4n- News Without. ' V Bias Views Without f Prejudice v-'. ( U 1 .U PublhLeJ in m i City VOL 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY EYEN1NG JANlfARY 2, 1917 NO soon vote , 013 RECEflT IIOJE l!5 IS THE GENERAL OPINION SINCE PRESIDENT WILSON'S C:FERENCE WITH SENATOR -TONE ' i ..V.ston.v Jan. 2. -Congress y soon vote on the endorsement V.'ilsun's recent note to belliger 3 with the Implied threat of, dip--tie outbreak, .which many be e will end in war should Ger : y resume unbridled submarine ;re- in the - event, that j peace r neuvers fail, t. .; Jz.''-. i Ti.i3 is the interpretation of Wil l's conference : with, . Senator .3, Chairman" of the Foreign Re tlon Committee yesterday. -' lBy United 1pW8) ;Ai'f; El Paso Jan' 2--Triatp preparaV n3 are already under way tor the hdrawa'l of Pershing's "expedition c?lumn frOrn-.Mexlco was.indl 1 by certain moves last, week ' statement of - army officers . v O, , . I i :i y, Tiio duties' of 'property is to check all equipment go- iuto or returning from Mexico. Veteran Rests : ; In -Uniform 1 Wiloughby D. Gregory died at 1 q'clock Monday ; morning at his home in Shiloh. The funeral was conducted today ty'P t. E. J. Har rel at half pa3t ,two o'clock, ' Inter ment followed' In the family bury ing ground at Sandy Hook. -;. 'Mr. Gregory . wes seventy two years old and had been sick for three weeks. He was a Confederate Veteran and was laid to rect In his Confederate unlfom.' ' At the dote of the Civil War he was married to Miss Jane Stevens. Three children survive, thi j union :' Cj L. Gregory of Shiloh, "Mrs .' J. B. Williams of' Shtloh and Miss Ad dle Gregory? of Shllohv f ' ' j, ,' He is survived' als0t by hig broth-" 'eri M. D. Gregory of this city and ,by "a. number of nelces and nephews in this section. , . . - ,, G flfl 1111 ' ""li ill! T 1 OF SPffi iracEoiiiiEii (By United Press) Washington Jan, ; 2. The King Tpald by flatly refusing to "parti e 15 ate in wiison a note to Deiuger s may become the, ultimate peace ker. - r.';.'!.'' v ' At least, this la the belief of AI 1 diplomats here.? C' , "r It Is known' that,, King', Alphonso rmed the Allies' that he 'did - not .rd the "peace move . favorably (Ms time,, president .Wilson was o urged by many advisers not to, "ke the peace move at this ime to do ' so would lessen -his rength as possible, mediator In ' o future. - . . . (By United Press) ' London, Jan. 3. rTbe .capture of large jnumbers of prisoners In West ern Moldavia an 4 urbund Focf.ni Is repcrted in- tat'a: ' olCclal (Jerman M i ' at. " s . i - i la t. i' r .. ,i i. i ,i Dei ... pution of a': K nnahi'i.. limila' still resist German ' pursuit, . However, the center of .the German array 1a not held back. , . a ) . 'AILROAD-fares go ' ' UP IN ENGLAND "JBy United fPress) s LonOT,?JaB3iRilrosd'-farw out up fifty -per cent in England i lay. ' If the same thing had been : ne in the United' Stateg it' would an that a1 ticket from "Indianopo to New York -would cost 31.50 ead ot pV,"J jT':yJ i ' Tie government ' has taken' over llroadsln. England and Its, reason r r increasing fares Is twofold;-1st. lo discourage unnecessary travel ,2. to keep the railroad passenger lev- 111 i WEEK' OF PRAYER - The Ween "of PraverVfor ' Foreign Missions Ib 'being'obscrvod by th.v Womans Missionary - Society J ot P,Iackwell Memorial Church. The . moetln? this afternoon w3 led by !"Mrs .C. P -White, the subject be in? 'Evangelism,' , , - ' . Wc'dfieaday eftornoonB" meowing !"1 bd conducted y Mrs, A. -F. y,' rnd ,tho' HubJct will be tchirg the Word., rvlcoj will be held every1 afterr i f tlie week- at' half pat - o'clock. " , r' .- --"' :" ;' V . (). F, Gilbert is out again iovcral days of Hliness. Ruth's Pigs HighBrows (Br United Prenil ; St. Paul, Minn, Jan. 2. Because she stayed, hme from 'parties and cared tot her phjs,. Mist Ruth pun ningham,16, ,is champion pig raiser of Minnesota today. .The award was made by the University of Minneso ta agricu'tural school here. Ruth raked high brow pigs. .. - . - Eeoh day she scrubbed her pigs by Thar d, end 'followed . that by giv ing them a showed bath. Then she massaged each pig. with oil daily, Comfortable couches ero arranged for for the pigs In the shade of the trees' on. her father's farm. Her pig menu conMsted of milk, timothy, plover, silt, lime and reen vegta- tles and all ?.e.e served In indivi dual troughs. , .IS.VKrA'WOMA.N'8 MAGAZINE tbe new. North arollna Woman's magzirje, Just oi't. Get your first copy ' At-Merck's, 20 cejtg. Leave your vcar'ij:hHcriptlon ($1) with Mrs Herbert Peele, " Adttn' r ofnc nun hopes : IIOI'J DISPEOSEO DECISIOoJ APPARENTLY- UNANI MOUS' THAT PEACE NOW Will ; come: by fqrce of arms Berlin, Jan. 2.' Berlin's hopes are now dispersed and war tq the last ounce of blood is now her goal. ' The Allies' note I8,not deserving of a written rejoinder Is the opinion ,cf the Berlin press, which also typi fies the opinion of the man on the street making It apparently an n nanlmous decision that " Germany's answer to the Allies - rejection of peace must be by force of arm un der von ' Hindenburg' , , ; , coed m UP THE ladder LOSING FAMILY WEALTH DID NOT DETER COCHRAN FROM N PEGGING AWAY AND SUCCEED ING , By George Martin (United Press Staff Correspondent) New. York,' Jan. 2. A young man walked Into;' the House of Morgan at the corner of Wall;, and ;Broad streets here today and sat down at the desk he had had hl eye on for twenty years.- 1 ' ' sThe -t young man ; was Thomas Cochran of ".. St. Paul, I Minnesota, wto, bora among riches ; and later forced Into proyertyji has struggled tack up tjie bdder to the peint of succrsr where J, Pi Morian invited him "to become his twelth business partneri Ccchran officially assumed this enviable position In the world of finance -today. , Cochran waa confronted twenty years aga with the alternative tf Washington,; Jan.- 2. -Republican I w's ,'B" f so n members of the House Rule Com- quitting. His father's death and mittee' today demanded of Chalrmaailna Io58'of ,the .famny fort"ne put Henry an "open above bonrd" inves ! lt P th? V! mm from st' tlgation X)f heV charges of Thomas ililSUi: Lawson- that itj -.millions "fwere mad,e; by4 Wal! Street on the peace 'nolo leak,'x- ': , V'7 '. ' ;- J"nitcr Store M the Foreign Re latior.s" committee.'' blamed the-pres-tni sy:i.c:n of dvlt -service fof such Lutiicit... ; x uii.r Iwu iijmb con ference with Iawson Chairman Hen ry introduced a bill for rcgiUation of the stock exchange;. ; " , . ' Cltl2ENS FORCE REDUCTION j ", -v CBy( United Pressr ! New York,' JJan.: 2 .-Following the tltizens' league threats'' to have their property investigated 'and P crcisqd, The"- New York . EdiSon Co. ,nd the ' United Electric Light am Power Company.4o4aiy reduced their rates feom 8 to 7 cenU,n .The com? paniea expect to jnakeUp' iheUt, 700,000 ; caving to cOnfpers ty in erensed business uhin i the , new ratev WILLL MEET COMMUKtTY t Service committee . W. C. Crosby 0f Raleigh will be here. Wednesday at noon and de, sires to , meet the Central Commun ity 'Service Committee . at the office of Superintendent' HInton.' Mr. Crosby speaks tonight at South Mills Paul. Young Cochan worked his way throu h , the lait ye9ri, He forewent "society,; In which Je had , playod a large part; tlao football, derpite the fac,t" that he was a member of the Yale , team; likewise- Skull & Eorica, tfifl ex:li'p'v tx' " to wM'h ho t '.tutor'.: He took other work too and whrn he gradi.itcd he hid the1 habit. ' ' . " - v f ten years ago Cochran wa,s,wbrk ing iorTi 'real. e:-tat; company"Tiere for wages that almost . any r fWall Strett e'erk would , cnrl up his Hp at. He had 6tuck there seven years (ft the same salary, but he knew Mhit.he waa about. He knew what be had end was content to wait for the psychological moment tp get In to the big play' v: . TJiea 'HenryPr-'Davidson, a- part ner of the late J.' Pleriont Morgan, "discovered"; TJochvan and Invited him' to help; reorganize the Astor TruBt Company. ' Cochran's Advance since then hs been rapid. The, real estate clerk of ten years ago today Is not only a Morgan part ner.'ltit t director of the Astor Trust Company, Knox Hat Company Submarine Corporation, the Kertne :tt Copper Company, American Pi ano Company the Heel Ii;on Works sni the lAssoiated Merchants Company,;1 VltL ELECT PHY61CAN Chairman J. G. Fearing of the County Commissioners and Myor P., (tr Siwyef ,.ye?terdiy ''appointed r. R. L. Kendricl fnd jDr. 3. . .Griggs IVemters . of the County Board vof HsaJtli. On next Monday tlis Board wi ' elect the County Physican. , :- " ENTERTAINED CLASS kWr. M. Lejgh Sheep entertained.. Sunday 8cn6ol Class" of s the PKt , Methodist church last night , .t ' his 'home on West Main street. Ple?Bant 'games were p'ayed aii4 de. licluse vfefreshm nti -wero served, y$ 6o'ep proving ag delightful a .hot as, he has already proven effici ent teacher and leader of, his class. ; ,-;. i -. . : vV - ,-, ' 1 '. X j i ..'.'. - .. t :?" ; sx-: ... w, f !; y, , ' Some of the stunning show girls widely known ,f6t their beauty and grac coming ; " to Elizabeth City with the seasons greatest musical comedy success, 'September Morn' at the 'Alkrama Theatre," Tuesday night, January' 9th. ; , ; t' ; ; " HughesBgck InLawOffice (By United Press i , New York, "Jan. J. Back at the flat top desk he occupied when he made his bigreputationin 'In the In surance Investigation ca'ses . years ago, long before he was even' Gov ernor," Charles Evana Hughes, today once more took up the - pratice of iaw.-rv.-' . yj'-':y y:'y teince he left the desk J and . the old, ' office . at , 98 Broadway :'. Mr. Hraihes has been Governor of New York, Justice of the United SUtes Sutreme Court and Republican can didate for. President of the United States. He is, neverthe' ess," under stood to' be glad to get back Into private ' practice, f His personal for tunes are said to have suffered vm a resell of hlafflce holding. , -. . . . - y Farmers ControL 4 North Dakota (By United press ' , , Piamark, N. D-i Jan. 2.North Ddkotu's farmer legislators got to business today without poafp ) or ceromouy, , , ; ,k',L,r1'.T; U wes-a legislative session entire ?y- dominated ty a tarmera political organization that, had Us" birth in, Ike idea 'of cooperative , marketlnn; of grain without spccui.iM'ii. friTTi l' ...,..... .1,...,. , t,., j . . (.-,-.--, uuspcculatlve food .market, xrew the Fanners Non-Partisan" league 1)f North Dakota, This 1 organization stood for etatei control 'of all eleva tor., non speculative markets, and public ownership of public utilities In two elections it swept Into the .legislature sufficient numbers to control the law mak!ngbody. 0- io rur pd iroisiD'j;:, THIS WAS ALLIES' OPFOfiT TY AND BRITISH PRESS I NOTE WILL INDICATE F Z TERMV A , ' " (By United Press) London, Jan.' 2. There la f. : creasinng belief here tody that ; reply to WCsba was the. All; portunity, after Germany's i ' nlte peace proffer and reply t merica to put Potsdam atadlsi: tage .'.The course of plain epca and clear ' statement of term8 ' whlch thf 'AUieJ would cor. peace negotiations are what t British Vress hopes that the r will Indicate. ,.,'. I 110 EXTRA SESSi L. Adjutant Wants .. ... f. ."' . ' .. ' . .-. II War . , V., ., ... ' (By United Press) ' Columbus, O., Jan, 2., The Ohio Supreme Court tomorrow is to de cide whether the Unltedv8tates Is actually at warwlth. Mexico t The court win hear the madamus suit of AdJudant;GeneralEdward S Bryant to compel. State Auditor A. V, Danahoy to pay him 11 "war time" salary f or ' hla services a .8 eistant adjudant general during m, liart ot last June and all of Jnly and August. ' Col.. H. J. Turney, Judge advo cate of the Ohio National Guardv de fending BryanC cites a state law providinf that the adjudant gener al.' wAen in active service, shall re ceive pay at the same-rate, rs that of a' colonel in the regular army,$4, .000 a year. ', Judge Advocate General Crowder of the regular army, ruled some months ago'' that the 'United States technically is in a state of war with the southern republic, p ' t , 'No tlvil court has yet been called ob id rule 0n the point.'' ' Washington, .Jan. 2. No f session of Congress will be uc. sary to tJit hrough -Wilaon's r road legilatlon. .' This opinion is confldentaly pressed today as Fcnatnr N ' comniftt' r ro -! ! :' euce In? he'd wiiU r . at the cailtolSaturday nii l ( ; sequent conversation with bini. .'However, a bitter fight loonn ; before, the Newlands Qommlttee to day as It convened. Senator f No v land announced, that Senator Un derwood's proposition . to make n strike before tbe conclusion of a Investigation ' a , misdemeanor , wo;.' ' be , the. first matter conslderc l. President Wilson Is. known to ha insisted that such a clause be i eluded In anylaw enacted. Morrison ot the Federation of I toor announced that that orgar ' tlon would oppose with all its i er any such compulsory mca and said that Gompers would : dress the committee along this Y tomorrow." ' - . , ' - : . ' ' DIVORCE GRANTED MONDAY ' 111 . A decree of absolute divorce v granted In' tuperlor court Moi ' In the case of Minnie Coleman Charles Coleman. ' K( , ' JURY FEBRUARY TERM GIVES ftNJOYABLE .. - NWY EAR'S PARTY .One, of the most enjoyable social events of the sa'ason- was a ".New Year's Party given last, night by Miss Margaret Foremsn at 'her beautiful, home on. Main 'street, " 'A few mlnutas after eight 'about fifty' guenta 'had arrived and .vari ous g wires' were, played, anion? which was thq pflme"A eny . for Your . TWghtsVti'' which ' ach' guest Vasveri a penny and ' slip with questions io ahswers ?to be found or a piece "of ' money. : This proved jfery ; Interesting until a late hour when delicious 6 refreshments were served and the ' guests took their leave voting Miss Foreman ' s, ery - channina boteat . ' i - The followln? Jury was drawn 1 the County Commissioners yest : day for. the February term of sup erlor court k ' i li Wesley Lane.'Pf H. Whalcy, S. 'B.- Carter, Jr(S.' Markham. R, E. Benton, Miles Jennings, Amos Owens, 'C.C. ; Spires, John R. Out law, C. P. Pritchard, B. O, Morris. Herbert King, ( J. : C Commander, bert'King, C..- ..Ian ' ; S.j. Bateman, J. A. Harris, R. H. Murden, W. -W Simpson, W. W, Garrett," A. 8. Mann, Walter F Berry, Henry Hewlt, F.. M.Grlco, 0 W. Rogers. : TO MY MANY FRIENDS ' Who have so lovingly extend their sympathies in sweet notes Consolation and girts of Flora : il signs, ln the, sad,' B.d hour of r. distress and bereavement, I 'f-M . my sincere and heartfelt thar.h s No 'one knows my loss. t)it i that'.has drank' from -the "'same- l ter cup t Again thankinr; Ono ; All, I am, Respectfully, D, B.r BRADFORD. Mrs, Carl Blades ' returned I .'from 'a visit to relatives in V. and New Bern, Mr... Wesley . Foreman PhJladeiphia Monday -on I