News Without Bias Views Without Prejudice - The Only D.: Published in Ulz:l City VOL 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 5. 1917 NO IB: IIMDSVTEIJ Ill r p r esentati ve scott trqduCes : measures this end in the state GISLATURE ''.'' V !. ;; C v Did Not Refuse Endorsement CHARTER IN TO LE- P. DAVIS ?; (Advance Staff Correspondent) v. r. sleigh, 'Jan. 5- The unusual v ct local bills stilt continues to uiand the C work ,- of bqth Iranchej of the. General 'Assembly. With more ', than ' three hundred bills introduced in the House, . the '..majority v'ot1 .which" ,have passed rth eirflnal ' reading and ' gone to. the. Senate, the 1917 - session. , of. the 'North Carolina General ' . "Assembly . lias made V record t- the equal of which" cannot be recalled . in the memory of the oldest meiibere pres nt for the time lt has been ld'aess- . -The Senate - Is -having a some what easytlme; for the present but business is so crowded as tb "make it necessary ; to hold sessions at t ' ; b t every', ninht jblnce the opening '''.::lnesday,..'rui;if?.', . -'i '.-re promises to, be still as it a- rush lor the remaining four a in1 which to Introduce local 'iMires,'.. -,j The election bl Murphey as ,ker assures the East of strong ; port from: the Chair ,of the '.' i '., ' presentative Scott has already ; reduced-hie MMH to r change , the barter of Elizabeth City, also one ' He to the highway! of Pasquo i 4m - A- t. eteran ;': In Germany i - ' (By. United Press) , Berlin Jan f 5 -Peter, Osterhaus, the last surviving Maejor General of the United States forces in the civil war, ; died at the home of his daughter In-law at Duieburg today Four More Die From Injuries (3y United Press) . . , Bueenos Aires, Jan. London's intimations that Argentine and Bra ill refused ,to endorse President Wil pon s note to neuigerews is aeuieo. by the highest' authority here. It Is officially : admitted; however,' -that, a lack of Joint action will f probaily preevent formal endorsement. 4; - V HEARSAY BUT noTinroi r REPRESENTATIVE .WOOD COULD NOT VOUCH FOR ANY THING SECRETARY TUMUL TY ENRAGED (By United Press) Washington Jan. 6 Out. of 'the maze of the rdoMtted hearsay and rumor in which he mentioned Sec retary Tumulty,' Barney Raruch, Otto Kuhn of Kuhn Loeb Company, Peui Warburg of the Federal Re serve Hoard ana Mr. uoiniig, brother of the President's wife. Re presentative Wood, author of the note leak probe resolution, railed to mention one fact that he would vouch for when he testified before the House Rules Committee today. J. Scathingly denouncing Wood - for mentioning his name, Secretary , Tu multy declared' ttyti , Wood should publickly apoligize for such action oasd on mere hearsay.. , -1... m I I ' i i ii - MOYOCK BRIEFS (By United Press) lucTIiBter't'; (By tJnlted Press? : ' Okla Jan . 5 The death tolLat f the Mission school bouse at yireton was,, increased to f fteea when four, chlldreen died to day frony injuries, sustained in the toramo't which struck there yes terday.. ;V::' - - , WERE THEY RIDING ON HOGT. ( ,1 ' 6 - s (By.Unltefl Press! . . Pallas, Tex.; Jan. 6 Members of tery A.,- Texai National Guard, telling bow, when their motor v recently ran . out of cylinder ! v, bile they, y ere carrying enp s from a ranch t5 Fort Ring sll, the dried out i ham they had aboard, oiled the engine with fat and sUd In the rest ot the wfty on high;i,i.i..wsV- r'-flv . ..'. r "'y nKi'' ; Vote Again On Strike - (By United Press) ' Kansas City, Jan. t That the another strike vote in the ,' event V : thaf ' the 'eight hour day V Is aot , granted by the railraod( Is the de claration of thq 'American i Railway ; "mployees Journal In -its January j .iue published here today H ' t . : '."-.. -.V .- t ' .V l'i - Young lady . desires Board ' with privilege of furnishing her Own room.' Apply to THE ADVANCE r: Moyock, Jan. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Newburne, and two daugh ters 6f Powells Point, spent part of Christmas holidays with Ms Newbournes' sister, Mrs. 3. W. Sanderlin. '' Miss 'Blanche Powers, of North west, Va. left, Wednesday for the State Normal School at Farmville where she is a student. Prof. Chas. R. Bagley, who has been the guest of his parents, Mr and Mrs. R. O. Bagley, left Mon day to resume his duties at Trinity College, where he Is In structor of French. Mrs. Lima Jarvis is visiting her daughter Mrs. C. J. Fehrman, inl Snilthfleld, Va. Miss Margsret West left Satur day for Rose Hill, N. C, where she teaches. ' Miss Nina Fulford has returned to lackstone, where she is a student. Dr. R. A. Bagley of New York City spent Christmas with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bagley M. W. L. Gregory of Norfolk, spent the week end with his sister Miss Jerome Gregory. Mlsg Eva Jones is visiting her aunt Mrs Chas. Morris of Norfolk Mr: L. M. Lee and family spent New Tears Day with their parents in Moyock. Miss Donna Cooper of Norfolk, was the week end guest of her parents A - Miss Leola Lane of Vine, Va. has resumed her scholastic duties here.-, : '' " Mrs. W. W. Alfrlend and dangh ter spent Christmas in Moyock. Mrs. J. C. Morgan was In Nor folk Wednesday on a shopping ex peditlon. ' ' . ' MipsA Addle Wilson returned to her school in Florence, South Car ollna, after spending the holidays, as the guest of her parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. W.' L. Wilson. '. ..Mrs. b. m, Mann ana ton, jspent Sunday , with relative. In Snowden, N..C. , '..v-'lri Mr, Takto Shiots, a young land' cope gardener, tf . New York , City who is spending the hunting" season here"- left Thursday for i few ' days la New, York. VXf ' Mrs, Mamie Whitehurst and sons spent Christmas ' with Mrs'. Whit- itimcA in noi WILD WEST 8HOW AND MOVIES ..MAKE ITALIANS THINK,"--THIS A EARAROUS LANp INDEED . ' By JOHN H. HEARLEY (United press SUff Correspondent) i Rome. Dec. S (By Mall) Bufj falb "Blirg Wild, - West has "adver Used' America throughout Europe. Ui3 circus , playing frequently to European spectators, has left a trail of false Impressions' behind it. The ; American " "movies," shown here" only f emphasize them. The case of Ma.dame Montre interview ed , today lq a Roman boarding house is by no meang uncommon. She Is a well known writer and literary woman. "0 you are an American!" she began. "I am so glad to meet you. For I am, mak ing a ecentlfic study of America. "I was recently presented to some people from a state called . Indiana, Really they didn't look so much like Indians. Of course, their manners were a liitle off- . "It must be very difficult for one to live In the states. V The constant clash of the American and the In dian civilizations : is undoubtedly a nerve-racking annoyance., "Of cour se, the poor Indiana really did give a civilization to the world. They were a simple and natural people having a real art and a rear litera ture, j, The Indian at least has blood and not machine oil in . his Veins. Nnf'j"iyj. ihey-are 'some-iWvaget, the good being always mixed with the' bad." The ' Americans are, fre quently called "the Germans of .the New World." New York City 18 re garded as the beginning and the end of the United States. It is al leged a riot of sky-scraping build ings, cock tail loving women, spoil ed wives, and fresh children. II ilf'ES ML 10 HOPES ? THAT INVESTJGATION MAY PROVE SUICIDE ACT OF . HYSTERIA AND NOT GUILT ' : (By United Press) - Pittsburg, Jan. ' R.The name of Bernard . Wesley Lewis, ' who '.killed himself last night as police officers attempteed to enter his room and arrest him in connection with the killing of Mazle Colbert, an artist' model, In her appartmen at Phila delphia last week, Is to be cleared if possible of actual connection with fhe murder. His father, has plan ned . an investigation and hopes to ascertain whether his son's suicide waa ' the result of guilt ; or , merely jhystei;ia. "- " . , EI wood Poj(vell,ychauffeur, today, however, identified Lewla , as the man who left the front appartment where Mazle Colbert wis murdered. Deny Killing French Consul (By United Press) , V Washington, Jaa S The State Department triday received word to day denying (hat the VMlstaa kill ed the French Consul, ' Bernardine of Torren, and one of his sons. ooiiie Docmii THIS IS MOTIVE ACTUATING Sg NATE . PERHAPS. .'.EFFORT FOR DELAY BEING MADE By OPPONENTS' : ? ' CALIFORNIA ' session opeiis WITH HIRAM JOHNSON GOVER NOR 'BUT 8TEVENS WILL HAVE CHARGE DURING THE LAST-MONTH Meeting Was A Great Success The largely attended meeting which was held last night under the auspices of Pasquotank Tribe No Improved Order of Red Men, proved to be one of the ' most de lignum ana successful fraternal e- vents which ha. been experienced in tliln city for qultee awhile. The Great Sachem of North Carolina, Hon. Heenan Hughes, of Graham, N. ('., was present in his official ca pacity, and delivered a most inspir- address upon the subject "Redman- hip in North Carolina." This great Chief also "raised" the new Chiefs of the tribe in an Impressive manner, and in the performance thereof was ably assisted by Great Chief of Records W. Ben Goodwin, who acted as the Greap Sannap, and A. C. Garrett as Great Prophet Hon C. R. Pugh delivered an ad dress upon the subject ' Paternity" and this was conceded by all pres ent to be .ft. masterpiece or oratory. Just before the close of the meet ing refreshments were served. This meeting will be long! remembered' by all who were so fortunate as to attend, .and the inspirations gained will result in large additions to this tribe,, -which Is already the largest In the state. , ' hurst's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, L. WInslow. Mr and Mrs W. D. Cox left Sat urday for Raleigh. Mr. Paul West left Sunday for Buis Creek, where he is to attend school.' - ,Mr. Hope Powers of . Northwest, recently sustained a serious . acci dent.' A log 'rolled' upon' him breaking, both bones of hie lower leg. , He is' attended by Dr.' S. Mann and , seems , to be improving ' .. (By United Prase) . Sacramento, Jan. R -Although Gov prnoillfawfJelaiiiia will1 super'' yis the introduction of the prin cipal matters to come before the state legislature starting here next Monday the ' business of. final ap proval or rejection will rest with William B. Stevens, former United States Congrsssman, who from present indications will advance ay from the place of lieutenant Gov ernor to that of governor on or about March 4, when Johnson be comes United States Senator. During the first month of the session bills will be introduced. The lawmakers will have a vaca tion during the month of Febru ary, and in March the bill, will be voted on and put up to the new governor. Just how far Stephens will go toward conourlng in the Johnson principles remains to be seen. R (By United Press) Washington. Jan. 6 The desire to, "avoid dumping the Monroe Doc trine' overboard". seemB to be the actuating motive behind the: senate fight against the Hitchcock reseo- lutlon endorsing President Wilson's note to belligerents. . ' ' An entirely new note wa insert ed in the fight today wHen it ' was claimed . that opponents of the Hitchcock resolution were merely "talking "for time'. In order to hold the senate back on Its 'already crowded program In the' Interest pt an extra Resslon. ' Republican lead ers denied the intimation of filibus ter. '; ,;. ' V-.i The Republican senators offered amendments to the Hitchcock reso lution today. 7 This will further de lay action, ; 7; V---" - ISeats On Sale : Saturday atSeligs Ask Removal OflMinister (By United Press) Washington. Jan. 6 Germany has requested the United Statese to remove Minister Vipicka from Buchrest and the request will pro bably be granted. The State De partment refuses to say what Ger many based her request upon but nress reports Indicate that Germa ny was displeased with consul' ac tivity. In behalf of the Allies before the capture of Buchrest. INSTALLATION DAY AT. CITY ROAD CHURCH The Sunday school will hold it's Installation 8ervlce at the 11:00 o'clock hour. An interesting and in- isplrlng program has been prepared. .This is something new and it will be a service worth-while. At the evening hour the Board of Stewards will be installed. The church has been fortunate in secur ing a very fine program for this ser vice. It Is suggestive Impressive andlnteresting . The nubile is Invited to attend both, of ' these services. , FOR SALE Young black horse. Good sadler. Will, work 1q all bar nesa..- Will 'sell r cheap, CLIFF MADRIN, - Elizabeth ' City jft I '4 AIIIIOVED p? - TniTrmirt - U UiilU la OFFICIAL WASHINGTON! VVAt: ; ES ANXIOUSLY FOR, THE M 'MOVE ON THE, PART, OF F. IDENT .WILSON (By United Press) Washington. Jan. 5. With t r peace door swinging uncerta inly, c deep anoyance la expressed la c clal circles at what Is regarded f ; Teutonic propoganda '.designed to 1 floence this government a next t:r. Ia tiie.the last three days t.: . has been , said about what this f -ernment will do . next. Pres! J, : ; Wilson and Secretary Lansing I aald nothing, however, , The Trt -dent admitting that he does not ; . know what acUon he will take, I told no'one with the possible exc tloo of Colonel rouse what is la his mlnd.: . . ' . , J' I r III AUTO .sue: thou3ands of visitors wilu Visit grand central pal ' ace on opening day tomc"' ROW . 'V V,':; There are six song hits In- the seasons greatest musical festival 'September Morn" which LeComte and Flesher will present at the Al- krama Theatre, Tuesday Night, Jan 9th. 1 The title song "September Morn" has proven the sensation of the de cade and "In Paree" "When a lit tle Boy Loves a Little Girl" "Beau tiful Dream I'm Dreaming" "A Spare Rib from the Butcher Shop of Life" "Where Is the Pleasure In Wine and Song If the Woman is not There T" follow closely as ' popular favorites. Ruth Wilkins, whose piq uant' personallity has made her a reigning favorite will be seen as 'Argentina", the tango dancer, Wil Han Moore, will appear as Rudolph Plastric, the proffessor of art, his funniest creation in years. Among the other well known favorites are Maud K. Williams, Valere THrue, Billy -Murphy. J. J. Patton, James Baber, Leslie Jones and a wonder ful chorus. Seat sale opens Satur day Morning at Selig's Jewelry Store, adv. Husbands Will Take a Rest Umatilla, Ore., Jan. J. Umatilla's city government passed this week into the hands of a woman admini stration. From Mrs, Laura Starcher, mayor, down to the police depart ment all officials are of. the gentler sex except two lonely males who must serve as '"holdovers" i a the In the council. B. E. Starcher, railroad telegha pher, handed over the robes of offl ce to his wife. He vacated the lit tie room where he directed , ba town's destinies for many months', and the v madam , took ' the helm One of Mrs . , Starcher's first acts will be , to name the . woman police force. , ;' , FOUND Pocket book containing email sum money. Owner can get same by. identifying ', pocket ' book and paying tor ad. H Rer., I. N. .-LottiB; Pena, At . (By United Press) , New York, Jan. 6. With ne-r-every mennfacttir. of w'.ar- ' " and atfcMsories in' the Unite uuj represented by exhibits, the; great-' est automobile sheow in the history of New York opens tomorrow at the Grand Central Palace. ' v s f Not only does the show' eclipse any similar previous efforts in this country, but It Is declared there ha never beerf a show that aepproach es this one., .'. ,'- ? '',. ':,' ' The first floor of the massive pa lace Is gien over to th display ot , bodies and complete automobCes Sixes, fours, twelves and, eights are scatteered around over the floor id thick it la almost Impossible; to, get , around ' without stubbing one's Joe on a thousand dollar automobile 'or Jitney bus. ' - : Included In the display' are many freaks , newthlnga. in the auto world which are getting their share of at tentlon. But as has always ' been ' the case, . the tried ideas predoml- nafe, Sixteen different ' styles of bodies are on display." On the second floor are the acces sories, from tiny plna and bolts to fully dressed motor, in full opera tion. .' , Thousand of visitors' are expect ed to visit this1 show today, but the greater crowds are looked for next ' week. War brides, ; 'sudden . rlsea and falls in the stock market have made many hundreds of potential automobile owners" in New , Yorkf and the manufacturers are hare td take advantage of the situation. " ' CdmpaignFor 1 Good Roads (B"y. United Press) St. Paul, Minn. , Jaa '6 A cam palgn to Include a two, year, course Lln making good roads,' in state high school corriculoms, ? , was t launched when the All Minnesota ' I. M Development association met In an nual session here today. ' ; AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. B. C. Hennlng will preach at eleven o'clock Sunday" . morninf from the aubject 'How to Live.' H On Sunday evening at 7:30 , Dr. Henlng's subject ' will be - lldw ; to Succeed,'1 V '!;' ' 1 The publlo, Is cordially welcome) Kii'dJil ' QM errices4 .