TLY, , 3! :. MORE .SHOPPING- -DAYS .BEFCJUi CElliSTi.C;i f News Without :r:; Bias Views) Without Prejudice '1 70 ULJ n - I f - v !1.U L. ' ji ? i - - - .w - 4 K-J W -y The Only D :.v Newspaper. Published ia Elizabeth . : city - VOL 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTJI CAROLINA WEDNESDAY EVENING DECEMBER 20, 1916 NO 168- BclligGrents Vastly Apart l Expected u it r a secret uipiomacy 'hi Next Big Peace Move. Meanwhile America- tWi 11 K e e p Hands Off Washington. Dec. 20. Ultra se 1 cret diplomacy will be employed In the next bis pepce move, and offi cials here believe that England -will probally be willing. Her offi cial answer to Germany Is expect ed soon to be made public, but. If Germany is to accept the implied invitation to state her peace terms, publicity along that line will have ruinous effect, and it is he'd that these facts coupled with belief that the beligerents are still vastly a part make It advisable for the Unit ed States to keep hands off at this crisis. The United States, in common ' with other neutral nations, will be Interested in any World Peace will b Interested gus th m!opo o ' guarantees or disarmanent flisc'is . fcms -which might follow the pre . en't, peace proposal situation. , " Informally United States officials have stated that a world guarantee Is- essential to -any final peace, but Whether the interest of the State Department would be other than pas eive has not been stated. It is as sumed, however, that thi govern ment would take an active hand in furthering such ideas, if it were found that such action would be welcomed by the belligerents. President Wilson feels that when the time, cornea to make any move la the, peace situation It will be made clear that the United States It not, nterested in the causes of the outbreak of the1 European War but ffyfy, inline assurance m permanent j -peace. The means of establishing n.thla AMmn n Ant raa na thn PiAinAfir feels will be vital to the nation be cause, whether she willed or not. he has been vitally affected by the war. DOSQ FIND THE COTTON Mr. JJhores and his doi s had a warm chase this cold nioninn in arch of 800 pounds of cotton which bad spirited away from the barn of "Mr. Ahner Aydlett in the middle ' of the night. The barn from which the cotton was taken is on the Rum Road Just out on the edge of town, and the cotton was found out in the woods about a balf a mile from the barn. After finding the cotton the dos Itept on until they met three neg roes.' Then they stopped and . tried to explain to the men with them nhAirha : 'game ' was up". But a do"J, -VK not !waTS taken at par YaiaA and no arrest could be made without further evidence that these negroes were the "cotton, tot- ers", although suspicion pointed to their guilt). y Attending medical society trl H. D. Walker left today for "Washington, N. C. Jo attend the meeting of the Seaboard Medical Society, an . organization ' composed of the leading physicans of Tidewa ter Virginia and pastern North Car llna.,Ji-,P1!';-;,':.. Leave us-your order today for .. flowers for , the Christmas Dance In order lo be sure of T getting . Just ; what yott want." Tfie Apothecary Shop. adv. ' J '" DID HOT U DOOR ON PEACE BUT GAVE GERMANY TO UN DERSTAND TERMS OF PEACE AND SAID "IT IS YOUR MOVE London. Dec. 20. -The Allies have not s'amed the door o:. peace. They have simply said to Grr many "Here are our terms. Fake it leave it. But don't come a-;? in in the role of victor ". This i view throughout the Allied E oaa. it is mciaeulaureni "Howl adroitly Lloyd George des troyed Germany's allusion to Eng land's dominating the policies of the Entente ntions. It is recalled that the Premier stated at the out set that Russia and France, acting independently, had r eached the seme to which England now acceded. LIVE HOG QUOTATIONS RICHMOND VIRGINIA MARKET December 18, 1916. $10.50 $10.50 $10.00 $ 9.75 205 to 225 lbs. average. 175 to 200 lbs. average. 155 to 170 lbs. average 100 120 lbs. average. . . Pigs average $ 9.00 Sows, average $ 9.00 Soft or oily hogs, lets, to lcts less than abovp prices. Ho,?s prlct'd at market value the day they are received. UNION STOCK YARDS Richmond Virginia. CHRISTMAS CAfSTATA The Choir or the Kirst Misiliodlst Church will ;;lve a Christmas can tata next Sunday evening at 7: P.O. The tUlo of the cantata is "Savior and King". Those who attend Sun day night service at this church wil! be well repaid. WILL CONDUCT SERVICE Rev. O. T. Adams, presiding el der of the Elizabeth City district will conduct the services Wednes-. day evening at the First Methodist church INFANT SON DIES Harry Paulos, Jr.. the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paulos, died at three o'clock Monday, He was two weeks old and had been sick almost since birth. The fun era! took place yesterday afternoon. U ; '. The only way to save money Is to save Jt systematically. An easy way to get the. right start la to join the Christmas Club at The First Na tional Bank. Ed v. ,V ' , We are taking orders for, flowers for .the Chxltftmas' Dance The A psthecary Shop. tAt" ,-,' ': ' Here's a: Real Santa Claus - V, - r v.: y 1;(iT V, Nature has a lw of comiiensation by which she gives to each one of us some particular talents or aptitudes. John Doe, who was born 57 years ago, was fnvored by nature with an extra robust face and a luxuriant growth ol hair, so much so that, about Christmas time of each year, his services as a iiicdel for Sunta Claus posters, or as a pseudo Santo Claus, In the depart ment stores, are very much at a premium. He need not look for a Job, the Jobs are looking for him. FUNERAL MRS SPENCE The funeral of Mrs. : Josephine Spince was conducted this 5 after noon at balf past, two o'clock from Blackwell Memorial Baptist - church. j The pastor, Reir; I. N, ' Loftln, was assisted by Rey. O. B. Cul breth paeton of Ctty ? Road Metho dist church. Interment followed is. Hollowoo , qpmjetery.1 Prominent among the many floral offerings was that of- 'Miss - Sarah ' Spence's Sunday School' class of Blackwcfl Memorial Sunday school. ... Mrs. Spence' was born in Camden County oa January 20th, 1867. Be fore her marriage, which occured a lUUe more than fifty years ago. she was Miss Josephine Caroline Bona parte. Jones. She is survived by her husband by four Bohs, Rev. J. Pau! Spence of Norfolk, Mr. J. A. Spence of Norfolk, Mr. Joe Spence and Mr. Corgl Spence of this city; by two daughters, Miss Sarah Spence, and Mrs. Emily Raper of South Norfolk; by three brothers. Mr. N. A. Jones of this city, Mr. (ieorge V. Jones, of Richmond, and Air. Samuel Jones of South Norfolk. Attending the runeral from out of the city were Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Spence of Norfqlk, Mrs. Emi ly J. Raper, Misses Nina and Eml ly Raper, Messrs Paul and Ju'ian Raper of South Norfolk. The store tf Spence and Hollo well and the law office of Mr. George S. Spence have been closed throughout the day in respect to the memory of Mrs. Spence, whoso life was a shining example of the best type of womanhood. nnnn , Ills .1 in FROM GERMAN PRISONERS IT IS LEARNED THAT THERE IS ALSO DISSATISFACTION A MOfsG TROOPS By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS (Copywright 1916 by United Press) With The Pritish Army in The Field Somewhere In France, Dec. 20 So fHr as one can 8ee, Germany's peace proposals have had little ef fect here. When the Germm wireless gave the UritlHh army Its first intima tion of the nature of the Kaiser's much heralded Christmas news to his subjects, everybody "was mild'y curious. "What's his name?'1 was the query frequently on the lips of oflicfis end men. Nowhere wa there nay other emotion than curi ousity expressed in tho United Pres correspondent's hwarln; This is the feelinc of the Whole army. No';odily takus the proposi tion seriously not even the jirlvates who 'rend-bulletins posted for their benefit at various encampments, md then turned and walked away unconcerned. It was plain they ilassed It with tl previous "stuntr of a man who believed hlmse'f in -league with the Almighty, starting and stopping wars at will. Others considered it another Ger man bluff taking the position that If Germany is able to march from victory to victory as stated by Chan cellor von Bethmann-Hollweg, why all this sudden magnanimity? The British believe that the bulk of the German troops are still ig norant of their Emperor's peacp pro pnpals. Several prisoners captured by the British have professed abso lute Imorance on the subject, only one non-comralssnoned officer admit ling that he knew of the proposals. In a similar manner It has been ascertained th-?t Von Hlndenburg is dl satisfied with the way things are going on the westesrn front. The inevreaeed German artillery fire and aerla! at-tivity during the past week are apparently the result of an order to prevent if possible the pontLiUjl fire of British -guns. , This oonUnuous bombardment " is telling cn the spirits of the German troops, - i-2ft 2i 3&. Si i i -4- -it ,u i ' The Chrlstmaa Spirit Hrt)ir-Hirl8t ' j tlwo, "I'euce pn earth, good M will to lften," come into your j hSirt and be merry uud glad. $. Hut' in .the mfdst of your nierryuiakins and chnritable thought, do not forget that there- are many to whom JT Christmas will bring no wm V id 1 .cheer. These are the hope lessly ill In hospitals, the hu- M man driftwood n the reform- atorles, the tiny Inmates ij of the orphanages. If yon ST are able to, bring a bit of cheer practical cheer into Ur the ripnri life at anmenne rnn. JT fined In one of these InstJtu tions. Do not think such an JT effort is a waste of time or ft M out of date. Indeed, it will T be the kindest act you can do at Christmas time to think of someone who has lost hie place, or is not yet able to take his place in the great world. ft tf tf lg $ t $ l l HIT POTATOES NORTHERNMOST COUNTY .OF NORHERKMOST EAST COAST STATE RICHEST IN AMERICA "NOW Uoulton. Me.. Dec. 20: Aroo stook, county today Is the richest in the United States. The northern most county of Maine snatched the crown from Los Angeles county Cal Ifornta. , The humble potato did it. Potatoes that sold for 76 cents a barrel a few years ago now bring $4.75 and farmers here are holding much .of their crop for $5 a barrel. As a result of this unprecedent ed prosperity, Houlton Is now the second richest town In the country, ranking next to "rookline, the rich est in ,the world. , Fifty car loads of automobiles, not fllvers, are on tholr way here. It IS emlraated that $100,000 is coming Into thlB country daily from the potato crop alone. ... , , This. Is no real estate boom,, for yon can't buy enough, land to bury e potito to its eye. . , ' One Killed Two Injured Birmingham, Dec. 20. Onp, man was killed and two injured In an e- plosion of the Edgewator Mine 01 the Tennesee Coal and Iron Rail road today. TO ATTEND MEETING STATE MISSION BOARD Rev. I. N. Loftin was called by telegram today to Raleigh to attend k meeting of the Baptist State Mis sion Board of which he Is a mem ber. Mr. Loftin waa unable to leave until after the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Spence this afternoon, but will leave tonight and return Fri day morning. Bill TEACHES I THEN WITH A SNIFF DESERTB HIS COMPANY FOR PEACE AND SLEEP AT ANY PRICE London, Dec. 1. (By Mail) When it comes to living in dugouts on the Western battle front "Kitch ener," bruin mascot of a certain Western Canadian battalion, is right at home today. , Recently crimpy weather began to announce the approach of Win ter. "Kltch," as per Instinct, began to show the toys something about tbA rea art of digging. Before many days he had dug himself in beyond the rane of the heaviest shell. The work seemed to create a voracious appetite and "Kltclu" with heavy eyes, finally came to the surface for a final look around. Then with a sniff he dissapeared. N,ow while his battalion shivers, he lg sleeting ptacefUIy the long Win ter months away. When "Kltch" awakes In the ear ly spring, his friends may have gone far away. But someone will be. sure to return and dig hltn out. A . sure and easy way t0 hav mon ey ' for Christmas ig , to 4 Join, our Christmas Club. Do not delay.! Join to-day First National Bank, ad r CEL'iU SMS irs f,u op DO NOT :: CONSIDER !. ALClCD ' 8PEECHES SERIOUSLY WHENj WEIGH ED AGAINST, GERMAN VICTORIES ' '. t By CARL ACKERMAN v Berlin, Dec.' 20. Germany r garda the speeches of t he ' states men of England, France and Russia ; as a bluff to impress Berlin with the Entente's determination Thai - -Entente governments ' cannot 1 well ' do otherwise In view of their past statements, but they i are. (really; anxious for peace. This view Is re fleeted in all the walks of life, fol lowing Premier Lloyd George's to swer to the German Chancellor. Berlin Is not pessimistic? despite". , the Allied pronunciamentos from -London, Pf trograd and Paris td tht effect that the Allies are determin ed to continue the war until their high objects are attained. , These' ' speeches are nbt taken very lerl busly here when weighed against ' Germ'iny's progress in Rumania. Gonzales Dies At El Paso El Paso. Dec. 20. Robert BLt ' Gonzales, Sergeant of the South Carolina Guard, and editorial writer., for the Columbian State, died at ' the base hospital lasC night! of pneumonia. 'He is "tho son of the ' America minister to Cuba. v Cotton Report ,; , ' Prior Dec. 13 Washington, Dec. The cotonigln ned of the 1916 crop prior to Decern ber 13th amounted to 10,845,989. bales ' as against 10,306,809 bales ot the 1915 census report. Of this total 183,408 round bales were in eluded as against 100,926 last year The Sea Island bales included ' mounted to 110,4448 at against 84, 110 last year. f Live L ittleLocals Many Minor Matters , Merely Mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gray and little child, of Salvo spent Tuesday In the city. Messrs Elwyn Trueblood and Am ;, brose Ward, of Wake Forest Col lege are at home for the holidays.' ' Mr. ,J. C. Morris of Columbia,, , was In the city on business Wednes Mrs. B. G. Crisp and drughtef, Miss Nina, of Manteo, were in the, city shopping Wednesday. . MlssMollle Wain wright of Rocky Mt is visiting her daughter, Mr -W. I. Peal on Road street. Christmas flowers may be bad at The Apothecery Shop. Order your now. adv. " HOUSE FOR RENT On Ehringj t haus street in good condition, apply. toM..M. Sawyer. ' ," we4 and frl to Jan C '", s : The National .Christmas Club now open at The' First National Bank. Insure yourself merry Christmas for 1917 by Joining today, adv.

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