i 1 c Views .Without Prejudice . ! I ' '. , J I I Jit s i t , S : : - J in Ei A- -4 y City VOL 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY VENING JANUARY 11, 1917 NO ID OFJITE POT RECO AT tlDDIl Wjll Return To The Border 0 WILL PROBABLY APPEAR 'IN ; MORNING PAPERS. hO INK LING OF CONTENTS GIVEN OUT BY LANSING ' v (By UnlteJ Press i Washington, Jan? 11 The En tente, reply to. Wllaon's note to bel ligerents reached the State Depart ment today at noon. V ,f J The message " was decoded and translated and hid .; before ' Secre tary Lansing' shortlr. ' after Boon. In transmitting Instructions were sent about publication, and it la ex pected to be released for the taorn lig papers. V V Secretary Lansing decfriind to give any lnkll'n-of Its ccnteits. Net Income Increases - p (Bjr ; United Press) Washington! Jan. ,11 The net operating Income of the 185 largest railroads Jump 3d to $63,000,000.00 during the , tour months ending the first of November. Over the same period of a year previous the net incomesper' mile increased $266. ulD HOT REJECT PEACE TERMS " ' ' Vi ' NO TERMS WERE OFFERED CAYS " LLOYD 1 GEORGE BUT MERELY - A r TRAP J BAITED WITH FINE WORDS London, Jan. il 'We do not re ject peace terms. ' No terms were1 offered, but merely a trap baited with fine words" Lloyd George de clared today before the Guild Hall meeting In commenting on the Al lied answer to. Germany's peace note. ' , . .' ' ... VICTORY LOAN OUTLINED .. 1 The terms of Britain's "Victory ioan," thro -which' i Is - expected J hat ' England's citizens will contri liute more generally than hereto fore to war funds were outlined to day by the chanellor exchequer, as a loan at Dye ifr, , cent , Issued , at Vt5 for thirty 1 years,? optional! redem mable at the end of twelve years-. NOW HE 8Mli.ES AGAIN Mr. J W Wilcox- was much per turbed thigweek when he lost a bill 7 book " containing important pa pers, and expressed but a forlorn liopo of ever seeing them again when he came-lnto ,The Advance i !Tlce to place' an advertisement of Lis ioe.i-JK:; :' Rut today he smiles, again like 1 he a m lable citizen that Be Is, for the bUl book and all of its contents are his again' , ;They were found by Mr. , Norman Peal one of the Advance delivery bow. and return ed to Mr. Wilcox Intact. subscription H dance ;i :;-';;if; : . ON MONDAY NIGHT ' ' . -tit ' : A. subscription dance will be given on M6nday 'night In Robin eon Hall. Tickets' are to be had at the Apothecary Shop for the dance. - ' WANTED Table boarders in . pri vate family k Apply to 2t vJent fearing rsteet.. 4wk Jan lldly Capt A ,"; B L. Tlllett of Kitty, ITawk Is In tha city for , several days;; .Captain TIIett retired froni the Cost Guard 5 eervice 4 in :' Jnly Bfter 8B years , and !; eight months h the service. .. . . i : Capt. W. L. Sheep and . family left, Wednesday ; for Lynchburg after a visit to Cs p'taln ( Sheep'a,' brother, Mr. M. Leigh Sheep. From Lynchburg he will ' return to the border. . ; ' ' . V Cptaln Sheep bar T , baby, born in' the Phtlllplnes, where . le was stationed before .being sent to the border last year.-; From the Fhil Uplnes he had expected to come east with his family and make his home In Savannah, but (hls 1 orders were changed and he had to leave Mrs . Sheep ' at ' Houston ' en route to the border. Mrs., Sheep came on to Lynchburg to visit her people HIGHS TO PLAY IT PORTSr.lOUTH GETS ITS HEWS WiM IT II BARRED FROM USE' OF -CABLES BECAUSE . OF ' GARBLED ; RE- ; PORTS HERSTS; ' ; SERVICE i TRIES OTHER (METHODS V' - Mr and Mr, J W Derickson ana little' son John, and Mrs I M Evans of Dovj(;l Dele ware ar guestg" of ?'r. aJ:Mra. Q., F; Derickson on LEFT TODAY TO MEET HIGH SCHOOL QUINT , THERE TO NIGHT AND ATTEND CONFER EINCE FRIDAY The following boys of the Eliza beth City High Lch'ool Basket Ball Team go to Portsmouth' today to meet the High School Teem of that place: Graham Evans. Black well Sawyer, Graham Bell, Roscoe Vynn Evans Blades and Lloyd Lane. The above boya will also stay ove;- to represent -the Elizabeth .City High School at the ' Eastern DlBtrict of Virginia High School Conference, to be heW. at the Nor folk Central Y. M. C. A. and which begins tomorrow ntgTit. About two hundred delegates will be on hand from the different High Schools. To-morrow Mr. Phillips, a teacher, in , the High 8chool )t with Gardiner Bennett and Wesley Mor gan will leave as delegates . to at tend the Conference. The above Is under the supervis ion of Mr. Ford, Secretary of the local Y. M. C. A. An attempt will be made to have Mr. Cotton, Secretary of the Inter national Committee for High School Boys come to 'Elisabeth City Monday to give a talk to Eliz abeth City High chocl Boys. He will be attendlnB the Conference at Norfolk this week. A meeting of the Boy Scout Troop Is called "for to-nlht at the Y; M. Q.A. 7:30 o'clock. A very short meeting will b held and will be In charge of Mellck Blades Se nior .Patrol Leader and Troop Scribe George Modlln. Greece Accepts . Allied Demands (By United Press) London, Jan. 11, Greece has ac cepted the Allied demands, accord lng to dlspatch?c from Athens. As soon as Greece begins the (withdrawal of troops from North ern Greece It Is assumed that the Allies Blockade will be withdrawn. The AUed demand made their aim the protecting of Allied opera tions in Salonkl. The apology for Insults to the French .'and British flags by Greek Reservists in the ri oting incident at the'hndlng of Al lied forces was required. " . (By1 United Press) ;: ..v , ; New ' York," - Jan." ';' ll-4duur&ing that Hearst's ' Internationa 1 News Service "gets the news which make up. its dally, reports, and- especlaally important foreign news,; la - large part by bribing and corrupting em ployes" of its members, the . Associ ated , Press , hs filed suit : : in , the, United States District ' Court here, asking tor a permanent, injunction against-the International News Ser vice to prevent such practices. In hls.affldavlt, Melville K. Stone, General Manager of the Associated Press,- aayB: "It appears from the affidavit of F. .W.' Agnew, submitted 'herewith, ( that thls arrangement has continued at least from January, 1914, to the present time, and under it Impor tant news gatkereu uy the Associat ed Press at heavy cost hag been ap preciated by the defendant and sold by It at a great profit as if properly gathered by itsalt from original news sources of information with all the labor and expense involved, when In fact the aanie was obtain ed at a trifling cost of $10 per week,' paid to employees of the Cleveland NewB for betraying the Interest of their employers and the Associated Press." The court Issued an order instruc ting the International Nqws Ser vice to appear to show cauBe why the injunction should not be issued, Thi8 order has been served on Solo man S. Carvalho, President of the organization. . v i ? - ' . 1 The complaint comprises aflia-1 vlts by Stone; Fred W. Agnew, foij mer manager and telegraph, opera tor of the International News Ser vice at Cleveland, and by three lo cal employees of the Press. The A. P. ask for a writ restrain lng the International News Service from "indtactfngt or procuring any telegraph editors or other employ ees" of cny A. P. papers "to com municate or permit defendant to take or approplate. for) - considera tion or otherwise, ' any new receiv ed" from the A. P. This prohibi tion which news could be appropriated ly covers all poslble methods by which news could be appropiated yby unfair and corrupt methods It also seeks to enjoin the Interna tional yews Service from tali lug As sociated Press news from published editions of newspapers. The A. P. alleges that the prao tice has been continued' for three years, and was in effect before the Hearst organization wag barred en tirely from . England, Canadp, Pof. tlpal. France and Japan, but since that time it has been extended andl enlarged in Its application. ; t "" j The action of the British ; Govern'! ment . in birring tha Hearst organi zation from use of the cables an'd mails wan taken because of ; "contin ued garbling and breach of faith Jt7 the International News Service,, an official statement from London ao nounced Hariy Thaw 1 Guts Throat '6yTnlf4?rpssi;'v ri?jiiladelphU, Jan.1 11; -r- Harry Thjnv cut his tHrpat itii o "?iVest PJiiladelphia apartment this afternoon He. was rushed to a hos pitaL, but seriousness o! in juryili unknown;- f: : Jfew" 'tork, I Jan V if ,-r-TTie, theory uia-Tnaw naa surrendered .or been arrested In. Pittsburg has-Jteen a1)an dbned ilia 'authorities and they are prapared tolrun him -down.' Tol- lowin ' wherever the traO see'ms:to v lead. s-'-iZC Although; reported , la "evtra M- ferent ' places,; , nobody ' socms to hav$ any idea .whore he ts.' .;' CHRIST. CHURCH j The eervlea Sunday morning c at. CJhrist Church wilb be for the chil- dren The . hyms, Bennon and ser vice, will ! be arranged with them in mind. Parents rre ur?ed to bring their chi!drenv One 6f the children will sing a solo. ; " ' r British Take Position . : fBy Unljej pTessl London. Jan.;-." 11. , Six hundred i uraa ,were wued r or . wounded, t 600 captured,; by. the; British ' when they took a atrongposltion northf east of El Arlsh,"Egypt. .toda . fThree Associated The W." c. George Whitehurst Wednesday af ternoon, v Business of importance wa3 discussed among which wis planning a . proi am for National Constitutional . Prohibition Day. Thursday January 18 is set apart by' the Nations W. C. T. U. as a day of prayen.r . Three seslona will be held. ,! The -morning. sess ion will be held at 10 a.'m. The kafternoon setsin at - 2:30 wttli a mass meeting at -night. The matter of pending a delegate to the State session of the Anti- 1s set forth in various forms 4 Saloon League wa8 brought nb and it' was decided that Mrs. Bdntcher represent this Union at that , meet- f. B. STOKES DEAD of B. of News ha8 boen received here the death on Monday of Mr. J. Stokes, a prominent citizen Windsor. ' , Mr. Stokes i widely . known throughout this section ani has Rel atives , In Elizabeth City. FOR SALE Bay Horse,, moderate galted, -good farm hors?, weight ' 1, 000 pounds. Have Bo use for him and he can be bought: at , (i very reasonable price. . Apply toJ. E. Corbett, ' 1T, North ' Road street. : , thur mon--thur ,L: ' ,"- i.. t ,; - T- WANTED: Copljs ' of The 1 Semi Weekly Afl vauw ' f " the i following dates; April 18. July 29; Aug . . ' . f ... .- 1- ; V 21, issued Mjocauoe, of In' the U- was written States and carried Jn the The order was matter that nited Hearst report es having come from Jondon. No objection. ' wis? madej by the British Government 'in ? tak ing this nctlon to the nature" of "dis patches actually sent; from London. As a result of ihe, actlftn taken by the British, and other Government?, the International New Service hoijj has no access to any . cables from Europe and Japan. ... ' ' MAY REMODEL ' BUILDIK G , . If the plana of the R. Quinn Company' materialize their ; building will ; be '.remodeled- and, turned into a four Instead of a two itoff struc ture. "iC..Y- yThli furniture J iitore f Is already one of the largest In -the - South, but It Is crowding its 'preefTit quar ters.' j ;ii h p r ' , ; 7 i SEHD-DEIEGATE ' STATE CAPITAL MRS. ' WM. BOETCHER W1L REP RESENT LOCAL W. C. T. AT TATEWDi , v ANTI 8ALOON MEETING :-K U.met with Mrs lng. .. A cpnrmiUee, was 'appointed to see wfiat ' could be done relative ' to prohibiting. the. sale ojf such medi-. cine as Bateman 'Drops, - Jamaca Ginger and Paragorlc" at the Corner 6rocery. ' t- ' " After the meeting , a social ' hour was much ' enjoyed ' and delightful refreshments were served by the hostess. ' AT CITY ROAD METHODIST . 1,4, .following is the program to W given at City Road annex Fri day night January 12. Evening. With The ' Chorus, "An . Poets" 2 1 Reading .... . p. k. Pugh ' Art E. .C ' Rook Mrs. Mathews. Peart Berry 'V "' 1 4 Reading, 'f: Selected ' G; V. Heirffert-' r -w ; . Br Unl;td : Preaa) ".. J doughnut squads 'organijad: by. the Congressional Union: . are ' suDoort- iftg the siient:' suffrage, f sentinels," who are continuing their . rather chiH task ;of pciketlpg; th. White House.-; !' .' - Aaked ,how; they ."fndursd "the cold," one replied :"blandly; "We've reinforced ourcelviBs 'with hree ex tra'syiu of, thorn apiece', y C RULES , , COM MfTr?rrt VOTES DOWN RESOLUTIONS' FOR Ify , VESTIGATION.v EPORTMCON- IDERED BY HOUSE THIS AF, TERNOOr " inurji m: mi iiiiitt si... russian thrust assuming " Proportions, of - a gh-at offensive - seriously t.'z' .-.IViACINa. GERMAN' FIELD EAS 'H vrCj.BT;.UBitea 'Press .. ,; London; JanV; 11 Russia's 'thuus south 'of Jtica ig assuming the pro portions of V great offensive. Crumpling ' German. . defenses, i: now aerloufelymences the enemy'3 field 'base at MiUu. The Russian are attacking ths tflty-from' thres sides and un'ess'tht Germahs dsvti op a , great , defensive MiUu will eoon be Uken by the Russians. IS PT 'iK '?' t (By United, Peks) , v ' Washington. Jan. li-The' inves tigation of ths.'JieakV', Wo'. (Wall street , of - advanced information' in regard to Wilson's note tol belliger ents ended , abi'uptiy . 1- today ! ' when the ' House 'ItuleS'1 Commltt'ee'def eat ed the . second :. Wood "resolution providing for aprobe of Lawson's charges, refused toj take np his first resolution tor a) gepsral probe, and by party 'votjs beat, (he Camp bell resolution for Investigation by a selected committee. ', v . Representative Henry contradict ed the statement made by Republi can Committees that the hearings are necessarily ended, and said that' the matter, might be taken up gain. '" . ' . Bennett, . spokesman for the'. Re publican, authority , tor the ; state ment that the Investigation is end ed, refused to change his statement The House considers the ' report this afternoon. ; Governor Quiets Mob Murray, Ky Jan ;Ah -Arriving on a' special traift from . Frankf ord, Gov., Stanly quieted the -mob seek lng the )jf e or Lubs Martin, tho ncg ro accused 'of slaying a policeman.' He pleaded that the negro be given a. falf ' trial and threatened to call out , the militia unless ulet waar re stored. . ' '.' tf . " ' Torped Sunk V (By jnltod Press). V j ; London, '! Jap,' , 11 The Britlsa,' battleship, Cornwallisv"l4,D00 V tons, ' was torpedoed and sunk in the Med tterranean ,TN w Cornwallia car ried a crew of 750, of" which 13 are missing. , 1 : . . - - ENTERTAIN8 BRIDGE, CLUB Selected '6 Violin: Solo, Ptano Accomp ment '...... . v. . . . , Shakespeare ' Miss Jones, Miss Elliott ''Following Direc- Selected 9 Reading, Rsiadin?, tlons, , . .'. . ' Mrs. J. W;. ilartin Reading ,,th Selected . Wni H.'-M hallance "t " Solo "Beh Bolt', Thomas Moore The Cpurtlnrr..',". ,.,... V.". "'Selected 'iA JfMiss'Georgii K. 81ottgh!Viv;; lo t Rladlng. ,',Mrs Candles UmbreJ- la yLecturf i Jas.-' K ' Jerold rsN;?tt:fi,pNeal.;i:;;;i;;: n,, pio; .vne Bcmge ; ,; Langieiiovj - yi4 ; - Mr - Anen .:f t". ' , 1? .RWdlng "fjoiie ;Wltn Vi '.ilkd .." some an" ;f.:.;:.WlH Carlton j I'i' fV'Mra, CCCJaii,;,- 13 . i Ladles jTrlo' .'CV.f.V. Selected lira. '. C(o.'-'.W.:. Boll, 'Mrs.' U,','G. Mrs Catherine Dean entertained her Bridie Club Wednesday after noon at the residence of her moth er, Mrs H T Greenleaf on Matthews etreet. ' ' 1 . Those playing were ' Mrsi F G Jacocks, Mrs. Nqrman Whitehurst, Mrs! Zenas Fearing, Mrs, Tt B. Cooke, Mrs. Ada Lister, Mrs. Ed ward Outlaw, Mrs. L B Jerinette, Mrs. C B Williams. Miss Lltch ;of New York, Miss Hill of Richmond, Mrs D'A Morgan,' Mrs Ed Hughes, Mrs Evelyp Aydlett, Mrs S H John son, Mrs . Will Newborn, Mrs F M Orlce, 3t: Mrs C W HqllowelL Mrs D C Mcaenny, Mrs1 wVa Worth, Mrs; - Philip Sawyer, 1 Mrs pattl 'After, the game delicious i refresh ments were senrtd".' '' tlt- HE iO PLACE OF INSTITUTES The dates and places 'for farmers Institutes to be held tn this section are as follows t - 17th,, Currituck County, January Moyock, ' '.. ' Camden County; Camden courthouse. Pasquotajik County, January" 19th, January. :Ulht Salem, Perquimans Countyj January 20th, . Whitestone ' Schoolhouse. ( -n '''.;., , Tyrell Count, Jsnuary 22, Colum- JURY FEBRUARY 'TBRM The followrn Jurjf. was drawn by the ( Cdunty Cpmtnlssidners "yester- ted I day for the February term: oi'sup .. rtP? court . . X-t faSU&'rM 9re Wesley, Lane." F. , H ; WhaJey, B. B. 'Carter, T., 8, Markhftm. R,;, p", ; Bentoh,, Miles'-Jennlhga,4; Amos Pwens, C. Cir Splres,4Johh, R. -Otit-law.i.C, P,; Prftcha'rd.4Bv Q.Morris, Herbert Ktotfjj fcomraander, rtKlhgC'lan S. r;, BatemanJ-'j.', A', .jrlifrisT.' R' H.t Murden, .W":, .' . Simpson,. W. W( Garrett A., 8- Mann; Walter F Berry. .Henry; Hewlt, .;M; Grtce. tt, W." Rogers r-f' I '' J: .; " ' ' - " 0 WANTED'Copleg of The Daily -Advance o fihe folbwlr dates:' June is, At-t-t f, in .:r;. Dia. . t ;. x- Director 5T, B, , 'Parker and other - j leaders In. the agricultural develope- f H ment of the'state will be In charge, v r co-operajlnf with the Farmer's Instf ? ; tute Cfcmtnltlee of ' the County, anl Re live dlsco'sslofis n ; soil y Improve V: ' i ment, ;, diversification, " marketjlnff t2 j 'Crops,.llve'r;stock,;';and': insect f pests will be the order of the day tEvery ;; body Is urged to be on hand witb .- t notebook and pencil In order to'ret the full : benefit, of the day's , proi tram. 'In'? the. afternoon a Question V ' ; ' Bog will ; be ,6pened . and the f ftues-i lv lions answered In a round table dls-" oussion. ' f ' .' " The Woman's Tnstittif nn ' ! ' Jane S. McKinimon, who wll rank' the day of value to the - woH'" . - . .- - . , men otthe county, discussing many , of the problems of home ecomlcs,!,! Iipme conviences, health, educaUbnH,' and , fire preventions. ':''it014 ' ,Th institute will open promptly at 10 : 30 in the , inorning and every body Is- Invited to be on. band and '', take along a. lunch and spend the day, helping by their Interest and co-operation to make, this In reall- : ty 'the best Institute ever held in tho County", and getting In line for , the best year on the farm, . ' ' WEATHER lvf air (knight ahd Friday, wata wfta ttrorj norti - winds arpror CU

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