nnTT Jul IN QBSERVANCE OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL REMAIN CLOSED ASA NATION, we have unusual cause for Thanksgiving this year. While death and devastation are stalking abroad, peace and prosperity are within our gates, let us count our blessings and give due thanks. As individuals, let us plan for continued financial progress. A strong banking connection is at all tynes a helpful balance. if Y . O ' 1 , . 0 ft 9 Pi TIM!E FDKST NATONA CHAS. H. ROBINSON, President 4., - , 4 per cent "Safest Eor Savings" 4 per cent. L. S. BLADES, Vice President EAm W. G. GAITHER, JR., Cashier JDITY'S CHURCHES 'V ' ,, WORSHIPPERS WILL OBSERVE !!.; THANKSGIVING EITHER THIS EVENINGDR TOMORROW The churches of the city will hold Thanksgiving services at follows: CANN MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i( Thanksgiving service will lie held at eleven o'clock Thanksgiving morning. The offering at this ser- - Vice wil go to the Barium Spring Orphanage. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The First Baptist Church will hold its Thanksgiving service on Wed J Wfsdajr night at the regular hour of the weekly prayer meeting. No service will be held on Thanksgiving Day. It is hoped that all the mem hers will attend this service on Wednesday night. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH . A Thanksgiving service will he held at the First Methodist church Thursday evening at 7 : :!0 . Every one. Is cordially Invited to come and unite in givng thanks to Cod lor the hlessings us have received at His hand. A Thanksgiving ser nion w'iil be preached by the pastor and special music by the choir. No prayer meeting Wednesday evening CHRIST CHURCH Holy Communion at S.uu A. M tomorrow for all, but especially for the Brotherhood of St. Andrews as this is St. Andrews day. Service at 11:00 A. M. A special offering will be taken at this time. CITY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH There will be Thanksgiving ser vices at City Road church Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock, splendid music by the choir. The Methodist preach ers are not ususally permitted to hoJd services on Thanksgiving on account of being at conference on that day. Therefore it is urged that all the people will come out and give thanks. The public Is invited to attend these services. BLACKWELL MEMORIAL BAPTI6T CHURCH Thanksgiving service will be held at Black well Memorial Baptist church Wednesday night at 7.30. The pastor of the church urges all members to be present at this service. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power vested in me as Trustee In a certain Deed of Trust executed to me by D. C. and J. T. Perry on the lath, day otf No vember and duly recorded in Book 36. page 444. T will on the 23rd. day of Decern ed N ww vvw ww ww ww v v y v Wi n X rrr m m n rM fz: v m ttS iC LC U U lvo V M H H X ) H i ) K H H H X X H M H H! X X X X ; X 1 m 0 i r r w E wish to sincerely thank our many friends and customers for their pa tronage which has helped to make this the most successful year in the history of our bank Your business and good wishes are appreciated. Yours For Service s GS BANK & TRUST GO. Elizabeth City, N. C. "The Little (?) Bank Around The Corner" m m P. H. WILLIAMS, Prest. H. G. KRAMER, Cashier. E. F. AYDLETT, Vice Prest. W. H. JENNINGS, Asst.Cash'r. N X X X X X X X X X X X X X H X X X X X X X X? XI ? ber 1916 at 12 o clock M. at the Court House door in this county sell at Publfc Auction for cash to the highest bidder the following des cribe,i property, to wit; FIRST TRACT: That crtiin tract of lund situated on Bluff Point and bounded on the North side by a tract of land known as1 the "Mensthorst" land which one Mansthorst recently sold to J. C. and J. K. Commander and also partly on the North and East by Pasquotank River on the South by the lands of the Johnson heirs, and also on the West hy the John son heirs and part of it known as th Gambine Land containing 140 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Belpg the tract recently purchas ed of J. G. Mansthorst by J. C. and J. E. Commander, an bounded aa follows: located on said Bluff Point and bounded on the North side by Pasquotank River on the North West by the lands of Henry Markham nnd others on the South by the lands known as Johnsons hoi-s lan,i on the E.ist by the Gum b'ne land and the lands first above described containing 1 7T acres more or less All of which being same lands sold to ald parties of the first part I'V 'he parties of the third patt herein by dee,) of even date herewith and this deed of trust and F.iiid (le d w;i made at the same time iind were pnvts of the same transaction, an,) this deed of trust was given to secure balance of pur chase money. And it is understood and gree,i that as wood and tim ber is from 88,(1 lancl one half the full va'ue thereof is to be paid to the holder of the ahove mention eit notes until same are paid. This Nov. 22. 1916. J. B. LEIGH. Trustee. Nov ::n. Dec. 7, 14. 21. Waists For Xmas what is more suitable for a gift than a nice waist? We have an unusually fine selection of Georgettes, Nets and Crepe de chines. Fowler & Co Poindexter St Water Street 1 f SSSSS A, 1SsiAlJ TO-DAY Fresh Fish and Oysters Get them at the place where you are sure to get the best. D. R. MUNDEN NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Pasquotank County, in a special proceeding en titled Walter L. ffohoon and wife, Margaret V. Cohoon. vs. Octavlous Fa?an, the same being a petition for t he sale of certain lands for par tition, I shall, on Friday, the twen ty second day ot December, nineteen hundred and sixteen, at the hour of twelve, noon, at the court house daor ot Pasquotank" . County; '"(thla belflg the time and place named In tbo order of sale) se!l to the bigh ts: bidder tor csh, nil thnt certain Printers' Ink 4 has befen responsible for thousands of business suc cesses throughout the country. Everybody in town may know you but they dont know what you have to sell. AnwrnTiPinn mm nnn unn u J HUV LD I lulilb tiILL nCLf lUPJ Call The Adyance Office and ask for the Ad Man lot or parcel 0f land described In the petition In this cause, to-wlt; Situated on the south side ot Bland's Lane (sometimes called Wa'lker's Lane) and being all that certatn lot wjth Improvements there ' , . 'i - , on, upon which C'lfton Fagttn resid ed at the time of his' death, and 1r fur'.hcr, da:'crlp!!o:i for r ! i ': tered In nook 43, page 423, and which deed Is made a part thereof (or the purpose of a more definite tislrlptlon. , Dated and posted this the 21st, da of November, 1916, Vf ;-: ;V J. 11. LEIGH.1,' " ' - ' ' . Cornmlsloner,