lOrroaiAL E.PIT Oh- Jf"4jn i' -rlr. A; sirlxte Edltc-. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Subscription Kates by Mai): U months n a, I varee -'5" 4 months in ailvi'ii-e 1.2 5 months In advance 75 1 nx'iun n r ;v;.nc. 'j." 8ubecrit:on It:' s by Carri"-: 1 week ac .1 month 25.- t month In advance 20c "Enter-il as si'em 1 class mrtti-r Ocober 11. I'.Hi;. :t tTe rt otlic" At Ellntie'h City, North Carollm. Under th . Act ! March 3. 'XTiv CRANBERRIES FROM DARE JllBt two Y'Mix :,no this very week The Advance carried an :i rt i T. from Us Stumpy Point correspond ent about ' (''an!-''"iyii-,.; In D ire". es, Ut ju.-t ar aoea as joa tavs I:. ccvcrrd Uut jou are ages behind jocr rival fwa cf the sazie si-e In a matter that is perfectly easy to remedy, or that you are aee behind all decent towns of your size in a matttr thxt vitaMy effects public health, jou have the chalenge of a task big enough to keen the who'e town busy for a while. What Inventories Have Discovered Springfield. Illinois, was the home aed contains the torn of Abraham Llnco'n. It is a rood town, as town go. It meant well. I: hd it'a civic improvement societies, and it was Jcggtrg along in a comfortable and on the whole. progressive way. But all of a sudden somecdv decided it w!ii'd be a ?ood thini to ktow SrrlnRfield letter, to rlan for bet trmfnt without so much c;uess work. So eTperts wre sent for and Sprlngfe'd s-.t down to study itself. The Fi rvev of Srvrirse'd 1 Tery in'eresMre. At ore or two places it hpcaire s'artliri". There had been more or le-s Uphold about. People did not think rnnch of it. Fvery citv has a little. Four m'lllons bad been I -.p"iU hy the c!iy for water works mil swcr. n th" wntrr was ire Hiently eT'irrined nnd always found &'e fcr domestic use The Inven tory showed however, that the mor tality from typhoid was 52 per 100, m o and had t een an hth as eighty. Some dies had but twenty. What as the matter? Many people wore still using wells. The water of 1"0 of them wan examined, and all hut three were fourd to he dancerous'y polluted. Six thousand wells were found "the pollution of which was g'saarnteed by T.i'On privy vau'ts." The next year, after these homes iver( eoune ted with, the city water the mrrtailtv from Uphold went down into the t,ve'i'i"s. Instead of fifties and oIl-HIcs. per inn.non. , This article was a pai t Iciilat k in terestlng one tn ill" Advi'iice fimi ly, who had MvH so loiu'. inland that they had mis.-ed many of the advantages of tills blessed section and had read of cranberries urowinu In Massachuetts but never before In the sunny South. Believing that a11 tl,e isnorance of the State had n"t concentrated ltse'f In The Advance fiinily, the article w.is sent to the Charlotte Observer In briefer form and ap peared a month or two later In that paper as a feature story with a double column head. The world having been enlighten ed 10 far as wis at that time In the writers power, the subject was drop ped and in some measure forgotten. Yesterday afternoon while doing the day's marketing, the freshness of a big measure of cranberries dis played In the window of the Eagle Grocery attracted the attention of the marketer and Inquiry about them brought from Mr. Scott the answer "Why yes, they came In to day from Dare". . "We h'tve tre Masschusetts cran berries over here In the back of the store," continued Mr. Scott, "so you can take your choice". Thank you. The Advance prefers Democratic cranberries from Dare to Republican cranberries from . " Masschusetts, and Mr. Davis of the Advance force, who knows all about .Dare Is going to te'I the Advance readers more about Dare cranber ries soon. At Salem School Monday Night On the ightof nextJJondayjhe 0t&, at 7:33 o'clock. Mr. TDi Owen will address the farmers of the sec tion of the county about Weeksvllle and Salem school on the subject of nog cholera prevention, and it is hored 'that all the firmer of that tortlJnCf the county wi 1 be pre sent. Dr. Owen feels that as cho'era is known to b in that end of the coun ty, and that It U pretty sure to work its way to this neighborhood, that every one who owns one or more hogs should take an interest and be present. At the present tlme the disease is avout five rai'ej away from Salem but when it is considered that cho ler3 Is the :nojt easily of all ani mal diseases to be spread, and that hegs at the present time are worth more than they have been for year p-.u, 1' is worth the time to come ai d learn of the methods which the Unfed States Department of Agrl cu'ture Is ere'eavorins to P"t into effect t0 control, and if possible. t eradicate this dl ease entirely. The meeting will be illustrated wi'h st- roptiean lantern views, and will show bow the disease can be fou-'ht. and the swine saved by the means of the ant t -bog cholera serum nnd a0 the lest Fanltary steps to pursue If It should appear upon a farm. fJ.-.ST MET- Tie .EieaUrs cf the First Me'h odit charch Sunday school haw been deeply grieved at the untiuely death of one cf their Vnembers, Frank Raulfs. So many of the young people were nnable on ae count of their school duties to at tend th funeral service on Friday morning that aksimp'e memorial ser vice will be held la connection with the Sunday school services Sunday morning. Th pastor fill occupy the pu!pit at eleven o'clock and at 7:30. Both servicea will be of aa evangelistic characater. and every one is cordi ally invited to attend. Special music by th choir. CITY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH Th pastor. Rev. C. B. Cu'breth will preach at both the morning ami evening services & City Road Meth odist church tomorrow. The subject for the morning hour will be: 'The Growing Christian." The subject for the evening wil be: " ctory Hrought out of seeming defeat." The Sunday school will meet at 9:o0 oc!ock. Mr. C R. Pugh Is the Suppr intendent. The Epworth League will meet at 6:"0. The midweek prayer meeting will be he!d Wednesday evening. The public is cordially In vited to at'e-d all of these services BISHOP TO DEDICATE CHURCH 3LACKWELL MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH WHY TAKE A TOWN INVENTORY By William BYron Forbush. An Inventory Is the prime requi site to taking up any- new buslrMss ' UOcesfifully. You would not buy a , Store or a factory, you would not engage a furnished house, you would not undertake to teach a school ot '. to take over a medical practice, un til wou knew what was In It, what '.you were getting for your money. You need to know In what condition .Jonr future possession Is, or what tt, needs before It gets Into good condition, before you go to work. " " vviuiuilllHJ UDLIOIIUCIII LUC wisest preliminary Is an Inventory. It is possible to get along without It. A civic Improvement society can ." bow a grass-plot and Pt "P a sign ' telling people to get off, a commer cial c'.ub may put a big pl-i-d at 't5e railroad station telling strangers to come to town and get free build 'lag plots and no taxes for factories, a woman's club can ornament the afreet corners wlh green boxes to nnliT Mrter unit vol nnno nt ttiam may reach deep Into the town's needs or have a Job big enough to Interest earnest citizens In keeping up the work. But when you know what you have got and haven't got. you know Just what you need. It is easy to go arming hontlno ttia A pit ma 9 lnta 1 u iu v ui wa ivv.ca l pride about the town's pet advantig S?ving Basics We are not so heathenish nbout I bimim; the deaths nf babies upon I'revideni'e as we once were, vet we have gotten into the habit of ex pecting that about so many will die anyway, not re-'tlzlnsr that the medi cn! ideal is that every baby safelv born oii'.:bt to live to grow up. In this pame Springfield the deaths, the summer after they cleaned up their milk suppK from infantile diarrhea were reduced one-third. They saved twenty-seven babies from death. If It had been your baby you would bave been glad. In every town there Is some one defect that people like to cover up. nl one town It was their shanties, and the day they had a great civic celebration they bui't a high fence in front of them Instead of tearing them down. Inan ther town it was the open garbage palls, and they should be kept In the alleys Instead passed an ordinance that thev of on the street curb' But there are towns that think it pays to know. They won't fend off calamity by biding their heads in the sand. They want the town to be clean, and not merely look clean. An Inventory Is Good Business. Surveys bave got a black eye In this countr , because unscrupulous news-mongers have bruited abroad rnere'y the destructive side. Out a town Inventory Is above all things constructive. It should- reveal many plewn' facts; It shou'd give new material f;:r town advertising. It will set people to work to do what needs to be done, nnd when they do that the town prospers. In Spring field reil estate men soon began to advertise their prepnrty on Its sanl tarv merits, and 'sanitation took on a commercial value." ' i The -ust way to take a town in- j vent iry Is the cheapest. Even a small town can afford It. The meth ed Is not essentially different from I the way one would take the Inven tory of an estate. Appraisers are I . needed, under the guidance of I chief apt ra'ser who Is something ot t , an expert. The ci'izens may be their -own apprilser.-i. They may unit'- 1 clieerlul'v, for H is not an inquest; pleasantly, for it not a muck racking expedition: seriously, for they don t want to lose the facts by i being partial or superficial A g'.od challenge with which t- start is this motto: "We want ours' to be a 100 per cent Town; we In tend to find how near that it is now." Hertford. N. C Nov. 18 The pas tor of the l'e-tford Methodist churc), Rev. J. M Ont and, announced fro-n Ms pulpit recen'lv that Bishop John Kllgo of Charlotte. . C, the re siding P-lshop of the two N. C Con I ferences this year will dedicate tW- 1 Whi'e Memer'nl K. church Po -i TIu now pVinrf'i ! , a i e e , t 11 u . u i u , m,. ..... has be n bui't this year by the pas t.r a Ml peop e of Burtons comrriiin It y. live mi'es from Hertford, and is well-night a model country church cf small cost. The perple of this prosperous rural section are to be congratulated in their united efforts to erect such a house of worshrlp. They are al o to be congratulated in securing Bishop Ki'go to perform the dedicatory service and preach the sermon on that day. All neigh boring clergy and laity are invitee :o be present. RtA-. S N. Hurst of South Mills Hill preaiii Sunday uiurniiig at lb o'clock. Kev. D. P. Harris of ibis city will l-r.-aeb. a( the evei in- ; r ice at 7:30. Mi. Harris will pica-h from the .-ubjeci ' t'br!st Pi cachui'i to the Lost Spiri.s if Pri-on (' r Hades)". Ti e ; lib ic is exteadcii a (oidial :i itat fun to : tie ;d tli-so services. Er AuRTH LEAGUE MEETS The Kp worth L'-ague of City Roac church will meet Sunday eveninu in the annex of the church. Miss Plough will have charge of the ser vices and an interesting literary pre gram as been arranged. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. WILLIAM PARKER . DENTIST Nitrous Oxid 2i:; Hinton Tlldg. Eliz. City, Phone 888 " I)K. M. M. HARRIS DENTIST Kramer Build ng. Main Street Honrs: 8 to 12 and 2 to 6 . DR. S. W. GREGORY DENTIST Office in Hinton Building Coiner Main and Martin St. W. D. COX Atlorney-At-Law ' MOYOCK, N. C. Currituck Courtbous each Monday DR. VICTOR FINCK Dcctor of Veterinnry Medicine Office 209 Hinton Pldg. Can bo reached by phone at office in daytime or at Mrs. Mol- lie Fearlng's r sidrn'e r.fter 10 o'clock 1). m. NOTICE 125 acres cleared land and 40 acres of woodland for sale wiih;n one mile of Camden court house. Terms of sa'e easy. Good bouse and tenant houses. Apply to D. H. Tillett, Camden, N. C. FOR GOOD BOARD See Mrs. Geo. Bright, 405 First Street, or phone 492. Special rates to couples. N. 9, 8t pd. frl-mon. R. -M. Fowler of Hertford was in the (i,y Wednesday. I). M. Lucas of Ens'ehard was in tin city Wednesday. Mr. s. M. Manic, g of Wanchcse Is in ib(. city ( day on business. Mr. Ge rgo Wise of Stumpy Point iwhs here today. Mr. George Tom Wescott, No. 1, Coast Guard Station, Nags Head was in the city Saturday. Mr. J T. Daniels of Wanchese was in the city today on business. Presiding Elder G. T Adams left Friday for Poplar Branch where he will preach on Sunday. K- M. Sawyer of Belcross here on biisine s Fridav. 1 The price of The Advance to city subscroers Is now five cents per week. Have your nickel ready or the collector on Saturday. JULIAN W. SKLIO Fye-ight Spec'allBt Next Sell ;'s Jewelry Store Pbonp filfi t ' DR. J H. WHITE Twmtv Five Years In DENTISTRY In All Branches (Mllce oer McCa' e end Grlcc's Store If jou want an extra copy of The Advance you can get it from 8cott & Twldly's news stand In the Hinton building, as well as from the office. DR. H. 8. WILLEY DENTIST Kr?merldg Room No. 219 Mi. sea .' label Li listen and Blan che Lehman of Suffo'k who attend ed the Cotillion here Thursday night and nave hern guests of Mrs. Louis Sellg on West Main street for a few days returned home today.. IT. -,-vj i -a ia ' ir c. j i AliVPDTirti.ii- PROTECT YOUR INVENTIONS Send (or bee booklet explimmg how to obtain Protective Patents and Legal Tiade Marb Labels rcghemL Copyrighti ncorod and Doiga Pslesii obtained TWENTY-FIVE YEAT.3 EXPERIENCE a HOWLETT DAVIS Recistmd Patent AttoriMy 918 F St, WubinirloD; D. C ' 10 cents Yo UR well-brewed afternoon tea,ycyar rich chocolate, yow fragrant coffee, all taste the better when served with Soda Tea Biscuit. : Delicious biscuit, delicately flavored,' always fresh and wonderfully" good. Social Tea Biscuit enhance the enjoy ment of all refreshment" NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY A Hard Wear Can't Hurt These Boots You fishermen and oystermen who really give boots a hard tussle for exist ence will certainly make friends with Lambertville Rubber Footwear. It is built to stand the kind of work you do. LAMBERTVILLE FOOTWEAR wUBBER gives perfect satisfaction in wear and comfort. There are four Lambertville brands to select from: "Snag-Proof" (all duck), "Redskin" (red rubber throughout), "L" Brand (duck vamp) and "Lamco" (pure gum with ribs). No matter which brand you buy, you'll get longer wear, greater warmth and a heap more comfort. If you can't locate the Lambertville dealer, write us and we will see that you are sup plied. Send for booklet Lambertville Rubber Co. Lambertville, N. J. t!fll&7'-;' I - I HimBt 1 Ik miihm. nUtr rinfonm4 I mitk Ammv dmck a HERE is a well-fitting stylish rubber with a heavy serv ice sole and beeL Neither sole nor heel will wear through until you have had more service than ordinary: rubbers give. . . , , , , This rubber looks well, fits well, and wears well. Hub-Mark Rubber Footwear is made in a wide variety of kinds and styles to cover the stormy weather needs of men, women, boys and girls In town or country. x The Hub-Mark is your value mark. Look for it on the sole. .mm? HUB-MARK RUBBERS Th Worlds Standard Rubber Footwear For sale by all good dealers. d Devil Lye in the S&p trMf:,2H that grow into worms. Tauo it atViha- VtM! germ stago by. feeding Red Devil Lycl Thia nram.nt. J: l-T"' . . vj mm K'-'iuu uiaeaae ana rrt jtrfiCEQ leea out auicker. P.po Uet a jew cans try it that's tho tcsr. J I .Saite Hogs cud Feed an i - p . m . r r m -v a i i - uu i v ft TL lT !