VOL. 2 HEV01UTI0KJ1AKES ' piEODKDIMBREill ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SAURTDAY EVENING. MARCH 17, 1917 i NO. Stirred flfijqj) ret. rograa rogswWR? 3 YWWtfT"5 J VUU JUUU l i J x i J v . ito German Autocracy. in nstfirdam. March 17 Unrest Ge&iany against the militaristic re 9 . ... ki ho. (slou oi me ieuyio ua vilefitly accelerated cesi ol the Russian mrwW the yoKe ot Even Germans wh0 have heen by the sue people In re centuries. always favored autocratic rule of the fatherland have Veen deeply affect ed seeing now the failure of Ger man P'an and reaUzin tne cer tain'ty that Russia, undsr its new government will be animated by rfrnnsrer Durpose and by a more discrimination to it ALLIES GAPIURE II ..:t . USEE'S IFF EKE t m fUpOEN AND UNWONTED FEAR 0 AUTO PRECIPITATE, OC PANT -Of Af Iti6 WA TJiR. NO 8r0U3 SILT8 s Mi experience that rivals the T ... olie thrillers in excitement and happily turned ofj.' lSast damage befell Mr. Jennings and Mlas, late Friday afternoon Ehlngjs i f to lomini KEY OF GERMAN DEFENSE ON WESTERN FRONT NOW BEING OCCUPIED BY THE ALLIED FORES flnltcd besj against Germany. nlnCIALS RETUft-N 'fo1 VrtNA profound inftff ti Vsvo'rabe ' Ger mill r fromJJ tioi imtfc Tjppa tones thef revolution created a imA-ouHion there. -JXhat ""f ina government thejimpr""sion as continuance. ,,of rtke , .PpsBaji ,m . oiitnrraev Is indicated 1n and In the departure or TTMwfg erlin to Vienna mm Germany is no leas profoundly 5ftT1 'TheRusslan' revoln . Newshapers point to the . - t .t.Ana nf thn conierence oi London, March 17 Bapaume, the key of the German defense on the Western frqpt has Lpon Captured. ' ciitlcarea'fbTthat fVe occupation of i this .tronKold. wfll force the retirement ofcf'.v of the Germain ejAllae. r"V IS Reported Ded niis (fev Unlied Fre6B) na tbdfe othe Austrian Erni v oerer, uariy womian Hdiweg andoherleading feature In the dual em$re. ecognizeYut;hrity of J 111 army officer aj Petrograd, dlsatches from the, TQissfan capl talfBtate, met today v& paased re otttion8 recognizing tn"' authority of. ie Duma. Speeches yere made stating realization' ff he tai ot the army of the t?5el f thi? weedy reestabllshemnt df JrdefI anft authority that her work heBtetl thfttrencheg may proceed. KiPholas abdicated aT iii i vy & mlflnight Thursday. At half past tvd o'clock Friday afternoon Grand Duke Michael, who had been appointed regent, abdicated ir, hi. turn Thus ended the Ro mdihoff dynasty in Russia. i REFERENDUM TO PEOPLE . Orand Duke Michael is willing to d( .vo aMkfft cjfsk ,DqM e.hi accept the throne of Russia only in ctae of referendom to the vote of the peop'e. This fact suggests that his form of government will bo approved throughout Russia. In announcing his decision today he Indicated that without such referen dom ho wou'd decline the kingship offjered him by the Czar Nicholas In ' his abdication. MIchae' urged the people to obey the provisional government at the present time. CZAR A PRISONER .u The 0' ar Is a prisoner of revolu UotiisH in Tauride Palace. 'The Cair Kicfcolas wps sent to ;1ieff. Kormor Prince KolitWln eported toftave suicided InrWyin - ATTITUDE OF LONDON Rnnort, from Lrmjlor state that Dritlsk fic'vernmnt Is 'deaiiiing- th the . provrwojlal comailtt cfellor WvUl 4 omg repo-t reaching here today states that the Grand Duke Alexis XIII Is doad. There are no detailes. He was reported yesterday as suffering from scarlet fever. ri t Alkrama Saturday night's show at the Al kkrama needs no further advertis ing than to mention that Theda Bara In "Gold and theWoman", al so Charlie Chaplin in "The Rink will be there. t ijf serious n Mrs. Ed fede Parker Leaving to visit Mr :ople in horse thkf fisj isij to tomlai lt town and to passing automouiles 4itSout hesitation, thev met Mr. aiid Mrs .John ('. Perry and Mrs. C. A. Overman in Mr. Perry's BiacJiine just beyond the passenger station at Jones Mill Jlridge. The horse paid no attrntion to the car until it was almost even with him, then before Mr. Perry or Mr. Jen ningt) cou d eealize the situation, he was rearing and plunging and backing. Mr. Perry rait tfie by ( him quickly, think&iif 5 arotfd end the excitaiitar, " tho horse continued to back and 3 before anybody could do more, the H ... y, its occupants ana the. .nojse, in the Wafer. moment later and Mr. l'urry,. alsn in and was .uetting Mr. Mrs. Jennings and Mis8 Par out l5S"'q'nrc!!ly "as jiosriUe ai he turned his attention, ttj, the CITY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH Rer 0-T"Aflam,yre8illnf Elder of the EHxabetii'City District. wl'J preach at eleven o'clock Sunday. The- pastor - Bev , C. B. Culbreth, will preach at j 7 : 70 on the subject, "The Parting Words of a Friend." Sunday School at 9:30; , C. R. Pugh, superintendents. , Epwrth Lfeagtfet"at f:S0.? The public Is cor ll4 Jntited. ) i i-SQt.iTii. i:ujbleQiill aup ply for Rev. Rufus Bradley at 11 o'clock at Mt. Hermon church at 11 o'clock And ,Hall'8 Creese at 3 I PEARL STREET METHODIST CHURCH The pastor, Ren - JSf. H. 'Warren 4il prSaITal 'eleteii oclo(rf on jeai-thia. le, and witli the who came by, he soon had the le out and the buggy pul.ed out tpei su At 7:30 the subject, "I will My Vows." Sunday School! A. AT., 'E B Griffin, Supt Kpworth League nt 7 o'clock. Pay ,at 10 Intendent. Hope That Before TMt31me-Ar rangenpyents ;pari f be Made to vent Walk" Out Altogether. .4 J ETSEV 10 BLACKWELL MEMOR1 Al CHURCH Rev. S N Huurst of South Mills will supply at B'ackwell Memorial Church on Sunday morning. Rev. P. P. Harris of this city tvlll supply the 'pulpit Sunday nl-jht I Sunday - School at nine-thirty; music by the Sunday School band beginning at nine. ...Junior and, Senior ,B. J.P. U. Jr3f). ' - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH t PI" W," f pulpit at each WPfftlTK "Will t)l't'llly"the prolonged bath. The buggy ap peared to be Iho'olrtatfaWnwTltf the exception of one shaftin spite of the precipitous tumble Mr. Perry took Mr. and Jnrs. Jennjngg and Miss Panter totheir dBtirition, three andA half miles rin th.6 country, in Jll8 Vy, and they seemed to be npre Jie worse for their excitlngadvEnlhre. Y W B MEET8 To Night At New Theatre A specia)'.1(i?Uliani-A Brady fea ture fj1rigr';itbej- irte wlll'i; p pear at, th Kew-v-Tlkfiafl t': WonW matinee and" night, Many of the scenes were taken on i board the United Statea destroyer; Wads worth, after obtaining . permission from Seoreary of the Navy Daniels j This is the ' first time in the hii tory of our government that a tor pedo boat has been' loaned to a mation picture company, and this only after the World Fllni Corpora tion had been carefully Investi gated as to it9 standing and Integ rity in the film world. Arrange ments were also made for the pur chase of two regulation torpedoes, which were exploded, one aaalnst J Clargeg Hock in the Potomac River j and the other against IJie old "Bronx" ferry boat near the New Jersey coast to give the proper nl mosphere to this picture,, "Paying the 'Price", which i8 from the nav al story by Burton E. Stevenson, starring Gail Kane. Tonight's program at the New Theatre is full to the brim with three big attractions, "No 16 Mar tin Street, "The Warning," and The Y. AV. F. C ass of Blackwell Memorial silrda school met at the home of Mr.y Dennis Vanhorn on West Burgles Street Thursday ev ening. ,-Ajter an interesting bu sinees meeting dellcloug refresh ments were served. Those present were: Mr and Mrs C J Ward, Mr and Mi's R T Vnters, Mr E F Ay dlett, Mrs. S. C. Newbold, Mrs. M. Godfrey, Mrs. J. W. Dawson, Mrs George Bright, Mrs J H Wil kins, Mrs J O Meggs, Mrs C A Tas ker, Mrs T S Davenport, Mrs Miles Pritchard, Mrs D E Simpson, Mrs M E Davis two service At 11:00 s the subject "being one of companion sermons on "The HAVE ; MUNICIPAL BAUD THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTEREST TO MUSIC LOVERS IN THE CITY The following announcement is made by the Chamber of Commerce through Secretary C. R. Pugh to day: " "The Chamber of Commerce ot .Elizabeth City Is. making plans for jo organization ot a munieipaj and which every one agrees Is eeded In our progressive city. e have at least twenty-live men hoisr willing-aiKl atrttoits to give ieh tferVlce and their talent -to icb art organisation arrd the ('hftni or of Commerce pro pesos' to i liny. lie ' instruments and assist in the rgafclXUtion. h(tt every member i be, preset l -t Is service. , .-.., a.;'.' Xr4W f. M(4ilfB'4en)Jct Wl "Will there be Equality In Hea- en?"; in the sermon series on 'the octrine of last thing,, You. are weh?onir.;v CHRI8T CHURCH Sunday School 0:30 A. M. L . iiMiiiiinminiiiiniini - "I"" !. Wll Evenings Service at 7:30 i Lay BfaAdefV-Mri1. -J C. B. Eh jriighaua; mtlf-'C Sfens btt'',tW4$' M 'ibkro . Mr J 'WOftn'. ! ttehir . THEATRE TRAIN TO NORFOLK The Norfolk Southern announces a special Theatre train to Norfolk on Wednesday, March 28th, for the convenience of theatre goers wishing to see "Experience" at the Colonial. The train leaves Klizabeth City at 5:15 and return :ng leaves Norfolk at 5:59 stopping at Intermediate stations. UOiSDS FOR SALE inothjfBobb. i7 . the Dr ia in Jtussia as aldef RussK. xlsirfoiment . fromt, N jognid today repor'i larethat jfrder haa been tely f esUffred at the enpifci , ough tb cooperation of rnllwc.v :p!oyes the hunger of the family j Grain a being requlatlonod v vr, wat really, before th mold provisional governemtn, fair prtc iM.r'.e4. j . J. ji,! urefully organized. The government Is taking over I estateaoff more than 125 acres. Aa estimated today that tht killed l;1 wouded by' the police on' Sat Elizabeth City, N. C. Paving, curbing, stables and f.ro (Miiipmenti $84,000 flVe per eent b nds. Scaled bid wl:i He received th;: above Issnepjdatsd May 1!U7 until April 1VM 1917 p. b. Pivo per cent ot ainoiikt yiyurxHd 16 CUyNWer. sson attendance? Is, requestedf iEPWORtKf LEACSU MEETS The Epwoftb League of City Road Methodist Chuti will meet at; 6:30 Sunday ' ,,afterpoon ;j, with Mjss Esther Woodley, leadef. An Interesting program hftg beori arran ged and the public is cordially in vited to attend. hoods, 8tv8nd.ter Aa. B3Ji?k the represeijtalfve.p'e .rjllj-gads would luf menfHere At Chautauqua The following committee appoint ed by the Chamber ol, . Commeree me..t m the o e of R.; .Pisgbj yesterday afternoon and made plans for the entertainment of ;the Surf men for their Association meeting o be held here In June: Louis 6elig, M. P. Gallop; F. . Jacocks, C. R. ' Wilkinson, - Geo widdyr O. F. Gilbert, N W Daily The fact that the Surfmen will eet' nere at the time : of ' the 4 hautauQua makes th.e entertain ientatur, m.ucb eaBjjer fertte business men arfl expected to get qu the decorations used when the iurfmen latt,fnnt her .and to cp operate 'with' tne committed In en tertaining th members- and their friends . CHEROKEE CHAPTER MEETS Cherokee ChapUr RAM meets Monday evonlng at 7:30 In the hall of the Robinson bnllding for the purpose of electing officers. TO LECTURE TO MASONS Grand Lecturer Patton of Masonic Order will be bee two weeks, le ."Inning Monday lecture to Eureka todj,'e No fll the for to TO THIRD WARD VOTER8 l hereby announce myself a can didate for a'derman from the third ward subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, whlth will be held April 12th. Your support and vote will be appreciated. ' P. C. COHOON. New York March ,44tr".Tn? W"3 ffti poatponed. for rejghtu bouts SeCTtiry Lane" announced latetils iftoon. jr I'S'jit . fii" our request .and .'out 3 of ,ap preclation- of the national situation the, Brotherhood and railroad '" 'man agers have resumed negotiationi' la the hope that some adjustment may be made which wlll; ' mae . it possible to avoid the .strik.-alto gether. "If at the end ot forty. eight, hours no agreement haa beW reach ed the men will leave service : un der their former orders. 1:.- . The announcement, was, signed "Lane, Willard, Wilson".-'. ; New York March 17 Federal. We dlators and Brotherhood 4 chief went into conference Jodjy jit :30 In the final effort o , ayejhe strike scheduled, 'to eTtart jb;mlht... "W aie WQJ-?a9Ji?l!t5 a!ld. iln9e,r,e.ly ft,a fcsjMlo "ijie- problem -ecrrboVjUnflj .said.', , v;e wiij. Ba tte Brother', Askprl it nil thran Imrltaa f MY 1 1 meet to&ether . afterward," he saiiL "We may, but "tfTt,f "not'j'jjt. ,9 elded. Vwflous pmns "aren i niider Consideration and we want to . find out wbat .ltbetwoialde;watl;T," themselves i with great vnabiytjldon Mh. skies for'Aoln,a jfim.ldi ,i Asked If there Jiad been-j spirit to get together t shown ,;oa either . or both nldeB.i Rprntr Iian ' aald c There ha beenoo; niy nt:iABe . explained utliat a jat breakfaat was.. the raon Inr a. mJnin -mrhlchCcnu ed the Brothebood. thlefeK tottf ri port at the BuUtmore, t-t lhea- Ataii buck to their ownhoteli irhenihay found no ..trace of : .the-T-njediators . with whom they had tth.S9 aP pointment. i.. ' At two o'clock i Secretary? Luta 'said that he. expected toiihlte an Tmportant annotmoeraent ,i tov.-iftks at three, adding that the. situation was very hopeful. i iM;ji. I-. ' 11 " i i j... TO VOTER8 OF FOURTH-a WARD I hereby announce myse'jf a,lU-eandl date for re election to the .office, ot Alderman of the Fourth Ward, pro mfufnor in wnrlr 9rr tha fuinnlft AS T have done In the past. .m? , Respectfully. ,.4. J L PRITCHARD,.; U D C MEETS TUESDAY the D. H. Hill Chapter, U. D. C, meets Tuesday afternoon at three o'clorkk with Mf3. Edson Carr on Ohurch street. AH members are urged to attend. Zeppelin Brought Down ( crew were for 1st, 2 o'clock to ac r I a C and i v 1 I I Fair and colder tonight flnndayjMceptjnsrjcoflt , For Sale Real Estate One lot on Wrst skle of Polndex- jtel- Street next to Polndexti-r Creek. Foundation for liu, idi.tr ltlfendy prepared, mjfr'i ; . Will Bite, on Sheppard Ptrect and f'aotory Avenue arm4 Charfett Creeii. 'ijwraill on property wl 1 also be AT FOWLER COMPANY'S NEXT WEEK A very eALraUivo, linn of La4f ErJisrs ar9 CJoafes in- all, tho fnflri able rnntenl -ndi liivdM. Waich . loth tho an: our.ccmf nf in f i 'it d. mtreet and. adjoining the Grnqed omfortabietwo alpry Awelllxlg 1th all ihleyH IIICW,' J0 fl(lp(rtir An 6b and FoT bkinner and Gregory. thing off till tomorrow la that I , VT. A. WORTH, Hlnton Bid?. nsrr. this adv. BO NT Pizabeth City, 'N4 UtlWS. torbint eqihpmiif a'-t i t.OOd nv per cen Baled llltig will (By United Pres. Paris, March 1 A Zeppelin re turning? over France from, England was brought down On the Cpm ' pelgne today . The burned to death- The zeppeltn fell 11,000 feet to Main street; f r The f njemberc Of the crew who rem'ainea aboard were so burned a to be unrecognizable. Three; of" the crew certain Tcjf death preferred to ftekt lt j atherwise iruU y ihetfiile. anllllitBPed a thousand feet to the earth. -y 1 - frfvJc,Trt,r4',, we now havea le words to ty. hat you'll think! ' e no- have -B. N k. , .-, - : kTaJfet-.otn- dvv on Saturday , eta ,cs", J ald-f1" V'rkkVLfN In the RINK. To the "iifla Saturday night, abovi company ion "TBPff s. IV uu T6T bid. . : - J. C. COMMANDER, mar l-pr ! City Mgf. " M!?al"TTiirrT'aiTr,.',' :!. today. ..if c' . endid eystem f prompt r, irf. -HK MERCHANT MBRCANIII AviSNCl t .

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