VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 13. 1917 NO. 12 i?iiSpay's Program At i ' ii ' ' Featured By Addresses By Rev. C. A: Ashby, W. C. Crosby And T. B. Parker .. The first , Community Service Month program watf' carried out this morning at the' Alkrama thea tre, e good crowd attending In spite of the, inclement weather and bad .jroadi, "- , , :rVM Although : disappointed to learn ,,. that editor xiiarenceroe m ino r gresstve Farmer, had been compell ed to cancel bis engagement , to speak at this meeting the crowd heard the practical talks of .the 'day with much Interest and close aroused also by the hnnouncement, made at the close of the meeting, that the central committee are en deavoring to " make arrangements to have Governor Blckett here for the last ineeting of the month on February 3rd. The speaker of the day for the neir. general meeting here Is Dr. Walter -S. Rankin, who will discuss preventable 1 disease. Those on the platform this morn ing were Professor 8. 8.. Spraglne, Superintendent of City, Schools, Pro .feasor W.Milltoton, County Sup erintendent jot Education; Df. B. 0, Henlng, pastor, of the First Bap tist 'church; ' James P. Thompson, chairman" of the Central- Commlttea on ' Community Service; W. C. Crosby of Raleigh, Secretary of the State Bureau " of Community Service; T. B. Parker of Raleigh. Director of Farriers Institutes; and Per.' C. A. Ashby, rector of Christ vnurcn. . t ,. : After the opening song Dr.'B. C. Henlng offered prayer. prof. Hin tori Introduced Mr. Asby as. the first speaker, his subject belnz The Undeveloped Resources of the Farmer." y. Ex-Judge J. B. Leigh Urged co-operation as the means by which the farmer may solve the problem of "undeveloped resources; and Mr. , Crosby spoke on Comma rty Servicej-It '. Purpose and Value.- He said that the great' ob ject o this' 'work is to bring Into active service ss leaders the train ed men of the community such as teachers and "preachers Instead of the politician. , The southern pro blem Is not a problem of resources but a, problem of people. If you want to find one of the greatest nauuiircps' vi uuiiiiuunity ,- progress, look in the glass.' Mr, Parker said that having trav cled the cuntry over from coast to coast he had found no Btate to com pare with North Carolina and that, the state would forge to the' very front $nd take' rank with the high est per capita rural wealth when the farmers, of the state learn the lessons of co-operation and of mod--rn methods that have been applied elsewhere. He spoke , particularly of the" opportunity , thaj; r the farme ers b! this lection have in the field of hog raising., as soy bean posture and corn is one of the very cheap est combinations known on which to produce pork. ...'' '.C'Drr-'';WV'S. Rankin' win be the speaker of the second meeting for Community Service ; Month which follows on Saturdav. January .20,' ventaDio iJisoBfle ana-me loiiowin cotjralttee Jibs been named, for this -auction of Community Service work S3. H. WInslow, .Elizabeth. City, chairman. . : r On January 17th. D. J. Y. Joy ner. State Superintendent of Educa tion, will address the people of the town and country oq the subject of Education. The Educational Committee la as follows ; , ..'.; . J. 0. Fearing, Elizabeth City, chairman. ' - t " -; A. S. Morgan, Route No. 2. 0. L. Buadyf Itoute No. 5 W. S. Stafford, Route No. 8. W. N. Brothers Route No. 4. B. T James.' Weeksville N. Q. The last meeting of this' month will be held on February 3r The subject of this address however, will be Preventable Sochi Defects, and the committee in charge of this department of Com munity Service work is: Mrs. C. W. Mellck, Elizabeth City, Chairman. Mrs. M. P. Jennings, Route No. three. Mrs., J. LV Palmer Route, No. 1 Miss Margaret Hollowell Route No. :. ' i " f Utl ;JL, -.-.L- Stafford Route-NoJ 4. Mr. A. H. WInslow, Routa Nb.. B. , The Committee appointed on Bet ter Production and Better Market ing are:. A. B. Houtz, Elizabeth City chair man. S. M. rrothers, Route No. 1 J. W. Parry, Route No. 6 M. P. Jennings Route No. 3. ' W. J. Williams, Route No. 6 J. C. James. Jr.. Weeksville. Rep, Ferebee Here Today M. W.' Ferebee, Representative from Camden, la In the city today from - the State Legislature. and wm spend Sunday at his home. Representative Ferebee Introduc ed the hill in the House to. Increase the salary of North Caroling gov ernor, and ia taking an active part la the work of the House generally mm EI IS KEEPIRG 1 UTTER SECRECY IS ..THE AIM OF THE , 8TATE .DEPARTMENT "AND , DBTECTIVE LOOKING OUT FOR . NEWS TIPS Washington, Jan., 13. A secret service 'system to keep tab " on the press is In effect aj the State' De partment under .the hew regime of utter secrecy, judging by numerous indications. Recent developments have tend ed to confirm the report that at least one man has been assigned to ferret out where news tips and cer tain stories displeasing to the ad ministration have originated. Live Little Locals Many Minor Matters' , Merely MentionedhV "NEW PROCESS" COOK BOOK AT OFFICE OF GAS COMPANY An attractive cook book' is now. at the office of the Oas Company on Poindexter street and may , be had by those calling at the office. There are only a limited number and the fortunate 'first come' will be first served.' but the fortunate who secure this modern version of culllnery science and art will be re paid by the praise of their house holds when they serve the attrac tive menus suggested in the 'New Process' Cook Book, preparing them by the 'New Process' way. In deed, what is known as the 'New Process' smile is said to follow in the wake of such feasts and the New Process housekeeper is called Process housekeeper is1, called "blessed" by,Jier entire family. ' At any rate they are to be had .by the housekeepers for the askt Ing, and it must be admitted In ad vance that they are worth the price. adv B...H. Pritchard, Route No." 1 J. R. Brite, Reute No. 6 W, C. RNs, Route No-. 8. V lifiha Eriv ' "-ute No. B. 3. W. Scot., Weeksville, N. C. Explosion Was Accidental (By United Press) New York, Jan: 12Two million dollars damage to property, with the cost of two Uvea, seems likely to be t reh c?rod ' f eout v; : o to be the record of the Haskell, N. J., explosion at 'Du "Point Powder Company's plant Inst hlght. ' " - r: Only' two are" to asrlously' In jured as to require hospital treat ment.' :v : ' ! ' '' ' "" The company, thinks ths explos ion resulted from an accident and was not the work of Juicendlariea. The ifirst flare, came In the glaring barrela. . Mr and Mrs J IAbbitt lef ' Frlr day for their home in Charleston, West Virginia after a visit to Mr. and. Mrs. J. M. Weeks. J. E. Commander returned to day from Lexington, Ky., where he hag been to buy mules for Com mander Bros, a W. F. Jennings of was in the city Frfday. Providence Mr and Mrs William Skinner are In New York city this week. Mrs Jesse Skinner and Miss Julia Skinner are visiting friends- in Hertford. Mrs. Owens of Edenton is the guest of her sister, Mrs E. L. Saw yer on South Road street. Miss Nancy Burgess relatives in Norfolk. is visiting G. D. Sherlock of Nlxontoa was in the city Friday. ' Miss Neva Owens is visiting friends in Rchmond. Mr. Edward Flora hag returned to Bigham School at Asheville D. p. Rarer left Thursday for Poughkeepsie to enter Eastman Business College. W M Twiddy returned today from Baltimore. , Mrs. Twiddy and lit tle child remain for a longer visit 0 W Swltzer of Baltimore Is vis iting his son, Mr Harry G Swltzer, on Burgess street. . L A Jordan of Shiloh was In the city today ' -- .i ; . CHRIST CHURCH. J, The service Sunday morning at Christ. Church will be for the -children. The hyms, sermon and ser vice will be arranged with them In mind. Parents re urged to bring their children. On of , the children wininf a ioiof HII APPEAL FDR LITTLE SUFFEHEBS SUM TO BE -FORWARDED FEW DAYS FROM THIS TO HELP .STARVING , STRICKEN CHILDREN Prompt Work By Department A fire', that broke out in the res idence of Mr. L. R. Foreman on Pennsylvania avenue was promptly extinguished by the department Friday evening shortly after dark. The blaze, due probably to a de fective flue, caught back of the din ning rom mantel. Telr mantel was removed and the fire was extin guished with chemicals with slight damage. Leak Probe To Be Re-opened v(By Ujaitad Press) i complete reopening f the House peace note probe was decid ed upon today m a meeting of the House Rules . Coramito when it was announced that In addition to Law son the New York Brpekerage firm of Lockwood and Company, Donald McDonald, who i alleged to have vglen the information to Lawson, James Rellly, managing editor of the Wall Street Journal, F. W. McKimmon, a (Chicago Broker, and perhaps a half doze nother witness es, would be aubpoened. i IN A CITYi WAR - By MRS.-J.' L. CUNNINGIM The Newa and Observer . a few days ago print sd the follang lit tle poem of R E Ward from Colliers entitled "The Mother Hearty ',- ' , - ' - I , ' . i ' . i : I never touch the wonder of her hair' v ; '' ' Her golden nimbus,1 like a aun ; light mist - ; That curies of other children- are ; not there, Wee heads, unkempt,, unkjssed. I never f,3el her small connaing hand Slipped softly, like a flower with dn my own, But other little ones beside ner stand, Unloved, untaug'ht, unknown! I never bend above her rosy sleep. Or" kneel In gratitude beside her bed, But other babies in outer darkness weep, , Unwatched, uncomforted . O little daughters whom no moth er tendsl 0 wee lost lambs that stray In stony ways! How shall we find youT ana now v , make amends, . For pur child's happy days? f- - "' --- Possibly It may suggest to some tonong ouf r benevolently ' IncUned pecple to stretch out a hand In bles sing upon the heads of the1 starving little ones across the sea. The Literary Dig?st told the other day of how they cry pitifully to "stay In line" for the dally rations, a. dis cult or piece of bfead, but if the little fellows have not lost weijnt they must go hungry that day and perhaps the next until their pinch ed little bodies can be gratified. A .recent plan to hold a union service here for the benefit of the suffering women and children of war stricken countries of Europe has been deemed Impracticable. As a substitute a number ef Eliz abeth City people wish to aid the great cause by sending their con tribution in a united sum . This sum is. to go forward within a few days to the committee at 70 Fifth Avenue, New York. Any one desiring to edd some thing to this sum may hand the amount to the wr ter or send to her home on Church street. Returns To Home In West Juoge potert. Brooke Albertaon lot V v. . " ' . . - u ciij mis wee a on nis re turn trip to Seattle,' Washington, af ter a tea days Tistt to his sisjera. Misses Aibertson; on Church streeL He goes by way of .Portsmouth for a visit to his nephew. Attorney Robert Brooke. Albertaon. tt fiat city and will visit friends' la Ral eigh. also for a day or two. ' "., Judge Albertson. an Elizabeth City man, and. a . University .: of North Carolina alumnus, has . not only achieved success In his wes tern home,' but distinction as welL having been spoken of for the office of governor of his adopted stste from time to time, and offered place cn the Supreme. Court bench. He is serving his fifteenth year as a 8up9rior,Court Judge' now, hav ing been elected In November fpr another, four years term.; His little aon, Robert Brooke, Jr. Is remaining In Elizabeth CJty with his aunts for several months, his fUher desiring hla aon Vto learn early in life that he la a Soutlmrn as well as a Western gentleman. . OTE DEL, BESIHE FI1.1 PL". THIS IS THE UNANIM0U3 I PRESSION tROM THE C: ,MANS ACCORDING TO EDIT IAL 1 COMMENT JN TH: NEWSPAPERS .- -. Amsterdam, Jan. IS 3erman ' itorfal comment today la Bractiea" nnanimoua In the belief that tba Al lies note has. blocked all chance f;r peace at the present time. . -"The Entente note establishea tt) fact that conquest la' their aim i t thiaKwar and def troys our last d alre for peace" declared fa editor rial in Lokal -Anxeiger. . Preparing For Billy Sunday REV N. H. SHEPHERD TELLS OF GENEROUS PEOPLE Rev. N-.It. Shepherd of South Mills told Tb Advance of the gen erosity of his people in glowing terms the other day., "They have gone beyond my ; vo cabulary" said ' Mr. Shepherd, '- "I and my family find flo words to ex press our appreclatton and joy for the royal treatment received at their hands. , . , . . . t , The, agreed ihe.. first. of the jrear, to double what ,they had been ' do ing financially. Some feared that they hod undertaken too much, but we are really ahead 'and the treas urer tells me that it has been the easiest job he ever had. "I haven't time to tell you of all the hams and chickens and tubs of lard, tubs not little buckets, but tubs. Theft the many pres ents, to me and my wife and little boy at Christmas,- hosiery, . ties, handkerchiefs, buggy robe, a spe cial gift to Mrs. Shepherd from her class of women, a silver soup ladle, driving gloves, and other things too numerous te mention. "Just " today one brother brought over a hog. I don't mean a ham, a whole bo. I quit my work and got busy salting it down, 150 pounds of pork. TMany have said that last year was the best year in the history of the church and th9 people are so happy over it that they have re solved to outdo themselves this year. "I can't say much about the preaching. It seems that they can get along with very 'ordinary preaching. , But the Sunday School, the B. Y. P U., the W. M. S., the Sunbeams, and the pray er meetings are all doing so well, that they don't seem to need much preaching. "We are humbly and sincerely thankful for every deed of .kind ness and . every word of cheer for the hearty co-operation which has gone to make up our success and happiness aa a church and as Indi viduals." . .. w.' ,. Mr. Shepherd will go to pleas-' ant Grove church, just over, thej Virginia line, on two Sunday morn ings of each month this year, tak ing up the work ttyere-which Rev. N, P. Stalllngs of ', Moyock waa obliged to lay down on account" of 111 health. . ' TAKES CHARGE OF THE CAROLINA HOTEL Mr. Carl Jacobs pt South? ,Mffl: has bought out - Mr. J. E. .Lane, former proprietor of the Carolina Hotel here, and will take charge of the Hotel oh Wednesday 'of . next week. :.: " ;' ' .r' - - ' - i llr. Jacobs if already In the city gottlns rpfdy.for.his work and mak Ing friends for the Carolina. BY GEORGE WARTIN .iihi.a n . - mm sm. . . . New York, .Jan.;" 13. The Billy Sunday Cocktail is being mixed to day, here, and will be served at thousand different places In ' - New York tomorrow. V r v ' This cocktail la made of seasoned Sunday trail hitters. . There will be thousand of them from ; Philadel phia, a.nd v pther frojn elsewhere. Most of" tie, Philadelphia na will be qf seyen ,year . vintage and . bottled p uuuruKea reusipua Donas. ,!Th-xidea to aery this cockfall to New York tomorrow ,;and several others pMhe aame kini.'atter, ia to , whet the public appetite. 'for the Wr;,TOU?itni , feast .'when 'illy cuts loose here Aprli 1 Thev Billy Sun. day cocktail, Is made like'thls: - , s Take one made-over, old llne charchman, mix him throughly with two plain trail hitters, lawyers, ex saloon keepers onil buglers prefer ed); add one ttble class expert and bring them to a boll and serve red hot to the sinners ' : r The "invasion wilPtake the form of community and local' churctf meet Ings. It will be under the 'dlrection of the Rev. George G. Dowie, lead er of the Philadelphia bible classes. FREED0L1 FOB m mm SLATE WILL BE WIPED', CLEAM IF TURN STATES EVIDENCE THAW RECOVERING PHYSI CIANS SAY ' I'bJIadelphla, Jan. , lj. Freedom for evidence and testimony that .will send Thaw back, to Matteewan or to prison is offered. Oliver Grower and Walter Os'bornby District ' attorney. Thaw, Is. recoverr)ig and , his Tphysl cian' say 'natTjt Is 'pratlcally e tain .tha,t he dl4 not take poison, ,,Brower was the ; bearer of ths "Dear Master ; letters written by Gump to Thaw. t either turn la state's .evidence, the cases against them will fee wiped from the' slate.' - FIRST METHODIST, CHURCH ' The pastor will occupy his - pul' pit at both services Benday, Inasmuch as January la observe! afl Community Service Month in the town and county the subject of Mr. vCannlQgglm's Sunday morning sermon will be "The Church' and Community 8ervice.? . v, 1 In the evening . Mr. Cunninggim will begin a series of sermons : on "Some-Popular Amueemetits." The subject for, the first sermon will ia "Card Playing."- ' " V , , . . " - -' " Vf t. . 7 ' THE WEATHER; ; , .Rain on Coast And rain or sncf in , interior tonight and Sun ' "'.' Somewhat warmer to-n!;bt. ' day fresh east wlnij. .

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