Views; Without Prejudice published in Eli City VOL. 2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 16, 1917 NO. 67 Russian Revolntion Overthrows Autocracy A Abdication of Czar Means Triunphl of Democratic Principles and Victory for Duma. - -i ... . Washington, D. C 1:35 p. m March 16, 1917 London-Czar's abdication not yet effected, Chan cellor Law announced in the house of Commons. His whereabouts are unknown. L r i i V ) 4 It 4 (By United Pres ) Petrograd, March 16 Democracy control Rusla. The Czar has ab dicated. Grand Duke Michael Alexandro Tltch will act as regent until the Ciarevitch comeg of age. The Empress Is under survetlance and many pro-German notables of the regime have been Imprisoned, jtfpew ministry of the people has beta appointed. The downfall of the Czar was N caused by the activities of the pro German Intriguers and by the un rest of the p7pulace. General Suk homlinoff. former Minister of War, "wag among those arrested. Baron Stokelberg flred on the soldiers from a window and was ? dragged out on the street and exe cuted. Count Fredericks the aged minis try of the Imperial household was discovered In hiding. His life was pared but he was sent to prison. Countess Klein Miehaellong wha tli native of Germany was arrested DEMAND SUKHOMLINOFF'S EXECUTION When Sukhomlinoff was arrested the soldiers clamored for his death, recalling his treasonable dealings rith Germany. Kerensky leader of the Duma, intervened, ap ' pealing to the mob to spare the life of the minister with the prom ise that Justice would be meted out to him. He intimated that the minister deserved and would re ceive nothing better than immediate execution wbM brought to trial. The crowd i wered and the depos ed war mlnMfer was hurried to prison. .AMNESTY FOR OFFENDERS Minister of Justice Kerensky, of the New Provisional Government, lias decided upon general amnesty for all political offenders. Fif teen members of the Russian nobility have adopted resolutions declaring themselves partisans of and participants In the revolution. TThe resolutions assailed former gov ernment officials as responsible for the crisis. ADVI8ED CZAR TO ABDICATE Grand Duke Nicholas, command ing the Russian army .In Caucasus : tia, telegraphed Michael V Rodz x lanko, President of the Duma, that In agreement of General Alexlff. Russian Chief of Staff, he has ad rlsed the Czar to abdicate, holding such action aR the only possible step to save Russia, bring the war to a successful conclusion and avoid fatal circumstances. NICHOLAS TO BE DICTATOR The assassination of former Pre ttier Sturmer, reported yesterday lacks confirmation today. It Is believed that Grand Duke Nicholas, whom the revolutionists trust, will be made provisional dictator of the ermy. EMPRESS. SAFE .The Czar is nt hlifcoff white the impress is at the tn,mperlal pnlace It Is stated tortayyThe Czarina Is reported safe, defying ear'ler re ports to the effect that she was In the hand of the .evolutionists. ' VICTORY MADE CERTAIN The re-establish ment of i .power capable of achieving victory, as demttrBted by 'recent events, 111 S .Jrease popular PTithupfsfni, London Wants Information (By United Press; Lodun, March 16 Chancellor Law told the Commons this morning that the British government re quires further information before it can forwad a message to the new Russian govenment assuring the provisional leaders of Eng land's sympathy. Urges Irish To Co-operate (By United Presg London, March 16 "If the Irish party leaders continue their oppo sition to Lloyd George and the gov ernment, a general e'ection will be forced, paralyzing England's ( activi ty in the war." the Chancellor ex chequer told the House of Com mons today, appealing to the Irish members to join in the negotiations designed to settle the Irish question. rapid progress Eli IN ADDITION . TO HANDSOME EAGLE BLOCK, BANK BUILD ING, . STORES, IS BUILDING MANY NEW RESIDENCES SAYS If. S. CM HASTEN BY FRANCE BELIEVES THAT IF AMERICA JOINS THE ALLIES SWIFT DECISION FOR THE EN TENTE WILL RESULT Hertford, N. C. March 15 Those who have not visited Hertford for some time will be agreeably sur prised at the marked progress be ing made In the way of new busi ness buildings. The "Eagle Block" occupied for more than a century by one of the most picturesque buildings in Eas tern North j Carolina, haB been en tirely rebuilt, within the past win ter. The new building of the Farmer's National Bank wltv Its impressive facade of Ionic columns adjolng the old Shannonhouse Block and occupies what used to be the old drive way to he rear of the Eagle Hotel. Next "to the Bank, the handsome new home of the Brlnn Bros. Mercantile establish ment presents a front equal to any of the "Big Stores" in this section. Then comes te the new Divers and NUper Automobile Sales and Dis play room with a commodious Ga rage In the rear. These buildings are already occupied and doing bu siness with fine new lines of stock. Between the Garage and the re cently erected Postoffice Building. two new offices are bein rushed to completion; these will be occupied by the Firm of VVinslow and White and Dr. Cox. On the corner of fain and Church, where Uie old Shannon- house stood for years, the new building of the Broughton Bros.. General Merchandise, is nearlng completion. The gecond story of the building will be fitted up for a Motion Picture House. In addition to these new build ings, a number of handsome new residences have been built within the past year. The business men have again started agitating a movement to pave the streets from the Depot to the Point; this will undoubtedly be acqomplished before very long. On the whole, Hertford is developing more rapidly at pres ent than any other town In this section of the State Bold Burglary On Main Street When JV H. Richardson .woke thit morning be found himself minus $4.10 In cah, his cfcthes which h had left on his chair la his room, hlg watch and chain. and cameo P'n valued at 111.60 Mr. Richardson boards at tho home of Mrs. Charles Hussey at the end 'of. Main street near the Norfolk Southern passenger station. Last night he came In from Norfolk on the late train, went up to his room and retired. Some time be tween his dropping off to sleep and daybreak the burglary occurred. At 7:15 thl8 morning Mr Shores had his bloodhunds on the trail and from the sitting room window of the house they trailed the Intruder to the railroad. To be sure that they had not been fooled Mr Shores took them back and tried them the second time, and they repeated their course exactly. Mr. Richardson wired his father in Norfolk to get the pol'ce on the trail of the man who It Is lelleved must have followed Mr" Richardson home last night and caught the early freight toward Norfolk this morning. In addition to the articles taken from Mr. Richardson's room, an overcoat from the hall wits also missln, but the burglar overlooked a diamond ring on the dresser and other valuables . MAY. ASK WILSON: TO MEDIATE STR1 CITY fiMCEIl By WILBUR S. FORREST (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, March 16 France believes that the question of a speedy de cision of the war rests with Wash ington and that if the United States Joins the allieg it will mean an early victory from the Entente. This country is no wawaiting the decision of Washington on the sink In, of the American ship, Algon quin. America's course is watched with far more intense interest than any of the big battles now in progress. WAR MINISTER RESIGNS The resignation of War Minister Lyautey to-day brought to a head the cabinet crisis which has been Impending for the past few weeks. President Briand 1 expected to an nounce a re-organization of the per sonnel of the Ministry today. Friends hope that In this way he may avoid the re-organlzatlon of the entire ministry. Tonight's Show t Alkrama The Shielding Shadow will be shown tonight at the Alkrama. The famous Pathe drawing card has arrived and will be shown today both matinee and night. This picture ig reaching its most in teresting point just at this time, and you will miss the treat of your life IT you don't Ree It tonight. Helen Holmes In "The Lass of the Lwnberlands." also will be shown at the Alkkrama tonight. This picture apieals to all lovers of real thrills, and furnishes one of tho best attraction of the even ing at this theatre. The Keystone Players in a big Comedy "She Loved a Sailor" at the Alkrama tonieht, chase the bad weather out of your system with WELCOMES LIES ON TUESDAY MORNING OPENS MARKET HOUSE FORCRIT. CAL INSPECTION AND GIVES THEM ROYAL WELCOME -- Jm . If Such Offer is Made President wll Accept; If Strike Comes Will Tell Who is Responsible, v Arrives Safely In New York A letter received by friends here from Dr. James R. McLean, who spent the summeT with D.. Lev McCabe in Eirabeth City last year brought the good news that he ar rived safely in New York last week on the Adriatic. Dr. McLean was ship gurgeon on the H M S Leysian which sailed from Newport News not long ago for an Italian port, was chased by German submarines, ran up the rocks and sunk. Dr. McLean was saved and has reached home Bafely after this series of thrilling ad ventures. Commencement IsJMarch 29 th (By Cnlud Press) Washngton, March 10 Inforr tlon from New York 1, to the effc that President Wilson mar be a ed to mediate In the , threaten railway strike, scheduled to be; to-morrow evening. ; Following the suggestion of iuc a step from President Lee of t! trainmen the railroad manage went hurriedly Into conference at at the same time the ' BrotherhcJ chiefs also conferred. The" si: ' ilcance of the conference waa g'.r en to the newspapers by Pre dent Lee himself. . Thepromptness with which tt.i railroad managers wenl Into cos ference is taken as implying . ,."tk:t they are disposed to five, the au: gestion favorable consideration. On next Tuesday the doors, of the new market house will be thrown open in royal welcome to the public. Those Interested in renting sta'ls will be given opportunity to bid no these, the choicest stalls going to the best bidders. But the ladles especially are in vited by City Manager Commander to attend the opening of the new market house, to Inspect It thor oughly and feel that It is their building. The market house ha8 been pro nounced by those who are in a po sion to judge "the nicest building of its kind in the South and the best equipped." The building will be open for ac tual business by April 1st, but Tuesday's opening is a reception to the ladles and an opportunity for those who wish to rent stalls to get the best locations. To Night At New Theatre FOR SALE One 1100 pound horse and two wagons. D M Jones Co mar 16tf multiply the national forces of the peoples anger and their deter mination." declared' Minister Mul Ikoff provisional minister of Foreign affairs today. -Our revolution ig the shortest and least bloody in hiBtory." FEW KILLED AND WOUNDED Twenty killed and 120 wounded makes the total list of v casualties In Monday's fighting In Petrograd, it i( stated today. -, ' ' , Tonight's attraction will be "liove Never Dies," a delightful slory. Also a great comedy, "The Town a good laugh tonight at the AlKra tnat Tr)ed t0 (;ome Bttck On Friday March 23rd C:ara Kimball Young will be shown in "The Badge of Shame". Miss Young needs no introduction to theatre goers, as her workk speakks for itself. Those who have want ed to see the "Yellow Passport" will have an opportunity of seeing a picture very similar. Your do not want to miss seeing this picture It Is one of the greatest yet pro duced. Prices will remain the same, Be. and lfy Special matinee for children nt the Alkrama Saturday. Mae Marsh a great favorlt with all the chil dren will be filmed in the "The Little Liar" to-morrow afternoon. 'and also Musty Suffer In one of his mishaps. Saturday nUht' show at the Al kkrama needs no further advertls lng than to mention that Theda Bara in "Gold and theWoman al bo Charlie Chaplin In "The Rink" will be there. AT FOWLER & COMPANY'8 NEXT WEEK A very attractive line of Ladles Dressei and Coats In all the desir able materials and shades. Watch for the announcement In this paper. adv. TO LECTURE TO MA80NS , Grand Lecturer Patton of. the Masonio Order will be .'he fof two weeks, beginning Monday to lecture to Eureka Lodge No 317, Hertford, March 15 Through an error on the pait of the local cor respondent of The Advance, the date of the County Commencement for Perquimans County appeared in correctely ln a recent Issue. The County Commencement will be held Thursday. March 29. All schools in the county are now working hard in preparation for the big day. and the Field-Day on the Hertford School grounds in the afternoon will be one of the big features. WHY WORRY ABOUT HIGH COST OF LIVING "Why worry about the high cost of living." asks Mr. George R. Bright, proprietor of Fowlkr & Com pany's big store between Water and Polndexter streets. "We have he most convenient Iacatlon rain coats you ever saw or $1.25. They are light and durable and take ' up so little room that you are surprised when you see the sise of the box in which each coat 1g nicely pack ed. "And. of courser. other articleo of merchandise In proportion. I merely mention these nifty rain coats in defiance of the weather man. " To Organize For Patriotic work The ladles or Ellrabeth City who are Interested in National Relief Work are earnestly reqiiostod .to meet at the (Civic League Rooms, Hinton Bulldlni, Monday afternoon at" four o'clock to' o'Kanlxa class in making' 8urglcal , Dressing for America's soldiers. For Sale Real Estate One lot on West side of Polndex ter Street next to Polndexter Creek. Foundation for building already prepared. Mill site, on Sheppard Street and Factory Avenue and Charles Ceeek. Sawmill on property will also be sold. Lot fronting 63 feet on Parsonage Street and adjoining tho Graded School property. On this lot In a comfortable two story dwelling with all conveniences. Lots 68 and 69, as designated on Ptal of Skinner and N(!reory . W. A. WORTH. Hinton lUU. Elizabeth City. N. C. SHAMROCKS AT ELIG'S Se'lg's ! headquarters for sham- Lrocks on Saturday. St. Patrick's Day. It Is one of the wayg Mr. Selig hns of welcoming his friends who wear the green. CHEROKEE 1 CHAPTER MEETS ; Cherokee Chapter RAM "meets Monday evening at -7:10 in the hall of the Robinson building for ' the purpose of electing officers. , wilson- will Accept , " The President will aorept ' ac? offer made by -the railroad brother hoods or managers to mediate t. i strike, It 1b announced On ' hlghr . authority from the Whltr House t day. It was emphatically denloJ, however, that any such request ha 1 reached the White House op t noon today. J f.f(;H ' ' In the event that no . agreetm in the proposal to mediate, r and the strike does come the Pre ident will inform the country who he believes the blame rests for tl tie-up In the face of a , natCon ' crisis. . . CALL8 CABINET MEETING Facing the gravest domestic sit uation ln many months, President Wilson called his cabinet In session at 2:30 this afternoon to determine the course of the government in the fight between the railroads an! employees. The President'! han are admittedly tied in the matter of adopting measures to' ward cT the strike. i; Two courses are open,- pa triotic appeal to both sides or tun: moning the- Brotherhoods ' at ' Cblefg in conference for mediation. Announcement of the '.President r-ourse is expected after the .met ing. The administration vie the situation as extremely" grave, coming as It does, at this time c the International crisis, ' Floatingr Theatre Now at Hertford Hertford, March 15Tbe , Jame . Adam8 Floating Theatre Opened s week's engagement here! on Tue . day. Owing lo the bad weather, the big House boat was Unable to negotiate the Sound OB Sunday Or Monday and arrived one day late. DufffMoye Is The Duff Piano Company, former ly on Polndexter street is movln Into the Hinton building and will the store next to the New Theatr in the Heart of the. Hinton Block. FELL FROM HOUSE Mr. J. M. Davis, wbNe workir on the new bouse of Mr1 Culp'' tier on North Road street tfhuryd fell from the roof breaking his n kkle and injuring his back. WEATHER OR' NO Rain tonight and Saturday. You can never telU, i, J Many bluffer makes ..-a a noise . like 1 money to drown the fact that hasn't gof any. , . -