17AE THREAT CLUB IS WIELDED AGAIN tatements of Senator '-Lew? is and Secretary Lansing Quoted as, Threat of Conymqi Break WitK Germany r (By United Press) Washington, Jan. 6. The admin t t a ' lstratlon is Yielding anew its wa threat' club against Qemany to iorce necinio tma on maamg. peace terms, according to the views of ex porta on toe ' International situa tion. ' ,'. . ' ' These conclusion! are baaed up on the fact that one official said frankly more than a week ag0 that tnreat of war or war, over, the, sub marine question might be used, 'and - nator wtii,' known as the "mn- jiilty whip'"-and certainly, in close touch with the admlnlstraton, de clared openly yesterday -to ' Utect that the United Spates wa,s done with time uprn German 'reparation of apology and, punishment , ot the '"-"idijig coromanderV', t .' . Taken in connection , witty , Secre tary Lansing recent "verge of .war' interpretation of Prasident Wilson's note to bellgerents. the Senator's Ftatemenj ' is regarded a a, djrest t'.-reat that the United Staites Is convince! of a break with Germany over the, submarine. Question if peace maneuvers fail.- Equipment For MCA ine secretary wishes to announce Tat the following gym . equipment ' 3 been ordered for the. Y.'M. C. 1 1 Pr Paralelt Bars i 1 Vaulting Horse (Leather) 1 Wheel ((Arm and Shoulder ex ercise) .- . - . i j a Striking Bag Drum Mats of different sizes Chest weight machines Spring ' board Climbing Rope Adjustable traveling 35 ft, hanger for same Pr. Adjustable flvin rlne-n rings 1 .6 3 1 1 5 1 1 10ft wire baskets for gym clothes ttmated cost between 500 and , ' ' . ' " liuiuurr vi mese articles are ' contributed by friends of the Sation. Miles Clark, Duke "y With some friend. ' kiM egrecd to furnish apparatus- from the shove list to the' amount of 12S.OO; t, peLoa ' Crary, and friends t0 the amount - of 9135.00 A B. Houts, Arthur Brothers," W O Gaither, I T Stalling' and' torn mie iiugnes also are . contributors uu . oiucrs wnose names- will ap pear, later in tMg papee( - -" xhis Equipment Is expected ' lo arrive inside of thirty, Cays. - - , 1 ' . As the detail, can be arranged other equipment which is , needtd Boy Scouts T? Washington i ' . : -' At a meeting of th Boy Scouts last night in the V. M. C. A. build tag a plain , wa worked put wherby th trpop. will take a Trip to-Wash ington for the Inauguration of ' Pres ident Wilson March 4th. This triu will be made possible if the troop can, get the co-operation of the parents and the boys get put and earn, the money, necessary. f ;The Scout ', troop from Hampton. Va.-yjl also , make .' the trip In charp of thejr Scoutmaster, Mr. Jackson ' and the Elizabeth City Troop wilt Join them at Old Point ComfprW ya. ,.v a . . 'The expense of the trip will be as a follows M.S8 toe round triD Norfplk to., "Washington, p. C. and state room both ways this amount K Wt hao4s of Scoutmas ter Pord by February Bth go that ue can gei me reservations. , No scouts will be able te arrange to' no after the bpye, dats. J. 25 will bff needed for meals during the Stay at Washington and the round trip from' Elizabeth City to Norfolk" ?2.80 a total of J9.71. This will not ' include any-moner tnr mth Seeing which will amount q bbut II 00. for street ca$ fare. "etOj Judg ing will be furnished th Scputs" at Says Press ' Caused Leak! ' '- By Edited Presir AVaahlngton, Jan. -i'The leak Wall Street on Wilson's note to telligerents wag caused by financial papers .unless the news came back from Wall Street to Europe, accord !ng to my btUef," , Representative Harrison of , Misslppl told : the House Rules Committee today, ubpoenas for the entire ' Wash- tagton Staffs of. Financial America aijd Wall Street Journal were is supd and they;wtr ordered to pro dup copies of all news sent out ecDember 20th v . ; Barney Baruch, whom rumor connected with the leak, was' aokad lo preserve hjs "broaer slips during lh9 nerlod during which the : note was sent and.v the ntnw broke. J. iwf- nn' -? L.ll.u, SFEUS .'J RALEIGH JVILL ADDRESS NORTKj CAROLI NA AT1 SALOON' LEAGUE ON NATIONAL PROHIBITION THIS .. MONTH . . .- . Factory For ; Projectiles (Hy tTnlted Pmai ' , Washington, Jan. VCallliigthe Amencaa bids on high irojectlles tor thsr Navy Outrageous", . Ssere Ury Daniels today announced that tn Ooyenment Armor plate Boar4 la, a'-so ""working; upon a";' plan ' for a goyerpmenji projectil ftory,' no politics Raleigh Jan. 6. The ninth bien nial Convention of the Anti-Saloon League iii meet la tha first Bajh tlat phurch nere" on January 15th andjeth. - . Mr J. A; . Hartness, of States; vllle will preside at the first aftert noon s meeting end Hon. William Jennings Bryan Mil address, ' he ConveuUon at tw0 o'clock -on Nat ional Prohibition. . ,The W C T V Will. Hon from six to seven A. building -to visiting delegate. . Dt. W. t,. Poteat will preside at the evening meeting and the report of Siipt. R. L Davis. will be heard. Tbs address o the evening will be made by Judie S. D. Weakjy o( Pirmingbam on the . subject f'Our 13111!. After his' address th .Tnr! pa will' be glad t? publicly, answer any question , concerning , the bill. : : Mr. W.- T,' Shaw of Hickory wU preside 'at the morning session on the second day. Field Secrets ry R. JL. Gray will make his report. The address, will be made by Rev. J. ' Sidney Peters, , State, prohibiMon Commissioner f Richmond, ' . Rev. J. h. Murphy ot Hickory, will preside over the final meijtln er4 the meeting will be one pf open discussion --by -leaders '1a the "prtjni bltlo'n toOveraent - , jf!ir? DPI nnnnn r- i 1 l 1 II -1 II ki m L 9 - . I' b . ill b J . ; i j ftlfJiEID'C;:, Scott Rushes Measures Tliro House and Is Confident ol Their Final Passage, ERiFJEO THF COUfJTY ft.Ti ? Though Bill to Move it Fi a Plymouth Has Passed Is Likely To Come to Grief in House, WHOi WILL .SB j OUER10t Washington. D'. G. free. I A? Cr '!! be ordorpd." t a- I'M A-" forget the Associatfon bna n.nr s expfin, ' r'-'.t r--.v bii,i th'nt membership fee m no.,-,l bndly. from ' thoaa ',rhq 3 .ive allowed sane to ocom,P e llnquent. Don't waiffor'the See rotary to collect ss 'his tlm 4. iHy taM-n np and he, mar pot ' I U td got to jcu and coHwt. The troop will leave Pridar 3:30 p. m. March Jnd.' reachin Norfolk at B:S0.. Leave Noiroit by Washington boat 6:00 n. m arriving at Old Point Comofrt. Va at 7:00 p. m. where they will be Joined bjr the Scouts from , Hamp ton Va. Reaching Washlnirton next morning and that day will be spent in sight seeing. Sunday the boys will attend .8undar School and phurch . Monday the. parade When the boys win help In hand ling the crowd along' the line of marc and will be in a position to get, a good view . of Leaving Washington - at about :00, p. m. i that nIKht.' : Norfolk next morning and" arrive' In' Eliza beth City either at 10:0o or nn O'clock that day,' ; ' Mr. Ford will .accompanv the troop and they will' be under his personal care. ' . " Thls la a great opportunity and an educational one ; that no parent of any of the Scouts shou!d allow nyMns to interfere with tht. ing. " r Mr. Ford will be glad to makt engagement or Ulk over ' the phqne: witlj any pf the parents of ths boya as- regards the trip. . ' i?n , addition any ot the parents wucj aesire going or any others In the city of the older people may arrange to go with the party jf they see Mr. Ford. . ' Phqenjx, Arts., Jan The con dition ot Arizonaa. pojltics is sq viinuuu loaajf jnai QDoy. kpow who will be governor when the leir Islature meets. Monday. ,No one knows whether, the administration orthe anti-admlnlstration will dom inate, as the administration U yet to be determined'. No one knows anything about it, except' there Is every indication of one of the liv liest sessions In the brief history pf the baby state. The governship Is at present ,(ied up inHhe courta. Tom Camp bell, Republican, was at that time elected by thirty votes ' over Gov: ernor ueorge W. P. Hunt on the face of the, returns. Hunt lg con testing and, despite every effort to speed up the case, it ' is almost pertaii) that the recount and court proceedings "will not be completed j time for the inauguration pf the new' governor. : : '' '' , Cflmpbell will seek to take his seat by virtue the certified re turns. Hunt wi!l aek 't0r have him restrained until the contest la decided. The unusual situation is occupying the attention pf poll tlcians to the , exclusion , of plang tor... a legislative program..,,. Neith er the present pr the lefactq gov ernment' .elect have done anything toward preparng a message. The legislature i almost pverwhelmlng ly democratic, but it is ' almost squally divided betwpflj the Hunt and the anti-Huhi ' irantinnii ' ' ' ERVICES CLOSE 8UNDAY AFTERNOON, i Uhe week . of Prayer services at Blackwell Memorial churrh wlll cloe Sunday ' afternoon at Which time the offering for Foreign Mis sions mil be taken. - A number, of ladles will take part in this service end it is expected to be the best meeting of the series. The meeting wilj begin promptly a't !30 and all the ladles of the church are urged to be present.' Vis itors will be warmly welcomed, (Advance Staff Correspondent! Raleigh, Jan. '6 The Senate and House recessed Joday . at twe.ve o'clqck jo, reonvne at three. Tht last reading of biUs reqirlng; the we separate days was made to day in bqth House anji Senate and Stnat tylls, were sent over to the tvup,, nuusB mug to tnjj ente. , The rush . Is somewhat coiifiisinir but ho serious, fight has developed on , any measure. Representaavt f.C.?'..'.J .'.".yy?.! ,8QttlnfchU C? ior a . repea: of the Highway Lommission in Pasquotank through the House and same hag gone to the Senate where It passed first reading today. , ixj the rote qppn seqond reading last night, pox v urnwi, oy request of Mr. Wflrth p Elteabttb. ,,flty. mpyed fuss ther conilderatinn A cott was equal to the emergen py knowing that a delay of last nights rtading would make it Jmpos sible to get the bill through In tht uoff time allotted, and made CHRIST CHURCH- Services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Subject in morning, Mk 4:1, "And he began again." At night. The Epiphany, the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. "They pre conted untovhim gifts; Gold, and Frankincense (symbol of religious thought), and Myrrh (symbol of sorrow)" Sunday School at in -an 4. M. Lesson Acts 12. Who was king? Did he like, the church? twho was James? Why was Peter arrested? Where was he kept, and What was made' for him? Was he frightened In Jail? (See Psalm 127: Z). How was he released? Where did he go? What were they doing In this house? When the prayers of these people were answered what did they think of It? . What became of Herod? What grew ana multiplied? Golden text 24. FQR SALE Young black horse. Good sadler. Will work in all liar tess:' Will sell ' cheap. CLIFF MADRIN, Elizabeth City. Jan 5 8 pd ' 4 London, Jap. .Cberv nt 1,1.1.' eirla-are'studylnjf- shell 'iniMt In an English munitions factory preparatory to the openin of . similar plant In Ireland, where, fem Inlue IriRh batrlnta mnw CENTRAL COMMITTEE : The Central Committal nt im munity Service kpnih "held .d meet-Jus- t .Superintendent Hlntonls pfhee Friday rd'ght " and selected members of the various, committees to press tha mious phases of ' the iue several townships of the (county. The name 0( those vunflwfuting the - committees1 Will bs? annoutired later. ' - - ' T "1 T t 1..,.,, . - " . ' '. ' ' i 1 . n tt "!" whs in 2 '!' cy today. BLACKWELL MEMORIAL ' BAPTIST CHURCH The pastor, Rev. J, N. Loftin, will preach at the Sunday morning aervlce),, from' tha subject "Lovaltv tq Christ the Secret of Life andj Success". ' . I AV the evening service Mr, Lof tn's subject will ' be ' "Words' of Cheer ami; the Storms p( UM. - The , public" is cordiairy Invited to attend (h'ew"pVpfca.''',"T .""'T"" "" Mr. and Me, ii'.'g.' 'ibbW 0f fptersliorg are visiting Mrs. ,b; )llfs mother,- MrgV'j'n'ross on Ty- rre.-s ('-'. right heated speech in favor of his bill, asking that the motion of ir Cox be not passed. Scott won by a vote of ninety to one. and tht bill passed the second reading, -a It Is probable that the bill will meet with much objection in the Senate, but Reprtsentative Scott t confident of Ita final passage Wash mgton county delegation is here and a heated fight promises to take Placei on a bill introduced by Sena- qtr Pavtnport to changA the Coun ty seat of that County to Plymouth to Roper. - The bill already has PBeq me senate, but will very pronaoiy meet disaster in the House, as Represtntative Coggin is opposed to it. com House and Senate heartily applauded the message of Govern or Locke Craiz lust nioh Ing them that Cuba had withdrawn application for suit aenfn.t ih state for repudiated bonds. 001MD S17EE P Jfuif,:;. FIVE NEW TOWHs CAPTU.. ANp M08T IMPORTANT cr, LEFT IN ROUMANIAN HA ..MENACED ... . , uy United Press) ' Berlin. "Jan. i ' -The on a sweep of the' Teutonn a f V - - ------"uuirjH , ( Roumanla and pobrudja' Is dear- In the. official statement wb-:. ' apnpunctd the canturn nf 'n tswns, the arrival 0f German 0,: Post detachments af ,th en... . dyer line, thus " brlnlnir a , ! mejiaoe to Galats, the most imp, tanf Rumanian , citv if rt hands, of the Rumanians and " Ru stans. . ' ' - ' Case Goes To Jury INSTALLATION DAY AT CITY ROAD CHURCH The Sunday school will iinM w. '....... . - . wstajiauon Service at thi u-m .... . . ,. i. ' ociocn nour. An Interesting nA 1-' Prinr program baa bentt a ,fnia lsnomethlnv nu. ..j ... niiu 11, will be a service worth whll s At (be ereninx hon. mrus win oe installed. The church has been fortunate In secur ing a ery fine nroernm ,. , . ' ,j bitiv Br vice, u.iseuggestlve Impressive uuiHjeresung , Tl, ..L1. ' . . yuiuin is lnvltnd A uom pi these services. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH , in pastor wit! occunv vui morning and evening .orrina. H '0 IS the fiist Sumln r ' - . " " nW'-XM a full attenrf.r. t ,- a , - " MS7 cnuren membershln I. , ls Tbft pastor, will make some mrtant announcements warding . fwrK or tbe church. Everyone 1' ! tiled. " The Judge completed his cham and the case' of Saunders a. dlett went te the jury, of elevei men atv the dose of , the mornlr j session of suporlor court. When this ,naper wtnt to n at three o'clock w . . unu re turned no verdict. . ', The case of Saunders Va. Artw has occupied th attention ot Sw perlor Court here : since WMn. day Of this wee. Those g the Jury are asfqllowsi s Cooper, T. p,; Morris, Joseph Tem ple, T. H. Parstfns -ti , V linn... 4 I Elmo Stokely. N. I. Williams. .'. S. Hughes. ,C. V. "Bailard, W, R. Rlchnrdsoriand'o; A. Tuttle ' E. ' N. Belanzfa maJ . . from , the Jury when. n ' m ' ' -w. II14 SSTl" ' denes was Jn. and arsrnmonf Plaintiff's attorneys ' nmrfi.- affidavit that he had emr. opinion unfavorable to their client oerprsj the trial. . ; In produclnr the afnrtj Plaintiffs attorneys ' asked for i non suit, to which the "defendant objected on the ground" . that tha suit has been Ion nenrfinr ', . already resulted In two non - suits, and Jft the hope that it ' might ' be ' wrmmated at this term. aman neys on both sides then agreed that-the trial should proceed, leav ing the issue In the hand.' nf -h remaining eleven Jurors, i' ' ' AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. B. C Hennlna- will n,nn.h at eleven o'clock Sundar from the-subject How to Live." 'On Sundav evnhfrt Henlng's subject wilt b ! 'irOT . Succeed. . The public is.cordlali ..t .1 W these' services. ' ' THE WCATHT"? 'Fair "tnnlph'an,! o ,., , ,,. rial c'ianc(i,

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