" one i ATpiiii'.-;TQ .'She : OKpiiAN's : 'on. Kisivii'jcj- News Without ' ::;f - Bias -Views .Without Prejudice 1 .HQ: .-' M n.!( , V' .7 1 ) f. i : i mmmm c . . . ": 1 f -"V..-- ' : "i .n 17 4 DIVTU rtTV imnTTt vi tint i nnm i ...... - i . 1 " I W:l ii i ; :.4 The Only Democratic ;-tJ- Newspaper Published In Elizabeth " - i' VOL;! ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROL THURSDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 23; 191$ 11 FOUR FIFTHS OF STATES J Elizabeth City the Logical Point for Packing Plant Says Manager C. R. Pugh ,A number of representative ' clti cen of all this lection will be guests of honor at a sup per glren by the Chamber1 of Com merce at the Southern Hotel to night to a Committee from the city and adjoining counties for the dis cussion of the possibilities or or ganizing a Packing Plant for this section of North Carolina. C. R. Pugh, Mnager of the Cham ber of Commerce, i8 intensely In terested in this movement and ex ceedingly optimistic as to the out look for its success. In an Interview given this paper this morning Mr. Pugh said: "The principal pork packing states Irom a co-operative standpoint ac cording to the TJ. S. Bureau of ani mal husbandry are Iowa, Minne sota and Wisconsin ' r lowa nag per capita wealth of 13,539.00, the highest save one of y state in the Union. "North Carolina has a per capita wealth of. $797U0, the lowest save one of any state in the Union. IOWA N. CAROLINA II BEPil TO 1 HIES ANSWERS BELATED CONGRATU LATORY TELEGRAM SENT TO WASHINGTON LAST NIGHT 217,04' 263,725 Average acres per farm 156.3 88.4 Average acres worked per farm 135 34.7 Per cent of land owned 86.4 39.3 Value of land per acre worked $82.58 $15.29 Cattle per farm 22 3.7 Average Value $9.24 $3.78 Chickens per farm .. 110 23 "A study of these figures seems to warrant the statement that the per capita wealth of North Carolina beers the same relattefi to that of 'Ira, that the live stock on farms in North Carolina bears to that on farms in Iowa. , "The records, of our local express office show an average of 40 hogs per day during th months 'Novem ber, December and January. It costs 45c per 100 lbs to Norfolk. It costs 90c per 100 lbs to Raleigh. It costs 79c per 100 lbs to Richmond "The most significant statement given out by the agricultural depart ment, in connection with the pack ing industry in this State is this "Eighty per cent of the hogs of North Carolina are produced in thirty-five counties in the extreme Eastern part of the State." "This argues beyond any other plea as to Elizabeth City beina; pe culiarly adapter ior the location of a packing plant. i Washington. Nov., 23.-Preident1 Wilson this morning sent the fol- .owlng congratulatory telegram to Charles E. Hughes, Republican can didate for President in the recent election: "I am sincerely obliged " to you for your message of congratulation. Allow me to assure you of my good wishes for the yeara to come. The Republican candidate's tele gram of congratulations reached President Wilson last night .. .. ' t . .i i .'" - .: Two Men Rob So. Express Co. v NO 154 ' H. . . - I V T" .. f . . . . . b tc i" i v ElilllitHIIU;M " v . t ' t t . .1 --. 4 i. i r - J i 1 ft 1 1 u 1 1 lj 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I . -1 I - i 5 - ... J I I ' W w w sj mgw - IT EHTE8 THE TAHGLE y.. . ....... . -u,'. , IF ;AM ERICA K SURGEONS WERE ON' 60ARO WERE CLEARLY ENTITLED PROTECTION TO inEliD GiLlE 'V4k- THANKSGIVIKO EVENT '. : "WILL NO DOUBT DRAW USUAL- BIG CROWDS FROM HERE h Chatagnooga, Tenn. Hov. 23. Two men who held up Fred Corntel son southern express driver, and robbed nis wagon, are reporter to have obtained $40,000. The robbery, was reported when Cornlelson staggered through the dcor of the express company's of flee. i The money was being shipped to southern banks. ilk 10c Milk 10c Milk 10c Elftaaeth City mUk men have a . gain advanced the price to 12c a quart effective Monday the 20th, Inst In many of the large cities the 'price today is I and 10 cents for Certified Milk the expenses -of the freighting Tpa cities and de llvering much greater than. here. If you are willing to agree to buy all the mi!k you use for the net three years trom a new strictly san itary dairy that will guarantee to furnish pure- certified milk at 10c juart delivered to your door, please sign coupon below and mail or send r- x. y. z. . Care Advance at once. Signature St. & No, ,..,7 " : AN EXPRESSION! pF APPRECIATION i" itev. in. f. iainngs, wno is now Improved after a long and, severe illness at his home at Moyock, sends to The Advance the following communication: ' Editor The Advance: Allow me through your paper to thank the people of Moyock and community for the many kindnesses shown me during my protractej ill nets, i have been connned to - m- room for seven weeks or more. Dur ing my illness I have felt my un worthiness so many times. Brethern R. O. Bagley and N. W. Powers, each brought me a big two wagon load of hay and put in my bflrn, the neighbors have brought barrels of nice potatoes, milk, butter, flowers and many other things too numerous to mention. I can never reciprocate this token of friendship and respect I can only aBk Our Father above to reqult them tor all they have done. My Churches have from time to time sent salary in Just as if I were rendering them the best of service for which I feel very grate ful, , . ' . Sincerely, N, P. STAGINGS. Nov. 23-16. . Qts. 'used dully ,.,.,... WILL PRESENT PLAY FRIDAY AFTERNOON '"The TunToFTJterary Society of the Elizabeth City HlRh 8chool bar dramatized ( "The House of , Seven Cables" and will present the play at thalr next meeting, Friday after noon, November-.24b.-V - - j,r--t A' very" , cordial invitation ' Is ex tended' the public; to attend. Washlnston, , Nov. 2J. The de struction, of the great British hospi tal ship, Britannic seriously threat ens to enter into the tangle of dos- sible submarine complications be tween the United - VSli many. The reported presence of Ameri can surgeons on booard th ' v vm sel renders the case one for serious refection, anj possibly for serious action when taken .in connection with others which trangresslon of the German pledges and of international rulnn In the event that no Americans were aboard the incident may be taken merely as an indication of which way the Oeman wind is blow ing. A hospital ship, under the rules of the Convention of Geneva is im mune from attack. Subsequeat changes In the .method of "warfare could hardly effect this statas of ships erigaged in. erands of mercy. Hence if American surgeons were present it is held that they wero clear'y entitled , to protection. ' ' , I pall of war beclouds pall of Death in austria-s cap ital city will nor. of London, Nov. 23. Vienna not parade her sorrow in Uie servance of the funeral of the ceased emperor, Franz Josef, her welcome in the celebration the ascension to the throne of bis successor, Charles Francis Joseph. . Vienna dispatches indicate a de parture from the rigidly formal and richly ceremonla customs which have hitherto marked the passing of all monarchs. The pall of war beclouds even the pall of sorrow. Vilenna, draped in black is literally wrapped in a shroud of morning . The body of the dead monarch lies in a state in the imperial pa. lace. ,West Raleigh. ,N. C, Not.-23 The interest of the sport lovers of North Caro ina 4s rapidly centering about the Thanksgiving football game between A. and.M. College and Washington and Lee " at Raleigh. This will be the . biggest gridiron battle o be staged on North Car Una soil this year, and the first Thanksgiving oontest to be played on tne Tech's home grounds in many years. ,Announcemnt has beer made of special trains and reduced rates on all lnes to accomodate the tide of traffic which wi'l flow to the Capital City on "Turkey Day." ' me largest attendance to ever witness a football struggle in the Tar Heel State is expected on thl occasion. The State Teachers' As sembly, the meeting of the general alumni of A. and M. on the mornjnp and the college dance af night serve as further attracloni.. In anticipation new sets of . bleachers have been erected along both sides of Riddlck Kield, concrete stands takllng the I ace of wooden" bleachers on one side. ' The. A. and M. team has shown wonderful improvement Id both form and fighting spirit since they have been under the guidance of Coach Harry Hartsell, who only . recently took charge, assited by John Bray and other alumni. Last Saturday the Down Homers accomplished what no other team, with the one oxception of the Navy when in the early part of thn season, has done this year, when they crossed Ueorge town's goal line. From now on Hart sell will work his men with the one idea of preparing for the nna! fracas with the Virginia asgrega tion. The Generals' eleven is gen erally Conceded to be one or the best in the country today, bo the football tans are assured of an un ususal exhibition when these twe teams meet on Thanksgiving. Will Employ ITull Time Trained Secretdrjr, aiid ; Begin Plans 'for Next Year at Once i v ) .... i -: -". On Friday night, November 24th there will me a meeting of the stockholders of the Fair Associa. tion for the purpose of effecting a permanent organisation and of meet ing delegates from the other citiej of Eastern North Carolina with view to organizing an Eastern Car olina fair circuit. "A fair for next year in Elizabeth City." says Mr. Thomas J. Mark ham, "is assured." "We have the stock and we have as stockholders men whose standing in business circles makes Its finan cial soundness sura. ' "It is our purpose to organise and ! incorporate a permanent association inai win purchase its own grounds and erect thereon modern buildings adequate to every need of a fair representing the nine counties of this section. "We expect to employ a trained secretary, a man sent us by the Hagerstown Fair Association who wll! give his entire time to the In terests of the Fair Association. "Work will begin at once looking toward a fair next year. A premium list will be prepared put into the hands of a printer and by next spring this premium list will be in the hands of the farmers, so that thi'y will know just what to expect and Just what to work for. ME.SEEa; , KERM.I1S LCADON ,FQJt GRAVE FEARS AT SAFETY OF ROUMANIAN TROOPS REPORTED SURROUN OED Alaskan Rate Hearing Held Forest Fifes In Alabama Mobile., Ala. Forest tires raging along the Mississippi gulf are spreading .toward the turpentime camps ana endangering me nomes of many farmers. (By United Press) Wanhington D. C Nov. 23. The second of three hearings the Inter state commerce commission Is hold ing in its investigation of Intra and inter-Alakan rail. rail-and-water freight and passenger rates is be ing held to day at Juneau. The third ana lat will be at Seattle Decem ber 4. , AT EYWORTH METHODIST Hertford School News The Hertford High School will a- galn be a contestant in the State Debates for the Aycock Memorial Cup. The question for this year will be: Resolved; tnat tne U. a. uoyern ment should control the railroads." We, will be grouged again with Bel haven and Edenton lot the prelimi nary debates in March. Hertford has turned out very strong debating teams in the past, being wrecked on the jcolor of the enemies hair rib bon rather thant he strength of their argment. The sole survivor oi the last two debating campaigns sug gests that Mrs. Hawkins' , milliner coaches the deoating teams mis year. We may adopt this advice, as we are out for results. The marching records in the school during the past montn were very high, the Third, Fifth and the Sixth grades being tied for coior. honors. In marching off the tie, the flag was won by the Sixth Grade, Miss Harriett Nixon. , The tree planted by the clasa of 19H last fall, .and christened 'Wood- row Wilson" Is, growing, very rapid ly. How ould it do otherwise? W. C. T. U. CONDEMN8 WHIKEY ADVERTISING The W. C. T. U. met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. F. Derrickson on Main street, with the president, Mrs. Clay oFreman pre siding. The subject of whiskey advertise ments in the newspapers was brought up and a resolution was passed con. demning such advertisements and pledging the active support of the Union to the enactment of a law by the next legislature prohibiting the osculation of papers carrying whiskey advertisements in North Carolina. The pastor, Rev C. B. Culhreth, wi'l preach at Epworth church Sun day afternoon at four o'clock. This will be the last regular preaching service before the pastor goes to the Conference. There will be a Thanksgiving ser vice at Epworth on Thursday after noon Thanksgiving Day. "If ever there was a time." says Mr. Cul breth, "when we ought to give thanks for God s goodness and kind providence It-Is now- We extend a cordial invitation to all tne peopie nt tha rnmrnnnitv to worship with us, both next Sunday afternoon and on Thanksgiving Day. The Sunday school will meet Sun day afternoon at three o'clock. (Bjr TJnJtea Press) ' iCV London, Nov. 23. Ominoug U-V ecel from Bucharest adds . td-' fears for the. safety of the Roumgn; -.k ien armies which Berlin claim. . to l ve encircrtd south, of the Dan ube. Tnere have been "ho report! from the Roumanian capital "alncsV :;. Bnnday, , . i-Vi ,' v ':,iHf.?j The night was on oYVieajm j Oii ' the. entire allied, front is France, 3f,' News comes from from; "Parti "thli .'v " morning, however,' that Lieutenant ' " Ouynemer had brought down 4 hi;- ; twentytsecond German battle plane! r A dispatch efrom Athens' ' tstV," that French marines have assumes charged of the Peloponesus railway' jt- station. f ..-'' :, RETIRED SAFELY IS LATE REPORT - BucharesL Nov. 23. "We retired ' ? westward from Craiova" 1 the onV clal statement from the Rumania ' front. Rumanian retirement to th . positions from points In the JluJ faV '. ley, but elswhere the Rumanian, - ,j troops are retraining' their posltloa.. 1U Tfi!II HEIISl'll! OREGON SIDER EIGHT LEGISLATURE MATTER HOUR WEEK TO CON. ;:Cv. OF FORTY"' BLACKWELL MEMORIA. BAPTIST CHURCH TO 8UPPLY FOR MR. STALLING8 Mr. Herbert: Peel of this city will supply' for Mr. StaUings of Moyock on Sunday, speaking at Shady Grove at eleven o'clock, at Pleasant Grove. Virginia at three o'clock and at Moyock Sunday, evening. MULES FOR SALE Three good mu?es weighing from 950 to 1150 pounds. Apply to .FT N. Williams, It F D 3, Box 36! i-n. J0 discount p Cpupon books this week only Albemarle "Laundry. Rev. I. N. Loftin has returned from Bis vacation In New York City and will occupy his pu'plt Sun day at both services. His subject Sunday mnrolng will be "Amid All the Voices God's Word Shall Never Pass Away." In the evening he will speak on "Making the Election Sure." -1 feel sure", says Mr. taWn. "that this trip has done me much good. I arn glad to get back to my place of work anrt -to my people, -nd I want to see them all at church ?ext Sunday and try to ,e thein un derstand how gratful I am to them' for giving me this rest." ; ' V; , (By United Press) Portland, Ore., Nov. 23 A 4l; hours of labor a week law for W(h' 5 ; j men will be placed before the Ort' ' ' gon legislature when It meets tb ' second Monday in January, by thV .' Consumers league of Portland, f 'v This act provides that womea . may not work tor wages more thtil 48 hours a week. It does not, how ever, limit their labor to. eight J. $ hours a day. The Idea is, that WO , ' men 'may work more than eight hours five days a week, s0 they may have a half" holiday, on Saturdays. ' The law Is modeled generally a . ' ter the California law. Father O'Hartv i a prominent memoer 01 me cousu mere league,' says a' bill similar to ; this will probally be submitted to ,l all the. state legislatures assembling "i this year. Another bill to be presented to : the Oregon legislature provides - that owners of cold storage ware. ?J houses must have monthly reporti to certain designated government . ofhftlals, giving detailed Inventory; ' of all goods in their plants. This . law is Inteded to halt the pratlce of storing perishables, such as' but; ' ter, during a low price period, and keeping them until prices go, up. jf ' V a:

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