V News Without Ehs . ... ) Views Without-Prcjudice si - ' 6 ifu ... u In i V.-""- sLsSlBBlBMBBBSBBSBSMSBBiasaMeS WW-,i - TI.j Qzl; V. VOL 2 ELIZABETH 'CITY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 4. 1917 iiSQiiy Up Date ; :S oplf r io ilie llB dng Her Demands And oncessions Is Report Leaching London Today rp PEACE PROFFERS IIECESSffl ' id Germany On Brink . of -Social And Economic Breakdown, Says London (By UnIted Press)y , ,y I n don, Jan .-, 4 .Persistent ' ', re a from Italy and Switzerland to to the effect that Germany will a reply 'to the -Allied refusal of a terms and In) that reply will her demands and concesslbns 1 great Interest here., A -.A i LUgano,' Switzerland,; came . is of this natura , and ; from 0, the; newspaper, . Deltlclno, as- 1, its receipt of Information , .rmoTiy (s preparing. a coiro- ;;i to ' ..- .j '"'-a- . as to conditions' for peace", fitting the first point , of, con t in the progress toward peace.-' h reports strengthened , the be-' here that Germany is oit the of social and economic ! "break a find that her peace4 proffer . absoluteely necessary.' ' lahii TO DE , STIBIIESS :' GETTER S u3 FOB DORSE n SADDENS, AMERICAN IS WEDDED TO; TITLED !ANi NOBLEMEN , Cy JOHM ti. H EARLY 1 r regs Staff Correspondent) -.a, Dec. 13. -By Mail) It war today Uea heavily on' the ? of may American girls mar ' to Italian noblemen. Some of tirls have given! their ' hus ;, others their sons to Savola's, ess Buoncampagnf, who -was ; I Taper of Boston and Wash , is spending a lonesome bon i here. 'Her husband had to ) Us regiment immediately on fvril in Rome. ' , t Dentice del Frasso Is one Coneraf Staff mortorcycling nrs. His wife was Georgi !e of St, Louis. She Is the lit or of Henry Seigel, . the t ; o American merchant prince. Frincf'Bg Allesandro Ruspoli;- has tw0 sna under arms. One Is in the army and the other In the, .nary', he wbb formerly Eva Broadwood( Countess Telfener, "who was Ada Hungerford, ha, ion in the army. Edward KIngsley, who became an f 'Mian citizen after his widowed lother married Prince Camporeal, ) as be n dangerously wounded at he front. He Is a calvaryl officer i was decorated for gallant con- in l oth the Lybian war . and v -. Trincess Camporeal orig i Wary Benney, a'celebrat J rsey , belle. , ,t . j . of the Douches , Lulgi l Rovere Is "serring with i troops jr Macedonia.' He i T""ylja!z LanteMella Ro Dutchess was known to i ncJatf as JJatRllM p"l ! . (By United Press) f- '' - Washington,"!), ; C' January -4 . "Thomas Lawson will be allowed to the, Ru'.es ..Committee what..ia la.t.vsa IluU. the ptace leak. i Chairinan, Henry reversed his de cision today and sagreed to .subpoe 1& f. Lawson as . i ; wltlness V. In the Rules Committee's 'preliminary deliberation to decide whether the House shall order a probe. : A big fight on the Question is pre dicted. Baruch baay be subpoenad. The investigation will begin to morrow ; with Representative Wood jt Indiana, who Introduced the ori ginal resolution demanding a probe, aa' first witness, ;: Musical Hits lix September Morn ' When "September Morn", the big dancing festival offering," now en joying unprecedented :. popularity, is presented by LeComte and'Flosher, at ' the ' ATkrama Theatre, Tuesday NlgbC January 9th, there will be seen the most perfectly trained cho rus that ever embellished a musi cal comedy. - During the one hun dred and fifty performances of "Sep tember Morn" in Chicago, thisclev er aggreation of girls, proved an ir resisUble box office attraction not only 'from the fact of their more than usual personal charms, , but al so from thee decidedly , novel danc ing numbers in which they were en gaged under the careful training of Virgil Bennett,, who' has no equal la the exploitation of chorus. There are many song hits to be heard In "September Morn" among ' them the one based on the Utile "September Morn" a " gem that has not been equalled for popularity in the" last decade. The other' gongs include' "When a Little Boy Loves a Little Gin" "In Paree,,T-"A Spare Rib from the Butcher Shop of Life" Where" is the Pleasure in .Wine and Song,: It 1 ;the f Woman s' i not TbrervTheV;Sunsliade' Girl" "Beautiful" Dreams I'm Dreaming' and a score of others' Seats will be on sale Saturday Morning at Se ng's Jewelry Store, -adv. - . , , "CARD Or THANK3 - ' The' wife kod children of ' Henry Raperwlsh to express their appre ciation to all those who sent tokens tit MfnJshlp and sympathy in V j i:: -i end -t!i cf r. r::r. Big Red Mens' Meeting Tonight Arrangements are all completed for a monster meeting of Red Men tonight in the hall of the local tribe on the thxird floor of the ' Kramer Building;: t ' . Great Sachsm Heenan Hughes, of Graham, N. C. who is the head of the ordeer in North Caraolina, .-"nd Great , Senior Sagamore R .' F", , Tut tie, of Edenton, N.' C., who is next in line will be visitors, and in their official capacities , will ' ."raise up theTnew Chief? of ,the local Tribe who have ! been, elected for the en suing term: Afteer ;the -' ."raising there . wQ be , short talks by. Ideal and visiting Red, Men, and this , will be followed by refreBhmeents. . "Pasquotank Tribe No. 8 : is " the lareset Tribe in ; North Carolina, and now . numbeerg four : hundred and. sixty members. v it has Just completed a most succeessf ul term and enters the New Year wi'h pros pects bright. The large lot at the cornu of Road and Mathew strets, recently purchased by the ' tribe, is the . first step in the .securing of a borne for the Order which it pro pose's to build ata not tar diBtant date: - ' , . '' ISTIIUTE AT SALEf.1 JAN. 19 THE BEST INSTITUTE EVER EV- 'r.trr-Ti;3cD"iN the "country Fd PROGRESSSIVE M.EN AND '' WOMEN' OF THE FARM T i "The' best Farmer's Institute ev er held in the County" is announced for January 19th at Salem. ' Director T. B. Parker- and other leaders in. the agricultural develope ment of the State will be in charge, co-operating with the Farmer's Insti tute Committee pf the jOmnty, , anl live discussions on soil . improve ment, diversification, v marketing crops, live stock, and insect pests will be the order of the day. Every body is urgedvto be. on hand, with notebook and pencil in order tq get the jtull benefit of the day's pro gram. In the afternoon a. Question Box will be opened and the . ques tions answered in round table dis cussion. ' -a ? : 'y; ,.. ",r The Woman's Institute on the same day will be in charge of Mrs. Jane 87 McKlmmon,who with Miss Marda . Albertson, will make 'the day of value and Interest to the wo men of the county, discussing many of the problems of home , ecomics, home conviences, health, education and Are preventions. . ' - Th : Institute will open promptly at 10:30 on the morning of the 19th," and 'everybody; is ; invited . to take along a lunch and spend" the day, helping by their - Interest And co-operation to.,.make this In reali ty "the best Institute ever held in the County", and getting in line for the best year on the farm. , ; v FAILED TO RECOVER In the case of the American Pota to Company vs , Jennette Brothers on trial here in superior court this1 week the' plaintiff failed 'to recover. f t MEETS FRIOAY,. NIGHT ' ' l: The Centraf; Committee for Com munity Service is requested . to meet at the office of the . Superintendent of Education, W, . M.JIinton, Fri day night at 7:30. 1, itXJiftJ,. Young", lady desires .1 Board with privilege , of furnishing ' her own room . " Apply- to THE ADVANCE wed and thurs I J ; , , ' ,T - ' - ' y' The weather TrolnMy rain tenant snd-Friday D06S Mill i,l E ALASKAN DOGS r CONSTITUTE LATEST WAR MATERIAL BE ING SUPPLIED FROM AMERI CA TO FRANCE , : j By HENRY WOOD (United Press Staff Correspondent) -With the French armie, in the Vosges,' Dec. 15 (By Mall) With the return of heavy - snow In ' the Vosges, Alaskan' dog . teams today are vleing wltlv the automobile, drivers 0t the -American, Ambulance and the members of the Norwiegan Red cross Skii Corps ; for the hon of Tot bringing in . the' greatest number of wounded, 1 . .The Alaskan sled dogs, . gathered in the United States most north west territory; constitute the latest 'war ; material being supplied from America .to France.. Although the. 'Allies, through their supreme mastery of the soar, v are- ablo to gather war supplies in any; and 'all parts. of the world. "the Alaskan dogs are concede the honor of coming '. from ' the most . distant point, 'and ove- the .grettest ' -distance,' on which the Allies have yet been ; obliged to draw.j. The orig inal number of sled ' dogs brought to the Vosges from Alaska humbe ed about 800. . j, "These have ; bred and . multiplied ' so rapidly 'that France now- has at Jier disposal over 1,000 dogs ,;, with all of ' the B'? ndpatcrIaiBA6clMy'iilor. performing an .- incredible amount of transport service in the snow clad altitudes of the Vosges, ' f-A It is principally in the Voges that the members of the American Am bulance have been assigned to 'duty. Their light speedy cars not only en able them to scale all the peaka on which roads ' have been built, - but even to leave the roads themselves In Jthe direction1 of the flrst ; line trenches for the purpose of picking up the wounded. In these Alpine regions,, however, there are hundreds of places .which even the light. American cars ; with their absolutely , fearless collegian drivers cannot reach, and ' if is . In these districts that' the AUskan dog teamt and the Norwegan - Red Cross Skii corps come in ; for ' the bulk of the work. ; The Norwegan Skii Corps, fully -equipped for field Ambulance work, volunteered . its service to FranceL the' same as the American Ambulance and has al ready done valient service. The Alaskan dog service,, how ever, was 'thought out and " organ ized by the French army itself, which sent experts to Alaska Lab rador and Candada to purchase the dogs Owing to the fact, that the Alaska dogs are nearly white they are , practically; in visable against the snow and can therefore approach within 2 - comparatfvly short distance of the German lines tor the purpose of picking up , the wound eed without being , fired on. Seven dogs, with one. of the long Alaskan sleds and a single ' driver can pick up a wounded man,', lay him at length on " the " sled,' and bring him back to dressing sta tion with remarkable speed, y y Ambulance' work, however, Is on ly a small portion of the 'duties as signed the dogs, and they are a con siderable portion of ' the transport service, of the French' army in .the Vosgos.: They 'carry' munitions, food and, water W all' parts of the 'line with utmost ease, v r i The 'Usefulness ; of thet dogs does not cease with ,the ,snow ln the spring.1 ' The Frenph S engineer; are famous for ' their construction; of tiny, narraw guage railways and an the mountain peaks . and ridges ot the Vosges, now occupied ' ; by the Frenchar lined twlth? these) Over them a car runs with the greatest eare, and . eleven dogs hitched to one of .those narrow gu age trucks carrying a ton of material dash a long with the sam8 rollicking hoist- ercr"-"- wi:h " which"' ti.y' fi- Galls Them War Notes (By United Press) V i ! Washington, Jan.' 4. Senator lodge told the United Press today that he. Relieved .that the first in terpretation, which Secretary Lans ing gave of Wilson peace note was sincere, when the Secrestary virtu ally called them "warXnotes" ' ' : Declaring that "the people who are fighting in the war ought to make their own peace", Senator Lod ge resumed his argument against the passage of the Hitchcock reso Uitjon endorsing Wilson's not to belligerents this afternoon counsel ing againBt entanglement in Euro pean affairs. K ( iThe fight over the Hitchcock res olution had not taken a decided line Up 'at 'noon when the Senate conven eled but there was . evidences that administration leader were whip ping recalcitrants Into line to favor the movement. ' ' Blacklist Hits ' . ' South Americans v " -.'fr-v 'a" ; ; vj (By ITnitetf Press) , . 1 Buenos Aires," Doc. 15-r(By mall) IN view of the tact that the Brit ish blacklist hits some of the South American republics even mere , se verely;- than' it does , the j United States, the governments on this con tinent ar . waiting with keen anxie- Jitor.3''asrJ,nttotr;s reply to Delt fein's latest note on the subject. , : . The Argentine view Is that ' out al)l lnterferenbe In the republic domestic trade ought not to be tole rated regardless of British ( viewed the ' concensus of opinion cwnceru ing the . message ent answering the United States protest against "the blacklist is fairly summed : up by Editor Jerge Mitre of the influenU a) paper, La Nacion, In the succinct l;o3nnir nvordal" ' - . : . . , . . " FOR SALE First Clas, still hun ter treeing dog. Apply to C. T. Griggs, Currituck, N.'jC.: 5 ; , Mr. Floyd Cohoon of Columbia Is the guest of Mr, Earl Cohoon on Main street , " ; 1 sleds. - ",'";. On the sheltered sides of the Vosges immense Kennel, ne built for the dogs eacft , capable of housing 100, Fifty'; stalls! line each sldje of the kennel and fifty on the other sld with a food and water trough running. In front of each side and a narrow passage down the center. ; - .-'.'.. Walking down this narrow aisle a visitor can see in the faces of the dogs almost every type 'of human character. Only a lew are surly .or cross; the majority are uproarous ly happy; some are modest and re tiring; some a little sad, a few, nig gardly and mlserly"Vlth their food; some proud and supercilious, especi ally the lead dogs; while other se date ones offer with great dignity to shake their paw with the chance passer-by, , - , . -. . ' '' -.iA ';'..''; ' A:A.y; AD of them,- however, have ' one trait in common and that is Wild Jealousy and an uncontrolable raae when any" one of their number" hap pens to get loose. If a dog mana ges t0 slip his colar and starts tnt ting triumphantly; down the yarrow passage way in the center. , of r the Kennel . toward the door, he .his , at once greeted, on both sides . with a wild chorus of Velps : that makes the "welkin ring and that never fall to tell the keeper, although, the lat ter may be a mile away, that dog has "gotten loose.;, s. , .;," ,! , ' This pandemonium, is only equal led when the keeperNavlng caught the culprit loads him shamefacedly back between . the: rows of, dogs whose vociferous-Joy st the specta- clo m"t occasslonally alarm the C ct!y a r.Ua or two awsy. EfEcr cp.; ' UNUSUAL SIGNIFICANCE TACHED TO VISIT CF C nel house to prc::: WILSON , .-. ! ' (By Unites Press) Washington, Jan. 4. Wim C nel House at the White Jlcu , velopements in President Vv'i overture to belligerents are c ed to take a new angle soon. As uaL the Colonel is silent," but 1 tidal quarters there is a ter ' to attach unusual Importance t TlalL Owing to the fact that beyond t present situation lies the po;-.:-of a break with Germany over i submarine question, the rr. ' isHnown to favo staying in t peace. tool as long as there U r warmth in the water. It Is t ed' that Colonel House is here to i sist in getting the real temport of the .peace movement and dc mine whether to dive deeper or f out altogether. It is known f. for somee time the 'President 1 wanted, Colonel House to go abn again.' Assembling In P 1 . A-V-;v .; hf United Pressy ' Rome, Jan. '4.-The Newspaper, Carrteree De Italia, announces th-t th foreign 'ministers of " .Germaay, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey ars assembling In Berlin for an impor tant conference. ' ' '' T, E. L.. CLASS, MEETS Firs ' "The ' T. L.' C .. of the Baptist Church , met at the home cf Mrs,' Ed Gordan on Southern Ave nue Tuesday evening, January tli Second V- v ;:f'' t'i" The eelectlon of offlcers for , tli year J917 as the main feature el the eveenlngi t. ' The following were -e!ected: l!r3. J, C. Simpson, president; Mrs, L. Bf ? PooL vice president; Mrs. S. E. Williams,' Secretary; Mrs. If N. assistant secretary; Mrs. R. C. Ab bott, Treasurer; Mrs VI. : N. Thom?i reporter, . .". -., A .. After the business was transact ed a social hour followed during which re freshments' were served. Those present were; Mrs. Wm.. Bdetcher,Mrs. Bert Davis, . Mrs.' Chss. Grlggs.airs.' George Cox, Mrs James Ball Mrs, Ed Gordan; Mrs.: Cliff.. Madrin, Mrs., W, A. Jackson, Mrs.-J.CSImpson, Mrs. L. B. Pool, Mrs. S. E. Williams, and Mrs I. N. Thomas. , . NOTICE I am asking all that are indebted to the Estate of W. r H. Hampton, deceased,, to please' make lmmeadl at settlement 'A . T' I have to settle "this' Estate now in a few days and all debts due and anpald will have to be turned over 6y an attorney for collection. AUTHUR W. HAMPTON, '.; ':AAy!:hAA'AA:i Admislstratoi1 ; : 4 jrxs s wwy jan SAVINOS'BANK AND" TRUST CO ' Elizabeth City, N O . " The annual meeting of the stock holders, of he Savings Bank and Trust Company ' will be held at Its htttfrtnor tinnaa In ' WlfvaKAtu , ftf. N. C. Monday, January 8th, 1917 between the hours ,; of three a-' four p. m. for the purpose of elc i ing 'Directors and for . tbe. tr action of such other busing f may be brought before sail r tA n. c, r"-"