i ..It '! U JlL'4 Kj o ii -.-Jv 1 X-P 1 - i T News Without Bias ; Views Without Prejudice . 1 I J 1 L ' " T1.3 0dy:D.z:cc;..j IS . PutlisbcJiaLliz-L.th City.. ".' j VOL. 1 ELIZABETH CITY, N6RTH CAROLINA SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 18. 191$ . "i 3.. t N0U3 Z:' ar.:I!an Troops f-lakc:: brilliant Trciich Attack Advance Characterized As Dne of I Smoothest Bits ilOf; Trench ' 'J9 FULL HUD THE EEIiS INTERESTING DISCU8I0NS BY N. ft LEADERS. - ADDRESSES BY OR. MULLINS OF LOUf8- :.-:t '": .... .... .-' ., ' . ville v . : : OF ffilSII PEOPLE M UESl ''.. . v . . , . . AS BELGIUM'S FATHERS AND ; 60NS ARE RUTHLESSLY DE- ' '" ' . -t - ,f -. . PORTED BY GERMANY ' Taking vtu. nessed lj Since Wit Somme Drive i v.... ' By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS ' "(United press Staff Correspohdept) - With Canadian Forces on Somme Trent, Not. 11 Eight minutes of dashing across a iea of ,mud. 'w' me thbdeal, advance in the face ot oar j rage fire and ot ; quick work In -trench hand to' hand aghtlng suffer - ed toe Canadian to take Reglna . trench. ..-'' JThe advance , has been character , , 0M t tn mootneet Dit , fWrencn taking", witnessed In the ' 'Somme drive. I saw Canadians mud t3y to the eyebrows hut grinning icheerfuyy the Uay 'after - they I had accomplished this teat' ffhe assault lasted barely more than elght; min- utes and- w executed rn briKiant moonlight and; la spite of, ft terrific lUerman counter of baragV lire - and In spjte ot the sea of mud. Every i obJecUTe ,, he i Canadians sought were completely won and bet fore ..dawn, completely re-organized they had 256 yards of connecting trenches. . fThe ; night was : perfect. 'The bombardment was speeded up ' until at midnight the artillery was "voicing one continuous roar. " '. , The BritishVbarrage fire began at fifty yara In front of the Canadian trenches. At midnight, as th8 men went over their parapets toward the German alines, ; the barrage of fire "began to move forward toward Re 1 lna trench, he'd by the Pjnsslans; - with p'w'fect ' precision. ; The 'CanM dlanlwavepf men fo'.lowed closely nd ty assault took - What remained ' of the Prussian' 'guard. " 4 ! Not a human TOlce was heard. , The whole assault was made in per fect silence. Both in , this reBpect and fronlcvery standpoint the ac- : tlon was ft ;model of method, and co-operation ' In T1J "branchesV p. A umber pf Americans participated i the fighting. ' 1 ' '. The commanding general was nat urally proud of his men. They ' never J ' wavered once an when they got to the enemy, fought like bear cats TiTcle Meets , Princeton ' ' (By United rresa V , New York Nov. J8. The? Yale Cull Dog , stands a fine chance of losing an ear tnla afternoon t Prlfl eeton, though Princeton Is wbndesj tng Tjjw to prerefit th, tying of a iuoCfn Its Utt sfcnil" to the one that Harvard tleff.Vlt depends on the chewing and taA knotlng abWty tf vppomtea trom Serbia to S. J , United Prekl) i Washingtcn. ' Nov. 8 LJoubonir Mlhaflovitctt has : been appointed Serbian minister ; to the ;TJnlted States and the f $Ute' Department fas this morning notified ot the a$ pointmenL1f::.f.'.v' y This Js the first appointment of a Serbian minister to the United States- though that country haslet fiei Consul General to 'New ' Vorl prior to this.' . v ...a if,OWN--PICARD X Hertford, 'Not. 1&-A pretty an tumn wedding, was solemnised Wed odsday afternoon "at 1:16 oVl6ck in the Episcopal, chnrch, when Miss Mar Elizabeth Plcard, the' attrac Ive daughter of Mrs. Prank Picacd became the bride of Mr. William Thomas Brown of this town. The church- was prettily ,decorted with palms; ferns and cathedral candles The ceremony was performed by Mr", Lawrence, rector of the church Miss Emily Skinner, presided at the irgan. The bride, wearing a hand somely tailofed suit of blue .broad cloth with hat . and gloves to match and carrying a bouquet of bride's roses and lilies'bt: the ; vajley, en tered on the arm of her. cousin, Mss Beiisie Sawyer of Norfolk, who wore a dainty' frock ' of whlU charmeuse ,wIU ' af. larga'.'. btaclf':''picttire "liat and carried 7 yel'ow chrysanthemums tied with "yellow tulle. The ;" bride's maid MUses Laura and, Marion Barcliff, i)f Elizabeth pltyT'wore lovely gowns of 'grey? BAj v Wue jcha'euse '; with hats, giotes. and shoes to harmonize' and 'carried vP'nk .carnations tied with pink tuUe. , Mr. . Bob Cox acted as best man and the ushers were: Mensrs. i Bever!y ; Tucher and Wood Gaither. Immediately after- the cer emony Mr. and Mrs, Brown leftfor on extended northerntouf. ..V' of th teams. For interview (By United Press) ' , , Berlin,' : Not. 18 , The , American Etulnwy has arranged' an' inte view with the Imperial Chance'.lor for l fo rmation reRirdlng" the trant r ' i of r,eU;ii'n vor'orrs Trpm ' J 10c Iktlk M Mlik ldc Milk 10c I Elizabeth City . milk men have a gain advanced the price to 12c a quart effective Monday ' the ' 20th Inst In many of the large cities the price today Is 8 and 10 cents for Certified JlUk and the expenses of the freighting to the cities and de llvering much greater than here.. If you are willing to agree to, buy all the ml!k you use for the . next three years troni a -new strictly san itary dairy that -'will guarantee --'tf furnish pure certified milk at 10c quart delivered to your door, please sign coupon below and mail or send to m". ; ;V-"'J.;i':.,t,: X. Y. Z. -rt.Yh Care Advance, at once.. ; Bir nature .... ...,. . st. & No. ..",..": Qts. used dally .".'. The North Carolina Baptist State Convention is to; ho'd its "eighty sixth annual session In Black welt Memorial Baptist . church, December By action of the Convention last year entertainment will be on the Harvard, planthat Is, Iiq people' of E'izabeth City wCl be expecte . . to provide their guests with only 'lodg ing and breakfast dally, leaving mes sengers to seoure at their own ex pense the noon and evening meals near the church. ' ' : The North Carolina Baptist Pas- Ltors' Conference is to meet on Mon day evening, December 4,' and con tinue its sessions the next morning a'nd afternoon. ' '' The Convention Sermon is to be preached Tuesday evening. " Decem ber 5. by. Rev. Calvin! B. Waller, D. D., ot Ashevflle, or alternate', Rev. jlohn Jeter Hurt, D. D., of WU mington. ' ?'j,If'i . 'U '.'J PROGRAM OF PASTORS' CON- , . FERENCE e -Monday tvenlna . t " Sermon on "The " Lordship of Je sus" by President MulUns, Meeting ot the' Baptist Ministers Benevolent Assurance Association. Tuesday Morning. ' -9: 80. Opening Exercises. . , 10:00. Th8 Soul-Winning Church Rev. JA. Sullivan. t . I 10:80. Guarding the Deposit Dr. Livingston Johnson. 11:00. The Weekly Voice From Heaven Rev. Charles L, Greaves. s 11:30. The Response ot Jesus to Modern Thought Dr. E. Y. Mulllns. Tuesday Afternoon 2:30. Ojjen Conference on "Local Pastors' Conference. Led by Rev. S. L. Morgan. 8:30--Country Life and the Coun try Church Dr. E. C. Branson : 4:00. Miscellaneous Matters. 4:30. Leadership In the- Minis try Dr, E. Y. Mulllns, '. TENTATIVE , PROpRAM OF JHE CONVENTION. : -Tuesday Evening. ' ' Song Service. .'' 7:45. Sermon. Enrol'ment and Organization. Welcome and Response. Announcement and Distribution of liReports. Wednesday Mofnlnfl. 9:00 Devotional Service. : 25 Miscellaneous. :30 Brief 'Statements about He ports and Appointment of Commit tees on Recommendations. "' 10:30 Biblical Recorder. 11:30 Address Our Baptist Heri tage E. Y, MulUnsli?;;; Wedneday Afternoon. 2:30 Mlscellaneona. 5 General foplci EDUCATION. 2:45 Colleges.-,- - , 3:41 Wake Forest Church Build ing: '. m rr n about 16 to Wednesday Evening. 7:308ong Service. ;' - ..' ' ; 7:45-Secondary Schoofs. ;; 8 : 30 Ministerial Education. , . 1: 00 Report of Committee Recommendations, rs : 9 : lS-Address Baptists and caUon E. , Y. Mul'.ins:, . ' . ,'. t Thursday Morning.' 9:00-Dovotiohal Service. :20 Miscellaneous. " , j." ', , General Topic: MISSIONS..' 8:80 Report of Committee Recommendations. 1 10 :0v Foreign. Missions.' 'A ,10:30-Home Missions. 11:00 State Mission.' - , ' 11:80 Address-- A -4Vorthy t!t rcgram E. Y. Mulllns, Thursday A:tern6on, , i 8v Unl.ed Press) i f Jtfndon, Nov. . 18 Eng!nd'ls seek- LSng meant cf reprfsal or Germany's enslavement of Eelgi'um's men; ; ; Not since the executlcn of kllsi Edith Cavell has suxh a wave of popular indignation swept over this country. ' "l.''-yf , : England realizes that the' only hops of Intercession which ran pre vent the clean sweep of fill Its man hood from the detolate nation. Be! glum, lies with the $, 8. v, The storle of fathers and ( sons parted forcibly from their wives anv mothers by the r German soldiery have fanned the Indignation of the English peop!e to fever heat, Three hundred thousand male Belgians a bove the age of seventeen have been affected by Germany's so-called 'em ployement" oVders. Forty 'flv ;thbu sand have been transported from their homes up to the present date. Two thousand daify ''are being; trans ported by the German commander, who are ruthlessly enforcing order, It Is said.. : : : WILL HOLU BAZAAR , . ' The tarsonase ; Sdclety of :Z City Road church will hold a Bazaar In the Hlnton Building on December J4-15-16. At 'this time they will offer for sa'.e a -number of f ancy articles of embroidered and crocheted piec es, etc. j on ' i, Edu- on ! ; Ban- School Board. 3:45 B. Y. P. U. 4:15 Women's Work. Thursday Evening. 7:30 Song Service. 7:45 Men's Movement. , 8: 15 Address The Model Lay man. E. Y M,ullins. - Friday Morning. 9:00 Devotional Service. 9:20 Reading Minutes. General Topic: SOCIAL SER VICE. 9:30 Ministers Relief. 10:00 temperance. 10 : 80 Orphanage. lT!73 Miscellaneous. 11:46 Memorial Hour. Reduced rates to Elizabeth City for the Convention have been grant ed by the proper, authorities. Rates are on the certificate plan. Dele gates will pay full tare going to the Convention, securing a certificate (not a slmp'e receipt) for the same. On. return halt fare pin 50 cents wi:f be paid. The following announcement Is made by the entertainment committee: "It is the desire not only of our church, but of the. whole people of Elizabeth City to give the 'Conven tion delegates tb most cordial wel come and' the best - entertainment that. Is within our' power,' In order to do this, we must know some days before the Convention meets , just how many delegates are going to be with us. We do not feel that we can be responsible for the' entertain! ment of any who will not let us ltpow of their coming "at least six day ' before the Convention, con venes. - ... ' . '' . : ' : The Chairman of th Entertaim ment Committee Is Bro. E. F. Ayd lett," Elizabeth City, N. C. W trust that all brethern ' throughout the State will take note of this snd ad dress all correspondence In regard to entertainment to Brother 'Ayd- lett. . -':y. ' : -. : "We shall delight In serving those who will come among us. but .wf shall exiwet each one to let us know of hi coming at the very enrllfBt pnnsilile date. - ' "Iiot wj-hrs to th mtiltltndu 111 HSU F011 StDOuIII KIOOIES BOTH BIG AND LITTLE ARE KEEPING UP THtlR REC. OROS WITH 2EST ."'- The honor roll for the - second month of th fall term of the E'lx- abeth City schools, onding Novem- ner loth, is as follows " . HIGH SCHOOL'' " ' ' . Janie, .Mercer, EUzabeth Kramer' Elt"beth : v Nash, , . Graham i; Evans, fTancu fieyfert,,,. : vinAMMAR 8CH00L f Miss Hbltf Teacher;- Ruth Bright Ruth Scott, Rebecca Miller, Oscar Williams.. ' Mis Cobb. Teacher; Nellie Ma Jones, Mry Dozler,- Elizabeth ; Le oy. Msrv h.t prichard,, Elizabeth Harris, (tmlly Commander. Ada Be langla,mAnnie. Winlow Selma Mad rln Joseph , Ferebee, , James Hill, WHIlam ScotC Earl Baker, , William Dudley. '. , !. . . ' fizs Weethierly, Teacher; ; Mary Caln-. ,Wrgaret HolloweJI, Mary, Lee ,a.?k,1 '.Margaret Nash, -Nannie Mae Stokes Rachel Williams. W ma 'Ballard, Tommle Oray Willis Kramer, Edward old, Marlon gey fert. .' - ' V- ' .'" . , . . ; Fifth Grades f-fc.-v f M lBon, Teachrr Elsie Pugh. Rosa Lee Wood,'. Marvin William, Bradford 8anders... ',, V ; .Miss Pearon, Teacher; Ellen Mel IcK,, Maxinev Fearing, Helen little, Lillian Harris, ; - Margaret !ommn der, Zackftwens,, Albert 'BrightJu lian Hill, Stuart Wood, Harvey Daw eon, Sam Henderson, Constant Fear tag. ' - ,, . . Mrs. At wa ter, r Teacher; Margaret Bondurant, Earl Sutton, Joseph Por ter, Randall Holloman, Welborn'e Harrell, Guy White, ,Frank Benton, Carlton Woodley. , -' ; Sixth Grades Miss Lasflter, Teacher, Millicent Herman, Anna Belle Abbott, Sarah Hill, Eva Walston, Clyde Gregson, Leslie Sherlock, Ramlel Lamb. Miss Jones, Teacher; Una Raper, Rosalie Stevenson, Gussle Sample, Charles -Ashby,. George Qodfrey, James Hathaway, Larry Skinner. Lewis Roughton. t "' .,'- Mrs. Pool, , Teacher; ,Earnestine Ballance, Leona Lewis, , May . Price, Wejmouth Davis,, William Prichard 'J ' Seventh Grade Miss Elliott, . Teacher; Margaret Chesson, Qoldie Stokes, Margaret Mann, Eunice Goodwin, Emma Mor gan, Arkie Jones. Lottie Drtnkwater Elizabeth Etberldge, Emily Jennings Alma Hayman. Gertrude Stokely, Courtney Seymore, Claude Ward, Sidney Evans. ' . ' , Miss Harney, Teacher; Clara Bate man, Sophie Davis, Nellie Mead, Frank Dawson, Robert Kramer; Se! dW Lamb, Harris Parks, Wergman Munden, Annie White, Charles Sey fert. , PRIMARY SCHOOL, nt Grade . . , v Miss Grlffln, Teacher; Elisabeth Beats, Doris Cartwright, Margaret Long, Ruth Overman, Marie 8imons Eva Mea Swain, George Bembury, William Brinson, William Davis. Aubrey Gallop, Carter Jennette,' Les ter Holmes, HslHe Payne, Julian Raper, Keith Saunders, Oscar Stroud ... Miss 8tevens. Teacher;' .Vergtla Banks Grace Be'Dudley, Elizabeth Gasklns, Carrie 'Louise Gard. Flora Griggs, Katherlne Mannr Evelyn Puckett, ' Rebecca ; Stevens,' j Olive Peail Skil'e, Hallle , Sllverthorn, Roy Boyce, James Ferebee, John. Kramer. Leslie ..Poo!, William Puck ett, Selby Stokos, Le Verne Simp son Robert: wnlams, ; Ilallet Wil liams, Mlllon Self, Charlie Spear. ; Miss Zce'ler,-Tear her Naomi Bag !ey,' Josephine Brltton, Sybil Bundy, Lydia Cahoon. Msrcnret Fearing. Ruth Jones, r.ou'p't Ralph, Fdnn mm.) ,. . Fiiiitii ci: BUT BERLIN INSISTS ON .SAN, . i ' GUINARY REP.ULSE OF ENEMY BEFORE M ON ASTIR ' ' . (By United Pr) London, Nov. 18 General Hal report further ai led advances dur ing the night north of Beaucourt., . From Petrograd come announce ment of progress, by the Russian in . tho, DobrydJa region" against MackenseV "invading Teutons. , Berlin claims that the allied for Co advancing npod Monastir, the capture ' ot which was believed - ia mlnent yesterday, have , been sansul narfly repulsed.. :"", ."' ; : Calls OnlWilcoa (United Prezs) , i e Washington, Not. 18- Organized LabOrwill py it pot-electioi re- specU to President WHsoh this af ternoon when several hundred dele gates; of the American Federation of tibor will, be received la th East Room- ot th White House. Jacock,' Charles .Munden, t Fearing Owen, ' Milton Sawyer. John Tura- ge, Bertram White, KaihaV White. ' ' .Advanced Flrt' Orde - ' Mrs. Fearing Teacher:. Ruth Doc- ler Margaret 1 Gregoiy fries ' flM. Louife Harris ; Cornelia' epkin, ' Monterey Lomax,4 Befle Miller,' TPVa'n t ee Mccienny. ciara rntcnara, ju- ljan TUttle, Marie Spence, Vivian Turner, Thoma Ame. Curtl Bai- lance. Clifton Bright, ' Rufu .Brad- J ley, Ernest Carter,; Jtoilin (Daniel, Wlltotn. Forbes Charlie Hale, ' Ell- ford Jones, WUHan Metre, ,Tyer Boem"an, Violet Baker," Mary Dud- t ley Leona Sander, Lnclle Trneblood Davis, Sam Forbes, Edwrds- Qain Lee ton Richards, pharle TwiddyFel White. '''ftt!,h Second (Br.1 r - Miss Willis. Teacher' Anne Mel- lck, Helen. Leigh, Martha Scott, virv ... n..m.Mr T tlfll ' ginia ienoy, mrj "sw;i ..-... . William. Susan aWrd, Bobbie Fea ing, Joseph , Kramer, Blllie Fearing, Woodward Hughes, Roscoe . Fore man. Blacknall Cook, Wilson Sand' fimm Roll Toarhpr: Mirv Owitll. Helen ivramer, jhib. . .t. ; f ,111. 'TmittnrA "V.a'a..'' LavlB, Ai'OU owt w mma-t v - nee Pritchard " v ' . Mrs. Etherldge, teacher;. : Lena Dudley, Margaret Connery; Ida- Las- i itpr Tvot Mae Borulll. Julia Salter,, Marvin i;an,wngi, r,wwiM . son, Edward" Walker. -V" ; ThVd Grade .' : til., ManhiM . Teacher r Laura . Alezander. , Luclle Beasley, - Olivai Benton, Katy Cartel, Vivian Cope land, Ruth Oasklns, Cecil Patrick, Ethel Mae Pugh Lennle. Belle SIv- n. 1 nr.n. fl,,a Mirk ftrftffnrv. Al . Ill,, niuvr TiLiLim, on Harris, Frank Horner, Frank Hoi lowell, Thomas Jenkins,, Ernest Sad ders Roscoe : Turner Ernest ; Wil liams. V-V-' 1 .n-"'1 ,'VrlV';' Miss Ferebee, Teacher; Katnerine Davis, Sarah Helen, Lewis,' Annie Mldgett, Eunice Richardson, Mary Tarkenton,- Ellzabet Williams. Mary Wlnslow, Lawrence , Aydlett, Wai lace Bagley. Wilbur Madrtn. .Begi nald Lowry, Carlle Price, Wllborrie Smlt, Edward Dunstart, ciauae wsi Mrs. Skinner, Teacher;' Minnie Lee - Brockett, Ltfclle Jennette, Bon-"" nie Parks, LouIse Outlaw. Ada Pal merMargaret E. Sawyer,' Margarle 8kinner Annie Seeley, Margaret W. Bawrer, Elizabeth Thompson, Lil lian -Wilkin. LouIko White, CarrVl Abbott. Vernon Cbuppol!. WrJlm

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