News Without r t Bias' " Views "Without '''' Prejudice y. ""' k. 111. t ' '. -v It "!",- i"f '' Vi" "I . I V l r f VOL. 2 - 1 fcUZAfeETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 3, 1917, (Scrmany Admits ScntUng Messages Claims That She Was Justified tjy Ameaica's Previous Attitude and That America Did Same Thing. n ,'" tBy United Press i Berlin, March 3 Admission was made by Germany today that in structions were sent the German minister at Mexico City regarding the possibilities of Mexico's part i hostilities against the United 'States The admission was made In seml- ofllcial circles and surprise was ex TTpressed at how the American gov Yjernment obtained Its information X-oncerning instructions sent secretr Ur by Germany's diplomatic agents. The manner by which the informa- tlon came into possession of the i' United States i3 unknown but the source which admitted. the negotia tions expressed the belief that ap parently the treachery was commit ted on American soil. clims SHE WAS JUSTIFIED Amsterdam, March 3 Admitting " her effort to a;ign Japan and Mex ico with the Kaiser's government against the United States. Germany Justifies this attempt on the ground that she had a rUht - to take ouch precautions In view of fhe possibilities of war with Amer ica. A semiofficial source was quoted to this effect In Berlin dis patches today. Germany decided upon this step 's ttet" ter fleelsttw to rag '' lentless submarine warfare. She claims that she was implied to such a course by the previous atti tude of the American government and that subsequent developments Justified her course ZIMMERMAN SPEAKS Berlin, March 3 ForeUn Secre Zimmerman today justified G Imany's action In seeking to ally Meiico and Japan against the United States. Such a course, he said, was mere ly a defensive measure not to be carried out except, in case the United States declared war on .Germany. Moreover, he Raid, it could be no more caT'ed a plot than cou'd the report In the South American p'ipers that the United States was Keeking to line up the South American rftpubUqs In common action against Germany. Zimmerman commented that ' America's pro-Ally sympathies ) caused him to refrain from admlt- ) ting speciflcary the authorship of V the letter to the Mexican Ambassa ; -dor.: f'?'ff' Message Failed To Reach Mexico (By Unitod Press) New York, March, 3 Mexico has not received any proposition of Ger man alliance, Foreign Minister An guLar telegraphed the United Press today. JAPAN MAKES DENIAL Janpan'sdenial of receiving such a proposition was received last night from the Japaneg foreign min ister at Tokio. JURY LIT MARCH TERM MajorJHeiberg KilledlThursdry (By United Press) . Home, March 4 Major Heiberg, an American military attache of the Rome embassy, was killed Thursday at the Carse front, fall ing from his horse. Suffragists Elect X'fTiXliiA. a. T 1 lYiiiiiaui L,eauei The following Is the Jury List for Pasquotank County, Term of Superior Court, beginning March 191(11.1917. . J. G. Palmer 2 C. L. Zieler ".Evan Ives 4. W. B. Ne'wbern 5. Elihu Onley, 6. J. T. Coppersmith 7. J. A. Twlddy 8. A. L. Turner 9. J. H. Sawyer 10. Thomas Norria 12. E. M. Cot ' lo. J. P. Eves 14. G. L. Pritcuard 15. Z. C. Duncan 16. V. M. Hughes 17. S.- I.. Cohoon 18. F. P. Hopkins 19. W. H. Simpson 20. Herbert Sawyer. 21. H. W. Morrisette 22. L. B. Pool 23. J. N. Keaton 24. J. A. Saunders 25. H. P. Williams, 26 Offie Warden i 27 L. C. Hudson " 28. G. S. Davis ! " 29. -c-Mordecai Keaton 30. Wl!lie Aydlett 31. W. H. Scott 32. J. C. Thompson 33. R. ' Nix Morgan 34. T. N. Commiinfr 35. C. J. Ward 36. E. W. Gregory 37 T. R. Btherldge 38. J S. Rogers 39. J. W Wilcox 40. Herbert P. Smith 41 C. A. Sprulll 42. J. K. Matthews. sines Dili CHS Alt 'TV t f NEW ISSUt Of ONE DOLLAR BILLS MAKE A MAN SEEM RICHER THAN HE k . ' "When you count jour changa, look closely at your ona dollar bills, or yon may mlatake ona for A fiver," haa been the fdric seat out from the National ' Capitol alnca the new issue of on dollar bills appeared a few days ago. The first of this new Issue of one dollar bi'.ls arrivgd Nin Ellta- betih City this morning. They were received by the Savings Bank and Trust Company, and the many customers calling at this lank to day have been rewarded by having the opportunity to catch at least a gltmpae of these much talked of new bills. "They actually make you fee! richer than the ordinary kind" said one man who had gotten his first one today and was guarding It carefully from kill collectors and bankers. "The Savings Bank has a right to something of the pame feeling", replied his neighbor, "in that it has brought the first bills of the iasue to Elizabeth City." Tonight's Show $ At Alkratpa Timifiht'u show brinA to a close a week of the best shown ever shown in the city when the Alkra ma's program featute, Theda Bara in "The Serpent". One first class picture has followed another from night to night with mutlnees Tues day and Satuirdaj, untlt movie fans have come to say each cliiy, "Well, 4 Mr. Kramer ;;ivcs us the best that tan In- had." The lust show of 'I lie week has ijoen saved for the last how.-vrr, and in addition to tl is bii feature, a Musty Scoffer Coimdy wi 1 he shown. Plks Elect Officers t The local lode t of B y 0 Elks met Friday, night and elected the followlnii bfflcert: '8.. H. Johnsbn ' Exalted Huler; Q.B. tarterV eleemed Leading Kobt; J. . H. . krainer. Esteemed EyJ Knight; w! If. Foreman. Es tined Leetaring knight; J., If. irtin, Treasurer; D. Ony: Brock- ?tt. Secretary; U. B. Simpson, 'ller; T. P. Ntth, Trustes for three years; P. Sawyer, Repre sentative to Grand Lodge; 3. II. Harney, Ahermate Refreshments were enjoyed after the business meeting. Program For New Theatre On Saturday night everybody who wants to can see a good show, to relax from the strenuous work of the week and forget the every day worries. To-night's feature at the New Theatre. "The Greater Power," la a tense dramatic Ftory of vita! In terest and with an extraordinary cast). Besides this big feature. "Scrap pily Married". rnturiiiK the great Laug Manufacturers. Cale Henry and William Kianey. will be 0n the program . PEARL STREET METHODIST CHURCH YATES CIRCLE MEETS The YateB Circle of the Womans Misionary Society of Blackwell Mej niorial church will meet with Mrs. Sa'lie Harreli on Chesnut street, Sunday afternoon at three-thirty o'clock. Kach member is request ed to lie present. BETTERMENT SOCIETY MEETS SHOULD SEND IN RATINGS L T Henderson requests that all members of the Business Men's Credit Association send In their rat lngs immediately so that this work may be completed. Poplar Branch. Fc'-. 2S- T:iu Poplar Branch Betterment Society will mei't at the I. O. (). Hall' March Mli at 7: 3d o'clock instead of the afternoon. This is to be a Get-Together rrpting and every member is especially urged to bo present. Sunday School 10:00 a. in . Preach in. service 11;0U. Subject Winter Scenes. . The sacrament of the Lord s supin-r will be served ut the morning seivice, Kpworth l.eagut 7:00. Proachiug at 7:30. Subject Go forward The pastor, .Rev !f. il. Warren" Win flit the ptitpt at both ktv ices. fONGRESSjAljjpLlj! ) President Wili N6t &lxth 1 sion tti-ji$s&5m:. Billfaiis; of Passage ' J v APPROPRIATION MEASURES LOST a r ! t vr - First Work of New Congress Will -Be to Take up tiills Lost in the Ruck of Dying Congress. WILSON READY TOH ORDERS AMERICAN MERCHANTMEN WILL BE ARMED IMMEDIATE LY UPON MASSING OF BILL NO PRESENT INTENTION OF CONVOYING SHIPS FIRST METHODIST CHURCH The paMor. licv J. I.. CimninK' im. will occupy his pulpit, both morning and evening, service be ,?inninK a aerie of evangelistic ser mons. Tlie officers and members of the church are cspecialy urged to attend. The Sunday school will meet at 9:.'i) a. in. Kpworth League will meet at (i.4.r. PARSONAGE SOCIETY MEETS Moyock Briefs EVERTWOMAN'S MAGAZINE the new North Carolina Woman's magazine, Just out. Get your first , copy at Mellck's, 20 cents. Leave your year's subscription ($1) with Mrs Herbert Peele. Advance office1. (By United Press i Washington, March 3 Miss Alice Apul, militant suffragist leader, wag elected national chairman of the Amalgamated Congressional Union for Woman's suffrage at the National Woman's Party Conven tion here today. Her eleceion her alds a fight alon? more strenious lines. It Is believed. i s WANTED. Capable young man to work , In warehouse and'offlce. .N. O. Grandy & Company, Foot yof Tajlnews atreet. V anar l S I NOTICE The farm of E. P. Dailey deceas ed two and a half miles from Shi loh is to be sold for division at the Court House Door In Camden County for cash at public auction March 10th, 1917, at 11 o'clock. ..The farm contains 77 acres, more or less between 40 and 45 acres In cultivation. J. E. DAILY t0 mar 10 sw Ladles Bracelet Watch. Ster ling silver, guaranteed. 5 at Louis, Sellg's. Postage prepaid. Money back If . not satisfactory. Louis Sells, Tour Jewerer ' since 1882. tt Moyock, N. C, March 2nd.' Mrs. Bob Bowser left Monday for Blackstone, Va. Mrs. W. K. West and son, Mayn flrd. spent Wednesdty in Norfolk. Mrs. Moses Lee lg spending the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Flora. Mr. J. W. Poyner spent Wednes day In Norfo'k on business. Mr. Stewart Ballance spent Tues day at Snowden, N. C, with his parentis. Miss Eva Dagley who ha been very ill at her home is rapidly im proving. Mr. It. T. Poyner spent Tuesday In Elizabeth City. Miss Lena Power8 Is ill at her home at Northwest. It la hoped by all the students at Moyock that she will soon lie with them 'again and resume her studle;. The regular meeting of the Wom an's C ub wil' be held Friday after noon at three o'clock In the Acad emy. For the Club there will he a debate "Resolved that the fathers are more Interested in the school than the mothers. Miss Effle , Bal lance and Leola Lane are on the affirmative and Mr. Herbert Powers and Charlie Poyner are on the neg ative. The public Is invited. The Parsonage Society of City Road Church will meet with Mrs. M. (i. Morrisette Monday after noon at :i :io on North Road street. Every member is requested to be present . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. li. C. liening will preach at the mornlni; and evening service. His subject In the morning will be "Thinking Things Through." On Sunday evening his subject will be "Memory in EtVrnlty", this sermon bi Ing one of a series on the Doctrine of Last Things. The public 1 cordially invited. ROBERT J BENDER (United Press Ptaff Correspondent) Washington, March 8 Germany's acknowledgement of conspiracy to uligu Japan and Mexico aguinBt sitlon In the in the Senate t the Armed Neutrality bill. The meas lire was called up by Hitchcock Im mediate';,- after the disposal of routine business. The slate de partmenl ie it lie known that whilo "convoyiim" was diwcussed there was at present no intention of con voyin ships. The President but awaits the nu trority which will be given him before (he close of the day 'o nr:n mcrkun merchant ships. SIGNS BONE DRY BILL Tile President) has signed the P s?oH'.e appropriation bill 'car lug tin' In ii--dry ' provision . REVENUE BILL SIGNED Tlie Kcieii't- Hi 1 was signed !v t le i' :it todav . CARL D. GROAT -f, (United Pres3 taff Correspondent) , Washington, March 3 The S cond session ot the slxty-flourtH Congress will adjourn sine die at noon tomorrow. i' ' Adjournment may actually comi several hours after noon on 8UIK1 day, but the clocks will be stopped at noon. : No extra session wl'l oe held until June at thu earliest un!esi . International complications" mak( such a session necessary sooner The President will not call an Vt . tr i session unless Congress, falls to pass the armed neutrality bill. The first woVk of the next Con gresB will be to pass appropriation bills lost in the ruck of . dying Congress. ( the , Unltde States appears to have removed the last', estigett 'oppe-lvMt , wag believed this morning that HERTFORD ORGANIZES CREDIT ASSOCIATION BLACKWELL MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. D. P. Harris will at the Sunday evening for the pastor. Rev. I N. who is sick at his home on sylvanla Avenue. Herbert Peele will jtpeak at morning service. supply service Loftin, Penn- the CITY ROAD METHODIST . The pastor, Rev. C. H. Culbreth will occupy his pulpit fl( both ser vices tomorrow." The sacrament Of the Lord's supper will bp ad ministered at both services. The subject for the morning will be: What the young man saw near the church. The Sunday school will meet at 9:30 with C. R. Pugh as superintendent. The Epworth League will meet at 6:30."' The public' la cordially invited to attend these smicesVrv' "v Vvv- On Wednesday night the business and professional men of Hi rtford met at the court house with G. H. Rltter and P. R Trueblood, who are getting together data for the Credit Experience Guide in this section of the Stale, and formed the Business Men's Credit Associa tion of Hertford. The officers elected were: R. E. Brinn, president; H. T. Shannon house, secretary-treasurer; T. R. Wlnslow, vice president; M. F. Weeks, chairman of (he Executive board . The members of the association are: II. M. Morgan. Farmers Na tional Bank, J. Broughton and Bros. Hetrford Hardware & Sup ply Company, Brlnn Bros. R I) Elliott & Co., T. R. Wlnslow, Eastern Cotton Oil Co.. Rlddick (happen, H. T. Shannonhouse. White & Company, artl Southern Drug Company. Germany's admission of plots with Mexico against the United States would clinch the Republicans la' their determination to force an ex1 tra session. They he'd that th admission showed Germany's spirit of heedlessness In bringing on waf-' and that she was even desirous Of having the United States as a& enemy. ' ! i If they had carried out Jhls de termination President Wilson wa ready to absolve himself from fur . ther responsibility and place til -blame where It belonged. UNION MEETS AT MOYOCK 1'OR SALE Good Milk cow. Eight years old. Fresh April 1st. Lemuel Jennings, R F 1) ', Box 31 . WEATHER OR NO Rain tonight and colder. Sunday unsettled. . There's not a single ) hypocrft among all the worshipers at the shrine of the" god" of go?d. ; ;. Following is fhe program of the CaIn den Currituck Union Meeting which will be held April 27-29 at Moyock Elaptlst Church FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH 11 A. M. Introductory Sermon- Rev. E. J. Harreli. P. M. The Authority of the, Church Covenant: (a) As resides In the membership collectively D. P. Harris, (b) Involving the vows of each one who enters Into the Cov enant N. H. Sheperd. ATURDAV APRIL 28TH 10 . U. The Scope of the Core nant. (a) The support of the church tt laid down therein. J. K .Hen derson (b) Home religion as prescribed In the covenant W. J'. Bjr rum. 2: P. M. (c) Conduct before the world as set forth In the covenant S. N. Hurst. (d) Our obligations as set forth In the covenant, not obviated by any han?e of location B. C. Hening. SUNDAY APRIL 29TH :1 11 A. M. The Extension of the ' Kingdom of God to tho UttMvV most parts of the Earth W. ' J. Byrum. " . The appointed gpeakers are . to lead off In the discussion ' fter - -1 which there . will be given an op . ' po;t unity to anyone who wishes to participate In any of the discuss ions to do so. . . ' .' :-. . 1

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