f A i. . j ukw . i (i ', V """ 1 ( VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAIiC UNA, WEDIESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7, CI, ICO. C j olt From Clear Sky Falls Upon: Senate When Republican Senator, John D. k Works from California, Declares Opposifion to Break With Ger .many t ; - x - , V if . CBy united PwM' V ' 4 A f- '' Washlniston FebT-Beclajtag - , TTnfted t States . had "not been"neutraL. that Great Britain bad persistently- Violated the rights ,! tTnfted Atatea .on' 1 th high rtlfcaa. that the : United State , "borne Uee violations as If an ally " f Great' Britain, and that Germany lad no reason to feel ": friendly to 'tW TTnitfid Rtatee." Senator John ' T. Worke, 1 California , Republican, n tod ar voiced the flrmt opposition heard ta Conreae to ' President Wilson's severance of diplomatic - -relations with Germany " Admitting that Germany had vio- " anrfc-an rtehta tinder in ternational V law 5 Senator Works ..m "T rf t against this and -any other movement tending toward wV Aftrmanv ' tor no other ause than has yet been given 1 Senator Works': address :s'aw -;t ftu t f a.'elea (rtir? ' Ttie? Se- nate had exnected to: adopt , wfthont - jTfttPBt. Senstnr Stoftf " resolution endorsing V the '.'presidenrt": ."Action and the ftePUbHcnn had Joined the , -Tejf(Ocrata In pld1"f r-; anppbrt of the Ihdent'::. ":"'' :'V- Following t ii V severe criticism ' f Senator 'orks :t the, Prest denff", Taction 'Jn Bering relaUone irith Germany. Senator Stone of ; Missouri, leajleil Vt - his resolution ' askfng th? - Seriate'a . endorsement tf th bmk.' , an4 Jewressed the ope ; f that the American 'people would not .''be went oT their feet i by this propagarind adVanced J rnr" ,intowar.' -v-'.-? ' Seizor Lodre'of Ifaesaehnsetts declared flflt teh: "President did what wae demanded, by tha C honor and aafety ot( the United ' State; Re red the abo'Ulon of all party ' Vapk "to ahow the world that we are araited. ' WTlalon howa weak- eas." j 4 : '1 o" Hungpiryils r : Witlr Germany Amsterdam, Feb. - 7 Hungary ; trongly approVe- Germany . unr. ' vtrlcted gubmarine warfare. ,"' Count Stephen Tisila, " Count Apponyi and other leaders endorsed Germany's .policy in speeches (a parliament to day. '.. - ; . A" 1 If GOUl'hl SUPPROTS- fSESIIIT lISOi flRT SOUTH 'AMERICAN ' RE , PUBLIC TO .DEFINITELY , AN NOUNCE'i APPROVAL'! UNITED - I STATES; '- .-"''.V- ' t t ...... J . ,.-.L-;4 ,. i Buenos';: Aires, Feb... 7 BoJIYia will f support . President Wilson against- Germany, according to the Bolivian., Minister at llio Janerio. This is the - first - South American republle to definitely' announce ap proval off, the United States course. V. -I ' " . . . 1 " i Reserves To - v Be Ready 110 GALLED rnrin i n rullU II TI ! ininc I REAOY.TO TURnVoUTA Tt(oUd AND ONE-MAN SUBMARINES AND THREE '5 THOUSAND V; MO" TORS A DAY (By Unttod Press) . Washingten, Feb, 7--"0ne thous and one-jQan submarines," eighteen to twenty . feet : long, ; plus 'v three thousand motors, jl eaclt day says Henry Ford, canbe turned out v-In my Detroit factoiry in the event , of war.. " '.. -trf & : i,.f:.4i,4 Gerard Leaves 5 .!. .' ' : '-A. ?t '.V 'CBT' Ublted Press) v - &f I Xmsterdam, .;: Feb .' TAmbassador Gerard eipects to leave Berlin ' . on Sunday, according- to - Berlin dis patches received here." . - PiTV o;: t: ECCOIi'IBS C'LE GUEST8 ENTHUSIASTIC ' IN PRAISE OF THEIR HOST'S HO PITALITY , UNDER TRYING CONDITIONS 2 Killed On - I . - J, : ,. .. S . - . , ... , Saxoh-Britoh . (By United PressJi. Lbndbn,' Feb. 7 Two persona on the British steamer,' Saxon' Britton, were killed when the boat was sunk by torpedo. V t j . ' ,. the captain "end; fourteen of the crew janded. Twelve wire survlv or from the British "steamer, AiuL which la also reported aunk. . . The Brltlah steamers, Veitra and Crown Point are also reported sunk 8WIS8 MINISTER TAKES r" CHARGE. : . ' The Swiss Minister has' formally assumed charge of the German in terest in London' hitherto handled by the United States... . , To Call Home Munition Buyers ' : (By Unite4 Press) l New Tork. FehyrWeary in Is said, of paying high salaries 1 and getting vilow etflclencjrl. frpmV. Jhls staff ' of S09 munition buyern 7 with headquartera4 to v.'New' t York, Caar Nicholas is expected to order hst of themhome; within vthe next few days and ' put them' in the trenches at the front. ' 'The Russian 20V-: ernment.was extremely - displeased with the loss of nillllon,f dollars! In the Black Tom- Ktptoaion and Klngsland explosions., ,. The party who made the trip -to New Bern on the yacht ;MReferie" as the guests of Mr,. Charles jllar risoiVleavin' 'Wednesday Light with the expectation of ; ret. 'ning Friday morning but not in faii ar riving nntn the fojlowing Tu day, tell an tntrestln story of the aJyen inrea, with wind and storm enCo'un-. tared .on'rthelr trl. : T ; - ; -V i '.A never gkw before much less ex perienced ; ttCBx'-prether,t. aaid , one member .of the party; in describing' the;trip.X ff,3 V: v : The "Reverie" had good weather on the trip to New Bern and start ed .back' to Elizabeth City on Thurs day night, aa : ha been u planend . When the yacht got i, ln Pamlico' Bound, '' however, she , encountered such wind that her' captain thought it best to ' seek ebelter so he ran under .Bluff Shoal and .anchored. Friday morning the5 wind waa r In-' creasing in .violence and 1 the ; boat sought after; shelter in the : 'Neuse river,; S Saturday morning the "Reverie"" ran Into . harbor at Van demere, between the moutb of the Neuse and that of the Fanico riv er, for aupplies.; . After obtaining these, ahe beaded again' Intel ram'J co Sound but the Captain ' did not care, to visk crossing Brant Island Bar "urideil.the 'prevailing conditions of wind and tide, and the yacht gain , sought shelter . Caturday r- -f " ' ' : .. : - . . Sunday morning the supply of coal wa running, low and the Rev erie was run Into Belhaven, .thirty miles out of her , way,;; for fuel, Hardly: had ht ' got bck ' to t: the njouth of' the Pamlico river - when u cacuunierea iq worsi weatner of the trip; " gale, blowing $ miles per hbur, ;; and .-'which , once more drove her to shelter under. Caroon'a point where ahe lay ; tIU . Tuesday morning, , Later that same , morn ing the atft-jn U tos.t4fc "Beverle' aocaea ai aer wnarr . at , Elisabeth City, but even the, last leg of her Journey was ,not without difficulties for the boat encountered ice at the mouth of , the North River and was able to make her way. . through . It only after eonalderable effort , and 1T'. . ' '"'V.: The gueste ere ' aU enthnslastie in their praise of their host'e hoe pitallty tinder the trying conditions of the trip.- With their every need Bupp!ied, their every wish an ticipated and, with a cook '"whose perior is not to be found ' the United States," at their call, Mr. Harrison was stU! in person mak ing their comfort constantly his first concern. The guests leaving here were: Messrs J. H. Aydlett, A, F Toxey, J, B. j Ferebee. Mr. Harrison's brother, Claude Harrison, and " his father. W", j; Harrison; ?At New superior not to be found In the agent . of ; the Virginia-Carolina Transportation company, Joined the party. Before leaving Elisabeth City Mr.. Harrison ' presented Mr. Toxey and Mr,' Ferebee with ' $269.00 shot gun. Co-op erate For Pay Up Week Between) forty .and. fifty mer chants and 'business' me,n have agreed to Join in the observance of National Pay Up Week" n Elisabeth City and indications'' are that the movement will be well received. The. plana of campaign .are . being mapped out and directed , by the Chamber of Commerce and definite announcement of plans to insure its success may be looked for later, m Will Advertise Home Town ' .P' ; f i: V- K- t ..Thlis ' notice : hail been ; sent Keut I by 8cout - Executive H. H. 'Grogaa ot Washington, D. c.;, "Enormous crowds will atend the inauguration. Scouta will ' be needed to assist the police. In handling the crowds, ren der first raid, call ambulances, and act .as guides. The ' demands will be' t eater than can be met by the Washington 8couta i' alone. And they will heed the help of .every Scout V that , can posstdy g0. to "Waahihgtoiu". ; , Elliabeth City will be advertised by the fact that her scouts will be on the Job,; The troop flag will carry, the .name of the troop and the name of this cityt';-.; f, OLD DEBATE 11MIL13! ALREADY. MORS HIGH SCHOOLS ARE REGISTERED THAN OUR INQ U15 1916 SEASON i IT IS X ANNOUNCED'jS' -i'-.c'V ,;:.t t'h, 't Chapel Hill. Tebi 7-The icovx mlttee . of the High School Debat ing Union . at V the University , ' hat announced that ueT,,nhai debate for the Aycock Cup .will be "held here on April U, The ellmlna-' tlon contest will take place at us ual the night befcre. It'lt the plan this year to have a high school week with many kinds of athletic contest each as track meet and a tennis tonmament , ' Already more ' ' high schools are legist eredd for debate than during the whole of the 1111- 1911 season. The secretary baa col lected a large amount of material on both aides of f the 'goverhment ownership question, and ia ready to suply demands. A large amount of such" material has alread- been sent out ':. ' u. y-j.,M H i i Canada Adjourns ParUameht LAYDEN WARD .-- :.'.?J tt, U i Reported ; 5tnt tie Elizabeth - Clty NavalRef vje have 'received instructions io J" Jl. e2I guns i Jn' their c' tie In readiness for " '"' . the Norfolk Navy !' I r (''. V'-ff r-'f hn tsz"f Try To Sink v . v Interned Ships Washington; Feb. 5' 7 Because the government, discovered y evidence that the crews of Interned German ships, both at Manilla Bay. and ati Colon, Panama, were.. laying' ; plans to sink: these ' vessels in - order to obstruct the porta,-' the government hftg taken precautionary 'measures t4 prevent such action. ; No C r-r-'i ?:-V ls 1 i -?-.. 1 Mr.' Oliver D. - Uyden of Oklsko and Miss Effle May Ward o' Win Tall were married by Rev. ' Rufus Bradley at the Methddlst .parsonage on ' Ehringhaus street , Wednesday morning. " '-' ,V ," f f.i;- The groom is' the son of Mr. 'J. K, Layden of jDkiako, one of the county's most ' : prominent ''. farmers, and Is - himself : -aong the most successful younper. farmers , of 'his section . ' ,, lie Is well known herei t The bride is the' daughter of Mr Thomag:Ward of WInfall rand ia a member of a very prominent qulmans County family. V. WEATHER OR NO. Cloudy with rain late tonight tnn:'-- to snow Thnrsday morn!".-; 1 li (' ' 1 . (By tooltej Pressj ( '- .... . .. Ottawa Out., Feb. 7 The Cana dian Parliament Is expected to de clare a two month' vacation: begin ning today In order to. permit the Premier, Sir ' Robert - Borden, to gb to London for the- Imperial War Conference. i; The' Conference Is called tor the last of this month. The pCans ior . .the - Premier'e F de parture are,' naturally, kept secret. official nans m . LEST F.Tlt :".CT Ci I"' pn i' lull ... Like One Holding Ea tion of a Tremendous Explo:!c;i Though Ipthmg Has Yet K::: .t.:.r.,S,M FOURTH INSTITUTE ,no tnn nnnn nn IUU UUUW I MEETS AT CHAPELHILL FEB "12 -17 TO DISCUSS. PROBLEMS OP . .ROAD MAKING, AND UPKEEP IN NORTH CAROLINA1 1 " J . - , ... if-; , . . ,"" ' -';..'-. , j Chapel Hlli;Feb.; 7 The Fourth Road 1 Institute , of ..the State ,of North, Carolina will-' meet' at the U nlTerslty Feb. 02-17. 1917. (This: In- etitute is how suplying a Vital need aa the program j of v the coming meeting ' : shows 4 There has been a. steady Increase in ' attanddanoe. and those present at the iast mee lng represented f aH the various kinds : of official! Connected ' with road work-in NorthCarolinarroin the county commissioner, road com missioner," road enjlneer.'roadd sup erintenddent, ; road ' foreman 'and road trustoe to private' citizens Who n: t tt ,1 ri 1C Lett riiici.t. Senate Passes Dry Bill ; (By tnlled Press) ' Washington, Feb. 7-r-Senate pass ed dry bill for voteless ' District of Columbia. Territories ' committee recommended prohibition for"', vote 'ess Alaska and Hawaill j '' , s '"House ' Judiciary committee" ree? bmmended paisage of bill for con stitutional;; prohibition ' amendment' which mngt be' ratified .' by two thirds, off the House and Senate find three fourths of the States J; ' ', ' Mr. Percy Overman . has return ed to Kenfy after a" visit to his ' 't "r. f ! W. O.- OTST. At the first institute, March, 1914 24 counties Were represented, and 54 men attended. At the I second institute. 1915,' 89 attended,' and last year there .'were 127 , men from 4$ counties.' ..The committee In charge has ' tried to make the meeting as practical as possible, and in :many eases the lectures- are well flustrat ed. A free interchange 1 of Ideas and experlenoe ia regard to' road problemsln North Carolina, rather than a series of cot and dried lec tures has tMen sought after. Prac tical demonstrations will be 1 given regarding , maintenance and apkeep of highways, the use of the various road machines, etc. The staff of in struction Include not only' men of the University but men of experl enoe and high reputation from other states and from various counties in North Carolina. Time will be given for thorough discussion ot each subject ' There will be exhibits of road machinery, road materials, road tn'P instruments and charts, while outdoor Instruction - in meth ods of maintenance will be given; The University plans . to arrange matters of room and boardfor those who sttend. (jjome of the problems which come up tor discussion at the vari ous meetinr of the Road Administra tion and Organization, Malnteannce and Repair f,f Roadde, Roads Loca tion and Construction, Road Surfac ing Maferlnis, and Reports on Road Work. . There are in all 35 officers of Instruction on the program.' , : ,. .... , , .. - Merchant's Son Weds Artist's Daughte1 . . ft.- ' - . 4, -r? (By United Prml Feb. 7,- Jupid Misg Nancy did It Keene New York, again today. Perkins of ; Richmond,, . Vlrglna, neice of Mr. and Mrs Charles Dana Gibson, and Henry Marshall Field, son of. the late Marshall i Field, were married at tne uioson . notne In! East 127th street. Chlsweir : I), Langhorne 1 of ' Mirador, .Gtt.', Is thi new t Mrs , Field's f grandfather , : ? INSTALLING ;EW ' FIXTURES" , Weeks' k ' Sawyer1 this week' are installing .glass, front.' shirt , cabinets in , their store " id the Kramer build Ing.; The improvement, while- ad ding to the appearance and making powslijle a better display of wares, f.'-- 1-rr- 1 tte f.r-'f cupecity f Jow. pu!!-?!j t"t t ' ; - t (By United Press) 'Wtshiagton.. Feb. 7 The Ur.:- : States is noWweU wlthla the M. a ger " sone" la its relations to c many, r-'j .,.. , ? There is no' indkaUon f that t: - Imperial Oovernment intends moii fylng the 'program which .. brought on the break.'; At least this la tl3 view if foreign Secretary Zimmer as expressed In his utterance that he believe that Germany' will g j through with her- submarine cam- 1Mlin a ' ...... ,.. . .. , ru w u tun. : ' l .. . -" - ' ' ThK general situation ay be da scribed aa the "same as last Eat urflay. ::""t,y-,'';.J,: :.-,. 1 ' "Hoping stiU that no' . avert act wCl come,' neecssitatlng more vigor ous action on the part of the Unitel States," those mbstolosely associate! with Presideut Wilson feel that it is' merely ayatter of . time i before some U boat :'eommander; will ia the "over ; tealous discliarge of duty accomplish the fatal fact. ' They a-re fearful to0 that this country U lulled bv.a fal -0 vvf wa e-avuini Official Washington ; Is like one ho!dlng.hls.ear In anticipation' cf a tren en3ous e'lortoi. L L..j Lea I ...y 1 :.t tours 1 the, ordor-j for slaking - everytL.'.. ; in sight In the barred tone becama effective and nothing has happenct Mystery., continues- to : surround this'' government's course ' toward Austria which sent a note practi cally identical, ''to that of Germany. ; SHIPS NOT TO BE CONVOYED The State partment is x about to, make Its 'ruling for the Jutllzj or American snins. it ,beca!?' IMMMn lnA . TTJI. .LI.'. , ;r vuuvr luia rui.ij merchant ships wia not, be' convey-' U V Wear TVslslVisl. WILL TAKE ?; OVER WIRELECs' Emergency radio legislation, pr tiding for absolute government coa trol pf all wireless systems' In t1 UnUed v States . ,wlll t ; be ; rusisi through in the, event of lnternatlaa-1 al troable, Chairman Alexander c2 the House Merchant Marina Com mittee stated today. ; Was In Employ Of kockefeller (By United Press) Buenos Aires, Fb..,v7 Minister of Agriculture. Rueyrredon' Is f be lng .pounded heavily by ", the anti administration ' newspaper here be cause he was . legal ; advisor r ia Argintlna tor the Standard Oil Com pany, up. to the time of his appoint ment to the President's prtgoyen's cabinet. '-.V4:' ' -fni' ' The 'care 'and development . . of the country's ' olj resources are ment of agriculture. The T Stan dard is suspected of wanting to se cure' possession ot the 'government. owned commodore Rlvadavuv . ou , fields . -' Critics ot the ' administra tion ay this is a bad combination of circumstances. - Dr Rueyrredon is W longer on the Rockefeller pay roll, r ' .. . .:!- Builders Meet At Chica rr: Clilcago,-Feb. 7 Engineers, arc! tects, ; building and 'rf material 4 m lumber dealers, contractor r building machinery w men from parte 0f th United States gat here today to hold conver slmn'ltaneoijsly with the t!t r

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