a f ibU tit ' Bias Views Without , Prejudice J i The Only Dcciocntlc 'Newspaper Published in Elizabctli - : :City - VOL.2 ELIZ ABETHNCrTY, i NORTH CAROLINA,' WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 211917 fr-:Vy .Vi' NO r7i PLL CALL SESSION FOR APRIL SECOND f 1 ..ii,;-' '; " - Urged by Demand From Country Generally, Cabinet and Congress xhen for More Aggressive Action Against Germany. " Washington. March 21 Yielding ' UUUCr. TBDU1D w generally, the cabinet, and members of Congress, President Wilson nas ? decided to call Congress Into extra aession on April second Instead of i April 16th, the d"ate previously set. 'y The President's decision was " reached only after he became con- . ..... . i i v... ra Tlnceo tnai me biuhjub - many of three American freighters ' on the high seas had brought about j demand from the country for ' more aggressive action than at any previous time since me uermau n nation loomed up. Th. Pmaidfmt will demand from Congress drastic measures to fur ther protect American commerce on the high seas. It has been expect ed that he would announce a state " of war existing between the United ' flutes and Germany ever since : March 14th when the American ' Steamer, Alffonquin, was sunk. TJp ' to last night his decision in this matter had not been reached. He V has strongly leaned toward making , ; no further aggressive step than the tSDld preparation of government n4 naval forces for actual ,bosttl-J I ltieg II ucn a course buuuiu jr tually prove Inevitable . Wb.n Wllaon addresses Congress It is expected that he will ask for some form of universal service at one to prepare the yotmg men of America for proper and efficient - service" which they may Ve. called , - on to perform ' in behalf of their ' . Country In case of war. SENTIMENT FAVORS WArt Declaration Of war may be the first iction by the new- Congress. If the .President does not ask for a declaration of war it is be'ieved that Congress , wW deAand one. Soma believe that this action . "will be. taken. Others feel that ' -Congraaa -iV mere'y admit that a tite ot-Wf MfM -d Brant the . " President!! poer to take such measures as . are necessary to meet I the aggressor. Thi, was the ac tion authoriaed by Coniress ,Just before Jthe Spanish American war. The President's proclamation call , Ing for an extra session on Anrll 1 2nd stated that he will communicate ' with Congress regarding grave mat- terB of national policy which should- . be taken Into Immediate consiaera .i on. ' . Meantime preparations continue in "S DrogTesa to place thenavy and army j.y on -war footing. The country is making a tremen dous appeal to avenge Germany's "; killln? of American citizens and ' ' the destractio of American proper ' tf in contravention to international law. Wilson's new course will bring to an end his unprecedented efforts irhlch have been a'ike strongly com mended and strongly condemned, to keep . the country at peace even ''1 with Germany in order that he -might "perform the greater service of restoring reason in war mad Europe."' WILL BRING LA8TING PEACE It is believed that if the United States should enter, the war active ' ly the struggle would: terminate In a few months. A positive stand ' . by the United ' States -against Germany it Is, declar V d ;wlU encoura4 t!le Russian gov 1 ernmentv hearten th Altled troops, - nd parhapa cVeate ah Irrepressible demand in Germany ' tor the over v throw of autocracy,' thereby bring in a'lasting peace taatly nearer. ' WEATHER OR NO' i. Maybe he who hesltatea la lost; ' V" Is b" who' doesn't sometimes Russian Tr6ops Receive New 'f.y Uiuted Ptp8ri Petrograd, March 21 Russian troops at the front received the news of the overthrow of the auto cracy and the establishment of a democracy with acclaim, according to dispatches from field headquarters. French Take More Towns fRy United Press Paris, March 21 Ten additional villages have been occupied by the French in their further prosreBs north and northeast of Soissons. Five Died When r-VigilanciaSarik Washington, March 21 The Con sul at Plymouth reports Ave Ameri cans died when the Vlgllancia was gunk, Neil North, C. F. Arnold, Est phan Lopez, F. Brown and John Siberia. An Explanation Mr. Editor: , In the Independent of the 15th, appears ; an article headed,-' "Man teo'a Postmaster Buys 4$ Bibs of Boose, in which the writer, pre sumably the editor, manifests a disposition to slander people who hr.ve done him no harm that la only oxce'led by his disposition to state falsehoods galore and glory in so doing."' ' - It would seem from the headline that ie article la Intended as a .criticism of the Manteo Postmaster but Its general trend, It resolves It self Into an attack upon the peo ple of Nags Head, the very worst nf whom would comnare favnrahlv a.. j. m iL., ,1.1. m I front cii,i fflfsr ' IS TO VICTORV GERMANS THWART ENTENTE'S 8PRIN4 , OFFENSIVE PLANS AMD NOW PREPARE TO SET- " TLE DOWN TO. THEIR NEW PO TIQNS ".- (By Dnited Pressl Berlin, March 21 Germany la retreating to victory, another mas ter stroke achieved by Von Hln denburg. The Entente's plan of a great Spring offensive l8 destroyed by the retirement on the western upright citizenship and gentlemenly principle . To numerate the false statements in the article would be to quote It In its entirety, but to save space, I will simply call atten tion to the fact that the steamer A. A. Raven while stranded, was nearer to other localities than to i Nags Head and of those who went to her and assisted In salving the jettisoned car,;o, but a small per centage was from Naas Head. There were not fifty barrels of wlne thrown overboard. The number actually thrown over': oarrl was forty-five and forty-four of these are accounted for they hav ing been taken by the parties who dragged them from the surf when the assistance of members of the crew of Bodle Island Coast Guard Station, and were delivered at the station for safe keeping until the proper authorities cou'd be consult ed as to the customs dues, Inter nal revenue taxes and the law as certained as to means of disposing of this property, by shipping or otherwise, go the taxes and salvage would be adjusted. .Any pur-cnasJieintjMyas. derwriterr from the agent, simply The retreat has not yet reached the Hlndenburg lines. It is slowing up In speed and stiffening up in fighting, an Indication that the . time when the Germans will settle . down on their new positions and ' make a stand Is fast approaching. P INFESTED n THESE GIVE INFORMATION TO SUBMARINES LYING IN WAIT FOR VESSELS LEAVING SPAN ISH PORTS By WILBUR 8 FORREST (United Press Staff Correspondent) Claims He Can Fly to Europe St. Paul, Minn., March 20 Pul Rickkel. 23 today claimed thet he can fly across the ocean 1 forty hours hy using In his engine a certain oil formula he claims to have perfected. He sent thlg for mula to the United States govern ment as a gift. Whether it has been tested is not known. New Name For Jitney 4 (By United Pressi Rio De Janeiro, March 1 (By Mail) The Jitney automobile has been given many nameg in the Un ited States different from that be stowed by the makers, but on its first and recent appearance In this city It was promptly dubbed "Ba- rata" by the Bra.illans. "Barata" means cockroach. The Brazilian cockroach is about as big as a mouse and a racer for speed. Invents Torpedo To Attack Ships Willlston, N. D., March 22 Charleg J. Field, grandson of Cy rus K. Field, the man who laid the first transatlantic cable and turned it over to the American government, has invented a. torpedo designed to guide itselikpn a mag netic control, into the bowels of enemy vessels. The torpedo at taches itself to the ship by magne tlsm and ' remains . there .until Its explosion, which ig controlled by ' ft timing - advice p Government' tests credit' the torpedo with seven out of " eight perfect explosions, y " y FOR SWT, One 7 II P motorcycle Paris, March 1 (By Mail) "A vast army of German agents en gaged In survei lance of Spanish ports and shipping" Is condemned by the Spanish press and demands uxe step to 'get the spies out ot means the purchaser acquired an tt ontry In paper8 arriving .here interest In what this property will toay, bonib t " bring when shipped end. sold by , ' poimea to government authorities for customs and other dues and salvage, and In the meantime the property awaits disposition, in the hands of officers of the government' with full ap-, proval of all parties here claiming any interest as salvors or other wise. Of the forty-five casks of wine thrown into the sea, the head of three were bursted and the Coast Guard crew emptied the contents on the sand. , One In stead of TEN of the casks are miss Ing and the others awaited dispo sition as stated.' That there was some drinking from the casks hav Ing broken in heads, is reported, but that it was by parties from Nags Head Is denied . It Is not claimed that Na? Head Ig a hit of transplanted Heaven, but for honesty, sobriety, industry, and other qua'ltles of good citizen ship, it is contended it will com pare favorably yith other communl ties of equal population . What Woodmen Pledge Loyal Support M examples of what the Spanish government n confronted with. Fines Spains' reTuaal to openly break -with Germany aa a protest against the submarine blockade, the press of that country, excepting the criticism. The objecting papers carry lengthly and detailed revela tions of the German agents working tfl conjunction with the submarines. 131 Liberal, the great newspaper of Madrid, leads In openly declaring that ad ship leaves t Spanish 'port before itg description,, cargo, sea route, speed, armament against sub tpartnel, makeup of Its .crew and doetInali6n Is known to the subma rtne lying In wait off the Spanish coast. This information Is trans mitted to the submarines by sig nals or by wireless that a German agent can say to a ship captain "your vessel will be sunk at such and such a time." And these pre dictions are nearly always confirm ed by facts. Other vesse's which drinking 18 done at Nags Head is 16818 01 lne flBent usually by visitors during the I Pftr- " Paper says and contln- summer season. It Is a community of peace ad fair degre of pros perity, resulting from the Industry and honest toil of the people, it is free from the local scandal-monger and the people only are subject to that evil by the weekly vlsltg of a few copies of the Independent. It In to be regretted that such a community Is hot left In peace, free from the shnderous attackg of a muck-raking newspaper. J. E. CULPEPPER. ' Wreck Commissioner. Nags Head, N. C. Mr.rch 20 J ues: Russia Requests Recognition Washington, March 21 The Amer lean government intends to under take negotiations for a new com mercial treaty with Rnssia after the new government has been re cognized. Ambassador Bakhmeteff has presented the State Department a notice from the new regime just created which amount to reqnets for recognition ' i f '? lit and Jvjrs C W Morgan, and Mrs. Tom White, of Hertford nin!or'l lo Ci city T!tnoflny enl re "The German organization Is very vast and admlrab'y disposed to take advantage of all the elements at itg disposition. Of the sixty thousand to eighty thousand Ger mans now in Spain, the most part are officers of the German army, marines, inventors, Industrial work ers, commercial agents and techni cians' of all sorts who have, sought employment on all parts of the Spanish coast. In somejnstances they work for the lowest wages. This Oermnn army Is directed by consuls and heads of big German enterprises, commercial and Indus trial, organized before' the war. They have created friendships' every where, especially among th- pro vincial authorities, the t military chiefs, , the ' commandants . of . ma rines., the officers of the civil guard the caribiners, the chiefs ot pub Ike service amoni? which are , the posts and te'egraph and, olvtl no llce. This has given, btrih' to a syitem of espionage, sagely and me thodlcally organised," "which ac qualnts the Germans' with 'most ma theme tlcal and precise" Information for their submarine 'campaign." Miss Sallle Perry returned " Tues day from a hurried biihtncss trip to New York, with V l;.":t r; H; Daughters Join P In Relief Work A very Interesting meeting of the D. H. Hill Chapter U. D. C. was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mra. Edson Carr on Church street. There was a large atten dance and delicious refreshments of unusual style were served by the charming hostess. A great deal ot enthusiasm was manifested, toward the subiects brought before the Chapter: First, a monument to be erected at j Falrview, Kentuckky, to the memory of Jefferson Davis. Second. The organisation of a Camp of the Sons of Veterans In this city. Third, a pledge to join hands with the National Surgical Dressing Committee just organised here and render any possible assistance to the branch of work for the relief of suffering soldiers. Political Amnesty Decreed in Russia Tf.. ABOUT LIVES r: a-. ,. AND DrW. D. OWEN , IS ' ALS 3 ON THE PROGRAM AT TH WILMINGTON MEETING TO tZ HtLf NEXT WEEK v (By Uniti'd PreF Petrograd, March 21 General political amnesty has been decreed. IXitna delegates are p'lanln to visit ail sections of the country and explain the purpose of the new government. Greenwood, 8. C. MarCfe 2!Tba fall support of forty thousand yood j iaeeiWoldii.pleeAlve- Presldenfy the'State? Convention In session here tad ay. .' Cherokees Elect Officers At an; ejection ot officers' for Cherokee Chapter R A M No. 14 the following wore chosen for the ensuing year I . W. ,. Wood, . High Priest; O D B Prtchard. King; , Louig Sellg, Scribe: R. E. Wynn, Captain- of Hosts t Charles A. Johnson, Princi pal Sojourner; R. JS. ChessonBoy al Arch Captain; George . Wright. Master of Third Vail; Geo. A, Cox Master of 2nd Vail; Claude R. Tar klngton. Master of 1st, Vail; A. G. James, Secretary-treasurer; J. C.' Bembury, Sentinel. CUiat TKnitiooi Gets Forger Chief Thoma thlg morning pick ed up Jim Perry, colored, wanted at Plymouth to answer the. charge of forgery. The Deputy Sheriff of Washing ton County came for him today. Wilmington, N C March list A Governor Thomas W. Blckett win address the North- Carolina '. LiTe Btock Eipositlon and Conference to be held at 4 Wilmington! March tt-1 This meeting will be State-wida and promises to be the best of Its kind ever held In the State. '.Aa eicellent program has been arrang ed for the occasion, with the United State, Department of Agriculture . and the North Carolina Agricultural v Experiment Station and Extension Service well represented. , . The speakers and the subjecte ' for .discussion are as follows: Geo. E. Rommel, meat production,; Py R -Marshall, sheep induatry,,A. 3, Reed, dairying and dairy products, Hr. F. P.. Yager, 'Ck eradiation. Dr. F. D. Owen, diseases .of lire- stock. Dan T. Gray, hogs and Dal " tures. R. S. Curtis, Beef cattle production, J. Moss, soy beam, F.J.', Westover, alfalfa. , ? , . v ' . Dr. B. W. Kilgore, director. Ot the Experiment Station,- T., B. Par.-, ker, director of Farmer's ; Institutes and W. A. Graham, Commissioner of Agriculture will make addressee as well as Dr. Bradford Knapp, t rhlef of the Farm Extension Worit In the United 8tates; fS, The exhibit of livestock will v, ye- , present the two types of beej and ' ; dairy catMe. and tlje: various breeds of hogs. A model dajry- will . be. a feature of the SxhlbltK. from' "the Pender teat tarT' ' : ', j " Atrtndtcatjons point to a 7 large attendance rom etery I section';; of the State: ' 'K ' 'Sl'Si ."-..' Taft Starts on i i Soilthera Trip (By , United Press) i rilphmond.sVlrglnla, ; Marob ' Former President William . Howard Taft'arrived ' here today for th firstjspeech la jPael Revere f tour of the South- and West, to , arouse : ihi spirit of patriotism and Pre , paredness In those sections; 7 Dr. Taft' wlIK go from here to jBreeiUK twro; N, C, .." -"'i ' New; Theatre" For Sale T Real Estate V One lot on West side of Poindex ter 8treet next to Poindexter Creek'. Foundation for building already prepared, - .' - Mill site, on Sheppard Street and Factory Avenue "and Charles Creek. Sawmill on property will also , -be sold. IY: i1 ;. Lot fronting 63 feet On '.Parsonage 8treet and adjoining -the ', Graded School property!; On this , lot ' is a comfortable two , story dwelling with all conveniences." " ( ' J ' Lots 68 and 69, as designated on Ptal of 4 Skinner and Gregory t ; -f '? . W.. A". WORTH, Hlnfon fcldW Elisabeth City, K. C. , ' ''V, ? ' ""'." "The Social "' Buccaneer la Wei V' ' nesday's attraction "It " the ".Neir j " Theatre. ' ';hw'';:;jv:.v-;-; The story is a fascinating one Of v v . a young American's "experienoe ' first in China, then later ',ta V New' :, ; and philanthropy ' are interwoven', , with the Chinese In the blif clty. n-i V ;. Warren Kerrigan ' andO Lohise , Lovely are supported by a notable f ; cast la this Bluebird photoplay nd 'V : Its unusual plot and oriental charm 1 " i make It a picture quite out of -the , Ul U1UBI . . - ( IN POLICE COURT. I ' Llnwood JfcCIeno,' colored, was EPWORTH LEAGUE MEET'. . The. Epworth League of . the Me . ; t hod 1st Church, Souths will meet at 6:30 Sunday evening, '' The Junior t will conduct v the services. ' The public is cordially invited. 'i'',1?:, V, i- "V s A NOTICE TO I PATRONS QFp? 'i'ALKRAMA THEATRE . Dear Friend and Patrons: We take K ; take this method of sdvlsing .i you . ;; . that Shielding ' Shadow fwll ii ' shown ' on ; Thursday msllnee ' -and, , ', nlgbt-of thi(Jweek4 4 This , change V U.made neceRsarrtttt acount'of the v'. extra picture ot MargaretClark in' . . . Silks and Satins". Fridny, ! The - ' ; LasB of 'the LurrjWlonds,,,' Will be shown Friday' yith' the, Margaret .; Clark' Picture, j f.:':',h "' ' '.. Please Inforn your VIrlonda ; of - . this change, ajld by so' doing, confor y a favor on both :n and your frl-'i Thanking you, we aro