' .iricjuuxvp . - , vr v T l't . - Y . - -. V ;. . , 1 VOL.2 iSECREMlf DANIELS CALLS FOR SIEK ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING. ' Mrs. J. D. Mldgett Dead MARCH 22. 1917 Published in Elii-lvli f V- City NO. 72 i ' '. : ; . wmmm ! : i BIB W OIU 18 BURNED Wants Four Thousand And Five 1 HundredAt Once And Urges Re cruiting to be Done Quickly. CARL D. GROAT -United Pre, Staff Correspondent Washington. March 22-The naTy needa four thousand and five hun dred nysn and needs them now. Secretary Daniels today sounded an official call tor that number, ap pealing to the President to annu late recruiting. One of the first requests to Con gress will be that a hundred thousand men be authorized as an increase to the Navy. Recruits will be rushed through their train tag at the stations post haste for immediate duty with the fleet. The requirement of five moflth8 tracing will be suspended and the order issued to man fleets at all possible speed. Thoush recruiting is in creasing.' there must he more of It and quickly, the department an 1 nounced today. va REGTOB FOREMAN BLADE? LUMBER COM PANY LOSES PROPERTY JUST WHEN RUSHED WITH ORDERS FIVE HUNDRED MEN THROWN OUT OF WORK ' Mrs. J. D. Mldgett died at her home at Manna Harbor We'neaday morning. Her death was quite suddenT the telegram reaching xela Urea in this city , announcing her nines, being followed "Immediately by another announcing her death. Mr. Mldgett was well ' known here, baring visited her son. A. M. Mldgett; and her daughter. Mrs E. Mv Cox, Mra. A. O. Mann, nd Mra T. S. Mann, here many times. Mlsa Mary Mldgett. another daugh ter. wa vlsltlnz her sister's here of the Foreman when their mother's death occurred Company. Fire) All of the children who live here Sacked Supply Eoiis& ci A mass of bent and twisted ma chinery and smoking ruin is all that la left of what wa8 yesterday the saw mill Bladea Lumber ARRIVES T originating early this morning about midway the mill on the ground floor quickly gained headway and by the time the Fire Department reached the scene was entirely be yond control, so far a the saw mill was concerned. The flames did not reach the Lumber kl'ns. I methodlst church and the Has Support of All Parties (Br XInlutd ?res) Washington, March 22-Presldent wn.n todav began tentative work n rnneress. Sen ators ' and representatives of all na wired their pledges of sup- jcai port. , WILL PREACH FIRST SERMON AT CHRIST CHURCH ON SUN DAY. HARRISONBURG REGRET FULLY GIVES HIM UP Rev. Herbert S. Osburn arrived in the city today and will preach his first sermon on Sunday at his new charge, Christ church. Mr. Osburn comes to Elizabeth City from the Emmanuel Church at Harrisonburg. Va. where his resig nation was recent'y accepted with much regret by congregation aim vestry. A cordial welcome awaits him in Elizabeth' City, however. from his own church and .from othqr denominations with whom the church has, in the past cooperated In undertakings' of public interest and for public welfare. During the interim of Kev, C. A. Ashby leaving to take charge of the Church of -the Good ffhephed at Raleiu'h, and the new rectors eoming, lay services have been conducted regularly by 41r. J. C. B. Khringhaus. Live Little Locals Many Minor Matters Merely Mentioned Special Matinee for the Children t the Alkkrama naiuruay. df Let the Childre-i see June w V . t iho Mountains at pnece in juuc i v.,c The Alkkrama. Saturday Matinee. Old Musty Suffer at the Matinee Saturday. The Social Secretary. Norma Talmase, at the Saturday night. Also Company. Alkrama featuring Alkrama Keystone Gettnan Vessels In U S Harbors iBy United Preaa) Washington, March 22 Scores of Oerjian vessels are in American haioon- free to depart if the United SUite3 goes to war, in fact, couirt leave now If they show a clean bill as to intent. They have a leeway of nino month in which to leave. The only way the government can sen them Is to pay for them. Mothers Club Meets Friday Just Received Big Assortment La .jiu.' rout -all the New Shades at MITCHELL'S SherifT R B Flora of was In the city Monday J. was M In McHorney of the city Monday. Shawboro ShawDoro Mrs. was in George Grandy of the city Monday. Shawboro E. M. Walker of Maple was here on business Monday. The Mothers Club will meet Fri day afternoon at 3:45 In the annex of the First Methodist church. Thin series of meetings ig drawing to a close and it is hoped thaf; all moth ers will attend the closing meetings lor which carefully chose, pro gram have been arranged. Among the subjects for discussion at this week's meeting are: "Train ing the Child In Courtesy", "Train ing the Child in Kindness to Ani mals.", and "The Moral Value of Playing with Dolls." William Simpson of Weeksvllle was in the city Saturday. Mr. Fentress of the Peoples Line la In the city on business. I Mra George Major of Hertford wasn the city Tuesday .ssIor SALE One 7 H pVotoreycle ' iAsy terms." R T Venters. "oWI EfVORTH METHODIST CHURCH Old People and Children Killed WILLIAM PHILIP 8TMM8 (United Press Staff Correspondent) With British Armies Afield. March 22 With' horror It became known todayithat the Teutons in their retreat at Roye Petit collected about two hundred old people and children in addition to the popula tion of the place, then deliberately shelled the village. Next ,. Sunday afternoon at three o'clock the paator, Rev. C.', B, Cul rath will nreach at,' Epworth ' church. v ' . A . t lie would Uke to ee 'all mem tors 'of the church present and to ton:! a roi-lial Invltntlon , to wor- will give ( silver, tea The Ladlesrof teh Preabyterian Aid Society , will, give a. Silver-,Tea on Tueeday' afternoon fromv8:80 to 1:30 at the residence of Mra. .0. W." Ward on West Main street.', A very cordial Invitation Is ex top'lf'l to trends of all denotnlna- however; and the engine and boiler ; -iu room, built of brick, was litt'e dam Cox aged . It was about three o'clock this morning when the flameg wito discovered by the nlfcht watchman and hte force at work In the boiler room. The watchman immediately called Mr. L. R. Foreman on tho telephone and It was from his homo on Pennsylvania avenue that the flames were discovered. The mill is beyond the corporate llmit8 of the town. The (Ire depaitmetit responded as promptly as possible but the tire engine! hookked on behind the auto fire truck, stuck In the miry mud on the way to the mi'l and could not be extracted. The hose wagon was riiKhed on ahead, however, ami with the aid of the force pump at tire mill the firemen soon had two steady streams of water playins; on the blaze. The further spread of the blaze wag , checKetf,' rbul TlfeT'Sti tire saw mill was . enveloped in flames when the fire department ar rived on the scene. "It would hve leen Impossible to save the mill If the engine had not stuck." said Chief Flora this morning. "We might have been able to put It out sooner If we had been able to get another stream or two on the fire, but that Is the only benefit the engine would have been to us. The company's pump gave us all the pressure we wanted." There goes the best mi l in the country" was the exclamation of Mr. L. R. Foreman when he saw the situation; and indeed it iB a fact that the saw mill of the Fore man Blades Lumber Company, (n this section of big saw mills, was the biggest and In many respects the most modern of them all. Mr L. R. Foreman hlrself was the in ventor of and had patented part of the mill's machinery, and visitors here from northern and other dis tant cities had Inspected the plant with much interest. Through im provement in Its machinery the ca pacity of tjhe mill has recently been practlca'ly doubled, its re cent output with only a day shift at work being as great aR It former ly was when the mill was kept run nlng day and night. Any estimate of the damage must be only a tentative one. The man agement wou!d make no statement this morning a, to their loss, though it Is known that this was partially covered by Insurance. Aside from the direct loss mu?t be considered the loss of time Just when the mill was rushed with or ders. , One of the most serious aspects of the Are Is the large number of workmen to whom it must mean, for some time, at least, a loss of em ployment. Including lumbermen at work in the wocds ' the Foreman Blades Lumber Company emrloys Bomethlng like five hrndred men. If arrangements can be made to get other and amaller aaw mills to aw their timber for them, the log ging and planing operations, though curtailed to some' extent, will not be altogether discontinued. The management thla afternoon had not had time to formulate their plana and oi$d make', no dunite en nouncment , ' ' ' - : - ,, When a reporter 'for ; thla nowi pnter, went out ' to , the . plant at about noon today mill operntives d n to on li ' ftb still twins th fire cor-; '- have gone to Manns Harbor to at tend the funeral, leaving Wednea day on the E. R. Daniels. Mrs. Mldgett was a woman of terlina Christian character who will be greatly mls?ed in her com munity.' She was a memter of the funeral M. B. be conducted by Rev Manteo Briefs Manten. March 14 Afier u short visit to relatives at Durant Is'.and Miss Lillian Basnett returned home Monday. Miss Louise Midaett of No-folk in visltiuE friends and relatives here. Miss Rennle GriHin returned from a business trip to Baltimore, M. D. Saturday. Mioses Affle Mldgett and Almlra Quidley, returned home Tuesday af ter spencHng Sunday and Monday at Stumpy Point. North Carolina. Mrs. L. 11 . Hooper and children of Rodanthe aro visiting friends here. Am. Uclict Commiscic - I V . ' German Troops (Spared Neithc Food nor Houses but Devastation Failed to Stem the Tide bf Frehcl: . . . Advance. 1 : . . w.v. BOTH MMIIIS III OPERATION PICTURES AT NEW THEATRE CAN NOW BE SEEN WITHOUT ANY .BREAK If STORY. IN TERESTING -ERIAL BEGINS To Night At New Theatre The New Theatre presents Vloln Dada and Edward Earl in the bli; Edison feature "The Innocence of Ruth" at tonight's show. The crovid that saw this attraction at this af ternoon's matinee found It most in teresting and were delighted with the grace and beauty of the Inlmita ble artist. Viola Dana. KYIrinv'a nftflrnoon's OlctUre has well been called a "Masterpiece so admirably ' has this remarkable Aama hAon nnrtrnvfld bv the great actress, Clara 'Kimball Young. Rripflv "The Badge of Shame" tells of a country where the Gov ernment tells of mo ay5a " td si ammant fumUhes Drotectlon to fullon wnmnn " This protection Is a yellow card. One of these women who fought ntralnHt the intrigue of an unloyal official whose white soul, corched by the white flames of an insane desire, shriveled and shrunk . in the heat gave to the world a story so thrilling, so intense, ho iui- tti that It became an international question . "The Badge of Shame" Is a pic turlzatlon of thU remarkable worn an's story and that It has been so ndmlrahlv done that the critics called it a "Masterpiece!" Owing to the big attraction which will be shown at The New Theatre to-morrow matinee and nlrfht, March 23rd, there will be a big surprise that the public has been looking for for some time. Mr. (Lewis says: "I received- a letter a few days ago asking me if possible to try to have both of my machines In operation. In an swer to this letter 1 wish to state that I have just received psrts to complete this otlier machine and this will be in operation for to night's picture. Those who have been waiting between rea will' hatliil9aatu:a,Jns.ibaneftr.fU', ture of Beeingx the picture without any stops. No doubt the. public will be surprised to see what a wonderful improvement this will make. In addition to Clara Kim ball Young, our first Berlal picture -,ni ha niocoH unon the screen. n 111 Wv K ' " ' . .. I . This serial ha to do with the Mex lean situation and will no doubt meet with the approval of Dotn young and old." HENRY WOOD T (United 'Presa Staff Correapoiident) Wfth the French armlet on the Field. March 22 The Tetreatlnf Ger man troopg sacked even the iup ply houses of the American Relic! Commission leaving French civilian inhabitants without food. ; Tlfey took all the metal jn the villages and destroyed practically every house, yet this devastation ( failed to stem the t tide of ; , tha French advance. ' In many casts the French advanced so rapidly that they arrived at the Jowns ; before the Germang had planned to eva cuate. k's i At the same time, the French ad vauce was methodical. Behind the cavalry and Infantry came "en gineers to bridge the waters, the artillery crossing the minute . ' the bridges cpuld be reconstructed.. Towards 'Chauny and Tergnier tba entire horizon wae clouded, with smoke from the burning farms. Tho jxathway of the German, retreat n tracable .for fifteen' rmllee ' y moke., v Along the road ponrcl r HBondlngjitrenra of jefi!."''? ' all 'yie womeu -were dcH; pushed ' baby carriages and v harrows with tiny .tota thor Young children clunr to their ski or toddled along with bundlea. V.x der the bombardment, tW, refugee pushed along facing Owe "driving Talit Despite all this, they were supreffifl ly, radlently heppjvAVjfyfjr Jtbejr were retumlne to France.', t Tonight's Show t Alkratria CRADLE ROLL AND l sf ( ; HOME DEPARTMENT MNDAY II SUPERVISE 11 UIIITIOII IKIIIG NATIONAL COUNCIL OF 'DE FENE HOPEFUL THAT MAN UFACTURERS WILL AGREE TO PLAN VOLUNTARILY Washington, . March 22 Govem- ,r,t aiinorvlalnn nf resoun es of IHCIIl U w , - - war for use In the. production of munitions lg contemplated by the vott,nol rnrll fnr Defense. The organization Is hopeful that th big producers will agree to tho nlan Tolnntarlly. t not, the coun- rii win ask Congress tor govern ment sunervlslon.-- Abnormal finan tot mmflt nn ' munitions and thor V W nnlins will be made I imvnowi f tftr-- , Imposalble. The council will .de termine upon a reakonable .profit, "The Golden Fetter is the fea ture at the Alkrama tonight. "The Golden Fetter" 18 a para mount picture of the Standard that the name Paramount Implies. Wal lace Reld and Anita King, are seen at their best In this unusual touching love tory. This picture will appeal to all of u who have ever been to schoo', as it deals to some extent with the olden times at the schools house and the Jokes on the school mam. Come see this picture any enjoy an evening of real relaxation. Also t' e eleventh ep isode of "The Shielding Shadow will be filmed. Shielding Shadow will be shown tonight also. The famous players present the inlmltabe Marguerite Clark in "Silks and Satins" on the Para mount program at tho Alkrama Friday. The plot of this romantic, drama involves two periods of historic and romantic interest, namely of the Naoleonlc era and the present The old worn out method of filming a "costume play" has been entirely repudiated, and the director.. J. fiearle Dawley. has brought forth a new version of plcturlzin this dlf ficult type of subject, by Intermlng gllng it with a modern rrtmance. Sunday Is Cjadle boll and , Hoc) Department Day at , Black well , II 3' mortal Sunday - 8chool and, all mem bers of these .two department are especially urged to attend.. t - A most successful Cradle ' Roll and Heme. Department Y Day wa held last September and It U hop ed that nest Sunday may ,be aa even greater success, If possible. To this end the program . committee are preparing a varied . program oil enjoyable features . " HANDY BASEBALL DOPK. BOOK OUT V4' stwidy Btn-atsis of water on tba atlll f ' ' - r" ,. " SOCIAL A SUCCESS The topic social given at the home 'of Mrs Mary H Brite Wednes rtv afternoon was quite an enjoy able affclr and many attended In spite bf the. threatening weather. Progressive conversation . stimulated by interesting topic carda, war part of tha h entertainment, following which the pleasure of "Meeting the Suffragette" wa, greatly 'enjoyed'. "Mlrafldf on Votes for Wlmmen" .. .(i,nv nttrartlve feature. T)e The baseball season for 191f. haJ surely arrived, the first achedula book having made ite appearance. It Is the Dope- Book published by C. C. SJink & Son, St. Louia,,M0., publiehers of the Sporting Newe. Be side, containing schedule there to be found In this Httle book much information of real value, to , fan, Including "Casey at the; Bat, records of 1916, aa well a record 6f all prominent feat pn the ;dla mond, and complete biographic ot starg' of the game, telling where they were born, with what. ; club they have played, how " they, 'bat and throw, etc etc. There 1 tlao instructions on "How to , Score "Giant, Great Winning Streak" and Alexander's . pitching feat of .1917." If yorf want a breeiy little booklet, vest pocket in size, that yon can carry with you, and make , any faa who thinks he knows it all, look thonxh yojt had forgotten a ' mu:'. as he knows, send five cent . t Spink & Son. St. Louia for a cr of this booklet. ' WEATHER OR PO . Fair , Thursday night and. warm? Vrlday warmer., Jttst Received Big Assortrrtrf T dies Coats all the Nc.r " at T::lT:'"',