News Without Bias -Views Without Prejudice .7 ft 5 ElJS' " 1 - ' . ..." -Newspaper ; Published in Elizzi City VOL.' 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING; MARCH 7. 1917 NO.3 REASONABLE CLOTURE DEMOCRATIC PROPOSAL Compromise Provides For Two Thirds Vote and De bate Limited to One Hour For Each Senator BITTER FIGHT AGAINST STONE 10 Till 10 OF I Hill WAR DEPARTMENT ISSUES ORDERS FOR V REGIMENTAL COMMANDERS TO PREPABE TJSTS OF SIXTY MEN fOR OF. FICERS ! Washington. March 7 With a view, to training an army' of a mil lion men if needed, the War De partment today baaed ordera for regimental commander on the border to prepare lists of sixty men from each command who could be appointed officers as high aB the rank of Captain to do training work. - Body of Little Son Here .President Has No Bitter Feeling Against Senator But Regrets Lat ters Position (By United Press) Mashington, March 7 "Reason able cloture," or a compromise to modify the debate rule of the Se- t..lA u-a a ncrrnpll linon in E COn- uc.iv o r - - ference between Wilson and the De mocratic senators at the White House today as the formal proposi tlon to lie presented to the ' licans. fW The Democrats met with the Re- pcbllcans hi a coanuuu at eleven o'clock and suggested the compromise. If thig step is successful, an ex tra session of Congress will proba " ' bly be 'called by the President very a I .ni th armed neutrality J j measure will be introduced imme dlately at Wilson's suggestion. The compromise provided for a two thirds vote and for debate limited to one hour for each sena tor. The concensus of cabinet and congressional . opinion 18 that the outlook Is favorable for tha change In rule. The President will probably with hold personal action in arming American merchantmen until he ha3 .rain given Congress opportunity to act 8TONE IS IN BAD A bitter fight against again re electing Senator Stone chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee was made by members of his own party today hi spite of the inviolate seniority rule which has always prevailed . One of the most prominent Dem ocratic senators is authority for this statement. He admits how ever thnt the fight" has not taken definite shape. While the fight against the re election of Senator Stone wi'.l un doubtedly he hittfr and will per haps call forth murh condemnatory comment on the floor or the Se nate, many senators admitted to day that the effort will be futile. President Wilson has no ill feel ing against Stone but regretg the grave error he has made WALSH INTRODUCES RESO LUTION Senator Wa'sch Introduced the resolution at the opening of the Se nate today for the appointment of seven senators to redraft the , t providing for unlimited Senato de bate. IS PREPAREDNESS MEASURE Cleveland. March 7 Callin ; for a national movement to ouft Sena tor Stone ag Chairman of the For eign Relations Committee, Cleve ijjfd newspapers today declared ((.nit such a movement is necessary fca a preparedness measure. Finds Cure For Paralysis GIRLS OF ALSACE t rarains . Mr. and Mrs. J. W Randolph came on Monday morning . bringing tha body of their little Bt year old son. Walter Davis, who died at Golds boro on Sunday of typhoid pneumoila, forowlng measles. The funeral waa conducted Mon day afternoon at the home of Mr. and. Mr. Brothers by Dr. B. C. He&nuTgv Mrs. Jesse Prltchard sang "Asleep in Jesus" very softly. Interment was made in Hollywood. Mr), and!. Mrs. Randolph lost their only otter child a little over a year., ago from scarlet fever, and they sympathy of many friends in the city la extended them in their sorrow. -. -t W Ward-Nowell AND WEAR AGAIN THEIR MUNION VEILS WHICH BEEN LAID AWAY THIS -OCCASION COM HAD FOR By HENRY WOOD (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the French Armies. Thann. Alsace. Ff 2. (By Mail) Just about the happiest irls In the world today are the girls of Alsace who year8 ago, following their first communion, secretly hid away their white communion veils to be worn again in we'eoming the French troops back to Alsace 'Should that happy event ever come Today these girls in that portion of Alsace which has bean reoccu- pied by the French, are supremely British Near Bagdad Today 1 (By United Press) Lodnodn, March 7-The . British 1 have . approached almost within ' range- of Bagdad - t- . . (By United Press) Chicago, March 7 Dr. Uaximill ian Herzo expectg to have perfect ed a sure cure for infantile para!. "8l8 before the fatal hot summer months, he announced today. "Already." said Dr. Herzog, who has made an exhaustive study of the cause, prevention and cure of the disease which caused s,, many deaths and i ffiucn distress"" lasTfMpW -IJBCttTnjr'tller'' '"re -- Brhr dreams have come true. the younger ones had on- ears to dream and to wait, but anion, 'st 'he lung lines of white robbed and white veiled Sir's and women, who welcomed the French troops on their arrival at Tbann in August, 1914 there were some ,who had cherished their communion veils for forty years. And now taat this happy dream h8 come true, the white commu nion veils are ugain being laid away for another happy dream that promlfes not to be so long in coming. This is the marriage between Alsacian girls and the French soldiers who havp redeem ed their province for France, and already in the town of Thann four of these marriages have already, taken place, when white veils worn at the first communion, then to wel come the French soldiers back to Alsace, were finally worn for the third and last time nt the marriage ci remony which s -niho'lzed anew the union of Frame ami Alsace. The brides In these happy events hand the additional pleasure of hav ing the civil marriage ci remony performed by a ga'lant French Cap tain, who having lost hlH rlzht arm in the fighting to redeem Thann, now serves as the French military mayor, while the religions ceremo ny was performed by French priests who came ih tfie.wake of the French army i - summer, "the microbe which causes whose infantile paralysis has been definite- Some of tl ly (so'ated and experiments are be- '.v a few y ing made to located and experi ments are being made to locate an antitoxin which effectively stamps out the disease among sheep and yiU!e. "We hope to have perfected an effective antitoxin for human beings by summer." The Chicago health anthorltles have enlisted prominent physicians Dacteriologfsts. nurses. women's clubs and civic organizations in a concerted effort to check the di sease before it get8 a start Chicago this year. J. Warren Ward of Wlnfall and Miaa Myrtle No well were married by Dr. B. C. Henning Tuesday night at 9:45. Mr. Ward is a prominent mer chant of-Winfall, the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ward. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen 'Nowell of Perquimans County. Mr. and Mrs. Wafd left on the early train Wednesday for a tour of northern cities. Program For New Theatre A Bluebird feature, "The Silent Rattle." will be shown tonight at the New Theatre. A number of Elisabeth City people went to Nor folk to se this picture some time ago. and pronounced it an unusually Price of Hogs Takes Big jump (By United Press) Chicago, March t Jumping from fifteen to twenty points, hogs today reached $n.Wt per hundred. I PJlfJAOVf DATE iiun MANY LOCATING AT MONTEREY WHILE OTHERS FIND EMPLOY M,ENT IN GOVERNMENT MUNI TION FACTORIES AT MEXICO CITY (By United press) Washington, D. ('., March 7th The numberof German reservists hurrying from the United States Inintc Mexico recently runs into the hundreds it was officially learned today. Information In the hands of the government shows that many are locating at Monterey while others are taking employment In Mexican government munition factories at Mexico City. One of the highest government officials here today declared that Unquestionably Germany had a hand In the Cuban revolution and at the same time was working at Costa Rica and Haiti. EXFCtlTIVflf lnuui.... . ww m mil IKK. AL5J FIX ... POLLING i PLACES . ANa '. POLL HOLDERS 'ikin Uurt RULES GOVERNING CONTEST ; ' ., .. .. ; Thursday' Aprn'M. ls'the day" of the municipal Democratic Primary. The time limit for the tentrancfl of candidates In the primary pires three weeks earlier; that ' la, on Thursday, March '22nd, at C m. ' The polling places are as followV First Ward H. G Godfrey's itori Second Ward Fleetwood! stortl third Ward N. A. Jone, stor Fourth Ward R C Abbott's Ware house, r j, i - , Following are the poll holders: EVIDENCE OF GEO I ioolt 'feaTrVe ftw?rirrTiavfpTr5 6y- It nr thin nfAn.M, mHnn M. I . ' I tn Society Girls Hold Circus New York. March 7 Sevi n hun dred and fifty nifty damsels in n three ringed circus, with animals, red lemonade, pin! popcorn, crack erjack. sideshow, ballyhoos arid all the regular trimn.ings In the sight New York Is pr -paring Itse'f Tor this afternoon. They're regular girls too, lots of them society girls and lots of them not. They're stag ing the circu8 in Madison Square Garden 'for the benefit of the vaca tion association and the show is hacked by such society leaders as Miss Anne Morgan. Mrs. August Helmont, Mrs. Robinson Smith and others. Chief among the attrac tions will be the bevy of girl clowns, for which Sam McCracken searched the country for months. He declined to sign any of these girl clowns who did not demon strate that) they could look, stand, walk, talk and just natura'ly lie. funny. The circus wl'l give peT formances every day for four days. it at this afternoon's matinee were of the same opinion Thursday Night At Alkrama Thursday's attraction at the Al krama is "The Happiness of Three Women." The story of "The Happiness of Three Women" has t0 do with the adventures of Billy Craig, a young attorney. His fiancee the wife of a jealous husband and the loving- helpineft of a bank cashier, are the three women whose happi ness Crulg holds In the hollow of his hand. For a time it would appear that he must either sacri fice bis fiance", and incur the wrulh of a jealous husband, or send an Innocent man to prison. How inatterH are straightened out by the quirk wit of a woman must naturally be. seen to be enjoyed. The players are: House Peters, Myrtle Stedman. I.. W. Steers, Dal sy Kobinson. Win. Ilutchason, Lu cre Ward, Milton Brown. MR GILBERT OF MITCHELLS MAKES 8TATEMENT Advertisnig Men At St. Louis ON WAY HOME (By United Pres St . Iiouls. March 7 Ten thousand advertising men at the national convention of the Associated adver tising Olubg of the world here In .June will outline plans not only to promote, but t() compel absolute honesty In advertising, both among newHapi rs and advertisers them selves In the United States. R present live .1. M. Clayton of j Fnglehard. Hyde County, is in the TEACHERS MEETING 8ATURDAY city on his way home from the The l'atqnotank County Teacu Sfale Le "is'at'ire. arriving in the ers' Association will meet Sat- clty on the ear'y train "Wednesday and missing his boat by a few hours. "'VWVf WANTED To rent good house with ; all modern 'conveniences, Ap ply to J. E. Sharps, - 819 Hiton Building ' V v'; N'w'f tfmch urady morning, March 10th, at 10:30 in the High School Buile" :. Miss Linda DeLon is President c the Association and Miss Nina Wid geon ig secretary. , Superintendent W.'M. Hfnton meet with tho - As sociation and directs its study, dur ing th'o year. : Beginning Thursday, .March 8th we will start a series of special " WEEKS" and the FIRST will be our SILK WEEK. Everything In silks will be on sale at some very special price. Kvery one of these weeks the buying public will expect nomethln great. Next will be af ter the Silk Week Millinery Week, then will come Underwear Week, or Wash Goods Week, then will come Hosiery or Shoe Week, Dress Goods Week etc. We are Just going to make things lively around here just like the Big City, stores. Watch the dally papers. Each new Feature ween wl'l start on Thursday of each week ending on Wednesday nlnht. Subs Report Work Done Berlin. March 7 th From Marrh 1-3 reports of sub marines have arrived indicating that chips totalling ,2,4uO tons were sunk, it was officially announced to day. : :'....'. ' - ,' . ".", V", LEADERS OF CUBAN REBEL lion Contains statement "germany promised 'aid" First Ward i Second Ward Third Ward H o Oodftay. Pat Doiief L. B. Thornton, J. H. Aydlett M. M, Sawyaf j N A Jones Fourth Ward Kenyon Ballaf , M B Simpson Immediately after the retultg ot the primary have been announced a caucus will be held in each ward. . for the election of the Democratic Executive Committee. ' V The present executive committee J consisting of W. T. Love, 8. - B.i Parsons, James Anderson and W. L. Small nt in the office of W, -L. Small, chairman, Tuesday after' noon and Wednesday afternoon making the foregoing appointment! and rulings. , Quite a number of candidate!, have already informa'ly announced their candidacy for a place on the board of "aldermen 'and the outlook i that the primary wi'.l present a number of interesting contests. fBv United Prenyl Havana, March 7 Direct evidence of Germany's aid in the Cuban re bellion was found today when exam InMlon was made of papers found after the arrest of Dr. Louis Oc tavk) Divlno, a well known Liber al leader, and two members of the Cuban Congress. According t0 the police the pro clamation was signed by the revo lutionary leaders and the copy which was unearthed at Dlvlno's home contained the statement that "Germany promised aid " Drop of Poison Was the Method (Bv United ProsB) London. Manh 7 Sulitlg poison, an inlinltesslmal drop of which would cause death if introduced in to a wound, wus revealed as the means by which the four plotters against the life of Premier Lloyd George soinht, to accomplish their end In the testimony offered at the trial of the four plotra today. ill RESIGN CHAIRMANSHIP EDI80N WANTS NAVAL EXPER IMENTING LABORATORY LO CATED AT ANDY HOOK Annapolis, March 7 Thomas A. Edison may resign aa chairman of the .Naval Advisory Board If the Naval Experimenting laboratory Is not built at Sandy Hook it was re ported here today when the inven tor filed a minority report with Secretary DanlelH favoring teh New York site. GEMWI PB LAUDS SENATE REGARD8 FILIBUSTER AS THI PROPER 8TEMMING OF PRES ' IDENT WIL80N-S UNREASON ING AMBITIONS Amsterdam, March 7 LaFollettO and Stone were lauded today la o ctal and pres8 comments as rt sentative of "the best spirit of' , America." according to dispatches received h re, summarizing the Gef man editorial views of the Senatt fillbuster. ' .;v As n whole, the German press '; , guards the filibuster as a proper., "stemming of Wllson'g unreasoning ambition" and voicing the sober sentiment of the American people '', fy who do not propose to Join in tho insanity of war. " -,- WEATHER OR NO Some men are so busy listening (or succe, t0. knock at their door for eucceaa to knock at their door oa the1 telephone, 'v ' , PAYS MAGE 10 BOH OAKLAND HA8 HOLIDAY , IN . CELEBRATION OF THE WIZ ARD'8 BIRTHDAY AND ADOPTS , DAHLIA AS OFFICIAL FLOWER (By United Press) - , Oakland. Cal., March 7 Luther Burbank. the wizard of Santa Rosa, is 68 years old today. In Celebra tion of the event Oakland has vlf -tually declared a holiday; and most of the population will tfathet to at' ) tend, the setting out of a Burban'K Oakland dahlia, said to "be the' lar . gesl white dahlia ever produced. The Burbank Oakland dah'i henCfr , forth will he . Oakland's offlclla flower. A bulb from the new dah lia will be presented also to each . of the otlur 27 cities In the United, States named Oakland, California's return of the compliment i. paid by tft other Oaklands "in presenting her each with a live oak tree to bo planted besideg Oakland's ofZ lal oak In tha City Hall Flaza.