PREPARE BIG WELCOME . FOR. BAPTIST HOSTS News Without . .'Bias Views Without Ni t ' ' ' Jt Prejudice uus .- 4 'C3 rv fl q r i ir i rr The Only Democratic Newspaper -v Published in Elizabeth VOL 1 IDEA mis LEFT III CITY , - - - -i STATE DEPARTMINT ANNOUft ( CES ALL HAD MADE ESCAPE 'WHEN VILLA ENTERED TOWN i tBr United Pre") . Washington, Dec. . Afl Ameri can citizens bad left Chihuahua City before the town was attacked by Villa, the State Department hag an nounced. The announcement Is tased on information received from special representatives of the Gov ernmert sent to the border to In vestigate rumors that a number of Americans had been killed. Details of the fighting preceding the fall ofthe city arrived here this morning, giving account of some of the bloodiest engagements7 in Mexi co'g blood-smeared history. Reports are agreed that Trevino evacuated the city Monday omrning The fighting was moBt desperate a round Santa Rosa Hill which ehang ed hands several times. Refugees said that after the fall of the city Villa ordered no looting and thev believed that Chinese were the onlv foreigners killed. a SITUATION NORTHERN ARMY DESPERATE V El Paso. Dec. 2 The situation of IUVJ Ibarra ai mj in iivuuviu ' Mexico . Is desperate following the Capture of Chihuahua City bv Villa, General Gonzales. Carranaa's com- :anaer mi "Juarez, aamuwn luaav. '5 TfTfe a 4 Kal A I ant tro nit tA tnram v. . . scattered over the state of Chihua hua, the Carranza leaders are await lng Vl'la's next move. Military offi cials hire nelieve that Villa will move1 westward along the Mexican Northwestern Railway and reorgan ine his forces. LBEPTY USHERS IIC If A I ILLUMINATION OF STATUE TO MARK BEGINNING OF NATI ONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK (By Unitej Press) New York, Dec. 2 Liberty en f lightening the world will herself bp enlightened permanently in New York harbor here tonight. Flunked by United State battleships on one sidy and thousands of men. women nrwl rhi'rlren mi Mi BiirrmiTiHinnr shores, the Great Iron (11 rl will blaze frrth in electricity to the boom of naval guns, the shouts of her fellow countrymen and women and the benediction of President Wilson's personal representative. This, perhaps, will be the premier event of National Electrical week, which ocgan today and is being eel ebrated In every city, town and vil lage In the United States. A cable has been laid to the is- t, land. Liberty completely wired and A special plant built under the base of the statue- "Liberty" was pre - Bentedto' the United States by V France 1884. It is by the Trench svVltor August? Bartholdl. One hand yTxV statue Is 16 feet long. T'A -1 -v: MARRIED ON THANKSGIVING ' lack H. Kelley of Charleston, 8- C and Miss Virginia L. Shreck-hlse- of Harrison' ur. Va.. were mar rled on Thanksgiving Day at 1 : 30 1 m. by Rev. I N. Loftin at his residence on Pennsylvania Avenue. REWARD FOR INFORMATION My red Irish tetter dog, with "O. F. 0." cut into collar, is being held by ( tome person 1 want to know who thai person is. O. F GILBERT Sat and tnon. " 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY EVENING DECEMBER 2. 1916 NO 158 All it TOWARD GOUL '.ill.: - -i.' Make further' progress to ward BUCHAREST FROM THE WEST IN TODAY'S FIGHTING (By United Press) London, Dec. 2. Admission that the Roumanian forceg defending Bucharest from the west hove been pushed back, by persistent Teuton attacks, t0 the banks of the river Arses is admitted in otriclal repors from Petrograd, this afternoon. This morning the Roumanians were re ported to be loldlng their ground. In Dobrudja. Petrograd claims, the Germans have- been compelled to retire southward from several he'ghts around Ko'a Klol. Undiminished violence Is reported in the Rusian offensive in the Car pathians. ThP last twenty four hours has been a period of general calm along the Western front. From England To Virginia (Bv Unl ed Press) Esmont, Va., Dec. 2. TI ere he is at last, getting all ready to be mar ried in January. the itinerant nobleman-janitor-soldier cowboy-sailor-fortune hunter and sky pilot has won and wed Miss Florence Boltwood In this little val ley vil'age o the Blue Ridge Hills, it was announced today. Afler his checkered, not to say Scotch plaid career, Sir G- C-B-C got religion from his job as janitor of a Salvation Army hall in Manhattan, fame ben among the hills, met Miss I) It wood and started in to bi'i'd a church and a romance, both of which are now about complete. This man with two excavations and a relor for a name, and the 12th ban net of his line, ran away from his home in Leicester, England when he was 13. Me has since 8ail ed the seven seas, fought insurrec tions in Egypt in which he was wounded and captured by natlces, fought London moneylenders, killed big game in India, wandered thru the Orient, lost a fortune in San Francisco, dug ditches in Kansas City, was a cawboy In TexaB. Okla homa and Wyoming and became fa mous as a broncho buster at fron tier exhibitions, returned to England fought the money lenders again, then hurried back to New York. So matrimony holds no terror for him. It va. on that return to New York that his Sir-ship announced thi't he wanted a wife. "She may look as she pleases if she bts the tin." said he. 'I'll bar none under TO." Ueting no applica tions, he took tickets in a movie theatre then turned janitor and got religion. The moonshiners here fought his church idea, but the Rev. Mr Cave Browne-Gave built in and won them over. He and his bride are coming to New York fwr their honeymoon,. He is now an ordained minister and has given up his estate In England because of the heavy mortagages on It. FEDERAL COMMISSION FINDS FOREIGN TRADE HAMPERED BY ORGANIZATION INEFFECTIVE (By United Pret.s) Washington. Dec. 2. Legislation permitting American exporter to combine export trade Is urgently recommended by the Federal Trade Commission in an exhaustive report on the foreign trade situation. The world wide investigations of this Commission show; first, that "other nations have a marked ad vantage because of effective organ izations, second, that the fear of legal restrictions prevent American from developing equally effective or ganization8 for business overseas, ad that consequently the foreign trade of this country 18 suffering. Crime Decreases In Bess City The passing of the last two weeks marks a new record in police court anna!8 in Elizageth City. Not in the ast five years certain ly, possibly not since the police court was established, ha, the WILL PLAY BERKLEY FRIDAY OR SATURDAY 1 Elizabeth City highs will meet the Berkley Rraves in a football match next Friday pr Saturday. It is epeted that the game will be hotly contested as the locals are ;inxl us to avenge the defeat of Thanksgiving Fifteen of the squad will go BCiMnpanled by Mr. Ford, the mch. It I hoped that as many as can will take In the game and girt th boys some support from the grand stand, A large crowd U anticipated. The game will be play i4 on th? Navy grounds In Berkley, so eventful and peaceful. Only two casee have come before Judge Sawyer within th last two weeks and there wag conviction in on'y one of these. Judg Sawyer expressed the fear that unless something happened in his department the peopIe would be gin to say ilmt the county had no need of h police judge. Friends assured him that the pear-able and law abiding course pursued by the citizens of the coun ty under his administration, was the best possible recommendation for his continuance in office; as the old saying that an ounce of preven tion is worth A poun4 of cure ap plies wth even mre force to crime than to disease. Mindful of the fct, however, that eighty per cent 0ft.ta.e caseB coming before him for trial have been di rectly attributable to the drinking or Belling of whiskey, the Judge hes itates to appropriate all credit for the quiet diys of peace that have settled upon Pasquotank in these latter times. He is bound tG won der if the fart that Norfolk is dry and thai the Pasquotank resident has to grt his sacred quart from Raltfmore or some more distant point doesn't have some little bear ing on the situation. FUCK 1 CAPITAL i'iIIm CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS GETTING READY TO BEGIK BUSINESS MONDAY (By United Press) Washington, Dec. 2. Flve hun dred members of Congress, with hundreds of camp-followers in their wake, invaded Washington today, plngly and uy groups to take up the business of the nation at noon Mon day. Downtown U tela were filled to capacity with the law-mr.kers. their helpers and the usual gallery at trat'el by the glamours of an open lng s-tsion of Congress, featured by a personally delivered message from the President. The Capitol Is newly washed and renovated to receive the members. Washington, used tto being a news centre for legislative and political news, brightened up at the prospect of a lively, if short session between tomorrow and March 4, when wi"' sound the swan song of the sixty fourth Congress. While many older Representatives and Senators in the confidence heir office had established perma nent homes here, and were able tc ,o at.ofice to their domiciles, oth ers, dependent on hotels for accom modation, scrambled with the ordi nary public for rooms, and the at CLOTHIIIG CAUGHT liiFIIIIC ... i So Here's To ; WakelForfest The Ladies of White RoaVChav ter Order Qf the Eastern Star haje consented to serve A banquet to the Alumni of Wake Forest college on next Thursday night. One hundred covers will be laid, and the ban quet will be given in the llasonic Hall. .',, As thla will be fight ibout the middle of Convention weeW It is thought that a very- enjoyable even lng will pfi had. Alurmtf'jfrom aft over the state will b here.'' INFANT CHILD DEAD .". i ft i ue im-iiii cui'u in Air, , anu irsy,. irreemnn riled at their borne;.' to x.rth PolndoxteT street Frlday.jn tennent was tnsde In; the tamfly burying ground- near. Broth ere school house, jj' v ' ' WANTED Girl that can' r4 ptd . write. .Apply 162 ,'i Po'n : iter Street; A pt.0. j, 2 Since the c'ose of the memorable session of last summer, climaxed I y th . passage of the Adantson 8- hour law, the Capital's legislative building had been Inhabited princi- pally by mice, and clerks, busy here while the metniirrs bark home re ' built po itica fenceR (r found them past rebuilding. In the Senate and House office building, the. chief ac tivity had been the swishing of painters' brushes. In th0 Capitol, the Supremo Court was the only active agent except the Capitol guides. Seventeen Senators are attending heir Ihm session. W. E Kirby, nam ed to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Clarke of Arkansas, was expected (0 be about the only new novice In the Senate until March B. Eulogies of Senator Clarke who died during the recess, were expected to be a part Of the Senate business tomorrow or next day. Miss Jeanette Rankin, Representative-elect from Montana to suc ceed Rep. Tom Stout, was the sub Ject of much discussion. She Is not here, as her term will not begin up til' next session but members Cbul( not wait. They faced such of them- as will come back the pros pect"jbf getting along for two years withiithe first woman ever elected to Congress without making any breaks. One question as yet undecid f d la' whether she' will be called the "Lady from Montana." And Rep. 6tout;"wbpm the succeeds faced In Iderttallji' the hardest assignment c( al-alibing him&elf for defeat by i" woman. . .. ' ' A -i Bold Bad Thief Gets Glad Raiment WELL KNOWN MAN AT BEL CROSS SUFFERS SEVERE HURTS IN UNUUAL ACCI DENT Gilbert Evans, of Belcross. about thirty years old, was brought to the Ellaabeth City Hospital Friday af ternoon with broken arm and leg In addition to severe bruises on head and body. Mr. Evans' hurts were in curred when he was "aught in the machinery of a cotton gin at el crosg Friday morning. Mr Evans is foreman of the gin of A. Sawyer at Belcross. As ho was oiling the machinery yesterday be stcoped to pass beneath the shafting and. supposedly, straighten lng up a fraction of a Becond too eocn. had the tall of his coat caught ty the shafting.The unfortunate man was caught up, the clothing with the exception of underclothes," socks and Bhoes stripped from his body, and then hurled to the floor a dis tance of eight or ten feet. Dr. R. L. Kendrick and Dr. O. McMullan were called by telephone and gave Mr. Evans prompt surgi cal attention. They found his left arm broken, aVove the elbow, the right leg broken and lacerated be low the kne?, fpractlca'evcry bit of the skin scraped off his back, and .ho-.taca. .UruixU-wt4-. -ite- mwsiTIeiT' strained, and also a cut on the head which, thought serious at first was found to i bp only a scalp wound. The accident occurred at half past ten o'clock Friday morning. After Doctors McMullan and Ken drick had dressed the hurts, ' the southebound through train was stopp cd and Mr. Kvans was brought to the Elizabeth City hospital, where he is now getting along as well as could be expected. greece mm TO RESIST ALLIES t ( I- BELIEVED CONSTANTINE WILL ' NOT ACCEDE TO ALLIED Of MAtiDS OF DISARMAMENT . ARMISTICE EFFECTED IS LATEST REPORT , . : V e (By UniUJ Press) ' London, Deo. 2.-1:20 p. nv A Reuttr dispatch from the Greek capital received hart thla afternoon states jthat an armls- tlce has been effected between allied troops and the Greek re f servists called to the colors bX Klnq Constantlne. Under the terms ofthe srmls tlce the King has agreed to de- liver six hundred batteries to the allies and In their return .. the allis have agree0 to with- draw their troops from Athena pending the reference of an a greement to the allied govern ments. " , e y The Armistice has apparently terminated thv Immediate crls's. Western Union To Install Office Some person In this vicinity Is hatter off today to the value of one pair.-of shoe and several articleg of clothing as the result of a theft made last night from an oyster .boat, lying at the foot of Main street. tVhe belongs to Mr. K. D. Mrdgett wbo a!s0 owned the artl- leu "stolen. Ih and his brother, reclf MlrtgpU, have been here for several, days with a load of oysters, they are rrbm Stumpy Point. The boys went Op to take In tha show and whlle waj the theft was inade;..- :V.-Vr,'..v.'- STEfkLtNtJ 1 - SILVER HATPINS lw0 , fortwenty flv, cents, II, , C. THeht Co!, Hinton building. - StM During the sessions of the Bap tist State Convention, which Is to convene here next week .the West ern Union will run Its wire directly into the church building and main tain an ottice In the church during all sessions of the convention. This office wll lbe In charge of Mr. .1. D Sykes, who had charge of the West ern Union's office in the First flau tist church at the Convention's last session here. The telephone company will also run Its wires Into the church build ing during the Convention and the Post Office will establish a branch office In the building for th con venience of the Convention's dele gates . GREGORY HAY RESIGN OFFICE (By United Pressi Washington, Dec. 2. Official com ment Is wltheld on reports that At torney General Gregory will resign, but close friends of the cabinet of ficer torbiy stated that they would nt he "surprised" at such an eventuality. London, Dec. 2 That the die Will be cast today in the Greek crisis is the expectation here today. Admiral De Fournet, according to dispatches from Athena, hat grant ed an additional day of grace for the enforcement of hia demands of ilsajmajnaftLJor ,tha AnfikJroQpaui Meantimes X appears that killed troops are pouring into tha country around Athens. Several Important clashes have already occurred with, the Greek reservists caled to the colors by King Constantlne. l is said that preparations are' being made to resfst disarmament by "force . BED FOB THEIR DEFEAT J LACK OF AMMUNITION AND ARMS RESPONSIBLE POR LOSS OF CHIHUAHUA CITY 18 THI CLAIM (By United Press) Washington, Dec. 2 The Ameri can embargo upon the shipment of armH across the Mexican border promises to become a llve issue be tween this Government and Mex ico. The Mexicans here frankly blame the loss of Chihuahua City to Villa on lack of ammunition and are not pleased 'with the regulations. Am bassador Arredondo has called the attention of the State Department to the situation. . The United States can make spec lal exemptions for the passage of shipments across ,Jhe Mexican bord er but this is rarely done, for fear that such shipments may fall Into the hands of the bandits and be come a boomerang. FOR HALK AT BARGAIN l'Inte Glass Floor esse. Apply to II . C. Bright Co., lllnton building. SM Ladles suits beittlful In quality and style. Special values that can't be matched at any other store 1 1n the' section. You'll find those, Iff easy to eucks where at Mitchell's Department Store, adv.. ' 8END $22.80 'TO ORPHANS ThP puiiils ofthe city High school and Grammar school on Wednesday morning contributed 122.80 to the orphans. The amount was turned over to Dr. Orlggs to be forwarded to the Oxford Orphanage. The students had als0 expected to mak a contribution for the Pr of the city, but found that The Asso elated Charities had disbanded and that there was no organisation to whom such an offering could - ho tnrjied over for disbursement. ', WANTED Capable young man' to do lenerat work in warehouse, and office. N. 0. GRANDY, ' Foot of Matthews Street Deo. i, 4, I.

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