Hine Americans Involved lDior In Raider's Activities According to State Department Dis- patch keceived From Consul : AtrPernambuco RADNORSHIRE TELLS STORY Log of Victim Ship Gives Inter esting Details bfJRaiderV Action CopywHflht 1917 United Preee .Washington, Jan. 19 Nine Amer leans were Involved In the German raider", activities in' the South At lantic, .according to a State Depart ment, dispatch from Consul Stewart 'at Pernambuoo. i Buenog Aires,1 Jan. 19. The Ger man' raider ia still-at large If this morning's reports from Rio De Jan eiro are correct. k ' i She .' has Increased her scoite of -merchantmen victims by gix, and It is thought that she la hot alone in ' her depredations, .but .has transform . ed one.br moie of her prizes into raiders likeberself. - Meantime the "greatest, of . sea hunts ia on in the ; South ' Atlantic. The Relief grows that, thje raider is In the Moewe. . TOOK MOVIES OF VICTIM3 The 1 log of the victim, Radnor shire, showed, that the Raider took moving pictures of her sinking vic tims . She had ' a consort, appar ent!? a, captured ship manned by a Oerman crew. ,' She confined the Radnorshire's rew under the decks for 'five days, with Hindoo and roughnecks, but gave orders to spare al passengers -, and all vessels carrying Urge car- She sent the Hudson Mara as a prlsc-n ship off to Pernambuco ith barely enough water and" food for the crew and passengers . . She sank-' the vessels by explod ing, bombs on either side. HEAL ETATE VERY ACTIVE Register orDeeds J. W." Munden Is known far and wide as a busy man and he has never "been quite Vo busy ag one find him these days. That statement naturally brings the question. "How manycoaples has tie Issued license " for this month T The answer to' that In the words of Mr.-Munden .himself Is "Fewer than in any January since I have teetu in office.".1 Mr, Munden is , busy these days recording deeds, deeds of trust and so on. Real es tate has probably never been so active In the history of the county, especially ruraj real estate. Farm ers are being offered such fancy - prices for their lands that numbers Of them are selling out and put ting ' their' money In- the "bank . s There it will stay 'on interest' awaiting what the farmer regards .an attractive investment opportuni- NEW FIRM AT OLD 8TAND , The new insurance flrm' Grlce Whlihiirst Agency, Inc., will occupy the nnnrters formerly nsed by , C, Fright, JAweler on Tolndexter " itit - '' "..". Mr. Bright moved to' the,IIinton Building aext to'' the . pnstofflce In ' November.".' J R Wilder of "Shlloh was In th clty Friday on buhlness. r' -l . - ' -;i of OH Trap Save Time On Congressmen (Cy United Press) Washington, Jan. 19 The Roose veltian practice of teeing a maxi mum number of Congressmen in a minimum space of time, has been adopted by President Wilson. Mem bers of Congress arent very keen about the new .system. Instead , of "going . la A Individually, and, spending from five minutes to half an hour with the President" alone, Representatives and Sena tors go in a group of from three to twenty, Roosevelt adopted this practice when he was president. The President passes from one to the other disposing of all of, them In jig time, as" compared) with the old system, v In addition the President sees his callers now in the afternoon making it even more difficult for Congressmen to get In for they have to leave the floor of the cap itol in ,prder To 'confer with the Ex ecutive. . ' " But the President Is behind In his' work and he has to clear up his callers quickly in order to get to the stack of government papers piled high on Ms desk. s Here Saturday . Mr. R. J.t McDonald who 14 In charge of the . Raleigh , Playgrounds la to be Jn Elizabeth City Saturday The general public la invited es pecially to - the - High .' School Grounds where there will be gath ered between 400 and 600 of. the boy and girls with whom Mr. Mc Donald. will demonstrate some ot the work that can be" done on the playground to make the boys and girls happier and healthier. 4 Mr. McDonald has the reputation of being one of the foremost Play ground Directors ; la the country and It ia hoped that the Interest of the parents will be shown by their presence. - FASCIOATJOfl OF THE WHITE SftLE A VOYAGE OF THE GOOD SHIP ECONOMY, OVER THE WAVES OF WHITE JOBS Plllllllll 'ill SAVINGS . BANK ENLARGES QUARTERS The Savlnga Bank and Trust Com pany i8 enlarging Its quarters, add Ing .half of the. store room formerly used by Fowler and Compkny for their Jewelry Department. Fowler and . Company will keep the passage way and the other half of the room selling out' their jewel ry department gradually and using the Polndexter display window and passage way as, a , convenience, ; for shoppers who wish to get to the main store without going around to Water street. .' Work has begun on remodeling and the Savings .' Bank will soon greet its increasing number of cus tomers with a "new front" and more adequate room for its grow ing business. r MAY ADO FOUR CITIE8 (By United Press) Toledo, O., Jan, 19 Four more citlea may, be, added to the sixteen represented in the National Ama teur Baseball Federation,'; which op ened its second annual - meeting here today. ' The tour desiring admission are Washington, , Richmond, - Memphis and Baltimore. ' " The federation will divide Its territory into four sections of five clubs each, known as the eastern, central, western and southern : di-' visions. , ,. . The. cities now represented' in this parent body of amateur base ball are Johnstown, , PitBbnrgh, Akron, Canton, Dayton Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Toledo. De trnit, ' Chlciifto, Louisville, ' D.'."ns, l1,-q Jl'iiinBH, Birmingham, end Now By MARGARET MASON .(Written for the United Press). With mines andyt Boats acting up, - This much jconsoleth me: -Since I can't' go to sea to sail, I'll go to sale to sea. New York, Jan. 19 If you still have a little money left after. Xmas and New Years dot -worry, ox won't have "it" after t&e Jarfcry white sales. . . - v - In nautical tactics they spsak of trimming the sails but In shopping tactics it la the sales that trim you Fortunately, however, ag you note 'the set of a washable satin chemise in the privacy of your boudoir mir ror you have the consplation of knowing that they trim yea in more ways' than one. January white sales have become as established a custom in all the pest shops as Furniture sales in "August. I don't quite, eee ' how they have the face to call them white sales anymore however.- The daring cut of some of the- newest lingerie has . certainly caused a blushing pinkness to .prevail and the alleged white sale Is no longer pure white or pure or. white." Things ar beginning" to look A bit black for the white ssJe What with all the present erase for thhe black Chantilly lingerie, c noboddy would ever be afraid te go to pod In the dark if 'it was In one of the exquisite new black Chantilly nigh tes. They are almost as light as they are dark anyway, if not more so. A streak of yellow often appears on the purest silk combinations and mauve, cerise and Copenhagen dis rupt" the pink perfection of many a combination and chemise. For those ; that have pfnk silk yearnings and only pink cotton earn ings the pink batste lingerie this season is really lovely Isaw a bird of , a pair of pink wash crepe pajamas dotted all over - with love ly blue birds and a pink ertpe nightie covered with blue and white butterflies that Was decidedly a fly little garment The whte sales 'not only offers covering for your back but for your .bed and' board as well. The linen sheets hemstiched em broidered, tnonagramed and . inset with laces are marked down suffici ently to tempt the -tightest set: of, tight wads and. as for the table lin en well no one can resist it. Either your table linen must -be ' chastely and elagantly plain or it must be profusely and lavishly or nate You can see that 'at the. first glimpse at the wL'ite sales The war time reneloper'in Bel Kium , and . France ar6 busy turning out -gonsamer faces and umbrodlers while their war' lords are away, The results are table cloths, doiles, liinch cloths, napkins and luncheon sets that are fairy Hke in .their "fragile beutls. Over Colored clofh of sat in .those lacrg and embroidery wtMlts of art show to advantage at ANCIENT LANDMARK AFTER MANY ' " NARROW - ESCAPES GOES" UP IN,. . FLAMS(i AT ABOUT MIOMGHT A charred framework of standing timber is aU that is , left of the plant of the Pailin Milling Compa ny on Water street which was - de stroyed by fire Thursday, night' be tween midnight and one o'clock. The ; jingle of the telephone at. Mr. A. S . Neals . residence on church street brought him news of the fire at fifteen ' minutes to twelve o'clock. The alarm was turned in a few minutes later. ; By the time Mr, ' Neal reached the scene the entire building which was an old woodenj)ne, was wrapp ed in flames and it went up in smoke like a tinder box. "Powder could not have burned quicker" said Mr. JJeal next morn ing. 'The loss Including the stock of grain and feed on hand, is estimat edat $10,000, which was only part ially covered by insurance. . Mr Neal, who owned the stock on hand and " was operating the plant, estimates his individual loss $2,600 with insurance only to ap proximately one fourth that amount There was, no Insurance on the building or the machinery. The destruction of this . property by fire marks the passing of one of the: city's landmarks. The buHding was nearly half century oi4 .itad bad., ma ny . barrow . escapes from' fire whenv buildings on all sid es of It had been swept away. It formerly stood on Polndexter Btreerojn the site of the building now occupied by P. DeLon. W J Bryan In Indiana (By United Press) Indianapolis, Ind., Jan 19 Wil liam Jennings Bryan came to In-, dianapolis today to help the dry forces to abolish the saloons In the HooBler state. He will ad dress a ststewide gathering of dry democrats. ' 1 ' -i TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE1 It sounds too good to . be true that's what one man said when he heard that Weeks A Sawyer would would sacrifice their entire stock of men's shoes in the Whale ef a Sale. See thei ad for prices on the back page. adv. I a set color scheme. Just to carry but ttfae dolling out of the festive board a .step' farther,, centerpieces of gold and silver gause heavily em broidered in gold or silver threads are a brand new conceit. For more conservative and digni fied taste the, plain damask cloths, bordered in broad sati" , strips and monogramed In ' two . places with a stripe bordered monogramed nap kins to match cannot be improved., Of course an elaborate lace and em broidery piece is used in the center. A very original and artistic house wife. I know dresses her dining ta ble up for breakfast,, home cjfaners and informal luncheons in natural colored crash cloths hemstiched and marked in Chinesey monograms of blue , with napking done 'the same. With these distinctive cloths she uses a service of the blue and white Chinese Canton china,- Naturally she fans them made to order or makes" them herself and the white sales are showing "wond erful bargains In linen crash and natural linen by tho yard. ; - 'i ;.r Certainly with its smashing . of prices and crash by the yard It is no wonder evry female tlwn days bcnrsi find h"-U iha ra! , f ( , Senate Disaprovesol : Dr. Grayson's Prom Precedent Smashed fWben Pre ' dent's Friend and Physician Pace His 750 Colleagues Dr. Owen In Gates Co Beginning upon Monday, January 22nd, and continuing tor a period of eight days, Dr. F. D. Owen, the Federal Government" Inspector in charge of the hog cholera coopera tive work in North Carolina will in stitute a campaign in Gates county to assist the farmers of that county to control nog cholera. " . Statistics recently gathered by Dr Owen at the request cf the United States Department ,'of Agriculture show that Gates county has a total of 16 201 hogs, and the best availi ng figures for last year show that the fBrmers lost 4,050 hogs from cholera, or practically 25 per cent. If expressed in terms of dollars this means that Gates county . lost about $40,000 , tfom this one .prventabjle cause JUone ' ' ' ' - Dr, Owen will hold meetings .at the following places and dates, and every farmer, whether he has re cently lost swlnev or not, "should attend-the one nearest to him, for no one can tell at what farm cholesa will next appear. Monday, Jan. 22nd., Court House, Gatesvllle, 2 p.m. " Tueiday, Jan. 13rd., Roduco School House, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 24th. Reynold- son School House, S p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25th., Willeyton School House, 3 p.m. Friday, Jsn. 26., Parker School House, 2 p.m. 1 Monday, January 29th Drum Hill School house, 3 p. m. Wednesday January 31st Eure school house, 3 p. m. Tuesday January 30th Spring school house, 3 p. m. At these meetings the nature' of the disease will be . explained, and the methods by whijjh the ' United Statea Department of 'Agriculture has In the past controlled the di sease in other statea and counties will be fully gone into, and efforts made to secure the same results in Gates County. Also, Dr. Owen will come prepar ed to vaccinate the hogs of any one who desires the work done, provid ed he has Veen previously notified of the same and address of the owner, and. the., number . and weight of the animals. The owner will be required to pay for the serum ussd, but the services of Dr.' Owen will be free of charge. His' ad dress Is Elizabeth City,' N. C. , The cost of 'immunizing "' or vac cinating an animal depends upon its 'slxe, and tuns about" ten cents in pigs up to about 75 centg for the largest animals'. ' SAYS WATER SURVEY. Yi ; 1 WILL TAKE 603 YEARS , (By . United Press) . Washington ian. 19. A row expected in the Senate over the c flrmation' of the "President's pre tion of Dr, .Cary T Grayson, his ; sonal friend and physican, to t rank of pear Admiral. ; Tha cc matlon la expected to go thro: in spite of Republican oppo3itIors. . The promotion means the ov. -leaping' of several grades. , Thd recorda show tha Dr. Cr. .. on jumped above 75J men of wb 140 are in his own branch of t' medical service. - This is the lar. Jump on record with the pon. exception of military nromot!, . based on war distinctions, , PRESIDENT HURRIES CONGRJ The President wants Congrepa i) hurry its work. As ' some of tM senators have expressed' it, "t? s president is applying the Jash" 1; tlie attemp to prevent an extra e ton. .. . .. ,- Fpr two hours" today, 'PreslL i Wilson" urged the Senate "ste-c - committee to speed up In tb ( to avoii an extra session. When asked it failure to : railroad legiplatlon . would e '. tate an extra session, the Presld. t replied that, he never answered a hypothetical question. v Administration leaders are ienrj- tient with the leak InvesJgat:. i and say tha,t It is distracting frc.i the pursuit of more serious business. NO PROSPECTS PEACE There are no Immediate prospects of the President-making any op" i move in the International peso game. There appears to be notr':- that he can do at present. Accorl- Ing to officials, he is awaiUna- devt I- opment, and will , take no act! i that might be construed as but;: -in on the fuss. . President Wilson feels that r recent exchange, between this El ement and belligerents matrS.; -t dde4 momentum o th.8 peace t' cussions and that a .Uctless L:..' now ight. retard instead t,t yn- the coming of peace, It is bcliev; I inai ne wni, continue his confl.1 Hal soundipgs of belligerent coun tries in order to keen In intim-M touch w(th developments, bearing ci pence, ana work outplani for some form, of international sactlon t rA vent or at 'least limit fnti.r- nu iaite advantage of the first on. portunlt that arises tn ,t . Port to be illgerents fpr ihe pons!.!- oration or peace. The discussion to have ' a ionf ence on Monday . of international lawyers to discus, a league to en force peace is exnectaii ie the "proposition which, the Presidsnt may present the world as the pre ventative inst fu- ture wars. - GOT DEER IN DARE ' '' (By United Press) San Francisco, Jan. ISh It . will tak 603 yearr 4 to make a complete survey of the waters" of Alaska. California,' Washington and Oregon, according to . estimates - madp bv Supt, B., Lester "Jones of the, Uni ted, States Coast and Geodctio sur vey. The estimates are based on progress made -with he, present; fa duties It will take 333 years' to complete the ! survey of , Alaska water and .170 years to" chart ; the waters - of Washington. Ore.,'on and Calfornla, ,be Says. WANTED TaMn t.'-'Ws in rrl- Messrs . Tom ; Prltchard, Amos Owens and Sam Henderson have returned from . a successful deer hunt;in Dare Couniy.. ( They left last, .week for East Lake and re turned, . Wednesday,, having killed two dper Jn the trip. ; , . FIRST CATCH OF SHAD Messrs Tom - Owens and John Outlaw are. expecting fancy prices for twelve shad which they cau, ' t in Albemarls Bound Weduc and shipped to Northern nnrl.f-. This is the first catch of th0 f son reported here ' TH V.

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