News Without ' ;;s Without rcjudice U : - 1 J VOL 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY EVENING JANUARY 3, 1917 no 1;: 1 HIT OPEII NEEDE0I P U :r that troops may ithcrawm minus car signature of ('.:? United Press) '..;.;,. erican members of the ( : n Peace Commission , the path clear for the i -ov?rnment to' withdraw tii j from Mexico ' minus ' the irotocvl i- '.'iietl , by ; Carranza and will leave- a loophole' for the CV : erence to resume the die cusskm cf subjects Involving Mex ican protection of lives and proper ty south -of the boundry . after the troops aro out. ' ' '-"-'I ' ' ' - ' T' 1 me rice n" members ; of ..the : on will present to the t late " this afternoon, their ndation for closing the Ion's; session, will ; draft ; swer to " Carranza'g i rejec: the troop withdrawal .proto. : wilr inform President Wll they have done their ut frame a satisfactory r'troop :il protocol 'and since their . :;l.?d through Carranza's -re f. is useless to contiue.the i rther.' ' ; ' ;;. - :mend . . R. Bill ton Jan. 3 Judge Wil i . ers, U S Commissioner Hoard of Mediation and ion, was today - requested ers of thai Newlanda Com to prepare;, fan Amendment I reposed Railroad' Bil! that ' ve the courts the right to t and enforce the words of i 3 'iation . and.. Conciliation Ennl. Judge Chambers was an unexpected wltiiess, ; It ws point o l o;;t :it thfe, one weak point in the Fre: i lent's program was' that it did in t provide the means of enforcing the words of the Media - r ; the hearing Senator Un ! compared the . proposed i feature of the ; Presi--ram to the Peonage Law led On 7 edding Day Marvin. Reynolds, a young ! r twenty one years of age, : h at the eve! of his wed ! wa3 hurried" Oh "What i ave been his wedding day : 'ry told here today - by Cooper of the John H. 1 ; '! Ileyno'.ds Went t0 ' ea to-be on the night of De rd. ' On the 1 following lis cap .was, discovered ? ' nee from .the, gate of ; lady's home and - the u of his buggy Bhowed that one 1 was draging. ; , The track f Howed for two miles , and the buggy -was come up; to, nold'g llfelesi body was Jamed tween the shaft and wheel. t Marvin Reynolds was the son of lT. William; Reynolds, a promt unit farmer .and business man " of Tyrrell County. He was buried on ! rmbpr 24th atthe very hour i l ii wedding: was to have ' mnized. . Hon and Annie Melick ' - I. from a visit t0 rela binRton in order to i s?;aln after the holl M s. C. W. .Me'.lck, 1 Buaanne, ; are re .:!.!:' Fon tor a longer . .il t '..IJL. Jk Mr. J. A; Scott 7 Died Last Night J. A. Bcott died hat night be tween mldnljht and one o'clock at bis heme on Shepard Streat after an illnesB of about two weeks of heart trouble. " - - He was fifty years of , age and was born In Pasquotank County about five miles from the city In Providence township. . Since '1900 he has made his home in the city '. Mr. ; Scott was married three times and Is survived by his wife, ho before her marriage was , Miss Delia Spenca of this ' county; by two children of his last marriage, Charges Fearing, six years old, and Edn-, two years aid; by one son of his first marftage, Dlarvin il. Scott of his county; also by four broth ers, William, . Charles, Seth and Walter all of this county. - ' .;. '. . Ths funeral . yiy be conducted from the home Thursday -afternoon at two o'clock,; by; Dr. B.' C. Hen tag, assisted byj Rev." J. ! i. Cun nlngim , ' Interment will be made in Hollywood,. ' No Blame For Lansing Washington, " . Jan, ; . 8 Canator Stone today , exonerated Secretary Lannlnj from any blame for leaks in the State Department I a ' ( HOME DEMONSTRATION '.The Home Demonstration . Work of the county begins again : today with meting 'of 'the Riverside Club' after two weeks Intermission for the' holidays. ' NATIONAL COLUMN CO.- PLANT BURNED . The plant of ihe National Column Company la Camden was burned down today- . Last week The Swan, a gos boat belonging to . this company was burned at dock here. FANNEY-JOROAN Robert Moore Fanney and Edith Jordan, both of Norfolk, were mar ried Tuesday by Rev. J. L, Cun ningim at the First Methodist Par sonage. N Mrs. Fleetwood Snowdsn, cf Snowdcn, was in the city "Thursday Shopping; t. :- -- -- -- - . .Victor. Hoopr ,. has returned .. to Chapel Hill after a visit to his par ents here. . : ,. Mrs. E. H. Storr and children and R. H Walker of Richmond "are visit in j their parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. R. Scott, on Selden street. . Mrs. C, B. Wllllamshas returned from Jackson wliere she spent the holidays with her mother, Mrs. E. P. Buxton. . '-", 2. !Mr, and"" Mrs.L.C.- Baum of Poplar Brnch were in the city . to day. - ,';,' . Alonzo Ptgh and B. L. Saw yer went for a hnntrlng1 trip in the county; Tuesday. , - - ' 'Mr A L Sanders has returned to Newport News -aft'v ppendln.i; vth holidays at his home ' on Rirerslile Drive. vr Misses Pauline and Irene Tate of Colnjock spent Tuesday ' here - the( guett of Miss Pearl Mann on River side Drive. .Mrs. R. D. Fisher of Jarvlsburg was in the city Tuesday shopping. OIGFiUIOSin oPEiis, wua CONTINUES FOR ONE WEEK IN GRAND . CENTRAUS "PALACE FEATURING AMERICAN CARS (By United Press) New York, . Jan. 3-The greatest auto -show in the world, .according to aH advance indications, -will open Saturday in Grand Central Palace, New York,1 to continue one week. y; 5 While monster exhibitions of au to mobiles end.';., accessories were held In London, Berlin and Paris before the war, ij: I3 . the opinion everywhere that , the forthcoming show '' will , eclipse : anything the world has ever seen-' It certainly will be more of an American show than any other ever held,, for Amer ican nanuf 0 ct ur ers will be repre sented, almost solely. , The Bhbw will be he- seventeenth annual exhi bition to be he!d under the apspices of the National Automobile Cham ber of Commerce, Inc. ' :v:. ' ' Exhibitors will include,' besides those . who make automobiles from the tires to the tops, the small ac cessory manufacturer, and the side Hna talesmen; v , ' . There will le manyynew cars on exhibition, tut- the main, group will Include, products otiose . manufao turars whose -plants have been the basis- of the growth ot the automo bile; Industry.; - 5 ,1 -Every on" of the sixteen types of , bodies, and every plaice ai wtiichj enri can obtained will -be repre sented . V '-There are a few channel tn hivv des'r-n. tv main npsti '"oi. 'i...4 li eigMs. tix-s,'.. and fours, represent Ing,the various, styles of motor con strnctlon,w1ll "be present In pro fusion' to cough 'and Splutter their merits to the visitors. ; ,'; ' , '-'v Sixteen types- of; bodif a, designa ted ' as " roadsters,' ' coiipl et, coupe, convertible coupe, clover leaf, tou Inj car, - sedan, convertable sedan, open sedan, limousine, open limous ine, berllno(, brougham nd laudau-1 let, will be on display. , - ' ' Devices " arid ; accessories - will be given space on the second floor of the palace. : ; More than 228 ex hibitors of this class of automobile products will have booths. . " September Mdrn - At The Alkrama V, Miss 'September , ' Morn . - now fcob3 up as a new4and" brilliant mu sical comedy and is conceded the greatest of the many fine achiev meots of the producers, .Messrs Le Comte and - Flesher,--- under- whosse magnetic bnnmer thl3 unique" attrae tion - will be presented t The '.-,AU krema Theatre on Tuesday niht January th.' ' ' , Many names . of artists prominent' and well known to lovers of musical comedy are to be found in the cast . of this I big musical comedy which - Includes Ruth , Wilkins, Wm. Moore,- MaudV K. Williams Valere Tru; Leslie Jonei J." J. Patton, James Baber arid ' Billy' Murphyr The chorus is: composed of the most attractive lot of girls that were ever gather ed together In one company.'. ,v ' The production from scenic and costuming, standpoint is beau tiful. - : , A big dancing number em bracing various styles ' of the fa mous Tango offers spicy moments of amusement and good wholesome entertainment.;'. Other entirely new dance ensemble are '.. Intro-, dticftd for tha . first"; time fn this country. ' -.The attraction "comes from Jhe La Sails . Opera House, Chicago, where it created a' big, sensation, and is among the Lasalle's bljgest surcecses." Sentj will be on sale Saturday at Sellg's Jewelry Store. ET KHDOE FOR FIFTY-FIVE LEADING RAIL ROADS OWING TO HEAVY IN CREASE IN OPERATING , EX PENSES . . ' . Washington, Jan . 3 , A decrease of more than' a million dollars In net-revnue of the 55 leading . rail roads of the country for the month of November was shown in th re port of the. Interstate m Commerce Commission Issued ' today. 4 This, the first decrease In reuue record ed in more than two years. Is attrf buted to tha heavy' Increase of op erating expenses. ' . . - The operation revnue for Novem ber, however shows a gain of more than half a million over the same month of a y,ear a?o while . operat ing expenses Jumped nine . and . a half million in the same period. Progress On East and Wost Berlin, 'Jan. r 3. The .'ocoupation from B:rnecl to- Pexel in Rumanfa by j Oormarf forces waa auuomx-eil today. 1 ' , The ' advancj of German - pateols in 'the third French 'trenchfaa in the Forest Priest on the western "front was also announced.;; f he patrals dentroyed the defensive worki ther nni returned with twelve prisoners. ." Funeral Mr RapeJ - ';; . V ' : ' ';'. v .' . - it. . , ' - , J ."X' , .. , '. - - ' : The funeral 'of. Mr. RJchard Hen ry Raper'was conducted ' Tuesday afternoon from the ' home by Rev. I; N; Loftln and Rev. C. B. Cul- "breth and Rev. Ruf us Bradley. In terment followed In Hollywood Cemetery. , The pall , bearers 'were . chosen trom the Junior Order, . the ' Elks, and the Odd Fellows, and these three orders attended the funeral In a body. . r.;;. - - WEEK OF PRAYER The meeting this . afternoon . In the Week of Prayer service at Blackwell Memorial cburch was led by Mrs. A, T',, Toxey, the subject being, 'Teaching the Word.'. , -; Thursday 1 , afternoon's ' meeting will be led by Mrs. Mary Brltton, and the subject will .be 'For '. the Healing -of the Nations.', ( ?' ;. ROLLS NICHOLSON ,' Lee Joseph Rolls of, ,. Pascagoula, Miss, and Miss Blanche Anna Nich olson , of ForksvlHef ,Va . 'were mar ried by the jHsUce of the peace J. W. Munden, Tuesday, ' , MANMNG GRAY William A," Manning , and. Miss Zela Gray, both , of Portsmouth, were married by Rev. J. H. , War ren of the Pearl Street- Methodist church . Sunday . ' . ' Young lady ,il3lrei ' Board with privilege of furnishing her - own room. ' Apply; to THE ADVANCE wed and thurs f , v ' (-IMPORTANT. CALLED MEETING Mr, P. W. .McMullan of Hertford was In the city today. ; Mrs.. Jnteph Prltchard left Tues fliy nlgbt for, ,WJttston,-8alem to, vis It h?r son,' Mr C J.' Prltchartl. ' Miss Mnrjr Banks hes rtlrned to he Teachers' Training School at Greenville.' ,.7 ;;- ,;;' ; ,t;" - Miss Beulah Bowden i?ft last nlgt for a weeks visit Jlo her ' home ! In Charlotte.'. ' , '. --..V' Miss Sarah Newber left this week for Loulsburg. Gerard Talks With Hollo weg (By United Press) Berlin, Jan S A' lengthly report was gabled President Wilson today by Ambassador Gerard following his ' conference with Chancellor Holweg. :' ' , . When Geranrd was asked ' . what the Chancellor . said, he replied: "Oh, lets cf interesting things." It is , authoratively ' ' understood - that they talked of the Allies unfavor able reply, . Russia Leads : Jn Captured (By United Press) , . By HENRY WOOD With the French Army, Jan. 3 During s 1916 ; the Allies . captured 682,723 Teutonic prisoners. ' Rus sia leads In this respect, taking 400,000, Austro-Germans,. Potato Kings Meet Today , (By United Press) ' . 1 St.' Paul Minn., Jan. 3r Aristo crat! t'puds that se:i , for ' $2 .and (3 a lii6hel here now, were the' sub ject of much discussion when- the Minnesota Potato Growers 'associa tion went, into ), is : second annual session at the Minnesota ' university farm . Topics of discussion this ,,;,,,,,,,,, WPr; stfoiU'ly minus th v ' :ci.iuortl 'Of the tt3- eociation enriched by their combi nation to hold potatoes for a cer tain' price, created 'stir. In the In the capital city ty their prosper ous appearance today; ",';-' , ' . Society Girl Drives Nails .V . , (By United Press) . St. Paul, Minn., Jan, , 8 Driving twelve ten penny nails into a plank In one minute, fourteen and one half seconds, vdurlnj ? which time she hit her thumb with the ham mer only once, Miss, Lillian Rel ko, Fairfax, Minn., today has nail ed down the Minnesota woman's nail driving championship, awarded by 'the Minnesota : agricultural col lege, Miss Reiko drove a wedge into- society at the same swing, and has made herself quite a favorite with the younger set, - Her home Is on farm.' ,; , . -t . .;.. FELL FROM PORCH t AND ?ROKE HIS ARM , James Provo, the fifteen months old son of Mr.- and Mrs. .J. : E. Provo on . Ehringhaus street fell from tb porch Tuesday afternoon at about half past two o'clock and broke his arm half "why between the wrist and elbow, ' t MHe' get ting along nicely" replied the ; fath er to the many Inquiries about the little fellow this morning. . - , ; There , will be an Important call ed meeting of the D. H.- Hill Chap ter, U',-D.' C,, Friday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs, William McQueen on Martin street. ; Very Important business , must ' be transacted at this meeting rind 'ev ery member is iired t be present; ;,:. ;;''; i ;i'jii ''1 1 '" ' 1 ii mi 11 11' ;-;' ,.'- Judge R. B.' Albertson of Saatt!e, Washington, and little son, 1 Robert Brooks, Jr.. are here for 'a visit to Judge Albertson's - sisters, Mtsse9 Marcla, Catherine and ' Minnie Al bertson, on Church street. J " ' Lev Ourkln has returned t0 Oak Ridge after the holidays. ie fli! 1';;;.. DEFENDED BY W BURKE CC-.:-RAN, NOTED ,,NEW YCT ' LAWYER WITHOUT COM FIN 8ATION I - ' (By United PreEsi ' San Francisco,' Jan,; 3. With V,'. Bourke 'Cockran occupying the spot light as -chief counsel for the da fense,"the second , trial result!:: j from tbe Preparedness Parad,a dy namiting: heree began In supcricr court . today, j 'm- 'v. "Thomas J. Mooney, alledged loal er of the four men and one woman accused of having plotted to placa the bomb which exploded in tha midst . of the paraders on last July, killing ten "persons and Injuring CO, was on trial for his life. The presence, of Cockran has drawn the attention of the country to the trial In mveh the same way that Calrenca Darrow's activity fa the' defense of the, McNamara broth era drew' the country's nttention to that trial -five years. ago. ; ;' ,' Following the conviction of War- ren Kl'Billinis, first of the five al Itdgldonspirators trtad, '" Cockran, noted Ntw Tork uawyeiv -v-oluntered bis service to the defense. He Ii serving .without; ,compensttion, ac cording, to officers of the Interna tional '.Worker's 'defense Leigue which is conducting the defense. : Indicted with .Mooney ts a co-defendant is hts .wife.'.Rena Mooney, a music teacher, and Strike organizer, Thomas - Mooney, leader of the do-fpt!-f'nt' wn active In - btriko piii,..r,..i.a.. aui LaJ p.... to cause a general strike of United Railways platform men ' here a phrt time before the . fatal prepar- edness DSv ; Darade." . : - . 7 It was alledged by the prosecution that the bomb had been set to ex plode at a time when non-union em ployees of the street railway lines would pass the point . where the ' bomb had been 'placed' at Staurt and Market streets but that delay In the start of the parade upset the plans of the dynamlteri. The; -defens declare, a'l th do fendants are Inhocent arid at-e Vic-' tlms of j clrcumstanctal evidence. Mooney surrendered to the police' reading newspaperse , that stated he was implicated In the crime.' He wag stopping at a summer 'resort at that-time. '-. . The case ' has been .featurded by several alledged confessions which - - a m mum-wu. J L photographs taken on the day of the Preparednes, parade are held by both sides as evidence. - -The trial o pened ; In superior juage rrans: r. Dunne's chambers. District Attorney Charleal M. Fick- ert and a corp of deputies repre sent the prosecution while Cockran and Maxwell McNut, represent the defense. ' ; ' , .. . BIRTHS EXCEED DEATHS According to the report of the Health opicer the temporary ' an nual t death rate for the city Is 12 per. cent the V temporary annual birth rate Is IS per cent.- During December the j report of deaths is as follows:; ;' .-. .. 'White; male,' 2, feniale, 3,'. total 8;- colored; male, 2, female 3, total 5; births white, male 2, female 5, total 7; colored male, 8, female, 2,, total 8. .. ;'yV,A:.'1;,i:' '- Analysis shows the : city - water free ; from harmful bacteria but with excess of salt and alum. I Two casts' of scarlet fever ' and one case it measles are; reported and are under , proper . . care and quarantine. , . . 1 ' ; The general health and,' ssnMarv . condition of . the town , are ' reporte ,1 good.' v , '?': ' ; ' . The Gas Company and the Elec tric Light Company have eac'i agreed to pay 25 on the r" chase price of a pulmoter for t i

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