1 r ViewViV74itliout - a- - t ELIZABETH CITNQRTltfeAtoLIN, MONDAY; EVmGlAuCH 19. 1917 I rim ihqovih KnW ; , IM 9 smar: lOpe s m mm v? IN. erchantmeiTOTd'Geriuau Sub- ROBERT J. BElibTj TJSted Press Staff CorrespolV tlnV.W'M&Mfi report said tlat tbe city emShfr.was wafhed bjrhe first shot firedj trqpT i4SicCi of miles, bt thf te rincll fisit and Search -wa nrf- reSra. edE This tact, however, makes Ut tleior mrttffreni-a "" g" "ugTITES'MEW" itaB of war existing, and as a re u$ of th nitres, tW' y einan gut mSWneHf Af Amer lcajijj belghtera, Uta -BOW believed Inevitable that "the" first" rieeting twejen armed American "TneWsnaittt memHiraboartner wttt suurk ;r.t? opening of actual fighting. tomediate announcement. oy President Wilson of the f"11 action to be taken Inreply to e nar late8t affront on the high 8eJ was forecast by official Wash injon np JrjT feme lill4, IH f "I cal Colgresint -(UiWlL&d&ely. to Siave that body on hand for con auflation on any eventuality. dithers believed that he mUhUJU bu4 a proclamation PWfPl0 reAry of the Navy Daniel 16 use th emergency fund in pursuit of a policy designed more aggressivejy to Protect American shipping. . , Skortly , before nova, t Secretary ALREADY ORGANIZED WITH CjHARQE WILL BE, READY "IN TO EFFECTIVELY ,lL.la..Btftt1Bd...pn.gOQd, .authority ttiat a bi new produce company will time potatoes besln to move this- iTr j)twJcoQpany will be known Produce Trading Company and though(the new firm is not yet incorporated, a icharteriifcas ill 10 doubt ikxt few 1 The officers of the new company will be, J. H. Aydlett, President; ice President; P. ecretary treasurer. are business men of highest Integrity and worth ' and yrj all well known here. Mr Tox ey oi lot a, r. .'roxey company is one lot the city's leading wholesale A.. ToxfjH-jc 5 jeer All of these ar J. i, lJ u .S -ife .v.?0. r. 4-l i-.J i ' 'litamtfK'vraK ate oxj-M lis, Mary ," Peand,r of Raleigh d a most instructive and inter M'" Jvik' t.linlll i.W ' at'ffl m'hT j MYjEA IDOB, .AND, ENTIRE First 4 Methodist church Friday iger-oTTTOrtft CMOtint moiueff in epB uCAToACAcilX, IttHiring TbildfetCTlntoXjltle of Braiil mothers, who have no Iter reapectg. In .thmabiMt to. tmta ip. . Th.nlll JwllJiipleiiiqil e more meetings ana wm eitner .Ice up.anot J, DRESI J i. ji.t vc:j jc!)fr.?tapr: e; V-."rUl. H 77TTT.i1 'vc.'m.Vl m umtuc untysijw hold tJth mpt at CurrtuckjjcooLinbujs , Brodgen, State Rural Supervisor, .f Elementary Schools, has accepted 4 IttTlutlOB la deliYcr the ftflflffi a Curse Or dlgbUd i n ahl min nn tho .'to7o . mil)- a rare treat. ' HTleVHt al thinker and a fluent gwatker BrogdeginfsXifto tjHg-.jbard ational fr-fcVt jftefcte. t fall to hear hin),. e teachers of the "couriy are plte of a series of atminy Frldar fternoon8 4krou;hliUtt.iCwintv, the aembers of the Club have met with erlous intent fff lipr porose of Bal study and under the leadership f Mrs J L Cunninggim, the work f""5eTp """"an3 eTcduragemento" IIUI II UUIIIULL conseMieNCe of elimjna TION 0IC ; CHOLERA IfjW 0ME8 Aii Blfll MONEY. CRQPJ 0R THEMAMER r.MOlCA I frycert Mr. ydett wag for rifyWflrhtoVlUAy War Prisoners lisin went to the WMtrtonse to aWer Ht WfTlJ ml .". .JLlYJllilf i.8Jf 1111 K .IIEMvl inn an uirvtii'ti i'f "trili Wlvaret UfiaDBSni a no was be Department on tne sin King Iq. charge of the busines. until be the three American vefcsefy. retired a number of months ago to ie situation Is too. serious to dig look after other bualnes. interest. " was the only official wrdJMfAp-W Steven, la now a urom Inent Camden County farmer. For merly he lived in Elizabeth City and mem Compa djl wholesa'a-grocers, and brother ffltQ YSil Stevens of thl8 city. The new firm will have its offices in front of the building recently Uifsed from B. F. Aydlett by the Virginia Carolina Transportation Company. They expect to be pre oug crop season repetl tion of the disaster which some times attends the shipping of the cFoTquTcli'Iy' Ftta "n-fgn""-trar of the State Department previous Lansing's departure for the wate House .t r J ijhk riKtnngi houghttoH ft (By United Frees) Washington,.. March II Consul the rilfroV! gawt JcomU feared that ICptn I iporum nine mlgglntge4dtfo,f ' th Cta at Mephlg are prisoners of war walch presumably sank the ahlp flPhe Captain's boat -was, teuud atlthe season's Prtces. len o'clock with:'. stf&s. oli? lven hasty abandonment. Hl8 papers wire found in a biscuit tlm in the Twenty roar of the'tnembem at tb1ww or twDtthv thiw Awer, Idto ships submarined are still miss lni. All of the Ulonois crew are landed. . . ifavy Wants Si v Motor Boats tashi I to Br United Press i Washington, March II An ap more than a hundred boat liNldlng 'concerns to provide the gjfernment immediately with two nnidred or more 110 foot, motor b4tg as submarine chasers was (ttt out by the Navy Department) . tMay. Bids will be opened Wedfics Wtf J 'iVdln. th IWrm (dtaofis eipH tffll UdvtolbibflllrjTent a AT NEW THEATRE On Tuesday ;ther; ;Jfew Theatre will present at especially' attractive f Tfretram trtuTTtt V WnilawRassaa in "The Man -Who WwM tNot Dle a remarkable ? production of the Mutual Film Company. Thl8 is the first of a series of pictures frtm thl company that will be shown at the New Theatre every Tuesday and the mtna;emnt believes will make .Tuesday's program one of the best of the week. i ussia is ) 't javashlngton, March' 19 Petrograd Is I quiet and similar conditions ap p 1 r In .other parts of Russia, ao' c -ding to the first cablegram r c ved trom Ambassador Francis at For Sale Real Estate Bv dSIfTOWeSsM (n 1911 tils tttater-jDiaiQtma,! gjrlculture f Pluh to make tbe nil hog cn ej serum, -stblJOnj it.Nilea m61hl as worked out In ht Unitdo"'Bt'aTeis Departm4"oli ariculture labarories, and sell it to reduction. . JBefor .the advent, of erWW Wit. eit.' o4.r aiabjewga; 'tasmw.Xi; nm nut In fliA aTiflni, urlth luilfllhlv nln J kovMwevKvH!Qfid Oa 4flftt 3W M4 banged, at least. jo have had the 'foreihrt I advice. M.th-TOvequnent ex efts who' have been detafld to help hem and3$.adv(se and show how his serumwto be used, ana wnat wili4ilish, and thousands of sua i , - ! it-sw a ' x. . tM i fa$sX section, wpn rieltlfy aibYthe iCcy of tbe serum Wtter fyvW ty hog tlmseir, to .make hfc,fcJr crop. Hog rais Jnk is bbwia,4 . become one of the main fataT'bf agriculture in this istem , dafoliiav and the sooner thU Mtnet learhs to Intelligently use the Aot qhtcra -ireraaaj wad .... 1 I. a'- t. -.w i. Drrvem w ' ra . uj m at fihA animal -, sTT and the. sooneV the farmer learns tlmt a little care and. attenl (fn to the sanitary side of hoc rolling, tne more money he will be able to OUt., oi. jiis , nog ventures . r L .Tb following statenjent; showing how the use of hoc cholera serum has grown la this tat wKlJ.e" of Interest t0 every fanner. IHtistra tin a. it does the steady growth of the use of the serum, especially when it it known that every drop of this serum has been used with In the confines of North Carolina The State Department of Agri culture distributed the serum in the years named as follows: "iDIICEUEOI it - Settlement and Strik; fe!,Aveii whaf they can to make the commencement the . gieatat . yet. Taachers, boermant) Jadles, com, (hllteemeutJuoiur,. ana .mamUaM- Of ithe farmer's unions and all pit ofwei rfeprelentedT"""Pu aers, commnieemen, ana ciu tiffti of rfy community should feel rd of their schoo'jTJy f$ufl iff1; the free educational spirit dom e them andlsany.epi farther coljtrjranoingVraj a ii'i tL jrtearatlons and determine to wta atJcounty comaiancmer mencement"aray1 vh6' ir&test day in cactf Totmry or1 fhe mtyo the :cejs 4if the imencepie'nt regts AAV Vschers, mitteemetntflno iM I 11 1 11X111 1 111 11 V 1 V 13 ilXAl .i .,, . . .. -lit jit.tioi. j t' "j'.'tn'.sii no wil d?tiorf '..- WIT ' 'J )UwnJ ads 5 NwiAjn Ha ;! -nt cs lei ii i nmnni mum IMIIIIIIUUIIUUIIU- 1 1 JJ j RELAT,iyE TO THE "frESffiNAtiON (f;!ff tHE 'RiytRVlkBBERT SSjaUrltiL. ASJPAWQa.PF EMMANUEL CHURCH, feeng of Currituck County are ask ad 'iPO-hH'DOglbW' haiv1 iurJoa-fX Emmanuel .Church his ia Kin "response to a call to a fi'flfl Herbert S. Os the vestry of resignation, Id of e to his-Lord. ajid., Master; and Whereas, tne vestry oi tinman sen iWeidt ttie 'gSnerauland effeevtive Sj- rWWK- MWlWM touch itfe'Tritd flnef Tlfi 'tni cotrtmWnlty hf awnota, as1 "wen 1 ttw 'awaKenm? -an mow ii to1 ?ni r. 2C?vA B jfUliew rnrttyr Mimjhl)rilTheb rc ,Mli' haiajDetltie follatoman j the fAdamsou; tight v hoar ".in. iUtu Terting atrtte henr;Ui. ioountryadal ttnohr th varga 'of iga i EarnsHonnJ rtaim j-' mki Vv v . I Patriotism, surging to! the ' t pitch by the .sinking of t' amen.ySlififc from HilroldfjaW e jtfttee arly'J today WjsawfouL; j tbenf that'othey wo14 accept the d. mands of the oitftbsrhofcl -j '.'ifhlori "WTBeTfB:BT"Bft0P "ekrnest; ' TrayfntTatner than gla-tTleitnidrssion to e6nMeaofl7 that the fflien( operatio rector, the Rev. 0 the railioadg would , be hamperel i the face, of the latest, peril ti T? - iurrender at the railroads lp cr tetejmd all he adiuatments ,art t in;the hand8 pJytheetiLIa'tlfj' A 'statemevtflBjdkyjthfti media ors at six o'clock ihs morning ex resseoj appreciatloa, fopv,thn S1, v qtlc. piotives and action, 01 V tanagers. It waafflalned that ostppnement of tha gtjilkaiiWa jflr f cured) by getting the Taroad. jnf gers to agree to ceeptthe hrct'i rhopd. jinterpretatlon of Bhllaw ,f - rase it was called -i constitution.,!. ttSJttiimXK&Smt adjustment aa.Ua,- ior woirfio wod,d ttlntiPKcase, the: 1 ll8r'.rraow.'i hed - unoqasytutlor!.-, teracter, whosa devotion to the bnUVets of the work of Emmanuel our Mountain Mission, and j . . . arriWTrommunlty wejrare, evioences a ' .'nVulXWamoTaA aA vnniiinnlv to the F. ' " tha atatamfr aav wvunsaavivn w n c k . - -r " - htf schdbWln lAa)rf8'hwjtf WFlDfrwPT1itheVBpiritua le'ia suv'enlei-WiH.chools kdk and try to make.it a success. Fha county commencement brings la iigni me life of the church 'tfpfcn ,V't" ' ; ' Wvhereas, the people of the church feel - with such unanimity acwyuuwaut school - to be wen representaa. ana inwe the best anpearance oSfMhisi Tcaehers are asked to si l.ltrlta nnl latar than MurrK S7lh:'- -v V"--. i-W However, perishable aocrW r;i h"11 a sent any time later ana onjun Aicement day. Exhibits for eqh acSocJ. will be arranged according totthe number of teachers In each fli mf tuav v eafchiM5au'.wlsl 4o $Mtrsa thalr iwiaa j feaad- antes taUe aul. reads' agreed U pjacaj. Fboli, r MDffftorlirib 1. a ailing be baa ehoaen; and I tbf provlfclonif or the? Affamaon la, eraas. the vestry feel the last thy) agreement btwaeBfhei-Ilroa.' anp tna mew,' are' mioriaww the'MttiWnawT Whetaef ttte ... hehf tlncOfiStltuttoial set Whether tee ' eupreiaa oart hoi : . M or 'against " vaWltywf Ml i logobllgatlong te Chuch is under f 1 -' hi. tm mnA r ctlng. The following resolutions n nffr(l and -adopted, uaanl One lot on West side of Poindex ter Street next to Poiadexter Creek. Foundation for building already prepared. Mill site, en Sheppard street and Factory Avenue and Charles Creek. Sawmill on property will also; be sold. -,. - Lot fronting 63 feet on Parsonage Street and adjoining the . Graded4 Schooi property. On. this lot fsS a corWfortabie two story' dwelling with all conveniences. V ,W. A W0ftTH. JlQ5fJ '9tr 1911. cubic centimeter. ... 56,498 1912, cubic centimeters ... ,244,474 1913, cubic centimeters, . . . 304,538 1914 cubio pentimeters . . . 636.163 1915. cubic centimeters ... 1,359,187 1916, cubic centimeters ... 2,636,948 And in 1917 the distribution of the serum will no doubt be three times that of 1916; at the present time the serum Is beng made and distributed at tbe rate of from 50, 000 to 75,000 cuhic centimeters each weela. A doe of the serum will tanee from ten cjbic centimeters to, In rery large ho.?8, as much, as one hundred culic centimeters. One cubic! cptlialpO ir"Vl NfeMfV or aaow is ofHaaitaaa.regenrg)igy, Uwall. Send them .early. Exhibits Tmr" . . nr itv "i- . r -ii. - m. . r . . m.. . t exhibits are now comt&t'f. ifhO has Airaady been announced. jKjprevaY." thV'rollotrr1 ana oaaa h ue anr j r&ow mam Law t rqfiperg, hast knit rag rug. best set Logbook shelves. a ft there are any persnain any cofcmunfty in the cbiatyi Jwio.' ar inoi In school who wish to send or cajry etfhibUs Jtof theceicea"en! may d0 so,' provided! that guch"" ex hfbit shall not be In competition with any school ttthibit. Outside exhibits will be arranged and cared for and little prixes offered."" "'" We sre glad to announce that Mr. Herbert Peele, : editor of Thsr Ad vance. hag promised and will L glfe 10 yearly subscriptions for one yeir as prizes to studentg for exhibits. These subcrlptfons will be given to tudentg who sre not now subsciib er to The Advance. Other nice prizes are offered for every exhibit that wins a prize. Contents In dec'amatlon, reclta tlon, dehate, spelling, story telling dramatization, ' basketball and track will be held. Prizes are offered for the best of each. Teachers, are urged to continue to work for theHe contests. Everybody Is asked to carry lunrh We hope to have a picnic dinner If everybody carries lunch. Mr hntrrhionT1-hes and 1 regard of our people gof wfth'Mr. Osthrn'ln'to hi,' new fielnwftli thWJpr4rs lhatllhls success may always ! fi?VWi tii Third, that the vestry congratu lat fljj PQjfte, ot his new chapel upon securing the rectorship of a Christian Mlalsteij .the, H of Mr." bsbhrn dmn whomu Bi"r ing one feels he Is increasing his own self respect; and Fourth, That ; ;thesa rasvlutlons, b Btrad Hipoa tha.mU.utaa qf. lha vestry, a copy be sent to the Bepls trar of Christ Church. Elizabeth: City, K'orth Carolina 'nd a, copy furnftried Mr. Oshura. Harrisonburg. Va . , March 6,1917. T. N. HAAS, Registrar Emmanuel Protestant piscopal Church. R BONDS FOR SALI doat al tbUMrumls er-fi. fiKf knWTIlI6f!f.,l-!t: HAVE A DOLLAR READY The Merchants Mercantile Agency at a. recent meeting voted to asgptfn each member a do'lar a plecn for advertising. Collectors will be sent out again on Tudaiy and those who have not paid Fare requested to make ii ... . VttDjTtadyjr mmmmf aVsMMsysjMMsS ABVfBBh. rTTi T a Elisabeth City, N. C. Paving, curbing, stables and fire equipment. 184,000 five per cent b nds. Sealed bid will be received for the above Issue, dated May 1st, 1917 until April 26. 1917, 2 o'clock p. b. Five per cent of amount to ac company bold. .1 C COMMANDER, mar 16 apr 1 -City' MgV. a taw, there1 will a iio1 striken. ri!" .1 i T'JrfijpJaft "vla -j , Rpsilas progre i -Viw ViVi-tO lri, TulTMlTTTTI retitoiiUiffAMaithl U-irtlLtl M cltisenshlp tUVfM ona I) di itapv In Literacy 't6ttaVVV! f V -. Public uUlitleaVVel',i'r rtuuilQS. I .v ' I.CW-fc J J i1 w .ft k nfwpnyr arc puuimaius wuitu edltorlsileadmUQ US tiihUi because VsusjjicfW MdWvto. tne romovai oi nasputin nava ' new permitted to return. bewogmedtoWo Duke has ordered the release ot political orlsoners.' ',, wmmi ('.' rr' ' SUPREME COURT RULEq THAT THE (,AVV 18 VALID. : ' HELC THAT CONOR E88 HAS , RIGHT TO LEQI8LATE IN RCGARC TO WAGES v .!. 1 ' ; - WEATHER Oft NO ' j Fair Monday nlghfr- with heavy frost: Tuesday warmer. edftlH.ra aril jaralf'tombTW Ii the he WaHhington, March 19 The ; A'' amson elht hour law is valid th supreme court rulfd today.'- Chief Justire White read the d LllHion .Besides holding that t' law Is constitutional, the court be: that t'ongreSH has a rght to !'' late in regard to wages. . Thi clslon reversed the , opinion Judge Hook of Kansas City; . The ruling was not bhanlmr. Justice Pitney, Day. and " Vand WrdiieBted: " 1