V ' ONLY 5 MORE ; SHOPPING DAYS ; BEFORE , CZHISTMAO! .News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice . J I! U U L u .-V ' t . v ' ' - 'P-' n ' f. . II I Ai'l II !! ' I I III! rt V- ikJKJ The Only, Democratic 4"' ' ' f r ( ; - Newspaper . Published in Elizabeth ;'::::City-:;:. 'V VOL 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY EVENING DECEMBER 18, 1916 3 NO 166 SATUKDAY JAn. 1 3TH BEGINS , - .'..'..- ; WJI1 II MICE ' i ; Plans Being Made For Elaborate ; Observance Thro The - County and Addresses By Ex- perts Ma:y Be Expected The -Community Service .. commit- tee for Pasquotank county held an - Interesting meeting In the office ot " the County superintendent of v.. Schools Saturday. The pur pose of the meeting wag t- take necessary steps for the elaborate '' " observance of an entire - month de voted to community service work. A conimltte composed of J. P. , Thompson, Prof. W. M. Hinton tt'"l G. W. Palls and Miss Marcia Al bertson was appointed with ful pow r to arrange detai's ot the. work ot ' prescribing a necessary pro '" "' ram, secure speakers and do what l'ver may be found necessary to in , , sm the best success of the enter -. prisei It was decided to hold the - first general meeting of the series In Elizabeth City on Saturday. Jan- ' Hary 13. with on0 meetlnp; on each Saturday following;, including Feb ruary 3, which will close the series. . . . r it The program will provide for at Mrs. Bradford Died This Morn .A leist one address on a topic of in- , A tram in rnmmnnitv service VOlll 1 i-iia-B Hugs, with short talks by others on the topic of the meetln?. The meetings will be held in some audi ' ' torlum with seating capacity ade quate to all possible needs end those chosen for the ' address of the day at each meeting will be ex V perts In the various lines discuss ed. r During the week preceedln the Tlrat meeting and thereafter during . ach week preceedinj: each of the ' Saturday meetings, local speak- era will attend community meet- ' ' Inga at some of the school houses of the county where In short talks the subject to be taken up on the t following Saturday will be discuss- 1 The object will be t j stir Weal Interest In the larger'- meet- Jug, to stimulate thought ' on the ' V topic to be taken up and thus, to se, ura attendance from the rural-dls-?. ' trlct,' f The plans for these rural community service days are still "to ,be completed by the committee. ' The cornmittee is also consider lng the matter of interesting other counties in reach of Eliza ' beth City in these meetings, in , furtherence of the Plan of the S$ate bureau of Community Service. .-The j ." Observance of Community Service ..,Jlonth In Elizabeth City is con sidered of first Importance by the state bureau and the officials from -Raleigh are lending every as Hl$tanee In makinj it a big sue ': ' - Central Powers Lookvto Rome t. Rome. Dec. 18. The Central Powers have urged the Pope and the United States, to back up their peace proposals, according to re- . ports here. MRS. D. B. BRADFORD, WHO HAS BEEN IN - DECLINING HEALTH FOR SOME TIME DIED AT HER HOME ON MAIN STREET AT TWO O'CLOK THIS MORN ING. SHE IS SURVIVED BY HER HU&BAND AND ONE BROTHER, MR. ERSKINE EHRIGHAUS, OF THIS CITY. THE FUNERAL WIL TAKE HLAE , AT CHRIST CHURCH TOMORROW, REV. C. A. ASHBY OFFICIATING. MRS BRADFORD WAS NEARLY EIGH TY YEARS OLD. MARKET II SE IS ABOUT flEADY FINAL WORK NOW BEING DONE WHICH WILL COMPLETE BET SEY'S BONE OF CONTENTION Singing Models Are the Latest Singing' mod els, the first In the history of farili lon, it is said, made their appear ance at the convention of the De signers' Association of Women's Clothes here today. Speciul tunes are sungg with different styles. A brown or black suit take. h sombre tune, a green or pink suit u dashing strain, grey requires some thing in revarle. It's to Illustrate the psychology and t0 impress wo men with the fact that their person-. I It y is shaped to a large extent liy the taste with which they dress SEED MM YORK WAR ODITY - ' London. Dee. 18. Women nples warned in a! camp near here have . loW a violent protest against the tcWatlon oMhi Summer Time Act, ."&der the o'ld order of " things, the " women went to bed t 8:30. Under the act, the clock" was set ahead an hour but they must still go to bed at the same time. Thefy claim they will refuse to retire before dork- COUNT TARNOSKI, RECENTLY APPOINTED AUSTRIAN AM BASSADOR, NOW ON WAY ' Washington. Dec. 18. Count Tarnowskf, nct'ntl.v Appointed Aus trian r.mbasfatnr to the United Snikes to succeed Theodor Duin l.ar recalled ot the reouest of the United States for undiplomatic ac tivity, sailed for New York Satur day from Rotterdam on the Dutch steamer N'louwo Amsterdam. Immediately after Tarnowski's ap polntment Greit Britain and France refused t grant him a safe conduct to the United States. It was gener ally believed tthls was a protes cf Great Britain at what she consld reed the laxity of the United States in- suppressing activity of England's enemies on the United States soil. The State Department immediate ly sent notes to Oreat Britain and France asking a reconsideration of the refusal and pointing out that it wag the Inallonsble rUht of sove reign nations to exchange . ambassa dors. Great care whs taken to make phin that the United States was making Its representation solely as a matter of international right and was not speklnS favor. The safe conduct 'wts , granted. Cout Tnrnowski was one of the active Centra! power diplomats at Sofia imniediatelly proceeding the entrance of Bulgaria Into , the war. I'., Mr. and. Jfrs.'.L. C. t West, of Hertford werV in the'eity shopping The new -market house tor Eliza beth City Is Just about ready for oc cupancy the last touches are being completed to the refrigerating sys tem, the stalls are being cleaned and put In shape for the occupants, and it looks now like fresh meat, vegetables, oysters and fish will In d few days be, distributed from the same point to the marketers sf the city and surrounding country. City Manager Commander says no delay will be permitted in the final ready making of the market and that ev erything will be complete by the first of next year. The market is one which the citi zens of, the city and country can feel just!y proud Situated at the intersection of Polndexter. Church and Kront streets, with the doors opening on each side, it is accessi ble from nearly every point of the compass. The location is prohally the most convenle.-t to at the same time, to suit the marketman. that toulil have been had in the city. It 'Is ne:ir the water where tho fish nr.ii osters come from, near tho country on that side where the ve etables and much of the meat comes from. It is built of solid stout . two stories in height, with basement for heating and refrlgorat in plunt. The arrangement and tmWdrn VtTTa 'trT67lefnfc:vef77? spect and is without qnestloo the mo t uji-to -datemarket ouse own ed by any city In the south of this city's size. Inside the market phce s divld od into st til Ih on the .main floor, beinf; twenty-four in-all. VwelvP of these ;ne meat stalls; sbt for veget a'le, .-i:id six for tivk1 and oysters. Kach hi : 1 ! is fitted with'jB storage box with rtiom for -:fcrrge- quonlty of meats etc. The refrigerator or storage box has in it ibollBfonhect inj; with the main pipe pf th re frigerating machine, .also Va tank for the storage of the 'coli which keeps the temperature., below;' frees' (ng at all times. BJrtbts inens the oompressiug machlse hajs"onty to be i un about two hours in the morning and two in the afternoon la. order FromVuch stall steps lead-op to,,th0 second f'oor wher tb pfncf s are ar ranged, each markettnan having a srperate ooffice. f;f ,. Thf. refrigerating machine was built b., Frick Company, of Waynes boro, Ph., and Installed by!',r (Dtten heinier Bros., of BaltittiSte bt Bal Mr. . II. Afflect, M.B, superin tendent of the mechnical engineer ing and refrigerating departnwnt. is here iind personally supervised .the instlhtion. In speaking with a rep resent ;tlve ofiThe Advance Mr. Afflect said there was no better machine made than the one we Vre Instiling. Mr. Afflect -said also that he thonght City Manager Commander should feci that he had accomplish ed a great thing for Elizabeth City In having gotten so modern a mark et hotse, and the people should frel proud of so great en Improve ment. , . EARL FRANK JOIN8 NAVV ? -- ' '' t1 Earl Franlt, whd for some "tlmo has I een confined In the local Jail t; await a time when he cW.d'bY returned to the - state .reformatory' from . which he escaped '. sometinia ago,, , was Friday given over Dy Jhf city authorities to his' father, ,' Mf, Nathan Frank. Before the . r.el3sV his father had agreed , 'to take hint to Norfolk and enter hlra ' Int6 ;th navy. This was done Friday, ant now E rl Frank is an- apprentice seaman for Uncle Sam. Vessels Also . it... Hyphenated -:. ; (By United Press) : Washington, Dec. . 18. Forty two vessels, of Latin-American registry passed through tho Panama .Canal flnrinf the fiscal year 191415, , ac cording to flgure of , tho -, , Panama Canal available oday; - : Of those 4 were Peruvian,. 8 Hun durian, 1 Nlcargnan, 33 Chilean, and 1 Panamanian. These figures do not mew that each vessel enumerated was a different one. BOX SUPPER AT BEREA OF M SHOPPERS IIL TWIG CITY'S FESTIUE STREETS Already The Jingle of Bells On The; Fros Token Spirit Is Coming Everywhere ;v There will be a box supperat Be- rea School house Wednesday night, December, 20th. for the benefit of the gchoo!. The public 1c cordially invited to attend. LLOYD GEORGE TO STATE TERMS AND OUTLINE WHAT ALLIES ARE FIGHTING FOR BUT WILL NOT REJECT PROPOSAL ; FOUND Toeket book containing bills and chSnge,: Owner can gel same byapplylng ; to J- PEOPLE BARGAIN STORE, describing sam and paying for this adv. It pd. ' - Wasliiiu'ton. Dec. .18. I'nited States oflicials are convinced that there can lie no formal discussion of peace until Germany and Aus tria avow their willingness to re store Belgium, and Serlila and tin- ,4M a4i-a tli naHomr"trTtrrfisjTng' ready t0 disarm on a large sca!e. In his' forthcoming speech Lloyd George Is expected to insist on terniR ns fundamental ground work for any formal parleys. Moreover officials believe that he will outline carefully what the .V-llc-; :ire fighting for. but that he will under no circumstances voice a sco'ii! ful or flat rejection of 0!er may's offer. The I'nited Press Is In a position to give this governments Convic tions from several angles ., in regard to the peace developeriients. It Is believed that Germany offer ed peace because her people are growing restive. They are demand ing greater representation anjare also becoming skeptical about the military purpose of Germany and were beginning to .believe that its aim was conquest and not defense as has been 'jclaimed. -It is believed that all the couiv tries want peace. America Included, so lonj as no sicriflce of prlnclp'es tor which any nation is fighting he made. No reason is seen whyLlovd George should fail to outline the general peace terms of the Allies. An une(iilvl(.il rejection would but react to England's disadvantage and emt ltter the German peop'e to unite more solidly behind their' gov ernment. If the German people were convinced that theirs was a war fpr existence they would urge ruthless and unrestricted - pursuit. Germany would not fl.sbt to the end to resist the demand for the resto ration of Belgium end Serbia but would 'light o the' last to oppose the demand for the life of the .nation. Note has Now Reached London .Y Vt- London, ; Dec. 18. America . Am bassador Tae today- deTlvorerf. the Germcn Ip&c. note to the British PoVeign ombe.': " . ; AffihasBailo'i; ; Psge , fulfll'ed his 'mission wltbjutVany comment. ;IJoyd jCeorge, resumes hi duties &)day -after aweek't Illness, flndiiijt 'IhQSlojtsiyyjbacti of .Win.T (it fseems ' certain; tat" ha': will Ic abJe ttf .dJresslho -Honse - of ' Com niMAtomorrtr outflnlnf the policy, of flie' Pew gopbrninent and .'stat !t .n'rhaln's" vWof' thb" ; German -- -rp')als.- Anniversary of . Wilson Wedding Wshinjton. Dec. 8.J-Preaideht and Mrs. WUson calebrated their first weeding anniversity today with an early round at golf. There will be a family dinner tonight after which the executive couple will en tertain at the theatre. Did Not Explain I h l.uklphia. Dec. 18-What Gen eral fanaqsa did to the border pro tool was 'stii: an unknown quanlty here this afternoon. Alberto J. J'anl, the commission er who presented the document to First Chief, occupied tho miMmi presenting a verbal report of an in tervlew with Cnrran.a. I'anl offered no written document to the commissioners. TJie crisp cold atmosphere, fob lowing the . recent sudden , chajigt In the weather, seems to have put spice in the spirit of Christmas chopping. Coming from , sections for miles around people have v crowded the streets of the city on -the Pasquotank for the past, two :l days, going and coming In tnd out the various stores, and ' lndlca,' '. tions point to a very busy .week- , for the merchants and emplpyeei ( next week. Up until a late hour Saturday -night the shoppers .were'.1 on the go, and It was probably onV of the largest Saturdays ever bad 0 here from a purchasing standpoint,'' Early Saturday morning .wagons, 'i' 1uggioB, and automobiles began' coming in from the country and:;; this inrush cofltinued until late la the afternoon. , - Business men attribute the un-; usual largo amount of shopping , dono this Christmas to the very ' prosperous fall the farmers have ' UBU . morning session, of the CommlsitohJiriLi "SZJMS Vt"'J-.rmum m0My Deen in circulation coupons SAYS SYSTEIIKS BELIEVES IN REWARDS THAT BUY SHOES FOR KIDDIES AND PAY THE DOCTOR Deroit, MiCh., Dec. J 8 James Coupons, Detroit's $50,000,000 police thief, who Is distributing his own money at the rate of $10,000 a year in bonuses for "the. Koo,) of the ser vice" is credited with working won ders with the force tn his cleanup that started with his Installation and Is still underway. Some say Ford taught Coupons the Ford standard of efficiency. Others say that- It was Coupons who taught it to Ford. In al! vents it is applied to the force. Coupons be lieves in discipline, the enforcement of every law on the hooks and In rewards lor merit, liis $5,000 sala ry ana 5,ouu aaaitionai oni or nis own personal fortune will go Into those rewards yearly. That Coupons system has work ed in his own life Is apparent when it is recalled that he sU Sted his commercial career at $12 a week in a Detroit In a coal office. Now $50, 000.000 Is only approximate. Cou pons doesn't know within a million or so. Just what his wealth is. Coupons was appointed Just prlot to the recent mayoralty campaign when the cry for cleanup was strong. His first ukase was at the saloons which hid heen violating he closing -hour law. "Obey the law" was his dictum and It weit. The closing is -now faithfully obey ed. , Coupons is now delving into, the social vtoe situation, lie' la expect ed to either eliminate sill of ' the district, sweeping the city clean of Its Immoral 'or to est-bllsh a sin gle Comely policed district. . 't , Couponi'. philosophy of the bonus system is brief. ' "Honorable - mem- tions are .all right btt ,a (eward that will buy . shoes for the children ' or pay the family doctor bill . goes a bit fnrther,' he says. ' ' f in this sectlori. The farmers came to town to buy apd not to loaf, and' they have the cash to pay for their purchases when they buy 'v This is the opening week at the ' three banks of the city for the beginning of Christmas savings de-' posits for 1917. Etch of the banks,' is anticipating the biggest open in, yet had Checks were paid ' out during fhe past weeks to de positors of the Christmas savings ' club by the local hanks to approx-' imately $35,000. The total nmn iber of depositors was nearly 2,000," and from taiKs with the cashiers It appears that the. savings accounts 1 next year will amount to around ' $50,000. This form of saving has grown wonderfully in this city, ' each bank reporting nearly double ' the amount of savings over last ' year. As a result of the prosperous ' 1 year the farmers have had inJhU ' section the merchants of Bets ' City feel good, nd there Is a gen ( eraT feeling of prosperity on every MUST PREPADE FOR PEACE III . ; . CONGRESSMEN DECLARE PREPAREDNESS PLAN8 THAT' ARB' ALL THE MORE IMPORTANT - Washlngjton, Dec. IgJAmfera-"' must puBh her prepareilness lest V't; peace come and find her with still-' ; '''."im pending International dlfncultles and 1 with militarism and navallsm un- 1 crUsned abroad, manv romrrestmen declared today. , 4 Major Generald Scott before the ( 8nate Military Committee pointed , out, America's - unpreparedness.t ipal i, ling attention to the lift that where f ' able at the outset" of any hostilitleaf ' was considered suflicent, the lesson'', 1 learned by the Kuropenn War had V ; C led the staff and officers to decide ;T, ' :- $ ' ' i IeR than a million and a half of -'j ;y -4.' .' trained troops. He explained that,' 7; ';" our nothem neighbor has builtnp V -an army to the strength approxf- ' , ! " tnhtely of European power,"emijna ; V ; sized England's f control of the- seas, - - . merchant marine sufneent ,; to. trans ":'."' port without delay a million men 5 ; rrttising. England's spirit ot militar ism -hut -condemning her fy?" "