4- Prejudice 0 VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY "EVENING. JANUARY 17. 1917 Jcrman Raider Sinks Twenty Two , Sliips All Merchantnien Accord- ing to Reports and - Last Sliip Sunk Without Warn irig With Loss of Four Hundred Persons. - SUrMllfORS LAHDiriG AT PERnAUBUCO Rescued by Japanese Steamer Hud sonMaru. News Goes by; Wire From Pernambuco and Rio ' - i tBj United Press) Buenos Aires, Jan. 17 The Ger "man Raider, first thought to be the VIneta, now reported as the Vined, has eunk twenty merchant . steam ers and two French schooners in the South-Atlantic, according to dispatches from Pernambuco and Rio de 'Janerlo. The last ship reported sunk was sunk: without warning with the loss of four hundred persons. The Japanese Steamer, Hudson Maru, ' landed sailors from five steamers sunk by : the raider fif teen miles from Pernambuce. This latest German raider, on tha face of present dispatches, sejs a Tecord for destructlveness only ex ceeded by the famous Emdsn, Ger many's" prize raider. The Em den sank 23 vessels besides the Rub elan cruiser and French destroyer. The new raider is now credited with. 22 and is still at large. The Germah raider Moewe captured 15 vessels, j The Kron : Print' Wil- nelm, Prim , Eltet and Freledrica Were other famous raiders. ADMIRALTY. CONFIRMS REPORT ; ; London, Jan . 17 The . British Ad-, mirality confirms ' the sinking of eight BrltiBh and' two French mer chantmen by the German raider in the South Atlantic. BELGIAN REPORTS New . York, Jan. it The Befgian j steamship ' Samland arriving from Rotterdam' reports that she was stopped . byvthe Raider on December : 4th off the Irish coast but after searching hef and finding that she was a Belgian food ship the raldor 'allowed her to proceed. The first warning from the Bri tish Admiralty of the "raider was flashed from warships on December Vth, No definite reports were had ' until . press ' dispatches . were receiv ed from South America. - . ' POSSIBLY THREE RAIDERS , The Admiralty statement now in dicates that ,' there are possibly three raiders , . at large, declaring that the ' steamer St. Theodore he captured was manned with a prize crew and became a raider, i and the British, steamer . Yarrpw dale was captured , and 'a crew of 400 from other sunken vessels plac ed aboard. MRS. SKINNER "HOSTESS Mrs. L. E. Skinned wag; hostess to the Ladles Aid Society of Black well Memorial church at her home on - Ke'rth Road street Tuesday . after- nooui ' , ' . The treasurer : read the annual re port which showed nearly four hun dred dollars raised during the year.. The following officers for 117 reflected: President, ' Mrs. A. T. Ty: vice president, Mrs. C. F. n treasurer, Mrs. T. S. Dav c'.,rort; secretary, Mrs.. C, BLvOrr. T6mnies!Said Take 'em Away . London, Jan. 17 Signs printed In German and hung in. Charing Cross station have been -emoved by the railroad authorities.'' , These . signs merely caution German ' travellers to "beware Of pickpockets", but the wounded British .Tommies arriving in hospital trains sairi ''hey grated on their shattered nerves.,x Odd Character Of Southwest .' (B United Prm) El Paso, Tex, Jan. J?. They have taken "Arizona Charley" away. No more will the llghthearted trans continental tourist catchv a glimse of the bent, grizzled old. man trudg ing' along the lonely tracks of the desert as they t flash by. He was one i the best known characters of the Southwest , - - . Twenty years ago -Arizona Char ley" was an engineer on the South ern Pacific. He resigned and began walking the tracks over the five bun dred mile stretch of desert between Yuma, and El Paso, looking for brok en rails. With a blanquet and. a frying pan slung over his shoulder he hag tramped his beat winter and summer for tnty years, reporting defects in the track to the nearest section house. He has sever ridden on a train since his wife was killed. Nearly every .tourist over . the southwestern- route has seen "Ari zona Charley." Conductors and Pul man i porters always point him out as the train speeds past leaving him a speck in the desert. Of late yean the old man has be come feeble and now the Cochise county court has adjudged him in sane , and . committed,'. him to the state asylum. Negro Man Is Mystery (ByVnlted Press) Harrisburg, Pa., Jafl' 17 The mys terious negro, John Nelson, who ap peared from nowhere on Hallowe'en night, 1915, rushed, up to J. B Sic kler, a. farmer, and ptabled, him to death for no apparent reason,,', will get one more chance to talk to 'the pardon board about hig death ' sen tence.'.' Nelson" Is a well. ' educated, intelligent cultured negorr about 60. Some of his features are not Afri can. He is a true 'man of mys tery. - ITa SDneared suddenlv ont jot the Carle wlJiout provocation at No Witnesses Were Heard V ishiag (By United Press) ' ; t Washington, Jan. 17 After "ar ranging to extend the lite of the House Note Leak ' Committee thirty days, adjournment , was taken until tomorrow without hearing any tea timonj: today. ; " ' I The House unanimously author ized the toafc committee to employ1 counsel and . accountants' and to hold hearings' here and elsewhere. Elsewhere may be. Wall Street. SECt;V GROSBV HI COUNTY SCDDLS SPEAKING TO 'TEACHERS STU DENT AND PATRONS THIS WEEK ON COMMUNITY SER VICE WORK IN PASQUOTANK ' Supt. w: M. Hintpn has secured the co-operation of more than five hundred helpers in the active work of Community Service Month and the campaign' is in full progress this we 8k with Executive Secretary W.' C. Crosby Speaking at schools throughout the county. Mr. Crostryaddressed the people of the Rverside Community at Riv erside School On Monday morning at ten o'clock; Mr. Crosby spoke at Berea at two o'clock in the after noon on Monday; on Tuesday he spoke at Brothers Schoolhuse at ten o'clock and at Palmer school at two o'clock; On Wednesday at ten o'rlocit, his' engagements was; . at Forks and at two o'clock at Perry'n Bchool. '..' At ten o'clock Thursday morning Mr. ' Crosby will speak" at ( Oak Grove and at two o'clock Thursday afternoon at Sandy. Bidge, , . f On Friday morning at! ten o'clock Mr. Crosby will speak hL Salem and again at two o'clock iir the af ternoon, this being the date of the, Farmers Institute at that placet . On Saturday morning at eleven o'clock Mr. Crosby will be in Eliz abeth City and will be one of the speakers at the Alkrama on Com-: raunity Service program 1-. Dr Ran kltt of the State Board of. Health is,! expected at that time and the ' subject of preventable disease will claim the attention of Community Service workers.. HONOR ROLL FOR ' FOURTH fJOIIIII NAMES'- OF . THtSE IN THE 1 FRONT RANKS . FROM FIRST i GRADES TOs.. HIGH SCHOOL , "TUDENTS t Will CkleWtfe; Lee's Birthday The U. D. C. with theJiigh school pupils will carry out a very attractive Southern program next Friday afternoon at ' half past two o'clock in the high school auditor ium. . '' ' A speaker has been secured and a number of interesting features have been arranged. Tne pro gram, given on the - birthday of Robert E. Lev will also .commem orate, the , birthday, of V Stonewall Jackson, which follows on the 22,' At one o'clock Friday the U. D. C will serve i lunch to the Con federate Veterans of the county at the Y. M C. A. Building ." INFANT CHILD DEAD The Infant daughter of r- Mr. and Mrs.. Ellas Williams wag buried Wednesday afternoon at Corinth, Rev. D. P. Harris conducting the service. The little child had nev er been well and its death occurred Tuesday afternoon. i Following Is the honor ' roll for the - fourth - month of the "first term in Elizabeth City schools. . ! , . . HIGH SCHOOL . Thelma Sykes; t Ruth , Wnslow; eari Hugnes; Mabal Bright: . Mar garet LeRoy; Wilma Sample; Del- la Williams ;vJanle ' Mercer:, Clar ence Ashby; Graham Evans; Lloyd Lane; Francis Seyfert. .. ' . ..... . ... , , ... v - GRAMMAR. 8CH00L ---- FOURTH GRADES ,' MISS HOLT, TEACHER Ruth Bright, , Rebecaa Miller, Lavinla Rogerson; Sarah - Carter; Oscar Williams;. Thomas Johnson. , j , MISS OOBB, TEACHER : Eliza beth LeRoy;. Elizabeth Harris; Mary Harney Pritchord; Selma Madrin; Ada Belangia; Mary Horner; Emily Commander; Sarah Bray ;Mary Do sier; William Britt ; v William . Dud ley; Jambs Hill; Joseph Ferubee; ICrausg, Walker. MISS WEATHERLY, TEACHER: Margaret HoUowell; Mary Lee Jabkson: Leona Munden: Marga ret Nash; . Nannie Mae Stokes; Rachel Williams; Wllmer Bal lard; tommie Gray; Harold Gibbs; Burgess Perry; Edward Old; Ma rion" Seyfert. : ' FIFTH GRADES MISS. FAISON, TEACHER: He len Dawson J Leona Griffin;" Lillie Ma Harris; - Ida-Joaes; Elisabeth Mann;. Elsie Pughi Rosa ' lies Wood; Nellie Gray; Bradford San ders; Elliott Ward; Marvin Wil liams,'' ; i ' MRS. PEARSON, Margaret Commander,- Maxine Fear ing ; Evelyn Lamb; Ellen Mellck; Helen , Li tte; Lillian Harris; - Mary Trueblood;,. Catherine White; Al bert., Bright; Lemuel Blades; Har vey Dawson; Constant Fearing; Jd lan Hill ;. Constant Fearing ; Sam Hendersin i '' 4Zack Owens ; Oscar Self ; , Stewart Wood. MRS. ATWATER, TEACHER: Maud. Sanders; Margaret Bondurant Mary Hooper; Mary Copper;. James Porter:. Wilborne Htrrell, Carlton Woodley; .Earl Sutton! Guy White. For National taj) JJO, c;:.i,; i Prohibition TEACHER: WANTED Copies V The Dai!y Ad vance of the following dates: June IB, August 4, :916.' ; , ; i k . '-- i .... rr. tacked three men standing , In front ef a door and Slckler ( died frorrt knife wounds.. . , Until two days before . he . had never, been seen in the community. He declines to talk about himself or where he has been., . He has manifested no interest in e?orts to save him from tie f'-rtrla chair,' ' i .,,'. . . ;" , SIXTH! GRADES MISS LASSITER, TEACHER: Annabel Abbott; Sarah Hill; MilH- ceht . Hayman: Matein Eva .Walstoa; Ranlel Lamb; :"MISS JONES, TEACHER: Pa tle Barclift; GuBflie Sample; Rosa- He Stevenson; Alvlna Turner; Mil dred Stokes i Charles Ashby; Wil liam, Ballard: George Godfrv: Lo'ufs Roughton; Larry Skinner. OHOja BM;B ; mOA; .e4 I..ffl Ya MRS. POOL, TEACHER: Ernes tine . Ballance; Sybel , Benbury; Ruth Bunch; Emily Commander Leona Lewi-; Susie Rhodes; Ruth Williams; Cecil Carter; fielby Cart- wright; Weymouth Davis r Hav- wood Duke; .Erskine Duff; Dennis Oasklns; William, Prftchard; Clai borne Qulnn. , j SEVENTH GRADES Margaret Chesson; Lottie Drink water Elisabeth Etheridge; Eunice Goodwin; Alma Hayman; Emily Jennings; Margaret Mann; 4Laura Prltchard; ; Gertrude iStokely; Gol dl Stokes; Nellie Hastings; Doro thy Zoeller; Sidney Evans; Billie llouts; I Grafton tove; George Owen; Claude Ward. . , 1 MISS' HARNEY. TEACHER: So phia Davis; . Elizabeth Hathaway: I Mildred 1Jnrhnm 'noil r 1 o-'--" t Wv.-1 f ilCI He Meades; Esther Miller; Ghdys Sexton; Frsnk Dawson; Wilbur Gregory; Wergman Mundan:.' Chas, Seyfert; Harris Parks. , r . ' , PRIMARY SCHOOL ' FIRST GRADES MISS GRIFFIN, TEACHER: Dorrls Cartwright; Effle Lee Cox; Ruth! Overman;. George Benbury; William ' i Davis; Aubrey, Gallop;' Carter Jennette, Hallle Payne, Ju Han Raper. t . J ... MiSS. STEVENS, TEACHER: Vlrgilia Banks; Grace " Dudley; Carrie Card; Flora Orijrss; Ksther- The national organization of the W,,, C. T. U. has set apart Thurs day January 18th, as a Day of Pray er for National Prohibition. , The ' Elizabeth City W. C. T. U. will hold tbres services on Thurs day as follows:' On Thursday1 mdrn ing at ten o'clock, at, Black well Me morial, Church; at three-thirty p. m. in the annex of the First Metho dist church; at 7: SO" at the First Baptist church.:, , ' , . j Rev. C. A. Ashby will deliver the address Thursday ' night. ... Interesting, instructive and help ful programs have .been arranged for the three meet.ngsV Elizabeth City people are urged, to ' attend Jhese meetings and thereby express their . Interest in this nationwide movement for the betterment of hu manity. t .... GOOD, ROADS AND REF. TIVEFEREBEE BOTH LAR AT STATE CA OTHER IMPRESSIONS C GISLATURE CHAPPEL CHAPEL ; Robert Sanford Chappel and Bliss Ebbie Martha Chapel, both of Providence township were' married by Justice of the Peace. J. W. Mun den Wednesday- , JBtokes; Olive Skiles; .-') Hallle Silverthorn; Roy Boyce; Carl Com mander; James Ferebee; ' Jesse , ughes; John Kramer; Major Mor- L. r.,.,v a v rlsette; Leslie , Pool: William Puck- lu.v 'Attorney p. HTillett of ( wag in the city Wednesday way home from Raleigh v,l has been " since Inareuretii . and gave the, Advance, a few ed but interesting 'impress his visit and of the' work of th, eral Assembly. - t , "Good roadg ' legislation is popular this tefntf" said Mr. T. "and 1 everything " on , good r passes without-much controvert , "Representative Ferebee of X den, who is by the w.ay making i generally in the. legislature, has i sed his Road Commission Bill wl names E, Mitchell of Old Trap, .. B. Williams of Shlloh. W. S. I ry of Belcross, D. E Williams South Mills and C. Tl'4 Hodges t South Mills as Commissioners, r, grantes them - the privilege of t rowing $10,000 to begin the work c food roads immediatey, and ' r. vldeg for a valuation tax of 10 to i fer cent and a poll tax of three p. cent The bill Is modeled after t: ett; Selby Stokes; La Verne son; Charlie Spear: Milton Robert Williams;; Hallet Hams. ' MISS ZOELLER, Josephine Britton; Margaret ' Fearing;, Simp Self; WU, TEACHER: Lydia Cahoont Rutlii; Jones Julian, Aydlett; Thomas Harris; Charles Munden; Bertrand White; Theresa Swain: Winfield Baker; Francis Jacobs; Fearhtf Owens: I Nathan White. ' MRS FEARINO TEACHER: Ruth Dosief; Inez Hill; Louise Har ris; Cornelia x Jenkins; Monterey Lomax; Belle MUler; Frances Mc Clenny; Clara Pritchard; Julia Tut- tie; Vivian Turner; John Chad wick Rolllds Daniels ;" Elijah " Hai rel; Monford Jones; Ty.er Sawyer, MRS. BROOKS. TEACHER: Nellie Boseman; Sudie Baker; Vio let Baker; Mary Dudley; Len Bell Hopkins; KaUe . Rogerson ; No rean Williams; Henry Bartlett; Ray Davis; Sam Forbes; Adam Lay den; Charles Twiddy; Lee Richards SECOND GRADES MISS WILLIS, TEACHER: Mary Gladden Gregory; Helen Leigh; Virginia LeRoy; Anne Me llck;, Emma Owens; Evelyn Shores, Maxine Sheppard; Ruth Williams; Roy Berry; Blacknall Cooke; Cur tis Forbes; Bobbie Fearing: Biilie Fearing; Rosooe Foreman; Wood ward Hu?hes; Wesley Sheap. MISS BELL, TEACHER : Helen Kramer; Mary Owens; Bessie Hor ner; Lillian Twiford; Oretha Mitch (By United Press Ji ' Durham, Jan. 17 FJre of un explained origin drove :. the occu pant, of the Bahama .Agricultural I aL r J' MarRaret f6"8! ' the snow-povered streets in their Allen Bell; Rufus Bundy: Wil- I v Camden County expects to accom plish ('substantial sesults in ro.v! improvement within the netx twelve months.," " - Speaking of the prohibition bl'.I Mr. .THlett said that the bill a drawn by Senator Weakley of'A! kama-W'aJrUghtnd.r.l (' less1 be modified before., its pass... is' secured) but that a ' strong pro hibition bill, will pass. Of Mr. Bryan and his personality he was most enthusiastic and said that' Mr. Bryan'a audience were re strained with much difficulty . from continued applause even within the stately and ecclesiastical wallg ot the First Baptists churchof Ral- Sigh. " ! " Mr.V Tillett's greatest ' measure of praise however was reserved . for North Carolina's governor, Thomas Walter BIckett. ' Ot the inaugura tion address he said," "It was count ed among1 the great ' inauguration speeches' of the State; and few if any criticisms have been made " of any measures which Mr "BIckett proposed." : ' Pupils Driven f- 4r C-avw-f lard Jackson; Clarence Pritchard; David Straughanj Archie Turnflr. , MRS ETHERIDGE, TEACHER: Margaret , Conneryi Susie ' Edna Morrisette; Julia Sawyer; tva Mae : sprulli;. Martha White; Mar vin Cartwright; "toward Jackson; LeRoy Tillitt. THIRD GRADES The building . was totally destroy ed and most" of their" personal be longings lost, but no one was in Jured, ',.-" , ',;(' f. SALE BEGINS THURSDAY The big Muslin , Underwear Sale of the 8. R. Biff Comnanv ' hesrtns MM MARSHALL ,TEACHEIl:-i 71n4If January ,I8th and., lasts Winn us t,a wiiu wsuf . yeiiiui ui- known Dove OUvla Benton; Katie Carter; , Viv ian Copeland; ... Roth Gasklns Wal ter BetU; Frank Homer; vThomas Jennings; , Ernest Williams, MISS FEREBEE. TEACHER: Katherine Davis; Sarah Helen Lew Is; Annie Midgettf Eunice Over man; Mary Tarkington; , Elizabeth' Williams; Mary Whit .Winslow; Laurence Aydlett; Charlie Price; Edward Duntan. , . MRS. SKINNER,' ..TEACHER: Minnie Lee Brockett; Lydia Craw ford;' Camilla JennetteLurlle jen nette; Mary Louise Jones; Mary Meekins; Bonnie j Parks: Ada Pal mer; Margaret W. 8awyer; Ma Kgaret E. Sawyer, ' Annie Seeley, Camilla Hobklns; MarJorie Skin ner; Elisabeth Thompson.; Louise White; Lillian Wllklns; Carroll Abbott; Vernon Chappell; Walter Cobdo!; Kennedy IIots!; V - ferlngs in the v well Dove UnJeTmuBllns are. noted for thejr exqulslt trimmings and sheer fabrics and at thli irIa will nln a reputation also for their moderate prices. ' .... To offer something better., than the average, this . Is the ... idea of the S. R. Slff' Company when it advertises i Sale or a' Bargain, and shoppers will be delighted to find, at this sale the most satisfying bargains to be . had ( anywhere in undermuslins. . ." df IVES MOTHERHEAD Moyock, Jan. M6 Mr. Tennyson A. Ives and Miss; Minnie Me" head, both ef rrinco r , Vi.,