A;-- -5- THE ADVANCE News Without ; t : Bias .7. . . Views "Without Prejudice V -WISHES -YOU, A LIEHIIY- CEIHSTIJAC v r on n I n LJC'j.u.L 1 : fi n n'. The Only Dccccr. Newspaper Published La Ellnl r?'; City VOL 1 5 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY EVENING DECEMBER 23. 1916 N01C9 Christmas Comes Even A In British Trenches SERVICES y And Every Tommy Is Remembered By Kris ie Kririel loaay By WILLIAM PHILIP -SIMMS With the British Army In the field Dec. 23.--For the third time Christ mas 1b about to arrive at Armaged don. ' 1 ! Supply trains bearing man-killing , exploslveg have for , once yielded the right of way. Large, low English trucks in hun dreds driven by, business like khaki clad Krlg Kringles, have strewn .gifts of every kind up and down the entire line, proving that the milk of human kindnesfis strong er than the red wine of war. Farmers Lose To Grain Trust . Buenos Aires, Nov 26 (By Mall) '; W'Wake up Argentine, and bul!d grain elevatorj," urged Gert T. Holm, a Swedish-Argentine and the - loremoet cereal expert- in the repub ,'llc, In an appeal today to the coun try's farmers. Holm estimates that these far mers lose $200,000,000 annually to the grain trust through lack of stor age facilities, which compels them to market their products in a hurry and on whatever terms the trust 'dictates, He places the members of the trust at not more than five concerns, who do have some eleva ' tors, of their own but who use them h asserts entirely for their own - benefit. The plan he favors Is gov eminent construction of elevators. Says Church Will help Needy Rev. I. N. Loftln. pastor of Blackwell Memorial Church, stated to a representative of this news paper yesterday. L. "1 want the publio to know that I and my church stand ready, not only at the Christmas season, but at all times of the year t0 help the meedy. We shall be glad to have any cases of need or sickness re ported In order that re may ren der assistance." Is Assailed As Unpatriotic r' 1 London, Dec. 23.-Because heur ; gd England to be charitable to .ward Germany, the Rev. Edward Lyttleton, head master ot Eton . Col "v lege has resigned and will step In- to private life Monday. Several pa pers have accused Dr. Littleton of being pro-German. This he has de . nled. - V. ' TIE I OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS IN i 50NGT ANO .SERMON WiLU , MARK THE SABBATH'S WOR SHIP ' ' '' "'. V T o OF E LEST SPIES EEK THIS MEANS OF TRANSMITTING INFORMA TION TO AGENTS IN AMERr IA London, Dec. 23. For fear spies might seek to transmit information t0 Teutonic agents in this country via pictures, the British censorship decline to permit the mailing of any photographs to America thig Christ mas. Man American families res ident in England, whose number has been augumeated by bouncing bady boys or . girls were dlsapointed by the ruling; and the folks st home wi!l have to get along without see ing their diminutive relatives for a time. Frisco Has BigPagea nt Mr' Isam Simpson - - The funeral of Mr, Isam Simp . eon was conducted at the home ' Friday afternoon at 1:30 by Rev. I. 4 N, Lofting interment followed at ' OBvet Baptist Church - " " T"V "' ' Mr; Isam Simpson died Wednes C. day night at the age of seventy ; five yean. . ' - ' He Is survived by big wife and i number of other relatives In the lty and county.' ' , MARRIED FKIDAY ',. AFTERNOON '. , Mr. Carr C'.lftcn Cone ot Rich mond and Miss Adelle - ftlattie Crocker of Hampton wer married ' tiday afternoon- at the 'office ' ' of Register of Deeds J. .W. Munden, Mr. Munden officiating. Mr. Cone was formerly of Zebu loo, in this state, and ,the bride and groom will spend the holidays with his parents at Zebulon. . San Francisco, Dec. 23. "San Francisco will officially celebrate Christmas-with a pageant 'which will oJtrlval anything that has ev er been attempted here during the Tulttlde. The city7 supervisors will be In charge of the affair which is to be staged in the Clvc Center, In front of the City Hil!. ' Roprertontatlve-eloct Of Dure County, left T ( I . 1 t ,. I. P. Davis, todny on the b'lMavs wl!h PEf.CE PLEA IS DROUGHT I'JILSGtJ SMUGGLED IfV FROM BRITISH PACIFICISTS BY WAY. OF NEW york - ".. ;r.i Washington, Dec. 23. A commit tee from' New York arrived here to day bringing a peace plea smuggled In from Bertrand Russell, end other British Pacificists In London. This plea'ia to be presented to President Wilson... - ' ' f r v desire to write WANTED Men who earn over 1125,00 per month ug today for position as salesman: every opportunity for advancement. crNTJML iTTnnT.rT-f ro.. Christmas service will be held at the churches of the city Sunday, as follow: ; ' , - ' , FIRST' BAPTIST CHURCH Af eleven o'clock Dr. rB. C. Hen nlng will preach sermon appropl ate to Christmas, the subject being, "The Childhood ot Jesus". This ter mon will be applicable to all but to Children especially. At the evening service the choir will render their Christmas canta ta. V Following Is tbe program Organ Prelude Praioe the J Great Redeemer Chorus by Choir. It Speaks to the World Soprano Solo and Chorus. God Hath Given a Son Bebs 8olo. While Shepherds Watched for Choir and Women Chorus. Holy Night Echo Choir. Star of Bethelem Trio. Holy Ni.?ht EcTio Choir. Itorn in a Manger Soprano Solo and Chorus. tie Light of Glory Tenor Solo and Choir. tThe Messnge Duet tor Tenor end Earitone. "The Light of All "the World Chorus by Choir. Lead Me Final' Chorus. Denver kas First Tree "Denver, Colo.,' Dec. 23, -Fifteen thousand .people are expected to pack the city auditorium tomorrow night to celebrate Denver's - first community Chtstmia. - ' Extensive plana have beep mad tor the 4 af fair and the t entire city will play Santa Claus to the Denver kiddies. The program will consist of mus ical and literary entertainment and the distribution.' ot gifts o .'"about 10,00 children from an ' Immense Christmas tree placed .npon the stage ot the 'auditorium. mm tales: m killer iliiliangllnplli uam r ' ... BLACKWELL MEMORIAL. BAPTIST CHURCH Loftin's the Ex- AnH Angels light The pastor Rev. I. N.Loftin will preach Sunday morning from the subject "The Doing Christian ity". On Sunday evening Mr. subject will be "Jesus and planation 0f Him". Following is the program for the. morning servioe at eleven o'clock. Organ Prelude Selected. 'Cirtstmas aifthem. The Song Wolcftt. Prayer. Hymn Hark the Herald .Sing. Scripture Reading. Anthem, Send out the Gounod . . t Prayer. '' "" Announcements. Offering. Solo by Miss Rose Goodwin. Christmas Aria Shelly. Sermon Rev. I. N. Loftln. Hymn, Joy to the eWorld. Benediction. Postlnde selected . At the evening service at 7:30 the program will be as follows. Organ preludeu-eelected . Christmas anthem, Arise and Shine Adams. Prayer. . Reading Scripture. Anthem, There were Shepherds Vincent ... 'Announcements Offering Quartet. Blessed Holy Night Oppeabach, Sermon, Rev. I. N, Loftln. Hymn. "i Benediction. Prelude Selected. :,r CITY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH ? The Pastor win preach at the 11 o'clock service. The , Sunday chool will meet at 9:80 V.th Mr. C. JR. Pugh aa Superintendent. The p worth League will meet at 6:30 : Fol'owing Is tha program of spe cial music at .City. Road Methodist church for Sunday evening at 7:30. Chorus And the Glory of the Lord Gieiiel. . . ' , Chorus Holy Night . DivineAd ams'. , A ; ; i .: Solo And there were Shepherds Adams. riwirtm rionRoil Ifoly Ni lit .1. ATLANTIC FLEET WILL CELEBRATE WHILE 80ME OF THE SAILOR BOYS HAVE SHORE LEAVE AND CHRISTMAS DINNER AT London,. Dec. 23. Thousand of Uncle Sam's sailor boys will g0 b shore on leave for ChriiitmaB din ner at home, The fleet will re main here until January 10. Admir at Henry T. Meyo spared as many of the boys as possible and thoie remaining on board the dread noughts. Pennsylvania, ArizonR, New York and Wyoming and .the subma rine cutters, destroyers and tenders will te well taken care of as to tur key etc. There Is to" be a Christ mas tree Chrrs'tnas night In the main room, of every ship. Trio and Chorus The Herald Angels Loreni- Alto Solo U. G, Davis. So'o Trust in Him Petrle. Solo and Chorus The Birth place of the Kin? Hall. Chorus Alleluia Wilson . FIRST METHODI8T CHURCH . Sunday morning at eleven o' clock Rev. G. T. Adams, presid ing Elder of the Elisabeth City dis trict, will preach at the First Meth odist Church. ,,. fc, ; : .-ji The Choir of the First Methodist Church will give a Christmas can tata next Sunday evening at ' 7:30. The title of the cantata, Is "Savior and King". Those who attend Sun day night service at this church I will be well repaid. LiliUU If Negotiations Get Down To Enforcement Peace raiitee Gua : I ARABIA HOT A Mm State Degartment Awaits Further Reports Befoie Deciding On - Submarine Question 'Washington, Dee 23. The Unit ed States may have to , enter into what haa previously been regarded as an entangling alliance if thepres ent peace negotiation's get down to the pointof international enforce ment of peace gozrantees, the Stale Department admitted oday. Secretary Lansing .held that this was a somewhat premature discus sion of such problems but Indicated that this government had consider ed the -possible necessity, for alli ance if, any peace agreement was to bind. ' i The Department manifestly regret ted the Allies interpretation of WU son, himself,-in saying that he said", that both sides were fizhtlng for the same thing, and pointed out that he had speclflcly said that both sides had named the things tor which they were fighting and that their statement of purpose were ag reed. ,, In the matter of a possible alli ance the Department held that the United States would naturally link herself with Pan-American nations, at the same Mm probably joining with certain European nations In an agreement which this country might previously Considered entangling. WILL WELCOME A . A . ' ' BY'GOV R.EGARD PROFIT cnNMBfifT OFFICIALS WH EN WALL STSltlXOT EXCITED Washington, Dec, 23 AdmlniM tratlon men stated today that they would welcome Investigation by which Representative Wood propot . es to ascertain whether any high of ficials or thjeir relatives profited by the Wall street upsent which followed upon Secretary Lansing's " statements Thursday. ARABIA The several numbers are: Great is Jehovah. The Shepherds and the Angels. The Outcast, Bonds of Love. To Jerusalem We come Thou art iall to me i In the lstter duys. The Song of thy Grace. Worthy is the Lamb. CANN MEMORIAL ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The paator, Rev. J. B. Black will occupy his pu!plt at both services Sunday. Christmas music wilt be rendered. '' The White Gift Chrintmasservice otbls church, will be observed Wed nesday night., CHRIST CHURCH Services 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. Let ton, Luke 2, 1-20. Who was the em peror when ' Jesus was born? Why were, Mary and Joseph at Bethelem at this time? How far did they tray el? What prophet had said thatfJe bus would be born, In Bethelem? What did the angel say to tbe shep herds? Who sanr the first Christ mas carol, and what .was It? What Is i called? What did the shepherds say when the angels left them? What did they find? What w8 the rally's name, and what does It mnn? Who Vpt nil the t?!n"n NOT IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE Contracdicting Germany's conten tion -that the steamer Arabia, was Ka Bruisn Transport, untam toaay informed the Stste Department that Arabia was not in hegovern mont service when submarined nor ever had been. Britain did say, however, that the Arabia , carried some . government passengers boked as ordinary pas sengers at the expense of the gov eminent. The note said that there no Asiatic workmen or soldiers a board.. ,. , ... , ,,.,t, Germany, had admitted .sinking the ship, claiming that there were Asiatic workmen and soldiers a board and that the submarine coin mader believed it to b a transport. Secretary Lansln is undecided whether to transmit this Informa tion to Germs ny or await further British reports on the number of British passengers aboard. The Stat Department awaits his course before deciding on Its course toward Germany's pending submsr ml matters. COTTON REPORT There were 6,5ta bales of cotton ginned In Pasquotank County, from the crop of 191 S prior to Dec. 13, 1916, at compared with 3,623 bales ginned to Dec. 13, 1915. ' . There were '8.6R9 bales of cotton ginned In Camden County from the crop of 1916 prior to Dec. 13, 1918, A BIT OF HOLIDAY In order that The Advance fore , 1 may have a bit of holiday the next : Issue pf this paper will not reach its readers until the afternoon of Wednesday, December 27th. -. - ' With the rush of Chrlstmit but' tness those who have been laboring " to make the Advance possible have earned a liberal reward, whether this materializes just yet or not, 11 the -paper went to press again on, the day after Christmas, some of these would have to begin work-on - , Christmas Day, and in order that, there might be at least one real holiday in all the year, the editor of The Advance has decided upon this arrangement. On Wednesday afternoon The Ad vance hopes to gret you, after' this bit of holiday, with renewed vigor and added test, bringing you the news of the intervening dayt togeth er with bright hopes and best wish ea for a mutually happy and helpful New Tear. . (, And now upon tha close of this " week and upon tha are of Christ mas Itself, we wish you, one and all, a Merry Christmas, with torj row banished and. with high hopes upennost in your hearts., y t EVERETT-LIE Moyock, pec. 22. A very pretty wedding waa the principal feature of Interest in this community last night when Miss Nann! , Lee be es me tbe bride oi Mr. Jesse Frank Everett... .The" wedding "took j place at the home of tho bride's parents.Mr. and Mrs. Jordan D: Lee.i and was witnessed by only the families clos rt friends. Mr. M. C. Sanderson acted as best mm and Miss Ch!u Flora was maid of honor TK r fmOVy for' t.-,,1 t