 'cents sad tor children '11 cents. . " - , ' The lecture is given under the autfplces Of the -Ladiea Aid ' -Societies of the First Baptist thorch and BlAcckwell 'Memorial ' chnrch, and membera of the choirs from the two ehnrches will 1 render musical; num bers. 'Tha - Skinner male quartet will contribute One or ' mere ' num bers. ' V".--i Dr. MacArthur! subject "The'iEIe mehta of Success in Life" Is one ot especial interest and help' to young people, tod l( is tery much hoped that a' large number" ot these Will be present. ' The opportunity is an unusual one for Dr. MacArthur is ranked as one of the greatest lecturers on the Iy ceum platform, and '"except ' in large cities! on special occaaons, or at the annual . Chhbtauqua the opportunity to hear such a man is not generally had. Dr. 'Mac'Arthur .llddresses the Geheral Association at' Norfolk Fri day" night. Carjght Ncjro , InGurritucI: J: W. Shore has returnecl from' Currituck where he.wsa called with his' ' three" 1 bloodhounds " Bouncer Aing ' and' Bldo,-' on' Tuesday night, Messrs Doxtei , ' and CartwrlgBt came over fof 'him'fB an automo bile, and took him to the home of Mr. J. B. Lee which had been rob ber of 1125 on 'Tuesday afternoon at about 4 o'clock while all of lha fam lly were absent. The ddge could not atart to work until Wednesday on; account of the itorm . ' When they Vera put on the trail they left the house and went a ahort distance to the honfe of a- nearo, Peter Bray. Three negroea lived in the house,' but hone of tbera were suspected ot the theft, and the do'a were takeii back to the house ani started again They ran over th aame'tnl!, end ing up at the house again, this time the three negroes were called out Into the jar'd and the doge singled Out Levi' Bray ss the robber. The hegro pleaded for , mercy, sayiffp that If Mr. Shores' wnnM vn w. out ot Jail hrfwMd'goi and get wuue. oure enqugn . wnen he w allowed to go for the ' money he 1 turned In a tW' minutes with the entire amount. , The negro Is now ln Currituck jail awaiting the next term of su perior court, HUGHES LEADS IN MINNESOTA (By United Press) T St. Paul. Nov. 16 With only three counties to bear from Hughes leads In Minnesota on the official re, count by 290 votes. CLA88 ORGANIZED TUESDAY The" Youn Married Lad lea cIsm met Tuesdav evening at the , home of the teacher. Mr.: C. J. ,Wrd ot north Road street for the purpose of ow!aMon, With the efficient he'n Tit Miss BeuVh Bowden the organ!- ratloi ws effected. ' the followtnt rfflce-a being chosen: Mrs, J," W. Diwson. nresldent; Mrs. C. A, Task fr. 1st Vice PreuMflnt; Mrs. Mfes frltz-hard. 2nS Vice President, Mrs, RHeht. fecretry; Mrs.,' Joe Meggs, fnort.er, blowing the business nweHn - le'lons refreshments were rr hv Mrs. ward and Miss Bena Wsrd. . WANTED Youna msn about 1 to IS vears of ase for general - store worV, anniv to' Standard Drug Co,' Nov.l,17.18. , ' ' 1 . tm & US ' W i ! ft m Jf Ctl ii'liLu i,. IN BIGGEST EFFORT OF C PAIGN GERMANS ATTL TO BREAK UP ALLIED . VANCE (By Udlted Press)) London, Nov. 1 An unc: aeries ot attacks and counters r a wave ot tire and Bteel acro miles o fthe French British f this morning-when the il!. ' thrust. the Germane have yet -tempted waa. directed at the iinea.' ' ' i ' ' faunnU mint 1 (' entire sixty mile front is Li i gress. Under tremendous I" the 1 French have been fore 1 yield slightly, while the British, i der desperate enemy onslaughts, t consolidating their newly won p tlona further north. . Berlin claims that lh reecnt t tacks the Germans .'' have ' ato: a,nd occupied the eastern portion the village of Salllssel. ' ,: Lte bulletins from Paris r-. that the French have dlslodgol i Germans who , yesterday occi. tha Tillage of Presslere. , . , , J Combined French , and Rus ' troopa are aal4 to hav8 hurled t the Germans, and to have adva wltWn four mile of Monait'r. it ; ilahned-tba the Genssrs r- I retreat, throughout MacedrJi. Monastlr has ' been brdufcht reach of General Serralla Fr ahd'Sefbiana after one of the r astonishing advances fn'tHa t war. Battling' against driving b. over the great natural mountain for tresses, the allied forces have no reached the plain of Monastlr ' a: t are sweeping Bulgars and f eutos i before them. ' President Askc dbservti Dr.: ; i2M.. (By United Press)' ' , Washington Nov. 16-The Pres ident requests that Thursday, Nor. SOth, be set aside for Thanks:. ing. , i PLAINTIFF GETS' 11,200 .The case of Gallop "Fisher vs ths Norfolk Southern and North River line, was disposed of yesterday, tha plaintiff getting Judgement for $1,' 200. He bad ued for, $1,500. V The case of Saunders vs Ay diet t Is in progress today, . . WASHINGTON TO HONOR 'PRESIDENT , .--,.- (By United Press) Washington, Nov. IS 'A giant light parade will -ba' held here to night In honor of President Wilson's homecoming. . ' . t 1 ARM ED' STEALERS HCLt XT NORFOLK (By United Presa) Norfolk, Va. "Not, . i Two ' armrJ British, steamers ' are lleld here a- waltfnc clearance nanera from tha State Department "' RAULF8' FUNERAL TpMORROV , The funeral of Frank ' Raulfs, th young victim, of ; e'ectrocutlori at the Standard . Pharmacy yeaterdiir morning will take place at the n , ? Methodist church .Friday morn! at 11 o'clock The services wl'l 1 conducted by Rey.,J."L.. Cunnln"' ' rmi"tor of the. church. Intrt will ( be made at Hollywood te tery,' '. ' ,1, ".'' '

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