-! vl Ili, 5 li TCl, iii', ' ...". ' Ju .VI. J III I News Without Bias 1 Views Without' yy'v,:,;. Prejudice " n . J U 1 J: r- n "J : . i -.; i ij Hii " J :' The Only Dcnocrctic "'.A':'. Newspaper. tPublished in Elizabeth t ;-VTOI lKJ ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 22316 NO If 3 IdspitalSliipBmMll I - -' V7. f Forr and Onfc ?hf itheSBierffest :!Sfoips Afloat? Admitted V; Lost ByfiBritish Admiral- 7 ' ty. ; u . (By UiflWd PreBi) : !4n4on, 'Not. J2 -t TheM hoaplUJ ahlp BrlUnniq, former White SUr Liner and one ot the' Wggeat rhipi Afloat, bai been aunk In the. Agean with the Ion of fifty .Urea, ii announcement just lstned by British Iflmlralty. VV-r addition t0 the fifty loat, twen ty eight others are Mid: to hare "been enjured.; Eleven hundred wero I'. It ,! auumed that the Brltannio being UBed. to transport ,lUed wcxmaea rrom osioniu. ai u iiup -whW aunk wat in the direct route favit .that poln0;;;Cii) 017 mi is , London;"' IbV: 12 "-i, Military . e " perta here make no attempt to mln lm'lM the gravity with which the Qennan whirlwind . advance - Into v Roumannta la rearded.' " A, " 11 The question which now Is . pro Voklng most aerloua - thought la '. rhetaer the Roumanians wilt , be , . . ble . to ' save their vast . stores ' of : wheat before retlrlnai :4 ' The temporary: local collapse of , 4he whole Walla'chain prorlnce cam ; paliM Is feared. . 'A ' ''; ... t general Halg reports active ene T mi artUlerr Ire on the Ancre dur ; v Berlin .elalma that two German - j detachments peeutrated the British ; ( trenches destroyed the 'defensive . ; works and captured a number of prisoners. .. . !?rice too High For Expo site - Washington, Nov. 22.' The navy department has decided that a mil lion and a half is too high a price, tor " the Jamestown exposition site, which has been offered the Govern ment that that figure. It' la estimat ed that If the promotors can present ' lower figures the purchase of the site may be favorably acted upon." IIUGIIES VIED IQC.ktlk 10c Milk 10c Milk. lflo . EltaalJeth City m,ilk nave a gain ad vanced . ths price Id ,12o a luarV effective . Monday the 20thr Inst. Ifttnany ot the large cities the Dries today . is d, 1 nt8 lor Certified. Milk e& the expenses of -the) fletgntlhg cltle nd a llvering much ,frtfr tnan here ' - ir yon are wiilng to agree to b.uy all the ; milk yon use lor the . next jlthree years trriin a' new strictly san itary; dairy that, will guarantee j to turnidh pure, certified, milk at 10c o quart delivered to your door, please gn coupon beldw and mail or send .;Care Advance at once.,;' firiatnr . .-. .' . . : . . .'. . f v St. & No, i e a f e , Qta. tiscd dsi'y if. FIRST . METHObltT ' CHURCH SCENE OF BEAUTIFUL -. . ANO ELABORATE . ' " ; wedoinq:-v,c ' v'.".'' . , - ,Th First - Methodist church this afternoojj . at half ipasf one o'clock vas the scene of a beautiful and a laboratt Wedding when Miss ', Virgin,' I la EdnajKramer became Jhrldf pt Mr. jo&b Edward Hughes. ;: f-.? : V The ; ceremony, ' , one ' vra'rt beauty and : impressive tfignUy'. wlti nesaed. by large - concourse r ot friends and relatives, ' was perform ed by Ren J. L.: Cunnlnglni pasior of The First- Methodist Church. The church j wai beautifully s dec rated with ferns and dowers' effect ing a co'.or Sche'me of purple and green with touch s ot. white. An ar arrangement Of a . white; enatnel gateway and altar over which hung a large shower basket of ferns end wisteria a center j from ''wklclf drooped festoons Of delicate foliage on which lingered the rich Illumina tion of green and pUflr ; lights formed ' a beautiful ' setting , for , the wedding' scene. , .Z , ' Mrs. Oeorge. Ward, at the organ softly ..'tendered ."- "Bprtngtlme1' and the bridal chorus from, 'The. Rose maid" as a prelude to the ceremony. Just before, the bridal party entered Mrs., Wesley Forman' sSng "My Heart and Tnon Sweet Voice." . At the first strains ' ot the wedd ing march from Lohengrin, the ush ers, Mr. Miles Clark; and Mr. W. 0. Galther, Jr. fl'ed down the aisle and took their places at the chancel, to await the- bridal party. They were closely followed by Mr. John Har ney, groomsman. The bride's only attendants were her cousin, Miss Maude . Kramer, and Miss Huyln, Hughes, sister of the groom. Entering together, the Immediately, preceded the bride who approached, the altar on the arm of her father, Mr. 'A- K. Kramer, who gave her, away In, marriage.; tlx:j Miss Maud Kramer, maid of honor was . gowned in violet '. 'georgette fcrepe with hat of silver lace; while the bridesmaid, Mite Hoyla Hughes wore a costume of violet charmeuse with trimmings of silver lacs and silver lace hat. ..Each wore silver grey ', boots and each carried arm bouquets i of white chrysanthemums, tied with violet tulle.' ..The bride was attired In a hand some suit ot plum velour with seal, coHar and ' cuffa, f wore ' hat and gloves to ' match, sliver ,' grey . boots and- carried a shower bouquei of 111 lies ot the. valley ,and orchids. , , The .bride was , met at the V altar by the groom attended by his. broth-', er, Mr. Thomas . S, Hughes, ; who acted.as besi nan- :V-iH .'i -v ,' ; Immediately- after the ceremony Mr. And Mrs.'-Hughe's; left on the northbound train for a two . weeks tour of Northern cities, after which j t!ipr wit: make tlifr home in Eiis- EVES OF HORLO oil mi RULER DEATH OF, FRANZ J08EF tOT !iOFFJCIALLy CONFIRMED - BUT TILL INDUBITABLY ) BITTER FIGHT ? Fcoo e,:30 REPRESENTATIVE ; FITZGERALD SAY WILL INTRODUCE EM' BARGO RESOLUTION A; ; : . , (By Vaited Frees.) X1 London, Nov.' 22-The;eyea r the World are turned to Charles Fran ces,, Josef, the new Emperor' of Aua-trlai-HungarA',: i'-s':'. r-;.f fe4. Although. Vienna is so tar wit ho'dmg official confirmation ' of ths death of , the r kged Emperor, Fran ces Josef, his 'demise Is confirmed! rom various, reliable sources - f' The.newruler, only twenty nine years old, - Is now supposedly com manding the Austrian "armies In the Carpathians. He Is known to have a good military education' and to be democratically , Inclined.:' Vj f:'; ! Lacking, however, In diplomatic training he assumes the throne at a time when' the strongest ; of me woulld have no light task la mala taintng the Integrity of the nation.. f Hungary Is growing restless under ths Hapsburg" yoke., Ths death f ef the strong figure of the aged mon arch, increases ths fear of, Prussian domination, as - the people U suspect that ' this mere . stripling, unversed In statecraft; will ,be found pliant tc Prasslan, wj8hes;. VVct' i The court at ; Vienna' Is the most Many ; curious, ' mediaeval . customs and ceremonies will attend the pre paration ot the. body, of, the dead monarch for. funeral and interment, nd the crownfng' of the oe. w( ruier. i Recording to' ancient custom the heart .of ; Frans ' Josef would ; be re moved today and placed' In a 'sepa rate receptacle to be1 burled later with his body, i 1 ' j It was X8 . years ag0 when ' the last Hapsburg' died. His heart was placed In an urn and preserved with fifty-five other urns eaca . containing, hearts of the fifty-five members ot the royal family. Frans Josef, however, issued a royal decree against thla ancient custom. His body will probably lie In state for a week In the church at St. Augustine' at Hofbiirg, which is four hundred years old. Interment Will follow rn the Im perial crypt, for four centuries keep er of the Hapsburg dead. MR. WARNEy ENTERTAINS Mr. John Harney was the host at a formal dinner at his . home on West Main street Tuesday" evening at half past seen o'clock. The oc casion was In honor of Mr, 'J. - Ed ward Hughes, whose 'jmarlrage ' to Miss" Ednk Kramer' took ' place to day Other guests were' Merrs. W, 0. Galther, Thomas S. Hughes Miles Clark and 8helby Harney , of Eden ton. '' ' ' XvZ?: ': ':V j (By United Pressi ; Washlngtonr Nov; 22 :.f,v Pre-eon- g resslon&r developments portend a bitter' fight in the House over the' question of the eatabllshment of . a food embargo., -."'a ; iV ?'rr V. BepresentatireFitsgerald has An nounced that he will tntroducs an embargo .resolution immediately fol lowing the convening of the body, ; ' 'v-ilt: ENTERTAINS C. ' M. B. CLASS , Mrs, Manlif Ooodfrey was hostess to the, Cy M B. Class of BlackweH Memorial, t Sunday school f at pher home on North. Road street ; Tues day 'evening. :' Vi-- j "T, j-v; Encouraging .reports wsrs made by those present, of the - work; ac complished 'since the InstJ meetlnt;. The treasurer ,;wa's instructed J to" send twenty dollars to tha Thomas vllle Orphanage as a Thanksgiving offeriSg from' the claasf-'-; 'y- Miss . Beulah Bowden, taught .the sixth 'ciupter ot the book being R'udied by the 'class ;j after ;', which the ' foiling ; officers , were -j "elected i Mrs. S. C Newbold,, President!' Mrs. Mrs. S.i Frlcer SecoKd-:Vlce Presl dentj ' Mrs; Mary ' Has'tiflgs, - third. Vice ' Presldeati '; Mrs. C J. ' Ward, Treasurer? "Mrs! C. E." Overman, Sec reUryr Mrs. ;R. T. Venters, 'Teach er: 4 V ; v,1; . Delicious refreshments , were serv ed by thehostera, sssisted byPMrs. X W. Dawson and Mrs. Dennis Van Horn.' ' - .' .'V, : x . : .,' ' Those present were j: , Mrs. Mary . Truellood, ; Mrs. J Eli , Cfipeland,', Mrs. E. E. Sexton, Mrs'. R E. , Bufkln. Mrs, 8, Price,: Mrs. C, J. Ward, Mrs. J. H, Aydlett, Mrs. Laura Munden, Mrs. Otella Godfrey, Miss Mary Hastings, Miss 'Sophia v Morrlsette, Miss Beulah .BowderMrSi 3f 'T:' Wynn, Mrs. M. H. Brlte, Mrs.' C.r White, Mr. , and Mrs. R. T Venters, and Mrs.' C. E. Overman. , . TO PROPERLY v NOURISH BODY , , FOODS MUST PS CAREFUL- 1 LY SELECTED RETURN FROM DANCE; .Messrs. Vattghan Oriffln Edwjtrd Orlffln, Elwooa 'Weatherty.' y,' .W, SeHg. J. W. Selig, Latiner Comman der and K. 8 Etberldge ' motored to Edenton to attend the: dance Tues day evening, returning .home .' this mornings yt, f,;..;- ' . ' abeth city.- .'.-'.v-j".,"A.';;:Vi'" '.; The. bride, the charming daughter of Mr.- and Mrk. A. IC-Kramer, Is ore of .the most attractive -young indies in the city's aociaf circles and the measure of her ponulsrlty , Is attested by thO unusually large sum f.ef,cf beautiful and expensive pres ents which she received. ; t' ' The groom, an alumnns of the Fttt University at Chapel. Hill and. holding a responajb'.e. position with the Dare ', Lumber Company, . Is the son of Mr and Mrs. J.' P. Hnghes and Is popular In both business and soi irtl circles. . ,'- ". ' " By DR. SAMUEL 0. DIXON (Penn. Commissioner of Health) We have many abong a who be lieve , themselves ' intelligent, and yet are starving to death. The human "body represents the most complicated piece of machin ery known to men , To maintain It We must supply it with albumin found in , meats, beans and Bome of the other vegetables,' It . must have starch: or sugar foundjln bread, po tatotea aod sweets. We must have fats also, found in meats, huts and 10 ; on', and of course, preeminently in Wter, and good milk., ,; , ,,,.,: , .TaV "body demands certain salts such' as are fouln many of ;.'th vegeubles if they"tjot robbed of them oy being soaksd in water be fore or during the process of soak- tng: ;A ..'?. .These constituent parts of; the diet must be Intelligently 1 propor tioned. ' i'.-j.(-)'..,-' 'We' must urge our educators to teach children ot nnderstandable age the scheme v of selecting a rational combination of foodstuffs.:; i'J, " At present we want reai jail-around family Physicians whom the mothers, can consult as" to how to feed iheir flocts including the grown ups of the nou'sehold as well as the small "children r 'fV.!'V' ' .?'vA:t-v.-';;,'r :';"" V'- Si-i-V1'"""' .'"Mr,. J.1 d'SawyW an MrVMathias O Yens'; have 'returned 'from New York City where tbey'i have t' been buyTitJt goods for Owens Shoe Com Tnry.' . ' ' ";- v: ' ; Federal Jud Molds gel I.'. v! A''';, Government Attorneys Ex pected at ' V r. i" to 4- Sup to .-y-'v.r-t''". reme App A. t V . ' J I i By; United Press), . Kansas City, Nov. 23-rJudge Hook holds . the Adamson, eight hour law uncoMtUutional and . invalid. X He refused' today la Federal court to dismiss the application mof , the Missouri-Oklahoma ft 'Quit railroad from an ; Injunction ' against the . en forcement ot .the. eight hour mess-' are. - !-: m, -tm . The Government attorneys expect to appeal the case Immediately tp the supreme court for the final test of its conetituionaltty; 4 " My "decision, says Judge Hook, "Is foefSly to rUsh the case to ths 8upremo, Court . l have given "the Government , until - three o'clock to perfect their, appeals 4 .---y;,',f DECISION BEFORE JANUARY Wslilngfbn, Nov. 22 If humahly IIIIEO THE TEST:- on every fro;ii AL80 BTAYINO POWER OP NON. ; COM BATAiTts ' AH: IMPORTANT J r FACTOR IN WAR r- Vjs'f V"l 1y.-..f:f y .'' (- ...- . r , SMsjBaBSMsaapaa. ' , , , W.- t M ' (By W.M. T, MASON) . New York, Not, 2.Threo often. Ives are at height , of their ' prsssur as the European -conflict enters; upon Its third winter posaiTelhS" ddsv the .constitutionality; or r ths Ada'msonl. law. before January 1st, Everything will be done tq- expedite the. hearing possible.''' vVv'i- '"'?" i 1- V Believe Wilson Is With Them (By United Press) Baltimore, Nov. 22. ' Organised labor does not believe, that the President .will insist on legislation making arbitration before striking compulsory. , The sentiment ot the convention of the Federation of Labor In ses sion here is that the President Is "with them. ' BOX SUPPER .AT CAMDEN Camden, N. C '-November, 22. A few nights ago" the , Woman's Betterment Association- of Camden School District gave a box supper with the proceeds to go for the pur pose of helping to purchase a piano for the school. The patrons and the friends of the school responded very liberally and the net proceeds amounted to something over 138.00. Through the efforts of the Better merit Association this year and pas't years, the school1 house hag' been painted and beautified both inside1 and out, the school grounds mads more agreeable to the eye.. They now 'only owe 150.00 on the spline and expect to pay this amount with.' in ths next few months. ., Miss Jennie Ferebee ot 8hawbor0 N. C is teaching the school this year and also taught it' last year and It Is to a great extent due to her efforts and energy that so much has been done towards bettering conditions. Miss Ferebee l, a teach' er of excellent attainments, full of energy and has the . gift' of being able to Inject enthusiasm and high aspirations in her pnpils. Oreat pro gress has been noted and favorably commented upon during the period in which she has been teaching at Camden.' y Miss Nellie Wood has returned, from ' visit , to Miss Julia Bond at Edenton.' r,'"''-v,:v:-t - 20 discount, on i,Coupon , books this week -only. ; -Albemarle laundry. N.M.S2.23.24. ; ,u-' - ' , ; uvuies .tnroughout the m The Anglo French qffens.ly along , the Bomms and ths Ahcrs, 'the !Uv sd advanca Hong th Greek' froB. " i tier, i thf tewtonlo movements Iq Rumania gji contain possibilities 'o( ' .'winter surprise. ' iitl) '''' The principle unknown problen? lies in ths effect 0f Intense artillery fire upon froiea' trenches Since ths V neglnning of tho" conflict no ' effort has been made to test thV- abiUtr of either side to withsUnd trench i . bombardment und-r the semi numb. -' aess of . the winter. , . , '. ' Hitherto the trench fighting has slackened to a draw with the begin-' tng'ot cold weather. With th. inning of this winter the allies are it neuer situated on the western front ' witfl artillerjr positions on high , ground and favorably placed' for blasting the frosen lines of the Oer v,' mans. On the Greek frontier the ad-"f'v vanUge Is again with . the allies ' because their lines of' communica' tion are shortetr. , In Roumania, on the other hand .' the Teutons hold the advantage be' -cause the Roumanians must obtain i their ammunition from Russia where V the supply is limited. ' ' . The war this winter is not only ' the supreme test of the " fighting ;': ': power of the beligerents but ' also , , or tne staying power of the aon combatant population. ? - , For thla reason . Brittan, Russia," ' France and Germany are with ons acoord establishing new systems of ! conserving tke fool supplies. ' PASSES THROUGH CITY Professor C. -B. Garrett, formerly ;. ot this city, but now principal 'of 1 the South Fork Academy at Maiden, ' North Carolina, in Catawba county,4 passed through the city today on his wsy home after a visit to his foster-1 father, Mr. M. 8. Burgess of 8hiloh.l Mr. Burgess, Prof. Garrett said, hai been seriously sick, but Is now im- " proving. V; ' ' ' V'JS CARD OF THANKS The mother and the other mem-, bers of the family of Frank Raulfs desire to' take , this method of l)ex-i pressing to their friends' and to the pnblic generally their '"appreciation" cf the kindnesses shown, them at his death and funeraL Those 'who sent .florar designs ; and antomoblles aro cpec!ally gratefuTly rpmnniwred.

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