GIVE ONE DAY'S INCOME TO THE ORPHANS ON THANKSGIVING "News' Without ; Bias . . , , , i cfj Views Without Vv - Prejudice 0 n an i i n . S kill J The Only Democratic ; , Newspaper ;Put)lisbed in Elizabetji ' City.' VOL. 1 t ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 21. 19H NO 152 fi PACK lib HOUSE CHAMBER' OF COMMERCE. IN- V J; WES ADJACENT COUNTIES TO CO-OPERATE IN MOVE- h, MENT 'At tne Southern Hotel on Thurs ; 'day evening, November 23rd, The , 'Chamber of Commerce will give a '.supper to representative men of the Albemarle geotion in an effort to get definitely under way a packing liouse movement in Eliiabeth City. There will be in the course of the topper an informal discimsionj of the practical problems with which packing has to deal. v "It is a significant fact" Hays sec retary Push of the Chamber of Com merce, "that there are only eight packing plants in the South. )t "What is probably the leading es I Jiblishment of this sort Is located lit Moultrie, Georgia. I J ' "This plant was erecteed and its -equipment installed by the Brooks ' Engineering Company of Minnea ' frf polls, of which Mr. John W. Greer ? Uh secretary and treasurer. . "It will be remembered that Mr. Greer was here on Friday night Oct 29th.,' and informally discussed this question before a number of the - city'j representative citizens. v. "RaIefgn ni made two atteirTpU iS t cotmllag enthusiasm over a pack . . Bg . plant, anj Henderson is taking " ' wbe matter up. Norfolk is going af . -Jer it strong. ' When It is conceded that Rich- mend Is the nearest parking plant to this fection and when it is fur ther conceded that North Eastern North Carolina is unsurpassed in its adaptability to the raining of hogs, then a glance at the map, which shows Elizabeth City to be the In--duitrial center of this section, should . convince one that the packing house proposition is a feasible one. I be ' Ileve that our ppople will he Inter . ested in fhe promotion of a co-oper- atlve packing plant which would " .flfarnntee a stable market for their . Jests. ' , "Dr. F. D. Owen, who is at work fn the counties of this section prin ts eating our people as, t the preven- v tlnn nf hner rhnlpra ravb thnt there can be no mistake in the estaWish- ,ment of such a plant an there is already pork enough In the making r,.,.fo support such a plant. " "There Is no question, of course, that the establishment of such a , j plant would stimulate Interest In ' "Mr. J. M. Barr. Ex President of the Seaboard aRilroad, who has a farm of several thousand acres in ' Beuafort county and who Is probably -responsible for the attention whic! . the packing house question has re- 1 celved in Raleigh has been inter viewed by Mr. A. B. Houti and will 1 one of the "guests at the supper ; Thursday evening. Mr. Barr will .have 1,000 hogs for market this year. . "The Chamber of Commerce Is constantly at work upon similar matters which will tie together the ' Intsrestaj-f the people of the coun try and the town. , MAhY 8HRINERS TO NEW BERN Among those K J"S Elizabeth City tonight for IWBern to take part In. the InstaWtfan of Sedan ' Temple In that' city on Wednesday. ' ; November 22. are Imis Sellg, C. E. Thompson. C. H. Robinson, C. O. I Robinson. Dr. J B. Griggs, 0. B. D. .' DvltMiaril t 17i t nnrU ' C. A. .Tohn- son and T. A. Commander. Mrs. Louis Sellg, Mrs. C. E. Thompson, and Mrs. C. H. Robinson accompany their husbands. Mr, J. C. Sawyer is In New York City on ;'lniRlne"S for Owens Shoe (', "V, " mm still PURSUES COURSE UEPORTINQ BELGIANS UNDE TERRED BY PROTE8T8 OF NEUTRAL' NATIONS AND AGEN JCIES ' I... (By tJnlted Press London, Nov.' 21 Notwithstanding protests from America, Holland and the Vatican Germany is still de porting Belgian workmen and putt ing them to work in German indus trial tenters. Moreover, Germany is registering, presumably for future deportation all citizens of Switzerland and of the Duchy of Luxemberg residing in Belgium. A statement issued by the Belgian department of justice states that the deportation of Belgians, con tinues without respite." Buteau Issues Cotton Report (By United Press) J Washington, Nov. 21. Cotton ginned in 1916 prior to November 14 is 9,615,833 bales against 8,771,276 bales prior t0 the same date In mil- -4- 3in4nufia GRANDY ITEMS Orandy. N. C. Noov. 20. Miss Am ber Holloman of Elizabeth City left Saturday to take Miss Berry's place as assistant teacher until she could return . Miss Eva Berry, who has under wne an operation in the Elizabeth City Hospital for appendicitis. Is rapidly improving. Misses Hattle Trueblood and Siulie Simpsrfn spent Saturday in Elizabeth City. Miss B(ulHh Corliell of Bertha, spent the week-end with her aunt Mis. T. J. Grandy. Miss Belinda Harris and Mr. Jor dan Owens were married on Sunday ut the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Grandy and children motored to Virginia on Sat urday. Mr. Midgett of Elizabeth City passed through today. Mrs. Hlnton. of Shiloh, who has been giving singing lessons at Pop lar Branch Methodist church, finish ed her course Friday evening. Each member of the class feels gratful towards Ifer for the work she ac complished. Mr. Clingham Woodhouse is visit ing relatives. Mr. an M- Charlie Brock and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan tayner on Sunday. 20 discount on Coupon books this week only. Albemarle Laundry. N.21,22,28,24. 10c Milk 10c Milk 10c Milk 10c Elizabeth City m.ilk men have a gain advanced the price to 12c a quart effective Monday the 20th Inst. In many of the large cities the price today is 8 and 10 cents for Certified Milk and the expenses ot the freighting to the cities and de llvering much greater than here. If you are willing to agree to buy all the ml'.k you use for the next three years from a new strictly san itary dairy that will guarantee tf furnish pure certified iilk at 10c quart delivered to your door, please sign coupon below and mall or send to M. Xi Y. Z. Care Advance at once. Signature . I . St. A, No...... ,..,".1.,.-.;.. . ' . " fits, used daily . I tf. , ' VICTORY FlGKLE III WORLD AVAR SUCCESS OF ALLIES AT MONAS , TIR OFFSET BY GERMAN GAINS AGAINST ROUMANIA -J'i-'NWfc. (By United Press! London, Nov. 21. The Serbians are hotly pursuing the Bulgarians and Germans retreating , from Mon astic The victors have occupied the towns of Makovo, OredovO, Vrancel, Ridarie, Bitlanik and Nevak. The war office at Petrograd ad mits that under German pressure the Roumanians have retired to Tiliash. "Our infantry now stands before Craiova" is the report from Berlin of the German sweep into Rouman ia. An Athens dispatch claims that the Greek cabinet has refused the allied demand that German, Austrian and Turiksh ministers withdraw from the city before tomorrow. Weeks Funeral At Home Today The funerat of Mr. J. Frank Weeks Sr., who died suddenly at the Caro lina Hotel on Sunday, was conduct ed at the home l Mr-JJC-'Wi on West Main street this afternoon at three o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. D. P. Harris assisted by Rev. C. E. Culbretb, pastor of City Road M ethodist churcn The pall bears were E. F. Ayd lett. M. N. Sawyer, t. P. Nash, Sr., George Wood, T. B. Wilson and W. ('. Dawson. ,. Following the service the body was laid to re-tt In Hollywood rem etery . Anions those attending the fun ural from outside the city were Dr. Steven B. Weeks of Washington, D. C, Mrs. Selius Ferebee of South Mi'ls. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Spence of Newland, Paul B. Weeks of New land . Must Accept President's Plan (3v United Press Atlantic iCty, Nov. 21. The final plan for the withdrawal of American forces from Mexico, and for the maintenance of a border patrol, with president Wilson's approval, will be presented to the Mexican Peace Commissioners today with the state ment that the Adtninslstration ex pects its acceptance without further wrangling. JURYLIST jury list for Pasquotank County, Court, beginning January 1st, 1917. FIRST WEEK N. P. Parker, R. F. Prltchard, J. A. Lowe, E. J. Swain, T. D. Jones. Edward Markham. Jr., 8. T. Cooper. Ellhu Harris, S. M. Brothers, Sr. L. W. Jackson. C. W. Morris, L. C. Par ker. J. R. Sawyer, H. G. Parks, Eph ralm Brlte. T. 8. Owens, Jr.. F. P. Morris. W. J. Grant, Granville Smith son, J. W. Overman, IL C. 8herlock, M. 8. Cartwrlght, J. T. Davis (Salem), E. A. Williams. SECOND WEEK. John A. White (Nixonton), Char les L. Sawyer (So. Ave.), Wf E. Whitehurst, M. G. Sedgewick, A. B. Stowe, J. C. Combs, A. B. Seoley, M. C. Rlggs. A. M. Mercer, Willie Jer.nirgs (Mt. Hermon),.W. A. Jack son, E. H. Ccoper, R. H. Command r, I. R. Richardson, Wi'son Godfrey Wilson Temple, T. C. Perry, E. C. Plight. E. C Bell. W.. J. Copeland. ohn ; Stanley,' J. T, "Davis ' (E.' City) C. F. MundcnvI. P. Jennings." SPEAKERS LECTURERS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION TO BE HEARD THERE Chapel Hill. N. C, Nov. 21-Vlth in the next month several noted speakers come to Chape! Hill for lectures at the University and nt least one important convention will be held here. On Wednesday night of this week the second series of lectures on "American Citizenship will fce begun by James A. Mc donald, editor of the Toronto (Can ada) Globe. Prof. George B. McCel lan of Princeton University deliver ed the first setters last year. This lectureship Is supported by funds given by heirs of Sol and Herman Weild of Goldsboro, and like the McNalr series, has become one of the big events of the college year. Mr. Macdonald will deliver three lectures on "The North American Idea." On Wednesday night he will discuss 'The North American Idea in the American Republican;" on Thursday "The North American I- dea in the Canadian Dominion" will be his theme; in the last lecture 1 ? will consider "The North Ameri can Idea and America's Internu-Il-m."Dr. Macdonald's fame as a lec turer both in his own country and i niteWftw-Ul. -in&ke Uuuud Itctures of "national Import, espe cially at this crltl! time In the nation's history. ""' The McNalr lectures. which come In Felruary, will this year be delivered by Hugh Black, now of the Union Theological Stminarv, but formerly of Edinburgh, Scot land. Besides being a famous writer Dr. Black is regarded as one of thp two or three biggest preachers in the wnrld. He his always drawn im mense crowds in New York Citv sinro he Megan to maae nis nome therp. These lectures are concerned with problems of religion, philoso phy and science. Dr. Blacks sub jects will be announced later. The coming Newspaper Institute at the University. Dec. 7-9. is al ready being much discussed by thp newspaper men of the state. an1 there are many indications that (Continued on Page Four) SUFFRAGE HOST8 ARE MOBILIZING HAGIIJS EVEflTS IVILl II1TEREST SSJSMBVBSSBBBJM GOOD CROWDS EXPECTED AT ALBEMARLE PARK TRACK ON THANKSGIVING DAY Eliiabeth City turfmen are pre paring for a racing event on Thanks giving that will no doubt bring to the Albemarle Park track on that day a goodly number of spectators. Purses aggregating one hundred dollars have been provided and , al ready a large number of entries are assured . There will be two races; a 2:30 class and a 2:50 class. Fifty .dollars will go to the winners In each race, the first horse taking 125.00, the. second $15.00 and the third $10.00. Entered already for the 2:30 class are "Chatty" owned by Frank Al bertson, "Billie Hair" owned by B. M. White, and "Col. Snow" owned by Moses Stokely. Entered for the 2:50 class are "Noble Boy" owned by W. E. Stokes "Mary B" owned by P. C. Harris. "Dan Patch" owned by J. J. Watson The respective owners of these horses will drive in each race. It is hoped that arrangements can be made for a running event; and definite announcement as to this may be looked for later. Home Problems! Are Discussed (Bv United Press) Washington, Nov. 21 The Suff rage Hosts are mobilizing for a bin drive on Congress at the coming session, when they anticipate the en actment of Federal woman suffrage legislation. RETURNS TO NEW YORK CITY Mr. Theodore Chandler who has been visiting his family here, the guests of Mrs. .1. B. Flora on East Main street, has returned to his home In New York City. WILL APPEAL TO BUSINESS MEN (By United Press) Washington. Nov. 21 A call to American business men to meet the unprecedented trade conditions af ter the war will he the keynote of the Presidents message to Congress at the opening of the next session; of that body. He expects to appeal for more co-operation between em ploye and employer and for the eli mination of class feeling. Mrs. Walter Homan left Thursday for New Bern to visit her sister, Sirs, B. B. Davenport. J. F. Bpence of Newland was In the city tod siy: ' ' " t-h The Home Demonstration Club of Sound Neck met the county Home Demonstrator. Miss Man-la Albert son, at the home of Mrs. Bill Davis Monday afternoon. There was an in teresting discussion of home econ omics and an encouraging show of Interest on the part of the club mem tiers, a large number of whom were present. On Saturday the canning club girls of the county met at the home of Miss Albertson on church street in their regular semi-monthly gath ering. Several clubs are represent ed and the afternoon was given to a lesson In chocheting. Refresh ments were served and the evening as a whole was most enjoyablv spent. On Friday the Riverside Home, Demonstration Club met with Miss Albertson at the home of Mrs. F. M. Newby. A cooking demonstra tion of substitutes for meats was given and awakened much interest among the members. On Thursday Miss Albertson at tended the community fair at Roper where Bhq judged the exhibits in the household department. On Tuesday of last week the Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Henry Cartwrlght on the Leigh farm. Chickens, bask etry and embroidery were the sub jects discussed and particular in terest was manifest in chickens. The Home Demonstrator Is working 4o improve the grade of chickens in the country homes of me county and Is meeting with gratifying success. REPUBLICANS ADMJT CALIFORNIA TO WILSON (By United Press) San Francisco. Nov. 21. The Re publican State Central Committee estimate President Wilson's plural ity In California will exceed 3400. PAINFUL IMPRE8SION CREATED IN HOLLAND Ihj United Pressl Amsterdam, Nov. 21 The Dutch minister at Berlin has been instruc ted to notify the German Govern ment of the "Painful ' impression' created InHolland as a result of tho deportation to Germany ' of Belgian workmen ' .',"",":' .. " STRIKE TUT THIS TH CONSTRUCTION PLAC ED ON REMARKS OF ONE OF ' brotherhood Chiefs V ' r -'.. ...,.!!(!."). (By United Press) Washington. Nov. 2i.A general railroad strike In January i( ' aot ' now regarded as probable. It Is thV general belief that the danger of ' uch an eventuality has been aTrt ed. This interpretation is pUced on " the remarks of Warren 8. 8tont( -chief of the brotherhood of looomo ' tlve engineers, to the effect that the "question of a strike will be an , ' swered later." Last week in NeV York leaders of the brotherhoods declared flatfooted !y that there' would be a strike If they didn't get a real 8 hour daf.' u is now believed that the brother hoods will await the test of the con stitutionality of the Adamson law. The Brotherhoods are shroudlnf their movement In secrecy. Today the brotherhood chiefs at Baltimore addressed the conventionof the A merlcan Federation of Labor 8 move that portends co-operation be tween the brotherhoods and the fed eration In an effort to force accept ance of the general principle of tho , eight hour day by the strength of ?; ? awPJVa.MWjmsua. latum. 'Miij'rF.D J,.- . Meantime the Department of Jut- tice appears to be ready for tho - test of th oonstrtulona Htjr 'of tkr- Adamson eight-hour measure, when the Union pacific "and tha Banta Ft lines belgln thetr injunction suits In Kensas ftfy to restrain the enforc ing of the la. The decision is vital as upon It probably depends the question of -whether the brotherhoods will ulti mately resort to a strike to gain their end. The Investigation of the New- lands committee will be resumed 00 Thursday with testimony of the railroads. Wilcox Denies . Concedes Defeat . (By United Press) New York, Nov, 21. Replying to published reports Chairman Wilcox of the Hepub iean National Commit tee, denied that a telegram conced ing Wilson's election and congratu lating him had been prepared. The Republican Committee Is still await ing the official count, he said. BESSIE BARRISDALE AT THE ALKRAMA Bessie Barrlsdale, who Is starred with William Desmond In "Not My Sister" will be seen at the Alkrama In this Triangle play on Wednes day night. She was born in New York, mad her debut on the stage at the age Of five, and first came prominently be fore the public eye as Lovey Mary in "Mrs Wlggs of the Cabbage Patlb." In motion pictures she has been seen In a number' of popular roles and is now under a long term con tract with the Triangle I nee studios U. 8. SUPREME COURT AFFIRMS N. C. DECISION 1 Dy J uuvq a x oro; , WAHhinkton. Nov. 21 The sUDreme court nas amnnea tne norm Caro lina supreme courts decision deny , ing the Seaboard Air Line an , in- . junction to prevent the enforcement -of the city ordinance of the city of Raleigh, requiring the road to : move . oertaln ? tracks,, t from - the publlo ' , street. '

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