Iews Without; Bias Views Without Prejudice ; ; Newspaper. Published in Elizabeth f i t 'f :? City VOL. 2 - .... ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA; TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 13; 1917 ;l ,t,K07;3 Pep Without Victory Not later Than July Declares For Universal Service Such is theBelief of Diplomats and Officials at the National Capitol Today. of of ROBERT J. BENDER (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, March 13 A gen eral peace movement will' be launched witbin three or four months, according to the views diplomats and o cials who are the opinion that many elements are at work tending to bring war to a close. These include the increasingly acute food situation in warring na tlons, particularly the Teutonic, mud the growing unrest among the people indicated by the dissatisfac tion toward the Entente cabinets. With the possibility of any nation's breaking under the sudden military strain, it is the growing belief that neither side can achieve over whelming victory. It i8 now thought that Wilson's suggested "peace without victory" will be brought about not biter than July. Fly then, it is thought that empty stomachs physical and financial exhaustion may tie ar gued successfully for the termina tion of the stwiggle. The belief grows that Germany will do every thing to prevent the entrance of the United States Into the war because ghe feels that if America entered the struggle would only be prolong ed. Fir this reason It is believed that Germany will -eerrloe every precaution against sinking armed American merchant shins without Complying with International law. By July it is thought that the success or failure of the submarine Campaign will be determined. If It is successful, war will degenerate Into a contest in which the surviv al of the fittest stomach will win. l It is a failure, Germany may be forced for the sake of her women jind children tn make peace over tures . In either case the sub marine campaign promises to has ten the end of the war. PLEDGE PITY i case I n BUT NO PROMISE IS MADE BY BROTHERHOOD LEADERS THAT STRIKE WILL NOT BE CALLED NOW Washington, March 18 Organ lzed labor In America has declared for universal military service. The doctrine was formally sub fecribed to not only bysUie millions of members ef the American Fed eration of Labor but by four hun dred thousand memberg of the four big brotherhoods. In subscribing to the doctrine announcement was made that a lengthly pamphlet on the subject would be issued by the Labor Coun ell which under Gompers conclud ed its conference here today. DR. HI "II DELIVER ADDRESS COMMENCEMENT OF 1917 AL READY LOOKED FORWARD TO AS ONE OF UNUSUAL INTER EST AND EXCELLENCE Girl Rookies Go Into Camp Six Submarinse Is The Record (By United Pres9 Washington, March 13 President Wilson was informed today by the four big brotherhood leaders that in case of war no strike would be called on the great railway systems of the country. In the letter assurance was giv en that the tralnemn would stand by the president In the event of hostilities but no promise was made that a strike will not be called now The letter declared that the Broth erhood will meet the railroad man agers Thursday and make a deter mined effort to make some agree ment. It did not mention, any strike order in the event of Thurs day's meeting failing. 1 in reported that such an order, however, has set Saturday night as tbe time for starting a pro gressive strike" beginning on the westen roads and spreading to the others. This order was the sub ject of discussion at today's meet ing of the Brotherhood cihefs and local delegates. President Wilson is keeping In close touch with the situation through Secretary of Labor Wilson but has not yet taken any hand In the matter. The United 8tates Board of Me diation will make a final effort to effect an agreement In the railroad controversy. (By Unltod Press I Washington, March 13 Sweet girl graduates of the First Na tional Service School, Women's Section of the Navy League will delve deep Into the intricacies of warfare when they g0 into their second encampment here at Chevy Chase April 16. Post graduate companies have been organized for the encamp ment this year and those who served in 1916 are eligible for places. They will take up a high er course of dietetics, camp cookery map reading, motor car driving, re pairing, bicycling, advanced signal ling, plain and wiieless telegraphy. Former students must have ap plied for memhershlp in these companies before March loth. The regular eourses, mostly for girl rookies, still have a number of vacancies mit officers -in ohariu of the encampment declare it will be even more successful than last year. 1 -m Gives Pastor Leave qf absence The Elizabeth City High School is fortunate In having secured Dr. W. P. Few, President of Trinity College, to make the commence ment address at the close of the session. The graduating exercises will be held on the evening of May 24th, and Dr. Few's address will be de livered at that time. The graduating class is one of which the school is proud on ac- j count of its number and its quality of material, and the closing exer cises of the school are looked for ward to as being of unusual Inter- 1 i est and merit generally. i The opportunity t0 hear Dr. Few ' is one that will be Welcomed by ! Elizabeth City people of all denom- j inationa, for his work at Trinity is ' recognized throughout the state and beyond lts bounds. Rev. I. N. Lof tin's physicians have agreed that bis trouble is one of long standing; and' will - require slow and careful treatment. - For this reason Black well Memorial church ha8 decided to grant Mr. Loftin a three months leave" of ab sence and to secure a supply dur lng this period. , Banks Are Co-ppating The Bank of Sunhury and the Bank of Hobbsvi le, in Gates coun ty are cooperaMng with Dr. F. I). Owen by carrying the hog cholera serum used in hls campaign against this disease. ' The First National Bank carries the serum for Pasquotank farmers, the First National at Hertford, and the Citizens bank at Edenton. SENSATIONAL HAPPENINGS AT MITCHELL'S TODAY Early thi., morning Mr. Gilbert was well-nigh overcome by urgent and even violent demands for Establish Bureau Crop Estimates Frank Perker of Ualeigh was in the city "Monday and left here lor Scotland Neck. Mr. Parker is WEDNMOAY"5" AND THUR80AV V PROMSeTO.BEpAYWjOY Klrr b tr ivft'-.i,i.j..,A...i AND-'" BEAUT' THst CITY' THROUGHOUT even violent demands lor the fui,i .,,,.,, f..r .h u,,.,,. ,.f ..,... .... ... I'D1 ! ! U"l (1 U 1 I L best messuline in America today, I i-Mimate. at Kaleith. divisor, of the Department t.f Agriculture, and was here in the interest of the es- worth $1.50, priced 4'J cents." j Mr. Gilbert thought that he had i Ml IIS IBv Pnitrd PTesi Washington. March 13 About six German Riibma;ines have been cap tured or destroyed between January 1st and February 15 according to reports reachinn here. This is the first authoratlve word from the Allle in cKrd to their success In coping with submarines. RECOVERING FROM DUEL 'n iTnlfrt Preg) Buenas Aires. March 1.1 Hear Admiral Juan A. Martin and Capt. Diogenes Apuirre of the Argentine navy who have been nominally ill but wb0 are fepored really to have fought a "duel with one another are recovering. It is understood that the fight wk with swords, that it was over prol clonal difference of opinion. that t occurred in the patio, or court .r(j nf a house In the Bue nos Airv. suburb of Helgrano and that both. np principals were wound DDE READY TO BE GIVEN NAVY GUNNERS WHEN NEEDED BUT WILL NOT BE MADE PUBLIC SECRE TARY DANIELS ANNOUNCES By CARL D. GROAT (1'nited Prr-ss a aff Correspondent) Washington, Mar'h 1.1 Instruc tions to Navy gunners In regard to their conduct in defending the United States armed merchantmen against German submarines have been completed and approved and will be issued whenever needed Secretary Daniels announced today after conference tjfltn President Wll son and Secretary Lansing. Theserderg will be kept se cret and the press of the country has been requested not to spent late on the contents of the orders. General Hoover Sails for Spain New York, March 13 Germany has protested officially against the administration by Americans 0f Bel gian Relief work In portions of northern France. This was re vealed today when General Hoover Bailed suddenly for Spain. He will arrange for Hollanders to take over the work which he was oblig ed to leave. HAVE MOVED OFFICE3 TO BURTON HOTEL Calls Sike , tor Saturday i- ltl & Sawyer have moved their office; from tbe I Untom Building to llie Burton Hotel. Harry K, Thaw Adjudged Insane (Bv T'nited Press Philadelphia. Miiffh 1! Harry K. Thaw has be.-n adjudged insane in the inquiry started by Ks inotu or to escape In New .York for assault Swiss Relations Are Strained Iby Untied Press) Washington. March 1,1 Relations between the State Department and the Swiss Minister are t trained. Despite his frequent calls he has been unable to present Scire tary Lansing with Germany's re quest for amending the Prussian treaty. gotten used to the rush that has : prevailed during Silk Weeii and ' was writing a new adv to announce bargains at his ready to wear de partment, when the cyclone swept MitcheK's Department Store. To make' a loiii; i story short, of C0urne. 'it wasn't Mr. Gilbert's fault that the youngest printer in The Advance sl op made fhP' error, and the shoppers were rventuallv con vinced that the best fnessaline in America is a bargain at $1.25. Mr Gillett was convinced, by the way, that the people read hiB advs tali 'ishment of a bureau of crop estimates in this c ty with the co operation of the Chamber of Com merce and the County Demonstra tion agent. Unfortunately Sei rotary Pugh of the Chamber of Commerce was oat of tbe city and ; Iso Farm Peni'( i sitrator agent, G. W. Falls, ai d dt finite planR could not I e made, 'but It is believed tha the bureau will le established when the matter can be taken up. A CORRECTION In the police court news publish ed in The Advance of January 2.1, 1917, it was stated that Trannie Crank had been fined $5 for lar ceny. This was incorrect. There has not been any charge of lar ceny against Mr. Crank. Cor ee tion was made January 24th but this correction may have escaped at tentlon. The Advance apologizes to Mr. Crank and retracts the erroneous pub'ication. Tonight's Show At Alkrama IN POLICE COURT "Herbert Thompson and Frank YVinslow were fined $10 each and conts in pi dice court this morning for speeding. The Lasky studio was nearly raided by the police during the taking of the scenes "Betty to Rescue" In which Fannie Ward will appear In the stellar role on the Paramount Program at the Alkni ma tonight. In some of the min ing camp scennes a large roulette 'table was emploed When not In use this table whs stored hi a vacant room near a street. An enterprislnf? property man. noting the fact that the table was in full operation, started a full size rau lette came. A tip was sent out I and at niht the dour was opened I l.i the street and friends admitted, j lly accident it wa discovered just , In time to be stopped I efore the Perhaps Spring might be Spring ' without Spring Millinery Openlngi, . but no one with an eye for; beantjf could quite imagine It. .--Um f Spring has been trying to get M Elizabeth City for two weeks" tad has succeed in landing In ipotl and by spells, but the Spring Mil linery Openings will come on time and in time for milady ' tt ' find happiness and fiats galore for all her fashion needs. l: ' Wednesday and Thursday of this week, to be exact, are the day, and the windows are already blossoming in beauty, suggesting to. passers-by. that velvet, felt, and feathers should be relegated to the attic until autumn time and that charming straws and -braids, with gorgeoul . flowers and- ribbons shou'd ttkt their plac e. The millinery shops 'are busily at work. Fiesh and spotlMI, ' thoroughly rejuvenated for thenew1 ; season they are rushing to comple tion the final touches which will make the openings a" Joy to th t ; holders and. alas, an aching TOld in mere man's pocket book." t-- ' Miss .Sallie Perry's'new arrange' ment by which the visitors enter 0x9 central door of the Woman's Weaft-' Store, provides greater room for display than before and makes a most attractive appearanct , In connection with the variety f , joyous raiment of every sort ' fof womankind and other kinds d! played by the M. Leigh Sheep Company . f. v, The other Main s'reet millinery" stores, the Prichard. the L. ' P.: . Gilbert, ami Mrs-. M. HIN's, gr .. llHi'laylnir to advantage the new styles of the seanon. and the Wal ker & Company store on Polndex . ter street Is ready to show a large ; variety of hots for youg and old; At the S. Vt. 8iff Company store, V the big second floor gives abun datit opportunity for obtaining Just ' the right effect In selecting millfc neryand other spring raiment and (he selection Is made an easy mat ter by obliging service and well adapted styles. The weather man has been re quested by, shoppers to turn loose a plenteous supply of sunshine ftt an early hour Wednesday and that the streets will be crowded, whfll the millinery shops will be packed. . Program For New Theatre MAKES ADDRESS AT PARKVILLE ' no le. who had lcn adviser pf the j l I Itev. .1 Y. Warren will deliver th commencement address at ! ark vl le School on Wednesday Vr.rch Mill at eleven o'clock. nine reached the s iidlo. i liiine r.urse in iorias iniiiaiir. a Wo will be ghown. "The Closing Net" i3 Tuesday'4 , feature for matin -e And night. , Trouble began early in the career" of Frank Clamait. known in (P7 Ipl'e. i-re.,,,1 Bellevue. OV, March t Orders calHng a striken the NIokle Plate Railroad have jeen printed and 'Tiavi become dipttiy known today. J The tntte; fori! JTUT' CANDIDATE FOR ALDERMAN T he-ebv announce my ennrtidnev ir ' lepra-! Jrom the Fourth Wa d. nVert to the ru'r? of the j Pep oi rntic Primary. Your vote lend o;:r infli 'i-n wi'l be nnpif I rimed . H. 0 PARKS. ; Everybody has financial rating odaf'. It's 'a aplendld system for prompt, payers... TPE MERCHANTS MERCANTILE' AGENCY,-"" 1 7 Trapped In Explpsion fBv t'nited Press) Cano 'burg. IVnna. Man h 13 - S v entren were tr.i-.pcrt in an expbis Ion that wre lid pnttinl y ti e !W"i der.-on mine cday. mSun UPON ADVICE FROM JAPAN BELIEVING THAT SHE WILL RAISE HER DIPLOMATIC STA TUS AND REFUDIATE BOXER INDEMNITY t A LFTERARY ACHIEVEMENT As usual, a host of the most brilliant and well known authors and Illustrators have contributed to Cosmopolitan Magazine for April. Among these celebrated artists who have aided in making this issue I one of the most remarkable in ' niaizazine history are Amelia Hives (Princess Troubetzkoy I, Robert W. Chambers. Arthur Somers Rorhe. ,)aci London. .lonh (Ja'sworthy, Mary Roberts Pinehart. Herbert Kai'fmin. HarrWon Fisher. Howard t Handler t till ty ami . At' u iti:i Fisher. Cosmopolitan Ft n Indeed tarried later career a "The TIdewai Clanr fie was a babe In ami .', ,. when his mother killed herself tf f J t ter discovering that the father of i her child already had a legnl w4fe. Frank spent the first ten yeart Oti his life in the orphan asylum. Fl T nally he rebelled and ran away. - For the next fiftoen years, w h ' specialized in burglary as a flnlrws, art. and when he arrived at tht ne of (wenty five, had made iof" ,' J? The Silk Week Sale closes Wed nesday night. The hi Ready to Wear Week begins early Thurs day, morning. . You, can't .. afford to - tnisa n.theee.i, jpportwiltle mt Mitchell's : " adr Tokio. March 111 China's l cl ion to luenk v Ith t!erm:itr. ha ben made partly on .lanpan's a vice. "lina I ellevei t Fl- t vnc', br--iik will raise her rt 'pb m ttic c' i tii; aril a! io repudiate the rem "'a out mi elaborate program for April I j a program which may be enjoyed ' from stirt to PnWh bv every mem- j i her of (tie fjmllv dri le . nrtv ; der of the the Teutons, lions. Boxer indemnity thereby savin,- . Read tbe te'egram received et Mitchell's this morning kacd " use what is happening . in' preparation for Ready to Wear Week. v. adT E. City Has New Shoe Shop himself a reputation a the most sourceful and nought for crook la ' the world. To escape the police he went ' Paris where he n.ef l.eontlne, blends with th night; Churcl j sh"urer; Ivan the "Fe j .Teff the Red . Frank v ed by Loontine, mOch ' i ntnfort of Chit chu . That. ni"lit, ivn ' ."M acconip; n:c ' ''rank entered i l Of lr-' ' cvls'n'e F hi- F.i hU !' Clam" bar.pil i,J. J-, Watson has Fought out Jcrank Carter's picture ' framing bu In'ess and-'added 'electric ''slibo"' re pair equlpmment. - " . .. , "V II a J