VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15.1917 NO.' STARS AND STRIPES FURLED IK BELGIUM Brand Whitlock Ordered to Lower Flag of American Legation at Brussels strained Relations : costkue And at any ;MomentBreakin Mdv. dome 7 in View nf .;. , j , y , - - - , -w ft. Official Washington A By ROBERT J. BENDER Unlted Presa Staff (Correspondent) mshlngton. Feb. 15 The near peaceful ; relations with, i Germany were' stretched to the napping i i a- xtr. MnvvAwnm ant mntkiv point WBtin IU1B (ummiuvu vw.. ed confirmation from the legation at Brussels of the newg that Brand ' mmock,;? American Minister : .to Belgium, had been forced to lower the Stare and Stripes. This con' Urination brought tne unuea eiatee Immediately nearer ; to . open hostlll , Offlclals Ie.fed ;tht !cVasJptt, v stttutlna , a" possible, affront and onsidered ,ltj nother in Jhe rapidly accumulating Infringements, upon American rights. They y. admitted r marines sojM to-; make ,;the most effective strike t America In case - "' T-. ta. ! a -rnvA aA Alan si Aft OI, War, , ii id i mu w . expedient to ' cain; time" while Ger- -many financed the peace mfere ment in America and got Actionljn ibis direction. , i ; . ' V- nrvli tin., la hslnor era I nail fin many. tests t thevefflclency ..ot, .her Submarine warfare.; Jf "unsuccessful she tninks ene.wiu-De 7.oe w TOT1aAn w will BtOD. If YOU Will ".make peace.;, f ?. J. Gerara, ,. iorwanung . mis . - warms over the sea, used a news agency n' order to mould public; opinion; Same ' weeks ago Gerard complained . to 5 the lorelgn Office that ' Geramns were searching the .wltes jot Amer ican consuls V at the border., "t Warnemund. the" wives' or ,A three American t consuls) were I totally.) strip pod, bathed , and ; , examined .4 Inter- HSLllJ Because lunpwiou ui vr- 11 I T HIS OF 111 -t-t" v j RIGOROUS , RULE Treed from 0P'5 GERMAN- CENSOR UNITED 4 P'n, E'S 8- CORRESPONDENT - TELLS INTERESTING STORY None Tying documents American "c6nsulB haye"' Berne since the arrival, of hassy train. , of the reached the em- IS y GE PLAYS FOR Ilil (WHILE SHE TESTS HER 8UBMA- RINE WARFARE AND 6E3SEM- tNATES PEACE PROPOGANDA ' IN AMERICA I : :6jfCARi:.SL, ACkERMAN Z ,(United ,Preu8 Staff Correspondent) . Wits, Gerard at Berne, Feb. 15 German (Censorship J eliminated " the joker. la ilthf-ext,. of .the -treaty which German - officials I demanded Gerard 4 - sign, lUratonlng - thaj 4they wou'd hold American corres pondenMi 9 postages ;j It was thai German ships should not be -forced to 1 leave American harbors ' CARL S. ACKERMAN . (Copyright,, 1917,. United Press) Paris,' Feb".,' 1& Warning against the dual menace of German subma rine activities . In ; American ' waters and against German peace propagan ' da which may realy be a play fot time ' was , sounded ', ' today Jby ,-th'e situation at Berlin. - " 'Germany's attempt- to. negotiate orders , tnrougnout tae Swiss Mm- 7 ister Is viewed as an attempt to forestall action- by Wifaon; until Germany "could dispose of her sub tBot it clearly showed the intent oi Germany. Whitlock wajefusad communlca iion with War n and American Belgian Relifi, Workers were" d talned. - :": --v ; The message hinted . that soon ether facts . would be received -which might bring about a . de mand for errtacatlon at once. unless .granted safe conduct from Germa ny's enemies and permitted tp re tunc to Germany or some" neutrai .V. Oher real developtasnts ' conceal ed by censorship In recent montht were anti-American-speeches at the Reichtag, .antl-Wjlson andi 7 antl-Ge rard propaganda financed hy prom inent German leaders, cilery attacks by Streaseman and . Heydebrand -on the President, and . tba" frequent statements of , army, and ; navy offl cials that the United States might as, well, enter the , war because she uaa airoaay vuuwa uerM;ii vanuu" The attitude of the foreign office Just before . Gerard ,;''left Berlin was that Americans ( are very eici table and If ' Germany' could con trol all dlapatches for a tew ;3ays Americans would , "forget, all j -about the submarine blockade ' and .bring pressure to bear onWUson"' to.Vre main neutral." , - ! Before! Gerard- left" Germany 'he was' requested "not j to allow 'news papermen accompanying him tcy tel egraph . v anything "'except ; news which the . Berlin censors might a prove.i ' .: -j-f.J The, output of "munitions his dou bled since Hindenburg has htfen In command. . Everv, one - lg making war jW. pupplies. 4 i s Hindenburg1! dream of seperate peace ,1s dwlnd ling and. the Germans '. are united against, the expected great offen elve of the enemyr. v Offlcla( say that ' this is the ; last ; , char.ee tO win or lose,, and that .when It if over the BOolaPst peace leaden will again, force themselves for Following the' striking of the Lym Lan M Law, ; which . has been ; declar ed an "Illegal act , there seems today -ifti'o tope' ' that " hostCitleg can do avoided . s , However, one group of administration leaders con tend that the Incident-may not end critically, as Whitlock ' Iimay have been merely requested to lower the flag.- - -' ' " ' 1 The Lyman taw, American schooner, was sunk, .yesterday In the Mediterranean by an Austrian submarine. No - lives were lost and the vessel apparently was warn e1. FLin SEGHIO III Ml G!TY CHICAGO LANDLORDS . TAKING STEPS: TO DRAW COLOR LINE Report Bill Favorably Waahino'tcn, Feb," 15 The TCebt Bl for. National Prohibltlo- ( with amendment was reported ' favorably IN BEST MENT8 V' v. CHICAGO -APART-, x9 the House today. S (By United Press) Chicago, - Feb. 15 Solution of the race segregation problem, ' m&de acute";?!: la.r'rnt'T-naonthi by the steady influx of southern ne groea, s the tlm of - action taken today ty -.representatives of . the owners of SO.000 of the 100,000 bet ter class apartments . In , Chicago. -Segregation atatutes, , ' slmlla tc 'the. one lnitorce in St. Louis, will be Invoked. ; - "We believe the In terests kof. Chicago demand that, -the white , people, shall ,ot enroacb, .up. on the colored or the ycoiored upon the .white", 1, (cj.J Ackley, rjnem ber of 1 the comm.Ittje appointed - to perfect plana, for immedlate action, aaid,4'Therefore iwe strongly urge the segregation" of' the races. . Ac tion taken to St, ..Louis' recently has been decreed constitutional, by the supreme court . It Is perhaps the greatest piece of .racial , legisla tion since the fourteenth amend ment." The real estate ' men have also determined upon " May -1 as the date for a general 15 pei' cent increase in all Chicago tals. ; -'' FR Ef I Gil C 0 H S ER VE NATION -..TAKES, . ANOTHER NOTCH IN" BELT TH AT WASTES i OF WAR MAY", NOT " DEPLETE HER RESOURCES BETSY -IS CATCHIN IE E:PAWP.Si:: Merchants Co-operating in Move mentlnyian r to Pass Prosperity ground ren- BnlOBE SPAilS . -COLULIQIA RIVER inter-stAte' TRJCTl)Rt rfFOUR MILES LONG' OPFN T6 TRAF FIC WITH 1' BIG CELEBRA. (By United PresgM;j . Vancouver,- Washington, . Feb In a din of " steamboat 15- whistles, clanging belle i an I cheers" ; from thousands of spectators, the new $1 Tfibjppo vlnteratiteu . hridge between Oreigon ' and ; Washington was open ed today. The. structure Is" one of the largest in .the world, four miles including approaches ' It spans the Columbia river between Vancouver and Multnomah ' counties, a tern miles 'from Portland. When ' the great central drawer was powered into' "placed today ; 4' street4. Car crowded with 1 officials 'and noted visitors, slowly crossed;": That was a signal for an outburst of noise such aj-tbe, Columbia never By WILBUR 8. FORREST T (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris," Feb., f 16 France i hitched its belt a notch tighter today and smilingly accepted ' the restrictions placed, on meals by. the government beginning witi breakfast. There in France foBowed the action of England and Ialy in conserving the food supply,. ' Dinners - in ' restau rants beginning-today ire restricted to hors d'oeuvres or .soup, - .two other dishes and cheese or' desert. Instead of the, sixty or sevent)! Items frbiji which ' French people have been- accustumed to . select their meals, ' the ; bill of fare r now is restricted -1 nine conalstng of one egg dish, two fish, three mea! and three -vegetable. .., v.i : ; The : public generally - recognises the. importance, of conserving , the atlopal food supply and; takes the government's action In good parti; S'he , restrictions apply, to. all estab Ishment8 where food la". jSold, . in (eluding clubs, hotels, boarding IIEI'J COHPHOII IISS.DEEII KM 1 BUSINESS BEGUN IN 1882 by C E KRAMER" AND ' LATE J. A. KRAMER CROWN TO PRESENT VOLUME BY EFFICIENT MAN ; AGEMENT5';'VJ"V;::..,:'' . .f . c ., v - :' n '' A new corporation has been form ed to take over . the planing mill business ' of Kramer Bros, ft Com pany and also the , stock . of 'the saw mill. ' '.; s-- : , ; The name of the new Company ' The ntfme of the new 'corporation is Kramer Brothers - Company,' and its directors are A. yL.' Kramer, J P Kramer. and F. K, Kramer. j The officers are A . K.f V Kramer president;', H. G.; Kramer, vice pres Ident ; J. . H . Kramer, secretary ; and F,( K Kramert .-treasurer, ; . . The ' property?, of, th.e: yj pining miljl and,., the stocky of the eaw ; mili ha; been--purchased y i;the iew ' company from the pld,- and) the- bu ' With dawnof Mondav morrJ. ( Febuary 19th,Pay-Up Week bo :! 1 In the United States of Amerk i, and more important sUH, la e:: beth City. Like Thrift Day,; which was cel brated a few weeks ago. this isn't -,an ordinary "spree", with clot 2 1 stores and closed banks, and t!.3 reckless expenditure of hard-earned savings. Indeed it's a combina ' Uon of "Sareity First"! Prepared ness", Good Business "efficiency", and so pnf through the "vocabulary of modern 2 terms . expressing iti welfare of the country. Friday's issue, of this paper botli a,emtweekly and the j daCy will carry the big double page advertiaa ment of Elizabeth : City firms oo-operatlng la' Pay-Up Week act! Titles, V ."-.' y.-VvVv. 1 v The ; windows'" " Of "; these" , same stores are dlsjfaylnr in attractively varied designs the placards and Slogan ,; of : PayUp - Wee. ' One TeaHy .needs to -see thies?. windows to catch the spirit of the movement They are most inviting and positive houses. v . Managers must,. submit bills, of sines., will' continue at the former mo iw uMt iv , mq, .BuiuurAuea j place or ousiness on martin street, in Tlr etcejrjrT Ioca- Or eerved; t., A. copy . of. .. thA re 1 Ud ' : , v- stnctioni must nang.in eacn p:ace. The order prohibits -absolutely all puddings and provides strict econ- The new company-will conduct a general retail and' wbolesa ' lum Saw iSllcilttAaa -. omy Of four, milk, exgs, sugar and . (.,",- , i,L. 4 aA 'JZ::: ! The planing mP.l of Kramer Bros e-steftuacsj Salad counts a course Unless served with other food i WAR ODDITIES heard befoW.A Vocessloar' of "-flag f f ' bedecked automobile, followed the car k arid anoth?r long line fof ma chines started -4t -the same time from the Washington ,flide. They passed in the middle. While tlje crowd was assembling an old weather beaten ' ferryboat, the ."Cily of Vancouver, slipped out - of t berth ott Its -laBt trip across-the Columbia. The brhjge-had super seeded it, ( ' Bravely adorned with- flags - and bunting, the litte craft chugged s!bwly under the central span, its funnel dwarfted by the towering steel framework,. Its whistle toot ed a horse farewell as it . bucked the' muddy Icurrent for ths last "time ; Today's ceremonies wfll be te peated more formally in June.. At that time Governor Lister, of. Wash ington and Governor ... Whitcomb of Oregon are( to . participate, deroga tions w.ill comQ ' from,; the . whole northwest, including . British ;, Colum bia, and if plans materialize a fuotilla of government, destroyers will -pass in review under the Cen tral span., ' ; .: ' t.. . v- ' ' . ward.11 Germany has been Inform ed ; that, the ' President represents the munitions interebts, but that Confess represents "the peop-'e and will not support war German pro pognndlsts iior- month have, been centering their effdrtg In convinc lnir- America thrt '. war is .; terrible on the theory that . Americans- are cowards and wUl back out of war. They were delighted at the refusal of other neutrafs to weak jr rela t'-"n a Wl!son urged. j London, Feb, 15 Five . inches . of live nerve from the newly amputa ted leg of one British Tommy was rushed across the city to another hospital and grafted onto the - ends of another broken nerve in another soldiers arm, The operation.- suo; oessfully repaired the circuit . -and the arm is rapidly becoming nor mal. "-Sj u;ir ! , UNION' MEETS AT MO YOCK r Following . Is fhe program of , the Camden-Currltuck Union ; fMeeting which will be He'.d April 27-29 , at Moyock Baptist Church :? ;. - FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH 11 A.M. Introductory Sermon- Rev.'E. J. Harrell. : , v. P. M. The Authority of the Church Covenant:. ", (a) As resides in the membership ;' collectively D. p. Harris f . (b) Involving the vowa ? of each one who enters Into the ' Cov enant N. H. Sheperd. ' SATURDAY , APRIL 28TH 10, A: M, TheScope .of the Cove nant. , , - - (a) The. support of the church as la.d down therein.' J;: K .Hen derson 'i . ' (b) Home religion . as : prescribed in the covenant W. j. , By- . . rum,. , Iv P. M. ( (c) Conduct before the world as set forth' in the- covenant S. -N. Hurst. . - , - , .(d) Our - obligations as set ' forth - in the covenant,: not , obviated , ; by any ,han? of location B. C.) Henlng. , ; , , . '; SUNDAY APRIL; 29TH 11 A.; M. The Extension : of the Klnsdora of God to , the Utter most parts, of ( the !( Earth W. J, Byrum.".,, ';". ','X ' The. appointedypeakers are , . 0 ead - off m the . discussion . after which there will be given an op portunity to anyone who wishes to participate in any of the discuss to do se. ' s . . and Company was begun by O. IS. Kramer and the late J. A. Kramer fa ' mz, A.f K. Kramer and J. P. Kramer aferwards ' connecting, them selves with the business from' which the" Kramer Brothers Company was organized. The business' has- grown to its present volume through the efficient ' management and carefu. attention to business of ' the mem bers of, the firm. "; 1 The saw' mill of Kramef Bros" ' Company on Riverside ' Drive f was recently purchased !by D P ' White and several of the large , holdings of Kramer Bros ft COmpan were recently purchased by' D.- E; Wil liams at South Mills for Seligman Williams ft Ball. v r Shielding Shadow - - Again Friday Nigh1 Tonight at the AUcrama the at traction ? is 'vVThe Right Direction,' a '- new .'" Pappi-Paraomunt photo play in. hicrv.iVivlan Martin as "Polly" is a character of marvelous appeal. ' -pr i x::r-v;t p'i.ri. Cut adrift with lier little broth er, Billy Boy, she makes' a little mother of . such genuineness;, thai the heart interest touches , of - the baby . boy and the faithful tramp dog 'Rags'' form but a J dellghtul back ground to this wonderful char octerlzation. j -,'v ,j';..-. ,' On Friday ".-night .the Shielding Shadow, which failed to arrive last week, will be shown, and those who have ; been , following this "- interest ing story will have the opportunity of again picking up the thread- ' To Advertisers The double page, advertisement ot Pity-Up Week will apear In Friday's issue of the ' Daily "' Advance.' ' All merchants co-operating " in ' this movement are entitled to a '2 inch two coflumn "adv. " Any ! firms who have not sent' in their cop? for this adv. should do so at once No copy taken after eLjht o'clock stop J In iy Impel the passer-by to and 'Pay Un., ', i Just as ahe npulse to "give, gets hold of the Chrstmas shonDor in the midst' of holiday decoration the Idea permeates the mind -of t' . -down -town throng at this new tive season to "Pay Up" and. get stralghrwith ithe world. . -, I''tet's ; pass ",. : prosperity .around" is one t of . the . happy'; slogans . of , Pay Up Week andj the merchants themselves f are carrying this part of, the plan j;ven a step further ; than'the Pay Up, idea suggests.' In connection with paying . tip,., they , are offering "specials" during Pay , Up ; Week, , " Customers X ... paying back accounts may also , take , ad t vantage of nin and seasonable ban gains and thereby . profit doubly by; the deal.w. -;;'";"v'' ' ! "And- i SnHl t t ihia Mmi means something,'; ; said ; . one of the city's leading grocers as he handed ,1 advertisement .for Pay Up Week. , it means that the merchant is " selling below the mar-, ket pjice because he .bought early and wisely and tbe .customer, gets i Mil in reducing the' high cost, of living." , ; ? And so, the good work is ' begun, Elizabeth City's merchants have co operated in the 'great'- Nationa) Movement which .' was designed to work for the welfare of community state and country, ' , ' ' There Is needed, besides the' good will of the weather man,' the hear ty response of of town and coun try customers, ( ; ' . -'Ji'..-. ' ' eSSHNSMMMHSIMMMlMMMMMSI ' , ' ' , , ' Bluebird Feature , Friday Matinee . Tonight, program at i the ' Ne Theatre features "TheV Danger ;SignaT,; a' George KHene drama of, modern life with. Ruby Hoffman in! .Friday afternoon's, matinee will show a Bluebird feature, 'Bettina Loved a Soldier.' .. - ' Loved'a Soldier.' ' This'- play ia founded ' on the ' Saturday Evening Post story of 'Canavan' who had his Way', and the play ig said to have proved even than1 the story.' ' " more popular WEATHER OR NO Fair tonight and .; Friday wi' 'i tower temperatuies. , Strong sou' i winds shifting to northwest. Procrastination is the motbr t laventlon. .

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