A News Without, Bias ' Views Without . Prejudice The Onljr Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth Citr VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 24. 1917 NO. 48 To Attempt Daring Feat With Six Fast liners Tonight's Show At Alkrama Smashing of the GermaniSubmarine Blockade is Planned in New York Shipping Circles now New plan-shie- (By United Press) New York. Feb. L'4 An attempt to smash the German sul marine blockade by the use of six of the clggest and last -1 liners afloat as freighters between York and Liverpool has 'fen nud m . milin.' to !' I! I IS ill ping I'irc les today These fa t vessel, are c." mcd on as being ab in ! in I ti ' marines, and will also le armed for combat should submarines he encountered . The ships mentioned for this dar ing feat are fie Olympic, the Franc, The Aiquitania. the Alau retania, the liel:en!and and the Statendem . E LLOYD GEORGE VHCLB HEARTED RESPONSE TO PREMIERS PLAN FOR Rl C'O RESTRICTIVE MEASURES UNSTON F LIES BY SON I fly li.ited Pr.K3 I .on bit: Fed. :M Kngland stands a. .i si. id unit lu'liind Lloyd George Wholehearted approval of hit s ! r 1 1 1 restrict e measures outlin ed yesteiduv in the House of Com nions is e-pressed everywhere. Kdiinria'.s in some of the news- I papers i pre-seil the thought that he was a trille more pessimistic than the situation justifies . AMID BOOMING OF GUNS AND IMPRESSIVE MILI1..RY CERMO NY BODY IS LAID TO REST TO DAY (By Unli.d yn'ss) Han Francisco. Fid, 24- With im pressive military ceremonies the tody of fighting Fred Funston was laid to rest in the National Ceme tery in the Presidio today beside that of his little son, Arthur. The solemn booming of the min Ute guns, the clear hug e notes of taps and finally three crashing vol lies c of rifle fire over the grave, stirred the great assemblage of five thousand people San'Franciscau Was On Board (Br United Press) Washington, Feb. t Solomon Troizhe of San Francisco was on board the Norwegan steamer. Pden heim. when the ship was subma rined. Consul Frost at Queenslgwn reported today. All were raved. SIXTEEN KILLED III BIG uTTlEBICE NO CHAMPIONSHIP TIMBER IN TEAM THIS YEAR AND LAST YEAR'S PUNCH IS LACKING 1 V By H. C. HAMILTON (United Press Sta . Correspondent..) New York, Feb. LM The Brooklyn club of the National league, (ham pion of the circuit presided over by John K. Taner. approaches the dif flcultle3 of a new season in a very wabbly and uncertain condition Un!ess Charles li. Khbets or some Of his ball players weaken the Dod gers will present n strange front when they take the field; on th,e opening day. Also, there 1h u well founded be lief that Dave Fu'tz and his players etrlke will take a well aimed waj lop at Ebbets and his champions) unless everything is called off. The Dodeers are far from cham pionship timber this year, compared with the array of talent that will be thrown into the field by other clubs They would hae a hard time keep in.; the pace again"! the (Hants. Phillies and Itraves even wilh their fu'l strength out in th" open. The punch that carrb'd them into the z;m last yen- is lacking l.h.is print, for it doesn I carry sulli clent power. On first ease the linilgen will have .!a!-e tVuboit unli'ss li i- li'd'or si a s ntiw-H up In snrb b ' b" i t li t i .1 b can't piny ha I. His contrail, forced frm llili-'s d-trlin' tin- triub'nus days cf the Federal league, has another year to run nt a substan tial figure and he has little to f worry about for the . future. His ' health, has been decidedly bad of ' lat'ipever. ': ' MANY INJURED AND MORE FA T LITIES FEARED WHEN CUT OFF DISTRICTS ARE HEARD FROM (Bv United Press) Mobile, Fttb. "4.T Sixteen were killed and more than a hundred In jured in the Torndao that swept the (Julf States yesterday, accor ding to reports reaching here in the forenoon. It is feared that fat lilies will mount much higher when the dis ticts cut olT from conimunjication are heard from. Frederick vii Pi To Leave Today By United Press llalitax, Feb. L'4 - It is expected that the Frederick VIII bearing Am lissador Hernstorff will be allowed to proceed today. Program For New Theatre A big movie crowd is expected at the New Theatre tonight to see Violet Aler.-ereau in "Autumn." On Monday the popu'ar p'av I "liouglit and I ; i i I For will be I '.io n lea' uri i- Mice Brady. i Thine who have ali 'ii.lv seen the I j lay wil1 I e an - in a to see the picture a'.'ain in! tVn who r, lied to i i- 'he .''.v i' siio'v ;i bore w ill want In ! e ire i f not miss inir (his oppot t unit v . LOST Friday nkht between Krn mer's Mill and end of Creek Road., envelope marked W. A'. Jennlgns containing 15.' . Return to Kra mer' Mill or to Box 54, R F D3. The Lilliputian wedding given this afternoon by the ladies of t! s afternoon at the Alkrama by t Udies of City Road church at tracted a large crowd. The reg ular picture show In addition made the performance an unusually at tractive one Tonight's show features Wilfred Lucas with Bessie Love in "Hell to Pay." This is a deiiihtful story of the lumber camps, showing the hero &s a fighter and as a lover. and the little heroine as a real Briar Rose, by which name she is affec tionately called by the camp. S E TRIAL JUSTICE EXCEEDED POWER UPREMECOURT IN STATE VS. BURNETT HANDS DOWN DE CISION FOR DEFENDANT IE HERE I BETSEY POPULAR HOSTESS WITH MEN WHO KNOW WORTH OF CITIES BANKS AND BANKER" Faza'adli City gels the bankers in Group One next year. The bankers have not forgotten their welcome to this city on Lab or Dav of l!Ha. and the Home Town had no trouble in getting lis invitation accept d .again . Morover. they ch.o-ie rn Klizabeth City banker vice-president of the association. Mr. II. C Kramer, who ;i. cashier of the Savings Hank K- Trust Company has work ed ami w ati bed as his hank has grown by leaps and bounds from "The Uttle Hank Around the Cor ner" o "The BIO Bank Around thttCaraei'-dndeed to one of the Ittt-iest banks In the district. Mr. W. Gaither. cashier of the First National Hank of this city, has just retired as President of the association . The frequent choice of Klizabeth City as a meeting place and the re peated choice of Klizabeth City bankers as officers of the associa tion give a suggestion of the town's rank and the rank of lt3 banks in the First Consresslonal District. There are forty eight banks in this district, and thirty six are mem bers of Groupe One. North Caroli na Bankers Association. Credit Guide Is Abopted Mr L. T. Henderson went to Norfolk Saturday to confer with the Business Men's Credit Associa tion of that city. During the past ten days Mr. Henderson has enio'Ied the major ity of Klizabeth City's wholesale firms in the association and prac tically all of the retail firms. Tha professional men of the city have also responded favorably to the movement. The Credit Kxperlence Guide Is adopted as the official rat ing hook of members of the As sociation, which numbers more than fifty five members. DEBATERS ARE WILL MEET HERTFORD AND EDENTON IN APRIL AND EXPECT TO CARRY OFF HON ORS THIS YEAR 'a tii Man u'ar debale this yar C!irein e A hbv and (ieneva li'Mtl wi'l spe.ik on the negative . ' ; of lh urn r and ItlacU w ell v i ; and K .1 1 " n 1 i 11 .Inni"'. on the '. ., in., 1 t.i 1 1; K.i.ub th Ut y ', h- ..1 f"i : "abet b I 'ii . ; 1 e ! i v (lehat -r r,; go to l-ale"' 1;' tc. F,:7.a- 1 h CP n 's all.ra: Ine meters de aae Hertford In the F'Izalieth City High Schod auditorium. The debates wil1 le held early la April, and Elizabeth City ex1 pects to carry on the honon iJJh flying colors. By W T JOYNER (Member of the Raleigh Bar) Raleigh. N. C, February 23 The Supreme Court handed down Wed nesday afternoon, a decision that is of ,;reat interest to the towns and cities of the Stale. In the case of Swindell vs. the Town of Hel iiaven. Beaufort Count), the decis ion of the lower court was alarm ed ami the Supreme Court held thai a citv or town may Issue hor.ds for the construction of w.iiir .:,, 1 li :'t rie lifh's a id m ., e'age f 1 111 ., v. i! h"Ut ha v 1 11 : S'lbn; ii i ed ; 1:1 11 ii In 1 (v'ar a . . '1'hi i ! 1 1 ' ma has an imp n nt 1 : a 1. .:i.litiv,' iri of I ' l ! 1., pi lib"! siici It1'1 a I v t h it inn ; n i :,a les III ;glit Is ;ae h.c.ds ! r pale 'ie iiiiiil es. I in that th" bund j ,--lie must be s bniilted t' a 'le of the people. The lleei -cull tlls upon u general legislative Act of 1 ; 1 " that authorizes cities and towns to is.-ue bonds for lie. e-isary purposes, without a popular vote. The decision. iberei'ore, means that water work. eeitiie lie.bts and sewerage systems are munici pal necess.-iries and. Ilnrefore. 'lie ait of I'H'i as to these improve ments modlbi s Hie act of I'M 1 . The court states through Jiuko Ifrown. "But it is contended that the words "necessary expenses' in the act of I')).', reft"- nniy t() n,P current atyiual cxpi'nse of e. induct ing the municipal government and do not embrace such expenditures aR tho" made for dctrie Hglits. waterwoiks and sewerage, these being mere luxuries. Thev might have I een so regarded many years ago in I heir incipi ncy ; but the luxuries of one generation have become the necessities of another. What would have suf ficed for our ancestors would not begin to meet the needs of the twentieth century. These things naturally follow in the wake of an advancing civilization. t necessary expenses do not mean expenses for purposes absolutely necessary to the existence of a mu nicipality." bsoer fi ssea ip.i.afft! al. ( In the case of State vs. Kd Bur nette, appealed from Pasquotank, the Supreme Court has handed down another decision of much In terest to municipalities, as well as to the trial Justices or every de gree in the Stale. liurnelte was convicted of having liquor in his possession for sale and was sen tenced to a term on the roads Sentence was suspended on condi tion that be appear every three months to show good behavior. Al the end of the lisrl three months. he met the trial justice on (Hip street and was old that 'it was all right and he could go." Think ing that this excused him from any further appearand!, he failed to ap "pear at the end of the seyond three months, and soon thereafter was arrested, taken to the office of the trial justice and ordered to Jail to serve Out the original s"n!enoj wbii h was now put In force. He brought a writ of habeas corpus and the denial thereof was brought to the tSuprenie Court for review. That court holds that the Trial Justice had no power to declare that the conditio!" of the suspension had not I n fulfilled and to put In operation the sen tenee. without ti rut having called a tegular session of biK court nndhav I iiu' given the defendant an oppor I 1 unit to be heard in his defense lesiic" Brow e. wrllinr the opinp n I c, "II," Court line" 1 t as a id 1. nt merely th" individual ,1 ee , ill 1 i I V I v lo pi e , r 'I Th" 1!. i, d il I w;i I , , ;i pill'' i ' I I 1 ri n " ill tile : ' 1 ' i he has ci bad . " I ' 'Jl" 'M':I jl'1 ' I " it ill" cu.:e is that the eoiwt al'lrniB the power of a justice to suspend a sentence. Tim Supreme Court of the United Statea has re cency decided that ft federal Judge ha8 no power to suspend ,a son it n an i .1 !'! h'.. 10 , r 'I I ' ' I ,1 I,, ,;i I I ; ' I ' One 1 ' point., of tbi Filibuster Throvs Off All Disguise Today Repuplican Old Guard and Progres sives Say That Wilson Shall Not Shove Them Off the Doorstep E ALBERTSON iW IMPROVING 1 mil Ui will Is .llli; TO ope I at Inn rtseu 1 : K'.idj, 01 Jim,.,. ; in Ibis i il and .-,( -:a i I,, h'-ar t-iat lo 1 ' ' .' a ' senilis In- lan Saiii loiiua; at Rochester. I ..lii.i 1 sot.i. ,,l;d i'.i',t . in return to' Ids In me in. Seattle. Washington, j ie't week. 't hoagh under oing a er ( ri I ti"'l ti 'a ss during the past month, JiIiim ihertsoiL s physicians assure 1) i 111 that he will tecover entirely and have no return of the malady. Tin Seattle I 're s has been most apple, i.iti-.,. ,,r Se, itiles North Car aliiiiao recently and during lhls ill lie parlii i.lar.y. has had 111 11 Ii lo say l Judge A ! bet I sun's ability as a judge and i f his substantia t l,ai act r : i n 1 ii i.-eii (By United Pres, Washington, Feb. 24 The Repnb lican old guard, backed by th most progressive of Progresslrei, today cast aside all hint of di 1 guise and started anew on their , now admitted fill' lister which b j gun quietly yesterday . I The minorby are determined that i tin- "president is not going to ihOTt ! I Ii' ia of:' H ti'iniitiona; doors'ert and run il'faiis himse'f." BEGIN WORK ON PLAY SENIOR The High School seniors will de cfrlrTupon tnelr play next week and begin rehersa's as soon as pos sible. Th" pluy will hoi givn this year in April or early in May Instead of during the last week of school. thus preventing 1 (inflict with examinations. tenee. The slate courts have differed on this point; hut it is the Nortih Carolina ru e that our judges do have Inherent power to suspend a sentence, It remaining for the present case to qualify the power of puttjiig the sentence Into operation again. State vs. Coon MiClammery. ap pealed from Wilkes county presents the unusual situation of a court refusing to agree with counsel in the concession of a case to the op ponent. The defendant, a negro, the only one in is section ai indicted lor fornication and adul tery with a white woman and wbh convicted upon cin tnnstanUnl evi dence. He appealed mid counsel for the slate, in their brief on the appeal, expressly admit (hat. In their opinion, the evidence is not sutlli ieni in support the conviction and, therefore, do not ask the Su preme Cort to sust iin It But the court refuses to a lee wilh tills opinion of counsel and ho'ds that In it,s opinion, the evident o Is suf ficient to sustain a conv'jet ion . Thus the action of the court wenjt beyond what, was desj,ed by coun sel for either side of Hie case. Mann vs. Man. appeal from Hyde County, decides a iieslion of Interest to all. one about which there has been nome doubt, namely, thai a widow who applies for and receives immediately her "year's h1 lowance" of $:!uu Iron' the estate of her licensed husband k not pre venled from later apphing for an other and an Increased allowance. If Ihe estate has proven to be sol vent and lo have a personal es- In I'M 1 ss of of $".111111 en Stale vs. "olin W. Cu'lege. oiivi, I ion of Hi" Pre .ideal of Sou' horn Sa ini's Bank of The President k admltedly very much interested in the flllibuiter. He is reported as being perfecteljt willing that Ihe Republicans go 10 far as the like up to a certain point, hut if the fillbuste rderelopt the strength to make an extra ten ion certain, the President will mtk a personal effort to choke off what the Democrats claim Is n "fins-rant j attempt to embarnss the President ' in a delicate International situation I Senator Smoot of the Republcan Old (iuard admitted to the United Press today that ho was marshal ! ing the Republican forces of Con j gross for an uncompromising fill buster against the passage of all a administration legislation In a direct effort to frustrate the attempts 'to clothe the President with 'ufl limited power ln handling tb,e ln tertintloh'al situation. There are Indications, however, thai should the President abandon bis reported Intention of seeking further authority t deal with Ger many, the Republicans might cajl off their filibuster and permit th passage of tho administration' program . QUARTET SIB HI TOIH 1 I POPULARITY OF OLD FOLK V SONGS AND APPRECIATION OF RICH VOICE8 SHOWN Y LARGE CROWD FRIDAY NIGHT The Oak City Jubilee Quartett,' heard with so great pleasure at Roanoke Collegiate Institute Friday evening by a large crowd of whit and colored citizens, have agreed to sing at the Southern Hotel at seven o'clock this evening, and at Scott & Twlddy's luncheonett from 7 : no to !):o. Encore after encore gr.ied the singers Friday evening when their naturally rich and hai monloii,, yokes ran,? out ln the much loved old melodies "Steal Away". "Couldn't Hear NobO dy Pray", "Kverybody talks about Heaven Ain't Going There," "Hard Trials and Great Tribulations", and other familiar folk songs. Original compositions, Including "The Three Flies," were full of characteristic humor, and solos by the bass and tenor singers wer much enjoyed (OLD FASHIONED SPELLING BEE tnte In he the ..'! 1' d . I.'i her no ill i vs. V,I etn lie. I ' nr lit I It. nek. iizell v.. It Company, Godfrey vs. Norr t1' Foui lea n 1: . Washing! 01;. tm error L'habeth Cllv. I'iik- quotank, affirmed Gallop ft Fisher vs N. S. Co. & North Rivr Line, Pasquo-N lotion among young men today ii tank, no error. .' i : An old lasioned country school and spelling bee Thursday night Feb city Road church an entertainment will be gie run ry :"Mh, In nc . ' 1 ' iri. II pi. Ml". I I 'at, I bi est ing- pioirram hflS' hi, h wil' be unuoun- ATHCH OR NO Fair l uii'lif and Sunday. Colder tonight . 5 The? book with the largest circa- the book of Clgaret Paper.

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