News WitUout . Bias Views Without Prejudice ?7 r f r'.:r PtoblisbediaElIist.Ji City ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, 1917 no. n: k t f SUVEKHT LOOKS FOR ACTUAL WAR r Following Order to Arm Merchant men State Department Forecasts Ruthless Naval Attacks and De clares ThatlVlerchantmen Will be Empowered to Fire oil Sight. ROBERT J. BENDER (United Press Staff Correspodent) Washington. March 10 The Uni ted States government is prepared lor the worst. Warned by Germany that she ha spoken the final word in regard to her submarine intent, this govern ment looks upon the prospect of Ml il war following the order to an, merchantmen. Aome officials fear that Germany Will be as ruthless toward armed American ships as she toward enemy merchantmen. Others be lieve that Germany will be more considerate ol American shipping. Observing the international law of Ylsit and search. WILL FIRE ON SIGHT American armed merchantmen will be empowered to fire upon Teuton submarines at sight, the State Department indicated today declaring that neutral ships can presume upon no visit and search hy Germans since that country has notified the world that it will dis reagrd this mandate of Internation al law. Talg official interpretation brings tM -posttHKy of war extremely -sear. PERU AFLAME III HOUSE WILL STAND UIII1ED Gasoline Will Stay up IRt Washingtcl, Tniixd Press! March 10 Congress was too bsy with other things to lock Intothe price of gasoline as invested by Reprsentstlre Steea erjon's resolution la the House; and In consequence automobile own ers probably will pay a good stiff price for their gas this year. Thous andg of cars were kept In their gar ages last year because gas was too high; and miles, a substitute Is found or prices come down they probably will stay there this year too. I'M CIVIL m REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS DECLARE THAT THEY WILL NOT CHECK VITAL ISSUES BY POLITICAL BICKERINGS (By United Press) Washington, March 10 What promised to be the bitterest House organization fUht in recent years will probably crumble beneath ur gent patriotic considerations. Whl'e leaders have made partisan claims of how the body Is orgtaiz ed for the coming extra session, called for April Kith t hey confess that they will not check any vital business by political bickerings. Republicans and Democrats alike say that they prefer to stand be fore the world united than divided at this national crisis. What About Bernstorff HERTFORD GIRLS GOOD SOUK Monday Matinee From 1 to 11:30 PICKED TEAM OF FORTY GIRLS FROM GRAMMAR GRADES AROUSE INTEREST IN AP PROACHING COUNTY COMMENCEMENT (Bv United Press) Washington. March 10 This is the day set by the court for Count von Bernstorff to appear and prosecute- Dr. Armgaard Carl Graves, the self-styled "International Spy" for his alleged attempt to black mail the Countess upon her a-rrival from Europe sever:'l months ago. But the Bernstorff's depirted when German-American relations were broken, as did all the attaehes of of the embassy who might have testified against Graves. ARRIVES AT CHRISTIANA Coppenha,ren. March 10 Bern storff aboard the Fredeilck VIII ar rived today at Christiana. Giants Meet Texans Today s. AMERICA (By United Pres8 Dallas. Texas. March 10 The I Giant Regulars and the Dallas team of the Texas Iea?ue pried tne na off the training season here today uiien they met in the initial contest. SOME REPUBLICS PRO-GERMAN AND SOME PRO-ALLY BUT MOST OF THEM NOT PRO-UNITED STATES V FIERCEST S RT OF FIGHTING, MANY Kk tP AND WOUNDED, GOVERNMC ' HOUE SUR ROUNDED, PRESIDENT WILL RE8IGN Buenos Aires, March 10 Peru is aflame with rebellion the serious ness of which was not realized un til today when the information was emuggled acrosg the border to evade the strict government cen sorship. Details of the fiercest sort of fighting in Lima. Callao. and Arcipii pa, were given, reporting many killed and wounded Peruvian warships have been dis mantled by the eoveinnrnt to prevent the seizure of these by re bels. The government house In Lima Is surrounded by troops, and 1t is predicted that the President wll resign. No information Is o'.t iin ible here today as to the reason of the cmt treak . Buenos Aires, March 10 If the United States is seeking concerted action among all the American re bubllcs to cleanse the American hemisphere of German activities, that country will most likely meet a hot rebuff. The majority of South Americnn republics resent any such plan Argentine wi 1 be likely to make a warm answer if the United States offers advise" regarding German plotting. Pan-American unity is simply not visable from the South American viewpoint. Some of the repub-, lic's are pro-German, some are pro Ally, but most of (hem an- not prol'iiitcd States. Sounds Like The Wild West Fort Some horses get "busted' Feeders and fBy Unltod Press) Worth, Texas, March 10 of the toughest "outlaw" In the country are due to during the National Breederg Show, which Lett Berlin On March 8th opened a week's session here today. H'al buckers have been imported from all paits of the west and southwest for the championship events, in which the hest men and women rid' rs will participate. French Make Fresh Progress Paris. March 10 Fresh progress was made today by the French troops who on Thursday reconquer ed territory over a mile In width In Champagne from, the Germans. Occupy uity Of San Luis (IIV l!lil, r'ress) Havana, .M ireli lc--. del achment Of American marines are reported to have occupied the cl.y of San Luis, thirty miles from Santiago. It Is expected that the American .forces 'will remain there until the '. arrival of Cuban government troops from Palma Soriano. Then they will return to Santiago .,'!, ;'., "'. ' Berlin, March Ik The American Yarrowdale prisoners were released on March 8. and left the detention camp at Brandenburg. CONFIRMATION RECEIVED Washington. March 10- ''onfirma tion of I he reported release of American Yarrowdale prisoners and their departure for the Swiss fron tier was received by the Slate De partnient today by cable from the American lla';ue Legation. Philadelphia Has Race Problem Philadelphia. .Man h ln--.More than 25.000 negroes have settled in Philadelphia 'in the last six mouths and the city government doesn't know ex;:cl.v how to- meet the problem of congest 'on in their section of the city. Small flats are housing as many as five and six families. The Influx Is said to be due to the fact that he ne groes think they will be more cor dially received here than in other American cities. Hertford. March 10 The flist pun ltlve expedition of the Hertford Graded School left Hertford on Wednesday . Wednesday afternoon via the Norfolk Southern Railway, Winfall being the o' Jecttve point of the invasion. The expedition was conducted by the "Girls' Drill Team." a picked organisation of forty girls selected from the Grammar Grades. This team was organized a year ago to put on a dri'l during Field Day ex ercises at the Hertford Schools. The drill was repeated at the start of the present term with variations. Th' drill opens with a close order formation, swinging from column to line unci back to column again: the team then takes the open order and executes the "S' ttin' Pp" ex ercises as used in the United States army. Following this the team breaks Into a double 'ine and concludes the drill with a series of fancy evolutions. The trip to Winfall was made In the interest of the County Com mencement Idea and an effcrt to stir up enthusiasm In the move ment After tb,e drill the girls hiked back to Hertford. They en loyed the trip so much that It was derided to make the team a perma nent organization and the fallowing officers were elected: Captain. Doro thy Stevens: First Lieutenant. Mar oln Newby; Second Lieutenant, Ed na Jones Nixon. FOR DEBUTE HERTFORD SELECTS NEGATIVE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEBATERS TO MEET ELIZABETH CITY AND EDENTON File Notice Of Appeal .Florence. S. C. Mar h 10 The eight under officers of thiv German steamer, Llebenaefls, sentenced to (pay a $500 fine and serve a . year each In the prison at Atlanta filed notice of appeal today. . .Their -bond was fixed at '6,00a each. , .t Revolution Is Quelled Washington, March 10 The State Department announces today that the backbone of the Cu' an revolu tion lias been broken. Ohio Sunk by Submarines New Yoik. X. Y . . March 10 A cablegram recehed today re ports the French freighter, Ohio, sunk by submarines. She sailed from New York with copper for making munitions carrying crew of M but Do passenger . : . s , ' : Hertford, N. C. March 10'h -The final selection of the debaters to represent Hertford High School in the annual State debates for the Aycock MeMorial Cup, was made this morning. The affirmative side of the ques tion will be taken by Silas M . Whedhee ana Louise G. Wllllford. This team will meet the Edenton high school at Hertford. The negative team represented by William H. Gaither and Thel ma Elliott wi'l meet Elizabeth City High School at Kllzabeth City. This is the first year that H i rt ford Edenton Elizabeth City have bein Included In the s,ime prelimi nary triangle. Heretofore each school has been a contestant in the State delmtes. but grouped with schools outside of thiM se. tlon for the preliimnary. This new grouit Ing should arouse more interest in the local debates and be a big step toward the formation of an Eastern Carolina High School Conference. The first game of the Inter-class basket bnll series for the Girls Champlonhip of the 'school was played Thursday afternoon, the Eighth grade heliff 'defeated by the Ninth Grade by the Rf-ore of 12 to 10. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETS The Epworth Leanue of lioad Methojlist church will at 6:. 10 Sunday afterncon. Clly inert M rs. Frank Midgett conducting the vice. The subject will be "Some I'uvo:!!'' IhmilB. anil their authors" The m cling will e held In the annex end" (he public l c"nlial). iv. it;d. JUST RECEIVED New lot of coats find suits. Mr. Gilbert flays that if business keeps up like it has started he will have to return to Now York next week to . buy more ood, . MITCHELLS. DEPT STORE ' ". 'V Mr. Louis, Manager of the New Theatre wishes to announce that owing to the production which he has secured to be shown at the New Theatre on Monday, March 12th. that In order 'to give everyone an opportunity of witness lng this splendid production which has played to capacity houses throughout the country, he will run a continuous show from one p. m. straight through until 11:30 p. m.. Therg is no doubt but that this picture will please everyone, for It is known the world over that the Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, and that hand Is generally controlled by a woman. Mr. Louis further an nounces that he Is more than pleas ed to see that the peop e of this city are realizing that the New Theatre Is in its Infancy, and that iney are now securing the very best pictures obtainable. He also says that from next week on he will st:irt featuriu,' Cl;ira Kimball Young In some of her latest pro ductions which will no doubt meet with the approval of everyone in this city. Carl:e Blackwell and Ethel Clay ton are playing the leading roles In a "Woman's Way." They are both very popular photo players. "A Woman's Way," Grace George natjonal stage success, needs lit tle introduction if any, to theatre goers: for those who enjoy modern drama will welcome thls opportuni ty to see this fascinating story on the screen. This picture will do more towardn nlighteulng men and women on the subject of happiness (han any picture evr produced. Not that the majority of men and women are unhappy, but that the world Is ready to accept a new rule for the preservation of marital hap piness. "A Woman's.. Way" Is not a story that preaches, nor Is it without plenty of thrills You will 'go to see this picture when It conies to your theatre and you will be satis factorily entertained and when the show comes to an epd. you will take lirm hold on your partner's arm. and homeward bound declare to yourself, as did Mrs. Stanton. "That no woman, no matter how clever she Is. can take, him away from j on without a fight." The Patriot Monday Night The Alkratna's Monday photo play Is William S Hart In the Patriot." The play deals with an ex soldi' r robbed of 1:1s mining claim en the Mexican border through cheap po'ltlea! activity, driven to anarchy through the death of his motherless I oy, and who joins the Mexican fercis In a crazy hunger for revenge. Ills re laimation. through the enforced friendship of an orphan child, affords opportunity for good acting, cb ver narrative and fla waving anil martial music in such volume that George M. Cohan may well look to his laurels. That this com bination makes an Impression at a time when L'.I.OOO National Guards men have been ordered to the bor der to support something like 100, 000 citizen soldiers already there was only logical. BOY SCOUTS INVITED The Alkrama has issued the fol lowing Invitation to Hoy Scouts: "You are cordhillv invit'-d to at tend the showing of The. Patriot, at the Alkrama Theatre Monday, as ruests of the Theatre. Get you pass from ScoiitiinHter Kurd " MR SPENCE IS IN TOWN 'Mi" P.ev. II E. Speneu. Sunday :.iho: Seiietary for the North Car c una Conference in In town and a HI preach at Citv Konil Methodist ( liurch Sunday ni"iv.lng at eleven o'clock. WANTED To ront good house wlth all i modern conveniences.. Ap ply to L. E. Tbarpn, 319; Hlnton Building " ' 1 tfmchS DUN MjJ I! OPENS APRI 1ST ' ' i . STALLS WILL BE RENTED AT PUBLfC AUCTION OK TUIJ DAY, MARCH J0TH AT TIN Ot:tOCK Elisabeth City's market houll will open April 1st. City Manager Commander, ' wfl rent the stall, at public auction 0a Tuesday' morning, March 20th at 10 o'clock, giving those retttifif the stalls the rent for the remainder of March, so that they may mora. In Immediately. Sta'ls will ! :' rented lo tbe highest bidders. Betsey Will ; HaveFirstChance Elb.afinh City, March 10 ".Ellsa Elizabeth City will have tht tlrst consideration In th case of vacancy in the Virginia League.'' I hvae been assured of this while Ott my return trip from WashligtOtt through Virginia." This Is the word of hope witk which Ted Sullivan greeted EliftsV beth City fans today as he passed through the city to his home la Shlloh arter his trip to tbe National Capitol to attend the inauguration. Has Only Band In The City Blackwell Memorial Sunday' School boasts the only band In the ; city. This band ha8 been recently or ' ganized and is under the superrla Ion of Mr. L. B. Skinner, - aided by Mr. Will Williams Each Sunday morning at nine ; o'clock the band plays for thirty minute, before the formal opening of the Sunday school. Sentenced to Die September 18th Eddie Lee. sentenced at this , weekV term of Currituck Court to ' die on September 18th, was taken through here by Sheriff Flora to UuleUh. Lee was convicted of en terlug a house with Intent to ConV mlt rape. II. S. PREPARES ' - TRACING STORY X3F GERMAN PLOTS FROM BLASTING MUNI' TION WORKS TO STIRRING VW' COUNTRIES AGAINST UNITED STATES ' . ' '' Washington, March 10 As an aid . to allying the Pan American move- ruent to crush intrigues on thll continent, teh government ig prep&f In a record o Germany's senistef " moves. t President Better Today; Wasrlngton. March 10 President . Wilson ls greatly improved today K; and prac tlcallv recovered front the attack of erl: . ( '. " I i WEATHER OR NO Pair tonight . , inner Sunday. '"' Two head are lu tt'-r thun ; one exc ept no a tin k nr the morning after. -" i ,. i ..!.. ' "Charge It, please. - You'll find my rating in the Credit -Experience. 6ulde.",THB. MERCHANTS v MER CiNTILE AGENCY ' '