I VOL.2 ELIZAEZTII CITY, o:;day evening, January 15, 1917 :M: BED I ABE ', - V SSessiSSSSMpBB . ' -.v.; -V- ;"' ', " . ;'."V - V-' Raleigh, Jan. 15. At the regular meeting 'of Capital. Encampment, No. -48, Odd Fellows, Friday night, Mr Harry T Greenleaf, of Elizabeth. City. Grand Patriarch of. tho Grand Encampment of North Carolina, made an official visit and Installed the ' following officers: Chief Patri arch, John C. Bragg; High Priest James H. Anderson; Senior Ward en, Grover C. Glenn;, Junior Ward en, J. N. McRaey; Recording Scribe, Hugh Stephens; Financial Scribe, John D, , Berry; Treasurer, C. H. Belne; , Sentinel, T. L. Laslter; Guide, W. M. Duncan; Watchers, J. R. Hood, W. T Davis, C. D. Barbour and G. W. Munford The' Encampment conferred the Golden Rule and Royal Purple de grees, after which an oyster supper was given as the social side of the meeting." r : . ' At the supper N: Grand- Patriarch lished Earlier in Session Many aru,nt??the ,stau campa,n to ' equipment for the Odd Fel lows Orphinagd .at jGoldsboro. The local encampment contributed J10 at once toward ,.nX fund, i Superin tendent C H. McDonald .of, the Ral eigh playgrounds,., has. already subr mitted a list of the equipment to be Installed. , ; ;; v'V .' ., t: ;' Parade and Bryan on To- day's Program and League Hopes To Pass its New Bill With Few Changes GOING AFTER. FISH LAW NFXT - , , . Following Popular Precedent Estab- H. T. Grc2iibaf In Raleinh Working to Repeal Instead of Pass Laws! ., . i yyiitiutiiiCu 7 STATE GQE1TEST WITH REPUTATION AMONG SOU THERN COLLEGES IN. WIN NING DEBATES WILL ENCOUR AGE HIGH, SCHOOL STUDENTS. V Wake Forest College, the Alma Mater of such ablt speakers as Gov.' f rnor Thomas Walter Blckett, has announced : an extension ; of this branch of the .college ..work which will embrace alTof the accredited schools of this State., y V v The colega has a well-earned rep utation for its- big speakers and for its general training in. public speak ing, as well as for its gucesses ' In Inter-colleglate debate, and th4 In troduction, of a Statewide ' Hlsh School Debating Cntest is greeted with pleasure not only , among its widely scattered alumni but through cuf the general citizenship ' of the -State, . " . By I. P. DAVIS ? ' ! (Advance . Staff Correspondent) Ralelgh,N. C,;j3a. 15.-The natu ral calm which always follows a itorm, wis evident in North Caro V , noaa 'capital city Sunday. 8ome- thing near fifty; per cent of sen" "atora and representatives spent , the weeek end at their tomes. This in Itself ; --w o ttLd ; -t V all who.' have been afouhd the- capi tal of the Yarborough, general head quarters with the. lohesomeness of things but' the large 'number who at , "tended the ..inauguration Thursday night also left and. Jot the. time Ra leigh seemed almost, deserted. ( A large number of thpse who are nere are confined ; to their ," rooms . with .hla Vnifla and' iriD. f 'f Not" one member of the house or of the sen-! Ate. so' tar, has escaped the effects ' o "the tery s oharigeable weather perlenced since the -ppening of the legislature. a consequence the doctors" and nurses are '. drawing v their portion of the meagre- four per day '-which the staje - allows those who leave home to come here and V11 ,n ner 'ntreBt: w ' " f Representative Sctt spent the 1 -week nd ft' his nrfme near Elisa 1 teth City, where ii was understood he went with a view to discussing . .. several measurers "which ' he pro ' poses to introduce withinNthe next . , lew aya.;.-V':-,'X '.-.'' ' ANTI 8ALOON WEEK ; Today marks the ppenlng of the - Anti-Saloon League week, -and some tig ' speeches are promised, W. I. Bryan leads the Mat. A parade of great display . and a reg ular program are being carried out. Sentiment seems to . be somewhat flivlded onfthe-BfW bill to be in troduced by the league. In dis cussing the matter with a ' senator today your correspondent was told that any further legislation for pro hibition for Tth4 present in this ". tate: would meet .with considerable -v opposition to that branch of the le gislature. ',In the House a l; vote without disscusston " 'would v defeat . ' the bill, but the- League leaders have' ' promised "' to overcome this with the ' strong program' "which -jhejr wfll , carry t out .' netx ' week. -Wwy'aYe on the fenced and the hance are they will fall , on the league slde.My The league ! .leaders " hope to pass the Mil as Jt is drawn, hut opinion soms to ; discpunt , this to a great .extent," saying that many changes will be made In the hill', before it passes. . ' ' V . ; THE FI8H QUESTION Those who' coma from the . fish ing section are Showing some in terest and, fighting"" spirit In the ap- ' ' ""prochlng introduction of a bill to ""'y.' ' rpfal the present fish. commission ""law.' The first brand was thrown Into Jb fire ' Saturday ; when reper- aentatlve Hooker, f Pamlico. Intro educed a resolution ' which passed the lhouse requiring the " fish - com ' mlB8'oner to present his report as required bV law, :' " Those ' Iff" favor' of a repeal are awaiting patiently to hear what the board has ; done for the past two years, as they be lieve the work accomplished , has been so small compared with the expense of same that it in - itself will furnish ell . the material for argument they need ' to affect ' a re peal. All the ( fishing counties are lined up against the hill : with the exception of "Wtaburne, of Hertford and Dr. Griffin of Chowan " ' the fishing v senators : are with; :the ' re presentatives; that Is for a-' repeal, with the exception of McNlder, who stands tor the present law with some amendments. - Quite ' a bit of work by members in favor of the repeal has been done among. those Mrom the western part of the state. end It is conceded without viestion; that the west Is going, to give to to -the fishermen; whatever the ma jority of them want. 11 . Secretary Redfleld has promised a visit with in the next few days to discuss the matter of fishing with the members of the general .assembly. He has been 1 quoted Indirectly around the Capitol as 'having t said : that our fislLlaw was too big for the force we had to carry" It out, and the fishermen representatives here con tend that the 'force' we have to carry out the present law is too big for the pocket books' of the fishermen of Eastern North Caroli na. As time flies by and the fight on fishing draws nearer, it looms up as one' of the probably biggest things this legislature will have to deal with . prohibition and woman suffrae with all the pa rades and speeches are mere inci dents alongside, of the anticipated excHing debating and lobbying - on the fish question. ' MI GUIS ALREADY WEAKENED AT SEV ERAL POINTS BELIEVED , GER MANS '" M(J8T REINFORCE OR WITHDRAW THEIR, LINES Crippled Warsnips Arc Now Repaired Norfolk, Va. Jan. ( 15 -The six foot chunk that as, gouged out of starboard stern , of Uncle , Sam's big battleship ' Deleware Bee. 1 6th ig completely repaired : today and the fighter is ready for sea again'. She was rammed by th naval tug Sonoma, whose bow also was" bad ly damaged and has been repaired. (By, United Press) ! tv- London, Jan. 16 Russia. Is exert ing such a tremendous pressure "on the German line South of Rica that! German progress. -in Roumanla may be halted. In several places , the Russians have broken through the enemy's lines constructed in their year of occupancy and have advan ced despite heavy snowstorms and great stretches of marshes. . Already weakened at several points, It Is believed that the Ger mans must soon reinforce their lines or. withdraw, ments 'are sent, it they will be from front. If reinforce is believed that the Roumanian ON, HUNTING TfiP Dr.' L. S. Blades, Messrs Oliver Gilbert and Wesley Foreman, of this city, and Mr Baumgarten of Washington,. D. C. are on a hunt ing trip In Currituck, this week. failed'to recover The Jury ia' the case R- C" Barclift et als vs. the Norfolk Sou thern Railroad Company, which be; mii ' lout Tuesday, brought in its verdict last Saturday, night In fav or of the defendant. , The ; plaintiff st. aU colored, asked for " damages, aggregating 6,000, claiming Injury of their land by di version of water from the railways right of way.- ' ' CAR TURN8 OVER Treaty From Copenhagen , (By United Press) ; Washington, Jan ' i& The treaty signed by. the government of Den mark, agreeing -tV 'sell the pdnlsh West Indies to Uncle Sam for $25, was expected to arrive at' the State Department from Copenhagen . 'to day, f;; When Secretary Lansing has placed his '.signature on the do cument the . islands, ' long coveted by":Unele Sam for , a ' naval ''base site, will bei;vfrtuaHy,"the proper tr of 'the United" Etates.- - ' ' a ' ,: Saturday , nighty the car, which Mr Wentworth Blount was driving, with Misses, Myrtle Benton and Es telle Lamb, smashed Into the posts marking the automobile limits' at the railway station here Just as Be had made the turn to the left at the enA of Main street to drive up to the station. The post was knock ed across the railway track and the ca? was turned ' nrwf Mr Blount suffered a sprained ankle and the ladles escaped' with minor. injuries CHEROKEE. CHAPTER ' MEETS TO-NiGHT Cherokee Chapter ' A F and" A M meets' tonight in the Robinson Build ing. ' All members are urged to be' present. r,M M4, mm REGULATIONS GOVERNING ' ' THE CONTEST' . " (1) , Any State High ; School, City Graded Nor High School," or Private School of recognized ; standing, is entitled to send one male repre (2) The name of eacfy contestant. the subject of hi3' dQclamatloh, and certificate from the principal - of his school, showing that the con testant is a bona ; fide 1 student, must- be In the hands of the chair man '-of the peclamation . Contest Committee , not later than March 1. (3) No declamation ; shall " have more than one thousand words. t U A preliminary contest ; will 6e held Thursday evening,! March 8th, at which time the beBt speak ers -ylll'- be'' seated - for.tha final contest,'- a -'7 -; "y ; (5) The final; , contest will ; be held in Wlngate Memorial Hay, Friday evening, March 9th, begin ning at eight p'clock. ". (6) The " best , speaker will :, he awarded a scholarship given by the College, and '. a , medal costing $12.60, glyen i the two societies. .TO As a second prize, . the two Literary Bocleties will give a pen bearing the emblems of both So cieties, tad costing $5.00 ! American Greeks Appeal to Wilson Ltfiii !u. New Company I Is Organized Our relations with the Culpepper, Griffin, Old 'an4 Grtce Company, having been dlsolved, we the , un dersigned have organized a' new company, for the purpose of con- Auctlns eeneral insurance business, wheise name will be Grice, White- hurst Insurance Agency, Tnc; And we take this' method of Informing you, of the fact and to ask you for your patronage. Our long and con tinuance of experience in the busi ness and extensive acquaintance in this section of the statet and confi dence of the general public, 'have heretofore, reposed in us, give us th assurance that you will favor ns with your consideration) before niacin your . Insurance elsewhere . Our patrons will" receive faithful and efficient service, and we wish to assure them that their Interest shall at all limes be 'ours. The companies tnat we represent are amonz the best doing business. And we invite you' to call ' at " pur office to see us at number 14 South Pofndexter street, where you will alwaya be given the. 'most, cordial welcome. , . . , , . Most respectfully your,", ' . r. m: GRICB, - J. V. WHITEHURST. The following appeal from Amer ican Greeks was published in . one of their newspapers and sent as a telegram to' Pesldent Wilson . from the Greeks in every town, and city in the country and. now" appears In The Advance by courtesy f the pro prietor of the Busy Bee Cafe. For the sake of the linotype the , Greek version is given: V" -"To the President of ', the , United' States: ' y. ; "In the name of Christianity aid humanity we, respectfully ; ask the friendly Intervention of the powerful-Republic on behalf of starving Greece, . Greece Is not at:war with any of the belligerent nations of Europe y All she wants? Is to main tain the strictest neutrality and to be allowed1 to pursue our, peaceful court e to which " we' are, by ail that Is right, entitled.: W citizens of this great and glorious Republic heartily endorse the appeal of the Holy Synod of Greece to the Amer- lean people, confident that It will be taken Into consideration. We only ask for Justice' and ' we de mand that ' our kinsmen should not be allowed to die from starvation." ''fV.' Urges Use Of , Parcel Post r ;' ', " T.-- ' FINANCIER "WIRED EA MORNING " WOULD ' LATER IN DAY . FHCV i YORK CITY (By United Press) ; Pittsburgh, -Jan. 15 WltbV - ten thousand dollars "given by a retired merchant to bank the test, post office officials and (a" number of cit izens headed by Rabbi J. Leonard Levy were planning todays to inau gurate a new plan for marketlng by parcel mZ .1. As outlined by i Rabbi Levy to the Plttsbourgh , Association of Cre dit Men, , the postofflce will provide books in i which, producers in rural districts may : list their , products, with pricea and and approximate parcel post, charges for delivery to' the customer here. .Those desiring farm products, fruit and . getales may .consult the lists. , v ; (By.ITnlted Press) Washington, Jan . 15!.::. ? headliner Lawson the IIou; s ; teak' Committee got down t j ness this morning after 'vot' -executive session to intro; ... resolution s broadening the . C mitbee's powers, and' extcru!: life to ninety days.! , It was voted, to call Lawson first witness, but the flnanci r ed that he would be here 1. the day.' ' -The Surgoant a was Instructed to subpoena La and immediately bring him I the comlttee. The' comlftei recessed ten. ; My. In executive session they c 'sidered the right of witholJii 3 beas corpus in case It should necessary to cite Lawson fo rc tempt, Members ' of . the comm.' stated that, they were not cert. whether or hot they, 4could ref .. such, a. right..' -V';.' ;- . " ' .- 4 MUST NAME , INFORMAf; The House x today passed a re lutlon ' to compel La wson to c: his infotmantsf .V A V HARBINGER BRIEFS DOCTORS AFTER DEAD BEATS At the last -meeting of Tht Pas- suotank, Camden, - Dare Medical , society the members agreed to re port at each meet J the names of per sons coming within thair pracUce and recelvin proper worth and -am-pensation therefor, as delinquents and as unworthy, of further , credit. Thig action was not directed at those unable to meet their obliga tions, but those who habitually' chnge physlcans from a desire to avoid meeting their Just obligations. WOYOCK BRIEFS adv ATTENDING ANTI-8ALOON ' ' ; MEETING fAT RALEIGH . Mrs." William Boettcher; AnL, In Raleigh to ttend the ; meeting of the -Anti Saloon League in session there this week. ' Mrs. Boettcher was appoined by the local W. C. T U. to represent them at this meeting. Moyock, Jan. 13-Mra. J. H. Splvey, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Luna Jarvis, has re turned to her home in Norfolk. ' Mf . Eppa Charlton went tov Eliz abeth City Tuesday on business . Mrs. W. L. Wilson and Mrs. J. ffij Barnard, hate returned t from 'Shawboro, where .they hav been visiting r their brother, Mr. Jette Ferebee. . -'. .'r ft' Mrs.' Vfr, E. Turner spent Thurs day 'in EJlzabeth City. " . . Mr. R.' W.vtoley was in town a short while Tuesday... ! ; Mr Will Aydlett spent Thursday in Elizabeth City, - ' Mr.. M- B. Langhorhe. of, Norfolk oamo ' out, '-Thursday morning to snooi; quail. , '" . The Wesley Bible Class held its regular business meeting, ; with'. Miss Bessie Aydlett Thursday .evening, In spite of . the inclemment' weath er, many attended and reported." a good time. " , . ' , Preparations are being made for The Farmers Institute ' which win be held here January 17, It is ex-J pected to be the best ever held , in tbe county," - i . Harbinger, Jan. 10 The C" mas - holidays were ' spent quietly In this community. ' ; visitors have gone and Is spttling down to V,i-r ' duties, r . : ; School began ; Monday Jju. Every' one r; seomed glad td - 1 I back to work . :v J r '? " Tie gunners say there i8 ' mc; ; game In Currituck Bound this son than ever.- But it seems thrt the ducks( have learned the way tl the gunners as numbers can I. -seen ", leaving v Carrituck "for Alt s -marie early in the morning and re turning late in the afternoon. , Mr. Alex Etheridge whweBt t France on a cattle boat from Nor folk some time ago has return : home. -. He also visited AlexanJ.: 1 Egypt. .V -.,..;. r's ' ' - Misses, Sallie, Payne, , CyntL' t Dowdy, Fannie Evans " and Luc;' Tillet i returned to Norfolk aft spending the holidays , with hor folks. : '.;,;;' ,;, ' , Miss Angle Tillet who teaches l i Va.spent the bolidayp bere Rev. Mr. Marshburn , filled V. tegular appointment here Sunday. Miss Mary Payne has returne l from Norfolk.. . .. . ... Messrs Earl! Griggs . and . Wyatte Aydlett andj .Miss Maude ,.Grig;s left Sunday for Poplar. Branca where they will, re-inter, school., Butchering Aogs seems to be the order of - the day In our community Miss Lucy Pennell Qf .Henderson is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. :4 Mr . T'Eyeni .imd .little' daugh , ter,' Ora, have returned home after spending a fewewf oi. ' 8to ..' .. ' spending a tew days In Norfolk. ' We are .glad to welcome 'Mrs. AMce .Ncwbern and family as res idents of our community, also her , THE WEATHER Rain to-night' and Tuesday. i. 0 C . MEETS TUESDAY1 The D. H. Hill Chapter, U D C, will meet ' Tuesday afternoon At S o'clock with Mrs. P; DeLon on Church street All members are u fed to be present.. nephew, Mr. ' .Thomas Edawrl Forbes . who -wll help superintend he'farm. ! - "'"'- . ' Mr. pW, ;:' Belangla and family have , moVed . to Jarvisburg. The entire family, will be missed In this community.! ,, ,Mr.' Eddie Gal lop' s will ; succeed Mr. Belangla : as salesman for Mr, Aydlett. ' The . entire ' communty .' sympa thizes with Mr. Sam Bright in the death of her husband Who died at their home ' on . Decemebr '21. Death was due to severe 'attack of pneumonia. '." . ' " Mr. William . Pennell ' has return ed to ' his home, 'near' Louistnir? after spending several days hert , , There will be given a play enti tled ''A Little Heroine of the Rev olution" at Harbinger Jan. 20. Ad mission 40c. for t children, atl ' 15o. . , , The public is Invited K 'S "

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