News Without - Bias ' Views Without Prejudice The Only Dcmocr-l! z . -Newspaper -' Published in Elizabeth ; .'. City TOL.2 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 20. 1917 NO 70 WAR DEPENDS ON FATE OF FIRST ARMED LINER Declaration of Hostilities Will Not Result From Sinking of Freig hters But Very Preparedness Step is Beiug Taken. , ROBERT J. BENDER Unlted Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, March 20 Actual declaration of war 'by the United 8tate8 against Germany appears to depend upon the fate that befalls the first armed American liner. It appears also that an avowal of hostilities by President Wilson will not result from the sinking of the three American freighters Saturday While taking every preparedness step, it is believed that can be taken, the President is loath to take further action Just now. He Is considering further aggressive steps, however. It was definitely ascertained today that the President strongly questions the advisability of forcing the present situation, and it may be a day or two before further decision is announced. GIN'S MARKET 1 1ST OPENS NUMBER OF STALLS TAKEN AND BUYERS WILL BE ABLE TO PURCHASE MEATS, FISH 'AND VEGETABLES KEPT UN DER MODERN SANITARY CONDITIONS Two Sailors Are-Missing xjv lii'itert V'-phki Washington, March 20 Only two are missing from the Interned Gor man ships at Philadelphia, accor ding to thg lastest Navy messages The missing are Lieutenant Corth ,and mate Schreder. They are be lleved to have been drowned when with five' others they attempted to escape last night from the ships. The others caught In the waters were nearly frozen to death when brought out by marines and police. They were well, supplied with mon ey for their venture. Progress In Aisne Region Paris.( March 20 Slight progress despite bad weather Is reported frof the Avre and Aisne district. Vigilancia Was Unwarned Lodon, Marcli 20 The American consul has confirmed the report that the Vigilancia was unwarned On and after April 1st Elizabeth t.'ity people will be a le to obtain their meats, fish and vegetables at the city's market house if they so desire. The stalls were offered to the higliest bidder Tuesday morning and two meat stalls, two fish stalls and one vegetable stall were bid ln the monthly rentals s ranging from 112 fin to, 150.00. Mr. Maurice Pappendlck rented a a corner meat stall at $50.00. Nat Overton, colored, got a central stall for $,15.00. J. T. Crank got two fish stal!B at $12.50 each; and Matt Baker, a vegetable stand at $12.50. A'.l of the stalls were rented for five months; that is, to September first, at which time they will be of fered again to the lowest bidder. September is the time when city licenses become due and it Is ex pected at that time the market house stall3 will be filled without any trouble. There is no question that Ellza abeth City now has one of the most modern and up to date mar ket house buildingg to be found in any city of its size in the South. Equiped with cold storage facilities and with all fixtures of the most modern and sanitary kind it seems certain that those who obtain their meats, fish and vegetabels from market hous dealers may do so with the assurance that they are buying food which has be;n proper ly and sanitarily handled. (By (Tnlid Press t Washington, March 20 That Con gre8g at the coming session will be asked to pass a law granting ' Increased freight and passenger rateg to railroads to reimburse rthem for Increased wages under the eight hour law was the statement given the United 'Press this morn ing by prominent railroad heads and officials of the Interstate Com merce Commission. ' "Snce the Supreme Court has de cided that Congress ha8 power to fix trainmen's wages, then applying he same rule it lias the right tn legislate in regit rd to road rates said a prominent government offi cial . x The Adamson decision established the rlht of t he government to pre vent strikes, the railroad managers also contended today. Tonight's Show At Alkrama Nicholas is In High Favor Birmingham, March 20 David Overton, convicted of murder be fore Probate Judge Lawler and sen tenced to death, escaped prison to day with six others. Overton left Birmingham today by auto. It iB said that friends organized plot for his delivery. the Makes Escape , From Prison , Petrograd, March 20 Grand Puke Nicholas cemented his alliance with the pnles in revolution and added to bjfo Popularity when It was U8rn was be who Indue abdicate. eden trt tnat ,l ed Aafazar to a LZ1 v ., Cotton Report For 1916 Crop Washington,' March 20 The 1916 ri.ffon' crop amounted to. 11.35(1.944 GARRAHZA'S PLAN IS DEJECTED PRESIDENT WILSON CALLS AT TENTION TOt GERMAN-MEXICAN-JAPANESE PLOT IN NOTE TO MEXICAN CHIEF NILE JISK FOR IfJCREASED RATES RAILROADS ARGUE THAT IF CONGRE8S HAS POWER TO FIX WAGES IT CAN AL80 REG ULATE ROAD RATES Cfrowds Throng The Busy Store "Meet me at McCabe and Orlce's is the slogan today most popular throughout tlie city, and indeed, that iB the surest place to find one's friends this afternoon. The morning opening with a large crowd, included many shoppers from the country. Then at noon there was a brief lull while even the daintiest damsels must needs take time for something more substantial than mere lovliness. Decorated with wistaria and ap ple blossoms the east windows of the Busy Store are an inviting bow r of beauty with their dainty hued silk gowns for evening wear. Not to be outdone, on the men's side of the store, the color note In one of the windows ig found in the gor geous designs of new neckwear and in the other by tbe handsome display of Spring shoes. inside a veritable rainbow of majenta. mustard, chartreuse. Cop enhagen. French Blue: and apple green, beige and castor, gladdens .the vision and the pot of go'd is Wanton Destruction lan Marks Gcr Retrc 4 Roads Blown up, Trees and Fence Down, Building Razed, Even th Land Itself Damaged us Much r. Possible. ORGANIZE EOR BED CROSS WORK The scenes of the newsboys strug gliiig for their ppers which np pears in the Jesse I,, husky produc tion -Lost and Won", a Paramount Picture in which beautiful Marie Dora will be seen at the Alkrama m Tuesday were taKen in the rear of a great Metr6poTIt"an daily. 'Itf the throng of youngsters with Miss Dora wa8 it little chap who was always being pushed-' ou't .of the way I v his larger companions. Sub sequently, an older boy struck him and the two got In a fight, which Miss Horn was finally able to stop The littles fellow's nose was bleed ing. one eye nearly closed, he had cut his grimy little hand on the older one's teeth and hig shirt was nearly torn off. The charming star, all sympathy, gave the little fellow her own handkerchief, pated htm on the back and fussed over him and finally Miss Dora dropped a handful of change In his pocket. The big boy surrounded by a circle of admirers viewed all this at tentlon and when ' the dirt and blood had been wiped from the tear streaked little face, the big fellow remarked. "Oh, Gee! alnt he lucky, he get's everything." Also Billle Burke in "Gloria's Romance . " Only two more chapters of Olo rias Romance," and one of them will be shown tonight and night at the Alkrama. SHIELDING SHADOW THURSDAY NIGHT On account of Marguerite Clark In Silks and Satins at the Alkrama Friday, the Shielding Shadow will be shown Thursday night. Emily Stevens, one of the most famotig of the leading motion ac tresses will be seen at the Alkrama Monday matinee and night in the Wheel of the Law. A very pow erful and far reaching drama. Also Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in the Dragons Den. An episode of the Great Secret. SILKS AND ATINS x FRIDAY NIGHT Thl delightful photoplay presents a romance that begins with the present, goes back totbe medieval times and returns to modernity ofr Its climax. It Is a true and ten der reflection Of everv vouth'n dream that ever was dreamd e Dainty little Margurlte Clark will Im seen for the first time in ISilks und Satins. It remember cd that this was the p!ay that was scheduled for the Alkrama some time ago, but was destroyed before reach!!-; here. Sllkkn & Satf are one of the sweetest ajd most char TWENTY SIX CHARTER MEM BERS OF NATIONAL SURGICAL DRESSING COMMITTEE MEET MONDAY IN REST ROOMS found, too. in other fabrics of equally pleasing texture and1 stripes j Elizabeth City has alwavs been Speaking of stripes, thoy are fas I interested in the work of the Red cinatinl, whether you call them ! Cross Society and on Monday a Society stripes Khaki Kul. or. well i number of ladles gathered at the anything but chain ang stripes, j Rest Rooms in the Hinton Building They are too lovely for that appe- 1 and organized a Chapter of the latlon and too radiant with Joy. i National Surgical Dressing Com Plaids are of every kind and In mitteo a branch of Red Cross work every material. Printed pongees, which has for its objeit the making printed china silks, printed silk and giving of gurglcul dressings for poplins, all with the most Oriental re'lef work. designs, a mixture of Chlnee, Jap anese and all of the other easter countries It might seem, yet wholly LdnntAhla .to modern America. - Yes. the ladles are all there, and the band Is playing now. And to morrow many who went today wl'l 4-go again, and those who could. not Jhe Chapter urces a'l who can do pet there today will set Big Ben for I an early hour tomorrow and get down in -good time. (By TTnifed Pres Washington, March 20 While re jecting Carranza's peace plan and proposal for embargo on shipments to the Allies, President Wilson In a note to Carranza today renewed his sugegestion for co-operation among neutrals for halting the war. The President cal ed attention to the break with Germany emphasiz ing the Geran-Mextcan-Japanese plot Bf, making It Impossible for the United States tp participate in Car ranza's proposal for joint neutral mediation now. The Allied control of the seas was pointed out as the only reason tirhv mnnftlnna An nnt rdnA Htmn ' ., v.' ... V.Vr.v:- Mn r"anc3 overused by the a .. v. vi.1Paraniount Program..., icu ouiicD was wvii WU111U nvr own rightfl in furnishing- supplies - sad munitions to the Allies. J . " KitchellCase Is Postponed The slander case of the State vs. Kltchell, on the docket for trial In Superior Court Monday was continued . Connie Page, colored, tried for as sault was acquitted. A number of ' submissions were made. Agustus Whedbee, colored, tried Tuesday for stealing cotton. was found guilty. Sentence has not yet been passed. WANTED Lady" stenographer. . , WEATHER OR; NQ . 'A The man who. is-long on convivial Ity usually hat a, wife who is short on. house money. ' " " ' ; Fair tnn!:1 t iM Wp!rp-liy.' Pro To Night At New Theatre Tonight the New Thea're will pro sent an especially attractive pro gram featuring William Kussel, in "The Man Who Would Not Die" a remarkable production of the Mu tual Fl'm Company This Is the first of a serie of a series of pic tures from tlieis company that will be shown at the New Theatre every Tuesday, and the manage ment thinks that these pictures will make Tuesday'g program one of the best of the week. "The Social Buccaneer is Wed nesday'g attraction for the m it nee und night. The story Is a fascinating one of a young American's experience first in China, then later in New York where his love of adventure and philanthropy are Interwoven with the Chinese, In the big city. Warren Kerrigan and Louise Lovely are supported by a notable cast In this Bluebird photoplay and Its unusual p'ot and oriental charm make it a picture quite out of th( ordinary. Twenty six charter members took up the work and were addressed by Miss Anne Brown of New York Clty-JDn the work of this organiza tion tnrougnout me united estates. More members are wanted and Miss Elosfse Robinson, chairmen of so to co-operate at once In the movement. She will be glad to furnish any Information about the work to those Interested. The Singer Sowing Machine Agency has given one of Its best machines to the Chapter which will greatly facilitate the work undertak en. On Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock a second meeflng will be held to which all ladlea of the city are Invited. , Just Getting Ready to Move "Tlje announcement that we are Imoring Into the Hinton Building" sayB Mr. Duff of the Dr.ff Piano Company, "is Just a little prema ture". It is true that we 'have leased quarters in the Hinton Building but It will be another month before we can move In, as that much time will be required to fit up." HENRY WOOD ' (United Press Staff Correspondent) With French army advanclnj from Roye, March 20 One hundred and sixteen square miles of '(terri tory burned black and rent r will wanton explosions this '1 , th3 prize wrenched from the Germans by the French from around Chaul nes to the Oise, which Is merely a part of the vast territory: repatrla ted by the French after hot pursuit The German retirement resemble the retreat from the Marne. Tfclj however, is typical of German, ruth lessness in retreat. The 4 retirement wa8 marked by wanton destruction far exceeding the German Invasion, Travelling In evey direction on a thirteen mile front around ; Roys from Chaulnes to the Oise one flnd3 roads everywhere blown Up, w trees and fences down, houses and build ings of every kind razed, snd the very land Itself damaged as much US pOSSil le. i Roye was mined and blown up instead of buraed. The" swlftnc oiJJw.Erencluadyance ..caused f Germans to touch off the mines night without warning. ' The civ. population were hurled from "ih( ' bedg by start'lrg explosions. , , T!; ' quick arrival of the French and'ths cutting of wires connecting? tbi mines saved some sections from di stnictlon . Wreaking their final vengeance, the German, entered the( house and smashed furniture and dlshei and everything breakable. . .. NOTICE I hereby announce that I am a Candidate for Alderman from the Fourth 'Ward, subject to the , action ot the Democratic primary L.' 9' J . Any support given mo wl'l be tp predated;' " " ' y:r "irch 10, 1917. REV HURT PLEASES Rev. S. N. Hurst of South Mills greatly pleased the congregation of Blackewe'l Memorial church last unday morning and will fill the -pul pit again next Sunday morning. His suliject wag "Earnestly Con tend for the Faith", and he stressed the responsibility and duty of the denomination In Christian work. Mr. Hurst left xthe bar In Virgin la after a successful practice and after writing a number of law books and entered the Baptist ministry, coming to this section from Roa nyke. Virginia. HAVE A DOLLAR READY The Merchants Mercantile Agency at a recent meeting voted to assess each member a do'lar a piece for advertising. Collectors will be sent out again on Tuesday and those who have not paid are requested to make their payments promftly. For Sale ' :' Real Estat: One lot on West side of Polndei ter 8treet neit to Polndextrr Creek . Foundation for building already prepared. Mill site, on Sheppard Street and. Factory Avenue and Charles Creek. Sawmill on property will also be old- f . Lot fronting 63 feet on Parsonag ; Street and adjoining the Grade 1 School property . On this lot i a comfortable two story dwejl" with all conveniences. Lots 68 and 69, as designated 0.. Ptal of 8klnner and Gregory. W. A. WORTH, Hinton Bid j, Elizabeth City. N. C. "C, mar 16 17 19 20 21 ' " , , ' " TOPIC SOCIAL WEDNESDAY The Ladies' Aid Society Of Blac:i well Memorial Church will have a Topic Social at Mrs. '"Marf VII. Brtles. 709 North Road street, We ' fiesdajf afternoon from three o'clock. ,.4 Only a dime insures 'each who come an afternoon's entertalnmen' with refreshments Included.' A we!I know Southern Suffragette wi be present who will talk to tl. ladies for a few minutes after tl close of the Sb'ia'. t REMEMBER After six o'clock p. m. Thursday l March 22, nil candidates who hav not paid their entrance fee ot Ave dollars to . W. I1.;, Love, will not be allowed to run In the primary. AH 'Vefsong, entitled to rote will be allowed to register : on day of primary.' . ' " . sdv BONDS FOR SALE -Elizabeth City, N. C. Paving, curbing, arables 'and fl equipment. .- JM.000 five per cent b nds.V Sealed bid., will be received ' f Ni the above Issue, dated May 1 1017 until April 26, 1917. i: o'cl p. b. Five per cent of amount . to company bold.. . J C COMMANDER. mr;16--pr If Clty'M r John- A. Meartes l i tv? 1 " - of

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